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Academic year: 2017



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Rizky Emiliya (Reg. No. 408131083)


Chemistry learning module’s effectiveness on atomic structure and periodic table topic for senior high school students grade X were investigated in this study. The study involved 120

of 10thgrade students from three different schools in Medan, Deli Serdang, and Tebing Tinggi for RSBI and Internasional school standards. Which were represented by SMA N 1 Tebing Tinggi, SMA Darul Ilmi Murni and SMA Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah. For each schools

was 40 students (each 20 students in experiment class and 20 students in control class). Before identify the effectiveness of chemistry module the module was standardized by experted team consist of lecturer and teachers based on the result of textbook analysis. After that the module was trial into the 60 students in experimental class in each schools. Module’s

effectiveness were identify by giving a valid test developed by researcher to the students in form multiple choice test containing 20 questions. The data collected in this study were students’ responses in form of students’ choices from available option. The data of students’ choices obtained were processed and converted into students’ achievement. From the average

value in experimental class is 82.00 ± 6.28 higher than in the control class is 78.67± 6.013. Considering the effectiveness of chemistry learning module, it’s recommended for teachers to




Legalization Paper i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of Contents vi

List of Appendix ix

List of Figure xi

List of Table xii


1.1. Background of Research 1

1.2. Identification of Problem 5

1.3. Problem Statements 5

1.4. Problem Limitation 5

1.5. Research Objectives 5

1.6. Research Benefit 6

1.7. Operational Definition 6


2.1. Introduction 7

2.2. Definition of Learning 8

2.3. National Education Standards for Senior High School 9

2.4. R.S.B.I 10


2.5.1. Media 11

2.5.2. Edgar’s Dale Theory 12

2.6. Learning Module in Teaching and Learning Process 13

2.6.1. Module 14

2.6.2. The Different Between Module and Textbook 14

2.6.3. Adventages of Using Module 15

2.6.4. The Content of Good Module 18

2.6.5. Steps for arranging Module 18

2.7. Atomic Structure and Periodic Table 19

2.7.1. Development of Atomic Models 19

2.7.2. Subatomic Particles 21

2.7.3. Atomic Number and Mass Number of atom 22

2.7.4. Isotope, Isotone, Isobar 22

2.7.5. History of Periodic Table Development 22

2.7.6. Atomic Structure 23

2.7.7. Periodical Properties of Element 24

2.8. Conceptual Framework 26

2.9. Research Hypothesis 27


3.1. Location and Time of Research 28

3.2. Object and Subject of Research 28

3.3. Population and Sample 28

3.4. Research Instrument and Research Variable 29


3.6. Research Instrument 31

3.7. Research Procedure 31

3.8. Techniques Collection and Analysis of Data 33

3.8.1. The Normality of Test 37

3.8.2. The Homogenity of the Test 38


4.1. Analyze of Chemistry Textbooks 39

4.2. Development and Standardization of Senior High school Chemistry

Module 49

4.3. Validation of The Instrument 52

4.4. Analysis Data 52

4.5. Students’ Achievement Before Teaching Treatment 53 4.6. Students’ Achievement After Teaching Treatment 54

4.7. Hypothesis Testing 57

4.8. Discussion 59


5.1. Conclusion 60

5.2. Suggestion 61


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. The Background of the Research

Human resource is an important determinant of a nation's progress, but on the other hand it should be realized that the quality of Indonesian human resources is still far from ideal and lags behind neighboring countries. Agency reports the union of the nations (UN) for the field of education, united nation educational, scientific, and cultural organization (UNESCO) shows Indonesia's ranking in terms of education fell from 58 to 62 among 130 countries in the world. Clearly, education development index (EDI) Indonesia is 0935, under Malaysia (0945) and Brunei Darussalam (0965). Decline in the index mirrors the low quality of education in Indonesia is only a small picture of the education sector, among others, can be seen from how the performance of students, teachers, schools, and the quality of human resources or human capital (human capital) which is derived as the output of the education system in Indonesia compared with other countries in the world. Continued decline of the human development index (Human Development Index / HDI) which illustrates that the quality of education we are increasingly in question.


There are so big expected into RSBI and SBI class, especially in teaching exact subject, hopely student in RSBI and SBI class be able to compete internationally. Because using english in teaching and learning process will make student become usual to use english, that use as international language. As we know that the ability of using english as language make student easily to compete with another students in others country or modern country.

The survey shows that 42% of the special education teachers received no preservice training in science and education, and nearly 60% reported using the general education textbook as the basis of their instruction. The science textbook is a key element in science instruction in general education, as well. Dependency of the text is understandable such practice is efficient, if not effective, and it provides a crutch for the teacher who has only minimal background in science. At the same time, dependency on the text is questionable for student with mild disabilities, because one of their limitations is reading.

In addition to their difficulties with reading text materials, students with mild disabilities also experience difficulties with text structures. Studies have shown that textbooks are often poorly organized in terms of their structure, coherence, unity, and audience appropriateness and may be inaccurate. Textbook development is important to teach student who do not learn through traditional methodologies, and these recommendations should be practically applicable. Considering how much teachers depend on the textbook.

To ensure access to the material in the textbook for all students, teachers could provide study guides with questions and activities. These guides assist students as they read selections, highlight key points, and provide a structure for reflection. When teachers use the textbook as a resource and reference, students learn to do the same.


ideas and methods used to solve a problem of education (Riskin et all, 2006). learning innovation using module is necessary to do in order to increase students’ achievement so that impressions of learning take long remember by students (Tompkins et all, 2006).

The implementation method of teaching by organizing the material is divide the learning into learning units, each section includes one or more subjects. The parts are called modules of learning materials. Learning system with module facilities have been developed both overseas and within the country, known as Module Learning System, whose purpose is:

1) Shorten the time required by students to master the task of the lesson

2) Provide as much time as needed by the students with in the limits that it is possible to carry out organized education (Santyasa, 2009).

KTSP requires certain criteria to be used as teaching materials. The module is one of the teaching materials to be used quite effectively. A teaching materials are made to be methodological and systematic. This means that teaching materials must be read and understood the students and are arranged in stages and gradually. So the basic competency achievement that has been established can be mastered with maximum.


According Sunyoto, learning module could improve students achievement automotive mechanic engineering of SMK Panca Bhakti Banjarnegara course year 2005/2006. Based on t-test, t count is 4,303 > t table (1,67) that means students using interactive learning module have better learning performance.

In North Sumatra, most of school still predicate as RSBI or still use bilingual program, not using full English yet. The schools which get the predicate are : SMA N 1 L. Pakam, SMA N 1 Tebing Tinggi, SMA N 1 Kisaran, SMA N 2 Balige, SMA N 1 Berastagi,SMA N 1 Sipirok, SMA Al-Ulum Medan, SMP N 1 Tebing Tinggi, SMP Safiyatul Amaliah and others. In the application, bilingual program use 2 language in teaching and learning program , Bahasa Indonesia and English. And it’s only use in exacta subject like Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. While other subject still adapted with the bilingual program.

In the some result of research, (1) chemistry is not famous subject matter for students; (2) chemistry is not able to improve students’ cognitive ability; (3) chemistry make a gap between teacher and students; (3) chemistry has not improvement. Even thought school programs have an effort to develop students’ conceptual understanding, but there is no relationship among the materials (Perry Burhan, 2008 ). The material in chemistry is needed to be developed. Especially in Atomic Structure and Periodic Table as the basic topic for senior high school students. Usually teachers explain this topic by conventional method, difficult language to be gotten, not interest student and inappropriate learning media.


1.2. The Problem of Research

Based on the above, then the problems identification is:

1. How does the composition and chemical materials ideal sequence contained in the chemistry of learning modules on the subject of atomic structure theory with curriculum content standard?

2. How is the good form of learning modules on the subject of atomic structure for attractive, easy to understand and to improve student learning outcomes?

3. How the effectiveness of learning modules on the subject of atomic structure and periodic table in improving student achievement?

1.3. The Problem Statement

As for the formulation of the problems in this research are:

1. Does using learning modules can improve students’ achievement class X, Academic Year 2012/2013?

2. Is there a difference in student achievement when using atomic structure and periodic table learning module with using guidance book?

1.4. The Scope of Research

1. Develop a learning module on the subject of atomic structure and periodic table concern to the language, content, and the presentation.

2. Assessment and revision of these modules will be done by students, teachers, and lecturer until the resulting product of the learning modules. 3. The school to do research are 3 school which has the predicate as RSBI or



1.5. The Objective of Research

1. To develop a chemistry module on the subject of atomic structure and periodic table based curriculum content standards.

2. To find out how the chemical form of learning modules on the subject of atomic structure and periodic table for attractive, easy to understand and to improve student learning outcomes.

3. To know how the chemistry teachers’ opinions toward chemistry learning module on the subject of atomic structure and periodic table.

4. To know how the effectiveness of learning modules on the subject of atomic structure improving students learning outcomes.

1.6. The Significance of Research This research is expected as follows:

1. For chemistry teachers, to use learning module in learning process that can improve students’ achievement.

2. For students, to improve their motivation to learn and also the understanding about atomic structure theory.




5.1. Conclusion

The conclusion after conducted this research are:

1. There is a chemistry module that was developed by followed the standard competence and basic competence feasibility of content, feasibility of extension, feasibility on depth of materal, feasibility on design figure picture in the presentation, and also the feasibility of language

2. The module was developed become an attractive, easy to understand and be able to increase students’ learning outcomes. It is can be seen on the result of students learning outcomes when doing pretest and posttest. And based on gthe questionnaire that given into students shown that students feel satisfied with the chemistry learning module presented.

3. There are good opinion from the Chemistry Teacher in SMA N 1 Tebing Tinggi, SMA Darul Ilmi Murni ad SMA Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah about the Chemistry Learning Module, it’s can be seen from the teacher judgement for the module reached the average 3.631.

4. From the research that have been done, module is the effective ways to increase students achievment, it can seen from the data that collected and then analyzed. There is significant different when student learning using module than just using che mistry book with conventional method. It can be seen from the result of hypothesis testing for low group that tcount

4.1242 > ttable1.6625.


2. Suggestion

Based on the result of research that has been done, its important to give some suggestion in order to raised the effectiveness in teaching and learning processto increase student achievement, they are:

1. Its important for teacher to check the content of the materials include content, its language, its presentation design layout, if there any missconception concept, and uncomplete materials. so the teacher should select it before consumed by students.

2. The standard of senior high school chemistry module on the teaching of Atomic Structure and Periodic Table recommended for use in teaching and learning process because its has been standardized. It because chemistry learning module can increase student leaning outcomes.



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