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The Truths And Myths Of Masturbation


Academic year: 2017

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This article discusses the common myths of masturbation and the details about those ideas. Among those that are included in this article is the issue about masturbation causing impotence among men. Also, this article discusses the truth about impotence and the ways of avoiding it.


Erection Problems

Article Body:

Most men are still clueless about masturbation, yet they do this activity almost everyday. Thus, when people make up even the most absurd stories about masturbation, some men easily fall into the trap of believing it. These absurd stories are often called myths which are ideas that may sound really possible when you first hear about it. However, when considered more deeply, these ideas do not make sense at all. To be able to determine whether a certain story about masturbation is true or possibly just a myth, one must know more about the technicalities of masturbation. This means knowing more about the anatomy and physiology of the most banal of all activities that is masturbation.

Masturbation, as they say, is the imitation of the act of sexual intercourse when done alone. The sensations that are triggered during sex are the very same sensations that result during self-stimulation. During masturbation, men usually hold their penis loosely and make an up-and-down hand motion. This is continued until orgasm or ejaculation is achieved, which is the very same end result of sexual intercourse. Other techniques, gadgets, and styles can be used to further improve the experience of self-stimulation. Some of these techniques or gadgets can be dangerous since it may cause physical injuries. Other than that, masturbation has no other known dangers unlike what the myths suggest. One famous myth about masturbation is that it is said to cause erection problems or erectile dysfunction in the future when masturbation is done frequently. As said earlier, myths seem true or possible when heard the first time. However, upon deeper analysis, it is only then that the truth or the possibility of the claimed statement is proven false or improbable. In this case, it may seem possible that frequent masturbation can eventually cause erectile dysfunction or erection problems. However, when analyzed further through asking, "How can this be possible?", it will be known that masturbation has nothing to do with erection problems at all.

First, take into consideration the main causes of erectile dysfunction. Usually, these are injuries caused by physical trauma due to extremely strenuous activities or actions. Masturbation can neither cause physical trauma nor is it considered an extremely strenuous activity. Even if it is repeated several times and quite frequently, a person’s body naturally regulates the capacity of a person to endure self-stimulation for even a long period of time. Thus, it is impossible for a person to go overboard when it comes to masturbation. One reason for erectile dysfunction to possibly occur is when a device used or applied during the act of masturbation has caused an injury in the nerves of the man’s penis. Truth is, no matter how frequent or how many times masturbation is done, it can never eventually result to erectile dysfunction. The common possible causes of erection problems are those that will have some influence on the functioning of the penal nerves. These include traumatic injuries, highly strenuous activities, health problems such as diabetes, and psychological factors such as stess or anxiety. The best way of preventing or avoiding this situation from happening is to also avoid the situations that may cause it. Since masturbation is not considered to be one of the causes, therefore, it may still be continued without worries.

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