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The Effect Of Phosphate Supply On Phosphatase Activity Of Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms.


Academic year: 2017

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*Department of Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture Padjadjaran University ** Department of Chemistry Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Padjadjaran University E-mail : fitriatin@yahoo.com


The phosphate solubilizing microorganisms has capable to produce extracelluler enzyme, i.e. group of phosphatase enzyme which able to mineralized of organic P to inorganic P. The objective of this experiment was to examine of phosphatase enzyme activity from phosphate solubilizing microorganism (bacteria and fungi) i.e. Pseudomonas mallei, Bacillus subtilis, Aspergilus niger and Penicillium sp. affected by phosphate supply (organic phosphate/ phytic acid and inorganic phosphate/KH2PO4) in medium.

The result of experiment showed that increasing of organic P (phytic acid ) and inorganic P (KH2PO4) affect phosphatase enzyme activity of phosphate solubilizing

microorganisms and the amount of dissolve P. Furthermore, increasing of organic P substrate increase phosphatase activity; on the contrary, addition to inorganic P decrease phosphatase activity. Phosphatase activity of fungi (Aspergilus niger and Penicillium sp.) were higher than bacteria (Pseudomonas mallei, Bacillus subtilis).

Key words : phosphatase activity, phosphate supply, phospahate solubilizing




of PSM are more important in rhizosphere than non-rhizosphere soil (Kucey et al., 1989). PSM occur in both fertile and P-deficient soils and the fastest initial rates of P incorporation were observed in P-deficient soils (Oehl, 2001).

Penicillium and Aspergillus niger. were isolated from soil that they are dominant

P solubilizing fungi found in rhizosphere. Pseudomonas mallei and Bacillus subtilis are phosphate solubilizing bacteria that were isolated from rhizosphere (Fitriatin, 2006). Furthermore, their ability to mineralize organic P need investigate more. They has capable to produce extracelluler enzyme, i.e. group of phosphatase enzyme which able to mineralized of organic P to inorganic P so that prepare high P for plant. Due to the low availability of inorganic P in soil, the organic P mainly contributes to plant nutrition and to microbial uptake through its mineralization and subsequent release of inorganic P. P mineralization rate depends on microbial activity and on the activity of phosphatases (Saparatka, 2003). Consequently, the release of inorganic P through the destruction of the organic matter is usually divided in biological mineralization and biochemical mineralization. Biological mineralization involves the release of inorganic P as a consequence of the carbon oxidation and the microbial growth and turnover, while in biochemical mineralization the release of inorganic P, independent of microbial respiration, is controlled by the supply and need for P and involves the hydrolysis of ester-phosphates by extra-cellular hydrolytic enzymes (phosphatases) both free in solution and stabilised by sorption to the colloidal fraction (McGill and Cole, 1981).

There are several soil phosphatases (Saparatka, 2003; Cookson, 2002) and the most commonly determined are: phosphomonoesterases, phosphodiesterases and phytases. Phosphomonoesterases act on phosphate monoesters and according to their optimum pH are divided in acid and alkaline phosphomonoesterases. Both are adaptive enzymes: acid phosphomonoesterase predominates in acid soils while alkaline phosphomonoesterase predominates in neutral and basic soils (George, et al., 2002).


content, total N content, C/N ratio and total P content (Djordjevic et.al. 2003). The kind of organic phosphorous of medium and pH affect phosphatase activity of soil microorganisms (Fitriatin, et al.,2008).

The objective of this experiment was to examine of phosphatase enzyme activity from phosphate solubilizing microorganism (bacteria and fungi) i.e. Pseudomonas mallei, Bacillus subtilis, Aspergilus niger and Penicillium sp. affected by

phosphate supply (organic phosphate/ phytic acid and inorganic phosphate/KH2PO4) in



Some concentration of inorganic P and organic P were used to find out effect phosphate supply on activity of phosphatase enzyme and phosphate solvent in medium which cultured of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) i.e. Pseudomonas mallei., Bacillus subtilis, Aspergillus niger and Penicillium sp.

The concentration of inorganic P (KH2PO4) which tested consisted of: :

P0 = 0 mg L-1

P1 = 10 mg L-1

P2 = 20 mg L-1

P3 = 30 mg L-1

The concentration of organic P (phytic acid) which tested consisted of : S1 = 5 mM

S2 = 10 mM

S3 = 15 mM

Phosphatase activity and dissolve P were observed on 5 days after incubation. Acid phosphatase activity was measured spectrophotometrically by monitoring the release of para-nitrophenol from para-nitrophenyl phosphate (PNPP) at 400 nm (Eivazi and Tabatabai, 1977 in Schinner et al., 1996).



Table 1. The Effecf of phosphate (P) and phytic acid (S) on phosphatase activity of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms in medium

P supply

Pennicillium A .niger P.mallei B.subtilis phosphatase activity (µg p NP/ml/hour)

P0S1 7,79 e*) 14,80 g 0,34 b 0,06 a

P0S2 3,67 c 19,71 h 0,02 a 1,27 h

P0S3 10,15 f 10,38 f 0,43 d 0,73 f

P1S1 5,11 d 8,03 d 0,38 c 0,65 e

P1S2 1,63 b 0,15 a 2,52 j 1,10 g

P1S3 0,34 a 0,38 a 0,83 g 0,34 d

P2S1 1,14 ab 9,13 e 0,92 h 2,44 i

P2S2 3,86 c 7,66 d 0,33 b 0,78 f

P2S3 1,54 b 3,60 c 1,45 i 0,16 c

P3S1 0,96 ab 2,40 b 3,46 k 0,11 b

P3S2 5,15 d 7,61 d 0,64 f 0,32 d

P3S3 0,93 ab 3,20 c 0,60 e 1,27 h

Note : *) Figures in each column followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different (P<0.05) according to Duncan’s multiple range test

Giving the treatment of various concentrations inorganic P (KH2PO4) and

phytic acid gave significant effect on phosphatase activity in each of the tested phosphate solubilizing microorganisms. The results of this experiment showed that supply P are affecting phosphatase activity. The results of this experiment consistent with the research Moura et al. (2001) who explains that the different concentration of organic P substrates affects bacterial phosphatase activity.


From Table 1, it can be seen that the treatment of 0 mg L-1 inorganic P (KH2PO4) and 10 mM phytic acid gave the highest phosphatase activity of Aspergilus

niger. Phosphatase activity of fungi (Aspergilus niger and Penicillium sp.) were higher

than bacteria (Pseudomonas mallei, Bacillus subtilis).

Table 2 . The Effecf of phosphate (P) and phytic acid (S) on dissolve P

Kode Penicilium A.niger B.subtilis P.mallei

Dissolve P (mgL-1)

P0S1 48,14 b*) 50,41 b 23,34 h 7,29 b

P0S2 39,93 b 48,12 b 22,94 g 7,30 b

P0S3 73,78 c 39,92 b 23,34 h 7,28 b

P1S1 10,51 a 73,75 c 22,94 g 7,29 b

P1S2 11,32 a 10,50 a 18,17 b 6,88 a

P1S3 12,12 a 11,30 a 18,17 b 6,88 a

P2S1 11,32 a 12,11 a 18,98 c 8,09 c

P2S2 68,54 c 11,00 a 19,38 d 8,50 d

P2S3 76,81 c 68,50 c 20,16 f 8,09 c

P3S1 57,26 b 76,50 c 19,78 e 8,09 c

P3S2 49,09 b 57,20 b 19,80 e 8,10 c

P3S3 54,84 b 49,01 b 7,29 a 8,50 d

Note : *) Figures in each column followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different (P<0.05) according to Duncan’s multiple range test



The increasing of organic P (phytic acid ) and inorganic P (KH2PO4) affect

phosphatase enzyme activity of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms and the amount of dissolve P. Furthermore, increasing of organic P substrate increase phosphatase activity; on the contrary, addition to inorganic P decrease phosphatase activity. Phosphatase activity of fungi (Aspergilus niger and Penicillium sp.) were higher than bacteria (Pseudomonas mallei, Bacillus subtilis).


The authors wish to thank the Riset Dasar Intensif Project Management of the Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia for financial support.


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Table 1. The Effecf of phosphate (P) and phytic acid (S) on phosphatase activity of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms in medium
Table 2 .  The Effecf of phosphate (P) and phytic acid (S) on dissolve P


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