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Designing multimedia for teaching vocabulary to the first grade students of Dombykid`s Hope 2 Yogyakarta - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain theSarjana PendidikanDegree

in English Language Education


Bernadia Hastiwi Widyasarastri

Student Number: 041214060












Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain theSarjana PendidikanDegree

in English Language Education


Bernadia Hastiwi Widyasarastri

Student Number: 041214060







ii A Thesis on




Bernadia Hastiwi Widyasarastri Student Number: 041214060

Approved by:

Date Dr. Retno Muljani, M.Pd. May 21, 2010


iii A Thesis on




Bernadia Hastiwi Widyasarastri Student Number: 041214060

Defended before the Board of examiners on June 14, 2010

and Declared Acceptable

Board of Examiners

Chairperson : C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. ____________

Secretary : Made Frida Yulia, S.Pd., M.Pd. ____________

Member : Dr. Retno Muljani, M.Pd. ____________

Member : Drs. Y.B. Gunawan, M.A. ____________

Member : C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. ____________

Yogyakarta, June 14, 2010

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma University





I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work

or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and

reference, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 14 June 2010

The Writer




Mintalah maka akan Kuberi,

Ketuklah maka pintu akan dibukakan.

A Deep dedication to: my lovely heavenly mother,

my lovely tough father, mb Enta,

dek Wowo, my Michael,

all family,

and all friends. JanjiMu Seperti Fajar Pagi Hari

Ketika kuhadapi kehidupan ini Jalan mana yang harus kupilih

Kutahu kutak mampu, Kutahu kutak sanggup Hanya Kau Tuhan tempat


Akupun Tahu kutak pernah sendiri Sebab Engkau Allah yang

menggendongku tanganMu membelaiku, cintaMu memuaskanku

Kau mengangkatku ke tempat yang tinggi

JanjiMu sperti fajar pagi hari Dan tiada pernah terlambat


CintaMu sperti sungai yang mengalir




I believe, I can finish my “masterpiece”, and I would like to say my

gratitude to everyone behind me in finishing this thesis.

The first is Jesus Christ for his blessing, forgiving me and always giving chance. He always reminds me to do this thesis and always gives the best to me. I

believe that I also glorify Him by writing this thesis.

I thank very much Dr. Retno Muljani, M.Pd. as my sponsor and my everything who helps me a lot during the process of writing this thesis. I thank for

guidance, patience, and support. I also would like to thank Agustinus Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.A., Gregorius Punto, S.Pd., M.Hum., Made Frida Yulia, S.Pd., M.Pd., Drs. Concilianus Laos Mbato, M.A., and all of PBI lectures and alsombakDani andMbakTari.

My sincere and deepest gratitude are addressed toibu,bapak,MbakEnta, and Dek Wowo for their irreplaceable love, patience, support, care, guidance, money, and everything. They have been waiting for me to finish my thesis for

about two years. I love them.

This is a big chance to express my gratitude to my classmates;

Hyancintha, Heni, Berta, Prima, Adi, Dede, Festy, and all PBI Students. They always helped me, gave me advice, and supported me, without them I would not



I would like to thank Marc Reid and Charlie who read and checked my grammar. I am deeply grateful to My Michaelwho wants to share his holy spirit, always asks how far my thesis is, always mocks me, and always loves me.

This is my honor to thankMasEric and Felixwho helped me to make my multimedia comes true. I thankErang and Destafor their music.

I would also express my gratitude to the big family ofDomby Kids Hope 2 Yogyakarta for allowing me to conduct this research and helping me. I thank

Mas Yusak,Mbak Indri, and all of mentors and tutors, and especially for the students there. They are my inspiration.

My gratitude also goes to my best friends; Nita, Mbak Tina, Empi, and Liafor their support, their advice, and their time when I need someone to talk.

Finally, I would like to show my gratitude to all those who have helped me

and supported me and could not be mentioned by names. Thank you so much,

without them this thesis might not have been finished.

Bernadia Hastiwi Widya Sarastri





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswi Universitas Sanata Dharma

Nama : Bernadia Hastiwi Widya Sarastri Nomor Mahasiswa : 041214060

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:



Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 14 Juni 2010

Yang menyatakan















ABSTRAK... xvi

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Research Background……….. 1

B. Problem Formulation………... 4

C. Problem Limitation………. 4

D. Objectives of The Study………. 5

E. Benefits of The Study………. 5

F. Definition of Terms………. 6

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW A. Theoretical Description……… 8

1. Instructional Designs……….. 8



b. CALL Design……… 11

2. Instructional method for designing the multimedia……… 15

3. Computer in Learning………. 17

4. Macromedia Flash 8……… 18

a. Artwork………. 18

b. Symbol and instance………. 18

c. Component……… 19

d. Asset……….. 19

e. Animation……….. 19

f. Movie and scene……… 20

g. Movie clip……….. 20

h. Document……… 20

5. Teaching English in the Elementary School………... 23

a. Children’s ability to grasp meaning………. 21

b. Children’s creative use of limited language resources… 22 c. Children’s capacity for indirect learning……… 23

d. Children’s instinct for play and fun……… 24

e. The role of imagination……….. 24

f. The instinct for interaction and talk………... 25

6. The nature of vocabulary learning…….……….. 25

a. Learning from meaning-focused input……….. 26

b. Deliberate learning……… 27

c. Learning from meaning-focused output……… 27

d. Fluency development……… 27

7. Holistic Learning……… 29

8. Description of the general curriculum and the goal of the English teaching-learning activities at Domby Kid’s Hope 2…… 30

B. Theoretical Framework 1. Analyzing learner characteristic……… 31

2. Formulating goals, topics, and general purposes………….. 31



4. Developing multimedia……… 31

5. Conducting evaluation and revision………. 32

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY A. Research Method………. . 35

1. Research and information collecting……… 36

2. Planning……… 36

3. Developing a preliminary form of product……….. 37

4. Preliminary field testing……… 37

5. Main product revision……….. 38

B. Research Participants………... . 39

C. Research Setting……… 40

D. Research Instruments……… 40

1. Interview……….. 40

2. Observation……….. 41

3. Questionnaire……… 41

E. Data Collection………. 41

F. Data Analysis Techniques………. 44

G. Research Procedures………. 46

1. Finding theories……… 46

2. Interviewing the tutors and observation……… 46

3. Designing the multimedia……… 46

4. Evaluating Multimedia……… 46

5. Designing the final multimedia……… 46

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULT A. The steps of designing the multimedia for teaching vocabulary to the first grade students of Domby Kid’s Hope2 Yogyakarta... 47

1. Analyzing learners’ characteristics……….. 47

2. Formulating goals, topics, and general purposes…………. 51

3. Formulating learning objectives………. . 52



a. Activity types……… 53

b. Presentation scheme………. 56

c. Multimedia production………. 57

5. Conducting evaluation and revision………. 59

a. Evaluation... 59

1) Expert validation... 60

2) Material try out... 63

b. Revisions... 64

B. The presentation of the design set of instructional media... 65


B. Suggestions………. 68





Table Page

Table 3.1: Product Specification……….. 38

Table 3.2: The overall process of data collection………. 43

Table 3.3: The research result calculation form……….. 44

Table 4.1: The result of the interview………. 48

Table 4.2: Class observation note……….. 50

Table 4.3: Topics and titles of the designed multimedia……... 51

Table 4.4: List of general purposes……… 52

Table 4.5: List of learning objectives………. 52

Table 4.6: Data Calculation of the participants’ opinion toward the designed multimedia………... 61

Table 4.7: The result of the interview in the materials try out……. 63




Figure Page

Figure 2.1: Kemp’s Instructional Design Model……… 11

Figure 2.2: CALL Methodology Framework……… 12

Figure 2.3: Development Module………. 15

Figure 2.4: The writer’s Synchronization Instructional Design……. 34

Figure 3.1: Research Development Study combined with Kemp and CALL steps instructional design……… 39

Figure 4.1: Unit 1: Greeting ……….. 54

Figure 4.2: Drilling in unit 1 ………. 55

Figure 4.3: Game in Unit 1 ……… 56

Figure 4.4: Domby Picture ……… 57

Figure 4.5: Jane Picture ………. 57

Figure 4.6: Ben Picture ………. 57



Widyasarastri, Bernadia Hastiwi. 2010. Designing Multimedia for Teaching Vocabulary to the First Grade Students of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

The most of children at Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta are unmotivated in learning, hopeless, pessimistic, and poor. The tutors need special strategy to teach them, especially teach English. However, the students have to learn English because Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta wants to prepare them to guide their own life in globalization era. Nowdays, the technology influences English learning. computer can be used as a medium in teaching. Considering that, this study aimed at developing multimedia for teaching vocabulary for the first grade of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta.

There were two questions formulated in the problem formulation i. e. (1) how is multimedia for teaching vocabulary for the first grade of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta designed? (2) what does the designed multimedia look like?. To answer the first question, the writer employed the adaptation of Kemp and CALL instructional design which related with Reasearch and Development (R&D) steps. There were five instructional design steps employed in this study, namely, (1) analyzing learner characteristics, (2) formulating goals, topics, and general purposes, (3) formulating learning objectives, (4) developing instructional multimedia, and (5) conducting evaluation and revision.

In this study, the data obatined through the research and information collecting step served as the basis to develop the multimedia. After designing the multimedia, the writer conducted expert validation to gain evaluation on the designed multimedia from two tutors of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta and two English lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. Besides, the designed multimedia were tried out to the students of the first grade of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta and were evaluated by the students. The data from the expert validation and materials try out were analyzed using qualitative data analysis. The evaluation was then employed as the basis for revisions. The revisions included the pronunciation, pictures, text, game, song, and the instructions of the designed multimedia.



Widyasarastri, Bernadia Hastiwi. 2010. Designing Multimedia for Teaching Vocabulary to the First Grade Students of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Anak-anak Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta adalah anak-anak yang kurang motivasi dalam belajar, tidak berpengharapan, mudah putus asa, dan miskin. Para pengajar Domby Kid’s Hope 2 membutuhkan strategi khusus untuk mengajar anak-anak Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta, khususnya dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris. Bagaimanapun juga, siswa-siswi harus belajar Bahasa Inggris karena Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta ingin mempersiapkan mereka untuk menghadapi globalisasi. Dan sekarang ini, teknologi mempengaruhi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Komputer dapat digunakan sebagai media pengajaran. Mempertimbangkan hal itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan multimedia untuk pengajaran vocabulary pada kelas satu Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta.

Dalam penelitian ini, ada dua pertanyaan dalam perumusan masalah yaitu (1) bagaimanakah multimedia untuk penganjaran vocabulary pada kelas satu dari Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta dirancang? (2) bagaimanakah penyajian multimedia yang telah disusun tersebut? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan pertama, penulis mengadaptasi model perancangan instruksional yang dikembangkan oleh Kemp and CALL yang sama dengan langkah-langkah Reasearch and Development (R&D). Terdapat lima langkah perancangan instruksional dalam penelitian ini, yakni (1) pengidentifikasian karakter siswa, (2) perumusan tujuan besar, topik, dan tujuan umum, (3) perumusan tujuan pembelajaran, (4) pengembangan multimedia, dan (5) pengadaan evaluasi dan revisi multimedia.

Dalam penelitian ini, data yang diperoleh melalui penelitian dan pengumpulan informasi digunakan sebagai dasar pengembangan multimedia. Setelah selesai merancang multimedia, penulis mengadakan expert validation untuk mendapatkan evaluasi multimedia dari dua tutor Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta dan dua dosen Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma. Selain itu, multimedia yang telah selesai dirancang diujikan pada siswa kelas 1 Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta dan dievaluasi oleh mereka sendiri. Data yang telah diperoleh dari expert validation dan pengujian multimedia kemudian dianalisis menggunakan kualitatif data. Evaluasi kemudian digunakan sebagai acuan untuk perevision multimedia. Perevisian meliputi pelafalan, gambar, teks, permainan, lagu, dan petunjuk dari multimedia.





This chapter is divided into seven parts. They are the background of the

study, problem identification, problem limitation, problem formulation, objectives

of the study, benefit of the study, and definition of terms.


Research Background

Nowadays, English is very important. English is a global language.

According to Crystal (2000), “global language” is a means of communication that

is recognized in every country. According to him, there are the closest links

between language dominance and economic, technological, and cultural power.

Technology, primarily in the form of movies and records, fuelling new mass

entertainment industries which expand by using English. The use of English offers

an international intellectual and research environment in which scholarship and

further education are pursued, thus, it is through transfers of knowledge in English

that scientific and technological progress is enabled (Crystal, 2000). The scientific

and technological dominance of English speaking nations means that international

students must learn English if they wish to benefit from this knowledge.

In Indonesia, governmental and nongovernmental organisations are

concerned by the needs for English in global life. The government has formulated

a policy that English should be taught as a compulsory lesson starting from when


learn. In Yogyakarta, there are many Non Governmental Organisations (NGO)

working in social and education field. Many NGOs offers free education. One of

these NGOs is Domby Kid’s Hope. It serves children who are poor. Domby Kid’s

Hope 2 Yogyakarta is an informal school for children who are living on poverty

line nearbyKali Code. This informal school has about 201 students who are 3-19 years old. Domby Kid’s Hope is similar to formal school and it teaches some

subjects. The environment where Domby Kid’s Hope 2 children live does not

support them in learning. They are unmotivated, hopeless, and pessimistic

(Paduan Pembina DOMBY KID’S HOPE 2, 2008).

English is the one of subjects which Domby Kid’s Hope 2 teaches to the

children. The following are two reasons why English is taught starting from the

first grade. Firstly, the children are prepared to guide their own life in

globalization era. The second reason is the children are good language learners.

According to Halliwell (1992), children have a well-established set of instincts,

skills, and characteristics which will help them to learn another language. At this

age, children are capable of learning many new words.

However, the practice of teaching Domby’s children is different from

teaching other children generally. The tutors at Domby Kid’s Hope discover many

difficulties to motivate them for learning. Because of the children’s special

characteristics that are unmotivated, hopeless, and pessimistic, the tutors should

have special strategies so they want to learn and with reference to this study,


Moreover, the students’ mind set is English difficult to learn because it is foreign

language. as a result, they are affraid of learning English.

On the other hand, the development of technology influences English

learning to be a modern language learning process. Recently, the teacher has used

a computer as medium for teaching. Computer software can offer language

learning in effective ways by using videos, sounds, or many pictures. These can

help students to learn the language (Philips, 1992). These developments have

influenced some researchers to develop software that utilizes computers in the

language learning. The most famous example is CALL or Computer-Assisted

Language Learning. In Hubbard’s research (1992), many teachers have big

questions about how personal computers can assist Language learning.

Some researchers develop multimedia to assist language learning.

Multimedia is the form of software that combinates some media, they are pictures,

flash cards, videos, and sounds. The effect of teaching by using multimedia is

very great. The students can have meaningful experiences in learning because the

students can see, hear, and practice through media(Heinich er al., 1993:5).

Therefore, there is an oppurtunity to integrate multimedia tools into the

teaching activities at Domby Kid’s Hope 2 in order to create a more fullfilling of

richer learning experience. The coordinator interviewed said the aim of teaching

English in Domby Kid’s Hope 2 is to make the students like learning English. He

thinks that multimedia will be a good solution of students’ fearness of English.

In conclusion, remembering the needs of English in global life, in school,


technology in learning, the writer has tried to design a set of multimedia for

teaching vocabulary by using software for the first grade students of Domby Kid’s

Hope 2. Since the design involves animation, pictures, and sounds that can give

meaningful experience in learning English, it is hoped that the students who have

special characteristics can enjoy learning English.


Problem Formulation

From the background, the researcher can formulate the problem

formulation, they are:


How is a set of multimedia for teaching vocabulary to the first grade

students of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 designed?


What does the designed set of multimedia for teaching vocabulary to the

first grade of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 look like?


Problem Limitation

This research tries to design a set of multimedia for teaching vocabulary

English in Domby Kid’s Hope 2 by using software. The set of multimedia can

help students and the tutors to make the teaching learning activities interesting and

effective. By using characters of animation, picture, and sound, this design offers

meaningful learning experience for children.

Since the multimedia is designed to be used by the first grade student of

Domby Kid’s Hope 2, therefore the materials provide an introduction to the


vocabulary (Slaterry and Willis, 2001). However, the basic vocabulary will

provide an important foundation for future learning, including advanced



Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are as follows:

1. To describe the steps in designing multimedia for teaching vocabulary to the

first grade students of DOMBY KID’S HOPE 2.

2. To present the designed multimedia for teaching vocabulary to the first

grade students of DOMBY KID’S HOPE 2.


Benefit of the Study

The benefits of this research are:

1. For the first grade of DOMBY KID’S HOPE 2

The multimedia designed by using software provides fun in learning

teaching activities so it can help the first grade of DOMBY KID’S HOPE 2

students enjoy learning English and contribute to improving their lives. Hopefully,

they can master the language.

2. For English tutors of DOMBY KID’S HOPE 2

This study can be a suggestion of how to teach English towards the goal of

helping the students have better understanding. The teachers can use multimedia


3. For DOMBY KID’S HOPE 2 children

By using the multimedia, children can learn with fun and they can then

feel more confident in learning English in their formal school.

4. For other Social Organisations

This study can provide information to other social organizations providing

suggestions in teaching children with special characteristics. By using interesting

media it helps make the student’s learning more enjoyable.

5. For the researcher

This study can be used as one of the references in the design of

multimedia. So it can be inspiration to other researchers who may build on the

conclusions with their own investigations.


Definition of Terms

This study presents six importance terms which are used in this research.

They are:

1. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a number of words that is found in daily life. The

vocabulary is the foundation of learning English to the higher level.

2. Multimedia

Media are means for helping teaching learning activities. According to

Hamalik (1994) media are means of teaching which can be touched, seen,

listened, or/and watched and these are used as communication means between the


which have different variations (sounds, pictures, and animation) especially with

computers, one example is Encarta. In this study, the multimedia combines sounds, pictures, and animation. The second example is Barney. This uses a funny dynosour named Barnney as the main character. Barrney guides the students in learning English by using songs to attract the students. In this study,

the writer uses a lamb, named Domby, to guide the students in learning.

3. DOMBY KID’S HOPE 2 Yogyakarta

DOMBY KID’S HOPE 2 Yogyakarta is an informal school managed by

Yayasan Pelita Bangsa. It is located at Terban nearby Kali Code. This organisation serves marginalized people. It concentrates activities on children’s

education start from 3 to 19 years old. The goal of this organisation is to reduce

the numbers of people living in poverty.

4. First grade students of DOMBY KID’S HOPE 2 Yogyakarta

The first grade students of DOMBY KID’S HOPE 2 Yogyakarta are





This chapter discusses the research method, research participants, research

setting, research instruments, data gathering, instruments, data analysis

techniques, and research procedures.

A. Research Method

The method of study used research and development study (R&D Study).

According to Brog and Gall (1985:772), educational research and development

(R&D) is “a process used to develop and validate educational products”. The

term “products” in Brog and Gall’s definition referred to instructional materials.

In this study, the product is multimedia for teaching vocabulary. The writer

applied R&D methodology since this research type matched the steps in

designing multimedia as described in the theoretical framework in chapter two.

The R & D cycle consists of ten steps (Brog and Gall, 1985: 772) those

steps are research and information collecting, planning, developing preliminary

form of product, preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field

testing, operational product revision, operational field testing, final product

revision, and dissemination and implementation. However, this research did not

use all of the steps described by Brog and Gall (1985:775). Nonetheless, this

study only applied step one until step five because the steps fit into the writer’s


which consisted of five steps. The five steps of the modified R & D study

employed in this study are;

1. Research and Information Collecting

There were two parts in the research and information collecting step. They

were review of literature and learners’ need analysis. Each was described further

as follows.

a. Review of literature provided some references and information as the basis of

the study. From the literature review the writer used theories to support the

design of multimedia for teaching vocabulary, namely, the theories of

instructional designs, vocabulary, the nature of computer assisted learning,

teaching English for Elementary School, and multimedia design.

b. Learners’ need analysis was done by conducting observation and

interviewing the tutors in Domby Kid’s Hope 2. The needs analysis focused

on measuring the students’ interest, motivation, and needs in learning


2. Planning

The planning step was when the writer set goals and general purposes,

decided topics that were suitable for the students’ needs and interests, and

formulated objectives that the students were expected to achieve. This step was

similar to step 2 and step 3 in designing materials synchronized from Kemp and


3. Developing a Preliminary Form of Product

In this step, the writer prepared the media, handbooks, pictures, and songs

to make attractive multimedia by using Flash 8 software. The selection of

materials and activities was based on the analysis of the data obtained from the

research and information collecting with the stated objectives as guides and also

goals to achieve. Since the design needed to be evaluated, the instrument of the

evaluation was also developed. This step was similar to step 4 which was adapted

from the CALL Design.

4. Preliminary Field Testing

This step contains expert validation and materials validation. The term

expert validation means that the writer needed to gain feedback, comments, and

suggestions from some respondents who were considered as expert on designing

materials. The respondents were tutors of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta and

English lectures of Sanata Dharma University. They were chosen because they

had experiences in designing and teaching learning process.

Another term was materials validation. In this study, the materials

changed, it became multimedia. The writer tried out the media designed to the

first grade of Domby Kid’s hope 2 Yogyakarta. After that, the writer distributed

questionnaire to the tutors and the lectures.

As a result, there were two methods used in this step. They were trying out

the designed media and expert validation. This step was combined with

evaluating the designed media as in step 5 in designing materials adapted from


5. Main Product Revision

In this step, the writer revised the multimedia based on the result of the

evaluation obtained in the fourth step. That is the main product revision. This

step was similar to step 5 in designing materials adapted from Kemp’s and CALL

Design. The specification of product in this study is explained as follows.

3.1 Table Product Specification

Aspects Specification

Name Multimedia for teaching vocabulary for the first

grade students of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta

Purpose To enable the students to be able to understands and

use the vocabulary about daily life.

Target The first grader of Domby Kid’s Hope 2


Language skill Listening

Sources Text book and CD Room,

Time allocation 3 meetings x (2x30’)

Type of product Software (CD Room)

The use of materials As media used in class with teacher’s guide

Activities Singing songs about the materials, watching the

simultion of the use of vocabulary, and playing


Strategies Class discussion

Evaluation tools Quiz

The writer illustrated the comparison between the R&D cycle and the

writer’s Synchronization result of Kemp and CALL design. The comparison is


Figure 3.1 Research Development Study Related to Kemp and CALL Steps of Instructional Design


Research Participants

The respondents were the First grade students (12 students), two tutors of

English in Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta and two lectures of English

Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The tutors were

interviewed to find information about materials suitable for the students, to get

learners’ characteristics, and information about the situation and facilities in

Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta. The interview and classroom observation were


In the preliminary field testing step, the lectures of Sanata Dharma

Unversity and the tutors were asked to fill in the questionnaires to get their

feedbacks and suggestions the media designed. It was very useful to get the final

revision of the media so that the media were appropriate for the First grade



Research Setting

This research was done in Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta. This study

was conducted on May 2009-May 2010.


Research Instruments

In this Study, the writer uses observation, interview, and questionnaires

session for the instrument.

1. Interview

There are two types of interview that Ary (1979:175) has identified,

namely; structured and unstructured interviews. In structured interview it is

accepted that all the questions have been prepared and printed in formal situation.

The difference with the unstructured interview it is more informal and more

similar to common conversation. The interviews are to get the deeper information

about the learners’ characteristics and the situation condition in Domby Kid’s

Hope 2 Yogyakarta, and when the writer needs more information about anything

that can support the software design. The researcher interviews two English


2. Observation

Observation was to find data that is needed for the researcher. In order to

understand the English teaching-learning activities carried out at Domby Kid’s

Hope 2, the researcher conducted two observations. The researcher observed the

learners’ responses during the English teaching-learning activities to understand

their real behaviors and activities in class. The observations were done in class,

outside of class, the facility, and English teaching-learning activity in Domby

Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta.

3. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a list of questions asking about people’s opinion (Elliot,

1991:82). The questionnaires were distributed to the tutors and lectures of English

Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. There are two types of

questionnaires (Ary et al, 2002), one is structured or closed form and the other one

is unstructured or open form. The questionnaires used both closed-ended

questions and open-ended questions. It was used to get their suggestions on the

materials. The suggestions were important to make final revisions of the design so

that the software would be most beneficial to First grade students of Domby Kid’s

Hope 2 Yogyakarta.

E. Data Collection

In the research and information collecting step, the researcher gathered the

data from two sources. The first was some books and internet sources relevant to


1. Models of Instructional Material Design

2. Books and articles concerning the theory of CALL

3. Books and articles concerning the theory of teaching and learning


4. Books and article concerning the theory of teaching children

5. Books and articles concerning the theory of multimedia

The second was the data from interviews and observations, included for

designing the Multimedia. The observation was conducted after the writer

interviewed the tutors. The observation data was to find out characteristic of the

students, the tutor, and the facilitation in Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta that

could enhance teaching learning activities. After the data from the research and

information collecting were gathered, the writer analyzed them, and then designed

the media.

In the preliminary field testing step, the data were gathered by distributing

questionnaires to lectures of Sanata Dharma University and the tutors of Domby

Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta. The questionnaires used both opened and closed


In addition, the data from the preliminary field testing was analyzed to

improve and finally present the final version of the media. The whole process of


Table 3.2 The Overall Process of Data Collection

Step Instrument Respondents Data gathered Research

Problem Time Research and informatio n collecting Review of literature -Theories of instructional design, instructional media, CALL design, teaching children, and the nature of


1 January – April 2009

Interview Tutors of Domby Kid’s Hope 2

Yogyakarta Students’ characteristic, material sources used, students’ difficulties, students’ interest and problem in teaching English.

1 May 2009


The first grade students of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta Students’ characteristic, material sources used, students’ difficulties, students’ interest, problem in teaching English, and facilities in Domby

1 May 2009

Preliminar y Field Testing

Questionnair es

The tutors of Domby Kid’s

Hope 2 Yogyakarta

And The lectures of Sanata Dharma


Evaluation on the



Data Analysis

First, the researcher was doing observation of the learners’ characteristic,

the facilitation, and the students’ needs by using check list.

Second, questions in interview session were to get the data that would be

useful in making the appropriate instructional media for them. The data from

these interviews were analyzed. Then, all the data from observations and

interviews was gathered together to inform the design of the material in addition

to information taken from some books and internet sources.

Fourth, the measurement of the lectures’ opinions uses to make final

revision. The assessments of the lectures’ opinion on the design used five points

of agreements:

1= if they strongly disagree with the statement

2=if they disagree with the statement

3=if they neither agree nor disagree, or they do not know or doubt.

4= if they agree with the statement

5= if they strongly agree with the statement

The descriptive statistics uses the central tendency (mean, median, and

mode) of the respondents’ opinion on the multimedia design. They are presented

in the following table.

Table 3.3 The Research Result Calculation Form

No Respondent’s opinion on


There are three ways to obtain a measure of central tendency. They are:

a. The mean, it is symbolized as M, is the arithmetic average of all

the scores.

The formula to get Mean is:

  

= Mean

The sum of the scores 

 Raw score

 Number of respondents

b. The median is symbolized as Mdn. The median is the exact

midpoint of any distribution, or the point that separates the upper

half from the lower half.

c. The Mode is symbolized as Mo. The mode is the most frequently

occurring, score in the distribution.

The assessment of central tendency of every statement was categorized as

in the following page:

1-2 : BAD. It means that the writer had to change the nature of the

designed multimedia.

3 : FAIR. It means that the writer had to revise or improve the

designed multimedia.

4-5 : GOOD. The writer would keep the nature of the designed



Research Procedure

The research is separated into two stages first is pre-design, the second is

post-design, conducted as follows:

1. Finding theories

The writer read some books to find theories to support this research and

browse the Internet to find some information.

2. Interviewing the tutors and doing observation.

In this phase, the writer interviewed the two English tutors and observed

the teaching-learning class of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta. The

results are used to propose the instructional materials for them.

3. Designing the multimedia

By using the results and based on the literary review, the writer designed

the materials.

4. Evaluating the designed multimedia

Once the multimedia was done, and then the writer distributed 4

questionnaires for 2 lectures of English Education Study Program of

Sanata Dharma University and to 2 tutors to get opinions and suggestions

about the designed multimedia. Then, the multimedia was tried out to the

first graders of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta. To get feed back or the

multimedia try out, the writer interviewed all the students.

5. Designing the final multimedia

After the writer received the questionnaire of lectures’ and tutors’ opinions





This chapter presents the results of the research to answer the questions

stated in the Problem Formulation in Chapter I. The questions are how is

multimedia for teaching English to first grade students of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 designed? And what does the designed set of multimedia for teaching vocabulary

to the first grade students of DOMBY KID’S HOPE 2 look like? To analyze them,

this chapter is divided into four topics. Those are the results of the multimedia,

results of the survey research, discussion, and the presentation of the multimedia.

A. The steps of designing the multimedia for teaching vocabulary to the first grade students of Domby Kid’s Hope2 Yogyakarta

The writer conducted five steps of designing multimedia adapted from

Kemp’s (1977) and CALL design by Hubbard (Penningthon, 1996). These steps

were analyzing learners’ characteristics, formulating goals, topics, and general

purpose, formulating objectives, developing multimedia, conducting evaluation

and revision. The deeper findings of each step are explained below.

1. Analyzing learners’ characteristics

The purpose of this step is to decide what is to be learned. In order to

know what to be learned, the writer conducted interview and observation. Firstly,


Hope 2 Yogyakarta by employing an unstructured interview. The interview was

conducted on June 3rd, 2009. The results of the interview are presented as


Table 4.1: The Result of the Interview

No Statement Results

1. Students’ characteristics The students regard English as a new thing for them. They think English is difficult for them. They are unmotivated to learn English.

2. Experience in teaching  There are meetings once a week. Each meeting takes 2 hours.

 The tutors hand out the materials without any curriculum.

 The tutors teach the students monotonously. The tutors only distrubute the materials and let the students answering some quetions.  The general tutors teach without any

preparation. They do not make a lesson plan.

 The teaching learning activity is held in a very small classroom without chairs.  The students always feel bored when

they study English.

3. Method The English tutors teach the student without any method.

4. References The tutors compile their materials from text books for the first grader.

5. Difficulties the students found in English classes

The students are unsecured in learning English because they think English is something new and a difficult thing. They are unmotivated to learn English.


7. Material Domby does not have recent material 8. Suggestion for teaching


 The multimedia can help to create an informal situation so the students do not realize if they are actually studying English.

 The teaching learning activities are not monotone. They can play a game or sing a song

From the interview, there were some points to note as a consideration to

design the material:

1) The topics and material should be appropriate for the first graders of

Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta.

2) The teaching learning activities should be not monotone in order to

motivate the students in learning English.

3) The multimedia should encourage the students to enjoy and like learning


4) The multimedia provides such fun activities.

As the next step, the writer observed the class activities and the facilities

that Domby Kid’s Hope 2 has. The first observation was done on June 10th, 2009

and the second one on June 11th, 2009. The following page presented of the data


Table 4.2: Class Observation Note Day/date :Thursday/ June 10th, 2009

Tutor : Ms. B

Learners : 6-8 class students (first grade) Location : Domby classroom

Time : 12.00p.m-02.00p.m


The tutor greeted the students in English and the students responded it.

The tutor asked for a volunteer student to lead the prayer but none wanted to lead it. Then the tutor asked one student to lead the prayer in English with the tutor’s help.

The tutor reviewed the previous materials.

The tutor started to give a task to the students by writing some questions on the whiteboard.

The tutor gave some time for the students to do the task. The tutor asked the students to submit the task.


The tutor discussed the answers of the task. The tutor made a quiz to review the material Closing

The second observation was to investigate the facilities that Domby has.

The writer found out:

1) Domby has six computers that are used for learning activities.

2) Domby has internet connection that is used for learning activities.

3) Domby has one television set, one DVD player, and one VCD

player that are used for learning activities. Because of ill-prepared

teaching, the tutor does not have time to prepare the media.

4) Domby has many English books and English songs on VCD.


2. Formulating goals, topics, and general purposes

Based on the gathered information from the observation and interviews,

the writer subsequently formulated the goals. The goals of the design show what

the students will be able to do after finishing doing all of the instructions. The

goals of the designed multimedia are as follows:

1) Motivating the students in learning English.

2) Give the students the ability to understand simple and basic


3) Give the students the ability to identify the names of certain objects

around them in English.

4) Give the students the ability to mention the names of certain

objects around them in English.

After formulating the goals, the writer established the topics to be presented in the

designed multimedia. The topics were formulated based on the goals of the

developed multimedia. In formulating the topics, the writer considered two points.

First, the writer reviewed some text books for English for first graders, whether

these topics were appropriate or not to be given to the first grade students of

Domby Kid’s Hope 2. Second, the writer chose to the topics that were interesting

for the students by considering the results of the research and information

collecting. As a result, there were three topics selected in this study. The writer

also put a title on each unit. The topics were as follows:

Table 4.3: Topics and Titles of the Designed Multimedia

No Topics Title

1. Introducing people and greeting Greeting

2. Parts of body My Body


After the goals and topics were formulated, the next step was formulating the

general purposes of materials in designed multimedia. The general purposes are

what the learner is expected to be able to do after finishing the multimedia. The

general purposes were formulated as follows:

Table 4.4: List of General Purposes

Unit Title General purpose

1 Greeting

At the end of a lesson, the students are able to respond to conversation related to the expressions of introducing and greeting people accurately and fluently.

2 My body

At the end of a lesson, the students are able to have general understanding of parts of the body.

3 My senses

At the end of a lesson, the students are able to respond to conversation related to the expressions of people’s senses accurately and fluently.

3. Formulating learning objectives

The writer was formulating learning objectives in this step. The learning

objectives indicated particular skills to acquire and types of behaviour in order to

meet the stated goals. Additionally, the writer formulated the learning objectives

based on the topics of the units. The learning objectives were presented as


Table 4.5: List of Learning Objectives

Unit Title Learning Objective

1 Greeting

Students are able to:

 Identify the expressions for greeting people

 Identify the expressions for introducing people


 Respond expressions of introducing people

2 My body

Students are able to:

 Identify parts of the body  Mention parts of the body

3 My senses

Students are able to:

 Identify the expressions for people’s senses

 Respond the expressions of people’s senses

4. Developing multimedia

After goals and objectives had been formulated, the next step was

developing the multimedia. In CALL steps that the writer adopted, there were four

steps that were presented as follows:

a. Activity types

Activities types are the general form of the exercises. The multimedia

consisted of three units, and each unit consisted of four activity types, they were

simulation, drilling, sing a song, and games. First was simulation, the characters

simulated the material by giving the correct form of the expressions. In unit 1,

Domby greeted the students with the correct expressions and they had to respond.


In Unit 2, Dom

saying “these are my

act and say what the


Second was dr

done by the teacher

multimedia was easy

played. The first thing

repeat the word or phr

presented in the next pa

Figure 4.1 Unit 1: Greeting

Domby and friends showed the students parts of

my knees”. In Unit 3, the simulation was Dom

they were doing. For example says Domby:

s drilling the vocabulary. The control of the m

her, so the teacher can repeat the vocabula

sy to operate, by just clicking the words the sound

hing that the students had to do was to listen

phrase, and finally saying the word. The drill

xt page

ts of their body by

omby and friends’

y: “I taste an ice

he multimedia was

bulary freely. This

he sound would be

n to Domby, then


Third was sing

this multimedia. Each

song. They were “hell

in unit 2, “have you

sunshine”. The last w

the students had to gu

multimedia will pay a

‘try again’. In unit 3,

that they can taste, sm

page is an example of

Figure 4.1: Drilling in Unit 1

singing a song. There were four songs that we

ach unit had one song and the closing for all

ello how are you” in unit 1, “head, shoulders, kne

ou ever smelled?” in unit 3, and for closing “

st was game. In unit 1 and 2, there were some pic

guess the vocabulary or expression. If the answ

y a compliment; ‘excellent!’. But if it was wr

3, the students were asked to choose the items

, smell, hear, touch, or see. The following pic

of the game.

were presented in

all units used one

s, knees, and toes”

ng “sing a song of

pictures for which

nswer was true, the

wrong, it will say

ms on the pictures


b. Presentation schem

The presentati

including the modaliti

control option, the for

input. Nevertheless,

teacher, the students onl

For the screen

sound, music, and pic

can move. ‘Frame by

different frame and

moving. However, the

background of the ani

Figure 4.2: Game in Unit 1


ntation scheme determines how the language wi

lities (text, audio, graphics, and video), screen

form of input judging, and the feed back in

ss, all the control of this program was in the

s only watch and do what the program asks for.

een layout of this multimedia the writer used

pictures. By using ‘frame by frame animation’

by frame animation’ means every animated pic

nd every frame is played together so the anim

the writer still used the ‘tween animation’ method

animation. Here, the writer only put the animate

will be presented,

en layout, help and

in response to the

the hands of the


used animation with

on’, the animation

picture is made in

nimation was like

ethod to make the


first and the last fram

Domby, Jane, and Ben

Figure 4.3 Dom

Figure 4.5 Ben

c. Multimedia Produc

The main soft

However, the writer

design the multimedi

specifications used:

1. Intel Dual Cor 2. 120G SATA 3. 12.1” WXGA

ame. There were three characters in this multi

en. The pictures of them are presented as follow

omby picture Figure4.4 Jane pictur

en Picture


software to create this multimedia was Macrom

ter needed additional hardware and supporti

edia. The following page showed the details of

ore T5550 CPU

A wide screen display

ultimedia, they are



cromedia Flash 8.

supporting software to


4. Wireless LAN Additional hardware:

1. Microphone

2. Stereo headphones

3. Scanner

There are some supporting software:

1. Cool Editor

2. Corel Draw

The form of the multimedia was software in VCD. In one class there was

only one computer that would be played the multimedia. All the control of the

multimedia was under the teacher’s control.

The teacher would see the front page which contained some navigation

menus, they were Greeting, My Body, My Senses, and an exit button. In each

unit, the students would meet Domby, Jane, and Ben. They would ask the students

to repeat the vocabulary, sing a song, and play a game. After finishing one unit,

the teacher can go back to the front page by clicking the home button and do the

exercise again, or quit the program by clicking the exit button. There was one

song for closing each unit. The flowchart of this multimedia can be seen on the


Figure 4.6 Flowchart of multimedia operation

5. Conducting Evaluation and Revision

After the multimedia was finished, the writer then conducted an evaluation

research to two lecturers of the English Education Study Program of Sanata

Dharma University and two English tutors of Domby Kid’s Hope 2. Then, the

writer revised the multimedia based on the result of the evaluation.

a. Evaluation (Preliminary Field of Testing )

After finishing the designed multimedia, the writer conducted the

preliminary field testing. This step was conducted to know the appropriateness of

the multimedia for teaching the first grader of DOMBY Kid’s Hope 2 and

evaluate the materials. The writer conducted the prelimanary field testing through


techniques were conducted in separated time, since the respondents were also


1) Expert Validation

In this step, the writer distributed the designed multimedia to two lectures

of English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma and two English tutors of

Domby Kid’s Hope 2, and asked them to fill the questionnaire. The evaluation

questionnaires were employed to know the respondents’ general opinion towards

the designed materials. The writer determined a scale ranging from 1 to 5 as

degree of agreements toward the statements in the questionnaires. The scale

describes as follows:

1= if they strongly disagree with the statement

2=if they disagree with the statement

3=if they neither agree nor disagree, or they do not know or doubt.

4= if they agree with the statement

5= if they strongly agree with the statement

There were four respondents to answer 14 questions in the questionnaires.


Table 4.6 Data calculations of the participants’ opinion toward the designed multimedia

No Respondent’s opinion on

Central Tendency

N Mn Md

1 Topics in each unit are interesting and relevant for the children aged 6-8 years old (first grader).

4 4 4

2 The types of exercises and activities are good and can facilitate the students to understand the materials.

4 3.75 4

3 The contents of the material are easy to fit curriculum 4 3.75 4

4 The contents of the material are well organized. 4 3.75 4

5 The contents of the material are interesting 4 4.25 4

6 The contents provide effective practice learning. 4 2.75 3

7 The contents provide meaningful interaction between multimedia and learner.

4 4 4

8 The contents provide communicative interaction between students.

4 2.25 2

9 The instructions of the multimedia are clear. 4 2.25 1

10 The layout of the designed is interesting for students and teacher.

4 4.5 5

11 The program operation is easy to follow. 4 3 4

12 The multimedia is suitable for teaching the students with special educational needs.

4 2.75 3

13 This multimedia contributes to the learning

scenario in ways that cannot be achieved equally well by other resources (non-multimedia based).

4 3.5

-14 Generally the multimedia are well developed 4 3.5 4

Total mean score 3.43

Based on the results of the respodents’ opinions on the designed

multimedia, it was found that the total mean score was 3.43. Therefore, as stated


could be concluded that the writer had to revise or improve the designed

multimedia. There were four respodents’ opinions that were categorized as bad.

First, the contents of the designed multimedia did not provide effective practice

learning. Second, the contents of the multimedia did not provide communicative

interaction between students. The third was about the instructions of the

multimedia which were not clear. The last opinion was about the multimedia

which was not suitable for teaching the students with special educational needs.

However, not all of the respondets knew about Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta

so their expectation might be different. In order to improve whether the

respondents’ opinions were suitable to Domby Kids Hope 2 children or not, the

writer applied the multimedia to the first graders at Domby Kids Hope 2. The

result showed that the expert validation respondents’ opinion were not suitable to

the first graders of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta.

The writer also asked the respondents to provide comments and suggestion

in the questionnaire sheets. The suggestions are presented as follows:

a) Some participants suggested that the writer had to pay attention to the

pronunciation of some words and the intonation of the sentences that

mostly raising which was sometimes incorrect.

b) Some participants suggested that the instruction of the multimedia should

be clear.

c) Some participants suggested that the writer had to pay attention to the text

because some texts which were written were different from what the


d) Some participants suggested that the writer had to pay attention to the

pictures which were not clear and confusing.

e) Some participants suggested that the writer had to add more activities.

2) Materials Try Out

The writer tried out the designed multimedia in first grade class of

DOMBY Kid’s Hope 2. Because of the time limitation, the materials that were

tried out were two, they were Unit 1: Greeting and Unit 2: My Body. After trying

out each unit, the writer interviewed to the all students. There were 6 students in


Table 4.7 The Result of the Interview in the Materials Try Out

No Statement Results

1. Students’ experience in learning by using multimedia

The students enjoyed the learning. They were interested in the Domby character.

2. The difficulty of the multimedia

The students were confused of the pictures.

3. The topics of the multimedia

The students enjoyed the topics.

4. The contents of the multimedia

The contents of the multimedia were interesting.

5. The exercises of the multimedia

The students enjoyed the exercises because the exercises were easy

All the students enjoyed the multimedia. It was shown that most of the

students answered they enjoyed the teaching learning activities by using

multimedia. They liked Domby character and his voice. They thought that they

felt more understandable in learning English. They liked the songs and the games


confused about the pictures. The pictures were not clear whether it was morning

or evening. In unit 2, the pictures of the songs and the song itself were too fast.

They cannot repeat the songs.

In summary, there were two weaknesses of the multimedia based on the

students’ opinion. First, there were some pictures which were not clear. Second,

the songs were too fast for them.

b. Revision

In this step, the writer adapted some suggestions given by respondents of

expert validation and materials try out to improve and revise the designed

multimedia related to the designed multimedia. It consisted of some aspect below.

1) The pronunciation

The writer changed the pronunciation of some words and some sentences.

There were some words which pronounced incorrectly. They are toe, rabbit, and

parts. There were some sentences which were incorrect intonation. Mostly the

sentences of the multimedia pronounced with raising intonation, which is

sometimes incorrect.

2) The pictures

The writer changed one picture of the multimedia. There was one picture

which was not clear whether the picture is morning or evening. Then, the writer

improved the pictures in “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” song since the picture


3) The text

The writer changed some written text in the multimedia. There were some

texts which were missed typed. The writer rechecked the grammar and revised


4) The games

The writer changed the pictures of the game in unit 3. Considering the

suggestions of one lecturer that the topic of unit 3 could be a bit confusing since

the examples were limited, he suggested to give different pictures in the game.

5) The songs

The writer rechecked and revised the song in unit 2, namely, Head,

Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. The song was too fast to follow, so the writer revised

the song to be slower.

6) The instruction

The writer added the instruction of the multimedia since the instruction of

the multimedia was not clear.

B. The presentation of the designed multimedia

This section answers the second question of the problem formulation that

relates to what the developed multimedia looks like. After the multimedia was

revised and improved, the writer presented the final version of the developed

program. The full version of the program can be seen in the appendix VI. The

developed multimedia contains three units; they are presented in the following


Table 4.8. The Presentation of the Designed Multimedia Unit Main Material Learning Objectives Activities

1 Greeting Students are able to:  Identify the

expressions for greeting people  Identify the

expressions for introducing people  Respond greeting

expressions  Respond

expressions of introducing people

 Opening: simulating the material.

 Main activity:  Drilling the

expressions; good morning, good afternoon, and good evening.  Singing: “hello

how are you”  Games: “choose

the correct answer!” 2 My Body Students are able to:

 Identify parts of the body

 Mention parts of the body

 Opening: simulating the material.

 Main activities:  Drilling the

vocabulary; head, shoulders, knees and toes.

 Singing: “head, shoulders, knees and toes”

 Games: “choose the correct answer!” 3 My Senses Students are able to:

 Identify the expressions for people’s senses  Respond the

expressions of people’s senses

 Opening: simulating the material.

 Main activities:  Drilling the

expressions: “I smell a flower...”.  Singing: “have

you ever smelled?”  Games: “choose





This chapter consists of two parts. The first part is conclusions of the

study, while the second part is suggestions for the English tutors or teachers,

especially the English tutors of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta.

A. Conclusions

This study is aimed to provide multimedia the first grade students of

Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta. As stated in the problem formulation on

Chapter I, this study is aimed to dicover how multimedia for teaching vocabulary

for the first grade students of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta was designed and

the presentation of the developed multimedia.

To answer the first questions, the instructional model that is being used in

this study was stated from the sychronization of two instructional designs

developed by Kemp and Hubbard. Some steps of both instructional designs

related to fit R&D cycle. The steps of the designing the multimedia are follows:

1. Analyzing learner’s characteristic

2. Formulating goals, topics, and general purposes

3. Formulating learning objectives

4. Developing the multimedia


In the first step, the writer conducted a need analysis by interviewing the

two English tutors and the coordinator of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta, and

doing observations. In the second step, the writer formulated goals, topics, and

general purposes, after analyzing learner characteristics. In third step, the writer

formulated measurablelearning objectives that were to be achieved by the first graders of Domby Kid’s Hope Yogyakarta. The objectives are conducted from the results of interview with the coodinator and the tutor of Domby Kid’s Hope 2. Then, the writer developed the multimedia which is divided into four parts of exercises, they are simulation of the material, singing a song, drilling the material, and playing game. After the designed materials were complete, the writer distributed questionnaires for two lectures of English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. Then, the multimedia was tried out, and then two English tutor of Domby Kid’s Hope 2 Yogyakarta were requested to evaluate by filling the quetionnaires. All the responses were analyzed.

In addition, the writer presented the final version of the multimedia. It was aimed to answer the second question in the problem formulation. There were three topics in the designed multimedia. The topic were Greeting, My Body, and My Senses.

B. Suggestions

In this part, the writer gave some suggestions to the English teachers,

especially the English teacher in Domby Kid’s Hope 2 and other researchers who

are interested in conducting research.

1. English teachers, especially the English teacher in Domby Kid’s Hope 2

a. The writer suggests that it is important to conduct creative teaching


The interesting activity of learning will attract the students attention.

The fun activities are important to create good enviroment of


b. The writer suggests that is important to conduct the materils of

learning based on the school curriculum. It can support the students

achievements at school.

2. Other researchers

The writer suggest that other researchers may conduct other types of

research on a similar areaby utilizing multimedia to design a material

because this study is far from perfection. As the tecnology may improve

time by time. The other researchers can update the technology in order to

produce suitable program which match the certain needs and wants, and give




Ary, D.; Jacobs L.C.; Razavieh, A. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education, 6thEdition. New York:


Figure 3.1 Research Development Study Related to Kemp and CALL Steps of
Table 3.2 The Overall Process of Data Collection
Table 3.3 The Research Result Calculation Form
Table 4.1: The Result of the Interview


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