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Academic year: 2018



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Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Bangkalan muz_tain@yahoo.co.id

Abstract: This research used Qualitative method. The setting and subject were the second semester of English Department at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan. The instruments of the research are observation checklist and interview. Data collected were analyzed by data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results were lecturer employed it well, but the students felt confused and satisfied. The students thought that (DRA) method was good in reading class, but it should be supported by easy material

Abstrak: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Seting dan subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester II Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di STKIP PGRI Bangkalan. Instrument penelitian ini mengguunakan observasi checklist dan wawancara. Data dikumpulkan dan dianalisis meng-gunakan data reduksi, data display, dan kesimpulan. Hasilnya adalah dosen menerapakan DRA method dengan baik, tetapi mahasiswa merasakan kebingu-ngan dan puas. Mahasiswa berpikir bahwa DRA method baik di dalam kelas reading, tetapi seharusnya didukung dengan materi yang mudah.

Key Word: Directed Reading Activity (DRA) Method, Reading Comprehension, and Narrative Text


Language, naturally, constitutes a substantial part of any person’s theory of the world. It obviously plays a central role in reading. The present chapter is concerned with language from a number of perspectives, inclu-ding the relationships between the sounds of speech and their meaning, between the printed marks of written language and their meaning, between productive aspects of language (talking and writing) and receptive aspects

(listening and reading), and between spoken and written language. The chapter also refers briefly to grammar and to other conventions of language.


22 that a student of reading must grasp are relatively few and easy to explain and to demonstrate. These insights, how-ever, are not always part of the general awareness of educators in the field of reading they are widely disregarded in many instructional programs and materials and in a good deal of reading research, so that they may appear to be new and even unfamiliar ideas.

Reading is an important tool for people of many societies, allowing them to access information which might have otherwise been unavailable. According to Carroll (in Hudson, 2007: 34) Reading is the activity of recon-structing a reasonable spoken message from a printed text, and making mea-ning responses to the reconstructed message that would parallel those that would be made to the spoken message.

The emphasizing of Caroll’s defi -nition of the reading is the phoneme-grapheme correspondence notion and the information-processing view of re-constructing an existing message. The process is assumed to require the processing of all grapheme information on the page.

According to Goodman (in Hudson, 2007: 38) pointed out Reading is a selective process. It involves partial use of available minimal language cues selected from perceptual input on the basis of the reader expectation. As this partial information is processed, ten-tative decision are made to be con-firmed, rejected, or refined as reading progresses. Reading is approached as holistic, meaning-making task, with the reader as the teacher of the process (Skidell & Becker, 2001:1)



Directed Reading Activity (Dra) In Teaching Reading Narrative Text; The Implementation and Responses, Mustain

doing a certain activities, say reading, but we cannot have function it to develop our knowledge, skill, or atti-tude as a positive contribution. Then reading activities are really useless. Based on the background knowledge influences the ability of reading com-prehension, the students differentially identifies, predict, and interpret the meaning of the text. So, those are rai-sing our awareness about the impor-tance of addressing these problems. The troubleshooting for this will be very valuable in confirming that reading is essential activities.

“There are two main reasons for reading as the essential activities, those are reading for pleasure and reading for information” PISA (Rohim, 2009: 5). Reading for pleasure is when the reader considers in finding out something for him or herself, whereas reading for information is when the reader wants to get information. In this case, a reading text for pleasure is narrative. Narration is the type of the text in which the information is presented as objet in time. Narrative texts typically provide answer to when, who, in what

sequ-ence, or question Freire and Macedo (Rohim, 2009: 9). From this point, the narrative emphasizes the text based on the situation or the time when it happened. According to Oshima (2007: 24) states that narration is story writing. It presents that narrative text is a text in which tells a story to entertain the reader. Several studies have looked at how narrative texts are processed by second language readers. Carrel (in Hudson, 2007: 187) examined whether a simple story schema influences English second language subjects as they read stories in English. Her subjects were each presented with three stories. The stories either followed a two-episode standard sequential order, or the same story with content from the two episodes interleaved in a non-conventional text pattern, analogous to the Mandler (1984, 1987) studies. Twenty-four hours after reading the stories, the subjects were asked to recall the stories as well as possible in writing.


24 to acquiring a basic reading competence and gradually improve the students’ comprehension process through varied text type and text situation. In the other word, to easy understand the reading text needed as anticipation in order that the readers can explore of what information of the text itself is directed reading activity (DRA) me-thod. According to Richard (2001:14) states method is a set of procedures, a system that spells out rather precisely how to teach a second or foreign langu-age, and an overall plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a selected approach.

The method which will be used to understand narrative text is directed reading activity (DRA). The DRA is a reading comprehension/critical think-ing activity for the buildthink-ing knowledge part of a reading lesson with either nar-rative or informational text (Crawford, et al, 2005: 50).

From the facts above, the rese-archer intends to give the title of the research is the implementation of using directed reading acticity (DRA) method

in the second semester of English Department at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan Research Method

In this research used Qualitative research design focused on A Case Study. Qualitative research is a rese-arch that investigates the quality of relationship, activities, situation, or materials (Fraenkle&Wallen, 2006: 430). This is on describing in detail all of what goes on in a particular activity or situation rather than on comparing the effect of a particular treatment.

A case study is a detailed study of one or at most) a few individuals or other social units, such as classroom, a school, or a neighborhood. It can also be a study of an event, an activity, or ongoing process. There are three types of case studies, one of them is instrinsic case study. In this research, the rese-archer used instrinsic case study to know the implementasi Directed Read-ing Activity (DRA) method and the students’ respon on the implementation of Directed Reading Activity (DRA) method.



Directed Reading Activity (Dra) In Teaching Reading Narrative Text; The Implementation and Responses, Mustain

was STKIP PGRI Bangkalan conducted on of the research choosed, because Directed Reading Activity (DRA)

Method used to teach reading compre-hension in the second semester of English Department. The subject of the research was the second semester of English Department at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan. The reasons are the stu-dents was often utilized the DRA Method by the lecturer.

The instruments of the research are observation checklist and interview recording. In the observation checklist, the researcher observed the implemen-tation of Directed Reading Activity (DRA) method at the second semester of English Department at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan, while interview recording was used to know the students’ res -ponds after implementation of Directed Reading Activity (DRA) method at the second semester of English Department at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan.

In collecting those data, the researcher observed the implementa-tion of Directed Reading Activity Method in teaching reading using

observation checklist. The researcher, in this case, acted as participant obser-vation. Participant observation is researcher actually participate in the situation or setting they are observing. When a researcher chooses the role of participant as observer, he participates fully in the activities of the group being studied, but also makes it clear that he is doing research.


26 how the views of one individual com-pare with those of another. (3) Retros-pective interviews can be structured, semi structured, or informal. A resear-cher conducts a retrospective interview tries to get respondent to recall and then reconstruct from memory some-thing that has happened in the past.

In this case, the researcher informal interview to know the stu-dents’ respon after the implementation Directed Reading Activity (DRA) me-thod at the second semester of English Department at STKIP PGRI Bangka-lan.

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the data from observation and interview using data reduction, data display, and conclusion or verification (Bogdan and Biklen, 2006).

Research Finding and Discussion

Based on the data obtained from observation and interview in research finding, the researcher concluded that The implementation of Directed Rea-ding Activity (DRA) method in teach-ing readteach-ing comprehension at the se-cond semester of English Department

at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan was teacher or lecturer employed it well in term of condition, interaction, and activity, but the students felt confused and unsa-tisfied. The reasons were (1) the stu-dent thought that the material and the method were too much, (2) the teacher /lecturer needed to have alot of time to teach, because the method was un-maximally implemented, (3) the condi-tion of teaching and learning process was crowded, and (4) the material was unfamiliar with the students.

Based on the result of interview obtained to know the students responds was the students thought that Directed Reading Activity (DRA) method was good in reading class, but it should be supported by easy material.



Directed Reading Activity (Dra) In Teaching Reading Narrative Text; The Implementation and Responses, Mustain

comprehension/critical thinking acti-vity for the building knowledge part of a reading lesson with either narrative or informational text.


Based on the research finding and discussion, this research concluded that; The implementation of Directed Reading Activity (DRA) method in teaching reading comprehension at the second semester of English Department at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan is teacher or lecturer employed it well in term of condition, interaction, and activity, but the students felt confused and satisfied. The reasons were (1) the student thought that the material and the method were too much, (2) the teacher/ lecturer needed to have alot of time to teach, because the method was un-maximally implemented, (3) the con-dition of teaching and learning process was crowded, and (4) the material was unfamiliar with the students. Based on the result of interview obtained to know the students responds are the students thought that Directed Reading Activity (DRA) method was good in

reading class, but it should be suppor-ted by easy material.


Crawford, A, Saul, Mathews, & Makinster. 2005. Teaching and

Learning Strategies for the

thinking Classroom. New York: The International Debate Educa-tion AssociaEduca-tion.

Christine Nuttal.1987. Teaching Reading Skill in a Foreign Langu-age. Oxford.

Hudson. 2007. Teaching Second Language Reading. Oxford

Jack C. Richard & Theodore S. Rodger. 2001. Approaches and

Method in Language Teaching.

Cambridge University Press

Oshima, A & Hogue, A. 2007. Introduction to Academic English. USA: Pearson Longman.

Myrna B Skidell & Sidney G Becker. 2001. The Main Idea; Reading to learn. Pearson Longman.

Nunan, David. 1989. Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. New York: Cambridge University press.

Wikipedia. 2010. www. Narrative Text Definition.com

Zvia Breznitz. 2006. Fluency in

Reading (synchronization of


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