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Testing dan Implementasi Sistem (1)


Academic year: 2018

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Testing dan Implementasi Sistem


Tujuan Instruksional Umum

• Mahasiswa akan dapat menerangkan peranan tahap pengujian dan tahap implementasi pada rangkaian siklus hidup pengembangan sistem perangkat lunak. (C2)

• Mahasiswa akan dapat menghasilkan perencanaan pengujian (test plan) suatu proyek pengujian perangkat lunak. (C3)( )

• Mahasiswa akan dapat menyimpulkan hasil proses pengujian yang dilakukan. (C6)

Mahasiswa akan dapat mendesain laboratorium • Mahasiswa akan dapat mendesain laboratorium

pengujian. (C6)



Bl k R (2002) M i Th T ti P 2st Ed

Black, Rex. (2002). Managing The Testing Process. 2st Ed.,


Referensi Lainnya


Topik Bahasan

1. Pendahuluan & Dasar2 Pengujian Software (Introduction & Ch. 1) g j ( ) – Pert. 1

2. Kualitas Perangkat Lunak (Ch. 1) – Pert. 2 & 3 3. Test Plan (Ch. 2) – Pert. 4

3. Test Plan (Ch. 2) Pert. 4

4. Test System Architecture, Cases, & Coverage (Ch. 3) – Pert. 5 5. The Bug Tracking Databases (Ch. 4) – Pertemuan 6 & 7

6 T t T ki S d h t (Ch 5) P t 8 6. Test Tracking Spreadsheet (Ch. 5) – Pert. 8 7. Managing the Dynamic (Ch. 6) - Pert. 9

8. Stocking & Managing a Test Lab. (Ch.7) – Pert. 10 8. Staffing & Managing Test Team (Ch. 8) – Pert. 11

9. Organizational Challenges for Test Manager (Ch. 9) – Pert. 12 10. Distributing a Test Project (Ch. 10) – Pert. 13



• Mahasiswa akan dapat mendefinisikan pengertian pengujian dan p p g p g j implementasi perangkat lunak. (C1) TIK-1

• Mahasiswa akan dapat menerangkan peranan tahap pengujian dan implementasi dalam siklus hidup pengembangan sistem perangkat p p p g g p g lunak. (C2) TIK-2

• Mahasiswa akan dapat menjelaskan pentingnya pengelolaan proses pengujian. (C2) TIK-3

p g j ( )

• Mahasiswa akan dapat menyebutkan sumber daya dan alat-alat bantu yang diperlukan untuk mengelola dan melaksanakan proses pengujian. (C1) TIK-4

p g j ( )

Mahasiswa akan dapat menjelaskan strategi pengujian (test

granularity) yang akan menentukan kedalaman tingkat fokus

pengujian. (C2) TIK-5g j ( )


Pengujian Perangkat Lunak

Pengujian Perangkat Lunak


Pengujian (Testing)

• Pengujian perangkat lunak (Software testing) adalahPengujian perangkat lunak (Software testing) adalah proses untuk mengukur kualitas dari perangkat lunak yang dikembangkan.

K lit k t l k ( ft lit ) k

• Kualitas perangkat lunak (software quality) mengukur

seberapa baik sistem perangkat lunak dirancang (quality

of design), dan tingkat kesesuaian perangkat lunak g ) g p g

dengan rancangan yang telah dibuat (quality of


Standar internasional yang digunakan untuk • Standar internasional yang digunakan untuk


Why test software?

“Software bugs, or errors... ...cost the


U.S. economy an estimated



annually...more than a third of

these costs or an estimated

$22 2

these costs, or an estimated



... could be eliminated by an

improved testing ...”


Why find bugs in software early?

A software defect left unfixed until

A software defect left unfixed until

late in the development cycle

costs 80



times more to fix

than it would if it was dealt with



Purpose of software testing

• ”Software Testing is the process of executing a program g p g p g or system with the intent of finding errors” *


”A ti it i d t l ti tt ib t

• ”Any activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or

capability of a program or system and determining that it meets its required results” **q

* Glenford Myers, The art of software testing


When to stop testing?

• Complete testing of a system is generally unfeasible (too p g y g y ( expensive)

• Testing normally stops:

h h t d

– when resources are exhausted or

– when the software meets the requirements or

when the benefit of continued testing cannot justify – when the benefit of continued testing cannot justify


Implementasi Perangkat Lunak

Implementasi Perangkat Lunak


System Implementation

• System Implementation or Adoption deals with theSystem Implementation or Adoption deals with the


Tahap Pengujian & Implementasi dalam

Siklus Hidup Pengembangan Sistem


Traditional SDLC

(1) Systems Investigation

A i ht t


(1) Systems Investigation

(2) Systems Analysis

(3) S t D i

An eight-stage systems

development life cycle



Testing & Implementation Phases in SDLC

• Testing (Pengujian)g ( g j )

– Checks to see if the information system will produce the expected and

desired results under certain conditions

• Implementation (Implementasi)p ( p )

– The process of converting from the old system to the new system – Four major conversion strategies

• Parallel conversion: the old and new systems operate simultaneously for a period of time

• Direct conversion: the old system is cut off and the new systems is turned on at a certain point in time

Pil t i i t d th t i t f th

• Pilot conversion: introduces the new system in one part of the organization

• Phased conversion: introduces components of the new system in stages


Purpose of test management

• To devise and apply an effective and economic test pp y strategy

• Key elements: • Key elements:

– Test planning

– Test specificationsTest specifications – Test execution


The Tools You Need

• A thorough test plan: meramalkan dan menghindari masalah yg

• A thorough test plan: meramalkan dan menghindari masalah yg potensial.

• A well-engineered test system

• A state-based bug tracking database

• A comprehensive test tracking spreadsheet • A simple change management database

• A simple change management database


The Resources You Need

• A practical test labA practical test lab

• Test Engineers and Technician • Contractors and Consultants • External test Labs and Vendors


Dasar Sistem Pengujian

• Suatu pengujian yang akan dilakukan harus mempunyaiSuatu pengujian yang akan dilakukan harus mempunyai fokus yang jelas.

• Ada 3 pertanyaan yang harus dijawab sebelum

l k k t ji

melakukan suatu pengujian: – What you might test ?

What you should test ? – What you should test ? – What you can test ?

• Jawaban -> membantu menentukan fokus pengujianJawaban membantu menentukan fokus pengujian yang dilakukan.

• Fokus pengujian yang jelas akan menentukan kualitas d i i t di ji


1 What you might test?

1. What you might test?


Usaha Pengujian yang Diperluas

• Dalam suatu proyek pengembangan perangkat kerasDalam suatu proyek pengembangan perangkat keras maupun perangkat lunak, sudah banyak proses

pengujian yang dilakukan di luar organisasi.

Ad 2 d di k t k il i

• Ada 2 pandangan yang digunakan untuk menilai

bagaimana kelompok diluar organisasi pengujian formal berkontribusi pada suatu proses pengujian:p p p g j

1. Test Granularity : level of focus of a test


Test Granularity

• Refers to the fineness or coarseness of a test’s focus

C f f


Structural Test

• Structural test find bugs in low level operations such asStructural test find bugs in low level operations such as those that occur down at the levels of lines of code,

database schemas, chips, subassemblies, and interfaces



Who did the structural test?

• Expert Programmers can be good structural testingExpert Programmers can be good structural testing • Testers develop most structural test by looking at the


Behavioural Test

• Behavioural tests are often used to find bugs in high-level g g operations, at the level of features, operational profiles, and customer scenarios

• They are functional tests based on y what a system should doy • Behavioral testing involves a detailed understanding of the


Who did the behavioral test?

• Testers who understand the design of the system, at least at a high g y g level, so that they can effectively find bugs common to that type of design.

• In addition to understand some of the technological issues g surrounding the system under test, behavioral testers must


What is Good Behavioral Test?

• StructuredStructured • Methodical

• Often repeatable sequences of tester-created conditions

Behavioral testing is the primary test technique for Behavioral testing is the primary test technique for


Live Testing

• Live Test involve putting customers, content experts,Live Test involve putting customers, content experts,

early adopters and other end users in front of the system • In some cases, we encourage the testers to try to break

th t

the system


Test Phases

• Unit TestingUnit Testing

• Component or Subsystem Testing • Integration or Product Testing

• String Testing • System Testing


Benefit of Phased Test Approach

• Structural Testing can build product stabilityg p y

• Structural testing using scaffolding or stubs can start early • You can detect bugs earlier and more efficiently

• You can gather better metrics and use best practice techniques in • You can gather better metrics and use best-practice techniques in

your testing effort

• Phases provide real and psychological milestones against which you can gauge the "doneness" of testing and thus the project


Test Phase



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