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Olin's Construction

Principles, Materials, and Methods8th Edition

Harold B. Olin


Olin's Construction

is the updated and revised edition of the standard text


by Harold Olin.

Author biography


H. Leslie Simmons, RA, CSI is a construction consultant and specifications writer with more than forty-five years of professional experience.

Harold B. Olin, FAIA is Managing Deputy Commissioner of Codes and Standards at the Building Department of the City of Chicago.

ISBN10: 0-471-71405-4

ISBN13: 978-0-471-71405-7

In Store Date: November 17, 2006

Publication Date: December 8, 2006

Price: US$ 110.00

• Drawings: B&W: 700 Color:0

Subject: (AR20) Building Design

Field: ARGD00 (Architecture and Design)

Discipline: ARX000 (Architecture)

Subdiscipline: ARX100 (Architecture)

Course: AR0200 (Construction Methods and Materials)

Product Line: (Z1) Architecture/Engineering

Discount Group: (4P) Professional(PL: BFHKRUZ,ISY3)

Bookstore Category: (ARC009000) ARCHITECTURE/Methods & Materials

Editor: (037) Drougas, P.

Marketing Manager: (57) Hartman, Valerie

Publisher: (Z1) Amanda Miller

EAN: 9780471714057

UPC: 723812745036

Market Restrictions: World Rights

Rights: Incomplete Rights

Sales handles

• This one volume reference covers nearly every principle, material, and method used to design and construct most residential and commercial buildings, including: concrete, steel, wood, masonry, plastics, doors & windows, glazed curtain walls, finishes, industry standards, codes, barrier-free design, siteworks, sound control, and much more. • Organized by the newly updated MasterFormatTM 2004 Edition.

• More than 1200 illustration -- including more than 150 new images.

• Provides vital descriptive information on how to design buildings, detail components, specify materials & product, and avoid common pitfalls.

• Eighth Edition features new information on sustainability, construction management, and for the first time a Companion Web Site!

About the topic/technology

Buildings must perform efficiently, be aesthetically pleasing, and meet specific legal and financial guidelines. To meet these goals, architects and other building professionals are required to understand not only design, but also sitework, materials, finishes, environmental control systems, and contract administration.

All of these pieces are summarized and organized by the Construction Specifications Institute's MasterFormatTM. Building professionals prefer to plan and organize a project based on this

system, since each component of a building project can be found in exactly the same section.

Market description

(Please include secondary markets)

Students of architecture and construction (degree programs include BArch, MArch, BS Arch Eng., BS Construction Science, Assoc. Arch—courses include Arch Materials & Construction, Bldg. Construction Methods, Bldg. Technology, Construction, Construction Technology). Architects, Engineers, Home Builders, Interior Designers, Carpenters, Project Managers, Masons, Concrete Workers, Millworkers, Code Inspectors, Code Officials, Specification Writers, Product Manufacturers, Loan Officer, Appraisers.


Olin's Construction

Principles, Materials, and Methods8th Edition

Harold B. Olin

About the book

Established as one of the leading books on the materials and methods of construction, the Eighth Edition of Construction has been renamed Olin's Construction to reflect the brand identity that Harold Olin brought to this standard text. Acquired from Van Nostrand Reinhold, this flagship title quickly joined in the success of the Wiley building construction list. No other book on the subject is as comprehensive as Olin's Construction. Whether a builder, designer, contractor, or manager, readers have for generations mastered the principles of construction operations with Olin.

Previous works by author/editor

(Title; Author; ISBN; Price; Pub Date; Net Sales; Publisher; Comments)

Construction: Principles, Materials, and Methods, 0471356409, 12/2000, 1,200 pages, cloth, $99.00, 15,390 units sold as of 6/2004.

Note: Previous editions sold approximately 7-8K copies in 1st year and 4-5K per year thereafter

Related titles

(Add sales information)

Allen: Fundamentals of Building Construction 4E, 0471219037, $99.00, 12/2003, 913 pages, 8.952 units sold as of 6/2004 Ching: Building Construction Illustrated 3e, 0471358983, 9/2000, $40.00, paper, 464 pages, 98,639 units as of 6/2004. Allen/Thallon: Fundamentals of Residential Construction, 0471386871, $85.00, 12/2001, 578 pages, 4,218 units as of 6/2004. Stein/Reynolds: Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings 9E, 0471156965, $120.00, 12/1999, 1800 pages, 24,215 units as

of 6/2004.

Previous Editions

• 0-471-35640-9 — {{Construction}}/January 19, 2001/US$ 99.00, CAN$ 128.99, £ 56.95/1200 pages


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