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Academic year: 2021



Teks penuh




Sebelum anda memulai pembuatan program, terlebih dahulu anda harus mempersiapkan kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang akan dipergunakan.Diantaranya :

1. Komputer anda harus terinstal Visual Basic 6 secara lengkap, dilengkapi dengan komponen tambahan yaitu XPButton serta icon-icon pendukungnya.

2. Harus terinstal Crystal Report. Versi yang terbaik disarankan memakai versi 8.5

3. Untuk pembuatan database, kita harus menggunakan program aplikasi Ms. Acces agar memudahkan anda didalam pengaturan backup data.

Catatan : Perlu anda ketahui bahwa program ini sesuai dengan sistem administrasi yang ada pada Dellsa Computer Banggai. Kekurangan dari Program ini adalah PR buat anda dan kelebihannya ada pada programmer itu sendiri, Ok. Selamat Bekerja !!!


Public Koneksi As New ADODB.Connection Public RsLogin As New ADODB.Recordset Public Rssiswa As New ADODB.Recordset Public Rsbiaya As New ADODB.Recordset Public Rskelas As New ADODB.Recordset Public Rspaket As New ADODB.Recordset Public Rsalumni As New ADODB.Recordset

Public Rspembayaran As New ADODB.Recordset Public Rstunggu As New ADODB.Recordset Public Rsstatus As New ADODB.Recordset Sub BukaDatabase()

Set Koneksi = Nothing

Koneksi.CursorLocation = adUseClient

Koneksi.Open "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\dbsprivat.mdb;jet OLEDB:Database Password=;"

Rssiswa.Open "[tblsiswa]", Koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic Rsbiaya.Open "[tblbiaya]", Koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic Rskelas.Open "[tblkelas]", Koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic Rspaket.Open "[tblpaket]", Koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic Rsalumni.Open "[tblalumni]", Koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

Rspembayaran.Open "[tblpembayaran]", Koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic Rstunggu.Open "[tbltunggu]", Koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

Rsstatus.Open "[tblstatus]", Koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic RsLogin.Open "[Password]", Koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic End Sub

Buat modul baru dengan mengklik pada menu Project... Add Module, ketik listing dibawah ini dan simpan dengan nama Modul1

Selanjutnya kita harus mempersiapkan komponen-komponen yang kita

perlukan pada Visual Basic, cara : klik kanan pada Toolbox, maka akan tampil gambar dibawah ini :

Ceklist komponen-komponen : 1. Crystal Report Control

2. Microsoft Ado Data Control 6.0 (OLEDB) 3. Microsoft DataGrid Control 6.0 (OLEDB)

4. Microsoft Windows Common Control 5.0(ELEDB) 5. Microsoft Windows Common Control 6.0

6. Microsoft Windows Common Control -2.6.0 7. UcXPButton


Form Paket Pelatihan

Design Form seperti gambar dibawah ini, dan berikan nama FrmPaket

Ketik Listing dibawah ini ! Public Ada1, Valid As Boolean

Dim RsTampil As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub blankform1()

txtnamapkt.Text = "" cbolama.Text = "" End Sub

Private Sub tidaksiapisi() txtnamapkt.Enabled = False cbolama.Enabled = False

txtnamapkt.BackColor = &H80000016 cbolama.BackColor = &H80000016 End Sub

Private Sub SiapIsi1()

txtnamapkt.Enabled = True cbolama.Enabled = True

txtnamapkt.BackColor = &H80000005 cbolama.BackColor = &H80000005 End Sub

Private Sub isitabelpaket() Rspaket!kodepkt = txtkode.Text Rspaket!namapkt = txtnamapkt.Text Rspaket!Lamabljr = cbolama.Text End Sub


Private Sub AktifTombol() cmdsimpan.Enabled = True cmdedit.Enabled = True cmdhapus.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub tutuptombol() cmdhapus.Enabled = False cmdedit.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub isiformpaket()

txtnamapkt.Text = Rspaket!namapkt cbolama.Text = Rspaket!Lamabljr End Sub

Private Sub Validasi() Valid = False

If txtkode.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Kode Jurusan harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtkode.Text = ""

txtkode.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txtnamapkt.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("namapkt Jurusan harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtnamapkt.Text = ""

txtnamapkt.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf cbolama.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Lama Pelatihan harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") cbolama.Text = "" cbolama.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Valid = True End Sub

Private Sub Tampildata() Set RsTampil = Nothing

RsTampil.Open "select * from Tblpaket order by KodePkt ", Koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

Set Grid1.DataSource = RsTampil Grid1.Columns(0).Width = 1500 Grid1.Columns(1).Width = 5700 Grid1.Columns(2).Width = 1250

Grid1.Columns(0).Alignment = dbgCenter Grid1.Columns(2).Alignment = dbgCenter


Grid1.Columns(0).Caption = "KODE PAKET" Grid1.Columns(1).Caption = "NAMA PAKET" Grid1.Columns(2).Caption = "LAMA PELATIHAN" End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()

mdmenuutama.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() BukaDatabase blankform1 tidaksiapisi tutuptombol txtkode.Text = "" cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" Tampildata cbolama.List(0) = "1 Bulan " cbolama.List(1) = "2 Bulan " cbolama.List(2) = "3 Bulan " cbolama.List(3) = "4 Bulan " End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Koneksi.Close

End Sub

Private Sub txtkode_Click() txtnamapkt.Text = "" cbolama.Text = "" End Sub

Private Sub txtkode_KeyPress(keyascii As Integer)

If Not (keyascii >= Asc("0") And keyascii <= Asc("9") Or _ keyascii = vbKeyBack) Then

keyascii = 0 End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtkode_Lostfocus() ckode = Trim(txtkode.Text) If ckode = Empty Then Exit Sub


If Rspaket.RecordCount > 0 Then Rspaket.MoveFirst

End If

Rspaket.Find ("KodePkt = '" & ckode & "'") If Rspaket.EOF Then blankform1 SiapIsi1 txtnamapkt.SetFocus Ada1 = False tutuptombol cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Simpan" Else tidaksiapisi isiformpaket cmdedit.Enabled = True cmdhapus.Enabled = True Ada1 = True End If End Sub

Private Sub CmdSimpan_Click()

If cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" Then CmdBatal_Click

Exit Sub End If Validasi

If Valid = True Then If Ada1 = False Then Rspaket.AddNew isitabelpaket Rspaket.Update Else

Koneksi.Execute "update Tblpaket set namapkt='" + txtnamapkt + "'," & "Lamabljr='" + cbolama + "' where KodePkt ='" + txtkode + "'"

End If cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" Else cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Simpan" End If Rspaket.Requery Tampildata End Sub


Private Sub CmdBatal_Click() blankform1 tidaksiapisi txtkode.Enabled = True txtkode.BackColor = &H80000005 txtkode.SetFocus cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" tutuptombol End Sub

Private Sub cmdedit_click() tutuptombol Ada1 = True SiapIsi1 txtkode.Enabled = False txtkode.BackColor = &H80000016 cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Simpan" txtnamapkt.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub CmdHapus_Click() ckode = Trim(txtkode.Text)

Rssiswa.Find ("KodePkt='" & ckode & "'"), , adSearchForward, 1

Rspembayaran.Find ("KodePkt='" & ckode & "'"), , adSearchForward, 1 If Not Rssiswa.EOF Then

x = MsgBox("maaf paket pelatihan tersebut tidak dapat dihapus", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtkode.SetFocus

Exit Sub

ElseIf Not Rspembayaran.EOF Then

x = MsgBox("maaf paket pelatihan tersebut tidak dapat dihapus", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtkode.SetFocus

Exit Sub Else

Y = MsgBox("Benar anda ingin hapus ???", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2, "konfirmasi")

Select Case Y Case vbYes

Koneksi.Execute "delete * from Tblpaket where KodePkt ='" & ckode & "'" Case vbNo End Select End If CmdBatal_Click Rspaket.Requery Tampildata End Sub


Private Sub CmdKeluar_Click() Unload Me

mdmenuutama.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub Grid1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

If Rspaket.RecordCount > 0 Then txtkode.Text = Grid1.Columns(0) txtkode_Lostfocus End If End If End Sub

Private Sub txtkode_keydown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub cbolama_keydown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtnamapkt_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If


Form Jenis Biaya Pelatihan

Design Form seperti gambar dibawah ini, dan berikan nama FrmJenisBiaya

Ketik Listing dibawah ini !

Public Ada, Ada1, Valid As Boolean Public Sql As String

Dim RsTampil As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub blankform1()

txtjnsby.Text = "" txtkodeby.Text = "" txtjnsby.Text = "" txtjml.Text = "" End Sub

Private Sub Blankform2() txtkodeby.Text = "" txtjnsby.Text = "" txtjml.Text = "" End Sub

Private Sub tidaksiapisi() txtjnsby.Enabled = False txtkodeby.Enabled = False txtjnsby.Enabled = False


txtjml.Enabled = False txtjnsby.BackColor = &H80000016 txtkodeby.BackColor = &H80000016 txtjnsby.BackColor = &H80000016 txtjml.BackColor = &H80000016 End Sub

Private Sub SiapIsi1() txtjnsby.Enabled = True txtjml.Enabled = True

txtjnsby.BackColor = &H80000005 txtjml.BackColor = &H80000005 End Sub

Private Sub SiapIsi2() txtkodeby.Enabled = True txtjnsby.Enabled = True txtjml.Enabled = True txtkodeby.BackColor = &H80000005 txtjnsby.BackColor = &H80000005 txtjml.BackColor = &H80000005 End Sub

Private Sub isitabeljenisbiaya() Rsbiaya!kodepkt = txtkodepkt.Text Rsbiaya!kodeby = txtkodeby.Text Rsbiaya!jnsby = txtjnsby.Text Rsbiaya!jmlby = txtjml.Text Rsbiaya!ta = txtthn.Text End Sub

Private Sub AktifTombol() cmdsimpan.Enabled = True cmdedit.Enabled = True cmdhapus.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub tutuptombol() cmdhapus.Enabled = False cmdedit.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub isiformjenisbiaya() txtjnsby.Text = Rsbiaya!jnsby txtjml.Text = Rsbiaya!jmlby End Sub

Private Sub Validasi() Valid = False

If txtkodeby.Text = Empty Then


txtkodeby.Text = "" txtkodeby.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txtjnsby.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("jnsby Biaya harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtjnsby.Text = ""

txtjnsby.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txtjml.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Jumlah Biaya harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtjml.Text = "" txtjml.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Valid = True End Sub

Private Sub Tampildata() Set RsTampil = Nothing

RsTampil.Open "Select kodeby,jnsby,jmlby from " & _ " tblbiaya where kodepkt ='" & txtkodepkt & "'", Koneksi Grid1.Refresh

Set Grid1.DataSource = RsTampil Grid1.Columns(0).Width = 1500 Grid1.Columns(1).Width = 4000 Grid1.Columns(2).Width = 1250 Grid1.Columns(0).Alignment = dbgCenter Grid1.Columns(2).Alignment = dbgRight Grid1.Columns(2).NumberFormat = "#,###,###" Grid1.Columns(0).Caption = "KODE BIAYA"

Grid1.Columns(1).Caption = "JENIS BIAYA" Grid1.Columns(2).Caption = "JUMLAH" End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()

mdmenuutama.Enabled = False cmdsimpan.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub txtkodepkt_Click() txtkodepkt.Text = ""

txtjnsby.Text = "" blankform1


tidaksiapisi Tampildata End Sub

Private Sub Up1_Change() txtthn.Text = Up1

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() BukaDatabase blankform1 tidaksiapisi tutuptombol txtkodepkt.Text = "" cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" Up1.Value = Year(Date) End Sub

Private Sub aturtahun()

txtthn.Text = Trim(Str(Year(Date))) + "/" + Trim(Str(Year(Date) + 1)) End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Koneksi.Close

End Sub

Private Sub txtkodepkt_keydown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then

txtkodepkt.Text = ""

Sql = "Select namapkt,kodepkt from tblpaket where kodepkt like '" & txtkodepkt & "%' order by kodepkt"

Ada = True

frminfo.Caption = " >>> Info Data Paket Tahun” & txtthn & "<<<" frminfo.Grid1.Columns(0).Caption = "NAMA PAKET"

frminfo.Grid1.Columns(1).Caption = "KODE PAKET" frminfo.Show vbModal, Me

Ada = False

txtkodepkt.Text = frminfo.Kode txtkodepkt_Lostfocus

End If

If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then SendKeys vbTab

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtkodepkt_Lostfocus() ckode = Trim(txtkodepkt.Text) If ckode = Empty Then Exit Sub


End If

If Rspaket.RecordCount > 0 Then Rspaket.MoveFirst

End If

If Len(ckode) >= 3 Then

Rspaket.Find ("kodepkt = '" & ckode & "'") If Rspaket.EOF Then

x = MsgBox("Maaf, Paket dengan Kode <<" & txtkodepkt.Text & ">> tsb belum ada !", 0 + 16, "Konfirmasi")

txtkodepkt.Text = "" txtkodepkt.SetFocus Exit Sub


txtnamapkt.Text = Rspaket!namapkt + " / " + Rspaket!Lamabljr Blankform2 SiapIsi2 txtkodeby.SetFocus Ada1 = False cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" End If End If Tampildata Aturkodeby End Sub

Public Sub Batal()

txtkodeby.Enabled = True txtkodeby.BackColor = &H80000005 txtjnsby.Text = "" txtjml.Text = "" txtjnsby.Enabled = False txtjml.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub CmdSimpan_Click()

If cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" Then Batal Aturkodeby txtkodeby.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Validasi

If Valid = True Then If Ada1 = False Then Rsbiaya.AddNew isitabeljenisbiaya


Rsbiaya.Update Else

Koneksi.Execute "update tblbiaya set jnsby= '" + txtjnsby + "', " & _ " jmlby= '" + txtjml + "' where kodeby='" + txtkodeby + "'"

End If cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" Else cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Simpan" End If Rsbiaya.Requery Tampildata Aturkodeby End Sub

Private Sub CmdBatal_Click() txtkodepkt.Text = "" blankform1 tidaksiapisi txtkodepkt.Enabled = True txtkodepkt.BackColor = &H80000005 txtkodepkt.SetFocus cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" cmdsimpan.Enabled = False tutuptombol Tampildata End Sub

Private Sub cmdedit_click() tutuptombol Ada1 = True SiapIsi1 txtkodepkt.Enabled = False txtkodepkt.BackColor = &H80000016 cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Simpan" txtjnsby.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub CmdHapus_Click() ckode = Trim(txtkodeby.Text)

Rspembayaran.Find ("kodeby='" & ckode & "'"), , adSearchForward, 1 If Not Rspembayaran.EOF Then

x = MsgBox("Jenis Biaya tersebut tidak dapat dihapus", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") Blankform2

txtkodeby.Enabled = True

txtkodeby.BackColor = &H80000005 txtkodeby.SetFocus



Y = MsgBox("Benar anda ingin hapus ???", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2, "konfirmasi")

Select Case Y Case vbYes

Koneksi.Execute "delete * from tblbiaya where kodeby ='" & ckode & "'" Case vbNo End Select End If CmdBatal_Click Rsbiaya.Requery Tampildata End Sub

Private Sub CmdKeluar_Click() Unload Me

mdmenuutama.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub Grid1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

If Rsbiaya.RecordCount > 0 Then txtkodeby.Text = Grid1.Columns(0) txtkodeby_Lostfocus End If End If End Sub

Private Sub txtjml_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtjnsby_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtkodeby_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then

txtkodeby.Text = ""

Sql = "Select jnsby,kodeby from tblbiaya Where kodepkt ='" & txtkodepkt & "' and ta='" & txtthn & "' order by kodeby"


Ada = True

frminfo.Caption = " >>> Info Data Jenis Biaya Tahun" & txtthn & "<<<" frminfo.Show vbModal, Me

Ada = False

txtkodeby.Text = frminfo.Kode txtkodeby_Lostfocus

End If

If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then SendKeys vbTab

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtkodeby_Lostfocus() ckode = Trim(txtkodeby.Text) If ckode = Empty Then Exit Sub

End If

If Rsbiaya.RecordCount > 0 Then Rsbiaya.MoveFirst

End If

Rsbiaya.Find ("kodeby = '" & ckode & "'") If Rsbiaya.EOF Then SiapIsi1 txtjnsby.SetFocus cmdsimpan.Enabled = True cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Simpan" Ada1 = False Else isiformjenisbiaya tidaksiapisi cmdedit.Enabled = True cmdhapus.Enabled = True cmdsimpan.Enabled = True cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" Ada1 = True End If Tampildata End Sub

Private Sub txtjml_keypress(keyascii As Integer)

If Not (keyascii >= Asc("0") And keyascii <= Asc("9") Or _ keyascii = vbKeyBack) Then

keyascii = 0 End If

End Sub

Private Sub Aturkodeby() Set RsTampil = Nothing

RsTampil.Open "Select * From tblbiaya Where kodepkt='" & txtkodepkt & "'" & _ " and Ta='" & txtthn & "' order by kodeby", Koneksi

cmk = Mid(txtthn.Text, 3, 2) + "-" txtkodeby.Text = cmk


Form Data Kelas

Design Form seperti gambar dibawah ini, dan berikan nama FrmKelas

Ketik Listing dibawah ini ! Public Ada1, Valid As Boolean

Dim RsTampil As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub blankform1()

txtnamakls.Text = "" txtmulaibljr.Text = "" txtselesaibljr.Text = "" txtjmlsiswa.Text = "" End Sub

Private Sub tidaksiapisi() txtnamakls.Enabled = False txtmulaibljr.Enabled = False txtselesaibljr.Enabled = False txtjmlsiswa.Enabled = False txtnamakls.BackColor = &H80000016 txtmulaibljr.BackColor = &H80000016 txtselesaibljr.BackColor = &H80000016 txtjmlsiswa.BackColor = &H80000016 End Sub

Private Sub SiapIsi1()


txtmulaibljr.Enabled = True txtselesaibljr.Enabled = True txtjmlsiswa.Enabled = True txtnamakls.BackColor = &H80000005 txtmulaibljr.BackColor = &H80000005 txtselesaibljr.BackColor = &H80000005 txtjmlsiswa.BackColor = &H80000005 End Sub

Private Sub isitabelkelas() Rskelas!kodekls = txtkode.Text Rskelas!namakls = txtnamakls.Text Rskelas!Mulaibljr = txtmulaibljr.Text Rskelas!selesaibljr = txtselesaibljr.Text Rskelas!jmlsiswa = txtjmlsiswa.Text End Sub

Private Sub AktifTombol() cmdsimpan.Enabled = True cmdedit.Enabled = True cmdhapus.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub tutuptombol() cmdhapus.Enabled = False cmdedit.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub isiformkelas()

txtnamakls.Text = Rskelas!namakls txtmulaibljr.Text = Rskelas!Mulaibljr txtselesaibljr.Text = Rskelas!selesaibljr txtjmlsiswa.Text = Rskelas!jmlsiswa End Sub

Private Sub Validasi() Valid = False

If txtkode.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Kode Jurusan harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtkode.Text = ""

txtkode.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txtnamakls.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("namakls Jurusan harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtnamakls.Text = ""

txtnamakls.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txtmulaibljr.Text = Empty Then


txtmulaibljr.Text = "" txtmulaibljr.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txtselesaibljr.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Jam Selesai Belajar harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtselesaibljr.Text = ""

txtselesaibljr.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txtjmlsiswa.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Jumlah siswa harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtjmlsiswa.Text = "" txtjmlsiswa.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Valid = True End Sub

Private Sub Tampildata() Set RsTampil = Nothing

RsTampil.Open "select * from tblkelas order by kodekls ", Koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

Set Grid1.DataSource = RsTampil Grid1.Columns(0).Width = 1500 Grid1.Columns(1).Width = 3000 Grid1.Columns(2).Width = 1250 Grid1.Columns(3).Width = 1250 Grid1.Columns(4).Width = 1250 Grid1.Columns(0).Alignment = dbgCenter Grid1.Columns(2).Alignment = dbgCenter Grid1.Columns(3).Alignment = dbgCenter Grid1.Columns(4).Alignment = dbgCenter Grid1.Columns(0).Caption = "KODE KELAS" Grid1.Columns(1).Caption = "NAMA KELAS"

Grid1.Columns(2).Caption = "JAM MULAI BELAJAR" Grid1.Columns(3).Caption = "JAM MULAI SELESAI" Grid1.Columns(4).Caption = "JUMLAH SISWA" End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()

mdmenuutama.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() BukaDatabase


tidaksiapisi tutuptombol txtkode.Text = "" cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" Tampildata End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Koneksi.Close

End Sub

Private Sub txtkode_Click() txtnamakls.Text = ""

txtmulaibljr.Text = "" txtselesaibljr.Text = "" txtjmlsiswa.Text = "" End Sub

Private Sub txtkode_Lostfocus() ckode = Trim(txtkode.Text) If ckode = Empty Then Exit Sub

End If

If Rskelas.RecordCount > 0 Then Rskelas.MoveFirst

End If

Rskelas.Find ("kodekls = '" & ckode & "'") If Rskelas.EOF Then blankform1 SiapIsi1 txtnamakls.SetFocus Ada1 = False tutuptombol cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Simpan" Else tidaksiapisi isiformkelas cmdedit.Enabled = True cmdhapus.Enabled = True Ada1 = True End If End Sub

Private Sub CmdSimpan_Click()

If cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" Then CmdBatal_Click


Exit Sub End If Validasi

If Valid = True Then If Ada1 = False Then Rskelas.AddNew isitabelkelas Rskelas.Update Else

Koneksi.Execute "update tblkelas set namakls='" + txtnamakls + "'," & "mulaibljr='" + txtmulaibljr + "', selesaibljr='" + txtselesaibljr + "', jmlsiswa='" + txtjmlsiswa + "' where kodekls ='" + txtkode + "'" End If cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" Else cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Simpan" End If Rskelas.Requery Tampildata End Sub

Private Sub CmdBatal_Click() blankform1 tidaksiapisi txtkode.Enabled = True txtkode.BackColor = &H80000005 txtkode.SetFocus cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" tutuptombol End Sub

Private Sub cmdedit_click() tutuptombol Ada1 = True SiapIsi1 txtkode.Enabled = False txtkode.BackColor = &H80000016 cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Simpan" txtnamakls.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub CmdHapus_Click() ckode = Trim(txtkode.Text)

Rssiswa.Find ("kodekls='" & ckode & "'"), , adSearchForward, 1 Rstunggu.Find ("kodekls='" & ckode & "'"), , adSearchForward, 1


If Not Rssiswa.EOF Then

x = MsgBox("maaf kode jurusan tersebut tidak dapat dihapus", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtkode.SetFocus

Exit Sub

ElseIf Not Rstunggu.EOF Then

x = MsgBox("maaf kode jurusan tersebut tidak dapat dihapus", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtkode.SetFocus

Exit Sub Else

Y = MsgBox("Benar anda ingin hapus ???", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2, "konfirmasi")

Select Case Y Case vbYes

Koneksi.Execute "delete * from tblkelas where kodekls ='" & ckode & "'" Case vbNo End Select End If CmdBatal_Click Rskelas.Requery Tampildata End Sub

Private Sub CmdKeluar_Click() Unload Me

mdmenuutama.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub Grid1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

If Rskelas.RecordCount > 0 Then txtkode.Text = Grid1.Columns(0) txtkode_Lostfocus End If End If End Sub

Private Sub txtkode_keydown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtselesaibljr_keydown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If


Private Sub txtjmlsiswa_keydown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtjmlsiswa_keypress(keyascii As Integer) If Not (keyascii >= Asc("0") And keyascii <= Asc("9") Or _ keyascii = vbKeyBack) Then

keyascii = 0 End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtmulaibljr_keydown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtnamakls_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If


Form Calon Siswa

Design Form seperti gambar dibawah ini, dan berikan nama FrmCalonSiswa

Ketik Listing dibawah ini ! Public Ada, Ada1, Valid As Boolean Public Sql, cno, cnama As String

Dim RsTampil As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub blankform1()

txtnamapkt.Text = "" txtalamat.Text = "" txtno_daftar.Text = "" txtnama_calon.Text = "" cbokelamin.Text = "" cbopendidikan.Text = "" txttelp.Text = "" txtkodekls.Text = "" txtnamakls.Text = "" End Sub

Private Sub Blankform2() txtno_daftar.Text = "" txtalamat.Text = "" txtnama_calon.Text = "" cbopendidikan.Text = "" cbokelamin.Text = ""


txttelp.Text = "" End Sub

Private Sub tidaksiapisi() txtnamapkt.Enabled = False txtkodekls.Enabled = False txtnamakls.Enabled = False txtno_daftar.Enabled = False txtalamat.Enabled = False txtnama_calon.Enabled = False cbopendidikan.Enabled = False dtpdaftar.Enabled = False cbokelamin.Enabled = False txttelp.Enabled = False txtalamat.BackColor = &H80000016 txtnamapkt.BackColor = &H80000016 txtno_daftar.BackColor = &H80000016 txtnama_calon.BackColor = &H80000016 dtpdaftar.CalendarBackColor = &H80000016 cbokelamin.BackColor = &H80000016 cbopendidikan.BackColor = &H80000016 txttelp.BackColor = &H80000016 cbopendidikan.BackColor = &H80000016 End Sub

Private Sub SiapIsi1()

txtnama_calon.Enabled = True txtalamat.Enabled = True cbokelamin.Enabled = True cbopendidikan.Enabled = True txttelp.Enabled = True dtpdaftar.Enabled = True txtalamat.BackColor = &H80000005 txtnamapkt.BackColor = &H80000005 cbopendidikan.BackColor = &H80000005 txtno_daftar.BackColor = &H80000005 txtnama_calon.BackColor = &H80000005 cbokelamin.BackColor = &H80000005 txttelp.BackColor = &H80000005 End Sub

Private Sub SiapIsi2()

txtno_daftar.Enabled = True

txtno_daftar.BackColor = &H80000016 txtalamat.BackColor = &H80000016 cbopendidikan = &H80000016


txtno_daftar.BackColor = &H80000016 txtnama_calon.BackColor = &H80000016 cbokelamin.BackColor = &H80000016 dtpdaftar.CalendarBackColor = &H80000016 txttelp.BackColor = &H80000016 End Sub

Private Sub isitabelcalon()

Rstunggu!kodepkt = txtkodepkt.Text Rstunggu!nodaftar = txtno_daftar.Text Rstunggu!nama = txtnama_calon.Text Rstunggu!jns_kel = cbokelamin.Text Rstunggu!tgldaftar = dtpdaftar Rstunggu!pendidikan = cbopendidikan.Text Rstunggu!notelp = txttelp.Text Rstunggu!thn_masuk = txtthn.Text Rstunggu!ket = "Ok" Rstunggu!alamat = txtalamat.Text Rstunggu!kodekls = txtkodekls.Text End Sub

Private Sub AktifTombol() cmdsimpan.Enabled = True cmdedit.Enabled = True cmdhapus.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub tutuptombol() cmdhapus.Enabled = False cmdedit.Enabled = False cmdsimpan.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub isiformsiswa()

txtnama_calon.Text = Rstunggu!nama dtpdaftar = Rstunggu!tgldaftar cbokelamin.Text = Rstunggu!jns_kel txttelp.Text = Rstunggu!notelp cbopendidikan.Text = Rstunggu!pendidikan txtthn.Text = Rstunggu!thn_masuk txtalamat.Text = Rstunggu!alamat End Sub

Private Sub Validasi() Valid = False

If txtno_daftar.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Nomor Daftar Siswa harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtno_daftar.Text = ""


txtno_daftar.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txtnama_calon.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Nama Calon harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtnama_calon.Text = ""

txtnama_calon.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf cbokelamin.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Jenis Kelamin harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") cbokelamin.Text = ""


ElseIf txttelp.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Harus mengisi nomor Telp atau HP untuk bisa dihubungi jika ada kepentingan", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi")

txttelp.Text = "" txttelp.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf cbopendidikan.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Asal sekolah harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") cbopendidikan.Text = ""

cbopendidikan.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txtkodepkt.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Kode Paket harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtkodepkt.Text = ""

txtkodepkt.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txtkodekls.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Kode Kelas harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtkodekls.Text = "" txtkodekls.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Valid = True End Sub

Private Sub Tampildata() Set RsTampil = Nothing

RsTampil.Open "Select nodaftar,Nama,jns_kel,alamat,tgldaftar from " & _

" tbltunggu where kodepkt ='" & txtkodepkt & "'and thn_masuk ='" & txtthn & "'and ket='Ok' order by nodaftar,tgldaftar", Koneksi


Set Grid1.DataSource = RsTampil Grid1.Columns(0).Width = 1500


Grid1.Columns(1).Width = 2750 Grid1.Columns(2).Width = 1500 Grid1.Columns(3).Width = 1500 Grid1.Columns(4).Width = 1500 Grid1.Columns(0).Alignment = dbgCenter Grid1.Columns(4).Alignment = dbgCenter Grid1.Columns(0).Caption = "NO. DAFTAR" Grid1.Columns(1).Caption = "NAMA SISWA" Grid1.Columns(2).Caption = "JENIS KELAMIN" Grid1.Columns(3).Caption = "ALAMAT"

Grid1.Columns(4).Caption = "TANGGAL DAFTAR" End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()

mdmenuutama.Enabled = False Grid1.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Grid1_Click()

If RsTampil.RecordCount > 0 Then cmdhapus.Enabled = True Else

cmdhapus.Enabled = False End If

If txtnama_calon.Text = Empty Then cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" End If

If txtnama_calon.Text = Empty Then cmdhapus.Enabled = True Grid1.SetFocus End If txtnama_calon.Enabled = False cbokelamin.Enabled = False dtpdaftar.Enabled = False cbopendidikan.Enabled = False txtalamat.Text = "" txttelp.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub txtkode_Click() txtkode.Text = ""

txtnamapkt.Text = "" txtkodekls.Text = "" txtnamakls.Text = ""


Blankform2 tidaksiapisi txtkode.SetFocus Tampildata End Sub

Private Sub cbopendidikan_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtnama_calon_KeyPress(keyascii As Integer) keyascii = Asc(UCase(Chr(keyascii)))

End Sub

Private Sub Up1_Change() txtthn.Text = Up1

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() BukaDatabase blankform1 tidaksiapisi tutuptombol txtkodepkt.Text = "" cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" cbokelamin.List(0) = "Laki-Laki" cbokelamin.List(1) = "Perempuan" cbopendidikan.List(0) = "SD" cbopendidikan.List(1) = "SMP" cbopendidikan.List(2) = "SMA" cbopendidikan.List(3) = "SMK" cbopendidikan.List(4) = "MA" cbopendidikan.List(5) = "D1" cbopendidikan.List(6) = "D2" cbopendidikan.List(7) = "D3" cbopendidikan.List(8) = "S1" Up1.Value = Year(Date) dtpdaftar = Date txtthn.Text = Up1 End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Koneksi.Close


Private Sub txtkodepkt_keydown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then

txtkodepkt.Text = ""

Sql = "Select Namapkt,kodepkt,LamaBljr from tblpaket where kodepkt like '" & txtkodepkt & "%' order by kodepkt"

Ada = True

frminfo.Caption = " >>> Info Data Paket Tahun " & txtthn & "<<<" frminfo.Grid1.Columns(0).Caption = "KODE PAKET"

frminfo.Grid1.Columns(1).Caption = "NAMA PAKET" frminfo.Grid1.Columns(2).Caption = "LAMA BELAJAR" frminfo.Show vbModal, Me

Ada = False

txtkodepkt.Text = frminfo.Kode txtkodepkt_Lostfocus

End If

If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then SendKeys vbTab

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtkodepkt_Lostfocus() ckode = Trim(txtkodepkt.Text) If ckode = Empty Then Exit Sub End If If Rspaket.RecordCount > 0 Then Rspaket.MoveFirst End If If Len(ckode) >= 3 Then

Rspaket.Find ("kodepkt = '" & ckode & "'") If Rspaket.EOF Then

x = MsgBox("Maaf, Paket dengan Kode <<" & txtkodepkt.Text & ">> tsb belum ada !", 0 + 16, "Konfirmasi")

txtkodepkt.Text = "" txtkodepkt.SetFocus Exit Sub


txtnamapkt.Text = Rspaket!namapkt + " / " + Rspaket!Lamabljr txtkodekls.Enabled = True txtkodekls.SetFocus Ada1 = False cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" End If End If End Sub


Private Sub txtkodekls_keydown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then

txtkodekls.Text = ""

Sql = "Select Namakls,kodekls,Mulaibljr from tblkelas where kodekls like '" & txtkodekls & "%' order by kodekls"

Ada = True

frminfo.Caption = " >>> Info Data Kelas Tahun " & txtthn & "<<<" frminfo.Grid1.Columns(0).Caption = "KODE KELAS"

frminfo.Grid1.Columns(1).Caption = "NAMA KELAS" frminfo.Grid1.Columns(2).Caption = "MULAI BELAJAR" frminfo.Show vbModal, Me

Ada = False

txtkodekls.Text = frminfo.Kode txtkodekls_Lostfocus

End If

If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then SendKeys vbTab

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtkodekls_Lostfocus() ckode = Trim(txtkodekls.Text) If ckode = Empty Then Exit Sub End If If Rskelas.RecordCount > 0 Then Rskelas.MoveFirst End If If Len(ckode) >= 3 Then

Rskelas.Find ("kodekls = '" & ckode & "'") If Rskelas.EOF Then

x = MsgBox("Maaf, Kelas dengan Kode <<" & txtkodepkt.Text & ">> tsb belum ada !", 0 + 16, "Konfirmasi")

txtkodekls.Text = "" txtkodekls.SetFocus Exit Sub


txtnamakls.Text = Rskelas!namakls + " / " + " Mulai Belajar : " + Rskelas!Mulaibljr Blankform2 SiapIsi2 cbopendidikan.Text = "" txtno_daftar.Enabled = True txtno_daftar.SetFocus Aturno_daftar Ada1 = False


cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" End If End If Tampildata txtjml_siswa.Text = RsTampil.RecordCount Aturno_daftar Grid1.Enabled = True End Sub

Public Sub Batal()

txtno_daftar.Enabled = True txtno_daftar.BackColor = &H80000005 txtnama_calon.Text = "" cbokelamin.Text = "" cbopendidikan.Text = "" txttelp.Text = "" txtalamat.Text = "" cbopendidikan.Enabled = False txtalamat.Enabled = False txtnama_calon.Enabled = False cbokelamin.Enabled = False txttelp.Enabled = False cmdsimpan.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub CmdSimpan_Click()

If cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" Then Batal Aturno_daftar txtno_daftar.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Validasi

If Valid = True Then If Ada1 = False Then Rstunggu.AddNew isitabelcalon Rstunggu.Update Else isitabelcalon Rstunggu.Update End If cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" Else cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Simpan" End If


Rstunggu.Requery Tampildata


txtjml_siswa.Text = RsTampil.RecordCount End Sub

Private Sub CmdBatal_Click() txtkodepkt.Text = "" txtjml_siswa.Text = "" blankform1 tidaksiapisi txtkodepkt.Enabled = True txtkodepkt.BackColor = &H80000005 txtkodekls.BackColor = &H80000005 txtkodepkt.SetFocus cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" tutuptombol Tampildata End Sub

Private Sub cmdedit_click() tutuptombol cmdsimpan.Enabled = True Ada1 = True SiapIsi1 txtkodepkt.Enabled = False txtkodepkt.BackColor = &H80000016 cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Simpan" txtnama_calon.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub CmdHapus_Click() cmdhapus.Enabled = False cno = Grid1.Columns(0) cnama = Grid1.Columns(1)

Y = MsgBox("benar anda ingin batalkan calon Siswa dari pendaftaran ???", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2, "Konfirmasi")

Select Case Y Case vbYes

Koneksi.Execute "Update tbltunggu set Ket='Batal' where nodaftar='" & cno & "'" 'Koneksi.Execute "Update nomor_kamar set status_kamar ='Kosong' where no_kamar ='" & cno & "'"


cmdhapus.Enabled = False Case vbNo


cmdsimpan.Enabled = True CmdSimpan_Click cmdhapus.Enabled = False cmdbatal.Enabled = True End Select Tampildata Aturno_daftar txtjml_siswa.Text = RsTampil.RecordCount batal1 End Sub

Private Sub CmdKeluar_Click() Unload Me

mdmenuutama.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub Grid1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

If Rstunggu.RecordCount > 0 Then txtno_daftar.Text = Grid1.Columns(0) txtno_daftar_Lostfocus End If End If End Sub

Private Sub txtnama_calon_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub dtpdaftar_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub cbokelamin_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub Txttelp_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If


Private Sub Txtalamat_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtno_daftar_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then

txtno_daftar.Text = ""

Sql = "Select Alamat,nodaftar,nama from tbltunggu where kodepkt ='" & txtkodepkt & "' and thn_masuk='" & txtthn & "' and ket='Masuk' order by no_daftar,tgldaftar"

Ada = True

frminfo.Caption = " >>> Info Data Calon Siswa Tahun " & txtthn & " <<<" frminfo.Show vbModal, Me

Ada = False

txtno_daftar.Text = frminfo.Kode txtno_daftar_Lostfocus

End If

If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then SendKeys vbTab

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtno_daftar_Lostfocus() ckode = Trim(txtno_daftar.Text) If ckode = Empty Then

Exit Sub End If

If Rstunggu.RecordCount > 0 Then Rstunggu.MoveFirst

End If

Set Rstunggu = Nothing

Rstunggu.Open "[tbltunggu] where kodepkt = '" & txtkodepkt & "'" & _ "and nodaftar = '" & txtno_daftar & " ' And " & _

"kodepkt='" & txtkodepkt & "' and tbltunggu.ket='Ok' ", Koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If Rstunggu.EOF Then SiapIsi1 cbopendidikan.Text = "" txtalamat.Text = "" txtnama_calon.SetFocus cmdsimpan.Enabled = True cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Simpan" Ada1 = False


Set Rstunggu = Nothing

Rstunggu.Open "[tbltunggu] where kodepkt = '" & txtkodepkt & "'" & _ "and nodaftar = '" & txtno_daftar & " ' And " & _

"kodepkt='" & txtkodepkt & "' and ket='Batal' ", Koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If Not Rstunggu.EOF Then

x = MsgBox("Maaf, No.Daftar tersebut sudah dipakai oleh calon siswa yang statusnya <BATAL> !", 0 + 64, "Konfirmasi")

txtno_daftar.Enabled = True txtno_daftar.SetFocus cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" Aturno_daftar End If Else isiformsiswa tidaksiapisi cmdedit.Enabled = True cmdsimpan.Enabled = True cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" Ada1 = True End If Tampildata End Sub

Private Sub Aturno_daftar() Set RsTampil = Nothing

RsTampil.Open "Select * From tbltunggu Where kodepkt='" & txtkodepkt & "'" & _ " and Thn_Masuk='" & txtthn & "' order by nodaftar", Koneksi

cnou = Trim(Right(txtkodepkt.Text, 2)) + Trim(Right(txtthn.Text, 2)) If RsTampil.RecordCount = 0 Then cno = "001" Else RsTampil.MoveLast Na = Val(Right(RsTampil!nodaftar, 3)) + 1 If Len(Na) = 1 Then cno = "00" + Trim(Str(Na)) ElseIf Len(Na) = 2 Then cno = "0" + Trim(Str(Na)) ElseIf Len(Na) = 3 Then cno = Trim(Str(Na)) End If

End If

txtno_daftar.Text = cnou + cno End Sub


Private Sub batal1() txtnama_calon.Text = "" cbokelamin.Text = "" cbopendidikan.Text = "" txtalamat.Text = "" txttelp.Text = "" End Sub

Private Sub Grid1_KeyPress(keyascii As Integer) cno = Grid1.Columns(0)

cnama = Grid1.Columns(1) End Sub

Form Data Siswa


Ketik Listing dibawah ini ! Public Ada, Ada1, Valid As Boolean Public Sql As String

Dim RsTampil As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub blankform1()

txtnama.Text = "" txttempat.Text = "" cbokelamin.Text = "" cbostatus.Text = "" cboagama.Text = "" txtasal.Text = "" txtsekarang.Text = "" txttelp.Text = "" cbopekerjaan.Text = "" cbopendidikan.Text = "" cboagama.Text = "" txtstatus.Text = "" 'txtjmlsiswa.Text = "" txtkodepkt.Text = "" txtkodekls.Text = "" txtnamapkt.Text = "" txtnamakls.Text = "" End Sub

Private Sub Blankform2() txtnis.Text = "" txtnama.Text = "" txttempat.Text = "" cbokelamin.Text = "" cbostatus.Text = "" txtasal.Text = "" cboagama.Text = "" txtasal.Text = "" txtsekarang.Text = "" txttelp.Text = "" cbopendidikan.Text = "" cboagama.Text = "" txtstatus.Text = "" End Sub

Private Sub tidaksiapisi() txtnama.Enabled = False dtpdaftar.Enabled = False txtnama.Enabled = False


txttempat.Enabled = False txtasal.Enabled = False dtplahir.Enabled = False cbokelamin.Enabled = False cbostatus.Enabled = False cboagama.Enabled = False txtasal.Enabled = False txtsekarang.Enabled = False txttelp.Enabled = False cbopendidikan.Enabled = False cbopekerjaan.Enabled = False cboagama.Enabled = False txtstatus.Enabled = False txtkodekls.Enabled = False txtkodepkt.Enabled = False txtnamakls.Enabled = False txtnamapkt.Enabled = False txtnama.BackColor = &H80000016 txtkodepkt.BackColor = &H80000016 txtnamapkt.BackColor = &H80000016 txtkodekls.BackColor = &H80000016 txtnamakls.BackColor = &H80000016 txttempat.BackColor = &H80000016 dtplahir.CalendarBackColor = &H80000016 cbopekerjaan.BackColor = &H80000016 cbokelamin.BackColor = &H80000016 cbostatus.BackColor = &H80000016 cboagama.BackColor = &H80000016 txtasal.BackColor = &H80000016 txtsekarang.BackColor = &H80000016 txttelp.BackColor = &H80000016 cbopendidikan.BackColor = &H80000016 cboagama.BackColor = &H80000016 txtstatus.BackColor = &H80000016 End Sub

Private Sub SiapIsi1() txtnama.Enabled = True txttempat.Enabled = True cbokelamin.Enabled = True txtasal.Enabled = True cbostatus.Enabled = True cboagama.Enabled = True txtasal.Enabled = True txtsekarang.Enabled = True


txttelp.Enabled = True cbopendidikan.Enabled = True cbopekerjaan.Enabled = True cboagama.Enabled = True dtplahir.Enabled = True dtpdaftar.Enabled = True txtstatus.Enabled = True txtkodekls.Enabled = True txtkodepkt.Enabled = True txtnama.BackColor = &H80000005 txtnis.BackColor = &H80000005 txtnama.BackColor = &H80000005 txttempat.BackColor = &H80000005 cbokelamin.BackColor = &H80000005 cbostatus.BackColor = &H80000005 cboagama.BackColor = &H80000005 cbopekerjaan.BackColor = &H80000005 txtasal.BackColor = &H80000005 txtsekarang.BackColor = &H80000005 txttelp.BackColor = &H80000005 cbopendidikan.BackColor = &H80000005 cboagama.BackColor = &H80000005 txtstatus.BackColor = &H80000005 txtkodekls.BackColor = &H80000005 txtnamakls.BackColor = &H80000005 txtkodepkt.BackColor = &H80000005 txtnamapkt.BackColor = &H80000005 End Sub

Private Sub SiapIsi2() txtnis.Enabled = True txtnis.BackColor = &H80000016 txtnama.BackColor = &H80000016 txtnis.BackColor = &H80000016 txtnama.BackColor = &H80000016 txttempat.BackColor = &H80000016 cbokelamin.BackColor = &H80000016 cbostatus.BackColor = &H80000016 cboagama.BackColor = &H80000016 txtasal.BackColor = &H80000016 txtsekarang.BackColor = &H80000016 txttelp.BackColor = &H80000016 cbopendidikan.BackColor = &H80000016 cboagama.BackColor = &H80000016 txtstatus.BackColor = &H80000016


End Sub

Private Sub isitabelsiswa() Rssiswa!nis = txtnis.Text Rssiswa!nama = txtnama.Text Rssiswa!t4lahir = txttempat.Text Rssiswa!tgllahir = dtplahir Rssiswa!jnskel = cbokelamin.Text Rssiswa!Status = cbostatus.Text Rssiswa!agama = cboagama.Text Rssiswa!alamat_asal = txtasal.Text Rssiswa!alamat_sekarang = txtsekarang.Text Rssiswa!no_telp = txttelp.Text Rssiswa!tgl_daftar = dtpdaftar Rssiswa!pend_terakhir = cbopendidikan.Text Rssiswa!pekerjaan = cbopekerjaan Rssiswa!thn_masuk = txtthn.Text Rssiswa!Status_Siswa = "Aktif" Rssiswa!kodekls = txtkodekls.Text Rssiswa!kodepkt = txtkodepkt.Text End Sub

Private Sub AktifTombol() cmdsimpan.Enabled = True cmdedit.Enabled = True cmdhapus.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub tutuptombol() cmdhapus.Enabled = False cmdedit.Enabled = False cmdsimpan.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub isiformsiswa() txtnama.Text = Rssiswa!nama txttempat.Text = Rssiswa!t4lahir dtplahir = Rssiswa!tgllahir cbokelamin.Text = Rssiswa!jnskel cbostatus.Text = Rssiswa!Status cboagama.Text = Rssiswa!agama txtasal.Text = Rssiswa!alamat_asal txtsekarang.Text = Rssiswa!alamat_sekarang txttelp.Text = Rssiswa!no_telp cbopendidikan.Text = Rssiswa!pend_terakhir cbopekerjaan = Rssiswa!pekerjaan 'txtthn.Text = Rssiswa!thn_masuk


txtstatus.Text = Rssiswa!Status_Siswa dtpdaftar = Rssiswa!tgl_daftar txtkodekls.Text = Rssiswa!kodekls txtkodepkt.Text = Rssiswa!kodepkt End Sub

Private Sub Validasi() Valid = False

If txtnis.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Nomor Induk Siswa harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtnis.Text = ""

txtnis.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txtnama.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Nama siswa harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtnama.Text = ""

txtnama.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txttempat.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Tempat Lahir harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txttempat.Text = ""

txttempat.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf cbokelamin.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Jenis Kelamin harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") cbokelamin.Text = ""


ElseIf cbostatus.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Status harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") cbostatus.Text = ""

cbostatus.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf cboagama.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Agama harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") cboagama.Text = ""

cboagama.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txtasal.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Alamat Asal harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtasal.Text = ""

txtasal.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txtsekarang.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Alamat sekarang harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtsekarang.Text = ""


txtsekarang.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txttelp.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Harus mengisi nomor Telp atau HP untuk bisa dihubungi jika ada kepentingan", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi")

txttelp.Text = "" txttelp.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf cbopendidikan.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Pendidikan Terakhir harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") cbopendidikan.Text = ""

cbopendidikan.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf cbopekerjaan.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Pekerjaan Madyasiswa / i harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") cbopekerjaan.Text = ""

cbopekerjaan.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txtkodekls.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Kode kelas harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtkodekls.Text = ""

txtkodekls.SetFocus Exit Sub

ElseIf txtkodepkt.Text = Empty Then

x = MsgBox("Kode Paket harus diisi", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") txtkodepkt.Text = "" txtkodepkt.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Valid = True End Sub

Private Sub Tampildata() Set RsTampil = Nothing

RsTampil.Open "Select nis,Nama,pend_terakhir,status_siswa from " & _ " tblsiswa where thn_masuk ='" & txtthn & "'", Koneksi


Set Grid1.DataSource = RsTampil Grid1.Columns(0).Width = 1750 Grid1.Columns(1).Width = 3000 Grid1.Columns(2).Width = 1500 Grid1.Columns(3).Width = 1000


Grid1.Columns(3).Alignment = dbgCenter Grid1.Columns(0).Caption = "N I S"

Grid1.Columns(1).Caption = "NAMA SISWA / i" Grid1.Columns(2).Caption = "PEND.AKHIR" Grid1.Columns(3).Caption = "STATUS" End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()

mdmenuutama.Enabled = False txtjmlsiswa.Text = Rssiswa.RecordCount End Sub

Private Sub txtkodekls_Change() ckode = Trim(txtkodekls.Text) If ckode = Empty Then Exit Sub End If If Rskelas.RecordCount > 0 Then Rskelas.MoveFirst End If If Len(ckode) >= 3 Then

Rskelas.Find ("Kodekls = '" & ckode & "'") If Rskelas.EOF Then

x = MsgBox("Maaf, Kelas dengan Kode <<" & txtkodepkt.Text & ">> tsb belum ada !", 0 + 16, "Konfirmasi")

txtkodekls.Text = "" txtkodekls.SetFocus Exit Sub


txtnamakls.Text = Rskelas!namakls + " / " + Rskelas!Mulaibljr Ada1 = False

End If End If End Sub

Private Sub txtkodepkt_Change() ckode = Trim(txtkodepkt.Text) If ckode = Empty Then Exit Sub End If If Rspaket.RecordCount > 0 Then Rspaket.MoveFirst End If If Len(ckode) >= 3 Then


If Rspaket.EOF Then

x = MsgBox("Maaf, Paket dengan Kode <<" & txtkodepkt.Text & ">> tsb belum ada !", 0 + 16, "Konfirmasi")

txtkodepkt.Text = "" txtkodepkt.SetFocus Exit Sub


txtnamapkt.Text = Rspaket!namapkt + " / " + Rspaket!Lamabljr txtkodekls.Enabled = True

Ada1 = False End If

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtnama_KeyPress(keyascii As Integer) keyascii = Asc(UCase(Chr(keyascii)))

End Sub

Private Sub txtstatus_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub txttempat_KeyPress(keyascii As Integer) keyascii = Asc(UCase(Chr(keyascii)))

End Sub

Private Sub Up1_Change() txtthn.Text = up1

Tampildata blankform1 End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() BukaDatabase blankform1 AturNis tidaksiapisi tutuptombol cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" cbokelamin.List(0) = "Laki-Laki" cbokelamin.List(1) = "Perempuan" cbostatus.List(0) = "Belum Menikah" cbostatus.List(1) = "Menikah"

cboagama.List(0) = "Islam" cboagama.List(1) = "Kristen" cboagama.List(2) = "Protestan" cboagama.List(3) = "Hindu"


cboagama.List(4) = "Bunda" cboagama.List(5) = "Konghucu" cbopendidikan.List(0) = "SD" cbopendidikan.List(1) = "SMP" cbopendidikan.List(2) = "SMA" cbopendidikan.List(3) = "SMK" cbopendidikan.List(4) = "MA" cbopendidikan.List(5) = "D1" cbopendidikan.List(6) = "D2" cbopendidikan.List(7) = "D3" cbopendidikan.List(8) = "S1"

cbopekerjaan.List(0) = "Belum Ada" cbopekerjaan.List(1) = "Mahasiswa" cbopekerjaan.List(2) = "wiraswasta" up1.Value = Year(Date) dtplahir = Date dtpdaftar = Date txtthn.Text = up1 Tampildata End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Koneksi.Close

End Sub

Private Sub txtkodepkt_keydown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then

txtkodepkt.Text = ""

Sql = "Select Namapkt,Kodepkt,lamabljr from tblpaket where kodepkt like '" & txtkodepkt & "%' order by Kodepkt"

Ada = True

frminfo.Caption = " >>> Info Data Paket Tahun " & txtthn & "<<<" frminfo.Show vbModal, Me

Ada = False

txtkodepkt.Text = frminfo.Kode txtkodepkt_Lostfocus

End If

If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then SendKeys vbTab

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtkodepkt_Lostfocus() ckode = Trim(txtkodepkt.Text) If ckode = Empty Then Exit Sub


End If

If Rspaket.RecordCount > 0 Then Rspaket.MoveFirst

End If

If Len(ckode) >= 3 Then

Rspaket.Find ("Kodepkt = '" & ckode & "'") If Rspaket.EOF Then

x = MsgBox("Maaf, Paket dengan Kode <<" & txtkodepkt.Text & ">> tsb belum ada !", 0 + 16, "Konfirmasi")

txtkodepkt.Text = "" txtkodepkt.SetFocus Exit Sub


txtnamapkt.Text = Rspaket!namapkt + " / " + Rspaket!Lamabljr txtkodekls.Enabled = True txtkodekls.SetFocus Ada1 = False End If End If End Sub

Private Sub txtkodekls_keydown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then

txtkodekls.Text = ""

Sql = "Select Namakls,Kodekls,mulaibljr from tblkelas where kodekls like '" & txtkodekls & "%' order by Kodekls"

Ada = True

frminfo.Caption = " >>> Info Data Kelas Tahun " & txtthn & "<<<" frminfo.Show vbModal, Me

Ada = False

txtkodekls.Text = frminfo.Kode txtkodekls_Lostfocus

End If

If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then SendKeys vbTab

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtkodekls_Lostfocus() ckode = Trim(txtkodekls.Text) If ckode = Empty Then Exit Sub

End If

If Rskelas.RecordCount > 0 Then Rskelas.MoveFirst


If Len(ckode) >= 3 Then

Rskelas.Find ("Kodekls = '" & ckode & "'") If Rskelas.EOF Then

x = MsgBox("Maaf, Kelas dengan Kode <<" & txtkodepkt.Text & ">> tsb belum ada !", 0 + 16, "Konfirmasi")

txtkodekls.Text = "" txtkodekls.SetFocus Exit Sub


txtnamakls.Text = Rskelas!namakls + " / " + Rskelas!Mulaibljr Ada1 = False

End If End If

End Sub Public Sub Batal() txtnis.Enabled = True txtnis.BackColor = &H80000005 txtnama.Text = "" txttempat.Text = "" cbokelamin.Text = "" cbostatus.Text = "" cboagama.Text = "" txtasal.Text = "" txtsekarang.Text = "" txttelp.Text = "" cbopendidikan.Text = "" cboagama.Text = "" txtstatus.Text = "" cbopekerjaan.Text = "" txtkodekls.Text = "" txtkodepkt.Text = "" txtnamakls.Text = "" txtnamapkt.Text = "" txtnama.Enabled = False dtpdaftar.Enabled = False txttempat.Enabled = False cbokelamin.Enabled = False cbostatus.Enabled = False cboagama.Enabled = False txtasal.Enabled = False txtsekarang.Enabled = False txttelp.Enabled = False cbopendidikan.Enabled = False cboagama.Enabled = False


cbopekerjaan.Enabled = False txtstatus.Enabled = False txtkodekls.Enabled = False txtkodepkt.Enabled = False cmdsimpan.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub CmdSimpan_Click()

If cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" Then Batal AturNis txtnis.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Validasi

If Valid = True Then If Ada1 = False Then Rssiswa.AddNew isitabelsiswa Rssiswa.Update Else isitabelsiswa Rssiswa.Update End If cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" Else cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Simpan" End If Rssiswa.Requery Tampildata AturNis txtjmlsiswa.Text = RsTampil.RecordCount End Sub

Private Sub CmdBatal_Click() blankform1 AturNis tidaksiapisi txtnis.Enabled = True txtnis.BackColor = &H80000005 txtnis.SetFocus cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" tutuptombol End Sub


tutuptombol cmdsimpan.Enabled = True Ada1 = True SiapIsi1 txtnis.Enabled = False txtnis.BackColor = &H80000016 cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Simpan" txtnama.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub CmdHapus_Click() ckode = Trim(txtnis.Text)

Rspembayaran.Find ("nis='" & ckode & "'"), , adSearchForward, 1 If Not Rspembayaran.EOF Then

x = MsgBox("Data Siswa yang bernama " & txtnama_siswa & " tidak dapat dihapus", 0 + 16, "konfirmasi") blankform1 txtnis.Enabled = True txtnis.SetFocus Exit Sub Else

Y = MsgBox("Benar anda ingin hapus data dengan nama " & txtnama & " ???", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2, "konfirmasi")

Select Case Y Case vbYes

Koneksi.Execute "delete * from tblsiswa where nis ='" & ckode & "'" AturNis Tampildata Case vbNo AturNis cmdkeluar.SetFocus End Select End If CmdBatal_Click Rssiswa.Requery Tampildata End Sub

Private Sub CmdKeluar_Click() Unload Me

mdmenuutama.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub Grid1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then


txtnis.Text = Grid1.Columns(0) txtnis_Lostfocus

End If End If End Sub

Private Sub txtnama_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub dtpdaftar_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub Txttempat_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub dtplahir_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub cbokelamin_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub cbostatus_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub cboagama_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub Txtasal_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If


Private Sub Txtsekarang_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub Txttelp_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub cbopendidikan_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub cbopekerjaan_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab End If

End Sub

Private Sub Txtnis_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then

txtnis.Text = ""

Sql = "Select Alamat_Asal,nis,nama from tblsiswa Where thn_masuk='" & txtthn & "'and status_siswa='Aktif' order by nis"

Ada = True

frminfo.Caption = " >>> Info Data Siswa Tahun " & txtthn & " <<<" frminfo.Show vbModal, Me

Ada = False

txtnis.Text = frminfo.Kode txtnis_Lostfocus

End If

If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then SendKeys vbTab

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtnis_Lostfocus() ckode = Trim(txtnis.Text) If ckode = Empty Then Exit Sub

End If


Rssiswa.MoveFirst End If

If Len(Trim(txtnis.Text)) <> 8 Then

x = MsgBox("Penginputan nis harus 8 karakter!Anda akan dibantu dengan pengaturan nis otomatis", 0 + 64, "Konfirmasi")


txtnis.SetFocus Exit Sub

End If

Set Rssiswa = Nothing

Rssiswa.Open "[tblsiswa] where nis ='" & txtnis & "' and thn_masuk='" & txtthn & "'and nis='" & txtnis & "'", Koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If Rssiswa.EOF Then SiapIsi1 blankform1 txtnama.SetFocus txtstatus.Text = "Aktif" txtstatus.Enabled = False cmdsimpan.Enabled = True cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Simpan" Ada1 = False Else isiformsiswa tidaksiapisi cmdedit.Enabled = True cmdhapus.Enabled = True cmdsimpan.Enabled = True cmdsimpan.Caption = "&Tambah" cmdbatal.SetFocus Ada1 = True End If End Sub

Private Sub AturNis() Set RsTampil = Nothing

RsTampil.Open "Select * From tblsiswa Where Thn_Masuk='" & txtthn & "' order by nis", Koneksi

cnis = "001" + Trim(Right(txtthn.Text, 2)) If RsTampil.RecordCount = 0 Then cno = "001"




Na = Val(Right(RsTampil!nis, 3)) + 1 If Len(Na) = 1 Then

cno = "00" + Trim(Str(Na)) ElseIf Len(Na) = 2 Then cno = "0" + Trim(Str(Na)) ElseIf Len(Na) = 3 Then cno = Trim(Str(Na)) End If

End If

txtnis.Text = cnis + cno End Sub

Private Sub up1_DownClick() AturNis

End Sub

Form Nomor Sertifikat Alumni


Ketik Listing dibawah ini ! Public Ada, Ada1, Valid As Boolean Public Sql, cno, cnama As String

Dim RsTampil As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub Grid1_Click()

txtno.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub Grid1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab txtno.SetFocus End If

End Sub

Private Sub txttglujian_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab

cmdproses.Enabled = True cmdproses.SetFocus

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtkode_Click() txtkode.Text = ""

txtnama.Text = "" Tampildata End Sub

Private Sub txtno_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then

SendKeys vbTab

txttglujian.Enabled = True txttglujian.SetFocus

End If End Sub

Private Sub CmdLagi_Click() cmdproses.Enabled = False txtkode.Text = "" txtnama.Text = "" txtno.Text = "" txttglujian.Text = "" txtjml_siswa.Text = "" txtno.Enabled = False txttglujian.Enabled = False Tampildata txtkode.SetFocus


End Sub

Private Sub cmdproses_Click() cno = Grid1.Columns(0) cnama = txtno.Text

Y = MsgBox("Ingin simpan data tersebut ???", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2, "Konfirmasi Kembali")

Select Case Y Case vbYes

Koneksi.Execute "update tblalumni set nosertifikat ='" & cnama & "',tglujian='" & txttglujian & "' where nis='" & cno & "'"

Tampildata txtjml_siswa.Text = RsTampil.RecordCount Grid1.Enabled = True Grid1.SetFocus Case vbNo cmdproses.Enabled = False cmdkeluar.SetFocus txtjml_siswa.Text = RsTampil.RecordCount End Select End Sub

Private Sub Up1_Change() txtthn.Text = Up1

End Sub

Private Sub CmdKeluar_Click() Unload Me

mdmenuutama.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() Grid1.Enabled = False txtno.Enabled = False txttglujian.Enabled = False cmdproses.Enabled = False mdmenuutama.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() BukaDatabase

Up1.Value = Year(Date) txtthn.Text = Up1

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Koneksi.Close


End Sub

Private Sub txtkode_keydown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then

txtkode.Text = ""

Sql = "Select Namapkt,Kodepkt,Lamabljr from tblpaket where kodepkt like '" & txtkode & "%' order by Kodepkt"

Ada = True

frminfo.Caption = " >>> Info Data Paket Tahun " & txtthn & "<<<" frminfo.Grid1.Columns(0).Caption = "NAMA PAKET"

frminfo.Grid1.Columns(1).Caption = "KODE PAKET" frminfo.Grid1.Columns(2).Caption = "LAMA BELAJAR" frminfo.Show vbModal, Me

Ada = False

txtkode.Text = frminfo.Kode txtkode_Lostfocus

End If

If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then SendKeys vbTab

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtkode_Lostfocus() ckode = Trim(txtkode.Text) If ckode = Empty Then Exit Sub End If If Rspaket.RecordCount > 0 Then Rspaket.MoveFirst End If If Len(ckode) >= 3 Then

Rspaket.Find ("Kodepkt = '" & ckode & "'") If Rspaket.EOF Then

x = MsgBox("Maaf, Paket dengan Kode <<" & txtkode.Text & ">> tsb belum ada !", 0 + 16, "Konfirmasi")

txtkode.Text = "" txtkode.SetFocus Exit Sub


txtnama.Text = Rspaket!namapkt + " / " + "Lama Belajar " + Rspaket!Lamabljr Ada1 = False

cmdproses.Enabled = False Tampildata

txtno.Enabled = True txttglujian.Enabled = True


Grid1.Enabled = True Grid1.SetFocus

txtjml_siswa.Text = RsTampil.RecordCount If RsTampil.RecordCount = 0 Then

x = MsgBox("Maaf. Data madyasiswa yang SELESAI untuk paket " & txtnama & " di tahun " & txtthn & " ... belum ada !!!", 0 + 64, "Pemberitahuan")

txtkode.Text = "" txtnama.Text = "" txtkode.SetFocus Exit Sub End If End If End If End Sub

Private Sub Tampildata() Set RsTampil = Nothing

RsTampil.Open "Select tblalumni.nis,tblsiswa.nama,tblalumni.nosertifikat from " & _ " tblalumni,tblsiswa where tblalumni.kodepkt ='" & txtkode & "' and

tblalumni.nis=tblsiswa.nis and right(tblalumni.tglselesai,4) ='" & txtthn & "' Order by tblalumni.nis", Koneksi


Set Grid1.DataSource = RsTampil Grid1.Columns(0).Width = 1000 Grid1.Columns(1).Width = 3250 Grid1.Columns(2).Width = 2750 Grid1.Columns(0).Alignment = dbgCenter Grid1.Columns(2).Alignment = dbgCenter Grid1.Columns(0).Caption = "N I S"

Grid1.Columns(1).Caption = "NAMA SISWA" Grid1.Columns(2).Caption = "NO.SERTIFIKAT" End Sub


Dokumen terkait


Pada Praktek Kerja Lapangan ini penulis mengikuti praktek pekerjaan kolom. Pekerjaan kolom dikerjakan setelah pekerjaan plat lantai selesai. Pekerjaan kolom

 b. Dalam ekosistem terdapat dua macam komponen yang saling ketergantungan, yaitu komponen biotik dan komponen abiotik. komponen biotik terdiri dari tumbuhan, hewan, dan

Ikatan kovalen terjadi karena adanya penggunaan elektron secara bersama dari atom yang satu ke atom yang lainnya. Ikatan logam, interaksi terjadi karena adanya

Tiga tahapan penting dalam pembuatan tempe yaitu (1) hidrasi dan pengasaman biji kedelai dengan direndam beberapa lama (satu malam); (2) pemanasan biji kedelai, yaitu dengan

Dengan meningkatnya harga BBM dan listrik terlihat bahwa sektor-sektor industri hilir pertanian memiliki keterkaitan ke belakang cukup tinggi, sehingga dengan

 Setelah membaca teks, siswa mampu menunjukkan contoh tindakan yang dapat dilakukan manusia terhadap daur hidup hewan dan tumbuhan dengan benar..  Setelah membaca teks

Dengan demikian disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) pada materi gerak tumbuhan dapat mencapai target motivasi