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Developing Professionally with Educational Linguistics


Academic year: 2017

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Developing Professionally

through Educational


Nury Supriyanti,M.A.


Those who dare to teach

must never cease to learn.


Not to examine one's practice is irresponsible;

to regard teaching as an

experiment and to monitor one's performance is a responsible

professional act.


All that has to be said is that any occupations aspiring to the title of

‘profession” will claim at least some of these qualities:


a basis of scientific


a period of rigorous study


a sense of public service,

high standard of professional conduct

high standard of



the ability to perform some


Let us develop



With Educational



Language teaching takes place

in a school and is closely tied

to sociological, economic,

political, and psychological


Educational linguistics “should not be, as it often seems, the

application of the latest linguistic theory to any available problem”,

but rather a problem-oriented discipline focused on the needs



the researcher starts with a

problem (or theme) related to

language and education and then synthesizes the research tools in his/her intellectual repertoire to investigate or explore it


The knowledge generated in

EL may be used to guide the

process of crafting sound

educational language policy

which is designed to influence


English teachers in schools deal with the policy and practice in education. If they only rely on

those two aspects, namely

practice and policy they will never know whether the educational


We need to always make sure that the way we teach and test are


This knowledge of EL may be used to guide sound teaching practice as it


Sub disciplines

of Educational Linguistics

•Theoretical Linguistics •Sociolinguistics


•Anthropological Linguistics •Neuro linguistics

•Clinical Linguistics •Pragmatics

•Discourse Analysis


Basic Principles of EL

•EL stresses that literacy should be in primary consideration at each and every stage of educational processes

•It is educational linguistics which should be responsible for L1 and L2


•Verbal intelligence is one of the most-used predictors of

educational success.

•linguistics is an indispensible


•A learner-centered, holistic, humanistic, and problem-oriented language teaching approach should be adopted.

•The use of target language in real communication should be the focus of foreign language education.


Classroom interaction is a significant part of language

teaching methodology.


A lot still needs to be discussed

For teachers

To develop most appropriate

attitudes toward language


Looking at your teaching in a wider scope

Looking at your teaching beyond your stuffy classroom


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