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Academic year: 2019



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Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (S.Pd.I)

English Education Departmen of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

Alfisyah Liasari








Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp (0298) 323433 Fax 323433 Salatiga 50721 Website :www.iainsalatiga.ac.id E-mail : administrasi@iainsalatiga.ac.id


In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful.

Hereby the writer declares that this graduating paper is made by the writer

herself. It is not containing materials and written and has been published by other

people and other people’s idea except the information from the references.

This declaration is made by the writer, and she hopes that this declaration

can be understood.

Salatiga, December 15th 2015

The writer

Alfisyah Liasari




Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp (0298) 323433 Fax 323433 Salatiga 50721 Website :www.iainsalatiga.ac.id E-mail : administrasi@iainsalatiga.ac.id

Faizal Risdianto, S.S, M.Hum

The Lecturer in English Education Department

State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE Case: Alfisyah Liasari’s Graduating Paper


Dean of Teacher Training

and Education Faculty

Assalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Alfisyah Liasari’s graduating paper entitled

“AN ANALYSIS OF INDONESIAN – ENGLISH CODE MIXING USED IN SPOTLITE RUBRIC ON JULY-SEPTEMBER 2014 EDITIONS OF CITA CINTA MAGAZINE”. I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by Teacher Training and Education Faculty, I hope it would be

examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb.

Salatiga, December 15th 2015








NIM: 113 08108

Has been brought to the Board of Examiners of English and Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga on September 26th 2015 and hereby considered to completely the requirements of the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education.

Board of Examiners

Head : Hanung Triyoko, M.Hum., M.Ed. ...

Secretary : Faizal Risdianto, S.S, M.Hum ...

1st Examiner : Ruwandi, S.Pd., M.A. ...

2nd Examiner : Ari Setiawan, S. Pd., MM. ...

Salatiga, January 27th 2016

Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Suwardi, S. Pd., M.Pd.




“So verily, with the hardship, there is relief. Verily, with the hardship, there is


QS. At-Thalaq : 3



This graduating paper is dedicated to: Allah SWT Lord of the Worlds,

My beloved family, my lecturers at IAIN Salatiga, all of my friends, and the precious one, thanks for their help, support, advice, until I accomplished this




All praises due to Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful because

of His wonderful blessing and His mercy, the writer can finish this thesis

successfully as one of requirement to finished study in English Department

faculty of States for Institute Islamic Studies. His incredible blessings make

realize that nothing is difficult in His eyes. Thanks for Your will and endless

blessing in my life.

Peace and salutation always be given to our beloved Prophet Muhammad

SAW that we hope his blessing in Judgment day.

However, this success would not be achieved without the support,

guidance, advice, help and encouragement from individuals and institutions.

Therefore, the writer would like to express the deepest gratitude to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Noor Malihah, Ph. D. as the Head English Education Department of Teacher

Training and Education Faculty of State Islamic Studies Institute (IAIN)


3. Mr. Faizal Risdianto, S.S, M.Hum as my graduating paper counselor who

gives me knowledge and guidance to finish this graduating paper,


5. My beloved family. My smart mother as my second conselor, my best father

who always gives encouragement and motivation, my lovely sister also my

grandma. Thanks for support and praying me to be a better and successful

people, no one better than you all. Hopefully I can make them happy and

proud of me,

6. For someone special, who always accompany me in every time. For

motivation, guidance and hundreds of helps,

7. My best friends (Dewi Yuliana, Siti Asiyah, Siti Rohmah Noviyani) who

helped me in finishing this graduating paper,

8. All of my friends and everybody who cannot be mentioned one by one.

Thanks for all supports, advice, suggestion and other helps that you all give.

The writer hopes that this graduating paper will be useful for everyone.

Furthermore, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful

knowledge and information to the readers. The writer will appreciate any details

suggestion leading to the improvement of this graduating paper.

Salatiga, December 15th 2015

The Writer

Alfisyah Liasari



TITLE ... i




MOTTO ... v





LIST OF CHART ... xiii



A. Background of the Problem ... 1

B. Limitation of the Problem ... 4

C. Statement of the Problem ... 4

D. Objective of the Research ... 4

E. Benefits of the Research ... 5

F. Defition of Key Terms ... 5

G. Review of Related Research ... 6

H. Outline Organization Research ... 7



B. Bilingualism ... 11

C. Code Mixing ... 14

1. Definition of Code Mixing ... 14

2. Forms of Code Mixing ... 16

3. Level of Code Mixing ... 21

D. Lexical Meaning ... 22


A. Type of Research ... 24

B. Object of the Research ... 24

C. Source of Data ... 25

D. Method of Data Collection ... 25

E. Technique of Data Analysis ... 25

F. Data Presentation ... 26


A. Forms of Code Mixing ... 41

1. The Insertion of Words ... 41

2. The Insertion of Phrases ... 77

3. The Insertion of Idioms ... 104

4. The Insertion of Reduplications ... 106

5. The Insertion of Hybrids ... 106

6. The Insertion of Clauses ... 112


8. The Insertion of Abbreviation ... 114

B. Counting the Number of Data ... 115


A. Conclusion ... 118

B. Suggestion ... 119





Table 3.1 Data Presentation ... 27

Table 4.1 The Difference Written and Spoken Abbreviation ... 114



Chart 4.1 Analysis Noun Phrase Travel Blogger ... 78

Chart 4.2 Analysis Noun Phrase Jogging Track ... 79

Chart 4.3 Analysis Noun Phrase Mobile Appreciation Programme ... 80

Chart 4.4 Analysis Noun Phrase Sound Recognition ... 81

Chart 4.5 Analysis Noun Phrase Quick Guidance ... 82

Chart 4.6 Analysis Noun Phrase Product Reviews ... 83

Chart 4.7 Analysis Noun Phrase Tutorial Videos ... 84

Chart 4.8 Analysis Noun Phrase Beauty Bloggers ... 85

Chart 4.9 Analysis Noun Phrase High Heels ... 85

Chart 4.10 Analysis Noun Phrase Slides Sandals ... 86

Chart 4.11 Analysis Noun Phrase Birkenstock-Inspired Sandals ... 87

Chart 4.12 Analysis Noun Phrase Double Strap Sandals ... 88

Chart 4.13 Analysis Noun Phrase Street Style ... 89

Chart 4.14 Analysis Noun Phrase No Tug Hair Ties ... 90

Chart 4.15 Analysis Noun Phrase Long-term Relationship ... 91

Chart 4.16 Analysis Noun Phrase Brand Ambassador ... 92

Chart 4.17 Analysis Noun Phrase Coffee Break ... 92

Chart 4.18 Analysis Noun Phrase Curcuit Training ... 93

Chart 4.19 Analysis Noun Phrase Bike to Work ... 94

Chart 4.20 Analysis Noun Phrase Shredded Jeans ... 95

Chart 4.21 Analysis Noun Phrase Nail Art ... 95


Chart 4.23 Analysis Noun Phrase Video Cover ... 97

Chart 4.24 Analysis Noun Phrase Fine Dining ... 98

Chart 4.25 Analysis Noun Phrase First Class ... 99

Chart 4.26 Analysis Noun Phrase Executive Chef ... 99

Chart 4.27 Analysis Noun Phrase Fortune Readers ... 100

Chart 4.28 Analysis Noun Phrase Hard Disk ... 101

Chart 4.29 Analysis Noun Phrase PC Desktop ... 102

Chart 4.30 Analysis Noun Phrase Mini Tower ... 103



Liasari, Alfisyah. 2015. An Analysis of Indonesian – English Code Mixing Used in Spotlite Rubric on July - September 2014 Editions of Cita Cinta Magazine. Graduating Paper. English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. December 2015. Counselor: Faizal Risdianto, S.S, M.Hum

Nowadays, English code mixing occurred in society was influenced by the global spread of English. Their habit to use English in their daily life will accidentally reflect into their language. They use code mixing in order to make their communication easier. The trend of using code mixing is also happened in magazine. This study aims at describing codes mixing used in Cita Cinta Magazine. The problems are what the form of code mixing, lexical items and the lexical meaning of code mixing, also the most dominant form of Indonesian -English code mixing that used in Cita Cinta Magazine. The writer uses descriptive qualitative approach as method for analyzing the data. The writer collects the data by reading the selected articles on Spotlite Rubrics in Cita Cinta Magazine and selecting sentence that consists of Indonesian-English code mixing. It was identified that English insertion are in the form word, phrase, hybrid, word reduplication, and idiom, also clipping and abbreviation. The writer looked for the lexical items and lexical meaning of code mixing that used in Cita Cinta Magazine. than in Cita Cinta magazine most dominant inserting of noun word. The implication of this graduating paper in English teaching is focused in vocabulary. The achievements of this research are expected to be additional source of code mixing study and it is meant to conduct and develop such a research in the code mixing field.



A. Background of the Problem

Human being lives in this world has a role as an individual creature, but

also has a role as social creature. People have a role as social creature which

means people cannot live alone. They need other people to fulfill their need and

help them solve their problems. To communicate with others they need language

as a means communication. By using language people can express idea,

experiences, thought, wants, hopes, feeling and so on to other. When two or more

people communicate with each other in speech we can call the system of

communication that they employ a code, in most cases that code will be

something we may also want to call language (Wardhaugh, 2006:1).

Most of them firstly used their mother tongue to communicate to their

family and society. The study that related to human or society and language is

called sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to

society (Hudson: 1980). One of linguistics branches that has a lot of cases to be

analyzed is sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics is a term including the aspects of

linguistics applied toward the connections between language and society, and the

way how to use it in different social situations. It ranges from the study of the

wide variety of dialects across a given region down to the analysis between the

way men and women speak one to another. Sociolinguistics often shows us the


often describe the age, sex, and social class of the speaker; it codes the social

function of a language.

In the process of time, languages develop and have many changes and

variations depending on its influence. In the large society, people need to master

international language to communicate people in the entire world. Moreover, it is

also possible for the bilingual or multilingual people use more than one code or

language in communication. One of the language phenomenon especially in the

study of bilingualism problems is called code mixing (Holmes, 2001:35).

English as one of the international language has a great influence to the

most Indonesians. Not only in speaking, but also in writing many people often

mix the English into Indonesian language. This condition is called code mixing

because the condition where people use more than one language in the same topic.

Code mixing is the use more than language that speakers or writers mix two codes

or more language in discourse, the main characteristics in code mixing are relaxed

situations and informal situation (Nababan, 1986:32).

As an illustration the writer presents a little bits sentence which describes

the reality of language used in which afterward the reality of language use can be

categorized as code mixing. The sentence is as follows:

1. Akibatny aambisi tersebut hanya sebatas tekad saat melihat fashion spread Cara Delevingne, hehehe.

(A result the ambition was limited to determination when viewing the

fashion spread Cara Delevingne, hehehe.)


(As a sports presenter, Franda identical with sporty style).

According to Chaer and Agustina (2004:154), the above example is called

code mixing. Code mixing is use of language units from one language to another

to expand the variety of style or language; including the usage of words, phrase

and clauses. Code mixing can be seen in spoken and written language. Code

mixing in the form of written language can be found in texts such as: newspaper,

magazine, novel, internet media and etc. One kind of written language that is

much influenced by English is a magazine. Magazine is one of mass media that

printed and published every certain time (every month, every week, and every

day). The magazine is categorized into different kinds: business magazine, fashion

magazine, healthy, technology, sport, and entertainment magazine. There is much

information that can be got from magazine.

Cita Cinta magazine is a single woman reading age of 20-30 years in order

to become an independent person and modern, but still respect tradition. Cita

Cinta reader is a reader who has just entered a new world, from the campus to the

world of work. They start financially independent. Cita Cinta also establish the

identity of the reader solutions. It is published twice a month.Sometimes the editor

mixes and uses several languages to inform their readers in some rubrics. Practical

format and contents as well as the dynamic lifestyle of modern single woman.

The phenomenon of mixing English in some rubrics of this magazine

make the writer interested to understand about the forms of code mixing and the

lexical meaningin Cita Cinta magazine deeply. From the explanation above the




B. Limitation of the Problem

In this research the writer will analyze the Indonesian - English code

mixing that occurred in Cita Cinta magazine July-September 2014 Edition. The

writer describes about forms of code mixing, the lexical meaning and the most

dominant form of Indonesian - English code mixing in the Spotlite rubric of Cita

Cinta magazine.

C. Statement of the Problem

The problem to be examined in the present study is formulated as follows:

1. What are the forms of code mixing in the Spotlite rubric of Cita Cinta


2. What are the lexical meanings of code mixing that found in the Cita Cinta


3. What is the most dominant form of Indonesian - English code mixing used

in the Spotlite rubric of Cita Cinta magazine?

D. Objective of the Research

Based on the research background and statement of the problem, the study

is aimed at:

1. Finding out the forms of code mixing in Spotlite rubric of Cita Cinta


2. Finding out the lexical meaning of Indonesian-English code mixing that

found in the magazine.

3. Finding out the form of English-Indonesian code mixing mostly are used

in the Spotlite rubric of Cita Cinta magazine.

E. Benefits of the Research

By conducting this research, the writer expects that this study can give

beneficial for both theoretically and practically:

1. Theoretically

Generally it allows readers to larger their knowledge about sociolinguistics

especially about code mixing phenomenon in our society especially in

magazine / media.

2. Practically

The finding of the research make the student’s interest in learning English

especially in vocabullary skill. Improving the teaching method in the

English teaching learning process of vocabullary. This research also can be

the alternative way to teach vocabullary skill to improve the students’

vocabullary skill.

F. Definition Of Key Terms

In order to avoid misinterpretation and unnecessary and misunderstanding

of the terms underlie the title, the terms are clarified as follows:

1. Code Mixing

Conversational code mixing involves the deliberate mixing of two

languages without an associated topic change (Wardaugh, 1992:107). Other

definition is added by Suwito (1985:75) that code mixing is employing two or


which is consistently used. While Muysken (2000:2) defined code mixing as

all cases where lexical items and grammatical features from two languages

appear in one sentence.

In this case, code mixing is considered as an alternation of two

languages including grammatical and lexical in one sentence, both Indonesian

and English.

2. Cita Cinta Magazine

Cita Cinta magazine is one of a young magazine in Indonesia,

dedicated to a single woman reading age of 20-30 years who has just entered a

new world, from the campus to the world of work. The rubrics in magazine

including spotlite, leisure & entertainment, artikel and so on. There are about

148 pages. It is published by PT Bina Favorit Press and the address is in HR

Rasuna Said Street Kav 32-33 Jakarta 12910.

G. Review of Related Research

The writer finds that many of graduated students have done some

researches which has a relation in terms of problems, research methodology and

findings in the topic of code mixing that help the writer in doing research paper

but in different objects and aspect, also ways in applying the theories.

The first research is “A Descriptive Analysis Of Indonesian – English

Code Mixing Used In Jsyk Rubric Published On May-July 2012 Edition Of

Cosmogirl Magazine” by Siti Rohmah Noviyani, the student of State Islamic


code mixing used in Cosmogirl magazine. The related previous researches above

explain forms code mixing in written language. Then the writer extracted to

explain forms and lexical meaning code mixing used in Cita Cinta magazine.

Another previous research is “Linguistics Study Of Code Mixing Used In

Expose Rubric Of Teen Magazine At 281-288”. Written by Maghfiratul

Munawaroh, she is on of the students of State Islamic Institute of Salatiga. She

issued form of code mixing and about the lexical items used in magazine.

According to the researchers above, there are similarities about explaining lexical

items of the writer’s research, but the writer research explain more clearly about

classification of morpheme.

The last one is “The Analysis Of Indonesian-English Codes Mixing Used

In “Marmut Merah Jambu” Novel” by Ari Saputro, the student of State Islamic

Institute of Salatiga. In his research, he discussed about the morphological and

syntactic form of code mixing, also the lexical meaning of code mixing that used

in novel. The similarity between this research and the previous research is the

field of code mixing and data analysis. The differences are the data sources and

the analysis. In this research the writer explaining lexical items used in Spotlite

rubric of Cita Cinta magazine not on the novel.

H. Outline Organization Research

This research is organized into five chapters. Chapter I is introduction

which presents the background of the problem, limitation of the problem,


review of previous research, clarification or definition of key term, and paper


Chapter II presents review of related theory. It consists of theories

underlying the study. Discussion some theories about code mixing. Chapter III

shows research method and data presentation. This chapter discusses code mixing

found in Cita Cinta magazine and the methodological aspects of the study. It deals

with type of the research, object of the research, data source, method of collecting

data, and technique of analysis data.

Chapter IV reports the finding of the research. It provides the data

classification, analysis and interpretations of findings. Chapter V observes

conclusions and suggestions. It includes the conclusion and suggestions to other




In this chapter, the writer writes some reviews of references related to the

study which are used as a framework of data analysis. The theories will be used

for the underlying requirement to solve the problems. The writer has done some

literature review in sources, such as books and scientific papers.

A. Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics study the relationship between language and society. It is

interested in explaining why we speak differently in different social contexts, and

sociolinguistics concerned with identifying the social functions of language and

the ways it is used to convey social meaning (Holmes, 2001: p.1).

According Wardhaugh sociolinguistics is the study of the social uses of

language, and the most productive studies in the four decades of sociolinguistics

research have emanated from determining the social evaluation of linguistic

variants. These are also the areas most susceptible to scientific methods such as

hypothesis-formation, logical inference, and statistical testing (Wardhaugh, 2006:


Sociolinguistics is the study of indiscipline are working on the problems of

language in relation to social issues (Suwito,1985:4). Appel in Suwito (1985:4)

sociolinguistics is the study of language and language use in relation to society

and culture. While Hymes (1975 in Suwito) more focused on its usefulness in

terms of opinion, that the sociolinguistics can be used as clues about the possible


conversely, the use of social data and analysis in the linguistic. It also can be said

that sociolinguistics learns and discusses the aspects of language society.

Especially for variation in language which is related to the social factors.

The relationship between linguistic choices and the social context in which

they are made is sometimes easiest to see when different languages are involved.

The first focuses on multilingual speech communities and describes some of the

ways in which social considerations affect language choice. But there is plenty of

language variation in monolingual communities too, and it is just as socially

meaningful. The second focuses on social features of the language user. It

explores the range of social information conveyed about participants by their

linguistic choices within one language. The third focus shifts to the uses of

language, and the influence on language of the social context in which it is used

and the functions it expresses.

Sociolinguistics uses for practical life very much, because the languages as

a tool of human verbal communication, of course have certain rules on its usage.

Sociolinguistics provide knowledge on how to use language in a certain aspect or

social terms. Sociolinguistics will guide us in communicating with language,

variety of language or style of what language should we use when we talk to a

certain person. In language teaching at school, sociolinguistics also have a big

role. Language study internally will be produce objectively descriptive language


B. Bilingualism

Every human being belongs to many different speeches and perhaps

language communities. Although the different languages (he knows) are used in

communication with different interlocutors or for different purposes, a speaker

may nevertheless borrow terms form one language to use in another. At the

frontiers of a language community-whether a region, nation or ethnic group - each

language or dialect may be affected by another language or dialect used by

different-or even same – people living close together. A useful distinction here is

that between social bilingualism (or multilingualism), in which essentially,

monolingual communities may live in close contact with each other, and

individual bilingualism, where everybody has more than one language (Ager

1990: 7).

Mackey (1968:557) revealed bilingualism level that is meant to distinguish

a persons level of ability in second language acquisition. Ability levels can be

seen from the mastery of speaker to the aspect of grammatical, lexical, semantic

and style is reflected in the four language skills: listening, reading, speaking and

writing. Many elements are ruled by speakers the higher levels of bilingualism,

the less control of the elements that lower of the bilingualism.

Therefore, bilingualism is the habit of using two languages in the

interaction with other people. If we think about the capability of the people who

are use two language or more, we are called bilingualism (Nababan, 1993:27). In

other word, applying bilingualism implicates the people must have bilingual


in big cities of Indonesia, there are many young generations dont use their parents

vernacular actively and use Indonesia language practically and it also happens in

other developing countries of Asia and Africa.

In fact the occurrence of bilingualism in the society brings a positive and

negative attribute. Wardaugh (1986:68) describes this phenomena as a mixture of

ones feeling when discover someone who is fluent in several languages. It can be

mixture of admiration and envy, a feeling of superiority a respected marking etc.

Wardaugh (1992: 99) explained that the important thing is that

bilingualism and multilingualism are normal in many parts of the world that

people in those parts would view any other situation as strange and limiting. There

is a long history in certain western societies of people actually ‘looking down’ on

those who are bilingual.

A bilingual situation can produce still other effects on one or more of the

languages involved. As we have just seen, it can lead to loss, e.g. language loss

among immigrants. But sometimes it leads to diffusion; that is certain features

spread from one language to the other (or others) as a result of the contact

situation, particularly certain kinds of syntactic features. One linguistic

consequence, however, is that there has been some convergence of the languages

that are spoken in the village so far as syntax is concerned, but vocabulary

differences have been maintained. It is vocabulary rather than syntax which now

serves to distinguish the groups and the variety of multilingualism that has

resulted is a special local variety which has developed in response to local needs.


Kridalaksana (1982:26) in Ohoiwutun divided bilingualism into three

categories, there are: coordinate bilingualism, compound bilingualism and

sub-ordinate bilingualism. The first is cosub-ordinate bilingualism, language usage in this

phenomenon the speaker use two languages or more separately. A bilingual

coordinate when use one language doesnt show the elements of another language.

When the speaker switching to another language, a system mixing does not

occurs. For instance who master English and Indonesian language, when he speak

with foreigner he speaks English but after that he switches his language into

mother language Indonesia (Ohoiwutun, 2007:67).

The second type is compound bilingualism, speaking uses two or more

language system is integrated. A bilingual compound, often disrupt the elements

of both languages are mastered. For example, bilingual compound may happen

when Indonesian people work in Malaysia, sometimes they use Indonesian

language. The third type of bilingualism is sub-ordinate bilingualism. This happen

to person or community that uses two or more language system separately.

Usually, there is still a process of translation. Bilingual sub-ordinate often mixed

the first language concepts in a second language or foreign language studies,

which is being learned. This often occurs in the conversation among second

language learner, they still translate some vocabularies or sentences that they

speak. For example we always find Indonesian student who learn foreign

language (Ohoiwutun, 2007:67).

W.F. Mackey explained as a switch between two or more languages by the


switches of languages chosen. According to Hamers and Blanc (2000:6) as


“The concept of bilingualism is refer to the state of a linguistic community in which two languages are in contact with the result that two codes can be used in the same interaction and that a number of individuals are bilingual”

Based on the explanation above the writer concludes that bilingualism is a

habit of using two different languages to interact with others that aimed to make

understandable in their communication. Bilingual is a functional ability that has a

person to use second language in their interactions. In many parts of the world the

bilingual ability is usual, moreover a monolingual individual regarded as a misfit

person that has not an important ability. In bilingual situation, a speaker usually

change language or utterance, it depends on context and situation. According to

Wardaugh (1992: 103) bilingualism results code switching and code mixing

phenomenon. It happens when a speaker requires a particular language to switch

or mix one language to another.

C. Code Mixing

1. Definition of Code Mixing

Code mixing as a language phenomenon is frequently occurs in

multilingual and bilingual society. Several scholars have attempted to define

code mixing. Wardaugh (1992:106) introduces a theory that: “Code mixing

occurs when conversant uses both languages together to extent that they

change from one language to the other in the course of single utterances.”

Other definition is added by Suwito (1985:75) that code mixing


language to another which is consistently used. While Muysken defined code

mixing as all cases where lexical items and grammatical features from two

languages appear in one sentence. Trudgill (2003: 23) gave explanation: “The

process whereby speakers indulge in code-switching between languages of

such rapidity and density, even within sentences and phrases that is not really

possible to say at any given time which language they are speaking.” It is also

emphasized by Trudgill that: “Sociolinguistics explanation for this behavior

normally concentrates on the possibility, through code-mixing as a strategy, of

projecting two identities at once, for example that a modern, sophisticated,

educated person and that of a loyal, local patriot.”

Further, Wardaugh (1992:106) also explain that code mixing used as a

sophisticated language and a source of pride,

“Conversational code mixing involved the deliberate mixing of two languages without an associated topic change. Conversational code mixing is not just a haphazard mixing of two languages brought by laziness or ignorance or some combination of these. Rather, it requires conversant to have a sophisticated knowledge of both languages and to be acutely aware of community norms. These norms require that both languages be used in this way so that conversant can show their familiarity or solidarity. The ability to mix code in this way is now often a source of pride.”

Code mixing also expresses as solidarity markers and an established

community norm,


In terms of definition from Bhatia and Ritchie (2004) in Eunhee Kim

(2006), code mixing refers to the mixing of various linguistic units

(morphemes, word, modifiers, phrases, clauses, and sentences) primarily from

two participating grammatical system within a sentence.

In other hand, Wienreich (1953:73) in Muysken gave opinion that code

mixing can be a sign of lack of bilingual proficiency and interference. Holmes

states that code-mixing suggests the speaker is mixing up codes

indiscriminately or perhaps because of the incompetence, where as the

switches are very well-motivated in relation to the symbolic or social meanings

of the two codes (1992: 50).

However, for some speakers, code mixing is the unmarked code in

certain circumstances (Myers-Scotton 1993 in Muysken). Neither does it

reflect limited proficiency in either of the languages involved. Rather, speakers

who code mix fluently and easily tend to be quite proficient bilinguals (Poplack

1980, Nortier 1990) in Muysken.

Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that code mixing is

considered as an alternation of two languages including grammatical and

lexical in one sentence, in this case Indonesian and English.

2. Forms of Code Mixing

Suwito (1985:78) split up code mixing into six: insertion of words,

insertion of phrases, insertion of hybrids, insertion of word reduplication,

insertion of idioms, and insertion of clause. A further explanation will be


a. The insertion of words

The insertion of words means adding English words inside

Indonesian utterances. Katamba (1997:10) said that word is formed by

combining two or more word bases to form a new lexical item. In addition,

Bauer (1988:25) states that a word is a unit, which is in print, in bounded

spaces on both sides. According to Suwito (1985: 78), the insertion of words

were classified into eight groups, they are: the insertion of noun, verb,

adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition and exclamation. Here is the


Yap, RM memang berhasil menjadi salah satu program TV utama di Korea serta memiliki fanbase yang kuat di seluruh dunia-termasuk Asia.”

(Yep, RM indeed successfully become one of the major TV programs in

Korea and has a strong fanbase around the world-including Asia).

In the sentence, fanbaseincluding noun word category.

b. The insertion of phrases

Lyons (1968:171) defines a phrase as any group of words which is

grammatically equivalent to a single word and which doesn’t have its own

subject and predicate. There are 5 types of phrase proposed by Quirk (1985:

60- 65): noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, adverbial phrase,

prepositional phrase. The example is:


(This menu devoted exclusively for first class passengers on a

hongkong-london flight start september until december 2014.)

In the sentence, first classincluding noun phrase category.

First => Modifier

Class => Head Noun

c. The insertion of hybrids

In this case is a combination between pieces of Indonesian word and

English word. Mikhail Bakhtin in Patricia Seed conveyed that hybrid is an

utterance that belongs by its grammatical and compositional makers to a

single speaker but that actually contains mixed within it two utterances by

social differentiation, or by some other factor and become unconsciously

mixed. Hybrid can be classified into two types, they are hybrid of affixation

and hybrid of phrase.

1) Hybrid of affixation

This type is formed from two components, they are Indonesian

affixes and English word. This kind of hybrid must contain English and

Indonesian elements in order to form transformational word. Next the

researcher classifies the affixation into two: Indonesian prefixes +

English word and English word + Indonesian suffixes. The example is:


(Softcake containing eggs protein and carbohydrates, while its

marshmallow can increase immune.)

In the sentence, softcake-nyaincluding suffix hybrid category. Softcake => English word

-nya => Indonesian suffixes

2) Hybrid of phrase

Hybrid of phrase is a phrase which contains English and Indonesian

words. Both the two words can function as head (H) or modifier (M) or

the phrase. Usually, this kind of hybrid still uses Indonesian grammatical

rule. Example of hybrid phrase :

Tenang, kamu bisa ambil short course-nya yang berdurasi 5 minggu atau 75 jam belajar.”

(Relax, you can take the short course that lasts 5 week or 75 teaching


In the example, short course-nya including hybrid phrase category.

Short => English word

Course => English word

-nya => Indonesian suffixes

d. The insertion of word reduplication

Word reduplication is the repetition of some parts of the base (which


Berbasis musik dance ramuan Zedd, berupa kombinasi dubstep dan beat-beat elektronik yang catchy.”

(Based Zedd concoction dance music, a dubstep combination and electronic

beats that catchy)

e. The insertion of idioms

Idiom is a Phrase or sentence whose meanings is not obvious

through knowledge of individual meanings of the constituent words but

must be learnt as a whole.

Idiom is an expression which has a different meaning that of the

individual meaning of each of its component parts. The idiom cannot be

translated literally from one language into another without some change in

its meaning or connotation. Thus, idiom has a different meaning from its

origin words. The example is:

Selama ini, lagu-lagu Lily dikenal penuh sindiran dan to the point” (During this time, Lily songs known full of satire and to the point)

f. The insertion of clause

Clauses are classified into two, independent clause and dependent

clause. Independent clause can stand themselves as sentence or may appear

within sentences as grammatically complete statements. While dependent

(subordinate) cannot stand themselves and therefore the meaning on the


Kalau sekedar menyebarkan twit yang inspiring saja sudah bikin kamu happy, it will make someone else happy too.

(If sharing inspiring twit can make you happy, it will make someone else

happy too.)

In the sentence, it will make someone else happy too including dependent clause category.

3. Level of Code Mixing

The linguistics levels dealing code mixing are morphological and

syntactical level. According to Goh and Silver (2004: 2) morphology is the

study of morphemes and the way to combine word formation. A morpheme

is the smallest meaningful unit in a language. For example, “polling” is

formed from two morphemes, “poll‟and “-ing”. Poll is free morpheme and -ing is bound morpheme.

Free morphemes are the set of separate English word forms such as

basic nouns and verbs that can stand by themselves as a single word such as

open and tour. Then bound morphemes are morphemes that typically need

to be attached to another form, exemplified as re-, -ist. This last set is

identified as affixes. When free morphemes used with bound morphemes

attached are technically known as stems.

However, there are a number of English words in which their stems

are factually not free morphemes. In words such as receive, reduce, re- at

the beginning of those words are identified as the bound morphemes but the


types of form are described as ‘bound stems’ to distinguish them from ‘free

stems’ such as dress and care.

Syntax is the study of architecture of phrase, clause and sentence. It is

the way words combine to form sentences and the rules to control those

combinations (Goh and Silver 2004: 3). Morphology, syntax and semantics

are recognized to deal with the structure of word.

D. Lexical Meaning

The lexical meaning is study of semantics which concern with the meaning

based on the dictionary. It is the study of how and what the words of a language

denote things in the world, or concepts, depending on the particular approach to

lexical semantics. Lexical meaning is the component of word meaning recurrent

in all the forms of the word and in all the possible distributions of these forms.

Another case, the meaning of a content word that depends on the non

linguistic concepts it is used to express content word, open-class word - a word to

which an independent meaning can be assigned meaning, signification, import,

significance - the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the

meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the

signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was


Lexical meaning covers among other things the discussion about synonym,

antonym, ambiguity, hyponym, denotation and connotation, homonym,

homophone, polysemy, ambiguity, and figurative meanings (Lyon, 1995:148).


stands independently. Example: “Comfort” has some meaning, (i) state of being

relaxed and free from pain or worry, (ii) person of thing that brings you help or



Research method is very important to do a research, the writer need to

apply the right method. Research method is needed by the writerand it plays

significant role. In this chapter, the writer would like to explain the research

method which is consists of type of research, object of the research, data source,

method of data collection, and method of data analysis.

A. Type of Research

The research design of this study is a descriptive qualitative research. It is

called qualitative research since it provides a systematic, factual, and accurate

description of a situation of area (Moleong, 2011). According to Dabbs,

“Qualitative refers to the meaning, the definition or analogy or model or metaphor

characterizing something. It deals with the meaning of things and one view of

meaning associative”. Besides, the write also applied qualitative method. This

method is based on the datas which are words and not about the number

(Sudaryanto, 1993:62).

In this research, the writer described the forms of code mixing in Cita

Cinta magazine, the lexical meanings and the most dominant form of Indonesian

-English code mixing are used in Cita Cinta magazine.

B. Object of the Research

The subject of the research is the Indonesian - English code mixing in


researcher analyzed code mixing viewed from the forms and the lexical meanings

of using code mixing in Cita Cinta magazine.

C. Source of Data

Rahardi (2001:8) differentiates the data source into two categories i.e

primary data and secondary data. Primary data is the data gained directly from the

source, while secondary data is the one gained indirectly. In this thesis, the

primary data where the writer gets data directly from the selected articles in

Spotlite Rubrics from three editions of Cita Cinta magazine starting from July to

September 2014. The data were the inserting of English code mixing into

Indonesian utterances.

D. Method of Data Collection

There are many ways to collect the data such as: study document,

observation, test, interview and questionnaire. According to Arikunto (1990:321),

study document is getting the data about case or variable as note, transcripts,

book, magazine, etc. In this research, the writer uses documentation method since

the data source in this research is obtained from written text on selected articles in

Spotlite Rubrics of July-September 2014 Edition of Cita Cinta magazine.

E. Techique of Data Analysis

The data were analyzed through the following procedures:

a. Data Collection

Through this step the writer reads the selected articles in Spotlite Rubrics


b. The Identification

After collecting the data, the writer listed the appropriate and inappropriate


c. Classification

The writer applied the theory proposed by Suwito which is suitable to help

classifying data. The writer classified the Indonesian-English code mixing that

occurred in Cita Cinta magazine into each forms: inserting of words, inserting

of phrase, inserting of reduplication, inserting of hybrid, inserting of idioms,

and inserting of clause.

d. Data Analysis

In this step, the writer determines the lexical item and lexical meaning of

the form of code mixing that used in Cita Cinta magazine. The writer also

counting the data of each forms in order to find the form of code mixing which

is most frequently used on the Spotlite Rubrics of Cita Cinta magazine.

F. Data Presentation

The writer found code mixing on Cita Cinta magazine. The writer provides


Table 3.1

Data of Code Mixing in Cita Cinta Magazine

No. Form of Code Mixing Data Code


A. Word Noun 1. Polling

2. Episode

1. Menurut Miss Travel yang

mengadakan pollingpria dan wanita terseksi di dunia, wanita Ausie nggak seseksi para prianya, justru Brazil yang gudangnya wanita seksi. 2. Bukan sekadar memeriahkan acara,

kehadiran Yoo Jae Suk, Ji Suk Jin, Kim Jong Kook, HaHa, Lee Kwang Soo, dan Gary sekaligus untuk syuting episodeterbaru RM. 3. Yap, RM memang berhasil menjadi

salah satu program TV utama di Korea serta memiliki fanbase yang kuat di seluruh dunia – termasuk Asia.

4. Bukan rahasia, tuh, bahwa castRM senang memperlihatkan bakat mereka di hadapan para fan. 5. Bukan rahasia, tuh, bahwa cast RM

senang memperlihatkan bakat mereka di hadapan para fan. 6. Berbasis musik danceramuan Zedd,

berupa kombinasi dubstep dan beat-beat elektronik yang catchy. 7. Berbasis musik dance ramuan Zedd,

berupa kombinasi dubstepdan beat-beat elektronik yang catchy. 8. Soal menu, Hong Tang masih fokus


9. Bakery

9. Bertempat di Plaza Senayan, lantai 3, Eric Kayser mengusung kosep restoran dan bakeryyang menyajikan lebih dari 50 jenis roti dan pastry, dan menu untuk makan siang dan malam.

10. Bertempat di Plaza Senayan, lantai 3, Eric Kayser mengusung kosep restoran dan bakeryyang menyajikan lebih dari 50 jenis roti dan pastry, dan menu untuk makan siang dan malam.

11. Uniknya, taman seluas tiga hektar ini menyediakan videotronraksasa berukuran 8x12 meter, panggung musik, jogging track, area yoga, serta air mancur interaktif.

12. Click2Catch juga dilengkapi games seru yang edukatif.

13. Segera unduh aplikasi Click2Catch, gratis di smartphoneAnda!

14. Satu lagi pilihan asyik buat ngemil, yaitu Lotte Choco Pie, cemilan kombinasi softcakedan marshmallow yang dipadukan dalam lumuran cokelat.

15. Satu lagi pilihan asyik buat ngemil, yaitu Lotte Choco Pie, cemilan kombinasi softcake dan

marshmallowyang dipadukan dalam lumuran cokelat.


17. Expert

17. Dan bisa menambah ilmu kecantikan juga dari para expertdan beauty bloggers ngetop di aplikasi Pretty In My Pocket.

18. Sejak Kate Middleton dan David Backham terlihat memakainya, semua mata pun menyorot rangkaian karet gelang yang sedang hitsini. 19. Saat sedang rileks di pantai Ibiza,

tiba-tiba Will diserbu beberapa fan yang minta selfiebareng.

20. Pengalaman sebagai supermodelbisa Anda dapatkan ketika menginap di Love Fashion Hotel by fashiontv. 21. Terletak di Legian, Bali, hotel baru

ini benar-benar memanjakan para fashionista.

22. Anda bisa menemukan lobi yang menyerupai catwalk, tuh, sampai Love f Store yang menyediakan busana berkualitas tinggi. 23. Serupa dengan dua film franchise

sebelumnya, Paris, Je t’Aime dan New York, I love You, Rio, I love You merupakan antologi 10 film pendek bertema cinta arahan 10 sutradara berbeda.

24. Situs ini bertujuan ‘mempertemukan’ sebuah branddengan konsumen loyal mereka lewat beragam kompetisi.

25. Useryang dianggap konsisten atau paling niat mengikuti kompetisi disebut sebagai superfan.

26. User yang dianggap konsisten atau paling niat mengikuti kompetisi disebut sebagai superfan.


27. Cookies

27. Pilih Tropicana Slim Alergon, cookiespertama yang bebas gluten. 28. Pilih Tropicana Slim Alergon,

cookies pertama yang bebas gluten. 29. Jangan-jangan bukan karena

overloadmelainkan ada kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang bikin Anda terhambat bekerja.

30. Bakal diselipkan juga kutipan-kutipan yang menginspirasi, ‘tugas-tugas’ mudah untuk dikerjakan, dan gambar-gambar (doodle) cute. 31. Skipping3 menit.

32. Sit-up3 menit.

33. Squat3 menit.

34. Push-up3 menit.

35. Makan sambil nonton TV dan santai di sofa dapat menambah kalori lebih banyak ketimbang makan saat hangoutdengan teman.

36. Selain mix and match bajunya yang keren, ada gaya rambut, makeup, dan nail art yang bisa Anda tiru.

37. Namun di film terbarunya, Tazza 2, yang tayang 3 September lalu, fans berkesempatan mengintip dada rapper ganteng ini.

38. Namun di film terbarunya, Tazza 2, yang tayang 3 September lalu, fans berkesempatan mengintip dada rapperganteng ini.

39. Inilah yang diyakini Alex Goot, 26, musisi yang eksis lewat YouTube.


40. Member

40. Kejutan datang dari SHINee-member Taemin baru saja melakukan debut solo dengan merilis album mini berjudul ACE akhir bulan lalu. 41. Dalam debutnya, Taemin

menampilkan image berbeda dari biasanya.

42. Terbukti selama showcasemereka disambut histeria dan teriakan. 43. Ada lebih dari empat juta orang

men-subscribe channel mereka, bahkan video cover mereka ditonton oleh lebih dari 500 juta viewers!

44. Ada lebih dari empat juta orang men-subscribe channel, bahkan video cover mereka ditonton oleh lebih dari 500 juta viewers!

45. Produsen es krim premium internasional, Haagen-Dazs, nggak ketinggalan ikut merayakan Moon Festival dengan menghadirkan es krim Mooncake.

46. Setiap weekendpukul 21.00, replika naga ditengah jembatan menyajikan pertunjukan pyrotechnic berupa semburan api dan uap air dari ‘mulut’ naga yang dilengkapi suara naga.

47. Objek wisata yang terletak di Urayasu, Jepang, ini merupakan taman hiburan bertema paling fun sedunia berdasarkan reviewStefan Zwanzger dari CNN Travel. 48. Setiap weekend pukul 21.00, replika

naga ditengah jembatan menyajikan pertunjukanpyrotechnicberupa semburan api dan uap air dari


49. Qwerty

‘mulut’ naga yang dilengkapi suara naga.

49. Varian ponsel Qwertyseharga Rp 999 ribu ini tersedia dalam tiga warna-hitam putih dan merah. 50. Buruan ‘like’ fanpage LightGivers di

FB dan follow Twitter @LightGivers untuk berkonsultasi langsung-gratis! 51. Nggak mau berhenti berinovasi, Acer

meluncurkan Aspire Switch 10, notebook 2-in-1 yang

mengkombinasikan fungsi notebook dan tablet.

52. Nggak mau berhenti berinovasi, Acer meluncurkan Aspire Switch 10, notebook 2-in-1 yang

mengkombinasikan fungsi notebook dan tablet.

53. Sebagai notebook, Aspire Switch 10 dilengkapi keyboardyang docking-nya memiliki storage sebesar 500 GB.

54. Sebagai notebook, Aspire Switch 10 dilengkapi keyboard yang docking-nya memiliki storagesebesar 500 GB.

55. Kesan mewah terlihat dari interior mobil ditambah lagi bagian kabin cukup luas untuk memuat hingga tujuh orang.

56. Datsun Go+ juga memiliki sistem Docking Mobile yang

memungkinkan Anda memutar musik langsung dari gadget. 57. Ya, menurut penelitian di Jepang,

melihat gambar dan video kucing atau anjing lucu dapat meningkatkan


58. Laptop

59. Chemist ry

moodsekaligus performa kerja. 58. Perusahaan Jepang Sanko baru-baru

ini meluncurkan Super-Upward Looking Dozing Desk yang memungkinkan karyawan

menggunakan laptopdari atas tempat tidur tanpa harus memangkunya. 59. Bukan berarti nggak ada chemistry,

tapi bagian dari proses.

18.35.58 berupa kombinasi dubstep dan beat-beat elektronik yang catchy.

2. Tak lupa, vokal cantik dan powerful dari Hayley Williams.

3. Soal menu, Hong Tang masih fokus menyajikan dessert yang fresh dan menyehatkan.

4. Minum juga di pagi hari saat sahur untuk menjaga tubuh tetap fit. 5. Sst, bisa dipakai ke acara semi

formal, nih, asal pilih gold, silver, atau dengan tambahan Swarovski crystal yang glam.

6. Sst, bisa dipakai ke acara semi formal, nih, asal pilih gold, silver, atau dengan tambahan Swarovski crystal yang glam.

7. Lucunya berhubung sedang di pantai, beberapa fan yang mengerubuti Will terlihat topless-baik cewek maupun cowok.

8. Ingin melihat wajah cantik Anne Hathaway dan Kristen Stewart menjadi macho?

9. Kisah yang dibawakan nggak hanya tentang sepasang kekasih, tapi juga cinta secara universal.


69. Loyal

10. Situs ini bertujuan ‘mempertemukan’ sebuah brand dengan konsumen loyalmereka lewat beragam kompetisi.

11. Salah satunya, kompetisi foto online.

12. Bakal diselipkan juga kutipan-kutipan yang menginspirasi, ‘tugas-tugas’ mudah untuk dikerjakan, dan gambar-gambar (doodle) cute. 13. Seorang aktris transgender Alexis

Arquette membuat pengakuan mengejutkan.

14. Pasalnya di film tersebut ada adegan yang mengharuskan TOP tampil shirtless dan hanya mengenakan celana pendek.

15. Dia tampil lebih manly dan dewasa.

16. Untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik, CPA bekerja sama dengan Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group menciptakan menu inflight terbaru berupa fine dining kontemporer. 17. Objek wisata yang terletak di

Urayasu, Jepang, ini merupakan taman hiburan bertema paling fun sedunia berdasarkan review Stefan Zwanzger dari CNN Travel.

18. Mobil berdesain ergonomis dan sporty ini hadir dengan mesin bertenaga 1.200 cc.

19. Canggih-atau desperate?


Verb 80. Travelin

pengalamannya selama traveling. 2. Di aplikasi Make Up, Anda bisa

nyobain styling rambut ala seleb. 3. Hindari membuka terlalu banyak tab,

baik saat menggunakan firefox atau chrome yang bisa mengalihkan konsentrasi atau membuat komputer hang.

4. Buruan ‘like’ fanpage LightGivers di FB dan followTwitter @LightGivers untuk berkonsultasi langsung-gratis! 5. Caranya, setiap anggota membuat

akun di situs MMM lalu transfer paket dana minimal Rp. 1 juta sampai Rp. 10 juta.

6. Enjoyaja! Conjunction 86. Plus Pluskita jadi merasa bahagia karena

coklatnya efektif melepaskan hormone endorphin.

Well Done, dude! 16.20.87


B. Phrase Noun Phrase 88. travel blogger blogger, Trinity, wanita Brazil nyaris naked kalau ke pantai dengan hanya berbikini G-string.

2. Uniknya, taman seluas tiga hektar ini menyediakan videotronraksasa berukuran 8x12 meter, panggung musik, jogging track, area yoga, serta air mancur interaktif.


91. sound

aplikasi ini dapat menangkap suara iklan TV Pocari Sweat dan membawa pengguna mengakses langsung menu utama.

5. Unduh dari gadget atau smartphone, tiga aplikasi cantik berikut untuk quick guidanceAnda.

6. Ada product reviews atau tutorial videos di Beautylish.

7. Ada product reviewsatau tutorial videos di Beautylish.

8. Dan bisa menambah ilmu kecantikan juga dari para expert dan beauty bloggersngetop di aplikasi Pretty In My Pocket.

9. Berniat ingin memanjakan kaki, rehat dari high heels?

10. Slides Sandals, Birkenstock-Inspired Sandals, Double Strap Sandals, atau apapun julukannya, sandal santai ini siap menemani tampilan effortlessly chic Anda.

11. Slides Sandals, Birkenstock-Inspired Sandals, Double Strap Sandals, atau apapun julukannya, sandal santai ini siap menemani tampilan effortlessly chic Anda.

12. Slides Sandals, Birkenstock-Inspired Sandals, Double Strap Sandals, atau apapun julukannya, sandal santai ini siap menemani tampilan effortlessly chic Anda.

13. Tapi peran seleb atau street style yang keren membuatnya ‘naik daun’. 14. Selain sebagai pengikat rambut,



long-15. Kru penerbangan dinilai sulit menjalani long-term relationship dengan orang dari profesi berbeda. 16. Asyiknya, superfan pilihan sebuah

brand berpeluang besar mewakili mereka alias menjadi brand ambassador.

17. Nggak heran, deh, perusahaan yang memberi waktu untuk coffee break agar karyawannya bisa bersosialisai dan membangun tim yang kompak. 18. Circuit training adalah olahraga

paling ampuh untuk membakar banyak kalori. keren, ada gaya rambut, makeup, dan nail artyang bisa Anda tiru.

22. Bergenre dark comedy, film ini bercerita tentang mantan aktor film superhero (Michael Keaton) yang nggak lagi dianggap serius saat bermain teater.

23. Ada lebih dari empat juta orang men-subscribe channel, bahkan video covermereka ditonton oleh lebih dari 500 juta viewers!

24. Untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik, CPA bekerja sama dengan Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group menciptakan menu inflight terbaru berupa fine diningkontemporer. 25. Menu ini ditujukan khusus bagi

penumpang first class pada


113. executi

penerbangan Hongkong-London mulai bulan September hingga Desember 2014.

26. Menu yang disajikan merupakan kreasi para executive chef dari Mandarin Oriental dan London. 27. Nggak perlu lagi penasaran terhadap

keberuntungan Anda karena LightGivers (komunitas fortune readers) siap membantu.

28. Soal performa juga nggak kalah, tuh, karena memakai prosesor Intel Pentium Bay Trail dan hard disk berkapasitas hingga 500 GB plus memori 4 GB DDR3.

29. Mini tower pc ini hemat tempat dengan bentuknya yang ramping dan dua kali lebih kecil dibandingkan PC desktopstandart.

30. Mini tower pc ini hemat tempat dengan bentuknya yang ramping dan dua kali lebih kecil dibandingkan PC desktop standart.

Verb phrase 118. Sit-up

119. Push-up

1. Sit-up3 menit.

2. Push-up3 menit.

3. Selain mix and match bajunya yang keren, ada gaya rambut, makeup, dan nail art yang bisa Anda tiru.

4. Mereka memang memberi dukungan, namun mengingatkan Alex agar move onseandainya gagal.


Slides Sandals, Birkenstock-Inspired Sandals, Double Strap Sandals, atau apapun julukannya, sandal santai ini siap menemani tampilan effortlessly


chicAnda. blak-blakan sering dijadikan ‘senjata’ untuk mengkritiknya.

2. Selain mix and match bajunya yang keren, ada gaya rambut, makeup, dan nail art yang bisa Anda tiru.

3. Mereka memang memberi dukungan, namun mengingatkan Alex agar move onseandainya gagal.

14.18.11 berupa kombinasi dubstep dan beat-beatelektronik yang catchy.

14.25.12 6R

E. Hybrid Prefixes 127. nge-beat

1. Jika ingin yang lebih nge-beat, simak Youth, White Coats, dan Night Owls Early Birds.

2. Ada lebih dari empat juta orang men-subscribe channel, bahkan video cover mereka ditonton oleh lebih dari 500 juta viewers!

3. Tapi dana itu ditransfer ke rekening anggota lain yang telah ditentukan.


1. Softcake-nya mengandung protein telur dan karbohidrat, sedangkan

marshmallow-nya dapat

meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh. 2. Softcake-nya mengandung protein

telur dan karbohidrat, sedangkan marshmallow-nya dapat meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh. 3. Agnes Mo rajin, tuh, memejang


133. sixpack

4. Selain memamerkan perut sixpack-nya, Agnes Mo gemar pamer otot lengan, bokong, sampai payudaranya.

5. Untuk mengundang LightGivers ke event Anda atau ikutan workshop-nya tinggal kirim e-mail lightgiverscorp@gmail.com.

6. Sebagai notebook, Aspire Switch 10 dilengkapi keyboard yang docking -nya memiliki storage sebesar 500 GB.

7. Layar 10,1 inci yang dilengkapi teknologi IPS-nyamemberikan sudut pandang lebar hingga 178 derajat.


Phrase 137. beat dubstep -nya.

Zedd juga mengaransemen lagu Alive dari Empire of The Sun menjadi lebih kental beat dubstep-nya.

2. Pengaruh socmed sudah memasuki ranah pernikahan.

3. Sst, bisa dipakai ke acara semi formal, nih, asal pilih gold, silver, atau dengan tambahan Swarovski crystal yang glam. 500 kalori tergantung kecepatan dan trek.

2. Layar 10,1 inci yang dilengkapi teknologi IPS-nya memberikan sudut pandang lebar hingga 178 derajat.

16.33.14 1A



Chapter four reports the findings of the research. It presents the result of

the analysis of collected data. The data have been taken from Spotlite rubric of

Cita Cinta magazine July-September 2014 Edition. The writer will classify the

data into three discussions. Firstly about forms of code mixing, secondly on the

lexical meanings and thirdly is the most dominant form of code mixing in Cita

Cinta magazine. In this study the writer use online dictionary

(dictionary.reference.com) to analyze the lexical meaning of data.

Before analyzing the data, it is necessary to reaffirm that not all the data

will be analyzed. The data which will be taken into account are those frequently

used in in Cita Cinta magazine, and the data presented below are arranged

according to kinds of their classification.

A. The Forms of Code Mixing

Suwito (1985:78) divides kinds of code mixing into six classification, they

are insertion of words, phrases, idioms, reduplications, hybrids and clauses.

1. The Insertion of Words

Word is a group of a particular meaning with a particular complex of sounds capable of a particular grammatical employment. It consists of

noun, adjective, pronoun, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction,


a. Noun

In this research, the writer found English nouns that inserted by

editorial staff in Spotlite rubric of Cita Cinta magazine. There are 59

sentences that inserted English noun.

1) Polling (14.15.1N)

Menurut Miss Travel yang mengadakan polling pria dan wanita terseksi di dunia, wanita Ausie ngaak seseksi para prianya, justru Brazil yang gudangnya wanita seksi.”

Constructed by one word and two morpheme.

Poll => Free morpheme

-ing => Bound morpheme

Polling is a sampling or collection of opinions on a subject,

taken from either a selected or a random group of persons, as for the

purpose of analysis.

2) Episode (14.16.2N)

Bukan sekadar memeriahkan acara, kehadiran Yoo Jae Suk, Ji Suk Jin, Kim Jong Kook, HaHa, Lee Kwang Soo, dan Gary sekaligus untuk syuting episode terbaru RM.”

Constructed by one word and one morpheme

Episode => Free morpheme

Episode is a part of a television show that is broadcast separately


Table 3.1
Table 4.1.
Table 4.2.
Table 4.2 shows that the writer found 142 Data code mixing in Cita Cinta


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