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Academic year: 2019

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NAMA DI FB : Iskandar Iis


MK : Bahasa Inggris II


Exercise 1. 1. Sort 2. Selected 3. Scheduled 4. Feels 5. Owns 6. Bought 7. Checked 8. Reevaluated 9. Requested 10.Updated

Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with one word. 1. Wendy is an interior designer.

2. Her specialty interior corporate design.

3. She member in a large metropolitan community. 4. She received several clients every day. 5. She diligently her work very seriously.

6. Wendy's friend Bruce is an architect. 7. He friends in the same community. 8. He offered some of his clients to Wendy. 9. Sometimes he gives Wendy's advice. 10. Wendy and Bruce brothers well together.

Exercise 3

Find the verbs in this letter and underline them. Dear Sir:

On April 12, I ordered a microwave oven from your store. The model number was 129-C and according to your Spring catalog, it cost $425.95. I received the

oven on April 25.

However, on May 1, your bill arrived. It listed the oven at $460.95. This is $35 more than the original price.

I enclose a check for $425.95. Please credit my account for the $35 discrepancy. I appreciate your attention to this matter.


Exercise 4.

1. had worked

2. will be auditioning 3. ought to be

4. has climbed

5. will have completed 6. has been planning 7. processed

8. have been looking 9. will be hired

10.may have to move

Exercise 5

Underline the verbs in this letter. Gentlemen:

I am writing in response to your ad in Sunday's newspaper. I would like to apply for the position of executive secretary.

I have been a secretary for the past six years. Most recently, I have been working as an assistant to the vice-president of ESCO, Inc. In addition to general secretarial duties, my responsibilities in this capacity have included the management of the office in the absence of my employer.

I have studied secretarial skills at Westside Business Institute, and I have completed 75 credits toward my B.A. degree.

I am enclosing my resume for your consideration. My complete job history is included. A list of references will be provided on request.

Yours truly, Exercise 6

Underline all of the verbs in these sentences.

1. Aurora studied computer programming first and then looked for a job.

2. During his summer vacations, Jimmy has driven a cab, delivered milk, and sold shoes.

3. Mr. Alberts asked me for a copy of the annual report and told me where to look. 4. On her lunch hour, Lea went to Colony's and bought a new dress.

5. I typed and proofread the letter before the end of the day. 6. Georgette called in sick and took the day off.

7. After the interview, John was offered the job and accepted it.

8. Blossom saved her money, quit her job, and opened an antique shop.

9. Marc placed an ad in the newspaper and received dozens of responses the first week.

10. A banker for many years, Mr. Seymour retired and moved to Venice. Exercise 7

In these sentences, underline the verb and then circle the subject. 1. John is a computer programmer.

2. He likes his job.

3. He had planned to become a teacher. 4. But computer science is a fascinating field. 5. His plans had to be changed.

6. Marie is a bookkeeper.

7. She enjoys her job a great deal.

8. Mathematics always had been her strong subject. 9. So she went to school and developed her specialty.

10. The atmosphere and salary of her job are satisfying to her. Exercise 8


2. Their real estate agent and their banker are helping to arrange the mortgage. 3. The agent and the Prices' lawyer disagree over the terms of the sale.

4. The Prices and the banker are eager about the deal.

5. The agent, the banker, the lawyer, and the Prices all will be happy after the settlement of the purchase.

6. Regina and her boss were discussing her salary.

7. Accuracy, thoroughness, and conscientiousness were her reasons for a raise. 8. Poor sales and high expenses were his justification for low salaries.

9. Regina and her employer met frequently to discuss her salary. 10. Her raise will begin on the first of the month.

Exercise 9

In this letter, underline the verbs and circle the subjects. Dear Madam:

We would like to introduce you to Dark Lady, a new fragrance by Leonard of London.

Dark Lady is named for William Shakespeare's mysterious love. Its bouquet is steeped in the poetry and romance of the Bard's greatest heroines. One drop mingles all the flowers of Ophelia's garland. Rosemary, violets, and pansies evoke remembrance, faithfulness, and thought. The greatest loves and lyrics of four hundred years blend in a crystal vial.

Dark Lady perfume and cologne are now available at all our fine stores. For a limited time, we are offering a special bonus. A half-ounce purse-atomizer and a floral silken pouch are yours with any Dark Lady purchase of $10 or more.

Of course, this and all your purchases can be charged and ordered by phone. Yours truly,

Principal Parts of the Verb Exercise 10.

1. had assisted 2. will be paid 3. met

4. was embarrassed 5. must be repaired 6. can be found 7. is crowded 8. appeared to be 9. was torn

10.had to miss Exercise 11.

In these sentences, underline all verbs and circle all subjects. 1. Bicycling to my job keeps me healthy.

2. Writing checks makes me frugal.

3. Balancing my checkbook makes me proud.

4. To answer the treasurer's mail is the responsibility of his assistant. 5. To admit one's errors indicates maturity.

6. To lose one's job is a traumatic experience. 7. Waiting on lines infuriates me.

8. Smoking cigarettes is hazardous to your health. 9. To find a good job demands perseverance.


Exercise 12.

1. sale

a. verb: I have started sale

b. Subject: Sales sells

c. Describing words: sell groceries

2. talk

a. verb: I talk last night

b. Subject: the crowded talk

c. Describing words: excited conversation

3. payment

a. verb: I make a payment

b. Subject: payment cashier at the supermarket

c. Describing words: pay for drinks

4. writing

a. verb: require writing pen

b. Subject: writing news in the paper

c. Describing words: write correctly

5. search

a. verb: I am search items in the store

b. Subject: search for a drink

c. Describing words: search lost items

Exercise 13.


a. verb: Rahmat lose the election b. Describing words: lose to win 2. tired

a. verb: Ria tired of working all day

b. Describe the word: tired to stay motivated 3. printed

a. verb: the book was printed

b. Describing words: printed in light 4. open

a. verb: the door open with a bang b. Describing words: door open broken 5. advertised

a. verb: car advertised

b. Describing words: advertised for sale PAGE 17.

Exercise 1.

In these sentences, underline each adjective and circle the noun it is describing. 1. A roving reporter phoned in her story.

2. It concerned a growing controversy. 3. The demanding editor wanted the details.

4. The reporter interviewed a politician accused of graft. 5. She asked provoking questions.

6. The alleged criminal did not evade the questions. 7. He had been offered a tempting bribe.


9. They had been investigating the suspected politician. 10. He claimed to be an honest man.

You can probably think of a lot more.

Exercise 2

Underline each adjective and circle the noun it is modifying.

1. A difficult job can be challenging.

2. But a good boss is an inspiration.

3. Sheila has a quiet boss.

4. He keeps a low profile.

5. Gary has a dynamic boss.

6. She works long hours.

7. Both employers earn high salaries.

8. This is a fair situation.

9. They are smart individuals.

10. Sheila and Gary appreciate their rare positions.

Exercise 3.

1. care for the environment

2. expresses love

3. love him

4. good luck there

5. Bible book

6. boast that belongs

7. recant

8. spinal families

9. wedding photos

10. unlimited number does not count

11. hunger

12. evil magic

13. comparing his

14. rebel terror

15. irregular verbs


18. insisted once

19. happy mood

20. planet earth

Exercise 4

In each sentence, cross out the prepositional phrase. Then underline the subject and circle the verb.

1. The woman in charge is Ms. Skelton. 2. She is the president of the company. 3. The suite on the sixth floor is her office.

4. The telephones inside her office never stop ringing. 5. The people around her work hard.

6. The man by her side is her partner. 7. He is chairman of the board.

8. They work very closely at the office.

9. The success of her career took much effort. 10. She is a woman of determination.

Exercise 5

In each sentence, underline the verb and circle the adverb. 1. Greg desperately wanted a vacation.

2. So he cautiously asked his boss for time off. 3. She answered him regretfully.

4. She seriously needed his help. 5. He patiently explained his needs.

6. His mind had been wandering aimlessly. 7. His work was being done sloppily.

8. His boss looked at Greg hesitantly. 9. Then she calmly told him to go. 10. He politely thanked her.

exercise 6

First change the adjectives in the description. Then use each new adverbs in a sentence.


2. happy together 3. chirpy

4. horrible events 5. tired of working 6. patients collision 7. studious work 8. correct something 9. joyful friend

10. boasting words Exercise 7

In this letter, underline all of the prepositional phrases. See if you can decide whether each prepositional phrase is acting as an adjective or as an adverb. Dear Sirs:

I would like to report an automobile accident. I am also making a claim for damages to my car.

The accident occurred on February 13. My car was parked on Elm Street. A snowstorm during the night had made the street quite icy. Mr. Kowalski's car skidded on the ice and hit my car. The left rear fender of my car was crushed. The damages are estimated at $950. Mr. Kowalski admits responsibility and has filed a police report (#003 726).

I would like restitution for the repair costs. My car may be viewed at Al's Auto Body Shop, 261 Hughes Avenue.

Thank you. Sincerely yours, Exercise 8

In each of these sentences, circle the adverbs and underline the verbs. Watch out for split verbs!

1. Anita never asks questions. 2. She often makes mistakes.

3. Dennis will sometimes correct Anita's errors. 4. Anita always appreciates his help.

5. But she does not show it.

6. Anita always conceals her errors. 7. She should not hide her feelings.

8. Dennis can always perceive Anita's gratitude. 9. He also recognizes her shyness.

10. Anita should not neglect a good friend. Exercise 9

1. extremely=an adjective 2. convincingly=a verb


4. clearly = an adjective

5. also = adverb

6. particularly = an adjective

7. surprisingly = an adjective

8. accurately = an adjective

9. crisply = adverb

10.more = adverb

Exercise 10

In each sentence, underline the direct object. 1. Greg was writing a memo.

2. He made it short and clear. 3. It concerned a specific topic.

4. It transmitted the necessary information. 5. He carefully retained a copy.

6. Greg's boss answered his memo. 7. She asked several questions. 8. Greg examined his copy. 9. He had omitted some details. 10. He quickly wrote another memo. Exercise 11.

1. Means= predicate adjective (PA).

2. possible.= predicate adjective (PA).

3. Necessary= predikat nominatif (PN)

4. Way= predikat nominatif (PN)

5. important.= predicate adjective (PA).

6. Policy= predikat nominatif (PN)

7. Contract = predikat nominatif (PN)

8. Responsible= predicate adjective (PA).

9. Fee = predicate adjective (PA).

10. Best = predicate adjective (PA).


Adam Smith, father of the World Economic

Leading figures in the field of economic development theory, Adam Smith, was born in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, in 1723. A teenager he studied at Oxford University, and from the year 1751 until 1764 he was a professor at the University of Glasgow. As long as that's where he published his first book, Theory of Moral Sentiments, which lifted him into the middle of the public intellectual. However, the peak of his fame mainly rests on his masterpiece book An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, published in 1776

. The book was an immediate success and seize the market, and the rest of life Smith enjoys fame and recognition thanks to the work. He died also in Kirkcaldy in 1790. No child she had, after all never married.


systematic economic theory and easily digested fairly precise as the basis for progress in the field opposite it in the future. On the basis of reason, it is worth thought that The Wealth of Nations is the base point of the modern study of political economy.

One of the major results presented this book is because he is straight and dispel the notion that various people so fad before. Smith's argument against the old theory of economic and trade which emphasized the importance of the need for the country has gold bullion supplies in bulk. Similarly, the book rejects the view of the

Physiocrats who say that the land is the main source of value. Instead Smith emphasized the most important subject is labor. Smith emphasizes that the

persistent increase in production can be achieved through the division of labor, and he attacked exhausted all government regulations and interference following

obsolete barriers that hinder the development and expansion of industry.

The central idea of The Wealth of Nations is the free market that moves according to the market mechanism that can automatically memprodusir considers the type and quantities of goods of the most loved and needed consumer society. For example, inventory declined liked it, naturally the price will rise and the price increase will bring a lot of profit for those who produce it. Because a lot of luck, others moved factories to manufacture as well. As a result of the increase in

production can not be rid of the state of shortage of goods. Moreover, the increase in supply in relation to the competition between the various companies will tend to lower the price of the commodity at a price that is "normal," for example, costs of production. There is no any party that helps eliminate scarcity, but that scarcity will resolve itself. "Everyone," said Smith "tend to make a profit for himself, but he was" guided by the invisible hand to achieve the ultimate goal which is not a part of his desire. With the pursuit of self-interest he frequently advance society more

effectively than when he intends to promote these betulbetul "(The Wealth of Nations, Chapter IV, Article II).

"Invisible hand" was not able to do the job properly if there is a disruption of free competition. Smith therefore believe in the free enterprise system and strongly opposed to high prices. Basically he strongly opposes almost all government interference in business and the free market. This intervention, says Smith, is almost always going to result in deterioration of economic efficiency and

ujungujungnya will raise the price. (Smith is not creating the slogan "laissez faire," but he's more than anyone else to spread the concept of it).

Some people get the impression that Adam Smith was none other than one who is merely a "dance to the sound of the drum" for the sake of the economy. This opinion is not correct. He repeatedly and with harsh words, criticized exhausted economic monopoly practices and wanted to eliminate it. And Smith instead of the naive in economic relations practice. It can be read from a typical observation in The Wealth of Nations: "People in the world trade of goods of the same can rarely meet together but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the formation of the people, or in other forms to raise prices."

Adam Smith so perfectly organized and forward thinking economic system, so it is only within a few hundred years before the schools economically marginalized. In fact, all the main points of their great minds have been combined with a system of Smith, while Smith to systematically reveal their shortcomings that exist. Substitute Smith including prominent economists such as Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo, developing and refining the system (without changing the lines anyway) a structure that is now classified into the categories of classical economics. Up to a certain critical level, even the economic theories of Karl Marx (though not political theory) can be regarded as a continuation of classical economic theory.

In his book The Wealth of Nations, Smith mostly use Malthus views about


and Marx misses.

There was nothing to do with the provision of or influence on Smith's view of the economic theorists who came later, the most important is its influence on legislation and policy taken by the government. The Wealth of Nations was written by a high prominence and clarity bertolok view is very broad appeal and legible. Arguments Smith faced government interference in business and the world of commerce and for the low price and free economy, it certainly has affected the line seseluruh government policy in the 19th century. Indeed, in terms of its influence was still felt to this day.

Since economic theory developed rapidly after the time of Smith, and some of the ideas being displaced by the opinions of others, it is easy to downplay the

significance of Adam Smith. It must be so, the fact is, he was the starter and founder of economic figures as a systematic study, and he is indeed a prominent figure in the history of human thought.

ADAM SMITH 1723-1790 Taken from:

Hundred Most Influential People in the History Michael H. Hart, 1978

---Tokoh terkemuka di bidang teori pembangunan ekonomi, Adam Smith, lahir di kota Kirkcaldy, Skotlandia, tahun 1723. Waktu remaja dia belajar di Universitas Oxford, dan dari tahun 1751 sampai 1764 dia menjadi mahaguru di Universitas Glasgow. Selama di situlah dia menerbitkan buku pertamanya, Theory of Moral Sentiments, yang mengangkat dirinya ke tengah-tengah masyarakat intelektual. Tetapi, puncak kemasyhurannya terutama terletak pada buku karya besarnya An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations, yang terbit tahun 1776

. Buku ini segera sukses dan merebut pasar, dan sisa hidup Smith menikmati kemasyhuran dan penghargaan berkat karya itu. Dia mati juga di Kirkcaldy tahun 1790. Tak seorang anak pun dia punya, lagi pula tak pernah kawin.

Adam Smith bukanlah orang pertama yang mengabdikan diri pada teori ekonomi, dan banyak gagasan-gagasannya yang terkenal bukanlah asli keluar dari

kepalanya. Tetapi, dialah orang pertama yang mempersembahkan teori ekonomi yang sistematik dan mudah dicerna yang cukup tepat sebagai dasar bertolak buat kemajuan bidang itu di masa depan. Atas dasar alasan itu, layaklah dianggap bahwa The Wealth of Nations merupakan pangkal tolak dari penelitian modern politik ekonomi.

Salah satu hasil besar yang disuguhkan buku ini adalah karena ia meluruskan dan menghalau pelbagai anggapan yang jadi anutan orang sebelumnya. Smith adu pendapat dan menentang teori lama ekonomi perdagangan yang menekankan arti penting perlunya negara punya persediaan batangan emas dalam jumlah besar. Begitu pula, bukunya menolak pandangan para physiokrat yang mengatakan bahwa tanah merupakan sumber utama dari nilai. Sebaliknya Smith menekankan arti pokok yang paling penting adalah tenaga kerja. Smith dengan gigih menekankan bahwa peningkatan produksi dapat dicapai lewat pembagian kerja dan dia

menyerang habis semua peraturan pemerintah yang usang dan campur tangannya berikut hambatan-hambatan yang menghalangi perkembangan dan perluasan industri.

Ide sentral The Wealth of Nations adalah pasar bebas yang bergerak menurut

mekanisme pasar yang dianggapnya secara otomatis bisa memprodusir macam dan jumlah barang yang paling disenangi dan diperlukan masyarakat konsumen.


akan menyingkirkan keadaan kekurangan barang. Lagi pula, kenaikan suplai dalam kaitan dengan kompetisi antar pelbagai perusahaan akan cenderung menurunkan harga komoditi pada tingkat harga yang “normal,” misalnya ongkos produksinya. Tak ada pihak mana pun yang membantu melenyapkan kelangkaan, tetapi

kelangkaan itu akan teratasi dengan sendirinya. “Tiap orang,” kata Smith

“cenderung mencari keuntungan untuk dirinya, tetapi dia “dituntun oleh tangan gaib untuk mencapai tujuan akhir yang bukan menjadi bagian keinginannya. Dengan jalan mengejar kepentingan dirinya sendiri dia sering memajukan masyarakat lebih efektif dibanding bilamana dia betulbetul bermaksud memajukannya” (The Wealth of Nations, Bab IV, pasal II).

“Tangan gaib” ini tak dapat melakukan pekerjaan sebagaimana mestinya jika ada gangguan terhadap persaingan bebas. Smith karena itu percaya kepada sistem perdagangan bebas dan menentang keras harga tinggi. Pada dasarnya dia

menentang keras hampir semua ikut campurnya pemerintah di bidang bisnis dan pasar bebas. Campur tangan ini, kata Smith, hampir senantiasa akan

mengakibatkan kemerosotan efisiensi ekonomi dan ujungujungnya akan menaikkan harga. (Smith tidaklah menciptakan semboyan “laissez faire,” tetapi dia lebih dari siapa pun juga menyebarkan konsep itu).

Beberapa orang peroleh kesan bahwa Adam Smith tak lain dari seorang yang cuma “menari menurut bunyi gendang” demi kepentingan ekonomi. Pendapat ini tidaklah benar. Dia berulang kali dan dengan kata-kata keras, mengecam habis praktek-praktek monopoli ekonomi dan menginginkan penghapusannya. Dan Smith bukannya orang naive dalam hubungan ekonomi praktek. Ini bisa dibaca dari

pengamatannya yang khas dalam buku The Wealth of Nations: “Orang dalam dunia dagang barang yang sama jarang bisa ketemu bersama, tetapi pembicaraan akan berakhir pada pembentukan komplotan yang bertentangan dengan rakyat, atau dalam bentuk lain menaikkan harga.”

Begitu sempurnanya Adam Smith mengorganisir dan mengedepankan sistem pemikiran ekonominya, sehingga hanya dalam jangka waktu beberapa puluh tahun saja mazhab-mazhab ekonomi sebelumnya tersisihkan. Nyatanya, semua pokok-pokok pikiran mereka yang bagus telah digabungkan dengan sistem Smith, sementara Smith dengan sistematis mengungkapkan kekurangan-kekurangan mereka yang ada. Pengganti Smith termasuk ekonom-ekonom kenamaan seperti Thomas Malthus dan David Ricardo, mengembangkan dan menyempurnakan sistemnya (tanpa mengubah garis-garis pokoknya) menjadi struktur yang kini digolongkan kedalam kategori ekonomi klasik. Sampai pada suatu tingkat penting tertentu, bahkan teori ekonomi Karl Marx (meski bukan teori politiknya) dapat dianggap sebagai kelanjutan dari teori ekonomi klasik.

Dalam buku The Wealth of Nations, Smith sebagian menggunakan pandangan-pandangan Malthus tentang kelebihan penduduk. Tetapi, jika Ricardo dan Karl Marx keduanya bersikeras bahwa tekanan penduduk akan mencegah upah naik

melampaui batas keperluan (apa yang disebut “hukum baja upah”), Smith

menegaskan bahwa kondisi kenaikan produksi upah dapat dinaikkan. Amatlah jelas, kejadian-kejadian -membuktikan bahwa Smith benar dalam segi ini, sedangkan Ricardo dan Marx meleset.

Tak ada sangkut-pautnya dengan ketetapan pandangan Smith atau pengaruhnya terhadap para teoritikus ekonomi yang datang belakangan, yang terpenting adalah pengaruhnya terhadap perundang-undangan serta politik yang diambil pemerintah. The Wealth of Nations ditulis dengan keulungan yang tinggi serta kejernihan

pandangan yang tak bertolok banding dan terbaca amat luas. Argumen Smith menghadapi campur tangan pemerintah dalam bidang bisnis dan dunia

perdagangan dan demi rendahnya harga serta perekonomian bebas, telah

mempengaruhi secara pasti terhadap garis kebijaksanaan pemerintah di seseluruh abad ke-19. Sesungguhnya, pengaruhnya dalam hal itu masih tetap terasa hingga sekarang.

Sejak teori ekonomi berkembang pesat sesudah masa Smith, dan beberapa


pendiri tokoh ekonomi sebagai suatu studi yang sistematis,dan dia sesungguhnya tokoh terkemuka dalam sejarah pemikiran manusia.

ADAM SMITH 1723-1790

Diambil dari:

Seratus Tokoh yang Paling Berpengaruh dalam Sejarah Michael H. Hart, 1978

Theory of George R Terry the most popular are:


Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling

Planning -> planning

Organizing -> organization or division of tasks

Actuating -> Implementation

Controlling -> Control / Monitoring

According to GR Terry

management is a specific process that consists of POAC conducted to determine and achieve the

goals set by using human and other resources.

a process or framework, which involves guidance or direction of a group of people toward

organizational goals or intentions are real. Juiga management is a science and an art. Art is a

knowledge of how to achieve the desired results or other words preformance art is a skill gained

from experience, observation and learning and the ability to use knowledge management.

According to G. Terry R:

1. Organizing in real terms (real sense) shows the relationship between people as a result of the


2. Organizing in the sense of an abstract showing the relationship between the units /

departments work.

According to G. R. Terry in his book, Principles of Management:

• Coordination is an effort synchronous / organized to provide the exact amount and time to

produce and direct the implementation of an action

uniform and harmonized at a predetermined target.

According to the review of management, coordination by Terry include:

1. The amount of effort both quantitatively and qualitatively

2. The exact timing of these efforts

3. Directing or determining the direction of these efforts

According to G. R. Terry:

• Authority is the official power and official authority to tell others to act and obey those who

have the authority it.

Teori George R Terry yang paling populer adalah : P O A C

Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling Planning --> perencanaan

Organizing --> Pengorganisasian atau pembagian tugas Actuating --> Pelaksanaan

Controlling --> Pengontrolan/Pengawasan Menurut George R Terry

manajemen adalah suatu proses tertentu yang terdiri dari POAC yang dilakukan untuk menentukan dan mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan dengan

menggunakan manusia dan sumber daya lain.


dalm kata lain seni adalah kecakapan yang diperoleh dari pengalaman,

pengamatan dan pelajaran serta kemampuan untuk menggunakan pengetahuan manajemen.

Menurut George R Terry :

1. Pengorganisasian dalam pengertian real (real sense) menunjukkan hubungan antar manusia sebagai akibat organisasi.

2. Pengorganisasian dalam pengertian abstrak menunjukkan hubungan antara unit-unit / departemen-departemen kerja.

Menurut George R. Terry dalam bukunya, Principle of Management :

• Koordinasi adalah suatu usaha yang sinkron / teratur untuk menyediakan jumlah dan waktu yang tepat dan mengarahkan pelaksanaan untuk menghasilkan suatu tindakan yang

seragam dan harmonis pada sasaran yang telah ditentukan. Menurut tinjauan manajemen, koordinasi menurut Terry meliputi : 1. Jumlah usaha baik secara kuantitatif, maupun secara kualitatif 2. Waktu yang tepat dari usaha-usaha tersebut

3. Directing atau penentuan arah usaha-usaha tersebut

Menurut George R. Terry :

• Wewenang adalah kekuasaan resmi dan kekuasaan pejabat untuk menyuruh pihak lain supaya bertindak dan taat kepada pihak yang memiliki wewenang itu.


What is business?

In economics, business is an organization that sells goods or services to consumers or other businesses, for a profit. Historically the business of English business, busy from the word which means "busy" in the context of individual, community, or society. In that sense, busy with activity and profitable work.

business in English is that business people can understand the ins and outs of the world of international business.

management and accounting students need to learn English because English is the international language, and the businesses not only in the country but only outside the country and even around the world, so to learn English students are expected to develop the ability to do business in the world intetnasional.


History of management

Management comes from the French menagement kuna, which means the art of carry and set up. Therefore, management can be defined as the science and art of attempts to utilize all its resources to achieve goals effectively and efficiently. Many of the difficulties that occur in tracing the history of management. Some people see it (by definition) as a late modern conceptualization (in the case of late modernity). in terms of the management does not have a pre-modern history, only a sign. A few others, detect management-like activity in the pre-modern finish. some authors trace the development of management thinking on trader-merchants Sumerian and Egyptian pyramid builders. The slave-owners through the centuries faced the problems of exploitation / motivating a dependent but sometimes slaves rebellious (forcing the authorities), but many pre-industrial enterprises, with their small scale, did not feel compelled ungtuk facing management problems

systematically. however, innovations such as the spread of Hindu-Arabic numeral system (the 5th century to the 15th) and the codification of double-entry Secretariat (1494) provide tools for assessment, planning and management control.


---Sejarah Manajemen


berasal dari

bahasa Prancis



, yang memiliki arti


melaksanakan dan mengatur

. Karenanya, manajemen dapat diartikan sebagai ilmu dan seni

tentang upaya untuk memanfaatkan semua sumber daya yang dimiliki untuk mencapai tujuan

secara efektif dan efesien.

Banyak kesulitan yang terjadi dalam melacak sejarah manajemen. Beberapa orang melihatnya

(dengan definisi) sebagai konseptualisasi modern yang terlambat (dalam hal modernitas yang

terlambat). dalam istilah tersebut manajemen tidak memiliki sejarah pra-modern, hanya

merupakan pertanda. Beberapa orang lainnya, mendeteksi aktivitas mirip-manajemen di masa

pra-modern akhir. beberapa penulis melacak perkembangan pemikiran manajemen pada

pedagang-pedangan Sumeria dan pembangun piramid Mesir. Para pemilik budak selama

berabad-abad menghadapi permasalahan eksploitasi/memotivasi budak yang bergantung namun

terkadang suka melawan (memaksa otoritas), namun banyak perusahaan pra-industri, dengan

skala mereka yang kecil, tidak merasa terdorong ungtuk menghadapi permasalahan manajemen

secara sistematis. namun, inovasi seperti penyebaran sistem angka Hindu-Arab (abad ke-5

hingga ke15) dan kodifikasi kesekretariatan entri-ganda (1494) menyediakan perangkat untuk

penilaian, perencanaan dan kendali manajemen.

Beberapa penulis melacak pengembangan manajemen sejauh perdagangan di








History of Accounting

According to the economists, accounting existed since humans recognize money as legal tender.

Logging out of the flow of money, the emergence of debt - credit and other transactions

conducted the first in the clay, which was then developed by using the ejection. Scripts that use

palm comes from Arab countries (Egypt), at that time Egypt was the colonies (Colonies) Roman.

Manuscript until now still stored properly, from Babylon in 3600 BC.

After the Romans have difficulty using their own numbers in the accounting records, then they

use Arabic numbers (decimal numbers), which at that time was known by the Egyptians.

The evolution coincided with the discovery of accounting entry system (DOUBLE - ENTRY) by

Venetian merchants who are well-known and eminent merchant in that century. Double - Entry

is a recording of all transactions into two aspects, namely the "debit and credit" whose

orientation is always in balance.

In the 15th century precisely in 1494 accounting using Arabic numerals developed in Italy. The

first book published by an Italian guy on the new accounting emerged in the late 15th century,

where the book is the work of a Venetian named Luca Pacioli. The book is titled "Summa


discuss accounting titled "TRACTACUS ET DE COMPUTIS SCRIPTORIA. Books is then

spread across western Europe and then developed again by accounting experts that arose several

accounting system with reference to the method used by Luca Pacioli .

The system developed is called according to the name or names develop their respective

countries. For example, the Dutch system (System Continental) and United States (System Anglo

Saxon). The systems were then run in accordance with its development. In this century the most

widely used is the Anglo-Saxon system, it is because the Anglo-Saxon system can be used to

record a variety of transactions, while the other system is rather difficult to use. This disebakan

because other systems are often split between bookkeeping to accounting, while the

Anglo-Saxon system, is part of the accounting books.




Some people recognize that accounting is the language of business. But what exactly is

accounting? How important is the accounting of the business?

Accounting is a prosesmencatat, classifying, summarizing, process and present data,

transactions, and finance-related events that can be used by people who use it easily

understandable for a decision-making and other purposes.

Accounting accountingyang derived from foreign words meaning when translated into

Indonesian is count or account. Accounting is used in almost all business activities around the

world to make a decision that is referred to as the language of business.

According to the American Accounting Association (AAA). Accounting that is:

"... The process of identifying, measuring and reporting economic information to allow for

assessment and a clear and unequivocal decision for those who use that information."

---Sejarah Akuntansi

Menurut para ahli ekonomi, akuntansi ada sejak manusia mengenal uang sebagai alat pembayaran yang sah. Pencatatan keluar masuknya uang, timbulnya hutang - piutang serta transaksi-transaksi lainnya dilakukan orang mula-mula di atas

lempengan tanah liat, yang kemudian berkembang dengan menggunakan lontar. Naskah yang menggunakan lontar tersebut berasal dari negara Arab ( Mesir ), pada waktu itu Mesir merupakan Koloni ( Jajahan ) Romawi. Naskah tersebut hingga sekarang masih tersimpan dengan baik, berasal dari Babilonia pada tahun 3600 SM. Setelah bangsa Romawi menemui kesulitan menggunakan angka-angka mereka sendiri didalam pencatatan akuntansi, maka kemudian mereka menggunakan angka Arab ( angka desimal ), yang pada waktu itu sudah dikenal oleh orang Mesir. Evolusi akuntansi terjadi bersamaan dengan ditemukannya sistem pembukuan berpasangan ( DOUBLE - ENTRY ) oleh pedagang-pedagang Venesia yang merupakan pedagang yang terkenal dan ulung pada abad itu. Double - Entry merupakan pencatatan seluruh transaksi kedalam dua aspek yaitu " debet dan kredit " yang orientasinya selalu dalam keadaan seimbang.

Pada abad ke 15 tepatnya tahun 1494 akuntansi yang menggunakan angka Arab berkembang di Italia. Buku yang pertama diterbitkan oleh orang Italia tentang akuntansi baru muncul pada akhir abad ke 15, dimana buku ini merupakan hasil karya seorang Venesia yang bernama Luca Pacioli. Buku ini berjudul " SUMMA DE ARITHMATICA, GEOMETRICA PROPORPIONI ET PROPORTIONALITA ". Bagian dari buku tersebut yang membahas tentang akuntansi berjudul " TRACTACUS DE COMPUTIS ET SCRIPTORIA . Buku inilah yang kemudian tersebar di benua Eropa barat dan kemudian dikembangkan kembali oleh para ahli-ahli akuntansi sehingga timbulah beberapa sistem akuntansi dengan tetap mengacu pada metode yang digunakan oleh Luca Pacioli.

Sistem yang berkembang tersebut dinamakan sesuai dengan nama yang mengembangkannya atau nama negaranya masing-masing. Misalnya sistem Belanda ( Sistem Continental ) dan Amerika serikat ( Sistem Anglo Saxon ). Sistem-sistem tersebut kemudian berjalan sesuai dengan perkembangannya. Pada abad sekarang ini sistem yang paling banyak digunakan yaitu sistem Anglo Saxon, hal ini disebabkan karena sistem Anglo Saxon dapat digunakan untuk mencatat berbagai macam transaksi, sedangkan sistem yang lainnya agak sukar untuk digunakan. Hal ini disebakan karena sistem yang lain sering memisahkan antara pembukuan dengan akuntansi sedangkan dalam sistem Anglo Saxon, pembukuan merupakan bagian dari akuntansi.

Teori dan praktek akuntansi semakin berkembang pada abad ke 20 sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi. seperti program-program akuntansi komputer yang semakin banyak beredar dipasaran pada saat ini.


Beberapa orang mengakui bahwa akuntansi adalah bahasa bisnis. Tetapi apa sebenarnya akuntansi itu? Seberapa pentingnya akuntansi terhadap bisnis?

Akuntansi adalah suatu prosesmencatat, mengklasifikasi, meringkas, mengolah dan menyajikan data, transaksi serta kejadian yang berhubungan dengan keuangan sehingga dapat digunakan oleh orang yang menggunakannya dengan mudah dimengerti untuk pengambilan suatu keputusan serta tujuan lainnya.

Akuntansi berasal dari kata asing accountingyang artinya bila diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa indonesia adalah menghitung atau mempertanggungjawabkan. Akuntansi digunakan di hampir seluruh kegiatan bisnis di seluruh dunia untuk mengambil keputusan sehingga disebut sebagai bahasa bisnis.

Menurut American Accounting Association ( AAA ). Akuntansi itu merupakan :

"...Proses mengidentifikasikan, mengukur dan melaporkan informasi ekonomi, untuk memungkinkan adanya penilaian dan keputusan yang jelas dan tegas bagi mereka yang menggunakan informasi tersebut ".

Soal Nomor 5

Accounting is the measurement, translation, or provision of assurance about information that will assist managers, investors, tax authorities and other decision makers to make resource allocation decisions within companies, organizations, and government agencies. Accounting is the art of measuring, communicating and interpreting financial activity.

We aim to learn accounting is to facilitate us in doing subsequent accounting practices.

In the accounting records using a double entry system, the balance between one side with the other side is very important. An imbalance indicates an error in recording. Therefore, we must learn the basic

accounting equation first.

The forms of the basic accounting equation can be described as follows: * Assets = Debt + Equity

* Debt = Assets - Equity * Equity = Assets - Debt

For a more complex, the basic accounting equation can also be formulated as follows: * Assets + Expenses = Debt + Equity + Revenue.

---Akuntansi adalah pengukuran, penjabaran, atau pemberian kepastian mengenai informasi yang akan membantu manajer, investor, otoritas pajak dan pembuat keputusan lain untuk membuat alokasi sumber daya keputusan di dalam perusahaan, organisasi, dan lembaga pemerintah. Akuntansi adalah seni dalam mengukur, berkomunikasi dan menginterpretasikan aktivitas keuangan.

Tujuannya kita untuk mempelajari akuntansi adalah untuk mempermudah kita dalam mengerjakan praktik-praktik akuntansi selanjutnya.

Pada pencatatan akuntansi yang menggunakan double entry system, keseimbangan antara sisi yang satu dengan sisi yang lainnya sangatlah penting. Adanya ketidakseimbangan menunjukkan adanya kesalahan dalam pencatatan. Oleh karena itulah kita harus mempelajari persamaan dasar akuntansi terlebih dahulu. Bentuk-bentuk persamaan dasar akuntansi dapat dijabarkan sebagai berikut :

* Harta = Utang + Modal * Utang = Harta - Modal * Modal = Harta - Utang



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