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Top drug rehab principles


Academic year: 2017

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Drug consumption and even worse, drug addiction are, sadly, one of the major flaws and concerns of the world of today. Due to the fact that dealing with serious drug addictions and patients that require a complex medical supervision, the drug rehabilitation is a psychotherapeutic treatment that implies huge amounts of responsibilities, which are based on a set of strong principles...


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Article Body:

The basic principles of the drug addiction treatment start from considering each case a particular and individualized expression of the medical condition. Based on this fact, the specialized doctors build a complex treatment that includes each patient´s individual needs and problems, in order to succeed the reintegration in the healthy and normal life of the society. Even more, the drug addiction is not a unidirectional condition, as it concerns multiple medical, affective, social, personal, and legal problems.

The second most important principle when discussing drug addictions is the flexibility of the therapy. This implies changing the therapy, medicaments and alternative methods, regarding the patient´s evolution, problems and difficulties that might occur during rehabilitation. A major part of the rehabilitation program is the strict supervision of the patients, in order to assure the abstinence from drugs during the time of treatment and the optimum counseling that provides reasons and principles that stop the patient from restarting to use mind-altering drugs in the future. In most of the drug addiction cases, there is the need to combine the classical medicine therapies that use drugs (like levo-alpha-acetylmethadol - LAAM) with the intensive counseling and psychological therapies, in order to provide a complex and successful treatment with long term effects. Motivation is an important factor in the drug rehab process. Although before beginning the treatment, the inner motivation and admittance of the severe condition might be hard to achieve by the patient, further motivation is essential for a complete rehabilitation. During the advanced stages of treatment, the patients share their experience, motivation and needs that stimulate them to overcome the situation. Our bodies are continuously exposed to several toxins and unwanted substances that might develop serious illnesses or health affections. A full body detox should consider all types of therapies, diets and exercises that are supposed to fasten the toxins releasing process. The detoxifying foods and drinks are operating from inside, taking action directly on the liver, lungs, kidneys, pancreas, bowels and the whole digestive tube. The recovery from drug addiction is a permanent process that, in most of the cases, requires various steps of treatment, as it is considered similar to a chronic illness. The specialized doctors in drug rehabilitation sustain that, during these multiple episodes of treatments and in between, patients should be constantly supported and encouraged by close family members and friends, in order to avoid relapses and to assure the safe and healthy reintegration in the society.

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