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karya ayu utami kajian Psikoanalisis (1)


Academic year: 2018

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Oleh: Daniella S


From Topographical  Structural


Teori Topografi  model transisional dalam

pengembangan teori Basic Instinct Freud

Kelemahan dibutuhkannya konsep yang

lebih sistemik dari struktur psikis

Hipotesis Struktural mengawali era baru

dalam psikoanalisis


Developmental of ego


First phase (-1897)

 early concept of the ego 

repression synonim to defense; agent defending against

certain ideas that were unacceptable to consciousness

Second phase (1897 to 1923

) historical roots of ego

psychology mulai ada struktural ego, secondary process

Third phase (1923 to 1937)

 Freud’s ego psychology a

coherent organization of mental processes and functions,

primarily organized around the perceptual conscious system,

responsible for resistance and unconscious defense.

Fourth phase

 emergence and systematic development of


The Id

Locus of instinctual drives



derived from instinct,

drived by pleasure/ libido


controls m

otility and


, contact with

reality, and, through

mechanisms of defense,

inhibition, and control of

primary instinctual drives.


conscience =


Ego berkembang di bawah pengaruh dari

dunia luar

Proses formasi ego 

bringing reality

principle to bear on the pleasure principle

Peran insting dalam perkembangan ego 

the role of conflict

At first, the id vs the outside world  Later,

the id vs the ego itself


Development of the Ego

Proses maturasi fungsi ego proses

internalisasi 

Proses yang menyusun

dunia internal dan tempat struktur

dikonsolidasikan di dalam diri


Berkembang pada fase oral

Objek eksternal diasumsikan secara

menyeluruh ke dalam

inner world



the most central

process in

development of the

structural apparatus

involving ego and




yang menjadi pusat


diinternalisasi dan

dibangun ulang

sebagai bagian dari


Genesis of superego


Often been confused



individu membangun


mengontrol dari

elemen-elemen basis

yang diturunkan dari


Proses konstruksi

fungsi ego dan

integrasi struktural


Principal Functions of The



Control and Regulation of Instinctual Drives


Reality to reality

Sense of reality

berkembang bersamaan dgn

berkembangnya ego

Reality testing

the ego's capacity for objective

evaluation and judgment of the external world

Adaptation to reality


menggunakan nilai diri dr fgs ego yang ada untuk

membentuk solusi, berdasarkan realitas yang

sudah diuji sebelumnya


Principal Functions of The


4. Defensive Function of the Ego

Repression ∼defense.

 A defense is an unconscious attempt to protect the

individual from some powerful, identity-threatening feeling

Defense  utk atasi

threatening instinctual motivations

and affects

Dapat bersifat :

Dinamically reversible

dan adaptif secara fungsional or

Menjadi patologis

5. Synthetic Function

mengorganisir & menyatukan


Genesis of Defense Mechanisms

Pada tahap awal perkembangan defense timbul

sebagai akibat dari kesulitan fungsi ego untuk

memediasi tekanan dari id dan kebutuhan dari

dunia luar

Pada setiap fase perkembangan  komponen

dorongan yang terkait pada tiap fase menjadi

karakteristik defens ego





, proyeksi

 defens yang terkait

dengan impuls pada fase oral


Klasifikasi mekanisme defense:

Dikategorikan dalam


Sesuai tahap perkembangan

Berbasis psikopatologi yang terkait

Simple mechanisms or complex

Basic defense mechanisms

most frequently employed


most thoroughly investigated by psychoanalysts


Narsisistic-psychotic defense

Immature defense


Narcissistic-psychotic Defenses

Projection - Perceiving and reacting to unacceptable inner impulses

and their

derivatives as though they were outside the self.

- On a psychotic level form of frank delusions about

external reality, usually persecutory, includes both

perception of one's own feelings in another, with

subsequent acting on the perception (psychotic

paranoid delusions).

Denial - The refusal to accept reality or fact, acting as if a painful

event, thought or feeling did not exist.

- At the psychotic level, the denied reality may be

replaced by a fantasy or delusion.

Distortion - Grossly reshaping the experience of external reality to

suit inner needs

- unrealistic megalomanic beliefs, hallucinations,


Acting out performing an extreme behavior in order to express

thoughts or feelings the person feels incapable of otherwise expressing. 

Blocking An inhibition, usually temporary in nature, of affects especially, but possibly also thinking and impulses


s Transformasi penyalahan terhadap orang lain yang timbul dari berkabung, kesepian, impuls agresif; menjadi penyalahan diri dalam bentuk keluhan somatis.


Introjection • Identifying with some idea or object so deeply that it becomes a part of that person

• Introjection of a feared object serves to avoid anxiety through internalizing the aggressive characteristic of the object, and thereby putting the aggression under one's own control.


Aggression toward an object expressed indirectly and ineffectively through passivity, masochism, and turning against the self.


Regression A return to a previous stage of development or

functioning to avoid the anxieties or hostilities involved in later stages

Schizoid Fantasy The tendency to use fantasy and to indulge in autistic retreat for the purpose of conflict resolution and


Somatization The defensive conversion of psychic derivatives into

bodily symptoms; tendency to react with somatic rather than psychic manifestations. Infantile somatic responses are replaced by thought and affect during development (desomatization); regression to earlier somatic forms or response (resomatization)may result from unresolved conflicts and may play an important role in


Neurotic Defenses

controlling Controlling The excessive attempt to manage or

regulate events or objects in the environment in the interest ofminimizing anxiety and solving internal conflicts.

displacement Involves a purposeful, unconscious shifting

ofimpulses and/or affective investment from one object to another in the interest ofsolving a conflict. Although the object is changed, the instinctual nature ofthe impulse and its aim remain unchanged.

Dissociation Atemporary but drastic modification ofcharacter or sense ofpersonal identity to avoid emotional distress; it includes fugue states and hysterical conversion


Intelektualization The control ofaffects and impulses by way ofthinking about them instead ofexperiencing them. It is a

systematic excess of thinking, deprived ofits affect, to defend against anxiety caused by unacceptable


Neurotic Defenses

Rationalization Ajustification ofattitudes, beliefs, or behavior that might otherwise be unacceptable by an incorrect application ofjustifying reasons or the invention ofa convincing fallacy.


formation The management ofunacceptable impulses by permitting expression ofthe impulse in antithetical form. This is equivalently an expression ofthe impulse in the negative. Where instinctual conflict is persistent, reaction formation can become a character trait on a permanent basis, usually as an aspect ofobsessional character.

Repression Consists ofthe expelling and withholding from conscious awareness ofan idea or feeling. It may operate either by excluding from awareness what was once

experienced on a conscious level (secondary

repression), or it may curb ideas and feelings before they have reached consciousness (primary repression). The “forgetting” associated with repression is unique in that it is often accompanied by highly symbolic

behavior, which suggests that the repressed is not


Mature Defenses

Altruism The vicarious but constructive and instinctually

gratifying service to others, even to the detriment ofthe self. This must be distinguished from altruistic

surrender, which involves a masochistic surrender ofdirect gratification or ofinstinctual needs in favor offulfilling the needs ofothers to the detriment ofthe self, with vicarious satisfaction only being gained through introjection

Anticipation The realistic anticipation ofor planning for future inner discomfort: Implies overly concerned planning,

worrying, and anticipation ofdire and dreadful possible outcomes.

Humour The overt expression of feelings without personal discomfort or immobilization and without unpleasant effect on others. Humor allows one to bear, and yet focus on, what is too terrible to be borne, in contrast to wit, which always involves distraction or displacement away from the affective issue.


6. Autonomy of the Ego

Heinz Hartman (1939)

the Autonomous Ego

= fungsi ego yang



Persepsi, intuisi,


, learning,



bahasa,fase-fase perkembangan motorik, intelegensi

Primary Autonomy

 Area independen yang dalam fungsinya tidak bergantung dan

dikendalikan oleh insting

 stuff in the brain we are born with— perception, thinking,


Secondary Autonomy

 area “bebas konflik” yang dapat diperluas fungsinya di luar dari


drive influence


The Superego

Dikembangkan melalui introyeksi

Prinsip moralitas

Fungsi superego dalam konflik neurotik

adalah dalam bentuk ‘kata hati’



) atau perasaan-perasaan


Resolusi dr

oedipus complex  mll



Introyeksi dari kedua orang tua disatukan dan

diorganisir sebagai superego

Internalisasi figur kedua orang tua

berdasarkan pada usaha anak untuk

merepresi insting yang ditujukan pada

keduanya superego mempunyai hubungan

lebih erat dengan id daripada ego

Melalui periode laten  anak melanjutkan

identifikasi melalui kontak dengan guru, figur

yang dikagumi

standar dan nilai-nilai dari orang tua sudah

diinternalisasi ke dalam superego



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