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Submitted at the Fulfillment to Accomplish Sarjana Degree at Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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JudulSkripsi : An Analysis of Teachers’ Talk in English Teaching Process at SMAN 12 Enrekang.

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Makassar, 2020 Yang Membuat Pernyataan





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Makassar, 2020 Yang Membuat Perjanjian



Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu,

dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat

buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.

Q.S Al-Baqarah 216


Thanks to Allah SWT, the ruler of heaven and earth and all its

contents. Our messenger, Muhammad SAW who has bring us from

the darkness to the brightness. For all the achievement that I have

now and specially of this thesis I dedicated for my beloved parents,

my family, my friends and all the people who love and pray for me.




Nurhamimi,2020. An Analysis of Teachers‟ Talk in English Teaching Process at SMAN 12 Enrekang (A descriptive research of SMAN 12 Enrekang). Supervised by Syamsiarna Nappu and Amar Ma‟ruf.

The objective of the research was to find out kinds of theachers talk at SMAN 12 EnrekangThis research used qualitative research design.the instrument which was used to collect the data was observation checklist and video recording. The data were collected from two English teachers who is different classes at SMAN 12 Enrekang.

The result of the research showed that there were two kinds of teachers‟ talk used by the Teacher A and Teacher B in learning process There were two kinds of teachers‟ talk that used by the teacher A and Teacher B in teaching process such as instructional talk and management talk.The kinds of management talk used by English teacher A in X MIA, classified into some categories namely:everyday greeting, taking the register, making things clear,checking progress, stopping work, saying good bye, clearing the class.The kinds of Instructional talk used by English teacher B at XII MIA,classified into some categories namely, giving explanation,giving correction, asking question.The kinds of management talk used by English teacher B in XII MIA, classified into some categories namely:everyday greeting, taking the register, saying good bye, clearing the class.The kinds of management talk used by the English teacher A in X MIA classified into same categories namely: giving explanation, giving feedback, asking question, and giving correction.



Nurhamimi, 2020. Analisis Tututr Guru dalam Proses Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMAN 12 Enrekang (Penelitian deskriptif SMAN 12 Enrekang). Dibimbing oleh Syamsiarna Nappu dan Amar Ma'ruf.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis tutur para guru di SMAN 12 Enrekang. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah checklist observasi dan rekaman video. Data dikumpulkan dari dua guru bahasa Inggris yang berbeda kelas di SMAN 12 Enrekang.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada dua jenis ceramah guru yang digunakan oleh Guru A dan Guru B dalam proses pembelajaran. Ada dua jenis ceramah guru yang digunakan oleh guru A dan Guru B dalam proses pengajaran seperti tutur perintah dan tutur menejemen. Jenis tutur manajemen yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris A di X MIA, diklasifikasikan ke dalam beberapa kategori yaitu: salam sehari-hari, mengisi daftar hadir, memperjelas hal-hal, memeriksa kemajuan, menghentikan pekerjaan, mengucapkan selamat tinggal, menyelesaikan kelas. jenis tutur perintah yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris B di XII MIA, diklasifikasikan ke dalam beberapa kategori yaitu, memberikan penjelasan, memberikan koreksi, mengajukan pertanyaan, mengisi daftar hadir, mengucapkan selamat tinggal, membereskan kelas. Jenis tutur manajemen yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris A di X MIA diklasifikasikan ke dalam kategori yang sama yaitu: memberikan penjelasan, memberi umpan balik, mengajukan pertanyaan, dan memberikan koreksi.





COVER ... i






A. Background ... 1

B. Problem of Statement ... 3

C. Objective of the Research ... 3

D. Significant of the Research ... 4

E. Scope of the Research ... 4


A. Previous Research Findings ... 5




A. Research Design ... 22

B. Research variable ... 22

C. participant of The Research ... 23

D. Procedure of Collecting data ... 23

E.Technique of Data Analysis... 24

CHAPTER IV A. Research Findings ... 25 B. Discuccion ... 35 CHAPTER V A. Conclusion... 38 B. Suggestion ... 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY ... 41 APPENDICES ... 52 CURRICULUM VITAE ... 52




In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Alhamdulillah, the researcher expressed thank you very much for the

gratitude Allah SWT for blessing and mercy on the writer during the process until

the finished writing this thesis. Shalawat and salam are addressed to the final

chosen religious messenger, the Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has bring us

from the darkness to the brightness.

In writing this thesis the researher found many difficulties, so the researher

realized that the thesis has a lot of mistakes and weakness. In order to become

perfect, the researcher needs correction and suggestion. The researcher would like

to say thank you so much for the people who gave spirit, advice, suggestion, and

helping to write as follows:

1. The researcher highest appreciation and deepest thankful to my beloved

parents, Alimuddin and Hasnah who always be my best parents. And all

of my family for their attention, support and theirlove.

2. The researcher highest appreciation for the Rector of Makassar

Muhammadiyah University, Prof. Dr H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, SE., MM.

3. The researcher highest appreciation and deepest thankful are due to Dr.

Syamsiarna Nappu,M.Pd., as my first consultant and Amar Ma‟ruf,

S.Pd., M.Hum., Ph.D. as my second consultant who had guided me very



4. My highest appreciation also is due to UmmiKhaeratiSyam, S.Pd.,M.Pd

as the Head of English Department.

5. My deeply and most great full to Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D as the Dean

of FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

6. The next gratitude also goes to all my family from Alisna big fams

(Linda, Ronal, jumi, Malik, Jannah, Ima and Hamdi) and My cousin

Sarinah Buhari always support my research especially for E class

(Edelweiss Class) in 2015 that cannot mention one by one.

7. The last thankful the researcher present to all of members of Anak kos

Dillah Alauddin 3.Thank you so bad for an amazing experiences,

knowledges, and a great moments in my life. I love you more than 3000.

The words were not enough to say many appreciation for their help and

contribution in finishing this thesis. May Allah SWT guides and give them the

happiness throughout your life. Finally the researcher realizes that this “thesis”

was far from being perfect. So, it was a pleasure for him to accept constructive

critiques and suggestions for improving this thesis.

May Allah, The Almighty, bless them all.

Makassar, January 2020


1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the research

English is one of international languages, it has important role in the

world. Most of people use English to communicate with other people from others

countris. Science, technology, art and culture devolopment also cannot be

sepparated to the role of the language, for those reason English has been thought

at every level of education in Indonesia as a foreign language (Ramelan, 1992).

Language is built by some skills, there are listening, speaking, reading, and

writing. All of te language skills, each other, listening for detail, speaking to

making interaction, reading for general understanding, writing to make a note.

In education system, improving language needs teaching and learning

process. The result to teaching is affected by some factors, such a learners, the

teacher, time alotment, material, the use visual aid, methodology, teaching

material and interaction between the teacher and student in the classroom

(Harmer, 2001). The interaction between the teacher and student in the classrom

becomes an esential part of teaching learning process.

Interaction is key of in teaching language for communication classroom

interaction describes the from and the content of behaivor or social interaction in

the classroom. Interaction in classrom which aims at teaching the target language,

including in speaking class, come variuosly.

Educator and teacher practuculary nglish not giving attention to the


teaching. It is suggested that interaction adjustment were made by teacher to make

comperhension checks, repetition of student stetments, and use of mother tongue.

Among a number of profesionals in the fields of second language

acquestion, there appears to be an increasing conviction that teacher talk is

neccassary as facilitations in the English teaching process. In the recent years, many researchers are only focus on the teacher‟s techniques on teaching trough many kinds of methods, somehow teachers‟ language is much more important to be focus on, but it is rarely found. Teacher‟s language has become an important issue to investigate and discuss. Chaudron (1988) says the teacher talk is one of

major issues in second language classroom research. This is quite true with which many of the classroom language research deal with teacher‟s language (Ellis, 1990; in Allwright and Bailay, 1991).

Based on the explanation above, the researcher chooses SMAN 12

Enrekang because the teachers here used teacher talk. So, the reseacher can

analyze teacher talk that use by English Teachers in SMAN 12 Enrekang.

Concering to the facts identification previously, the researcher is interested in

conducting a research under the title “ An Analysis of Teachers‟ Talk in English

Teaching process at SMAN 12 Enrekang (A Descriptive Research at SMAN 12


B. Problem statement

The problem that investigated in this research was formulated as follow: “ What kinds of teachers‟ talk used in English teaching process at SMAN 12 Enrekang ?”


C. Objective the research

The objective of this research was to find out:

“The kinds of teachers‟ talk used in English teaching process at SMAN 12 Enrekang.”

D. Significance of the research

Theoritically, the result of this research was expected to provided adequate information about the teachers‟ talk used by English teachers in SMAN 12 Enrekang. This research was also expected to give a clear reference for English teachers about the use of teachers‟ talk inside the classroom. It may serve as a reflection for English teachers to enhance their teaching experiences for the

purpose of maintaining the quality of English language teaching inside the

classroom. The results also give more information about the kinds of activities

that used teacher talk in English teaching process.

Practically, the result of this research was expected to serve as references

that are useful and benefical for next researcher in conducting furthere research

about this study.

E. Scope of the research

The scope of the research was to analyze the kinds of the teachers‟ talk

that the English teachers used in English teaching and learning process at SMAN 12 Enrekang. These kinds‟ reveals kinds of instructional talk and kinds of management talk in the use of teachers‟ talk in the classroom.




This chapter deals with some previous related findings consisting of theories

and concepts related to this research, partinent ideas mainly focuses on teacher

talk and English teaching process, resume and conseptual framework.

A. Some Previous Related Findings

In order to make the teaching and learning process more effective, many

researchers have been analyzed. The related research has been analyzed and

oserved by the researcher. Some of related researches are mention below:

Rasyid,(2015) on they research entitle “Teachers‟ Instructional and

Management Talk in English Foreign Language Classroom” this study was

conducted to find out the contexts and frequency of instructional and management

talks use and the frequency of native and target language use for instructional and

management talks. The subjects of this study were four Indonesian English

teachers. The data was collected by observation. The finding showed that teachers

use instructional talk in 5 contexts and management talk in 15 contexts. Teachers

talk more for management talk than instructional talk. Teachers used target

language more for management talk than for instructional talk.

Nurpahmi, et al. (2017) on their research entitle “Teacher Talk in Classroom

Interaction” this article explains about the types of teachers‟ talk in classroom

interaction. This research was case study. In this research, the writer applied

Descriptive Research Design which applied observation method. It aimed to gain

the data that were observed during Teaching and learning process. The data were


The source of data was the lecturer of ICP FMIPA UNM Makassar. The

instrument of this study was observation where the writer used video cam to

record and shoot the speech of the lecturer and also transcribing it. This research

instrument was applied to acquire the data about teacher talk and speech act used

by the lecturer at ICP FMIPA UNM Makassar. The result of the research shows that there are some types of teachers‟ talk performed by the lecturer during classroom interaction, they are greeting student, reviewing the previous material,

introducing the new material, giving direction and instruction, encouraging and

motivating, giving advice and closing the class.

Ade Nurul Aulia (2018) on her research “An Analysis of Teacher Talk use by

the Teacher at SMAN YAPIP Sungguhminasa” this study was conducted kinds of

teachers‟ talk used by the teacher in English teaching process this study use qualitative research by observation and video recording, the result of the research

show instructional talk and management talk. Teacher A XI the types is giving

explanation, giving correction,giving direction.

All of the previous researchers have similarity in this study that was the use of

teachers talk as the main focus on the research. However, all of the previous

research and this study have some differencess, those where the setting. The

previous research analyzed the kind of teacher talk features, categories of teacher

talk, and investigated ways of the teacher talk. Besides, the researcher investigated he kinds of teachers‟ talk in English teaching process.


B. Some Partinent Ideas

1. Theory of teaching and lerning

Teaching-Learning of English The term “teaching-learning” rests on two words, “teaching”, and “learning”. These words are interconnected to each other and they are involved with human beings. According to Richard and Lockhart

(1994: 29), teaching is a complex process which can be conceptualized in a

number of different ways. Brown (1987: 6) says that teaching can be defined as

showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving knowledge,

and causing to know or understand. Kimble and Garmezy in Brown (2000: 7)

insist that learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and

is the result of reinforced practice. In order to be easier to understand, this

definition is then clarified by Brown (2000: 7) into following issues :

a. Learning is acquisition or „getting‟

b. Learning is retention of information or skill

c. Retention applies storage system, memory cognitive organization

d. Learning involves active, conscious focus on and acting upon events outside

or inside the organism

e. Learning is relatively permanent but subject to forgetting

f. Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice

g. Learning is a change in behavior.The teaching and learning are two

inseparable things. Therefore, in the English teaching learning process there

should be a good relationship between the teacher and the students; both


Teaching and learning process is an activity involving teachers and pupils

in learning activity. Teaching learning process is difined as instructional process

trought the organazition and direct instruction of the teaher,learners and material

in the classroom (Richard and Rodgers, 13 1998:22). So the teaching learning is

an activity involving teachers and pupils who aim to understand the English

language material including four skills then practice it and develop it.

Based on Crawford (2005: 10) teaching is more than a set of methods.

Teaching means addressing a set of objectives, for particular group of students, at

a certain point in the school year, with certain resources, within particular time

frame, in a particular school and community setting. It means finding a

balancebetween direct instructions and orchestrating the activities of individuals

and groups of students. Itmeans developing students‟ skills and strategies for

learning, at the same time they learn the content of the curriculum. 11 12

According to Stren in Johnson (1991: 10) English language teaching is defined

broadly as creating situation that promote second language and learning. It

involves organizing learning environment, language use and language learning

activities that are intended to facilited students language development.

2. Theory of Teacher Talk

Nunan (1992; 189) states teacher talk is of crucial importance, not only the

organization of the classroom but also for the processes of acquisition.even

though the student in this setting do not have the similar exposure of the

languages they follows second language setting, some achievement are similar,


English the motives behind the teacher talk is to make the interaction in class


Xiaou-yan (2006) express to opinions about teacher talk.The first is that

we can see that one variation of language can be said to be special if the teacher

talk is used in the English class, so that the teacher can have its own distinctive

characteristics that are different from the others, because of the limititation of

physical arrangement. The second we can see that the teacher talk is a

communicative activity that aims to to communicate with students and can develop students‟ abilities in foreign languanges.

Dong-lin (2018) defines teacher talk as a special variety or register of

language especially marked by a special set of vocabulary associated with a

profession or occupation.it is the oral from of teacher talk instead of written from

that is under the investigation. Teacher talk is used in class when teachers are

teaching students linguistic knowledge, cultivating their intellectual ability and

managing classroom activities. The other statement about teacher talk comes from Osborne‟s (1999:10) teacher talk is defines as speech used by teacher that is characteristically modified in four area: phonology, lexis (consisting of

morphology and vocabulary), syntax, and discourse.

Krashen in Zaidah (2014:10) defines that teacher is foreigner talk in the

classroom, the language of classroom management and explanantion, when it is in

the second language. He explains that the interlanguage talk as a simple code and

one of them is that they get their second language from what their teacher says. In

this case the teacher probably will not talk often. however, teachers can find other


This method is believed to be very useful in helping them to understand. In

addition to experiencing the changes in linguistics, they can also increase their

knowledge of the world. So, as more teachers explain using their second

language, this will help the students in increasing their knowledge of English.

Nunan (1991) state the teacher talk in second language teaching is a direct

input that the students can competence. This can achieved if the teacher talk has

two following characteristic:  Clear

Teacher talk is says to be clear if the students do not find any difficulties

to understand it. It should be simple language and should not contain


 Effective Efficient

Teacher talk is says to be effective and efficient if the students can use it

actively, fluently and correctly after listening to it.  Appropriate

Teacher talk is says to be appropriate if it is used according to the desired

situation and condition.

The kind of the language used by the teacher for instruction in the

classroom is known as teacher talk. For this term, Longman Dictionaryof

Language Teaching and Aapplied Linguistics, define it as “ that variety of

language sometimes used by the teacher when they are in the process of teahing,

in trying communicate wth learners, teacher o learner simplfy their speech, giving

it many of the characteristic of foreigner talk an other simplified styls of speech addressed to language learners” (Richards, 1992:471).


Ellis (2003) has formulated his own view about teacher talk: “Teacher talk is the special language that teacher use when addressing L2 learners in the classroom.

Studies of teacher talk can be divided into those that investigate the type of

language that teachers use in language classrooms and those that investigate in the

type of language they use in subject lessons. Teacher talk is used in class when

teachers are conducting instructions, cultivating their intellectual ability and

managing classroom activities (Qican, 1999) cited from Yan.

Teachers adopt the target language to promote their communication with

learners. In this way, learners practice the language by responding to what

theirteacher says. Besides, teachers use the language to encourage the

communication between learners and themselves. Therefore we can say teacher

talk is a kind of communication-based or interaction-based talk.

Allwright and Bailey claim that “ talk is one of the major ways that techers convey information to learners‟ and it is also “ one of th primary means of controling learner behaivor ” ( 1991, 139 ). Teacher talk also determines the succes or the failure of teaching and learning activity, so teachers have to adopt

the level of the language they use when talking to the student.

The definition Gos with Ellis‟ (1994: 26) define to teacher talk as the

porocess trought the teacher address classroom language learners. They make

adjustments to both language from on language function in oder tofacilitate

communication. The adjustments are referred to ask teacher talk.

Marzano (2010:1) states that teacher talk is a common language provides a

framework for a way to talk about instruction that is shared by everyone in a


feedback, collect and act upon data to monitor growth regarding thereasoned of

the stategies identified in the framework, and ajust proffesional development

needs againt the framework.

In addition, Cook (1991) assumed that teacher supplies more speech rather

than student in the classroom interaction. It is obsviously reasoable since the

teaching under the teacher overall guidance takes, not surpisingly,70persen

of the utterances in most classroom. This can be clearly ilustrared in he

following three main parts of the exchange of turn in classroom interaction :

1. Initiation, the teacher takes the intiative by requaring something of the

student trough a question. The move starts of the exchange, the teacher

acts as a leader.

2. Respond, the student answer the question whatever is required, so the move responds to teacher‟s initiation, the student acts a leader.

3. Feedback, the teaher does not directly take another intiation, but she or he gives feeback to the student‟s response, and feedback to the student‟s response wether it is acceptable or not.

The three srutures of inition, response, and feedback are very frequent to take

place in teaching which means that teacher talk is assumed to be highly contrubutive to students‟ foreign language competence and performance development.

Based on the concepts and the characteristics mentioned above, it can be said

that teacher talk the language produced by teachers addresse to the students in

classroom interaction and it is one of the important aspects in the teaching and


3. The Kinds of Management Talk

Language functions in term of instructional talk and management talk relate to teachers‟ role in the classroom as a teacher and a maneger (Brown, 2011). Instructional skills relates to teacher‟s explanantion about the subject matter the students, questions and respondses to students‟ questions and answers;

while management skill relates to giving effective direction and controlling students‟ discipline and behavior such as presence, reprimend, reward, encouraging and facilitating interaction.

Doff in Muhayyang (2010:31) devides two types of teacher talk,

instructional and management, instructional is employed to present the lesson or

language content. Instructional talk devided into 5 parts such as giving

explanation, giving direction, giving correction, asking question, and question.

Management talk is used to manage classroom activities. Management talk

divided into 20 parts such as entering the classroom, everyday greetings, meeting

a new class, talking the register, dealing with lateness, getting down to work,

starting something new, making things clear, sequencing activities,checking

progress, giving/taking turn, control and discipline,stopping,ending the class,

checking the time,setting homework,stopping work,making announcement,saying

goodbye, and clearing the classroom.

The management talk deals with the enforcement of classroom activities, such as entering the class, greeting students, arranging the students‟ seats, calling the rolls or checking the students‟ presence, dealing with lateness, starting something new, telling the objectives, checking the progress, stopping work,


transactional expressions that are used to manage the interaction in the class from

the very beginning to the very end of the class session (Rasyid, 2012: 1).

Doff (1993) in Rasyid (2012:14) divides classroom management talks into

fifteen language functions as follows: (1) Greeting, (2) Instruction, (3) Asking for

information, (4)Talk/chatting to students, (5)Checking attendance, (6)

Grouping/telling students where to sit, (7) Encouraging, (8) Giving turn,

(9)Thanking, (10) Apologizing, (11) Advising, (12) Acknowledging, (13) Asking

to do something, (14) Marker, and (15) Ending lesson/topic.

Then, Rasyid (2012:18-19) exposes some typical phases of classroom

activities (activitybased) that can be managed as the management talk are: (a)

Starting or beginning the lesson that can cover the activities as follows: (1)

Entering the classroom, (2) Everyday greeting, (3) Meeting a new class, (4)Taking

the Register, (5) Being late and dealing with the lateness, and (6) Getting down to

start; (b) Running the class which covers the activities as follows: (1) Beginning

with revision, (2) Starting something new, (3) Telling the objectives, (4) Making things clear/Checking students‟ understanding, (5) Sequencing activities, (6) Checking progress, and (7) Taking Turns; (c) Ending or closing the lesson which

consists of some stages f language function as follows: (1) Checking the time, (2)

Setting taking home assignment, (3) Stopping work, (4) Making announcement,

(5) Ending the lesson, (6) Saying good bye, and (7) Clearing the class.

It can be concluded that Management talk is the utterances or transactional

expressions that are used to manage the classroom interaction between teacher and

pupils in the class from the very beginning to the very end of the class session.


begining the class namely entering the classoom, everyday greeting,

meeting new class, takig the register, being late and dealing with lateness, gettin

down to start.

b. running the class

Running the class There are seven classroom activities in this phase,

namely beginning with revision, starting something new, telling the objectives,

making things clear/checking students‟ understanding, sequencing activities,

checking progress, taking turns.

c. Ending/ closing

This phase covers seven classroom activities, namely checking the time,

setting taking home assignment, stopping work, making announcement, ending

the lesson, saying good bye, clearing the class.

Teacher Talk as the time when the teacher is speaking. The kind of

language used by the teacher for manage in the classroom is known as teacher

talk. It is used to manage classroom activities. In manage the classroom activities;

the teacher needs to use language that understandable for students in order to get

the learning goals. The way teacher talk can affects students attitude in learning


4. Instructional Talk

The types of teacher talk which can be found in the classroom in context

of the teaching and learning, according to Nunan (1995: 189) are divided into

some areas covering explanation, questions, feedback and correction.

a. Giving explanation

Explanatin is a componentof teacher talk in which teachers introduce

information or new concepts to students. Nunan (1989: 27) says that the main

function of teacher talk is to provide explanation. Providing explanation is one of

the mainly pedagogic functions of teacher talk. During the classroom interaction,

teacher need to explain the lesson to have students understand the learning

material. They try to explain as clearly as possible so that the input that they

expose will be as much as possible taken by the students.

It is important for the teacher to speak effectively in eplaining the lesson

since the main purpose of theexplanation is to make student understand on what

the teaacher explanations. According to Wragg and Brown (1996) that an

explanation should help others to understand concept, cause-effects, procedures,

purposes, relationship, and process.

Giving explanation was giving detail information about teaching materials such as Who did…? What is…? When does…? Where is…? How does…? Why is…? (Brown, 1979). The untterances of giving detail information were shown below:

1. Aliyah is introduced hero (Who)

2. Everybody, Everyone, ladies and gentleman,is used to greet to others


3. They are used to greet others when you meet to one or many people,


4. They are used in meeting. (Where).

b. Asking question

Asking question is crucial component for devoloping interactive language

in teaching and learning process question need to distributed across participants in a way which allows for collaborative exploration of idea. Teachers‟, questions have been the focus of research attention it both content classroom and language

classroom for many years (Gerot as cited in Nunan 1999: 192). Most of the

findings show that teacher ask many question during the classroom interaction.

This indicates that a teacher should have a good skill of questioning to get more benefits as to give chance for the students speaking in English and check students‟ understanding on the lesson.

Some researchers also show that certain types of questioning behaivor

persisted over many years. Borg et. al., (1970) in Nunan (1999: 192) point of the

factual questions to determine wether or not students know basic information are

more frequent than higer-order questions which encourage students to reflect on

their knowledge, attitudes and beliefs, or which requeire them to follow trought

and justify a particular line of reasoning.

In relation to the question ask by teachers in the classroom ask by teachers

in the classroom, there are five kinds of questions that are frequently ask as their

purposes, namely, display question, clarification cheek, Gebhard (2000).

Display question in which the teacher already knows the answer and wants


related to narrative text many include : who is the participant in the story?, where

did the story take place?, other examples : when a teacher stand in of a student and ask, “what time is it?” the teacher asking the students to show their the knowledge on telling the time. Like wise, if the teacher asks, “what color is it?”

the teacher wants to see if the students know the English for the color.

Referential question is a question in which the teacher does not know the answer. For example, when a teacher stand in of a student and ask, “what yours favorite sport?” the teacher really does not know what is the favorite sport of the


Coomperhension check is a question that a teacher uses to know wether a

student understands. The questions is a pose to ensure that a student follows what

is being explained. The general question for checking understanding is “do you understand?”.

Confirmation question is a type of question which is meant to verify what was said for example, “you said you got at five o‟clock?”.

Clarification check is a question to further define or clarify. For example, “did you say you want to write the answer on the board?”.

On the five question types, it has been observe that, in contast with

interaction is characteristic by the use of display uestion to the almost total

exlusion or referential questions. For example, Long and Sato (in Nunan,

1993.29) compare the types ofquestions asking by the teachers in class with

second-language speakers in non-classroom contexts, while is class the opposite


Asking question was used to check students‟ comprehension toward

teaching materials.

1. Who has not understanding?

2. Are you ready?

3. Is it finish?

4. What happen?

5. Where is your work?

6. Where is your book?

7. Where is (Ilyas)?

8. Anymore?

9. Where is your seat?

10. What group you are?

11. Where is your homework?

c. Giving corrections

According advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, correction is a change made to something in order to correct or imroved it. Futhemore, harmer (1981: 61) stated

the correction is indicating to the students that something is wrong or indicating to

the students that an error has been made and to give the students a change to

(know how to) get the new language.

Normally student will make mistakes in the process of learning and it is

vital part of the teacher‟s role to point out students‟ mistakes and provide

correction. In correcton, some spesific information is provided on aspects of the learners‟, performance, trough explanation, or previous of better or other


alternatives, or trough explanation, or provision of better or other alternativies, or

trough elicitation of these from the students (Brown, 2000: 205).

The question is now how to correction is expressing? According to Krashen‟s hypotheses that eror correction will work effectively if it is done according to the principles below :

Second language theory implies that when the goal is learning, error

should indeed be correct but not all times, and not all rules, even the goal is

learning. The theory maintains however, that error correction is not of use

acquisition occurs, according to the input for its meaning, not when they produce

output and focus on form.

The implications of second language acquestion theory are similar. If error

corection aims at leaning, it is logical to suppose tht the condition for error

corrections should be identical to the conditions for untilizing learning. We should

focus our student on form, and correct their errors, only when they have time and

such diversion of attention does not interfere with communication.

We should correct global error, error tat interfer with communication or

impede intelligility of a massage. Error that are the most stigmataze, that cause the

most unfavorale reactions, are the most important to correct. Error that occur most

frequently should be given t priority.

Second language acquisition theory predicts that error corroections will

show positive result only if the following condition aremeet : error correct are

limite to learnable and fortable, error are correct under condition that allow

monitor use. This will give the learner time to reconsider the rule that was


condition that allow monitor use, the allow the learner time to refer to his or her

consious knowledge, subject are “monitor user” example, they are not under users

of the monitor.

Furthemore, Ur (1991: 248) points out teacher should go for encouraging,

tactfull correction. The atudent has reliable intuitive knowladge about what kind

of correction helps most, that is student preferences do it in an insensitive way, the

student will feel upset and lose their confidance. In oder to the decide what kind

correction teachers think is bes and usefull for students, a good deal of sensitivy is

need. Therefore, teachers have to define what type of correction is suitable for

learning purposes.

According to the Hendrickson in Haryanto (1990) in Rahma (1995) that

there are two types of bassic correction, namely, dirrect correction and indirect

correction. Direct correction refers to the strategy, where by the teacher indicate

the location of errors using symbols or codes and provide the correct forms, on the other hand indirect correction refers to the strategy of treating student‟s error where by the location of errors are indicated by a variety of symbol or codes,

teachers do not provide the correct answer.

Generally the teachers always adopt the following techniques to correct students‟ errors (Ur, 1991 :249), the teachers does not react at all, the teacher indicates there is a mistakes, but does not provide any furthere informations about

what is wrong, the teacher says what was wrong and provides a model of the

acceptable version. That is explicit correction, the teacher indicates something

was wrong, elicits acceptable version from another member of the class, the


version, the teacher provides or elicits an explanantion of why to mistake, was

made and how to ovoid it.

d. giving feedback

Feedback is often uses to response to what a students has a performance

during the teaching and learning process. There are some ways in which feedback

can be classfications, but one of the most frequent and simplest distinctions is

beetween positive and negative feedback. For many years, behaivorist-inspired

research has found that positive feedback is much more effective than negative

feedback in changing tudent behaivor. Positive feedback has two principle

functions: to let students know that they have perfome correctly, and two icrreas

motivation trought praise (Nunan, 1999).

Furthermore, Ricards and Lockhart (1996:m 187) state that in language classroom, feedback on student‟s spoken language may be a response either to the content of what a student has produce or the from of on utterance. The provide

some strategies of giving feedback on content and feedback on from as follows:

the strategies to give feedback on content are, (1) acknowledging the correct answer by saying for the example, „Good‟, „Alright‟, (2) indicating an incorect answer by saying for example, „No, thats not quite right‟. (3) praising or giving complement for correct nswer by saying for example, „yes, an exelent answer‟. (4) expending or modifying a student‟s answer, the teacher can provide more information. (5) repiating, the teacher can repeat the same answer, (6) summarizing, the teacher can summarize the student‟s answer, (7) critizing, the teacher can critize the student‟s answer.


The following are some strategies to give feedback, on form (1) asking the

students to repeat what he/she said, (2) pointing out the error and asking the

student to self-correct, (3) commenting on an eror and explaining why it is wrong,

without having the students repeat the correct form, (4) asking another student to

correct the error form, (5) using a gesture to indicate than an error has been made.

In this functional analysis feedback, Boropy (1981), citied in (1999)

provides 12 guidelines for effective praises, namely, (1) it is delived contingenly,

(2) it spesifies the particulars of accomplishment, (3) it shows spontaneously,

variety, and other signs of credibility, suggest clear attention to the student‟s

accomplishment, (4) it rewards atainment of specified performance criteria, (5) it

provides information to students about their competence or the value of their

accomplishments, (6) it orients students toword better appretiation of their own

task related behaivor and thinking about problem solving, (7) it uses students own

prior accomplishments as the context for describing present accomplishment, (8)

it attributes to effortand ability, implying that similar succes can be expect in the

fiture, (9) it is fosters indigenous attribition (student believe that they expen effort

on the task because they enjoy the task/or want to develop task-relevant skills),

(10) it is foster appreciation of desirable atribution about, task-relevant behaivor


a. The Kinds Of Management Talk Conceptual Framework

The conseptual framework underlying is research in the following


d. 1111

Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework will show the situation of English teaching

process. English language teaching for English as foreign language students in

process teacher talk usually combined between English and native language to English Teaching process

Instructional talk

Teacher talk

Management talk

1.Begining the class 2.Running the class 3.Ending/closing the class 1.Giving explanation 2.Giving question 3.Giving feedback 4.Giving correction. 4


make English teaching process more comperhensible, teacher talk also usually

used to do some activities in the classroom. Based on the conceptual framework

above, the researcher will analyzed management talk that teachers use in teaching


This research investigated the kinds of teacher talk in English teaching

process. The researcher focudsed his study on the kinds of teacher talk covering



This chapter consists of method of the research, variable and research

design, population and sample, instrument of the rsearch, procedure of collecting

data and technique of data analysis.

A.Research Design

This researh used descriptive Qualitative Method. To give description

obout the use of teacher talk in teaching process. Observed its kinds of the teacher

talk used by the teacher in the classroom.

B.Variable of the research

This research has one variable, which was the instructional and

management talk used by the teachers in the classroom.

C. Participants

The participants of this research were two English teachers in SMAN 12

Enrekang who teach in different classes. The first participant was RS S,Pd. 27

years old, upgraduate Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, English education

Departement, English Education Department AS Teacher A. Furthemore the next

participant was SGM,Pd. 57 years old, undergraduate degree from IKIP Ujung

Pandang, English education Departement as Teacher B.

D. Instrument of the research

The instruments of the research were observation checlist and recorder. It

was intended to know the kinds of activities in teaching and learning English at


sructure of classroom discourse (Mehan, 1979; sinclair & Brazil, 1982) cited in

Yanfen and Yuqin (2010).

This research employed two kinds instruments, namely observation

checklist and video recording aimed to gain the data factually based on the

observation checklist by looking at classroom situation, the researcher gave code

to the observation checklist to obtain that teacher used management talk and

instructional talk in theclassroom. video recording supported the data from

checklist recording furthered instrument in this research, it aimed to record all the

classroom activities and teachers talk used in the classroom, furhemore recording

helped the researcher to avoid mistakes in taking the data.

E. Procedure of collecting data

In collecting data, observation of the classroom conducted in naturalistic

setting. The researcher came into the class where the teaching and learning

process of English subject take place. The researcher observed the whole session

of the lesson to English teachers. Using vedeo record how and for what purpose

these teachers used instructional talk and management talk in their teaching


The researcher fills out the observation checlist about the teacher activities

use of language instructional talk and management talk in English classroom.The

researcher went into one time meeting for each teacher.

F. Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the researcher employed the following steps:

1. The first step in analyzed the data, the researcher listen to the record for many


about all the field notes then put the code on the kinds of management talk and

instructional talk used by the teacher that occurred in the teaching process to

manage the data.

2.The second step, after transcribing in form of written language, this data sources

will be analyzed and identified based on that the management and instructional

used by the teachers use in the teaching process that could be form the result of

observation and video record.

3. The next step is classification of the data. the researcher classified the data

according to the kinds of management talk and instructional talk used by the




The chapter presents and discusses the findings of the research based on the

data obtained from the teachers in teaching process trough obsevation checlist and

video recording. Based on the obsevation, researcher could present sevent extract

that can be analyzed.

A. Research Findings

The findings consist of the dada obtained through classroom observation

checklist and transcript of the video recording. The findings explained the kinds of teachers‟ talk in English teaching process at SMAN 12 Enrekang.

1. Kinds of Teachers’ Talk a. Instructional talk 1. Giving explanation

Giving explanation was giving detail information about teaching

materials when the learning process.

Extract 1(Teacher A):

Teacher : Jadi hari ni yang kita pelajari adalah pengumman bahasa Inggris

dari pengumuman adalah announcement. (write the material about

announcement).Pengumuman adalah penyampaian imbauan,

untuk memberikan informasi, ada beberapa cara untuk

menympaikan informasi yaitu, secara tertulis dan secara lisan

bahasa inggrisnya written and spoken. Jadi, pengumuman adalah


In extract 1, which is taken from first observation, the teacher explained the material about announcement by saying “Pengumuman adalah”. The expression was classified as giving explanation.

Extract 2 (teacher B):

Teacher : ya benar itu bagian bagiannnya nanti kita jelaskan lebih detail,

sebelum di jelaskan saya tulis dulu structure surat di papan tulis!

Jangan ribut dan tetap tenang.

Student : yes sir!

Teacher : okey student, perhatikan parts of English letter jadi di sni ada beberapa

bagian surat atau dalam bahasa Inggris purpose of letter, okey student

yang pertama adalah the letter head ada yang tau apa itu the leeter


Student : kepala surat.

Teacher : ya benar, kepala surat setelah kepala surat yaitu the date line yang

menunjukan waktu dan tanggal.

Based on the exstract the kind teacher‟ talk the teacher‟ performed are giving explanation the lesson, giving material about the parts of Englis letter.

2. Giving feedback

Giving Feedback is often uses to response to what a students has a

performance during the teaching and learning process

Extract 3 (Teacher A):


Teacher : Good, okey benar,so what about te picture this one, ada yang

pernah liat?

Student : toa mom..!

Teacher : iya benar toa, kalau bahasa Inggrisya speaker atau amplifire.

Okey semuaya ikuti saya! „‟Emplifire‟‟.

The extract show discussion between the teacher and the students about the picture, the centences in the extract like “Good” and “Iya benar” the teacher giving feedback acknowledging for students the correct answer.

3. Asking question

Asking question was distinguished not only by the exmalation mark but

also when teacher was waiting for students‟ response which indicated the teacher

giving a question.

Extract: 4 (teacher A):

Teacher : nah..! sekarang, question number one, perhatikan teksnya!

What does the teks talk about? Aulia..! its about? Student : its about the celebrate of anniversary school.

Teacher : the second question is, what is the fungtion about the text?

Silahkan groupnya Siska! Fungsi dari teks adalah?

Student : supaya semua siswa berpartisipasi dalam, in competition singing

and decoration room.

In extract 4, which is taken from the first observation, he teacher gives

the assignments the group does after that the teacher and students discuss about

the group assignments whose material is announced after that the teacher asks the


about?”, “its about?”,“what is the fungtion about the text?”, and“Fungsi dari teks adalah?” the question supported classroom interaction and routines that was differentthose concerning the content of teaching.

Extract 5(teacher B):

Teacher : kalau malam jangan begadang makannya di sekolah mengantuk dan

tidak bisa menerima pembelajaran! Okey student jadi sampai di sini

sudah paham apa itu English letter? Sutudent : yess sir!

Teacher : jadi itu tadi gambaran sedikit tentang English letter jadi sekarang kita

pindah di bagian bagian surat atau purpose of English letter ada

beberapa bagian bagian surat, ada yang tau tau apa saja bagiannya? Student : pembuka, isi dan penutup.

Based from the exstract the kinds teacher‟ talk the teacher performed asking question for students.

3. giving correction

Giving correction was giving clarification whether the students‟ work

was correct or wrong and giving explanation or direction about the mistakes and

how to correct it.

Extract 6 (teacher A):

Teacher : No..! bukan itu. Kalian harus menganalisa kira-kira kalau

pengumuman seperti siapa yang membuat? Yang membuat


comitte, and than pertanyaan selanjutnya next question, how is

the annaouncement for?

Based on the extract the teacher giving correction about the student‟

answer the question about the announcement she saying “No..! bukan itu”.

Extract 7 (teacher B):

Teacher : okey student, perhatikan parts of English letter jadi di sni ada beberapa

bagian surat atau dalam bahasa Inggris purpose of letter, okey student

yang pertama adalah the letter head ada yang tau apa itu the leeter


Student : pembuka surat sir.

Teacher :jawabannya kurang tepat yang benar adalah kepala surat setelah kepala

surat yaitu the date line yang menunjukan waktu dan tanggal.

the annaouncement for?

Based on the extract the teacher giving correction about the student‟ answer the question about the announcement she saying “jawabannya kurang tepat”.

b. Management talk 1. Everyday greeting

In beginning the lesson, the teacher entered in the classroom and saying “everyday greetings” before the teacher started the lesson.

Extract 8 (teacher A):

Teacher : good moorning students how are you today?


Based on the extract teacher A started the class by saying “good moorning”. The expression was classified as everyday greeting. It is the part of the management talk in beginning the lesson.

Extract 9 (teacher B):

Before study students reading Alqur‟An.

Teacher : baik, setelah membaca kitab suci Alqur‟An, silahkan di persiapkan

kelasnya. Good moorning student how are you today?

Student : moorning..! Iam fine, thank you, and you?

Based on the extract teacher A started the class by saying “moorning”. The expression was classified as everyday greeting. It is the part of the

management talk in beginning the lesson.

2. Taking the register

The teacher taking the register to if the whole of class is present or not.

Extract 10 (teacher A):

Teacher : iam very happy because today we are going to learn English

again but before start our lesson listen your name, jadi

sebelum kita belajar di absen dulu. Dengarkan namanya

baik-baik! Aisyah Fitri..!

Based on extract 10 the teacher saying”listen your name” mean that the

teacher want to know who were present or not befor studied.

Extract 11(teacher B):

Teacher: Who is absent today? Ada yang tidak hadir hari ini?


Based on extract 11 the teacher saying” Who is absent today? Ada yang

tidak hadir hari ini?” mean that the teacher want to know who were present or not befor studied.

3. Making things clear

Making things clear was used by the teacher to check sudents‟ understanding or make sure anything was clear.

Extract 12 (teacher A):

Teacher : Itu tadi penjelasannya maka Jadi dapat di simpulkan fungsi dari

descriptive text itu adalah menggambarkan, mendiskripsikan objek

tertentu seperti tmpt, benda atau orang, fungsinya agar pembaca

dapat menggambarkan atau membayangkan wujud dari benda

atau tempat dari benda yang di deskripsikan.

Based on extract 12 the teacher performed the expression “Itu tadi

penjelasannya maka Jadi dapat di simpulkan”, the teachers want to giving students making clear.

3. Checking progress

Checking progresswas used by the teacher to know the progress that the students found.

Extract 13 (teacher A):

Teacher : okey, sekarang sebelum kita masuk pembelajaran do you

remember? siapa yang masi ingat apa yang kita pelajari di

pembelajaran sebelumnya? Ada yang tau? Ada yang masi

ingat? Its about? De..descriptive text, what is descriptive text?, Aisyah fitri! what is descriptive text?.


Student : Is text about definition and description something.

The extract 13 shows that teacher A wanted to know the progress that the students found.The expression “Ada yang tau? Ada yang masi ingat? Its about?” means the teacher check the progress.

4. Stopping work

Stopping work was used by the teacher to stop the lesson because the time is over.

Extract 14 (teacher A):

Teacher : waktunya sudah habis..!nah!karena waktunya sudah habis

maka kita akan bahas! sekarang, question number one,

perhatikan teksnya! What does the teks talk about? Aulia..! its


Extract 14 was stopping work used by the teacher by saying “waktunya

sudah habis..! to stop the learning processed because the time was over. 5. Saying good bye

Saying goodbye was used by the teacher when time was over and wanted

to end the lesson.

Extract 15(teacher A):

Teacher : baiklah karena tidak ada pertanyaan, okey student..! i think

enough for today, see you next time, minggu depan dan pelajari

lagi di rumah materinya,assalamualaikum warahmatullahi



Extract 15 was about saying goodbye used by the teacher the teacher

closed the lesson by saying “see you next time”.

Extract 16 (teacher B):

Teacher: okey student, thanksfull for today sampai ketemu lagi di minggu depan,

insyaAllah silahkan di pelajari materinya tetap semangat,

assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.

Student: walaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatu.

Extract 15 was about saying goodbye used by the teacher the teacher closed

the lesson by saying “sampai ketemu lagi di minggu depan”.


It has been presented in findings the question was “what kinds of teachers‟ talk in English teaching process at SMAN 12 Enrekang?” could be answered through observation checklist and video recording. Observation done by the

researcher to see and observed the learning situation in the class. Therefore, after

analyzed the observation checklist and the transcript of video recording, it was found the kinds of teachers‟ talk used both of the teacher.

1. Kinds of teachers’ talk b. Instructional talk

These sessions were the parts of instructional talk used by the English

teacher A and Teacher B and showed the Teacher A and Teacher B giving

explanation was giving detail information about teaching material when the learning process. Teacher A was used the expression “Pengumuman adalah penyampaian imbauan, untuk memberikan informasi, ada beberapa cara untuk


written and spoken. Jadi, pengumuman adalah penyampaian informasi secara

tertulis dan secara lisan”. And teacher B “okey student, perhatikan parts of

English letter jadi di sni ada beberapa bagian surat atau dalam bahasa Inggris

purpose of letter, okey student yang pertama adalah the letter head ada yang tau

apa itu the leeter head?” The expression was classified as giving explanation.

Extract 3 were about giving feedback used by the teacher A, it was

provided to giving students feedback “Good, okey benar so what about te picture

this one, ada yang pernah liat?” Giving Feedback is often uses to response to

what a students has a performance during the teaching and learning process.

Extract 4 and 5 was about giving correction used by teacher A and teacher B it was giving clarification whether the students‟ work was correct or wrong and giving explanation or direction about the mistakes and how to correct it. The expression “No..! bukan itu”. Kalian harus menganalisa kira-kira kalau pengumuman seperti siapa yang membuat? Yang membuat adalah OSIS, panitia,

dan bahasa Inggrisnya panitia adalah comitte, and than pertanyaan selanjutnya

next question, how is the annaouncement for?” was used by teacher A indicate

that teacher shows students if their answer was wrong by repeating students answer” jawabannya kurang tepat yang benar adalah kepala surat setelah kepala surat yaitu the date line yang menunjukan waktu dan tanggal.the annaouncement


Extract the teacher 5 and 6 teacher A and teacher B was asking question

distinguished not only by the exclamation mark but also when teacher was waiting for students‟ response which indicated the teacher giving a question. The


Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework


Dokumen terkait

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