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123811 AKJ 2006 12 19 Run Down


Academic year: 2017

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Moreover, the minimum (resp. maximum) number of edges for all (connected) graphs with pendent vertices and nullity η are determined, and the extremal graphs are characterized..

arbitrary pendent vertex of the star) is the unique tree that maximizes the distance spectral radius, and conjecture the structure of a tree which minimizes the distance

This work is Project 10671026 supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Postdoctoral Scientific Research Foundation of Heilongjiang Province (no. HB200801165) and

Dengan ini diberitahukan bahwa setelah diadakan proses Pengadaan langsung sesuai dengan PERPRES 54 Tahun 2010 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah,

In [19], the Perron-Frobenius property stands for having the spectral radius as a positive eigenvalue with a nonnegative eigenvector; this is also the definition used in

Perihal : Undangan Klarifikasi Teknis Dokumen Penawaran Pekerjaan Pengadaan Alat Peraga Pendidikan dan Sarana Penunjang Pembelajaran/Alat Elektronik Pendidikan SD/SDLB


In this note, we generalize the explicit formulae in [5] for the polar factors of nonsingular real square matrices of order 2, and obtain explicit formulae for polar factors of n − by