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T PD 1404529 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Agnesa, T. (2014) P engembangan desain didaktis luas daerah segitiga dan

segiempat pada pembelajaran matematika SMP: Suatu pendekatan didactical design research. (Tesis). Sekolah Pascasarjana, UPI, Bandung.

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Artigue, M. (2009). Didactical design in mathematics education. NordicResearch

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Bartolini Bussi, M.G. (2005). When classroom situation is the unit of analysis: the

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Bassiri, M.A. (2012). The impact of scaffolding as a strategy for teaching reading

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Belfort, E., dan Guimaraes, L.C. (2004). Teacher‘s practices and dynamic

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Bergström, P. (2010). Process-based assessment for professional learning in

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Brousseau, G. (2002). Theory of didactical situation in mathematics. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers

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Ciltas, A. & Tatar, E. (2011). Diagnosing learning difficulties related to the equation and inequality that contain terms with absolute value. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(2), hlm. 461-473.

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