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Analisis Kinerja Model Rancangan Sistem Home_Automation Berbasis Internet Protocol Terhadap Penggunaan Http Persistent dan Non-Persistent


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Analisis Kinerja Model Rancangan Sistem Home_Automation Berbasis Internet Protocol Terhadap Penggunaan Http Persistent dan Non-Persistent"


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/ * *

* Fugue – Sebuah pr ogr am Ar dui no unt uk Home Aut omat i on. *

* @pac k age Nugr aha

* @Aut hor Wahy u Nugr aha <nugr aha. c . wahy u@gmai l . c om> * /

#i nc l ude " Fugue. h"

names pac e Mai n {

us i ng Nugr aha: : Foundat i on: : Bas eCont r ol l er ;

c l as s Cont r ol l er : publ i c v i r t ual Bas eCont r ol l er {

publ i c:

v oi d s et up( ) {

Debug: : i s DebugMode = t r ue;

i f( ! env : : wi f i : : obt ai nI pAddr es s Aut omat i c al l y ) {

Wi Fi .c onf i g( env : : wi f i : : i p, env : : wi f i : : gat eway , env : : wi f i : : s ubnet , env : : wi f i : : dns 1, env : : wi f i : : dns 2) ;


boar d- >i ni t i al i z e( ) ; boar d- >aut omat e( ) ; }

v oi d l oop( ) {

Sc hedul er: : handl eEv ent s ( ) ; }

} ;


#i nc l ude " boot s t r ap/ boot s t r ap. hpp"


namespace App { namespace Boards {

usingnamespace App::Devices;

using Nugraha::Foundation::Board;

using App::Gateways::WebServer::Server;


classWemosD1 : publicvirtual Board {


void gateways() {

// this->attachGateway(new Server());

this->attachGateway(new PersistentHttp(std::map<String, String>({ { "host" , env::httpClient::host },

{ "mode" , env::httpClient::mode },

{ "publishKey" , env::httpClient::publishKey }, { "subscribeKey" , env::httpClient::subscribeKey }, { "signature" , env::httpClient::signature }, { "channelName" , env::httpClient::channelName }, { "callback" , env::httpClient::callback } })));


void devices() {

this->attachDevice(new Lampu(D2, NULL));

this->attachDevice(new Lampu(D3, NULL));

this->attachDevice(new Lampu(D4, NULL));

this->attachDevice(new Lampu(D5, NULL));

this->attachDevice(new AirConditioner(D6, NULL));

this->attachDevice(new LED(BUILTIN_LED, NULL)); }

void sensors() {

} };



namespace App { namespace Devices {

using Nugraha::Sensors::Sensor;

using Nugraha::Devices::Device;

using Nugraha::Devices::Drivers::AirConditionerDriver;

classAirConditioner : publicvirtual Device {


AirConditioner(int pin, Sensor* sensor=NULL) : Device(pin, sensor) {}

void initialize() {

pinMode(this->pin, OUTPUT);

setDriver(new AirConditionerDriver()); }



} };



namespace App { namespace Devices {

using Nugraha::Sensors::Sensor;

using Nugraha::Devices::Device;

classLampu : publicvirtual Device {


Lampu(int pin, Sensor* sensor=NULL) : Device(pin, sensor) {}

void initialize() {

pinMode(this->pin, OUTPUT); }

void behavior() {

} };



namespace App { namespace Gateways { namespace HttpClients { using Nugraha::Gateways::Esp8266::WifiHttpClient;

classNonPersistentHttp : publicvirtual WifiHttpClient {


NonPersistentHttp(std::map<String, String> setting):WifiHttpClient(setting) {}

void service() {

Debug::println("Memulai service koneksi HTTP Non-persistent...");

interval = 0;


Scheduler::every(interval, [=]() { updateMessage();

httpGet(generateUri(), [=]() {

board->executeUserCommand(response); });




namespace App { namespace Gateways { namespace HttpClients { using Nugraha::Gateways::Esp8266::WifiHttpClient;

classPersistentHttp : publicvirtual WifiHttpClient {


PersistentHttp(std::map<String, String> setting) : WifiHttpClient(setting) {}

void service() {

Debug::println("Memulai service koneksi HTTP Persistent...");

interval = 0;


Scheduler::every(interval, [=]() { updateMessage();

httpGet(generateUri(), [=]() {

board->executeUserCommand(response); });

}); } };



namespace env {

namespace wifi {

String ssid = "Fugue2";

String password = "fugue123"; bool obtainIpAddressAutomatically = false; IPAddress ip(192, 168, 137, 69); IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 137, 1); IPAddress dns1(8, 8, 8, 8);

IPAddress dns2(8, 8, 4, 4); }

namespace httpClient {

String host = "www.wahyunugraha.com"; String mode = "publish";

String publishKey = "pub-w-3e5de365-5d57-48c7-a317-366ef2846eb4"; String subscribeKey = "sub-n-cca59b64-d972-11e5-bdd5-02ee2ddab7fe"; String signature = "0";

String channelName = "rumah1"; String callback = "0";


namespace server {

ESP8266WebServer* server = new ESP8266WebServer(80); }



namespace Nugraha { namespace Devices { namespace Drivers { using Nugraha::Support::Facades::Scheduler::Scheduler;

classAirConditionerDriver: publicvirtual Driver {



bool turnOn(int pin) {

digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); Scheduler::after(50, [=]() { digitalWrite(pin, LOW); });

returntrue; }

bool turnOff(int pin) {

digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); Scheduler::after(50, [=]() { digitalWrite(pin, LOW); });

returntrue; } };



namespace Nugraha { namespace Devices { namespace Drivers {

classSinkModeDriver : publicvirtual Driver {



bool turnOn(int pin) {

digitalWrite(pin, LOW);

returntrue; }

bool turnOff(int pin) {

digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);




namespace Nugraha { namespace Devices { using Nugraha::Traits::HasId;

classDevice : publicvirtual DeviceContract, public HasLogger, public HasId {

protected: int pin = -1; bool isOn = false;

SensorContract* sensor; DriverContract* driver; unsignedlong previousMillis = 0; static DriverContract* defaultDriver;


Device(int pin, SensorContract* sensor) {

this->pin = pin; this->sensor = sensor;

this->driver = Device::defaultDriver; }

virtual ~Device() {}

void toggle()

if(driver->turnOn(this->pin)) { this->isOn = true;

logger->addNotification(1, String(this->pin));

if(driver->turnOff(this->pin)) { this->isOn = false;

logger->addNotification(0, String(this->pin)); }



int getPin() {

returnthis->pin; }

void setSensor(SensorContract* sensor) {

this->sensor = sensor; }

void setDriver(DriverContract* driver) {

this->driver = driver; }

int getId() override {HasId::getId();}

void setLogger(LoggerContract* logger) override {HasLogger::setLogger(logger);}

LoggerContract* getLogger() override {HasLogger::getLogger();} };



namespace Nugraha { namespace Foundation {

using Nugraha::Contracts::Foundation::BoardContract;




BaseController* controller; int serialBaudRate;

bool beginSerial;

Application(BaseController* controller, BoardContract* board, int serialBaudRate, bool beginSerial)


this->controller = controller;

this->controller->board = board;

this->serialBaudRate = serialBaudRate;

this->beginSerial = beginSerial; }

virtual ~Application() {}

virtualvoid setup() {

this->controller->setup(); }

virtualvoid loop() {





namespace Nugraha { namespace Foundation {

using Nugraha::Contracts::Foundation::BoardContract;




BoardContract* board;

virtual ~BaseController() {}

virtualvoid setup()=0;

virtualvoid loop()=0; };



namespace Nugraha { namespace Foundation {

using Nugraha::Traits::HasLogger;

using Nugraha::Collections::Vector;

using Nugraha::Contracts::Devices::DeviceContract;

using Nugraha::Contracts::Sensors::SensorContract;

using Nugraha::Contracts::Gateways::GatewayContract;

using Nugraha::Contracts::Foundation::BoardContract;

using Nugraha::Contracts::Foundation::LoggerContract;

using Nugraha::Contracts::Collections::CollectionContract;

classBoard : publicvirtual BoardContract, public HasLogger {


CollectionContract<DeviceContract*>* devicesCollection; CollectionContract<SensorContract*>* sensorsCollection; CollectionContract<GatewayContract*>* gatewaysCollection; DeviceContract* Default = NULL;

voidinitializeAll() {

/** Inisialisasi setiap Gateway. */

for(int i=0; i<gatewaysCollection->count(); i++) {

if(gatewaysCollection->getMemberAt(i) != NULL) {

gatewaysCollection->getMemberAt(i)->initialize(); }


/** Inisialisasi setiap Device. */

for(int i=0; i<devicesCollection->count(); i++) {

if(devicesCollection->getMemberAt(i) != NULL) {


} }

public: Board() {

devicesCollection = new Vector<DeviceContract*>(); sensorsCollection = new Vector<SensorContract*>(); gatewaysCollection = new Vector<GatewayContract*>(); setLogger(new Logger());


void initialize() {

sensors(); devices(); gateways(); initializeAll(); }

void automate() {

/** Jalankan behavior setiap Device. */

for(int i=0; i<devicesCollection->count(); i++) {

if(devicesCollection->getMemberAt(i) != NULL) {


devicesCollection->getMemberAt(i)->setLogger(logger); }


/** Jalankan service setiap Gateway. */

for(int i=0; i<gatewaysCollection->count(); i++) {

if(gatewaysCollection->getMemberAt(i) != NULL) {


gatewaysCollection->getMemberAt(i)->setLogger(logger); gatewaysCollection->getMemberAt(i)->setBoard(this); }

} }

void attachDevice(DeviceContract* device) {

devicesCollection->add(device); }

void attachSensor(SensorContract* sensor) {

sensorsCollection->add(sensor); }

void attachGateway(GatewayContract* gateway) {

gatewaysCollection->add(gateway); }

void executeUserCommand(String userCommands) {

DeviceContract* device;


JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(userCommands);

if (!root.success()) {

Serial.println("parseObject() failed");

return; }

for(int i=0; i<root["commands"].size(); i++) { int pin = root["commands"][i]["pin"];

String action = root["commands"][i]["action"];

if(action=="turnOn") {

if((device=getDeviceByPin(pin)) != NULL) { device->turnOn(); }

} elseif(action=="turnOff") {

if((device=getDeviceByPin(pin)) != NULL) { device->turnOff(); }

} elseif(action=="toggle") {

if((device=getDeviceByPin(pin)) != NULL) { device->toggle(); }

} } }

DeviceContract* getDeviceByPin(int pin) {

DeviceContract* device;

for(int i=0; i<devicesCollection->count(); i++) {

device = devicesCollection->getMemberAt(i);

if(device != NULL) {

if(device->getPin() == pin) {

return device; } } }

returnNULL; }

~Board() {

delete gatewaysCollection;

delete devicesCollection;

delete sensorsCollection;

delete logger; }




namespace Nugraha { namespace Foundation {


classLogger : public LoggerContract {


DynamicJsonBuffer* jsonBuffer = new DynamicJsonBuffer(); JsonObject* root = &jsonBuffer->createObject();

JsonArray* notifications = &root->createNestedArray("notifications"); JsonArray* measurements = &root->createNestedArray("measurements"); JsonArray* connectionInfos =


bool sendBoardInfo = true;

voidclean() {

delete jsonBuffer;

jsonBuffer = NULL;

notifications = &root->createNestedArray("notifications"); measurements = &root->createNestedArray("measurements");

connectionInfos = &root->createNestedArray("connectionInfos"); }

voidaddBoardInfoToRecord() {

JsonObject& boardInfo = root->createNestedObject("boardInfo"); boardInfo["chipId"] = ESP.getChipId();

boardInfo["freeSketchSpace"] = ESP.getFreeSketchSpace(); }


void addNotification(int code, String message) {


notification["state"] = state; }

void addConnectionInfo(String parameter, String value) {

if(jsonBuffer == NULL)


JsonObject& connectionInfo = connectionInfos->createNestedObject(); connectionInfo["parameter"] = parameter;

connectionInfo["value"] = value; }

void addSensorMeasurement(String sensorName, String measurementValue) {

if(jsonBuffer == NULL)


JsonObject& measurement = measurements->createNestedObject(); measurement["sensor"] = sensorName;

measurement["value"] = measurementValue; }

String getLogMessage() {

if(jsonBuffer != NULL) {

if(sendBoardInfo) {

addBoardInfoToRecord(); }

String logMessages;

root->printTo(logMessages); clean();


return logMessages;

} else {

return"{\"records\":[]}"; }


void printToSerial() {

if(jsonBuffer != NULL) {

if(sendBoardInfo) {

addBoardInfoToRecord(); }

root->prettyPrintTo(Serial); }


Serial.println("NULL"); }




namespace Nugraha { namespace Gateways { namespace Esp8266 {

using Nugraha::Traits::HasId;

using Nugraha::Traits::HasLogger;

using Nugraha::Contracts::Gateways::GatewayContract;

using Nugraha::Contracts::Foundation::BoardContract;

using Nugraha::Contracts::Foundation::LoggerContract;

classWifiHttpClient : publicvirtual GatewayContract, public HasLogger,

public HasId {


ESP8266WiFiMulti WiFiMulti; HTTPClient http;

BoardContract* board;

String ssid = env::wifi::ssid; String password = env::wifi::password; unsignedlong interval = 1000;

String host; String mode;

String publishKey; String subscribeKey; String signature; String channelName; String callback;

String message = "{\"text\":\"hello\"}"; String response;


WifiHttpClient(std::map<String, String> setting) {

this->host = setting["host"];

this->mode = setting["mode"];

this->publishKey = setting["publishKey"];

this->subscribeKey = setting["subscribeKey"];

this->signature = setting["signature"];

this->channelName = setting["channelName"];

this->callback = setting["callback"]; }

virtual ~WifiHttpClient() {}

void initialize() {

Serial.println(); Serial.println(); Serial.println();

for(uint8_t t = 4; t >0; t--) {

Serial.printf("[SETUP] WAIT %d...\n", t); Serial.flush();

delay(1000); }

WiFiMulti.addAP("Fugue2", "fugue123"); }



if(message != "") {

String uri = "http://" + host + "/" + mode + "/" + publishKey + "/" + subscribeKey + "/" + signature + "/" + channelName + "/" + callback + "/" + message;


return uri; } }

template<typename Callback>

void httpGet(String uri, Callback callback) {

// wait for WiFi connection

if((WiFiMulti.run() == WL_CONNECTED)) { unsignedlong tempMillis = millis(); http.begin(uri);

int httpCode = http.GET();

if(httpCode >0) {

Serial.printf("[HTTP] GET... code: %d\n", httpCode);

// file found at server

if(httpCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) { // Hitung delay.

addDelayToRecord(String(millis() - tempMillis)); // Ekstrak pesan dan panggil fungsi callback.

response = http.getString(); callback();

} else {

addDelayToRecord(String(-1)); }

} else {

Serial.printf("[HTTP] GET... failed, error: %s\n", http.errorToString(httpCode).c_str());


http.end(); }


int getId() override {HasId::getId();}

void updateMessage() {

this->message = getLogger()->getLogMessage(); }

void setLogger(LoggerContract* logger) override


HasLogger::setLogger(logger); addDelayToRecord(String(0)); }

LoggerContract* getLogger() {

return logger;


void setBoard(BoardContract* board) {

this->board = board; }

void addDelayToRecord(String value) {

getLogger()->addConnectionInfo("delay", value); }




namespace Nugraha { namespace Sensors {

using Nugraha::Traits::HasId;

using Nugraha::Traits::HasLogger;

using Nugraha::Sensors::Drivers::Driver;

using Nugraha::Sensors::Drivers::GenericDriver;

using Nugraha::Contracts::Sensors::SensorContract;

using Nugraha::Contracts::Foundation::LoggerContract;

classSensor : publicvirtual SensorContract, public HasLogger, public HasId {


Driver* driver;

public: int id; int pin;

constchar* name;

virtual ~Sensor() {}

Sensor(int pin, constchar* name) {

this->pin = pin;

this->name = name;

this->driver = new GenericDriver(); }

int getId() override {HasId::getId();}

void setLogger(LoggerContract* logger) override


LoggerContract* getLogger() override {HasLogger::getLogger();} };



namespace Nugraha { namespace Support { namespace Facades { namespace

Scheduler {

using Nugraha::Contracts::Support::Facades::Scheduler::EventContract;

using Nugraha::Traits::HasId;

classBaseEvent : publicvirtual EventContract, publicvirtual HasId {


unsignedlong interval;

unsignedlong previousMillis; int repeatCount = -1;


BaseEvent(unsignedlong interval, int repeatCount) {

this->previousMillis = millis();

this->interval = interval;

this->repeatCount = repeatCount; }

virtual ~BaseEvent()



int executionCount = 0; voidupdate(unsignedlong now) {

if(now - previousMillis >= interval && (repeatCount == -1 || repeatCount >0)) {

previousMillis = now;

Serial.printf("[%d] ", this->id); executeCallback();

if(repeatCount != -1) {

repeatCount--; }

} }

intgetRepeatCount() {

return repeatCount;


intgetId() override


HasId::getId(); }




namespace Nugraha { namespace Support { namespace Facades { namespace

Scheduler {

using Nugraha::Collections::Collection;


classScheduler {


static CollectionContract<BaseEvent*>* eventCollection;

staticbool init;


staticvoid handleEvents() {

if(init) {

after(1, [=](){Serial.println();}); init = false;


for(auto event = eventCollection->getMembers().begin(); event != eventCollection->getMembers().end();) {


if((*event)->getRepeatCount() == 0) {

delete *event;

*event = NULL;

event = eventCollection->getMembers().erase(event); } else {

++event; }

} }

template<typename Callback>

staticvoid every(unsignedlong interval, Callback callback, int repeatCount = -1)


eventCollection->add(new StaticEvent<Callback>(interval, callback, repeatCount));


template<typename Callback, typename ObjectType>

staticvoid every(unsignedlong interval, ObjectType object, Callback

callback, int repeatCount = -1) {

eventCollection->add(new Event<Callback, ObjectType>(interval, callback, object, repeatCount));


template<typename Callback>

staticvoid after(unsignedlong afterMillis, Callback callback)


every(afterMillis, callback, 1); }

static BaseEvent* getEventAt(int index) {

return eventCollection->getMemberAt(index); }


CollectionContract<BaseEvent*>* Scheduler::eventCollection = new





names pac e Nugr aha { names pac e Suppor t { names pac e Fac ades { names pac e Sc hed-ul er {

t empl at e<c l as s Cal l bac k>

c l as s St at i c Ev ent : publ i c v i r t ual Bas eEv ent {

pr ot ec t ed:

Cal l bac k c al l bac k ;

publ i c:

St at i c Ev ent (uns i gned l ong i nt er v al , Cal l bac k c al l bac k , i nt r epeat Count ) : Bas eEv ent ( i nt er v al , r epeat Count ) , c al l bac k ( c al l bac k )

{ }

v oi d ex ec ut eCal l bac k ( ) {

t hi s- >c al l bac k ( ) ; }

} ;






Rout e: :get(' / ' , ' HomeCont r ol l er @i ndex ' ) ; Rout e: :aut h( ) ;

Rout e: :get(' publ i s h/ { publ i s hKey } / { s ubs c r i beKey } / { s i gnat ur e} / { c hannel Name} / { c al l bac k } / { mes s age} ' , ' Publ i s hCont r ol l er @handl e' ) ;

Rout e: :get(' manage/ das hboar d' , ' Das hboar dCont r ol l er @i ndex ' ) ;

Rout e: :get(' manage/ das hboar d/ c ons ol e' , ' Cons ol eCont r ol l er @i ndex ' ) ; Rout e: :get(' not i f i c at i ons ' , ' Not i f i c at i ons Cont r ol l er @i ndex ' ) ; Rout e: :get(' not i f i c at i ons / { not i f i c at i ons } / s een' ,

' Not i f i c at i ons Cont r ol l er @s een' ) ;

Rout e: :get(' meas ur ement s ' , ' Meas ur ement s Cont r ol l er @i ndex ' ) ; Rout e: :get(' meas ur ement s / { meas ur ement s } / s een' ,

' Meas ur ement s Cont r ol l er @s een' ) ;

Rout e: :get(' c onnec t i oni nf os ' , ' Connec t i onI nf os Cont r ol l er @i ndex ' ) ; Rout e: :get(' c onnec t i oni nf os / { c onnec t i oni nf os } / s een' ,

' Connec t i onI nf os Cont r ol l er @s een' ) ;

Rout e: :get(' c ommands / 1/ { pi n} ' , ' Commands Cont r ol l er @t ur nOn' ) ; Rout e: :get(' c ommands / 0/ { pi n} ' , ' Commands Cont r ol l er @t ur nOf f ' ) ;



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use App\Command;

use App\Http\Requests;

use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;

use Carbon\Carbon;

use App\Traits\ArduinoBoard;

classCommandsControllerextends Controller


use ArduinoBoard;

functionturnOn($pin) {

$command = new Command();

$command->pin = $this->getPinValue($pin); $command->action = 'turnOn';


functionturnOff($pin) {

$command = new Command();

$command->pin = $this->getPinValue($pin); $command->action = 'turnOff';

$command->save(); }




namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use App\Http\Requests;

use App\ConnectionInfo;

use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;

classConnectionInfosControllerextends Controller


functionindex() {

$connectionInfos = ConnectionInfo::where('seen', false)->get()-> toArray();

return (new JsonResponse(array( "connectionInfos" =>$connectionInfos )));


functionseen(ConnectionInfo $connectionInfo) {

$connectionInfo->seen = true; $connectionInfo->save(); }




namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use App\Http\Requests;

use App\Command;

use App\Measurement;

use App\Notification;

use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;



functionindex() {

return view('dashboard.console.index');





namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use App\Http\Requests;

classDashboardControllerextends Controller




$this->middleware('auth'); }

publicfunctionindex() {

return view('dashboard.index'); }




namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Requests;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect;

use App\TugasAkhirWahyu\TugasAkhirWahyu;

classHomeControllerextends Controller {




publicfunctionindex() {


} }



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request; use App\Http\Requests; use App\Measurement;

use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;

classMeasurementsControllerextends Controller {

functionindex() {

$notifications = Measurement::where('seen', false)->get()->toArray();

return (new JsonResponse(array( "measurements" =>$notifications )));


functionseen(Measurement $measurement) {

$measurement->seen = true; $measurement->save(); }




namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request; use App\Http\Requests; use App\Notification;

use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;

classNotificationsControllerextends Controller {

functionindex() {

$notifications = Notification::where('seen', false)->get()->toArray();

return (new JsonResponse(array( "notifications" =>$notifications )));


functionseen(Notification $notification) {

$notification->seen = true; $notification->save(); }




namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;

use Carbon\Carbon;

use App\Http\Requests;

use App\Command;

use App\Notification;

use App\Device;

use App\Measurement;

use App\ConnectionInfo;

classPublishControllerextends Controller {

functionhandle($publishKey, $subscribeKey, $signature, $channelName, $callback, $message)


if($publishKey != "pub-w-3e5de365-5d57-48c7-a317-366ef2846eb4" || $subscribeKey != "sub-n-cca59b64-d972-11e5-bdd5-02ee2ddab7fe") {

return []; }


return$this->sendResponse(); }

functionsaveMessages($message) {

$data = json_decode($message);


foreach ($data->notificationsas$notification) { $myNotification = new Notification();

$myNotification->pin = $notification->pin; $myNotification->state = $notification->state; $myNotification->seen = false;


$device = Device::where('pin', $myNotification->pin)->get()-> first();


if($notification->state == 'on') { $device->state = true;

} elseif($notification->state == 'off') { $device->state = false;

} $device->save(); } }


foreach ($data->measurementsas$measurement) { $myMeasurements = new Measurement();


$myMeasurements->value = $measurement->value; $myMeasurements->seen = false;

$myMeasurements->save(); }


foreach ($data->connectionInfosas$connectionInfo) { $myConnectionInfos = new ConnectionInfo();

$myConnectionInfos->parameter = $connectionInfo->parameter; $myConnectionInfos->value = $connectionInfo->value;

$myConnectionInfos->seen = false; $myConnectionInfos->save();

} }

functionsendResponse() {

$commands = Command::where('sent', false)->get();

foreach ($commandsas$command) { $command->sent = true;

$command->sent_at = Carbon::now(); $command->save();


return (new JsonResponse(array("commands" =>$commands-> toArray())));

} }




<div class="row x_title"> <div class="col-md-6">

<h3>Rumah <small>saya</small></h3> </div>

<div class="col-md-6">

</div> </div>

<div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"> <table class="table table-inverse">

<thead> <tr>

<th>#</th> <th>Nama</th> <th>Pin</th> <th>Action</th> </tr>



<th scope="row">1</th> <td>A/C</td>

<td>D6</td> <td>

<button id="turnOn1" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">On</button> <button id="turnOff1" type="button" class="btn btn-warning">Off</button> </td>

</tr> <tr>

<th scope="row">2</th> <td>Lampu 1</td>

<td>D2</td> <td>

<button id="turnOn2" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">On</button> <button id="turnOff2" type="button" class="btn btn-warning">Off</button> </td>

</tr> <tr>

<th scope="row">3</th> <td>Lampu 2</td>

<td>D3</td> <td>

<button id="turnOn3" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">On</button> <button id="turnOff3" type="button" class="btn btn-warning">Off</button> </td>

</tr> <tr>

<th scope="row">4</th> <td>Lampu 3</td>

<td>D4</td> <td>

<button id="turnOn4" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">On</button> <button id="turnOff4" type="button" class="btn btn-warning">Off</button> </td>

</tr> <tr>

<th scope="row">5</th> <td>Lampu 4</td>

<td>D5</td> <td>

<button id="turnOn5" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">On</button> <button id="turnOff5" type="button" class="btn btn-warning">Off</button> </td>

</tr> <tr>

<th scope="row">6</th> <td>Test Led</td> <td>BUILTIN_LED</td> <td>

<button id="turnOn6" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">On</button> <button id="turnOff6" type="button" class="btn btn-warning">Off</button> </td>


// A/C

$('#turnOn1').click(function() {

$.ajax({url: "/commands/1/d6", success: function(result) {alert("Perintah terkirim!");}});


$('#turnOff1').click(function() {

$.ajax({url: "/commands/0/d6", success: function(result) {alert("Perintah terkirim!");}});


// Lampu 1

$('#turnOn2').click(function() {

$.ajax({url: "/commands/1/d2", success: function(result) {alert("Perintah terkirim!");}});


$('#turnOff2').click(function() {

$.ajax({url: "/commands/0/d2", success: function(result) {alert("Perintah terkirim!");}});


// Lampu 2

$('#turnOn3').click(function() {

$.ajax({url: "/commands/1/d3", success: function(result) {alert("Perintah terkirim!");}});


$('#turnOff3').click(function() {

$.ajax({url: "/commands/0/d3", success: function(result) {alert("Perintah terkirim!");}});

}); // Lampu 3

$('#turnOn4').click(function() {

$.ajax({url: "/commands/1/d4", success: function(result) {alert("Perintah terkirim!");}});


$('#turnOff4').click(function() {

$.ajax({url: "/commands/0/d4", success: function(result) {alert("Perintah terkirim!");}});


// Lampu 4

$('#turnOn5').click(function() {

$.ajax({url: "/commands/1/d5", success: function(result) {alert("Perintah terkirim!");}});


$('#turnOff5').click(function() {

$.ajax({url: "/commands/0/d5", success: function(result) {alert("Perintah terkirim!");}});


// Test Led

$('#turnOn6').click(function() {

$.ajax({url: "/commands/1/builtin_led", success: function(result) {alert("Perintah terkirim!");}});


$('#turnOff6').click(function() {

$.ajax({url: "/commands/0/builtin_led", success: function(result) {alert("Perintah terkirim!");}});


</script> @endsection




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<h3>Debug <small>Console</small></h3> </div>

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var message = "";

functiongetData() {

$.ajax({url: "/notifications", success: function(result) { result.notifications.forEach(function(notification) {

message += '>> ['+ notification.created_at +'] perangkat pada pin ' + notification.pin + ' telah di-' + notification.state + '-kan\n'; $('#myConsoleArea').html(message);

$.ajax({url: "/notifications/"+notification.id+"/seen", success:

function(result) {}});

});; }});

$.ajax({url: "/measurements", success: function(result) { result.measurements.forEach(function(measurement) {

message += '>> ['+ measurement.created_at +'] pembacaan sensor ' + measurement.sensor + ' adalah: ' + measurement.value + '\n';


$.ajax({url: "/measurements/"+measurement.id+"/seen", success:

function(result) {}});

});; }});

setTimeout(getData, 3000); }

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