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Pengaruh Penambahan Material Penyerap Ai


Academic year: 2018

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STIPER 2008 ISSN 2085 - 2282

Pengaruh Penambahan Material Penyerap Air Pada Feses Sapi Terhadap Populasi Larva Lalat Rumah (Musca domestica)

Fachrur Rozi, Nanang Sasmita, Alien Prabandari


This study aimed to determine the effect of water absorbing material in cow feces on larval populations houseflies (Musca domestica). Research procedure that samples of cow feces that are still wet or fresh as much as 16 kg and put in a pot of steamed that has been filled with water. Then steamed with temperatures reaching 100°C until boiling aiming to kill and reduce the number of bacteria present in the sample. Then feces steamed divided into four parts as much as 1 kg is placed on Styrofoam. Then the stool was placed around the white paper. Then do the experiment as much as 4 replications. The addition of water absorbing material such as charcoal, ash and lime is very influential on the decline of house fly larvae. The addition of water absorbing material in cow feces is the most effective use in reducing larval populations of flies home is lime. The addition of water absorbing material in cow feces also can reduce the population of house flies (Musca domestica) and can speed up the drying process feces.


STIPER 2008 ISSN 2085 - 2282

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STIPER 2008 ISSN 2085 - 2282


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