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t pk 0809205 bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Alinawati, M. (2004). Peningkatan Mutu Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran melalui Media Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa (LKM). Tesis, Program Studi Pengembangan Kurikulum, Program pasca Sarjana, UPI, Bandung.

Anderson, L.W., Krathwohl. (2010). Kerangka Landasan untuk Pembelajaran, Pengajaran dan Asesmen : Revisi Taksonomi Pendidikan Bloom (Terjemahan). Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar.

Anderson, T., Elloumi, F. (2004). Theory and Practice of Online Learning. Canada : Athabasca University.

Arikunto, S. (2006). Prosedur Penelitian : Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta : PT Rineka Cipta.

Birbeck, D., Andre, K. (2009). The Affective Domain : Beyond Simply Knowing. Conference Proceedings : ATN Assessment Conference 2009, RMIT University.

Block, A., Udermann, B., Felix, M., Reineke, D., & Murray, S. R. (2008). Achievement and satisfaction in an online versus a traditional health and wellness course. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 4(1), 57-66.

Bloom, B. S. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives. Handbook 1: Cognitive domain. New York: David McKay.

Chou, P. N., Chen, H.H. (2008). Engagement in Online Collaborative Learning : A Case Study Using a Web 2.0 Tool. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. Vol. 4, No. 4, December 2008.

Cleveland-Innes, M. & Ally, M. (2006). Learning to Feel: Education, Affective Outcomes and The Use of Online Teaching and Learning.[Online]. Tersedia : http://www.eurodl.org/?p=&sp=full&article=285. [5 Juli 2011]

Cresswel, J.W. (2008). Educational Research : Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. New Jersey : Pearson Education.


Dabbagh, N., Ritland, B.B. (2005). Online Learning : Concept, Strategies, and Appliclation. New Jersey : Pearson Merril Prentice Hall.

Diaz, D. P., & Cartnal, R. B. (1999). Students' learning styles in two classes: Online distance learning and equivalent on-campus. College Teaching 47(4), 130-135.

Dick, W., Carey, L. (1990). The Systematic Design of Instruction. Dallas : Scott, Foresman and Company.

Dirkx, J.M,. Smith, R. O. (2004). Thinking Out of a Bowl of Spaghetti: Learning to Learn in Online Collaborative Groups dalam Roberts, T.S. (2004). Online Collaborative Learning : Theori and Practice. Melbourne : Idea Group Publishing.

Djaduri, D. (1990). Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Pelaksanaan Perkuliahan. Bandung : IKIP Bandung.

Djadjapriatna, D. (1989). Keterkaitan Persepsi Mahasiswa IKIP Bandung dalam MKDK dengan Prestasi Belajarnya. IKIP Bandung. Laporan Perkuliahan.

Doran, C. (2001). The Effective Use of Learning Groups in Online Education. Horizons in Adult Education, 15(2), 20-28.

Finn, S.M. (2000). An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Collaborative Activities and Enforced Due Dates in an Online Class. Thesis, Master of Science Degree, The Graduate College, University of Wisconsin – Stout.

Gagne, R. M. & Briggs, L. J. (1979). Principle of Instructional Design, (2nd ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Gokhale, A.A. (1995). Collaborative Learning Enhances Critical Thinking. Tersedia : http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JTE/v7n1/gokhale.jte-v7n1.html. [online]. Diakses tangga 13 Juni 2011.


Hong, K.-S. (2002). Relationships between students' and instructional variables with satisfaction and learning from a Web-based course. The Internet And Higher Education, 5(3), 267-281.

Hron, A., & Friedrich, H. F. (2003). A review of web-based collaborative learning: Factors beyond technology. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19, 70-79.

Huang, W., Luce, T., Lu, Y. (2005). Virtual team learning In Online MBA Education : An Empirical Investigation. Issues in Information Systems, Volume VI, No. 1, 2005.

Huitt, W. (2001) Krathwohl et al.’s taxonomy of the affective domain. Educational Psychology Interactive: Taxonomy of the Affective Domain (Valdosta, GA, Valdosta State University). [Online]. Tersedia : http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/col/affsys/affdom.html. [6 Juli 2011]

Hsu, W., C. (2002). Online Education on Campus : A Technological Frames Perspective on the Process of Technological Appropriation. Dissertation : Doctor of Philosophy in the faculty of Economics at the University of London. Ibrahim. (1988). Inovasi Pendidikan. Jakarta : Depdikbud.

Johnson, D. W., Johnson, R. T., & Smith, K. A. (1998). Cooperative learning returns to college. Change, 30(4), 26-76.

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Jollife, A., Ritter, J., Steven, D. (2001). The Online Learning Learning Hand Book : Developing and Using Web Based Learning. London : Kogan Page.

Joung, S., & Keller, J. M. (2004, October). The effects of high-structure cooperative versus low-structure collaborative design of decision change, critical thinking, and interaction pattern during online debates. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Chicago, IL.


Krathwohl, D., Bloom, B., & Masia, B. (1964). Taxonomy of educational objectives. Handbook II: Affective Domain. New York : David McKay Co.

Kearsley, G. (2000). Online education: learning and teaching in cyberspace. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Kirschner, P. A. (2004). Introduction to part I of two-part special issue: Design, development, and implementation of electronic learning environments for collaborative learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 52(3), 39-47.

Kustandi, C. (2008). Efektivitas Penggunaan Program Pembelajaran Interaktif Model Video Tutorial terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Ranah Kognitif pada Mata Pelajaran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi SMA. Tesis : Tidak diterbitkan.

Lang, H.R dan Evans, D.N. (2006). Model, Strategies, and Methodes for Effective Teaching. Boston : Pearson.

Li, Q. (2001). Understanding The Learning Process : An Exploration of Collaborative Learning In an Educational eNvironment Using Computer-Mediated Communication. Dissertation Doctor of Philosophy the Faculty of Graduate Studies of the University of Toronto : Not Published.

Lou, Y. (2004). Learning to Solve Complex Problems through Between-Group Collaboration in Project-Based Online Courses. Distance Learning, 25(1).

Lu, H., Jia, L., Gong, S.H., & Clark, B. (2007). The Relationship of Kolb Learning Styles, Online Learning Behaviors and Learning Outcomes. Educational Technology & Society, 10 (4), 187-196.

Mahdizadeh, M. (2007). Student Collaboration and Learning Knowledge Construction and Participation in an Asynchronous Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environment in Higher Education. Dissertation : Social Sciences Group, chair group of Education and Competence Studies, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Netherlands.

Makmun, A.S. (1983). Psikologi Kependidikan. Bandung : Pustaka Martiana. Melton, B., Graf, H., Foss, J.C. (2009). Achievement and Satisfaction in Blended


Meyer, S., Cronje, J., Eloff, I. (2005). CyberSufiver: Affective Considerations of “Surviving” Online Learning. University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Miarso, Y. (2004). Menyemai Benih Teknologi Pendidikan. Jakarta : Kencana Prenada Media Group.

Munir. (2008). Kurikulum Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. Bandung : Alfabeta.

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Nawari. (2010). Analisis Statistik dengan Ms. Excel 2007 dan SPSS 17. Jakarta : PT Elex Media Computindo.

Obermeyer, G. (2005). Mediated Conversations and The Affective Domain : Two Case Studies. International Journal on E-learning. April (1),2005.

Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2005). Collaborating online: Learning together in community. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Prakoso, K.S. (2005). Membangun E-learning dengan Moodle. Yogyakarta : ANDI.

Prastiti, S., D., Pujiningsih, S. (2009). Pengaruh Faktor Preferensi Gaya Belajar terhadap Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa Akuntansi. Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis, 14(3), November 2009.

Rauscher, W.J., Cronje, J.C. (2005). Online with Krathwohl : Affective Aspects of Learning in an Online Environment. SAJHE 19 (3) 2005 pp 104-118.

Roberts, T.S. (2004). Online Collaborative Learning : Theori and Practice. Melbourne : Idea Group Publishing.


Rovai, A.P., Barnum, K.T. (2002). On-Line Course Effectiveness: An Analysis of Student Interactions and Perceptions of Learning. Journal of distance education Revue de l’éducation à distance Spring/printemps 2003, Vol. 18, no 1, 57-73.

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Sadiman, A.S., dkk. (1986). Media Pendidikan : Pengertian, Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatannya. Jakarta : Rajawali Pers.

Sagala, S. (2005). Konsep dan Makna Pembelajaran. Bandung: CV. Alfabeta.

Sa’ud, U.S. (2008). Inovasi Pendidikan. Bandung : Alfabeta.

Sanjaya, W. (2005). Pembelajaran dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Berbasis Kompotensi. Jakarta: Prenada media.

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Santoso, S. (2010). Statistik Parametrik : Konsep dan Aplikasi dengan SPSS. Jakarta : PT Elex Media Computindo.


Smith, R.S. (2002). Learning In Virtual Teams: A Summary of Current Literature. Retrieved August 27, 2002. [Online]. Tersedia : http://www.msu.edu/?smithre9/Project12.htm. [6 Juli 2011]

Soekartawi. (2006). Effectiveness Of Collaborative Learning In Online Teaching. Malaysian Online Journal of Instructional Technology (MOJIT) Vol. 3, No.1, pp 68-77.

Sudjana, N. & Ibrahim. (1998). Penelitian dan Penilaian Pendidikan. Bandung: Sinar Baru.

Sugiyono. (1994). Metode Penelitian Administrasi : Bandung : Alfabeta.

Sukmadinata, N.,S. (2008). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Cetakan ke-4. Bandung : Kerjasama Program Pasca Sarjana UPI dan PT Remaja Rosda Karya.

Shen, J., Hiltz, S. R., Bieber, M. (2006). Collaborative Online Examinations : Impacts on Interaction, Learning, and Student Satisfaction.

Stacey, E. (1999). Collaborative learning in an online environment. Journal of Distance Education 14(2), 14-33.

Sturgill, A., Martin, W., & Gay, G. (1999). Surviving Technology: A Study of Student Use of Computer-Mediated Communication to Support Technology Education. International Journal of Educational Telecommunications, 5 (3), 239–259.

Susman, E. B. (1998). Cooperative learning: A review of factors that increase the effectiveness of cooperative computer-based instruction. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 18(4), 303-322.

Sutikno, M.S. (2007). Menggagas Pembelajaran Efektif dan Bermakna. Mataram : NTP Pres.

Turani, A. (2007). A Pedagogical Application Framework for Synchronous Collaboration. Dissertation : School of Electrical and Information Engineering, The University of Sydney.


Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.

Uribe, D., Klein, J. D. & Sullivan, H. (2003). The Effect of Computer-Mediated Collaborative Learning on Solving Ill-Defined Problems. Educational Technology Research and Development, 51(1), 5-19.

Warsita, B. (2008). Teknologi Pembelajaran : Landasan dan Aplikasinya. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta.

Wilson, G., & Stacey, E. (2004). Online interaction impacts on learning: Teaching the teachers to teach online. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 20 (1), 33-48. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers.

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Yulaelawati, E. (2004). Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran : Filosofi, Teori dan Aplikasi. Bandung : Pakar Raya.


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