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Increasing the Students Ability in Maste (1)


Academic year: 2018

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SURIATI LAOLI Reg. Number : 122108108





Submitted to

Institute of Teacher Training and Education of Gunungsitoli in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree Scholar in Education


SURIATI LAOLI Reg. Number : 122108108




Using Password Game at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur 2015/2016, Thesis Advisors (1) Adieli Laoli, S.Pd., M.Pd. (2) Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua, M.Pd.

Key words : Vocabulary, Password Game

Vocabulary is the knowledge of meanings and pronounciation of words that are used in oral and written language. By mastering vocabulary fluently, the reader can understand the meaning of reading text correctly. Vocabulary is the core component of a language and it is key to mastery some skills in English, such as reading. The basic of reading comprehension is mastering vocabulary because vocabulary is the key to show idea and it is an essential component of language skill. However, the observation result showed that most of the students do not master vocabulary well. They could not pass on MCC was 65.

The purpose of the research is to increase the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary by using Password Game. In achieving the purpose, the research was done through the Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subject of the research was the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur 2015/2016 especially class VIII-A that consist of 36 students. The research conducted in two cycles. Each Cycle consisted of two meetings. The meeting had a planning, action, observation, and reflection. Then the researcher used observation sheet, evaluation sheet, and field notes to collect the data.

From the result of each cycle, the researcher found that the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary especially in descriptive text is increased by applying the procedures of Password Game. The development of the students’ ability rises in the second meeting of Cycle I to second meeting of Cycle II. The result of the students got in Cycle I, The highest score was 95 and the lowest score was 10. The average of the students’ score was 53.33. Most of the students there was about 62% who did not pass on Minimum Competence Criterion while there 38% who passed on MCC. Therefore, the researcher continued in Cycle II to improve some weaknesses. In Cycle II, there was no any student categorized into less and fail level. The highest score was 100 and the lowest score was 70 . The average of the students’ score was



the researcher can finish the thesis entitled: “ Increasing the Students’ Ability in

Mastering Vocabulary by Using Password Game at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur in 2015/2016”. The thesis is made as a requirement for S-1

(Strata-1) program at the English Education Study Program in Institute of Teacher Training and Education of Gunungsitoli.

During arranging the research until finishing it, the researcher obtains many inputs from many people. So, the researcher would like to express her sincere appreciation and greatest thanks to:

1. Mr. Drs. Henoki Waruwu, M.Pd., as the Rector of IKIP Gunungsitoli, who gives

supports and motivations to all students of IKIP Gunungsitoli.

2. Mr. Adieli Laoli, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Dean of the Faculty of Education of

Languages and Arts and also as the first Advisor, who has given guidance and suggestion to make the thesis is well organited.

3. Miss. Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Chair of the English

Education Study Program and also as her second advisor, who made her time for guiding and suggesting the researcher patiently.

4. Mr. Afore Tahir Harefa, S.Pd., M.Hum., as the Secretary of English Education Study Program and as the examiner of study who always serve friendly and kind



5. All of her thesis examiners (Mr. Ellyanus, M.Pd and Mr. Yaredi Waruwu,

S.S.,M.S) who have guided him in giving the final touch for the research. The researcher does not know how to manage her errors in writing the thesis.

6. Mr. Arozatulo Zega, S.Pd, as the headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur,

who has facilitated her in collecting the data in the school.

7. Mrs. Sri Moral Liten Hulu, S.Pd, as the teacher-collaborator, who has helped her

in observing the teaching-learning activities during conducting the research in the classroom.

8. All of the students in SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur especially Class VIII-A who

helped the researcher in doing her research.

9. Special thanks for her great father (Talizatulo Laoli) and great mother (Niati

Laowo) also her beloved brothers and sister for years of continuous support, love, ceaseless prays, motivations, and never ending encouragement to the researcher during studying in IKIP Gunungsitoli.

10. All of her close friends (Yasaro Zega, S.Pd, Siliria Telaumbanua, Septi Murni laoli, Restika Trisna harefa, Agusriang laia, S.Pd, Ikhtiar Telaumbanua, S.Pd,

Agusman Telaumbanua, S.Pd, Faozatulo Telaumbanua, S.Pd, Aprius Gulo, Feritina Hulu, S.Pd) and all of the students in “C” class 2012 academic year from



better. And hopefully the thesis is useful for the readers.

Gunungsitoli, 2016 The Researcher

Suriati Laoli

Reg. number 122108108









A. Background Of the Problem ……… 1

B. The Identification of the Problem ……… 4

C. The Limitation of the Problem ……… 4

D. The Formulation of the Problem ………. 4

E. The Purpose of the Problem ………. 5

F. The Significances of the Problem ……… 5

G. The Assumptions of the Research ………. 5

H. The Limitations of the Research ……… 6

I. The Key Terms Definition of the Research …………. 6


A. Theoretical Framework ……… 8

1. Vocabulary ………. 8

a. Definition of Vocabulary ....………. 8




c. Types of Vocabulary ……… 10

d. Kinds of Vocabulary ………. 11

e. Ways of Teaching Vocabulary ……....……… 12

f. Relationship between Vocabulary and Reading Skill …...………. 14

g. Vocabulary in the Syllabus of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur ...……… 15

h. Assessing Vocabulary ………. 19

2. Password Game …...……… 21

a. Definition of Password Game……...…… 21

b. Procedure of Password Game…...……… 22

c. Advantages and disadvantages of Password Game...……….. 23

d. Relationship between Password Game and Vocabulary...………. 24

B. The Latest Related Research ...……… 25

C. Conceptual Framework ……… 26


A. Object of the Research ……… 30

B. Setting and Subject of the Research …...…………. 31

C. Schedule of Implementing the Action ………. 32

D. Procedures of Action Implementation…...…………. 33

E. Instruments of Collecting Data ……….. 47



A. The Research Findings 52

1. Research Setting 52

2. The Students’ Ability in Mastering Vocabulary

by Using Password Game 53

3. The Researcher’ and the Students’ Activities

in All Cycles 74

4. The Result of the Students’ Ability in All Cycles 77

B. The Research Findings Discussions 79

1. Common Response of the Problem 79

2. The Analysis and Interpretation

of the Research Findings 79

3. The Research Findings versus

the Latest Related Research 81

4. The Research Findings versus Theory 82

5. TheResearch Findings Implications 83

6. The Analysis of the Research Findings

Limitations……… 84


A. Conclusions 85

B. Suggestions 86




1. The Total Number of the Students at the Eighth Grade of

SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur in 2015/2016 32

2. The Students’ Ability in Mastering Vocabulary

by Using Password Game in Cycle I 62

3. The Students’ Ability in Mastering Vocabulary

by Using Password Game in Cycle II 73

4. The Researcher’s Activities in All Cycles 74

5. The Students’ Activities in All Cycles 76

6. The Students’ Ability in Mastering Vocabulary



Figure Page

1. The Conceptual Framework of Research

to implement Password Game 29

2. The Procedure of Conducting the Research


x 1. The Result of Researcher’s Observation Sheet

in the First Meeting of Cycle I 56

2. The Result of Students’ Observation Sheet

in the First Meeting of Cycle I 56

3. The Result of Researcher’s Observation Sheet

in the Second Meeting of Cycle I 60

4. The Result of Students’ Observation Sheet

in the Second Meeting of Cycle I 61

5. The Students’ Ability in Mastering Vocabulary by Using

Password Game in Cycle I 63

6. The Result of Researcher’s Observation Sheet

in the First Meeting of Cycle II 67

7. The Result of Students’ Observation Sheet

in the First Meeting of Cycle II 68

8. The Result of Researcher’s Observation Sheet

in the Second Meeting of Cycle II 71

9. The Result of Students’ Observation Sheet

in the Second Meeting of Cycle II 72

10.The Students’ Ability in Mastering Vocabulary

in Descriptive Text Especially in Describing Thing in Cycle II 74 11.The Researcher’s Activities in All Cycles... 75

12.The Students’ Activities in All Cycles 77

13.The Students’ Ability in Mastering Vocabulary



1. Syllabus……….. 89

2. Lesson Plan……… 95

3. Material………...……….. 116

4. Table of Specification………...………… 119

5. Students’ Evaluation Sheet……….……….. 123

6. The Field Notes of the Researcher’s

And Students’ Activities……….………….. 128

7. The Key Answer……….………… 132

8. The Observation Sheet of the Students’ Activities……….………... 134 9. The Observation Sheet of the Researcher’s Activities………….………….. 147

10. The Test Instrument Validity……… 155

11. The Result of the Students’ Ability in Mastering Vocabulary

in Cycle I and Cycle II………...….. 159

12. The List of the Students’ Name at the Eighth Grade

of SMP Negeri I Lahewa Timur In 2015/2016……….….. 160 13. The Students’ Attendance List…….………..……….…. 161



A.The Background of the Problem

Vocabulary is one of components of English skill that should be learned by the students at the school. Through learning vocabulary, the students are capable to communicate English and comprehend the texts. Farina (2015:1) states that

vocabulary is one of the most important components. Hence, the students learned vocabulary through immersion in and exposure to daily language activities in

listening, reading, speaking and writing. Vocabulary concerned with extending the words used by and undestood by the students.

In additon, Hibbert and Kamil (2005:3) say,” Vocabulary is the knowledge

of meanings of words. It is related to their reading comprehension and academic success. In other words, by mastering vocabulary, the students are capable to

communicate each other in English, listen to English conversation, and comprehend the text in English correctly.

Based on the theory above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is a

fundamental language component which supports the students to master English skills proficiency. Therefore, vocabulary is very necessary to master by the

students in education field. So, the students who lack of vocabulary are the students do not have any proficiency in mastering the four English skills.

Moreover, Chesla (2004:16) asserts that one of the most fundamental vocabulary skills is how to use context to determine meaning.


According to TOEFL iBT (2007:17),

Being able to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words from their context is an essential vocabulary skill. By reading carefully, you will often be able to determine meaning from context. By reading actively, it will continually expands the bank of vocabulary words and the bigger word base, the more will comprehend, and the less time will spend looking up words.

So, vocabulary knowledge plays an important role in students’ reading

comprehension. Certainly vocabulary knowledge can be acquired through reading

and discussions about certain contexts. Furthermore, Saskatchewan Learning (2004:39) assumes, ”By repeated reading experiences (e.g., labels, key words, messages, word walls, lists) students develop recognition of most words they see, hear, and write.” The content of meaning is influenced by that person’s prior

knowledge and experience. It can be concluded that reading have relation between

vocabulary because the word read states that is the ability to examine and comprehend the meaning of written words.

Based on the syllabus of KTSP (2006) of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur, particularly for the eighth grade, the competence standard of reading skill expected

the students to comprehend the meaning of simple short essay text in descriptive and recount texts to interact with the environs. Furthermore, basic competence

expected the students to express the functional text and simple short essay text in descriptive and recount texts with pronounciation, rhytm, and intonation which is accepted to interact with the environs. Then, the Minimum Competence Criterion


in reading skill is 65. It clarified that every student who wanted to pass on reading

skill must get score at least 65 or more.

In fact, what the syllabus hoped, it still could not achieve yet. The students got many problems in learning vocabulary. It could be evidenced when the researcher investigated the teaching-learning process in the school. Most of the

students did not master vocabulary well, so that the students could not comprehend the content of the text correctly. The problem emerged by some factors, namely:

The students were unable to differentiate the part of speech. It was difficult for the students to pronounce the words. It was difficult for the students to know some

vocabulary. Beside that the students also were unable to identify the generic structure of the text, and there were inappropriate strategies or games to teach reading skill in comprehending the text to master vocabulary.

The problems impact their ability in vocabulary is low, it was 55 (fifty five)

score. Therefore, almost the students could not achieved the MCC that has been decided in the school. It became the responsibility of English teacher to solve the problems above. The researcher collaborated with the English teacher there to find

an appropriate strategy, games or media. It was Password Game used to solve the problems as mentioned before and to increase the students’ ability in mastering

vocabulary especially in reading skill. Binggeli et al. (2009:75) affirm, Password Game is a game that helps the students develop vocabulary awareness and


Based on the explanation above, the researcher has conducted Classroom

Action Research entitled, “Increasing the Students’ Ability in Mastering Vocabulary by Using Password Game at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1

Lahewa Timur in 2015/2016”.

B.The Identification of Problem

The identification of the problem in the research, namely:

1. The students were unable to differentiate the part of speech. 2. It was difficult for the students to pronounce the words. 3. The students were unable to identify the generic structure.

4. It was difficult for the students to know some vocabulary.

5. There were inappropriate strategies or games to teach reading skill in

comprehending the text to master vocabulary.

C.The Limitation of the Problem

In conducting the research, the researcher has limited the problem to search about increasing the students’ ability in mastering Vocabulary especially the

adjective vocabulary by Using Password Game at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur in 2015/2016.

D.The Formulation of the Problem


Vocabulary especially the adjective vocabulary at the Eighth Grade of SMP

Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur in 2015/2016?.”

E.The Purpose of the Research

The research is intended to increase the students’ ability in mastering

Vocabulary especially the adjective vocabulary by using Password Game at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur in 2015/2016.

F.The Significances of the Research

The findings of the research are signified for:

1. The researcher, as an experience in teaching vocabulary if the researcher will be an English teacher next through implementing Password Game.

2. The students, as a stimulation to increase their vocabulary mastery by using Password Game.

3. The English teacher, as a guideline in increasing the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary by using Password Game.

4. The next researchers, as comparative references in conducting the other

researches related to the research title.

5. The readers, as additional knowledge to overcome the students’ problem in

mastering vocabulary by using Password Game.

G.The Assumptions of the Research


1. Vocabulary is the language component that should be mastered by the


2. Description is one of the composition to make students explain and describe

the object.

H.The Limitation of the Research

In conducting the research, the researcher has elaborated a few limitations

of the research, as follows.

1. Subject of the research was the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur in 2015/2016, especially class VIII-A.

2. The researcher used Password Game to increase the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary.

3. The researcher conducted Classroom Action Research (CAR) as the research method.

4. The researcher focused to teach reading vocabulary.

I. Key Terms Definition of the Reseach

To avoid the misconception of the research, the researcher has identified key terms definition of the research, as follows.

1. Vocabulary is a key component of effective reading instruction and a key predicator of how well the students comprehend a given descriptive text



confident about reading the text because the students already recognize the

words, understand what the words mean. In the research, Password Game is a game that is used by the researcher to teach reading vocabulary. To increase the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary, the researcher implements some

steps such as the researcher assesses the number of words and will teach it to the students by using Password Game. Moreover, the students will know the




A. Theoretical Framework 1) Vocabulary

a. The Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is called as the language component. It can be defined as a total

number of the words. Ur (1991:60) says that vocabulary can be defined, roughly as the words that teacher teaches in the foreign language. Ligon (2000:6) argues

vocabulary skill is based on a clear understanding of language itself. One of the most fundamental vocabulary skills is how to use context to determine meaning. Moreover, Brassell and Rasinski (2008:19) assert that vocabulary is the ability of

readers to grasp the meaning of individual words and phrases used in written texts. From the theory above, it can be concluded that vocabulary contains the

knowledge of words in a language which has meaningful that should be mastered by the students. Through vocabulary the students can express their ideas to increase the students’ ability in vocabulary.

b. The Importance of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a fundamental in learning second language. In getting many

vocabularies the reader has a good understanding and communication. Therefore vocabulary is very useful in learning English.

The knowledge of vocabulary and the ability to access that knowledge is recognized efficiently as important factors in listening comprehension, speaking


fluency, reading comprehension and writing fluency. As stated by William (1994:14) that in developing the students’ language skills in listening, speaking,

reading and writing the students must master vocabulary.

Likewise, Steven (1999:91) assumes, “To develop students’ language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, the students have to master vocabulary.” Thereby, the knowledge of vocabulary is very significant for

understanding the language itself. Mastering vocabulary well, the four skills in that language will be understood.

Talking about correlated vocabulary and reading comprehension, vocabulary is involved as main factor for reading mastery successfully. Vocabulary knowledge helps students with language comprehension. Like

McKeown in Ferreira (2007:12) argues that vocabulary knowledge is a heart of language comprehension.

Moreover, Barra in Ferreira (2005:12) suggests that to comprehend a text successfully students need to have sufficient word knowledge. This is to say that the comprehension of a language depended on the amount of the vocabularies that

are known in that language. Also, students need to have sufficient vocabulary knowledge to understand what the content of the text. Students can understand the writer’s message only if the students know the meaning of most of vocabulary

used in a text. Without knowledge of many vocabularies in a text, the students may

have a difficulty to understand the message of the text.


understanding towards the meaning of the text and it made important to the

students to comprehend the text.

c. Types of Vocabulary

According to Wren (1999:45), there are some types of vocabulary, namely:

1) Reading vocabulary

Reading vocabulary is a sum of vocabularies which getting when someone read the text. Most of those vocabularies recognize through reading activity.

2) Listening vocabulary

This type of vocabulary recognizes through listening the speech. This vocabulary can recognize through native speaker when making conversation. 3) Writing vocabulary

Writing vocabulary is all the vocabularies that someone applies in writing form. In writing activity, someone can express feeling by using varying vocabulary. 4) Speaking vocabulary

Speaking vocabulary is all the vocabularies that someone uses in speaking activity. To conveying something, someone is necessary to vocabulary to express the opinion or feeling.

5) Vocal vocabulary

Vocal vocabulary is a specialized set of terms and distinctions that is particularly important to a certain group; those with particular focus of experiences of activity.

Regarding to the theory aforementioned, it can be chosen the reading

vocabulary, because the researcher wanted to teached vocabulary to the students through reading activity by using Password Game application.

Moreover, Nation (1990:29) divides vocabulary in the specific references; they are receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary.

1) Receptive vocabulary


2) Productive vocabulary

Productive vocabulary can recognize through pronouncing the word, how to write and spell it, how to use it in grammatical pattern a long with the word in usually collocates with it.

Based on the statements, it is inferred that the elements of vocabulary consist of two parts: receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary. Receptive

vocabulary is vocabulary which is received when it is heard and seen while productive vocabulary is vocabulary when it is pronounced, written, and spelt. In

relation to the research, the researcher taught the students by using Password Game to increase the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary through receptive and productive vocabulary.

d. Kinds of Word

Words consist of a few kinds. As stated by Novia (2008:13-188), “Words are divided into different kinds of classes, called part of speech.” The part of

speech consists of eight namely: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.

1) Noun is a word that refers to a person, a place, or a thing, a quality or an activity.

Example: There is an umbrella.

2) Verb is word or phrase that expresses an action or state of being. Example: She opens the door.

3) Adverb is describes or adds to the meaning of a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a sentence and which answers such question as how, where,


Example: He can run quickly.

4) Adjective is a word that describes the thing, quality, state or action which a noun refers to:

Example: You are a clever student

5) Conjunction is a word that combines words, phrases or sentences. Example: The sports car was beautiful but expensive.

6) Preposition is a used before a noun or pronoun to show place, position, time, or method.

Example: Rina is birthday on October 20.

7) Pronoun stands on “for noun”. The prefix ’pro’ means for hence the word pronoun means ‘for noun’.

Example: They are my lecturers.

8) Interjection is a word or phrases to express an emotion or attitude such as

delight, surprise, and shock, but which has no referential meaning. Example: Hurrah! I am the winner.

So, in teaching vocabulary the students have a capable to differentiate the part

of speech and the whole of words must be refered to the rules of language that should be thought by the students at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur,

especially Class VIII-A to build their word knowledge in mastering vocabulary.

e. Teaching Vocabulary


determine the appropriate teaching material and the simple way in teaching

material in order that it is easy for the students to understand the teaching material well.

Marzano in Blachowicz (2008:201) proposes six steps approaches to teach content vocabulary, the steps are:

1) Explain. Provide a student-friendly description, explanation, or example of the new term.

2) Restate. Ask students to restate the description, explanation, or example in their own words.

3) Show. Ask students to construct a picture, symbol, or graphic representation of the term.

4) Discuss. Engage students periodically in structured vocabulary discussions that help them add to their knowledge of the terms in their vocabulary notebooks. 5) Refine and reflect. Periodically ask students to return to their notebooks to

discuss and refine entries.

6) Apply in Learning Games. Involve students periodically in games that allow them to play with terms.

All the approaches of teaching vocabulary can be applied in teaching vocabulary. The teacher should notice the atmosphere of the classroom before applying the approach. It is necessary to consider it for making the

teaching-learning activity run well.

Nunan (2003:133-134) describes some steps to teach vocabulary in the

classrooms, as follows.

1) Learning from meaning-focused input

The learning from meaning-focused input strand involves learning from listening and reading.

2) Deliberate language-focused learning


attention to language features such as sounds, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, or discourse that are presented out of context.

3) Learning from meaning-focused output

The learning from meaning-focused output strand involves learning through speaking and writing where the learner’s main attention is on communicating messages. It may seem a little strange to see the productive skills as sources of vocabulary learning, but using vocabulary productively can strengthen learning and can push learners to focus on aspects of vocabulary knowledge that they did not need to attend listening and reading.

4) Developing fluency

Vocabulary must not only be known, it must be readily available for use. The fluency development strand of a course aims at helping learners make the best use of what they already know. It is important to see fluency as being related to each of the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing with fluency need to be developed independently in each of these skills.

Based on the steps above, it can be concluded that all the procedures of teaching vocabulary applied in teaching the students. In the research, the researcher applied deliberate language focus-learning, so it helped the students to

increase their ability in mastering vocabulary by using Password Game.

f. Relationship between Vocabulary and Reading Skill

Vocabulary and reading skill has close relation. Good vocabulary mastery, it was helped the students to achieve a good reading comprehension. Therefore, vocabulary can be functioned as predicator in reading comprehension successfully.

Jeanne (2006:306) assums, “Vocabulary knowledge is indisputably regarded as critical to children’s successful reading comprehension”. Vocabulary knowledge

mastery gave the power in understanding the content of the text.

Furthermore, the theory is supported by Rupley et al in Ellery (2005:140)


facilitated making comprehension accessible for children. In achieving reading

activity well, the students should mastered many vocabularies. By having many vocabularies, the students know the content of the text well.

Additionally, Stahl in Nation (2001:144) says “Vocabulary knowledge can help reading and can contribute to vocabulary growth”. To contribute

understanding of the text, it needs to perform reading comprehension well.

However, reading comprehension is growth well if the students know what most of words in vocabulary. As Pinnel and Fountas in Ellery (2005:106) clarify, “If

students do not understand the meaning of the words they read, the reading process merely becomes meaningless decoding”. Clearly, lack of vocabulary, process of

getting the content of the text is meaningless.

Moreover, Jeanne (2006:306) writes,“ Limited vocabulary is thus both a cause and an effect of poor achievement in reading”. Of course, limited

vocabulary, comprehension is poor towards the meaning of the text.

From the experts’ opinion above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is

very necessary for building and growth reading comprehension. Therefore, the

students need to acquire many vocabularies in order that the students understand and grow to comprehend the text.

g. Vocabulary in the Syllabus of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur

In the English Syllabus of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur, there are four


of the four skills that should be mastered by the students. In the competence

standard of the eighth grade expected that the students to comprehend the meaning of simple short essay text in descriptive and recount texts to interact with the

environs. Furthermore, basic competence expected the students to express the functional text and simple short essay text in descriptive and recount texts with pronounciation, rhytm, and intonation which is accepted to interact with the


Based on the explanation above, there are two types of text that should be

comprehended, namely: descriptive text and recount text. But the researcher focused on reading text that tells about descriptive text.

1. Descriptive Text

According to Wardiman (2008:16), descriptive text is a text that describes

the features of someone, something or certain place. a.)The generic structures of descriptive text, namely:

1) Identification : Identifies or introduces phenomenon to be described.

2) Description : describes the feature or parts, qualities, and characteristics of someone or thing.

b.)The language features of descriptive text, namely: 1) Use of simple present tense.

2) Frequent use of epithets and classifiers in nominal groups.


4) Use “have”: have, has, and had to give detailed description of the object’s


5) Use of action verbs related to the topic, especially when describing behavior

or personalities.

6) Use of adjectives in describing especially the qualities.

The example of descriptive text:


I live in a small house. It's located in CandistreetAmpel, Boyolali. There is a large yard in front of my house. My father plants a mango tree there. On the right side of my house there is a garden. My mother likes gardening in this garden. There are many kinds of flowers, such as: rose, dahlias and many other that I don't know its name. On the left side there is my grandmother's house. And on the back side there are many banana trees which are planted by my father. From the outside my house is green in colour. There are 8 rooms in my house. There are living room, 2 bedrooms, a family room, 2 kitchen, ware house and bathroom. When you enter my house, you will see a small living room with 3 chairs, and flowers on the table. There are photos of my families on the wall. The colour of this room is pink. So you will feel another atmosphere after entering this room.

My bedroom is next to the living room. In my room there are a cupboard, large bed, table, and music player with the speaker. This room is different from the colour. My bedroom is green and the other rooms are pink. I like reading in this room, because no one will disturb me. In front of my bedroom there is a special room for guest to have lunch or dinner. And sometimes I always study together with my friends there. There is no chairs at all, just a map and we can relax here. On the right side of my bedroom is my parents'. There are a bed, dressing table, chair and a cupboard. This room is as large as my bedroom.


kitchen. And next to it is a ware house. It is used to keep wood and broken equipments that cannot be used. Although it's a small house, it's like a paradise for me, the place where I find happiness, care, and love from my family.

Taken from: English for SMP Grade VIII: BSE

2. Recount Text

A recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action or

activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. a) The generic structures of recount text:

1) Orientation tells who was involved, what happened, where the events took place,and when it happened.

2) Events tell what happened and in what sequence.

3) Reorientation consists of optional-closure of events/ending.

b) The features are including Who? Where? When? Why?, noun or pronoun, and past tense.

The example of recount text:

My Football Experience

When I was in Junior high school, I really loved football. Every Saturday afternoon I practised in school field with my team and my coach. They were strong and smart players. My coach, Mr Sentana was a kind person. But, while he was coaching us, he was very discipline. He would grounded anyone who came late and not obeyed the team’s rules.

With Mr Sentana, our team won many tournament in many big cities. Our team named after our school, 67 Team (from SMP 67) and we had many fans too, you know. Ohh, that was so cool. Now, I still love football and have a team too. But, my parents warn me to pay attention more to my study, football just for hobby.


h. Assesing Vocabulary

Assessing vocabulary is very important to conduct after the teaching-learning process of vocabulary. Through assessment, the researcher can gain and know the result of the students’ ability in understanding the content of the

material. Besides, assessment is necessary to do to know whether the researcher is successful or not in learning. Thereby, the researcher can improve the weakness of

the student if they are unsuccessful in learning. So, the students can develop their motivation to learning English. The goal of this vocabulary test (assessment) is to assess the students’ ability in comprehending the content of the text and mastering

vocabulary in reading.

Nation (2001:344) asserts that there are some tests to assess vocabulary

that is commonly called as language testing.

1) True/false test

Write T if a sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. Write X if you do not understand the sentence.

a) We cut time into minutes, hours and days. ________

b) Some children call their mother Mama. ________

c) All the world is under water. ________

d) When you keep asking, you ask once. ________

2) A vocabulary depth test

Choose four words that go with the test word. Choose at least one from each of two boxes.

Beautiful Surprising

Quick Thirsty

Change Noise

Doctor School

3) A Matching Test


a) A journey straight to a place is ______ faint

b) An illness that is very serious is ______ acute

c) A river that is very wide is ______ common

d) Part of your body that is not covered by any clothes I ______ bare

e) Something that happened often is ______ alien

4) A multiple-choice test

Circle the choice that gives the suitable meaning of the underlined word. Chronic means a) Lasting for a long time

b) dissatisfied

c) to greatly decrease d) effective and harmless e) don’t know.

5) A translation test

Translate the underlined words into your first language.

a) You can see how the town has develop.

b) I cannot say much about his character.

c) Her idea is very good one.

d) I want to hear only the facts.

Of the kinds of vocabulary test above, the researcher chose multiple-choice

test in the research and asks the students to answer 20 items that have been prepared. Through multiple-choice test, the researcher got the result of the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary by using Password Game.

In gaining the students value, the score for correct answer is 1 and for wrong answer is 0. The researcher used the formula from Sudjono (2009:303):

Note: S = Score

R = Right answer


Finally, the researcher used formula suggested by Cartier et al. in Brown

(1996:1-8) to find the students’ value, as follows.

2. Password Game

a) The Definition of Password Game

According to Scholl (2012:17) “Password Game is the classic word association game.” Application of this game is better to conduct before reading implemented. It helps the students feel confident about reading the text because

they already recognize the words, understand what the words mean, and can use the words in a sentence. Furthermore Han (2011:31) says, “Password Game is

leading students in creating their own class version of Password using dance Core content vocabulary.”

In addition, Public Instruction Old Capitol Building (2002:46) also affirms,“ Password Game is simply choose the words and phrases you want your

students to have memorised and play the game with the class”. Binggeli et al.

(2009:75) argue that Password game is a game that helps the students develop vocabulary awareness and connects the words into the concepts. The students who master vocabulary can enlarge comprehension to understand the text.

It can be concluded that Password Game is called as the useful game for teaching vocabulary in recognizing new words before conducting reading activity.


b) Procedure of Implementing Password Game

Han (2011:31) clarifies that there are some steps in implementing Password Game.

1) Give each player an equal number of word cards. 2) Each turn lasts for 60 seconds.

3) The first player selects a card and describes the word on the card without using the word. The other player guesses the word. Either player can “Pass” and move onto the next word.

4) See how many words the second player can correctly guess in 60 seconds then switch roles.

5) If playing in teams of 2 or more, players describe words to their teammates to see how many words the team can guess in 60 seconds.

In addition, Binggeli and et al. (2009:75) also state the steps of Password Game in teaching vocabulary.

1) Students break into pairs, one student faces board, the other faces opposite way. 2) Students 1 gives student 2 clues for each vocabulary word based on concepts

and ideas from the lesson.

3) Student 2 then has to guess what vocabulary word student 1 is describing. 4) This should take no more than 1-2 minutes per pair.

From the steps of Password Game implementation, the researcher has modified it in simply implementation in order that the students can follow the teaching-learning activity well.

The steps as follows.

a) The researcher prepared the word cards connected into the concept.

b) The reseacher divided the students into team.

c) The researcher gave a chance to one of the students in the team to choose one


d) The reseacher asked the student who took a word card to describe it by giving

clues without pronouncing the keywords and other students in the team tried to guess the word.

e) The researcher allowed other students to say “Pass” and moved onto the next word if the students in the team could not guess the word.

f) The researcher gave a limit time was 60 second to guess the word.

g) The researcher gave the turn to the second team to guess the word by using another card that had been prepared before.

h) The researcher determined how many words that the students got the word in the team.

i) The researcher decided the students who got the high score would be the


c) Advantages and Disadvantages of Implementing Password Game

Indeed, application of each strategy can give the strength to the students. In

implementing this game too, it can be elaborated its excess as stated by Scholl (2012:17), as follows.

1) Second language learners also benefit from playing password.

An option for second language learners is to be able to provide one word clues in their own language.

2) Password helps students connect words they have learned.

By associating new words to words they already know, students learn words faster and remember them longer.

Besides, the game implementation has disadvantages, namely: 1) Password game is applied in reading text only.


d) Relationship between Password Game and Vocabulary.

Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basic for how well students speak, listen, read and write. It has close

relation with reading skill. The students construct an understanding of the text by assembling and making sense of the words in context.

As Anderson and Freebody, (1983: 87) say “People who do not know the

meanings of many words are probably poor readers." So, they need to know a lot of vocabularies related to the reading content. To make the students interest and

fun in teaching-learning vocabulary, teacher has to apply the game for the students.

It is Password Game,

Allen (2006:118) states that password game is the game which players give one-word clues to guide their partners to the target word, great for antonym and synonym play, also to assess vocabulary comprehension.

Moreover, Butler (2003:242) also asserts, “Password Game helps low intermediate students develop reading skills and increase their active vocabulary

through engaging readings about real people, places, events, and ideas.”

As a conclusion, Password Game has a relationship with vocabulary in


B. The Latest Related Research

Makher (2013) searched about Password Game entitled “The Effectiveness of Using Password Game toward Students’ Reading ability in Descriptive text in

the 7th Grade students Junior High School of Jogyakarta in 2012-2013”. The subject of the research was the 7th Grade of Junior High School Jogyakarta.

In Makher’s research, he used the experimental research in conducting the

research. The researcher presented and analyzed the data through two kinds of tests, they were pre-test and post-test. The pretest was gave before being taught by

applying password game and post-test was gave after had been taught by applying password game. The pre-test was followed by 31 students of the experimental group. The researcher allocated 40 minutes for conducting the test. The

pre-test was in the form of reading instructions that the students should make or read descriptive text.

While the post-test was same as the pre-test that was in the form of reading instruction that the students should make or read descriptive text. It was done after treatment process using Password Game.

In the research, the researcher raised a research entitled “Increasing the

Students’ Ability in Mastering Vocabulary by Using Password Game at the Eighth

Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur in 2015/2016”. Moreover, in the research and the latest related research did some similar steps by using Password Game,


student 2 then has to guess what vocabulary word student 1 is describing, and the

researcher allocates 60 minutes to play the game.

Concerning with the latest research above, the researcher compared it with the research. Relationship between the latest related research and the researcher’s

research are both of the research searches the students’ ability in mastering

vocabulary in reading skill, using the same game.

C.The Conceptual Framework

Based on the syllabus of KTSP (2006) of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur, paticularly for the eighth grade, the students are expects to comprehend the

meaning of simple short essay text in descriptive and recount texts to interact with the environs and the MCC that the students should be achieved in studying reading skill is 65.

But in the reality, the students cannot achieve these expectations because there are some problems that effect the students’ ability in reading comprehension.

Therefore, the researcher is inspired to apply Password Game in teaching reading description to increase the students’ ability in reading description by using the


The researcher used Classroom Action Researcher (CAR), the researcher used the procedure of action research there are four namely: planning, action,


In action, the researcher applied the procedures of Pasword game in

mastering vocabulary by using descriptive text; the generic structures of descriptive text consists of: identification and description, the language features in

descriptive text are using attributive and using simple present tense.

In teaching material, the teacher must use a new teaching strategy or game

to the students with the purpose to make the teaching-learning process are really interesting and the students more to be actively. Therefore, the researcher used

Password Game in order that teaching reading to the students is more interesting, to be active and enjoyable for them.

There are some steps in implementing Password Game, they are: First, the researcher prepared the word cards connected into the concept. Second, the reseacher divided the students into team. Next, the researcher gave a chance to one

of the students in the team to choose one of word card to describe each vocabulary word based on concepts and ideas from the lesson. After that, the reseacher asked

the student who took word card to describe it by giving clues without pronouncing the keywords and other students in the team tried to guess the word. Then, the researcher allowed other students to say “Pass” and moved onto the next word if

the students in the team could not guess the word. Next, the researcher gave a limit time is 60 second to guess the word. Moreover, the researcher gave the turn to the


word in the team. Finally the researcher decided the students who got the high

score would be the winner.

In reflection the researcher evaluated the student’s result of learning. Finally, by using Password Game it could be increase the students’ ability to master vocabulary correctly.

The figure of application of Password Game will be presented as on the



Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of Research to implement Password game The syllabus at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur


connected into the concept.

Evaluation the result of learning by using

Multiple-Choice Increasing the students ability in vocabulary mastery My Hometown word if the students in the team could not guess the word.

The reseacher asked the student who took word card to describe it by giving clues without pronounced the keywords and other students in the team tried to guess the word.

The researcher gave a chance to one of the students in the team to choose one of word card to describe each vocabulary word based on concepts and ideas from the lesson.

The reseacher divided the students into team.

Implementing the procedure of Password Game through CAR The researcher determined how many words

that the students in the team get the word.



A.Object of the Research

In conducting the research, the researcher applied Classroom Action Research (CAR) Method to achieve the target in this research. The main target in

the research is the increase of the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary by using Password Game. In implementing this teaching game, the researcher

performed Classroom Action Research (CAR) Method. As Ferrance (2000:1) states that Action research is a process in which participants examine their own educational practice systematically and carefully, using the techniques of research.

Action research is conducted by practicing language teachers because they

themselves are valuable sources of knowledge regarding their own classroom situations and as a result change can be implemented more credibly because

practicing teachers found the results more credible and valid for their needs. Furthermore, Kemmis and McTaggart in Hadley (1988:ii) describe action research as a systematic and collaborative effort aimed at solving classroom problems.

It can be concluded that Classroom Action Research (CAR) Method is very useful for investigating all the matters in the classroom. It helped the teacher to recognize the students’ ability towards the teaching material.


Therefore, it can be called as a tool for getting all the information about the

classroom activities during the teaching-learning process and knew the problem that became and tried to find out the solution to solve it.

To perform the research, the researcher needed the teacher-collaborator who helped the researcher to observe what happened in the classroom during conducting the research. From the observation resulted of the teacher-collaborator,

the researcher can recognize the excess and weakness in doing the research.

At last, the object of the research was the students’ ability in mastering

vocabulary in reading skill by implementing Password Game at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur in 2015/2016.

B.Setting and Subject of the Research

The location of the research is SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur. It is located in Lahewa Timur district and North Nias Regency. The total numbers of rooms

were 18 rooms. There were 11 classes, a unit laboratory, a unit of library, one teacher’s office, one headmaster’s office, 2 canteens, and a large yard as a place of

ceremony. Besides, there were 21 teachers and 359 students. Among the teachers


In the research, the researcher did the research at the eighth grade. It

consists of four classes, namely: A (36 students) , B (34 students), VIII-C (36 students), and VIII-D (34 students). The real condition of the eighth grade

students of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur can be seen in the following table. Table 1


Number Classes The Total Number of the Students

1 VIII-A 36 students

2 VIII-B 34 students

3 VIII-C 36 students

4 VIII-D 34 students

Total 140 students

Source: Office of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur

The subject of the research is Class VIII-A which consisted of 36 students. The researcher chose the class as the subject of the research because the students

in that class had the lower ability in mastering vocabulary than the other classes based on the observation and interview that had been done by the researcher.

C.Schedule of Implementing the Action

Based on the planning, the researcher conducted the research around one month. It started on May academic year 2015/2016. It was appropriate with


D.Procedures of Action Implementation

To conduct the research, the researcher has elaborated the procedure of implementing the research in two cycles, each cycle consisted of two meetings. In

Cycle I most of the students was not achieved the goal and the result was still disastified for the researcher. Moreover, the researcher continued in Cycle II to improve the students’ weaknesses in order that most of the students could achieved

the goal. The goal of the research was to increase the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary by using Password Game in order that the students could pass on

Minimum Competence Criterion. According to Kemmis and Wilkinson in Kemmis and Friends ( 1998:21),” Though the process of action research is inadequately described in terms of a mechanical sequence of steps, it is generally thought to

involve a spiral of self reflective cycles of.”

As Arikunto (2008:83) states that Classroom Action Research will start

from planning, action, observation and reflection.

1. Planning

In planning step, the researcher prepared all the needs in conducting the

research, such as; syllabus, lesson plan, teaching material, table of specification, validity sheet, evaluation sheet and observation sheet for the researcher and


2. Action

In action step, the researcher applied Password Game in the teaching-learning process in the classroom. This phase or activity was done based on the lesson

plan that has been arranged by the researcher. 3. Observation

In observation step, the teacher collaborator observed the students’ activities

and the researcher’s activities in the classroom during the teaching-learning process.

4. Reflection

In this step, the researcher noted, analyzed, and evaluated the result of observation and looked for the way out to increase the students’ weakness in

studying vocabulary.

The Procedure of Action Implementation through application Password




Figure 2. The procedure of conducting the research when applying Password Game.


The researcher preparing the teaching equipments, such as; lesson plan, material, observation sheet and evaluation sheet.


Reflection: Noting, analyzing, evaluating and concluding the result. After that, the weakness is improved.

Re-Planning, Revising and getting the syllabus, arranging the lesson plan, and providing the familiar material in the students’ life, the observation sheet and

the evaluation sheet.

Action, Explaining the material and conducting again the procedure of

Password Game.

Revising the lesson plan and continue to the next cycle.


Observing the researcher’s and the students’ activities and the

weaknesses during the

teaching-learning process.

Reflection,noting, analyzing, and evaluating the result of the observation, evaluation sheet and field notes and improving the weakness of the students.

Making the research report Successful


The procedure of implementing the action of the researcher, the students,

and the English teacher collaborator for each cycle described as follows.

Cycle I

Cycle I conducted in two meetings, as follows:

First meeting

In the first meeting, the researcher conducted some activities, namely:

a. Planning

In planning phase, the researcher did some activities, namely:

1) The researcher got the syllabus

2) The researcher arranged the lesson plan. 3) The researcher prepared flash cards.

4) The researcher prepared the material descriptive text to the students.

5) The researcher prepared the observation sheet for the researchers and the students’ activities.

6) The researcher prepared the field notes of the researcher and students 7) The researcher prepared the evaluation sheet of the students.

8) The researcher prepared the students’ attendance list.

b. Action

In action phase, the researcher did some activities, namely: 1) The researcher entered the class and greets the students.

2) The researcher introduced her identity and asks the students condition. 3) The researcher checked the students’ attendance list.


5) The researcher wrote the topic of the material on the blackboard.

6) The researcher explained the definition and the generic structure of descriptive text to the students.

7) The researcher gave the example of descriptive text to the students. 8) The researcher implemented Password Game.

a) The researcher prepared the word cards connected into the concept.

b) The reseacher divided the students into two teams.

c) The researcher gave a chance to one of the students in the team to choose

one of word card to describe each vocabulary word based on concepts and ideas from the lesson.

d) The reseacher asked the student who took a word card to describe it by

giving clues without pronouncing the keywords and other students in the team tried to guess the word.

e) The researcher allowed other students to say “Pass” and moved onto the next word if the students in the team could not guess the word.

f) The researcher gave a limit time was 60 second to guess the word.

g) The researcher gave the turn to the second team to guess the word by using another card that had been prepared before.

h) The researcher determined how many words that the students got the word in the team.


9) The researcher gave the chance to the students to ask the question based on

the material.

10) The researcher answered the students’ question.

11) The researcher concluded the material and motivated the students to learn more about the material.

12) The researcher closed the teaching-learning process by greeting the students.

c. Observation

In action phase, the teacher-collaborator helped the researcher to observe

the teaching-learning activity and conducted some activities, namely:

1) The teacher-collaborator observed the researcher’ and the students’ activity during the teaching-learning process.

2) The teacher-collaborator observed the strength and the weakness during implemented the action.

d. Reflection

In reflection phase, the researcher did some activities, namely: 1) The researcher noted the observation’s result.

2) The researcher analyzed the observation’s result. 3) The researcher evaluated the observation’s result.

4) The researcher looked for improvement of the weakness.

Second meeting


a. Planning

In planning phase, the researcher did some activities, namely: 1) The researcher got the syllabus

2) The researcher arranged the lesson plan.

3) The researcher prepared the material descriptive text to the students.

4) The researcher prepared the observation sheet for the researchers and the students’ activities.

5) The researcher prepared the field notes of the researcher and students

6) The researcher prepared the evaluation sheet of the students. 7) The researcher prepared the students’ attendance list.

b. Action

In action phase, the researcher did some activities, namely:

1) The researcher entered the class by greeting the students and asking the

students’ condition.

2) The researcher asked the students’ priorknowledge.

3) The researcher guided the students to follow the teaching-learning activity.

4) The researcher asked the last material to the students. 5) The researchercontinued the lastmaterial.

6) The researcher explained material to the students.

7) The researcher repeated to give some instructions to play the game.

8) The researcher drilled the students in mastering vocabulary through Password Game.


b. The researcher divided the students into two teams.

c. The researcher gave a chance to one of the students in the team to choose one of word card to describe each vocabulary word based on concepts and

ideas from the lesson.

d. The reseacher asked the student who took a word card to describe it by giving clues without pronounced the keywords and other students in the

team tried to guess the word.

e. The researcher allowed other students to say “pass” and moved onto the

next word if the students in the team could not guess the word. f. The researcher gave a limit time was 60 second to guess the word.

g. The researcher gave the turn to the second team to guess the word by using

another card that had been prepared before.

h. The researcher determined how many words that the students in the team

got the word.

i. The researcher decided the students who got the high score would be the winner.

9) The researcher guided the students who still got difficulties in finding the new words.

10) The students allowed to ask the questions related to the material. 11) The researcher answered students’ questions.

12) The researcher gave tests to the students.


c. Observation

In action phase, the teacher-collaborator helped the researcher to observe the teaching-learning activity and conducted some activities, namely:

1) The teacher-collaborator observed the researcher’ and the students’ activity during the teaching-learning process.

2) The teacher-collaborator observed the strength and the weakness during

implemented the action.

d. Reflection

In reflection phase, the researcher did some activities, namely: 1) The researcher noted the observation’s result.

2) The researcher analyzed the observation’s result.

3) The researcher evaluated the observation’s result.

4) The researcher looked for improvement of the weakness.

Because most of the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary in reading descriptive text especially in describing thing by using Password Game could not reach on Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC) yet in Cycle I, the researcher

continued the research in Cycle II by considering the weaknesses in Cycle I and doing some improvements.

Cycle II

Cycle II consisted of two meetings, such as below:


In the plan stage, the researcher prepared again all things before coming in

her action as follows.

1) The researcher got the syllabus.

2) The researcher re-arranged the lesson plan. 3) The researcher prepared another flashcards.

4) The researcher provided the familiar material (descriptive text) to the students.

5) The researcher prepared the observation sheet for the researcher’s and the students’ activities.

6) The researcher prepared the field notes of the researcher and students. 7) The researcher prepared the evaluation sheet of the students.

8) The researcher prepared the students’ attendance list.

b) Action

The activities that the researcher did in this stage as follows.

1) The researcher entered the class and greeted the students

2) The researcher asked their condition and checked the students’ attendance list. 3) The researcher gave motivation to the students.

4) The researcher distributed the material to the students.

5) The researcher distributed and explained the new material (desciptive text)

that familiar to the students.

6) The researcher asked one of the student to come in front of the class and asked

the student to give an opinion about the material. 7) The researcher applied Password Game.


Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of Research to implement Password game
Figure 2. The procedure of conducting the research when applying Password Game.
Table 2


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