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Laporan Tahunan 2007


Academic year: 2017

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l R





Ka ntor Pus a t & Ka ntor Pus a t Opera s iona l Ma ya pa da Tower, Ground Floor - 2nd Floor J l. J end. Sudirm a n ka v. 28

J a ka rta 12920 - Indones ia Phone. : (021) 521- 2300, 521- 2288 Fa x. : (021) 521- 1985, 521- 1995 Telex : 65019 MAYA IA

E- m a il : m a ya pa da @ba nkm a ya pa da .com http://www.ba nkm a ya pa da .com











01 | Vis i da n Mis i

Vis ion & Mis s ion

02 | Indentita s Perus a ha a n

Com pa ny Identity

05 | Da ta Keua nga n Penting

Fina ncia l Highlights

07 | Sa m buta n da ri Dewa n Kom is a ris

Mes s a ge from the Boa rd of Com m is s ioners

09 | Sa m buta n da ri Dewa n Direks i

Mes s a ge from the Boa rd of Directors

12 | Struktur Kelom pok Us a ha Ya ng Terka it Denga n Kepem ilika n Sa ha m Ba nk

Sha reholding Structure

13 | Struktur Orga nis a s i

Orga niza tiona l Structure

14 | Ma na jem en

Ma na gem ent

15 | Da fta r Riwa ya t Hidup Dewa n Kom is a ris

Res um e of the Boa rd of Com m is s ioners

17 | Da fta r Riwa ya t Hidup Dewa n Direks i

Res um e of the Boa rd of Directors

20 | Tinja ua n Keua nga n Ta hun 2007

Fina ncia l Review of 2007

35 | Renca na Bis nis Ta hun 2008

Bus ines s Pla n for 2008

41 | Ala m a t Ka ntor

Office Addres s es

42 | Produk da n J a s a

Products & Services

43 | La pora n Keua nga n da n La pora n Auditor Independen

Fina ncia l Report a nd Independent Auditor’s Report

Daftar Is i

Table of Conte nts

Vis i

Menjadi s alah s atu bank s was ta terkem uka di Indones ia da la m nila i a s et, profita bilita s , da n tingka t kes eha ta n.

Mis i

Mem perta ha nka n opera s iona l ba nk ya ng s eha t da n m em berikan nilai tam bah m aks im um kepada nas abah, ka rya wa n, pem ega ng s a ha m , da n pem erinta h.

Vis ion

To be one of the m ain leading private banks in Indones ia in term of a s s ets , profita bility a nd s oundnes s .

Mis s ion

To m a inta in a s ound ba nking opera tion a nd provide m a xim um a dded va lue to our cus tom ers , em ployees , s ha reholders a nd the governm ent.


Ikhtis ar Harga Saham

Stock Pr ice Highlights

Nam a Pe r us ahaan Nam e of Com pany

PT Ba nk Ma ya pa da Interna s iona l, Tbk.

Pe m be ntukan Pe r us ahaan Founde d

10 J a nua ri 1990

Ke pe m ilikan (pe r 31 De s e m be r 2007)

Owne r s hip (as of De ce m be r 31,2007)

PT Ma ya pa da Ka runia 14,14%

PT Ma ya pa da Ka s ih 9,84%

Brillia nt Ba zza r Lim ited Ltd 7,76%

Sum m ertim e Ltd 24,43%

UBS AG 3,84%

Duba i Ventures Ltd 7,68%

Avenue Luxem bourgh S.A.R.L 23,03%

Ma s ya ra ka t (< 5%) 9,27%

Bidang Us aha Line of Bus ine s s

Perba nka n Ba nking

Kode Saham Stock MAYA

Kode Obligas i Bond



Bir o Adm inis tr as i Efe k Shar e Re gis tr ar

PT. Adim itra Tra ns ferindo J l. Bukit Ga ding Ra ya Blok A No.7 Kela pa Ga ding Ba ra t

J a ka rta Uta ra 14

Alam at Addr e s s

Ma ya pa da Tower La nta i GF – 1s t Fl.

J l. J end. Sudirm a n Ka v. 28 J a ka rta 12920 - Indones ia

Telp. 021 521 2288 (Hunting)

021 521 2300 (Hunting)

Fa x. 021 521 1965

E- m a il. m a ya pa da @ba nkm a ya pa da .com www.ba nkm a ya pa da .com


ikhtis ar Saham

Ha rga Tertinggi Highes t Price

Ha rga Terenda h Lowes t Price

Triwula n Kedua Second Qua rter

Triwula n Ketiga Third Qua rter

Triwula n Keem pa t Fourth Qua rter

Te r e ndah Ha riyono Tja hja rija di Suwa ndy

Direktur Uta m a Pres ident Director

Wa kil Direktur Uta m a Vice Pres ident Director

Direktur Director

Lem ba ga As ing Foreign Ins titution

Lem ba ga Indones ia Indones ia Ins titution

Lem ba ga Indones ia Indones ia Ins titution

Lem ba ga As ing Foreign Ins titution

Lem ba ga As ing Foreign Ins titution

Lem ba ga As ing Foreign Ins titution

J um lah Saham

Penyis iha n Aktiva Produktif Allowa nce for Pos s ible Los s es

Pinja m a n Loa ns

Profit/Los s Before Qua s i- Reorga nis a tion

La ba /Rugi Sebelum pa ja k Profit/Los s Before Incom e Ta x

*) la ba /Rugi Setela h Qua s i- Reorga nis a s i 31 Mei 2004

Profit/Los s a fter Qua s i- reorga nis a tion 31 Ma y 2004

Ras io Ke uangan Financial Ratios

Ra s io Pinja m a n terha da p Da na Piha k Ketiga

Loa n to Depos its Ra tio/LDR

Ra s io Kecukupa n Moda l Minim um

Ca pita l Adequa cy Ra tio/CAR


Kam i m engucap s yukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuas a a ta s ka s ih ka runia ya ng dilim pa hka n kepa da Ba nk Mayapada s epanjang tahun 2007 s ehingga kinerja Bank terus m eningkat dibandingkan tahun-tahun s ebelum nya. Peningka ta n kinerja da n keberha s ila n ters ebut m erupakan has il kerja keras s eluruh jajaran Pers eroan da n pa tut kita s yukuri bers a m a .

Sepanjang tahun 2007 Pers eroan berhas il m eningkatkan kinerja diberbagai bidang antara lain di bidang s um ber daya m anuas ia, us aha/bis nis , operas ional, pengawas an dan Good Corporate Governance. Kinerja s em ua bidang ters ebut m eningka t cukup ba ik di ta hun 2007. Dewa n Kom is aris telah m elakukan pengkajian terhadap laporan Direks i da n La pora n Keua nga n Pers eroa n, untuk s ela njutnya a ka n dila porka n da la m Ra pa t Um um Pem ega ng Sa ha m Ta huna n ya ng a ka n da ta ng.

Tahun 2007 juga m erupakan tahun yang is tim ewa bagi Pers eroa n ka rena s eja la n denga n progra m Ars itektur Perba nka n Indones ia (API), Pers eroa n berha s il m eningka tka n m oda l dis etor m enja di Rp 412.955.800.000,00 (em pa t ra tus dua bela s m ilia r s em bilan ratus lim a puluh lim a juta delapan ratus ribu rupia h) s ehingga tota l m oda l m enja di Rp 1.086 triliun da n Ca pita l Adequa s i Ra tio (CAR) 29,95% ha l ini m enunjukka n Pers eroa n s uda h s ia p tum buh da n berkem ba ng s erta m enja di ba nk ya ng s eha t s es ua i dengan program API yang dicanangkan Bank Indones ia. Sa m pa i a khir ta hun 2007 jum la h a s s et m enca pa i Rp 4,5 triliun dengan jum lah kantor 72 (tujuh puluh dua) da n jum la h ka rya wa n 1.272 ora ng.

Sejalan dengan kem ajuan bis nis yang pes at, Pers eroan juga m eningkatkan fungs i pengawas an s eiring dengan perkem bangan peraturan perbankan yang ada s ehingga opera s iona l Pers eroa n da pa t berja la n s es ua i denga n ketentua n ya ng berla ku da la m ra ngka m eningka tka n Good Corpora te Governa nce. Seca ra berka la Dewa n Kom is a ris da n Direks i Pers eroa n m ela kuka n eva lua s i kinerja m anajem en dan m engevaluas i laporan keuangan s erta m eneta pka n a ra h kebija ka n a ga r m a m pu m em enuhi ta rget penca pa ia n s es ua i denga n renca na bis nis Ba nk.

We pra is e the Lord Alm ighty for His gra ce to Ba nk Mayapada during 2007 perm itting the Bank to better its perform ance com pared to the previous years . All thos e achievem ent were the result of hard work by all elem ents in the Com pa ny a nd des erve our m utua l gra titude.

During 2007 the Com pa ny s ucceeded in im proving its opera tiona l perform a nce in a ll its lines , a m ong other in its hum a n res ources , bus ines s , opera tiona l, s upervis ion and Food Corporate Governance. The Board of Com m is s ioners has reviewed the Board of Directors report and the Com pany’s Financial Report, which s hall further be reported a nd ra tified in the com ing Genera l Meeting of Sha reholders .

2007 wa s a ls o a s pecia l yea r for the Com pa ny, in line with the Indones ia n Ba nking Architecture (API), the Com pa ny s ucceeded in im proving its pa id- in ca pita l to Rp.412,955,800,000.00 (four hundred twelve billion nine hundred a nd fifty- five m illion eight hundred thous a nd rupiah) bringing the total capital to Rp.1,086 billion and its Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) to 29.95% s howing that the Com pany is growing and developing on the track to becom e a s ound bank in accordance to the API program announced by Bank Indones ia. Until the end of 2007 the Com pany’s ass et reached Rp.4,5 trillion with 72 (s eventy-two) offices a nd tota l em ployees 1,272 pers ons .

Supervis ory functions was continually im proved in line with ra pid bus ines s developm ent a nd in line with preva iling ba nking regula tions , with the objective tha t the Com pany’s banking operation m ay m eet prevailing s tipula tions in the fra m ework of im proving Good Corpora te Governa nce. The Boa rd of Com m is s ioners a nd the Boa rd of Directors periodica lly eva lua te the m anagem ent perform ance and evaluate the com pany’s fina ncia l report a nd s tipula te ea ch policy directive to a tta in the ta rget a chievem ent a ccording to the Ba nk Bus ines s Pla n.

Sam butan dar i De wan Kom is ar is

Me s s age from the Board of Com m is s ione r s

Kla s ifika s i Aktiva P r oduktif Cla s s ifica tion of Ea r ning As s e ts

Kole ktibilitas Colle ctibility

La nca r Pa s s

Da la m Pe rha tia n Khus us Spe cia l Me ntion

Kura ng La nca r Subs ta nda rd

Dira guka n Doubtful

Ma cet Los s

J um lah Total

(Rp. 000.000,- )

2.558.212 254.239 242.040 1.879 11.690



83,38% 8,29% 7,89% 0,06% 0,38%


Pe r tum buhan 5 tahun 5 Ye ar s Gr owth (Rp. 000.000.000,- )


2.330,1 1.548,1 2.002,7 280,6


2.556,2 1.588,2 2.153,8 317,7


3.155,6 2.064,8 2.507,4 332,2


3.699,9 2.536,2 2.973,7 371,3

(in Rp. 000.000.000,- )

J um la h Aktiva Tota l As s ets

Pinja m a n Loa ns

Da na Piha k Ketiga Depos its

Ekuita s Equities


4.474,9 3.068,1 2.953,3 941,7

J um la h Aktiva

(Tota l As s ets )

Pinja m a n

(Loa ns )

Da na Piha k Ketiga

(Depos its )

Ekuita s

(Equities )

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007








0.0 500.0 4,500.0 5,000.0

(Rp. 000.000,- )













100,00% Por tofolio Pinjam an Loan Por tfolio

Se ktor Ekonom i Econom ic Se ctor

J a s a Services

Perda ga nga n Tra de

Indus tri Indus try

Kons truks i Cons truction

La in- La in Others

J um lah Total






Perkem ba nga n Ba nk Ma ya pa da di ta hun 2007 pa tut kita s yukuri bers am a. Kas ih karunia Tuhan Yang Maha Kuas a m em bukakan kes em patan yang m em ungkinkan Ba nk Ma ya pa da berkem ba ng denga n s a nga t ba ik di tahun 2007. Segenap jajaran Manajem en dan Karyawan Ba nk denga n penuh kom itm en m ela ks a na ka n m is i untuk m em perta ha nka n opera s iona l ba nk ya ng s eha t da n m em berika n nila i ta m ba h m a ks im um kepa da nas abah, karyawan, pem egang s aham , dan pem erintah. Sem ua itu dilakukan untuk m encapai vis i m enjadi s alah s a tu ba nk s wa s ta terkem uka di Indones ia da la m nila i a s s et, profita bilita s da n tingka t kes eha ta n.

Has il kerja yang pos itif di tahun 2007 tercerm in dalam peningka ta n kinerja opera s iona l Ba nk di berba ga i bida ng. Da la m kondis i perekonom ia n dim a na s ektor riil belum bertum buh s epenuhnya, Bank m enunjukkan kinerja ya ng s a nga t ba ik s eperti ditunjukka n oleh bebera pa indika tor berikut. As et Ba nk Ma ya pa da per 31 Des em ber 2007 m eningka t s ebes a r 20,95% diba ndingka n periode s ebelum nya pa da 31 Des em ber 2006 m enja di s ebes a r Rp. 4.474.878 juta . Pem beria n kredit m eningka t 20,97% m enja di Rp.3.068.060 juta . Da na piha k ketiga m enca pa i a ngka Rp. 2.953.339 juta . Laba pers eroan juga m eningkat s ebes ar 11,43% m enjadi Rp. 58.946 juta . CAR na ik m enja di 29,95% m eningka t pes at dibandingkan tahun 2006, dem ikian juga dengan NPL m em ba ik m enja di 0.14%

Diliha t da ri indika tor perkem ba nga n keua nga n Ba nk Mayapada m enunjukkan trend peningkatan baik dalam a ktiva , da na piha k ketiga a ta upun tingka t kes eha ta n Ba nk. Perba ika n ini ditunja ng juga denga n bebera pa keberhas ilan yang ditunjukkan oleh berbagai indikator di bida ng ekonom i ya ng m enunjukka n a ngka - a ngka ya ng m enggem bira ka n s ela m a ta hun 2007 s eperti ha lnya kebija ka n penuruna n s uku bunga oleh Ba nk Indones ia hingga m enja di s ingle digit s ela m a ta hun 2007.

Da la m ha l perba ika n la ya na n da n penyedia a n s a ra na perba nka n ba gi Na s a ba h, Ba nk s uda h m em perlua s jaringan kantor baru dis eluruh Indones ia. Hingga akhir ta hun 2007, Ba nk s uda h m em iliki 72 ka ntor di 11 propins i. Ha l ini s eja la n denga n us a ha Ba nk untuk m ela ya ni na s a ba h ritel da n cons um er, s ehingga perlua s a n ja ringa n m enja di s a la h s a tu fokus uta m a .

Ba nk Ma ya pa da developm ent in 2007 des erves our m utua l gra tefulnes s . The gra ce of God Alm ighty perm itted Ba nk Ma ya pa da to grow very well in 2007. The Ba nk Ma na gem ent a nd a ll its Em ployees fully com m itted them s elves to execute the m is s ion to m a inta in the ba nk s ound opera tion a nd provide m a xim um a dded va lue to the clients , em ployees , s ha reholders a nd the governm ent. All of it conducted to a tta in the vis ion to be one of the prom inent priva te ba nks in Indones ia in its a s s et va lue, profita bility a nd a level of s oundnes s .

The pos itive res ult of 2007 wa s reflected in the im provem ent of the bank operational perform ances in s everal fields . In the econom ic condition where the real s ector is not yet fully grown, the Ba nk ha s s hown very good perform ance, as s hown by the following indicators . Ba nk Ma ya pa da ’s a s s et a s a t 31 Decem ber 2007 increa s ed by 20.95% com pa red to the previous period as at 31 Decem ber 2006 to becom e Rp. 4,474,878 m illion. Credit advance increased 20.97% to Rp. 3,068,060 m illion. Third party equities reached Rp. 2,953,339 m illion. The com pa ny profit a ls o increa s e by 11.43% to becom e Rp. 58,946 m illion. CAR als o increas ed to 29.95% a rapid growth com pa red to 2006, the s a m e a ls o ca n be s a id of the NPL im provem ent to 0.14%.

Seen from the fina ncia l developm ent indica tor, Ba nk Mayapada s hows a trend of good im provem ent in as s ets , third party equities and als o the bank s oundnes s level. Thos e im provem ents were further s upported by s everal s ucces s es s hown by various indicators in the econom ic s ector s howing prom is ing num bers during 2007 s uch as the policy to decreas e interes t rate by Bank Indones ia to a chieve a s ingle digit during 2007.

In im proving its cus tom er s ervice a nd providing of banking tools for our Clients , the Bank has s ucces s fully expanded its new network offices over all Indones ia. As a t the end of 2007, the Ba nk owned 72 offices in 11 provinces . This was in line with the Bank effort to s erve the reta il a nd cons um er clients , therefore expa nding its network wa s one of the m a in focus . The Ba nk ha d a ls o coordina ted with s evera l ATM network, s uch a s Collective ATM, ATM Prim a a nd Debit Prim a , s o tha t Bank Mayapada are able to do trans actions through the ATM of m ore tha n 14.000 ATM a ll over Indones ia a nd

Sam butan dar i De wan Dire ks i

Me s s age from the Board of Dire ctor s

Untuk m engha da pi ta nta nga n indus tri perba nka n dim a s a m enda ta ng Pers eroa n terus m eningka tka n budaya kerja profes s ional yang m engacu kepada nilai-nilai utam a budaya perus ahaan dibidang trans parans i, integritas , profes ioalis m e, dan kem am puan m enjawab ta nta nga n- ta nta nga n ya ng tim bul da la m opera s i perba nka n. Denga n s em a nga t kerja s a m a ya ng ba ik, integritas dan kewas padaan yang tinggi Pers eroan akan m a m pu m enga ta s i pers a inga n pa s a r ya ng s em a kin m eningka t s erta m em a s tika n pertum buha n ja ngka pa nja ng ya ng berkes ina m bunga n.

Pada kes em patan ini kam i atas nam a Dewan Kom is aris m enya m pa ika n pengha rga a n kepa da s egena p ja ja ra n m a na jem en da n s eluruh ka rya wa n a ta s dedika s i ya ng tela h diberika n s ehingga kita bis a m ela lui ta hun 2007 denga n ba ik. Kepa da s eluruh s ta keholder Ba nk Ma ya pa da ya ng m eliputi s em ua pem ega ng s a ha m , na s a ba h da n m a s ya ra ka t um um ka m i m enguca pka n terim a ka s ih a ta s keperca ya a n da n dukunga n ya ng diberikan. Kepada Bank Indones ia, s ecara khus us kam i m enguca pka n terim a ka s ih a ta s pem bina a n da n penga wa s a n ya ng s uda h dila kuka n s ela m a ini.

De wan Kom is ar is ,

The Boar d of Com m is s ione r s ,

Tahir , MBA Kom is a ris Uta m a

Pres ident Com m is s ioner

Dr s . Nas r udin Sum intapur a.MA. Kom is a ris

Com m is s ioner

In order to fa ce the cha llenges in the com ing yea rs Bank Mayapada will continue to focus on im plem enting profess ional work ethics referring to the m ain com pany’s culture of trans parency, integrity, profes s ionalis m , and the a bility to a ddres s em erging cha llenges in ba nking operation. By s olid and good cooperation, integrity and caution the Com pany will be able to overcom e the s trict com petitive m a rket a nd ens ure a continua l long- term growth.

On this opportunity, we on beha lf of the Boa rd of Com m is s ioners wis h to convey our gra titude to a ll m em bers of the m a na gem ent a nd em ployees for the dedica tion which they ha ve s hown, to a ll s ha reholders and custom ers and the public in general on their support, trus t and cooperation, and to Bank Indones ia our s pecial tha nks on their guida nce a nd s upervis ion.

Ir. Kum hal Djam il, SE Kom is a ris

Com m is s ioner

Tj. Sudar m an, MBA Kom is a ris


Ba nk juga s uda h bekerja s a m a denga n bebera pa ja ringa n ATM s eperti ATM Bers a m a , ATM Prim a da n Debit Prim a, dengan dem ikian nas abah Bank Mayapada da pa t m ela kuka n tra ns a ks i m ela lui ATM di lebih da ri 14.000 ATM dis eluruh Indones ia da n lebih da ri 63.000 Electronic Da ta Ca pture (EDC) ja ringa n Ka rtu Debit Prim a dis eluruh Indones ia . Perlua s a n ja ringa n a ka n terus dila kuka n m ena nda i era lepa s la nda s Ba nk Ma ya pa da dita hun 2007.

Selam a tahun 2007, Bank juga s ecara produktif s udah m engem bangkan produk-produk baru yang inovatif dan kom petitif antara lain My Fam ily Saving, My Dana Cepat, My Da na Ma pa n, My s a ving Inves ta , My Hom e Flexi, Giro/Ta bunga n Prem ium da n My Renova tion Loa n, s eiring denga n perm inta a n na s a ba h a ka n produk-produk perba nka n ya ng m enguntungka n s erta m em berika n nila i ta m ba h ba gi na s a ba h.

Ba nk Ma ya pa da juga fokus da la m m ela ya ni debitur denga n s ka la m enenga h keba wa h (Sm a ll Medium Enterpris e /SME) ya itu denga n m engem ba ngka n Ma ya pa da Mitra Us a ha (MMU) s ebua h s egm en bis nis ya ng dira nca ng khus us untuk debitur- debitur SME. J aringan MMU terus dikem bangkan antara lain dilokas i-lokas i pas ar s eperti pas ar induk Kram at J ati, Ps . Kranji, Tam bun, Cileungs i, Cibitung, Cipondoh, Cis alak, Pus at Gros ir Cililita n, Ps Keba yora n La m a , Ps Kem ba nga n Bogor, Ps J ohar Sem arang, Ps Sukawati dan Ps Badung, Ba li. Denga n kes a da ra n penuh ba hwa s ektor ini a ka n terus berkem ba ng s eca ra progres if, Ba nk

m erenca na ka n untuk m engem ba ngka n lebih ba nya k ka ntor MMU dis eluruh nus a nta ra .

Ma na jem en Ba nk juga tela h m enga m bil la ngka h s tra tegis di ta hun 2007 denga n m engga ndeng 3 (tiga ) inves tor as ing untuk peningkatan m odal Bank, m ereka a da la h Avenue Luxem burg SARL, Duba i Ventures Lim ited, da n Ha rm ony Indones ia Ltd denga n jum la h s a ha m s ebes a r 34.55% dim a na da na ya ng dis etorka n diguna ka n untuk perlua s a n ja ringa n da n peningka ta n s ys tem teknologi Ba nk. Berga bungnya ketiga inves tor m enunjukka n keperca ya a n da ri piha k a s ing terha da p kinerja ya ng tela h dica pa i pers eroa a n s ela m a ini.

m ore than 63.000 Electronic Data Capture (EDC) Prim a Debit Ca rd network over a ll Indones ia . Network expa ns ion s ha ll be continuous ly conducted hera lding Ba nk Ma ya pa da ta ke off in 2007.

During 2007, the Bank als o productively developed new innovative and com petitive products am ong others , My Fa m ily Sa ving, My Da na Cepa t, My Da na Ma pa n, My Sa ving Inves ta , My Hom e Flexi, Prem ium Depos it Account / Savings and My Renovation Loan, inline with the cus tom er reques t for m ore profita ble ba nking products which a ls o give a dded va lue to clients .

Bank Mayapada als o focus s ed in s erving m iddle lower debtors (Sm all Medium Enterpris e / SME) by developing Ma ya pa da Mitra Us a ha (MMU) a bus ines s s egm ent es pecially targetted for SME debtors . The MMU network is continuous ly expa nded a m ong others in m a rket locations s uch as the central m arket Kram at J ati, Kranji Market, Tam bun, Cileungs i, Cibitung, Cipondoh, Cis alak, Pus a t Gros ir Cililita n, Keba ya ron La m a Ma rket, Kem ba nga n Bogor Ma rket, J oha r Ma rket, Suka wa ti Market, and Badung Market, Bali. Fully aware that this s ector will continually progres s ively develop, the Bank is pla nning to s et- up m a ny m ore MMU offices over a ll Indones ia .

The Bank m anagem ent had als o taken a s trategic s tep in 2007 by inviting 3 (three) foreign inves tors to upgrade the Ba nk ca pita l, they were Avenue Luxem burg SARL, Duba i Ventures Lim ited, a nd Ha rm ony Indones ia Ltd. with a s hare am ounting to 34.55 % and the paid in fund wa s us ed to expa nd network a nd upgra ding the ba nk technologica l s ys tem . The inclus ion of thos e three inves tors s hows the trus t of foreign pa rty on the perform a nce a chieved by the com pa ny.

Seja la n denga n Ars itektur Perba nka n Indones ia (API), Ba nk Ma ya pa da a ka n terus m endukung renca na pem erinta h untuk m enyeha tka n perba nka n na s iona l da n s ia p m enga m bil pera n a ktif da la m m ewujudka n program API. Untuk itu Bank akan terus m eningkatkan penga wa s a n s eca ra efektif dem i keta ha na n s is tem perbankan nas ional m enghadapi era globalis as i. Untuk itu Bank s ecara aktif m elatih s um ber daya m anus ianya untuk m eningka tka n etika kerja profes iona l, good corpora te governa nce da n pengelola a n res iko s es ua i prins ip- prins ip da la m Ba s el Core Principles . Setia p pers ona il Ba nk Ma ya pa da dituntut untuk m em iliki integrita s da n profes iona lis m e ya ng tinggi guna m engatas i pers aingan pas ar yang s em akin m eningkat s eiring denga n terbentuknya Ars itektur Perba nka n Indones ia ya ng s em a kin ba ik.

Akhir kata, pada kes em patan ini kam i atas nam a Dewan Direks i m enya m pa ika n pengha rga a n ya ng s etinggi-tingginya kepada s egenap jajaran Kom is aris , Manajem en da n ka rya wa n untuk dedika s i ya ng tela h diberika n s epa nja ng ta hun 2007. Ka m i juga berterim a ka s ih kepada s em ua s takeholder Bank Mayapada antara lain kepa da pem ega ng s a ha m , pa ra na s a ba h da n

m a s ya ra ka t um um , s erta pem erinta h m ela lui Ba nk Indones ia atas perhatian, pem binaan dan pengawas an yang telah diberikan kepada Bank Mayapada s epanjang ta hun 2007.

Sa la m Seja htera ,

De wan Dir e ks i,

Boar d of Dir e ctor s ,

Ir. He ndr a Direktur Uta m a

Pres ident Director

J ane De wi Tahir Wa kil Direktur Uta m a

Vice Pres ident Director

In line with the Indones ia n Ba nking Architecture (API), Ba nk Ma ya pa da s ha ll cons is tently s upport the governm ent plan to upgrade the s oundles s of national banking and is ready to take active part in realizing the API progra m . The Ba nk s ha ll therefore cons is tently im prove its s upervis ion effectively to m a inta in the na tiona l ba nking s ys tem endura nce in fa cing the globalis ation area. For s uch purpos e the Bank actively train its hum an res ources to upgrade the profes s ional work ethics , good corpora te governm ent, a nd ris k m a na gem ent a ccording to the principles in the Ba s el Core Principles . Ea ch a nd everyone of the Ba nk Mayapada pers onnel is challenged to have integrity and high profes s iona lis m to be a ble overcom e m a rket com petition which is becom ing m ore tight pa ra llel to the better Indones ia Ba nking Architecture.

As a clos ing rem a rk, we on beha lf of the Boa rd of Director a ls o convey our highes t a pprecia tion to a ll m em bers of the Board of Com m is s ioner, Managem ent a nd em ployees for the dedica tion s hown during 2007. We are als o grateful to all Bank Mayapada s takeholder am ong others to s hareholders , all clients and the public in genera l, a nd a ls o the governm ent through the ca re of Ba nk Indones ia , guida nce a nd s upervis ion given to Ba nk Ma ya pa da during 2007.


Har iyono Tjahjar ijadi Direktur


Suwandy Direktur


Vins e ns ius Chandr a Direktur


Har iati Tupang Direktur


Bam bang Rahar djo Direktur


Str uktur Ke lom pok Us aha yang te r kait de ngan ke pe m ilikan Saham Bank

Share holding Str ucture



Brillia nt Ba za a r Pte Ltd.


PT. Ma ya pa da Ka s ih


PT. Ma ya pa da Ka runia


Sum m ertim e Lim ited


Duba i Ventures Lim ited


Ha rm ony Indones ia Inves m ent Pte Ltd.


Avenue Luxem bourg S.A.R.L



Aik Chor Ann : 50%

Ta hir, MBA : 99,9%

Ta hir, MBA : 99,9%

Wa ng, Clem ent Ka i : 95%

His Highnes s Genera l Sheik Moha m m ed

bin Ra s hid Al Ma ktoum : 100%

Ha rm ony Inves tm ent Fund

Lim ited : 100%

Avenue Ca pita l Group : 100%

Ra ym ond : 0,1%

Hendra Wija ya : 0,1%

Ra ym ond Budhin : 5%

Wong Ching Wa i : 50%

Str uktur Organis as i

Organization Str ucture

Boar d of Com m is s ione r s

Pres ident Director

He ndra Mulyono

Deputy Pres ident Director

Jane De wi Tahir

• Audit Com m ittee

• Ris k Policy Com m ittee

• Rem unera tion & Nom ina tion

Com m ittee

• Credit Com m ittee

• Credit Policy Com m ittee

• Alco Com m ittee

• IT Com m ittee

• Budget Com m ittee

• Ris k Ma na gem ent Com m ittee

Hum a n Res ources

Alice R.

Credit Review

He ndra M.

Corpora te Secreta ry

Bambang R.

Interna l Audit & Control


Tra de Services

Hariyono T.

Ca r Loa n

Margare th S.

FI & Corres pondent

Ba nking


Cons um er Ba nking & Product Ma na gem ent

Raymond L.

Genera l Affa ir

Elizabe th S.

Lega l & Credit Proces s ing

Yos e ph TP.

Corpora te Ba nking & Tra de Services

Hariyono T.

Micro SME Ba nking

Vins e ns ius


Network & Cons um er Ba nking


Fina nce & Corpora te Services

Hariati T.

Opera tion & Technology

Toto B.

Com plia nce & Ris k

Bambang R.

Corpora te Ba nking

Djoni S.

SME Ba nking

Vins e ns ius C.

Bra nch Coordina tor

Agus Suyanto

Budget Control & Reporting

Hariati T.

Opera tions

Toto B.

Com plia nce & KYC

Chandra K.

Trea s ury

Titie k Is dayati

Micro Ba nking

Andi Bintoro

Bra nch Infra s tructure

& Qua lity

Ali Gading

Accounting & Ta x Ma na gem ent

Hariati T.

Inform a tion Technology

Yus ak P.

Ris k Ma na gem ent

Te s to T.

Ga ris Kom unika s i


Tahir , MBA

Kom is a ris Uta m a , Wa rga Nega ra Indones ia , la hir di Surabaya pada tahun 1952, s eorang pengus aha nas ional. Lulus a n Na n Ya ng Univers ity, Singa pore pa da ta hun 1976 dan Mas ter of Bus ines s Adm inis tration dari Golden Ga te Univers ity, Sa n Fra ncis co, USA pa da ta hun 1987. Mem ula i us a ha di dea ler a utom otive (1981- 1989) da n juga s eba ga i Bus ines s Advis or denga n ja ba ta n Deputy Ma na ging Director di PT BNP Lippo Lea s ing (1981-1986). Bergelut dalam bidang teks til dengan m enjabat Pres iden Direktur Mayatexdian Group (1986-1989). Pada ta hun 1988 dia ngka t s eba ga i Dos en Lua r Bia s a di Univers ita s Airla ngga , Sura ba ya . Mem ula i ka rir di perbankan dengan m enjabat s ebagai Pres iden Direktur Bank Mayapada (1990- 1994). Saat ini m enjabat s ebagai Wa kil Kom is a ris Uta m a di PT Sona Topa s Touris m Indus try da n PT Inti Dufree Prom os indo s eja k ta hun 1996. Dia ngka t s eba ga i Wa kil Kom is a ris Uta m a Pers eroan s ejak tahun 1994 hingga J uni 2000, dan s ejak J uni 2000 hingga s ekarang m enjabat s ebagai Kom is aris Uta m a Pers eroa n.

Dr s . Nas r udin Sum intapur a. MA

Kom is a ris , Wa rga Nega ra Indones ia , la hir di J a ka rta pa da ta hun 1938. Menyeles a ika n pendidika n MA di Univers ity of Wis cons in, USA pa da ta hun 1971. Menjalankan pendidikan Sarjana Ekonom i di Univers itas Indones ia pada tahun 1965. Pengalam an: Menteri Muda Keuangan RI (1988-1993), Gubernur Bank Pem bangunan Is la m , IDB, (1988- 1993), Kom is a ris PT Ba nk Eks por Im por Indones ia (1993- 1995), Kom is a ris Uta m a PT Artha loka Indones ia , PT Bha kti Inves ta m a , Tbk., PT Multi Angs ana Ganda, PT Pancapers ada Pram udita, PT Ka s nic Duff & Phelps Credit Ra ting Indones ia , da n s eba ga i Kom is a ris PT Ba nk Nia ga , Tbk. (J a nua ri 1999 – Maret 2000). Menjabat s ebagai Duta Bes ar Indones ia untuk Uni Eropa s ejak 22 Maret 1999. Menjabat s ebagai Kom is a ris Pers eroa n s eja k J uni 1998.

Tahir , MBA

Pres ident Com m is s ioner, Indones ia n citizen, born in Surabaya in 1952, a national entrepreneur. Graduate of Na n Ya ng Univers ity, Singa pore in 1976 a nd Ma s ter of Bus ines s Adm inis tration of Golden Gate Univers ity, San Fra ncis co, USA in 1987. Sta rted bus ines s a s in a utom otive dea ler (1981- 1989) a nd a ls o a s Bus ines s Advis or in his pos ition a s Deputy Ma na ging Director a t PT BNP Lippo Lea s ing (1981- 1986). Did his bes t in the textile indus try as Pres ident Director of the Mayatexdian Group (1986- 1989). In 1988 appointed as Extraordinary Lecturer in Airlangga Univers ity, Surabaya. Started his banking career as Pres ident Director in Bank Mayapada (1990- 1994). Currently he is a ls o Vice Pres ident Com m is s ioner in PT Sona Topas Touris m Indus try and PT Inti Dufree Prom os indo s ince 1996. Appointed a s Vice Pres ident Com m is s ioner of the com pa ny in 1994 until J une 2000, and s ince J une 2000 up to the pres ent s till Pres ident Com m is s ioner of the Com pa ny.

Dr s . Nas r udin Sum intapur a. MA

Com m is s ioner, Indones ia n citizen, born in J a ka rta in 1938. Com pleted his MA educa tion a t the Univers ity of Wis cons in, USA in 1971. Studied Econom y in Univers itas Indones ia in 1965. Experience: J unior Minis ter of Finance of RI (1988- 1993), Governor of the Is lam ic Developm ent Bank, IDB, (1988- 1993), Com m is s ioner PT Bank Export Im port Indones ia (1993- 1995), Pres ident Com m is s ioner PT Arthaloka Indones ia, PT Bhakti Inves tam a, Tbk., PT Multi Angs ana Ganda, PT Pancapers ada Pram udita, PT Ka s nic Duff & Phelps Credit Ra ting Indones ia , a nd a s Com m is s ioner of PT Bank Niaga, Tbk. (J anuary 1999 – March 2000). Was appointed as Indones ian Am bas s ador for the Europea n Union on 22 Ma rch 1999. Ha s been a Com m is s ioner of the com pa ny s ince J une 1998.

Daftar Riwayat hidup De wan Kom is ar is

Re s um e of the Board of Com m is s ione r s

Manaje m e n

Manage m e nt

De wan Kom is ar is The Boar d of Com m is s ione r s

• Ta hir, MBA - Kom is a ris Uta m a Pres ident Com m is s ioner

• Drs . Na s rudin Sum inta pura . MA - Kom is a ris Com m is s ioner

• Ir. Kum ha l Dja m il, SE - Kom is a ris Com m is s ioner

• Tj. Suda rm a n. MBA - Kom is a ris Com m is s ioner

De wan Dir e ks i The Boar d of Dir e ctor s

• Ir. Hendra - Direktur Uta m a Pres ident Director

• J a ne Dewi Ta hir - Wa kil Direktur Uta m a Vice Pres ident Director

• Ha riyono Tja hja rija di - Direktur Director

• Suwa ndy - Direktur Director

• Ha ria ti Tupa ng - Direktur Director

• Drs . Ba m ba ng Ra ha rdjo - Direktur Director

• Ir. Vins ens ius Cha ndra . MM - Direktur Director

Pe jabat Eks e kutif Exe cutive Staff

• Toto Ba rtholom eus - Wa kil Eks ekutif Uta m a Executive Vice Pres ident

Ke pala Divis i He ad of Divis ions

• Eliza beth Sinda wa ti Divis i Um um Genera l Divis ion

• Ma rga reth Sinda wa ti Divis i Kredit Kenda ra a n Berm otor Motor Vehicle Credit Divis ion

• Yoha nes Ali Surya Ga ding Divis i Bra nch Ba nking Bra nch Ba nking Divis ion

• Dra . Titiek Is da ya ti Divis i Trea s ury Trea s ury Divis ion

• Ir. Yus a k Pra noto Divis i Tehnologi Inform a s i Inform a tion Technology Divis ion

• A. Cha ndra Kurnia wa n,SE.MBA Divis i Sis tem da n Pros edur Sys tem a nd Procedure Divis ion

• Trija nti Setia wa n Divis i Akunting, Keua nga n da n MIS Accounting, Fina ncia l a nd MIS Divis ion

• Inda h Lilia wa ty Kurnia wa n Divis i Interna l Audit (SKAI) Interna l Audit Divis ion (SKAI)

• Alice Ros ha di, STh Divis i HRD HRD Divis ion

• Djoni Sofia n Sa lim Divis i Kredit Credit Divis ion

• Ra ym ond Luka s Product Developm ent & Ba rnding Divis ion

• Yos eph Tedi Purna wa n C.B Divis i Opera s i Opera tion Divis ion

• Nikola us Lis tyo Nugroho P Fina ncia l Ins titution Corres pondent ba nking & Ca pita l Ma rket Divis ion

• Andi Bintoro Tja hja Divis i Kredit Us a ha Kecil Sm a ll Bus ines s Credit Divis ion

Ke pala Cabang He ad of Br anche s

• Eddy Wija ya Ma ya pa da Tower, J a ka rta • Leo Alexa ndra J endra l Sudirm a n, Ba ndung • Deep Ta nudja ja MT Ha ryono, Sem a ra ng

• Ayni Wija ti Ra jim a n, Solo

• Ta nto Ka rdjono Pem uda , Sura ba ya • Budi Mulyono MH Tha m rin, Denpa s a r • J oelina Da vid Pem uda , Meda n • Lennie Mes s a lina Ahm a d Ya ni, Ma ka s s a r

• Mina rti Angka ta n, Pa lem ba ng

• Rola n Herm a wa n Sudirm a n, Ba likpa pa n • Agus Guna wa n Ta jur, Bogor


Ir. He ndr a

Dire ktur Uta m a , Wa rga Ne ga ra Indone s ia , la hir pa da ta hun 1961 di P e ka nba r u. Me nye le s a ika n pe ndidika n Sa r ja na Te hnik Ele ktr o di Unika Atm a J a ya , J a ka r ta pa da ta h u n 1987. Me m u la i ka r ir s e ba ga i Divis ion Ma na ge r di P T Ma km ur Me ta Gra ha Dina m ika (1987-1992), P e m im pin Ca ba ng di Ba nk Ma ya pa da (1992-1995), Direktur di PT Ba nk Globa l Interna s iona l (1995-1996), Dir e ktu r di P T Son a Topa s Tou r is m In du s tr y (1996- 2001), Dir e ktu r di P T In ti Du fr e e P r om os in do 2001), Dire ktur di P T Ar tha Mulia Inda h (1996-2001), Menjabat s ebagai Direktur Pers eroan s ejak J uni 2002 dan diangkat s ebagai Direktur Utam a pada bulan Ma ret 2003.

J ane De wi Tahir.

Wa kil Dire ktur Uta m a , Wa rga Ne ga ra Indone s ia , la hir di Sur a ba ya Ta hun 1974, Me nye le s a ika n pe ndidika n Bachelor Of Science dibidang Ekonom i di Univers ity Of Ottwa pa da ta h u n 1997. Be r ga bu n g de n ga n Ba n k Ma ya pa da pa da ta hun 1998 s e ba ga i Pim pina n Ca ba ng Pem bantu s am pai tahun 2004, pada tahun 2005 diangkat m e nja di Ke pa la Divis i Br a nch Ba nking. Ta hun 2006 m enjabat s ebagai Kom is aris Pers eroan dan s ejak tahun 2007 m enja ba t Wa kil Direktur Uta m a .

Har iyono Tjahjar ijadi, MBA

Direktur, Wa rga Nega ra Indones ia , la hir ta hun 1957 di Surabaya. Menyeles aikan pendidikan Master Of Bus iness di Golde n Ga te Unive r s ity, Sa n Fr a ns is co, USA pa da tahun 1987. Mem ulai karir di perbankan di Bank Central As ia de nga n pos is i a wa l di De pa r te m e n Va luta As ing (1981-1984), Kepala Departem en Operas i Internas ional, Sis tem dan Pros edur (1984-1987), Kepala Bagian Eks por Im por (1987- 1989), Ke pa la Biro Inte rna s iona l Ba nking da n Ope r a s i Inte r na s iona l (1989- 1990), Wa kil Ke pa la Divis i In t e r n a s ion a l Ba n kin g (1990- 1992). Mu la i bergabung dengan Pers eroan s ejak tahun 1992 dengan m enem pati pos is i s ebagai Direktur Operas i (1992-1993), Wa kil Dire ktur Uta m a (1994- 1995). Me nja ba t s e ba ga i Dir e ktu r Uta m a (1995- 2003) da n s e ja k ta h u n 2005 m e n ja ba t s e ba ga i Kom is a r is P e r s e r oa n . Me n ja ba t s eba ga i Direktur s eja k ta hun 2006

Ir. He ndr a

Pres ident Director, Indones ia n citizen, born in 1961 in Pekanbaru. Graduated in Electrical Engineering at Unika Atm a J aya, J akarta in 1987. Started his career as Divis ion Ma na ger in PT Ma km ur Meta Gra ha Dina m ika (1987-1992), Hea d of Ba nk Ma ya pa da Bra nch (1992- 1995), Director in PT Ba nk Globa l Interna tiona l (1995- 1996), Director in PT Sona Topas Touris m Indus try (1996-2001), Director in PT Inti Dufree Prom os indo (1996- 2001), Director in PT Artha Mulia Indah (1996-2001), appointed a s Com pa ny Director s ince J une 2002 a nd a ppointed a s Pres ident Director in Ma rch 2003.

J ane De wi Tahir.

Vice Pres ident Director, Indones ia n citizen, born in Surabaya in 1974, graduated as Bachelor of Science in Econom ic a t the Univers ity of Ottwa in 1997. J oined Ba nk Ma ya pa da in 1998 a s Hea d of Sub- Bra nch until 2004, in 2005 apppointed as Divis ion Head of the Branch Ba nking. Held the pos ition of the Com pa ny

Com m is s ioner in 2006 and s ince 2007 appointed as Vice Pres ident Director.

Har iyono Tjahjar ijadi, MBA

Director, Indones ia n citizen, born in 1957 in Sura ba ya . Gra dua ted a s Ma s ter Of Bus ines s in Golden Ga te Univers ity, Sa n Fra ns is co, USA in 1987. Sta rted his banking career in Bank Central As ia in his prelim inary pos ition in the Departm ent of Foreign Exchange (1981-1984), International Operation Departm ent Head, Sys tem and Procedure (1984- 1987), Export Im port Head (1987-1989), Interna l Ba nking a nd Interna l Opera tion Hea d (1989- 1990), Vice Hea d of the Interna tiona l Ba nking Divis ion (1990- 1992). J oined the Com pa ny s ince 1992 a s Opera tiona l Director (1992- 1993), Vice Pres ident Director (1994- 1995). As Pres ident Director (1995- 2003) a nd s ince 2005 a s Com m is s ioner of the Com pa ny. Sta rted a s Director s ince 2006

Daftar Riwayat hidup De wan Dire ks i

Re s um e of the Board of Dire ctor s

Ir. Kum hal Djam il,SE

Kom is aris , Warga Negara Indones ia, lahir di Bengkalis ta hun 1938. Menyeles a ika n pendidika n Dipl. Ing. Di Reinis h Wes fa elis che Technis che Hochs cule Aa chen, Verfa hrens technik pa da ta hun 1965 da n Sa rja na Ekonom i Univers ita s Indones ia pa da ta hun 1984. Berba ga i ja ba ta n di pem erinta ha n perna h dija ba t oleh beliau, m ulai dari As is ten Kantor Menteri Negara Ris et dan Teknologi pada tahun 1980, hingga jabatan s ebagai Direktur J enderal Perdagangan Luar Negeri (1987) dan Direktur J endera l Perda ga nga n Da la m Negeri (1988-1993). Belia u m enga khiri ka rirnya di Ins ta ns i Pem erinta ha n s etela h m enga bdi lebih da ri 20 ta hun denga n m em peroleh berba ga i Ta nda Kehorm a ta n. Pos is i tera khir ya ng dija ba t oleh belia u a da la h As is ten Bida ng Indus tri Menteri Koordina tor Bida ng Produks i Dis tribus i (1993). Karir di perus ahaan s was ta dan BUMN dia wa li s eba ga i Genera l Ma na ger PT PAN Nus a nta ra Indones ia (1967), Production Ma na ger PT ICI Pa ints Indones ia (1973), Managem ent Developm ent Manager pa da PT Tra kindo Uta m a (1977) da n Kom is a ris Uta m a PT (Pers ero) Kawas an Berikat Nus antara (1989- 1992). Menja ba t s eba ga i Kom is a ris Pers eroa n s eja k ta hun 1995.

Tj. Sudar m an, MBA

Kom is aris , Warga Negara Indones ia, lahir di Pem angkat ta hun 1964. Menyeles a ika n pendidika n Ma s ter Of Business Adm inistration dibidang Finance dan Marketing di IEU Ins titute Of Managem ent, accredited by European Univers ity, Antwerp, Belgium pada tahun 1992. Mem ulai ka rir s eba ga i Ma na jer Akunta ns i da n Keua nga n di PT Putra Inda h Ma km ur da n Putra Adil Ma km ur- Putra Group (1984- 1987). Berga bung denga n group us a ha Pers eroan s ejak tahun 1987 dengan m enjabat s ebagai Ma na ger Interna l Control & Audit Ma ya texdia n Group (1987- 1989), Genera l Ma na ger PT Tritexindo Bus a na Indus tri (1989- 1990), Direktur PT Sona Topa s Touris m Indus tri dan Direktur PT Inti Dufree Prom os indo (1990-1993), Kom is a ris PT Sona Topa s Touris m Indus try da n PT Inti Dufree Prom os indo (1993- J uni 1999), Menjabat s eba ga i Direks i Pers eroa n (1993- 2001), Kom is a ris Pers eroa n (2001- 2002), Pres ident Direktur PT Yum m y Bea na nta Les ta ri (2001- Ma ret 2003), Chief Executive Officer Ma ya pa da Group (2002- Ma ret 2003) da n ta hun 2003 m enja ba t Direktur da n s eja k ta hun 2007 kem ba li m enja ba t Kom is a ris Pers eroa n

Ir. Kum hal Djam il,SE

Com m is s ioner, Indones ia n Citizen, born in Bengka lis in 1938. Graduated as Dipl. Ing. in Reinis h Wes faelis che Technis che Hochs cule Aa chen, Verfa hrens technik in 1965 a nd gra dua ted in Econom ic from Univers ita s Indones ia in 1984. He ha s a ls o held s evera l pos itions in the governm ent, starting from Ass istant to the Minister of Res ea rch a nd Technology in 1980, up to Genera l Director of Overs eas Trading (1987) and Director General of Dom es tic Trade (1988- 1993). He ended his career in the Governm ent Ins titutions after s erving m ore than 20 yea rs a nd receiving va rious a wa rds . His la s t pos ition was As s is tant in the field of Indus try to the Coordinating Minis ter of Production Dis tribution (1993). Sta rted his ca reer in the priva te com pa ny a nd Sta te Owned Com panies as General Manager in PT PAN Nus antara Indones ia (1967), Production Ma na ger in PT ICI Pa ints Indones ia (1973), Managem ent Developm ent Manager in PT Tra kindo Uta m a (1977) a nd Pres ident

Com m iss ioner PT (Pers ero) Kawas an Berikat Nus antara (1989- 1992). Held the pos ition of the Com pa ny’s Com m is s ioner s ince 1995.

Tj. Sudar m an, MBA


Ir. Vins e ns ius Chandr a, MM.

Direktur, Wa rga Nega ra Indones ia , la hir pa da ta hun 1967 di J a ka rta . Menyeles a ika n pendidika n Sa rja na Tehnik di Univers ita s Indones ia pa da ta hun 1991. Mem ula i ka rir s eba ga i Dis trict Sa les Ma na ger di PT. Ens eval, Tbk. - Kalbe Group (1991-1994), National Sales Ma na ger a t Pha rm a ceutica l Divis ion di PT. DBM -Bra ta co Group (1994- 1996), Pim pina n Ca ba ng di PT. Ba nk Da na m on Interna tiona l, Tbk. (1996- 1997). Bergabung dengan Pers eroan s ejak tahun 1997 s ebagai Pim pina n Ca ba ng Sa lem ba (1997- 2001). Menja ba t s ebagai Kepala Divis i Marketing Pers eroan s ejak tahun 2001. Sejak Des em ber 2002 s ebagai Kepala Divis i Kredit Kom ers ia l da n Ritel, Direktur Pers eroa n s eja k Ma ret 2003.

Ir. Vins e ns ius Chandr a, MM.

Director, Indones ia n Citizen, born in 1967 in J a ka rta . Gra dua ted a s Technica l Engineer a t Univers ita s Indones ia in 1991. Sta rted his ca reer a s Dis trict Sa les Manager in PT. Ens eval, Tbk. - Kalbe Group (1991-1994), Na tiona l Sa les Ma na ger a t Pha rm a ceutica l Divis ion in PT. DBM - Brataco Group (1994- 1996), Branch Head in PT. Ba nk Da na m on Interna tiona l, Tbk. (1996- 1997). J oined the Com pany s ince 1997 as Brand Head Salem ba (1997-2001). Held the pos ition of Head of the Com pany’s Ma rketing Divis ion s ince 2001. Since Decem ber 2002 a s Hea d of the Com m ercia l a nd Reta il Credit Divis ion, Director of the Com pa ny s ince Ma rch 2003.


Direktur, Wa rga Nega ra Indones ia , la hir ta hun 1957 di Medan. Menyeles aikan pendidikan Sarjana di Univers itas Me da n. Me m ula i ka r ir di pe r ba nka n di Ba nk Ce ntr a l As ia pa da ta hun 1978- 1991, ta hun 1991- 1999 s e ba ga i Ke pa la Ca ba ng Ba nk Bira , s e ba ga i Pre s ide nt Dire ctor di PT Batavia Inves tindo Global pada tahun 1999- 2002, m enjabat Direktur di PT. Royal & Sun Alliant Indrapura In s u r e n ce ta h u n 2002- 2003, pa da ta h u n 2003- 2006 s e b a g a i As s is t e n t To Ch a ir m a n Ma ya p a d a Gr ou p s e la njutnya pa da ta hun 2004- 2006 s e ba ga i Kom is a ris PT. Topas Multi Finance dan s ejak tahun 2006 bergabung di Bank Mayapada s ebagai Senior Vice Pres ident, tahun 2007 d ia n g ka t s e b a g a i Dir e kt u r Ba n k Ma ya p a d a .

Har iati Tupang

Direktur, Warga Negara Indones ia, Lahir di Medan tahun 1964. m e nye le s a ika n pe ndidika n Sa r ja na Ekonom i di Un ive r s ita s Me da n ta h u n 1988, Sa r ja n a Hu ku m di Un ive r s ita s Dh a r m a wa n gs a ta h u n 1991. m e m u la i ka r ir nya di P T. Is ta na De li Ke nca na s e ba ga i Akunting Manajer, tahun 1991-1992 sebagai Kepala Divisi Akunting di P T. Ma ya te xdia n In du s tr i, pa da ta h u n 1992- 1995 be ke r ja di Ba nk Ma ya pa da s e ba ga i Ke pa la Divis i MIS dan Akunting, s ebagai Direktur di Bank J as a Arta pada ta hun 1995- 1999, ta hun 2003- 2007 s e ba ga i Kom is a ris di PT. New Century Developm ent, Tbk dan s ejak tahun 2007 dia n gka t s e ba ga i Dir e ktu r di Ba n k Ma ya pa da .

Dr s . Bam bang Rahar djo

Dire ktur , Wa rga Ne ga r a Indoe ns ia , la hir pa da ta hun 1955 di Bangkalan. Menyeles aikan pendidikan Sarjana Ekonom i di Unive rs ita s Bra wija ya , Ma la ng pa da ta hun 1984. Me m ula i ka r ir s e ba ga i De pt. He a d Ope ra tion di Ba nk Lippo (1985- 1988). Bra nch Ma na ge r Ba nk Lippo P ondok Inda h (1988- 1990), Re giona l Office r He a d da n Br a nch Ma na ge r Ba nk Lippo P a nglim a P olim (1990-1993), De pu ty Hu m a n Re s ou r ce s Gr ou p He a d Ba n k Lippo (1993-1994), Hum an Res ources Group Head Bank Lippo (1994- 1996), Vice Pres ident Director PT BT Lippo Fin a n c e (1996- 1999). Me n ja b a t s e b a g a i Dir e kt u r Pers eroa n s eja k J uni 1999.


Director, Indones ia n citizen, born in 1957 in Meda n. Gra dua ted from the Meda n Univers ity. Sta rted his ba nking ca reer in Ba nk Centra l As ia in 1978- 1991. during 1991- 1999 as Head of the Branch Bank Bira, as Pres ident Director in PT Batavia Inves tindo Global from 1999- 2002, held the pos ition of Director in PT Roya l & Sun Allia nt Indra pura Ins ura nce during 2002- 2003, in 2003- 2006 a s As s is ta nt to Cha irm a n Ma ya pa da Group a nd during 2004- 2006 a s Com m is s ioner of PT Opa s Multi Fina nce a nd in 2006 joined Ba nk Ma ya pa da a s Senior Vice Pres ident, in 2007 a ppointed a s Director Ba nk Ma ya pa da .

Har iati Tupang

Director, Indones ia n citizen, born in 1964 in Meda n. Graduated in Econom ics from Medan Univers ity in 1988, gra dua ted from the La w Fa culty Da rm a wa ngs a Univers ity in 1991. Started her career in PT Is tana Deli Kencana as Accounting Manager, in 1991-1992 as Head of Accounting Divis ion in PT Ma ya texdia n Indus try, in 1992- 1995 s ta rted in Ba nk Ma ya pa da a s Hea d of the MIS Divis ion a nd Accounting, a s Director in Ba nk J a s a Arta during 1995- 1999, in 2003- 2007 as Com m is s ioner in PT New Century Developm ent, Tbk. Da n s ince 2007 a ppointed a s Director in Ba nk Ma ya pa da .

Dr s . Bam bang Rahar djo


Kredit ya ng berha s il dis a lurka n kepa da us a ha m ikro, kecil dan m enengah pada tahun 2007 tercatat s ebes ar Rp 493,62 m ilya r a ta u 16,09% da ri jum la h kredit ya ng diberika n, a ta u m eningka t s ebes a r Rp 165,24 m ilya r jika diba ndingka n denga n ta hun 2006 s ebes a r Rp 328,38 m ilya r.

Pe m be ntukan Cadangan Pe nyis ihan

Sa ldo ca da nga n penyis iha n a ktiva produktif s a m pa i pos is i akhir tahun 2007 tercatat s ebes ar Rp 47,7 m ilyar. Cadangan penyis ihan ters ebut dibandingkan total aktiva produktif m enunjukka n ra s io ya ng m a s ih cukup tinggi ya itu m enca pa i 1,15%. Penyis iha n ca da nga n a ktiva produktif ters ebut telah dibentuk s es uai ketentuan Bank Indones ia .

Pe nghim punan Dana Pihak Ke tiga

Penghim puna n da na piha k ketiga da la m bentuk giro, ta bunga n, depos ito berja ngka da n s ertifika t depos ito m enunjukka n penuruna n diba ndingka n denga n ta hun s ebelum nya s ebes a r - 0,68%, dim a na tota l da na piha k ketiga ya ng da pa t dihim pun oleh Ba nk s a m pa i a khir ta hun 2007 terca ta t s ebes a r Rp 2.953,3 m ilya r. Pa da ta hun 2007 terja di penuruna n da na piha k ketiga m enginga t pa da ta hun 2007 pers eroa n m enda pa tka n da na da ri Pena wa ra n Obliga s i Ma ya pa da II da n Pena wa ra n Um um Terba ta s IV.

Kualitas As e t

Ba nk tela h m enja la nka n berba ga i us a ha perba ika n s ela m a ta hun 2007 ya ng tercerm in da ri s truktur keuangan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan tahun-ta hun s ebelum nya . Aktiva produktif m enga la m i peningkatan, terutam a dipengaruhi oleh naiknya kredit ya ng diberika n. Kua lita s a ktiva produktif ya ng dim iliki Ba nk m enga la m i perba ika n untuk ta hun 2007, jika diliha t da ri ra s io a ktiva produktif ya ng dikla s ifika s ika n dibanding dengan total aktiva produtkif s ebes ar 0,35% pa da ta hun 2007 m enurun jika diba ndingka n denga n ta hun 2006 s ebes a r 0,54%.

The a m ount of credit a dva nced to m icro, s m a ll a nd m edium bus ines s es up to 2007 a m ounted to Rp 493,62 billion or 16.09% from the credit a m ount a dva nced or up to Rp.165,24 billion com pa red to 2006 of Rp.328,38 billion.

Se tting up the Allowance Re s e r ve

The a llowa nce res erve of productive a s s ets until the end of 2007 s tood a t Rp 47,7 billion. This res erve com pa red to tota l productive a s s ets s till indica ted a quite high ratio am ount of 1,15%. This productivity ass ets res erve a llowa nce wa s a ccording to Ba nk Indones ia ’s s tipula tion.

Thir d Par tie s Equitie s Colle ction

Third parties equities collection in the form of dem and depos its , s aving, tim e depos its and certificate depos its indicated a decreas e of –0.68% com pared to the previous yea r, the tota l funds of third pa rties which the Ba nk s uceeded in collecting until the end of 2007 wa s Rp 2,953,3 billion. This decrea s e wa s due to the fa ct tha t in 2007 the com pa ny received funds from the Mayapada II Bond offer and the Lim ited Public Offer IV.

As s e ts Quality

The Bank executed various im provem ents during 2007 reflected in the m uch better fina ncia l s tructure com pa red to the previous yea rs . Productive a s s ets indicated im provem ents , es pecially due to the increas e in advanced loans . The Bank’s productive as s ets quality a ls o im proved during 2007, a s evidenced from the productive a s s ets cla s s ified ra tio com pa red to tota l productive a s s ets a m ounting to 0.35% in 2007, a decrea s e com pa red to 2006 of 0.54%. Pos is i Ke uangan

Pe r tum buhan Aktiva

Ba nk m enca ta t pertum buha n a ktiva s ebes a r 20,95% da ri ta hun s ebelum nya , s ehingga tota l a ktiva per 31 Des em ber 2007 terca ta t s ebes a r Rp 4.474,8 m ilya r. Aktiva la nca r terca ta t s ebes a r Rp 910,3 m ilya r ya ng ters im pan s ebagai s uatu bentuk cadangan prim ary dan s econdary dalam bentuk kas , giro pada Bank Indones ia, giro pada bank lain, penem patan call m oney antar bank, dan pem belian Sertifikat bank Indones ia (SBI), dan Surat Uta ng Nega ra (SUN) ya ng diperda ga ngka n. Bes a ra n a ktiva la nca r ini m encerm inka n m a s ih tingginya likuiditas Bank yang m encapai 20,34% dari total aktiva ya ng a da .

Pinjam an Yang Dibe r ikan

La ngka h perlua s a n kredit ya ng dila kuka n oleh m a na jem en da la m us a ha m ena ikka n ra s io Loa n to Depos it Ra tio (LDR) m em bua hka n ha s il ya ng cukup pos itif ya ng tercerm in da ri jum la h pinja m a n ya ng m eningkat Rp 531,8 m ilyar atau naik 20,97% dibanding dengan tahun s ebelum nya. Sam pai dengan akhir tahun 2007 terca ta t pinja m a n ya ng diberika n s ebes a r Rp 3.068,1 m ilya r, Ba nk m enca ta t ra s io pinja m a n terhadap dana pihak ketiga s ebes ar 103,88%, atau naik 18,53% diba ndingka n ta hun s ebelum nya ya ng terca ta t s ebes a r 85,35%. Mes kipun kredit terus berta m ba h na m un Ba nk Ma ya pa da teta p kons erva tif da n berha ti-ha ti da la m m em eliti-ha ra kua lita s a ktiva produktifnya .

Pe m be r ian Kr e dit ke pada Us aha Mikr o, Ke cil dan Me ne ngah.

Da la m ra ngka penya lura n kredit, m eninda kla njuti kebija ka n Pem erinta h da n Ba nk Indones ia m engena i pem berian kredit kepada us aha m ikro, us aha kecil dan us aha m enengah, Bank m em bentuk divis i khus us yaitu Micro Banking dan SME Banking. Micro Banking Bank ya ng dikena l denga n Ma ya pa da Mitra Us a ha (MMU) diperuntukan bagi para pedagang di pas ar- pas ar untuk pem belian kios ataupun m odal kerja. Untuk m endukung penya lura n kredit SME, Cons um er Ba nking ha rus m engeluarkan produk- produk baru yang m enarik yang dim inati oleh m as yarakat. Pada tahun 2007 Bank telah m engelua rka n produk My Da na Cepa t da n My Da na Ma pa n denga n ta rget m a rket s egm en m enenga h keba wa h.

Financial Pos ition

As s e ts Gr owth

The Bank recorded as s ets growth of 20.95% com pared to the previous yea r, s o tha t tota l a s s ets a s a t 31 Decem ber 2007 wa s Rp 4,474.8 billion. Current a s s ets were recorded am ounting to Rp 910.3 billion in the form of prim a ry a nd s econda ry res erve in ca s h, dem a nd depos it in Ba nk Indones ia , dem a nd depos it in other ba nks , pla cem ent of inter ba nk ca ll m oney, a nd a cquis ition of Indones ia Ba nk Certifica te (SBI), a nd m a rketa ble Sta te Bonds [Sura t Uta ng Nega ra (SUN)]. The a m ounts of current a s s ets reflect the s till high Bank liquidity am ounting to 20.34% of the current total a s s ets .

Loans Advance d

Expans ive credit advance executed by the m anagem ent in its effort to increa s e Loa n to Depos it Ra tio (LDR) res ulted in a quite pos itive res ult s een from the increas e in loans up to Rp 531,8 billion or an increas e of 20.97% com pa red to the previous yea r. Up to the end of 2007 a total credit worth Rp 3,068,1 billion was recorded, the Ba nk recorded a loa n ra tio to third pa rties fund of up to 103.88%, a n increa s e of 18.53% com pa red to the previous year which recorded 85,35%. In s pite of thes e s ignifica nt increa s es in credit, Ba nk Ma ya pa da s till uphold its cons erva tive a nd prudentia l s ta nce in m a inta ining its productive a s s ets qua lity.

Loans Advance d to Micr o, Sm all and Me dium , Bus ine s s e s

In line with the policy of the Governm ent a nd Ba nk Indones ia in a dva ncing loa ns to m icro, s m a ll a nd m edium bus ines s es the m a na gem ent s et up a s pecia l divis ion the Micro Banking and SME Banking. The Micro Banking of the Bank known as the Mayapada Bus ines s Pa rtner (MMU) is s pecia lly for tra ders in m a rkets for the purcha s e of a s ta ll or working ca pita l. To s upport the SME dis tribution, the Cons um er Ba nking m us t releas e new attractive products in dem and by the public. In 2007 the Ba nk ha d extended My Da na Cepa t (My Quick Fund) and My Dana Mapan (My Steady Fund) with the ta rget m a rket the m id a nd lower level s egm ent.


Tata Ke lola Pe r us ahaan.

Bank Mayapada telah m elaks anakan dan m enjalankan Ta ta Kelola Perus a ha a n ya ng ba ik da n bena r denga n berla nda s ka n s ika p keha ti- ha tia n s erta m a na jem en ya ng s eha t. Prins ip Good Corpora te Governa nce s es ungguhnya tela h dita na m ka n da la m buda ya s erta perila ku bis nis Ba nk Ma ya pa da ha l ini tercerm in pa da kewa ja ra n da la m bertra ns a ks i us a ha , keterbuka a n s erta perila ku m a na jem en da la m m enja la nka n bis nis perba nka n.

Prins ip GCG s ebagaim ana yang telah diterapkan di Bank Ma ya pa da berpedom a n kepa da petunjuk pela ks a na a n kebija ka n da n pra ktek ta ta kelola perus a ha a n a nta ra la in dia m bil da ri Kode Etik Ta ta Kelola Perus a ha a n s erta prins ip-prins ip yang dikandung dalam GCG, s ecara um um ada lim a prins ip das ar yang s udah dilaks anakan di Ba nk Ma ya pa da ya itu: tra ns pa rency, a ccounta bility, res pons ibility, independency da n fa irnes s .

Kerangka Kerja Tata Kelola Perus ahaan Bank Mayapada tela h m em ba ngun la nda s a n m a upun kera ngka a cua n yang m enunjang tata kelola perus ahaan yang baik, hal ini tertua ng da la m :

• Penja ba ra n vis i da n m is i Ba nk Ma ya pa da ya ng

m em berika n a ra h da n s tra tegi pengem ba nga n us a ha s eca ra jela s .

• Struktur orga nis a s i ya ng m engga m ba rka n ga ris

pertanggungjawaban secara jelas m enyangkut unsur uta m a pela ks a na a n ta ta kelola perus a ha a n ya ng m encakup Dewan Kom is aris , Kom ite Audit, Direks i, Direktur Kepa tuha n, Sa tua n Kerja Audit Interna l, Sa tua n Pengenda lia n Ris iko da n Sekreta ris Perus a ha a n.

• Menyakinkan bahwa ada pengawas an yang m em adai

da ri Dewa n Kom is a ris .

De wan Kom is ar is

Sus unan Dewan Kom is aris terdiri dari 4 (em pat) orang ya itu Pres iden Kom is a ris , 2(dua ) ora ng Kom is a ris Independen da n 1 (s a tu) Kom is a ris . Penga ngka ta n a nggota Dewa n Kom is a ris ha rus m engikuti fit a nd proper tes t da ri Ba nk Indones ia . Dewa n Kom is a ris bertinda k a ta s na m a pem ega ng s a ha m da n bertuga s uta m a untuk m em a nta u da n m enga wa s i kerja Direks i da la m m engelola Ba nk s es ua i denga n tujua n da n s trategi bis nis yang telah ditetapkan. Dewan Kom is aris

Good Cor por ate Gove r nance

Ba nk Ma ya pa da ha s executed Good Corpora te Governa nce properly ba s ed on prudence a nd s ound m a na gem ent. The principle of Good Corpora te Governance was already intergrated in Bank Mayapada bus ines s a nd its culture which were reflected in its rea s ona ble bus ines s tra ns a ctions , tra ns pa ra ncy a nd a ttitude of the m a na gem ent in running the ba nking bus ines s .

The Good Corpora te Governa nce ( GCG ) principles im plem ented in Ba nk Ma ya pa da wa s ba s ed on the im plem enta tion guide of the policy a nd pra ctice of the corpora te m a na gem ent pra ctice a m ong others ta ken from the Corpora te Ma na ga m ent Procedure Code of Etique a nd the principles conta ined in the Good Corpora te Governa nce (GCG) in genera l a nd five funda m enta l principles a lrea dy im plem ented in Ba nk Mayapada: trans parency, accountability, res pons ibility, independency a nd fa irnes s .

Ba nk Ma ya pa da Corpora te Ma na gem ent Procedure fra m ework crea ted a ba s e a nd term of references to s upport good corpora te governa nce a s s ta ted in:

• Ba nk Ma ya pa da vis ion a nd m is s ions which clea rly

s pelled out direction a nd bus ines s developm ent s tra tegy

• The orga niza tion s tructure which clea rly outlines

lines of a ccounta bility including the m a in im plem enta tion of corpora te m a na gem ent which com pris ed the Boa rd of Com m is s ioners , Audit Com m itee, Board of Directors , Com pliance Director, Internal Audit Work Unit, Ris k Control Unit and the Com pa ny Secreta ry.

• Ens ure a dequa te s upervis ion from the Boa rd of

Com m is s ioners

The Boar d of Com m is s ione r s

The Board of Com m issioners consists of 4 (four) persons: the Pres ident Com m is s ioner, 2 (two) Independent Com m is s ioners a nd one Com m is s ioner. The

appointm ent of the m em bers has to com ply with the fit a nd proper tes t of Ba nk Indones ia . The Boa rd of Com m is s ioners function on behalf of the s hareholders and its m ain tas k is to m onitor and s upervis e the Board of Directors perform a nce in m a na ging the ba nk a ccording to its s tipula ted objective a nd bus ines s

Perbaikan kualitas aktiva produktif dis ebabkan karena peningkatan jum lah kredit yang diikuti dengan perbaikan kualitas kredit, s ehingga ras io NPL Neto juga m engalam i penurunan dari 0,21% pada tahun 2006 m enjadi 0,14% (net) pa da ta hun 2007. Ra s io NPL ya ng s em a kin kecil m encerm inka n tela h ditera pka nnya prins ip keha ti-ha tia n Ba nk da la m m elepa s kredit, da n m enunjukka n kes erius an dari m anajem en untuk m enyeles aikan kredit berm a s a la h ya ng a da s ela m a ta hun 2007 denga n m eningka tka n kinerja da ri Tim Penyeles a ia n Kredit Berm a s a la h.

Pe r m odalan

Sela m a ta hun 2007, di tenga h kondis i perekonom ia n Indones ia ya ng m ula i m em ba ik Ba nk m ela kuka n Pena wa ra n Um um Obliga s i Ba nk Ma ya pa da II da n Pena wa ra n Um um Terba ta s IV, s ehingga Ba nk da pa t m eningkatkan m odalnya dengan pencapaian ras io CAR pada tahun 2007 s ebes ar 29,95% . Pencapaian CAR ini juga tida k terlepa s da ri kem a m pua n Ba nk untuk m eningka tka n profita bilita s nya .

Untuk m enja ga ra s io CAR s es ua i denga n ketentua n Bank Indones ia, m aka Bank m elakukan hal-hal s ebagai berikut:

• Pem berian kredit atau peningkatan aktiva produktif

dilakukan m elalui penem patan dana pada s egm en kredit a ta u a ktiva produktif ya ng bobot ris ikonya renda h.

• Menjaga kualitas aktiva produktif yaitu secara selektif

m enya lurka n kredit.

• Meningkatkan penghim punan dana m urah dengan

m em a s a rka n produk- produk ba ru da ri ta bunga n da n giro, denga n tujua n untuk m enurunka n cos t of fund.

Kem a m pua n m oda l Ba nk da la m m engcover a ktiva produktif berm as alah m eningkat, dilihat dari ras io aktiva produktif yang diklas ifikas ikan dibanding dengan m odal Ba nk m enurun da ri 3,89% pa da ta hun 2006 m enja di 1,34% pa da ta hun 2007. Ha l ini dis eba bka n s ela in da ri kem am puan Bank untuk m eningkatkan profitabilitas nya, juga karena kualitas aktiva produktif Bank, khus us nya kredit ya ng diberika n m em ba ik.

Productive a s s ets qua lity im provem ent wa s due to the increa s e in the num ber of loa ns a dva nced followed up by its qua lity im provem ent, a ls o res ulting a NPL ra tio decrea s e from 0.21% in 2006 to becom e 0.14% (net) in 2007. The lower NPL ratio als o reflected the principles of ca ution a pplied by the Ba nk in extending credit, a nd s howed the s erious nes s of the m a na gem ent to s olve problem loa ns during 2007 by im proving the

perform a nce of the Problem Loa ns Recovery Tea m in s olving problem loa ns in the Ba nk.


During 2007, a m ids t the Indones ia n econom y s howing s igns of recovery, the Ba nk conducted the Ba nk Ma ya pa da II Bond Public Offer a nd the Lim ited Public Offering IV, ena bling the Ba nk to increa s e its ca pita l a nd a chieved a CAR ra tio in 2007 of 29.95%. This CAR a chievem ent wa s a ls o due to the Ba nk’s a bility to increa s e its profita bility.

To m a inta in its CAR ra tio a ccording to Ba nk Indones ia s tipula tion, the Ba nk executed the following good pra ctices :

• Credit a dva nce or productive a s s ets im provem ent

wa s done by pla cing fund in the credit s egm ent or productive a s s ets with the lowes t ris k.

• Ma inta in productive a s s ets qua lity by s electively

gra nting loa ns .

• Increa s e collecting of chea p funds by m a rketing

new products from s a vings a nd currrent a ccount, with the objective to reduce cos t of fund.


s aham dalam Rapat Um um Pem egang Saham . Direks i m engadakan rapat paling s edikit s etiap bulannya atau ka pa n s a ja bila diperluka n. Setia p triwula n Direks i m em bua t la pora n ha s il penca pa ia n kinerja keua nga n, a da pun da ri ha s il kinerja s ela m a 1 (s a tu) ta hun dila porka n ha s il rea lis a s i penca pa ia n s eba ga i berikut: 1. Nera ca , la ba /rugi da n kua lita s As et dica pa i cukup

ba gus .

2. Predika t Profil Ris iko pa da triwula n IV ta hun 2007 a da la h Modera te to Low.

3. Ra s io keua nga n s eperti ROE, ROA, NIM, BOPO dica pa i cukup ba ik.

Lapor an Kom ite Audit

Ses ua i pera tura n ya ng dikelua rka n oleh Ba da n Penga wa s Pa s a r Moda l da n Lem ba ga Keua nga n (Ba pepa m - LK), Burs a Efek Indones ia (BEI) da n Pedom an Tata Kelola di Indones ia, tujuan dibentuknya Kom ite Audit adalah untuk m enyem purnakan penerapan Ta ta Kelola Perus a ha a n di Ba nk Ma ya pa da .

Keanggotaan Kom ite Audit terdiri dari tiga orang, dengan s eora ng Kom is a ris Independen s eba ga i Ketua Kom ite Audit s erta dua orang profes s ional independen s ebagai anggota. Sem ua anggota Kom ite Audit telah m em enuhi pers ya ra ta n ya ng ditentuka n oleh Ba da n Penga wa s Pas ar Modal dan Lem baga Keuangan (Bapepam - LK), s erta pers ya ra ta n independens i tela h s es ua i denga n ketentua n ya ng berla ku.

Ses ua i denga n Pedom a n Kom ite Audit, tuga s da n tanggung jawab Kom ite Audit diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Mela kuka n pem a nta ua n da n eva lua s i a ta s perenca na a n da n pela ks a na a n a udit s erta pem a nta ua n a ta s tinda k la njut ha s il a udit da la m ra ngka m enila i kecukupa n pros es pela pora n keuangan. Pem antauan dan evaluas i ters ebut paling kura ng m enca kup:

a . Pela ks a na a n tuga s Sa tua n Kerja Audit Intern (SKAI);

b. Kes es ua ia n pela ks a na a n a udit oleh Ka ntor Akunta n Publik denga n s ta nda r a udit ya ng berla ku;

c. Kes es ua ia n la pora n keua nga n denga n s ta nda r a kunta ns i ya ng berla ku;

tim e needed. Quarterly the Board of Directors com pile a report on the a chievem ent of the fina ncia l

perform ance. It m ay be reported that the res ults of the financial perform ance acieved during 1 (one) year were a s follows :

1. Balance s heet, profit/loss and ass ets quality attained were quite good.

2. The Ris k Profile Predicate in the quarter IV of 2007 wa s Modera te to Low.

3. Financial ratios attained for ROA, ROE, NIM, BOPO were quite good.

Re por t of the Audit Com m ite e

Purs ua nt to regula tion is s ued by the Ca pita l Ma rket Supervis ory Board and Financial Ins titutions (Bapepam -LK), J a ka rta Stock Excha nge (BEJ ) a nd Ma na gem ent Procedure Guida nce in Indones ia , the objective of a ppointing a n Audit Com m itee is to com plete the Corporate Managem ent Procedure in Bank Mayapada.

The Audit Com m itee cons is ted of three pers ons , with one of Independent Com m is s ioners as Head of the Audit Com m itee a nd two independent profes s iona ls a s m em bers . All m em bers of Audit Com m itee ha ve m et the requirem ents s tipula ted by the Ca pita l Ma rket Supervis ory Board and Financial Ins titutions (Bapepam -LK), and its independence m eet prevailing s tipulations .

In a ccorda nce with the Audit Com m itee Guida nce, the ta s k a nd res pons ibility of the Audit Com m itee were a s follows :

1. Monitor a nd eva lua te pla nning a nd a udit

im plem enta tion a nd m onitor the follow- ups to the res ults of the a udit in the fra m ework of a s s es s ing the a dequa cy of the fina ncia l reporting proces s . Such m onitoring and evaluation m us t at leas t cover: a . The Interna l Audit Work Unit (SKAI) ta s ks

im plem enta tion;

b. Com plia nce of a udit im plem enta tion by the Accounta nt Public Office to preva iling a udit s ta nda rds ;

c. Com pliance of financial s tatem ents to prevailing a ccounting s ta nda rds ;

m enga da ka n ra pa t pa ling s edikit s etia p 3 bula n da n s eluruh Kom is a ris berdom is ili di Indones ia , da la m m enjaga independens i Dewan Kom is aris yang ada, tidak terda pa t hubunga n kelua rga m a upun hubunga n keua nga n a nta ra Dewa n Kom is a ris . Ses ua i denga n Pera tura n da n Ketentua n Ba nk Indones ia Dewa n Kom is a ris diha rus ka n m ela kuka n penga wa s a n a ta s renca na bis nis s ela m a ta hun 2007 ya ng dila kuka n s etia p s em es ter. Da ri ha s il penga wa s a n ters ebut realis as i rencana bis nis hingga akhir Des em ber tahun 2007 m encerm inka n s ua tu ga m ba ra n rea lis a s i ya ng cukup ba ik, ha l ini terliha t da ri ra s io- ra s io keua nga n yang tercerm in dari has il kegiatan operas i s elam a tahun 2007, m engga m ba rka n tingka t likuidita s ya ng cukup baik, ras io CAR, ROA, ROE, NIM, BOPO, LDR pada tahun 2007 ini m em perliha tka n rea lis a s i ya ng cukup ba ik.

Da la m ra ngka m eningka tka n penga wa s a n ya ng dilakukan oleh Dewan Kom is aris dis am ping m elakukan evaluas i dari laporan- laporan Direks i dan SKAI, Dewan Kom is aris s ecara rutin s etiap triwulanan m engadakan rapat dengan Direks i guna m em bahas dan m engevaluas i ha s il- ha s il kinerja keua nga n, da ri penga m a ta n da n penga wa s a n ya ng ka m i la kuka n a ta s kinerja Direks i s ela m a ta hun 2007 dinila i s uda h cukup ba ik ha l ini terliha t da ri:

1. Ra s io keua nga n ka m i nila i cukup ba ik 2. Keta a ta n terha da p pera tura n ya ng a da s uda h

m em a da i

3. Follow Up terha da p tem ua n- tem ua n SKAI cepa t dita nga ni da n dis eles a ika n

4. Rapat- rapat s eperti ALCO, rapat koordinas i dengan ca ba ng- ca ba ng/kepa la divis i rutin dia da ka n s etia p bula nnya oleh Direks i

5. Kunjunga n Direks i ke ca ba ng- ca ba ng s uda h rutin dila kuka n dim a na s a la h s a tu a ca ra nya a da la h bertem u denga n na s a ba h/ca lon na s a ba h untuk m enja ga hubunga n ya ng ba ik.

Dir e ks i

Direks i terdiri a ta s Pres iden Direktur, Wa kil Direktur Utam a dan 5 (lim a) orang Direktur. Direks i bertanggung ja wa b untuk m ela kuka n penga wa s a n intern s eca ra efektif da n efis ien, m em a nta u da n m engelola ris iko, m eningka tka n produktivita s da n profes iona lis m e karyawan, m engelola karyawan dan m elaporkan kinerja Ba nk s eca ra kes eluruha n kepa da pa ra pem ega ng

s trategy. The Board of Com is s ioners m eet at leas t once in 3 (three) m onths and all Com m iss ioners are dom iciled in Indones ia. To m aintain its independence the exis ting Board of Com m isss ioners , no fam ily ties and no financial rela tion m a y exis t between the m em bers .

According to Ba nk Indones ia ’s Regula tions a nd Provis ions the Board of Com m is s ioners m us t s upervis e the business plan during 2007 conducted every sem ester. The res ult of the s upervis ion reflected a quite good rea liza tion of the bus ines s pla n untill the end of Decem ber 2007, it m a y be obs erved from the fina ncia l ratios as evidenced from the res ults of the operational res ults during 2007. picturing a quite good level of liquidity ratio, CAR, ROA, ROE, NIM, BOPO, LDR in 2007 a ls o s howed a quite good rea liza tion.

In the fra m ework of im proving s upervis ion conducted by the Board of Com m is s ioners , bes ides evaluating the reports of the Boa rd of Directors a nd SKAI, the Boa rd of Com m is s ioners routinely conduct a m eeting with the Board of Directors to dis cus s and evaluate the financial perform a nce report, from our obs erva tion a nd s upervis ion of the Boa rd of Directors its perform a nce during 2007 wa s quite good evidenced by:

1. The fina ncia l ra tio we eva lua ted quite good 2. Adequa te com plia nce to preva iling la ws a nd

regula tions

3. Follow up to SKAI findings were quickly ha ndled a nd rea lized

4. Monthly m eetings held by the Boa rd of Directors for ALCO, coordina tion with bra nches /hea d of divis ions .

5. Routine vis its of the Board of Directors to branches where one of the a genda wa s m eeting with clients /ca ndida te clients to m a inta in good rela tions hip.

The Boar d of Dir e ctor s

The Board of Directors cons is ts of a Pres ident Director, Vice Pres ident Director a nd 3 (three) Directors . The Boa rd of Directors is res pons ible to conduct effective and efficient internal s upervis ion, s upervis e and m anage ris k, increa s e productivity a nd im prove the


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