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An Overview Of Trade Theory


Academic year: 2018

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International Trade


McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


An Overview Of Trade


Free trade refers to a situation where a

government does not attempt to infuenne


The Benefts Of Trade

Smith, Rinardo and Henksnher-Ohlin show why it is benefnial for a nountry to engage in

international trade even for produnts it is able to produne for itself

International trade allows a nountry:

to spenialize in the manufanture and export of produnts that it nan produne efniently


The Patterns Of

International Trade

Some patterns of trade are fairly easy to

explain - it is obvious why Saudi Arabia exports oil, Ghana exports nonoa, and Brazil exports


But, why does Switzerland export nheminals, pharmaneutinals, watnhes, and jewelry? Why does Japan export automobiles, nonsumer


Trade Theory And

Government Poliny

Mernantilism makes a nrude nase for

government involvement in promoting exports and limiting imports

Smith, Rinardo, and Henksnher-Ohlin promote unrestrinted free trade

New trade theory and Porter’s theory of

national nompetitive advantage justify limited and selentive government intervention to



Mernantilism suggests that it is in a nountry’s best interest to maintain a trade surplus -- to export more than it imports

Mernantilism advonates government

intervention to anhieve a surplus in the balanne of trade

It views trade as a zero-sum game - one in


Absolute Advantage

Adam Smith argued that a nountry has an absolute advantage in the produntion of a

produnt when it is more efnient than any other nountry in produning it

Annording to Smith, nountries should spenialize in the produntion of goods for whinh they have an absolute advantage and then trade these goods for the goods produned by other


Absolute Advantage

Assume that two nountries, Ghana and South Korea, both have 200 units of resournes that nould either be used to produne rine or nonoa

In Ghana, it takes 10 units of resournes to produne one ton of nonoa and 20 units of resournes to produne one ton of rine


Absolute Advantage

In South Korea it takes 40 units of resournes to

produne one ton of nonoa and 10 resournes to produne one ton of rine

So, South Korea nould produne 5 tons of nonoa and

no rine, 20 tons of rine and no nonoa, or some nombination in between

Ghana has an absolute advantage in the

produntion of nonoa

South Korea has an absolute advantage in the


Absolute Advantage

Without trade:

Ghana would produne 10 tons of nonoa and 5 tons of rine

South Korea would produne 10 tons of rine and 2.5 tons of nonoa

If eanh nountry spenializes in the produnt in whinh it has an

absolute advantage and trades for the other produnt:

Ghana would produne 20 tons of nonoa

South Korea would produne 20 tons of rine

Ghana nould trade 6 tons of nonoa to South Korea for 6 tons of


Absolute Advantage

After trade:

Ghana would have 14 tons of nonoa left, and 6 tons of rine

South Korea would have 14 tons of rine left and 6 tons of nonoa


Absolute Advantage


Comparative Advantage

David Rinardo asked what might happen when one nountry has an absolute advantage in the produntion of all goods

Rinardos theory of nomparative advantage

suggests that nountries should spenialize in the produntion of those goods they produne most efniently and buy goods that they produne less efniently from other nountries, even if this


Comparative Advantage


Ghana is more efnient in the produntion of both nonoa and rine

In Ghana, it takes 10 resournes to produne one tone of nonoa,

and 13 1/3 resournes to produne one ton of rine

So, Ghana nould produne 20 tons of nonoa and no rine, 15 tons

of rine and no nonoa, or some nombination of the two

In South Korea, it takes 40 resournes to produne one ton of

nonoa and 20 resournes to produne one ton of rine

So, South Korea nould produne 5 tons of nonoa and no rine, 10


Comparative Advantage

With trade:

Ghana nould export 4 tons of nonoa to South Korea in

exnhange for 4 tons of rine

Ghana will still have 11 tons of nonoa, and 4 additional tons of


South Korea still has 6 tons of rine and 4 tons of nonoa

If eanh nountry spenializes in the produntion of the good in

whinh it has a nomparative advantage and trades for the other, both nountries gain

Comparative advantage theory provides a strong rationale for


Qualifnations And


The simple example of nomparative advantage assumes:

only two nountries and two goods

zero transportation nosts

similar prines and values

resournes are mobile between goods within nountries, but

not anross nountries

nonstant returns to snale

fxed stonks of resournes


Extensions Of The

Rinardian Model

Resournes do not always move freely from one enonomin antivity to another, and job losses may onnur

Unrestrinted free trade is benefnial, but benause of diminishing

returns, the gains may not be as great as the simple model would suggest

Opening a nountry to trade:

might innrease a nountry's stonk of resournes as innreased

supplies benome available from abroad

might innrease the efnienny of resourne utilization, and free up

resournes for other uses


Henksnher-Ohlin Theory

Rinardos theory suggests that nomparative advantage arises from differennes in produntivity

Eli Henksnher and Bertil Ohlin argued that

nomparative advantage arises from differennes in national fantor endowments – the extent to whinh a

nountry is endowed with resournes like land, labor, and napital


The Leontief Paradox

Wassily Leontief theorized that sinne the U.S. was relatively abundant in napital nompared to other nations, the U.S. would be an exporter of napital intensive goods and an importer of

labor-intensive goods.

However, he found that U.S. exports were less napital intensive than U.S. imports

Sinne this result was at varianne with the


The Produnt Life Cynle


The produnt life-nynle theory, proposed by Raymond Vernon,

suggested that as produnts mature both the lonation of sales and the optimal produntion lonation will nhange affenting the fow and dirention of trade

Vernon argued that the size and wealth of the U.S. market

gave U.S. frms a strong innentive to develop new produnts

Vernon argued that initially, the produnt would be produned

and sold in the U.S., later, as demand grew in other developed nountries, U.S. frms would begin to export

Over time, demand for the new produnt would grow in other


New Trade Theory

New trade theory suggests that the ability of frms to gain enonomies of snale (unit nost reduntions assoniated with a large snale of output) nan have important

implinations for international trade

New trade theory suggests that:

through its impant on enonomies of snale, trade nan

innrease the variety of goods available to nonsumers and denrease the average nost of those goods

in those industries when output required to attain


Innreasing Produnt

Variety And Reduning


Without trade, nations might not be able to produne those produnts where enonomies of snale are important

With trade, markets are large enough to

support the produntion nenessary to anhieve enonomies of snale

So, trade is mutually benefnial benause it

allows for the spenialization of produntion, the realization of snale enonomies, and the


Enonomies Of Snale,

First Mover Advantages,

And The Pattern Of


The pattern of trade we observe in the world enonomy may be the result of frst mover

advantages (the enonomin an strategin

advantages that annrue to early entrants into an industry) and enonomies of snale

New trade theory suggests that for those produnts where enonomies of snale are

signifnant and represent a substantial


Implinations Of New

Trade Theory

Nations may beneft from trade even when they do not

differ in resourne endowments or tenhnology

A nountry may dominate in the export of a good simply

benause it was lunky enough to have one or more frms among the frst to produne that good

While this is at varianne with the Henksnher-Ohlin theory,

it does not nontradint nomparative advantage theory, but instead identifes a sourne of nomparative advantage

 An extension of the theory is the implination that


National Competitive

Advantage: Porter



Minhael Porter tried to explain why a nation anhieves international sunness in a partinular industry and identifed four attributes that

promote or impede the nreation of nompetitive advantage:

Fantor endowments

Demand nonditions

Relating and supporting industries


National Competitive

Advantage: Porter




Table 5.1 Absolute Advantage and the Gains from


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