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Giving Your Cat the Safest Place to Come Back To


Academic year: 2017

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Giving Your Cat the Safest Place to Come Back To Word Count:

559 Summary:

When one thinks about cats as pets, the image that comes to mind is of a big furry cat lying down in his cat bed with a big plate of milk by his side. Cats have been known to be lazy, aristocratic interior house pets but that is not necessarily a rule. Most cats are very active, natural born hunters, who like to wander freely.


When one thinks about cats as pets, the image that comes to mind is of a big furry cat lying down in his cat bed with a big plate of milk by his side. Cats have been known to be lazy, aristocratic int

Article Body:

When one thinks about cats as pets, the image that comes to mind is of a big furry cat lying down in his cat bed with a big plate of milk by his side. Cats have been known to be lazy, aristocratic interior house pets but that is not necessarily a rule. Most cats are very active, natural born hunters, who like to wander freely. For those, you might want to consider acquiring outdoor cat houses.

Many owners, when they have the habitation facilities for it, choose to give their cats the liberty to live outside and enjoy the freedom of having somewhere safe and comfortable to come back to when they feel tired of wandering. A great way to keep your cat coming back after his adventures is by providing them with comfortable outdoor cat houses. If you own a big house with a spacious garden, outdoor cat houses might be the way to provide with cat with proper housing in a safe environment. Outdoor cat houses should be very sturdy and safe; preferably made of durable non toxic materials. They should protect your cat from rain, cold, wind and snow if it comes to that. On the other hand, they should not be excessively warm and they should be able to adapt to warmer weather. Remember that the cat should always feel conformable inside his own house, so he won´t need to wander outside in order to find a comfortable place to stay.

Most outdoor cat houses are made of isolated wood, which should have received a specific treatment to make them water and wind proof. They usually contain vinyl doors, in order to make it easy for your cat to go in and out and still keep the outdoor cat house warm and protected.

The floor should also be taken care of in a proper way, in order to isolate the complete house. If you really want to add a special treat to your cat, you will be amazed at the amount of outdoor cat house toys you can find, to put inside your new cat house and give your cat another good reason to keep coming back to his safe place. Other popular outdoor cat houses include models made of synthetic materials that are specifically fabricated to withstand very cold or very warm weather. When buying synthetic outdoor cat houses make sure they are not made of toxic materials and that they are actually safe for your cat.

There are several outdoor cat houses available in the market today, and by doing a market research you will see you can find the perfect one within your budget as they come in all sizes and types of finishing´s. You can go for a more modest version or, if you have the financial means, there are several luxury outdoor cat house models available.

Cats are free and independent animals. They are feline hunters by nature and they were not made to be kept inside the house at all times. Keep your cat happy by providing him the opportunity to be free and safe at the same time. If he knows that by coming back he will find a perfect and safe place to be, he won´t need to go wondering for comfort. Outdoor cat houses are a great choice for the true cat lovers.

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