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Leading Character’s Antisocial Personality Disorder In James B Stewart’s Blind Eye


Academic year: 2017

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Non-Fiction is prose writing that presents and explains ideas or that tells

about real people, places, objects, or events. It is an account or representation of a

subject which is presented as fact. Nonfiction prose is the shortest category than

other four genres of Literature based on Robert and Jacob in their book Literature:

An introduction to reading and writing (1995: 2) say, “Literature is classified into four genres: prose fiction, poetry, drama, and nonfiction prose”. About literature,

Taylor (1981: 1) says “literature, like other arts, is essentially an imaginative act of

writer’s imagination of selecting, ordering, and interpreting life experiences.” So

generally literature is the mirror of human life that portrays human feeling, though,

imagination, and perceptions which can be viewed based on personal judgment, that

it is the opinion of Wellek and Warren (1995: 3). Basically, literature comes from

Latin, “litera” which means the smallest element of the alphabetical; refer to written

or printed word. Literature exists in many sides of our life, it has a broaden impact to

us in which the moral truth and human passion are touched with a certain largeness,

sanity, and attraction of form.


Novel is a genre of fiction. The novel can be defined as an extended work of

prose fiction. It derives from the Italian novella “little new thing”, which was a short

piece of prose. A novel is an invented prose narrative of reasonable length and

certain complexity that deals imaginatively with human experience, usually through


Based on the explanation above, nonfiction is a literary work, based on data that is

authentic, but it can also be developed according to the data that the author’s

imagination. Nonfiction is divided into two: Nonfiction Pure: is a book that contains

the development based on the data that is authentic and Creative Nonfiction: starting

from authentic data later development based on imagination generally in the form of

novels, poetry, and prose. There is the nonfiction novel, which is a literary genre,

which broadly speaking, depicts real historical figure and actual evens moved

together with fictitious conversations and using the story telling techniques of fiction.

The nonfiction novel is an otherwise loosely defined and flexible genre. The genre is

sometimes referred to using the slang term “faction”, a portmanteau of the words fact

and fiction.

Based on the previous quotations, the writer found two elements that build up

a novel; intrinsic and extrinsic element. The intrinsic elements of the novel are

theme, plot, character and characterization, setting, etc. While the extrinsic elements

are built by outside work of literary work, such as psychology, history, politic,

sociology, philosophy, and education.

In this research the writer employs one of literary works especially novel to

be analyzed. There are some of intrinsic elements, but character and characterization

is the most important, because the problem in research is personality disorder of

leading character. The one of factors is caused by environment factor. Such as Taylor

(1981:10) clarifies that intrinsic elements are very important in understanding and

analyzing literary work.

The five elements are interrelated each other to the whole story. Character is


that expressed in utterance and action. A theme is the main idea of an essay,

paragraph, or a book. The idea about life is revealed in a work of literature. Plot is

organized the sequence of events and actions that make up story. Setting in place;

time and social condition that become place for figures do and affected and event

setting will influence the action and way of thought of figures. Point of view is a

device used in narration that indicates the position form, which an action is observed

and narrated.

• Character

A character is a person or animal who takes part in the action of a literary

work. In order to describe a character he found out that character is more difficult

than describing plot because it is more complex, ambiguous and variation. Character

is the role play in a story. This element is highly important segment in the prose,

because the character is depict of a person that the writer and director made to

convey the story line to the audience.

• Theme

Theme is idea of a story. At the time author writes a story, he does not only

want to tell a story, but also want to say something to his readers. It can be a social

life problem, his way of life, or his comment toward this life etc. In analyzing a

theme, there are five elements that are needed to be considered: First, theme should

be stated in one sentence. Second, the theme should be stated as a generalization

about life, not as reference to a specific character or action in a story. Third, theme is


be cliché. Last, the statement of theme could be applied to many other situation and

pieces of art – both imagined and experienced.

• Setting

Setting is a whole environment of the story, including the customs and

tradition, habits, and the character’s way of life. We can conclude that setting is

dealing with situation where and when events happen toward character. If the setting

of the story can be changed by any place without changing or influencing the

character and theme, the theme is not integral.

“Setting can be used to cover; the places in which characters appear; the social context of characters, such as their families, friends and class; the customs, beliefs and rules of behaviour that give identity to a society; the particular locations of events; and the atmosphere, mood and feel that all the above elements create”. (Gill, 1995: 148)

In order to understand the simple terms of setting, there are several types of

setting; setting of place, time and social setting. The importance of setting of place is

to describe the place that has been taken during the process of the movie/play.

Setting of time describes period of the time that have been used in the story.

Whereas, in set of situation, describes about what does the situation happen most of

the story.

• Plot

Plot is the arrangement of the story that builds the story. Plot is a series of

events that is tied based on relation of its creation in chronological events and they

are related to another based on the cause and effect from the beginning of the story

until the end. The events in the story are not independent, but they are related one


another. So, one event will influence the others. There are six steps of plot, they are:

situation or exposition, rising action, conflict, crisis, falling action, and denouement.

• Point of view

Point of view is a term which refers to the relationship between story teller,

the story and the reader. Point of view is a term in the analysis and criticism of

fiction. Point of view is the perspective from which the reader will view the events in

a story.

Each potential point of view has significant advantages and corresponding

limitations. An outside point of view provides greater flexibility and suggests a

greater sense of objectivity. An inside point of view provides more intimate, often

more involving, narration. There are four types of point of view; those are,

omniscient point of view, third-person limited point of view, first-person point of

view, and objective point of view.

Literature is often said to be a school of life in that authors tend to comment

on the conduct of society and individuals in society. They either point out what they

see as important issues in human affairs or propose ideal alternative to the way thing

actually are the custom and more of particular social group or individuals their

aspirations and values explored and exposed. (Taylor, 1981:12)

In this research character is the most important because writer analyzes the

disruption of leading character. So, to be able to reveal the character and behavior of

the characters contained in, writer used the analysis of the characters and


2.1.1 Character

To quot Nurgiantoro(2007:165) stating that character is people presented in a

narrative works, or drama, that interpreted reader have moral quality and something

expressed in speech and action being. In literary works, a character may be defined

as a verbal representation of human being. Through action, speech, description, and

commentary, authors potray character that are worth caring about, rooting for, and

even loving, although there are also characters to be laughing at, dislike or even hate.

Character is an important element of fiction. Without a central character,

there is no story. The goal of the fiction writer is to create characters that are likeable

and memorable. But a good story needs more than memorable characters. A good

story includes an inciting incident that impacts the main character. It includes a main

character that has a goal or desire. Often, the antagonist is the opposing force in the


Leading character is the centered individual very dominant. As an individual,

the character focused personality. Leading character emerged as long side the

extraordinary character, a character that might be called prototypical. The

prototypical character is not a stereotypical but a fully rounded, three dimensional

characters. Leading character is not so far different from the main character as

popularly recognize in literary work. What implicitly writer wants to emphasize is

the leading character addressed to a single person only. Meanwhile main character

may offer more than one.

Based on characterization, there are two types of characters; flat character

and round character. Flat character is a character that, easy to predict and the reader


usually role as hero or heroic because they play dominate character in the story. The

readers cannot predict the reaction of the round character because they always

change and growth.

There are several ways in which the fiction writer and reader of fiction can

define characters in a story are Major and Minor Characters. Stories include major characters, such as the protagonist and antagonist. Stories often include minor

characters. These are characters who the fiction writer defines by a single idea or

quality. These types of characters are necessary for the story, but they are not

important. These are secondary characters to the story. A story needs a central

character, or hero, or protagonist. Often this main character must oppose a villain or

antagonist. The main character is not all good. They are just the main parts that

determine the storyline. Not all the antagonists that have the nature of evil. They just

oppose his opponent. Both are major characters in the story. The fiction writer must

spend a great deal of time developing these types of characters by using the

techniques of characters description, action by the character, and dialogue.

2.1.2 Characterization

According to Jones that characterization is explicit portrayal in a story. The

novel has a character with a character that is very diverse. A literary work is a

narrative that constantly wrestles with the fictional character created by the author. In

order for the story more interesting, the author often display behavior of the

characters with a personality that is not unusual, strange, or abnormal, causing

feelings for the readers. Those behavior problems may be linked to psychiatric


During the study of literary works uses psychological approach to literature,

often disputed because very often essence of literature lose, the literature study

impressing become the psychology study. So, the concept of psychology above must

submitted with uses method of characterization. The methods are telling, showing,

figurative language, and point of view. The writer just uses method telling and


• Method of Telling

Exposure telling methods rely on the figure character exposition and

commentary directly from author by this method of participation or the interference

author presents a very pronounced dispositive character, so that the reader

understand and appreciate the disposition figure based on exposure to the author. The

direct method or the Direct Method (telling) include: characterization through the use

of character names, characterization through the appearance of characters and

characterization through speech writer (Minderop, 2005: 8).

• Method of Showing

Showing method (indirect) shows the author puts himself outside the

narrative to provide an opportunity for leaders to show their disposition by promote

dialogue and action. Showing methods include: dialogue and behavior,

characterization through dialogue.

An author can give information about a character by describing several

aspects of the character are physical appearance and personality, behavior and


• Physical description: The character’s physical appearance is described. For

example, characters might be described as tall, thin, fat, pretty, etc. We might

be told the color of hair, or something about the clothing of the character.

How the character dresses might reveal something about the character.

• Action or attitude or behavior: What the character does tell us a lot about

him/her, as well as how the character behaves and his or her attitude. Through

what they did, especially his actions as he behaves in a critical situation, a

person’s character is often times reflected clearly in his attitude in a crisis

situation (important) because he could not pretend, he will act according to

the spontaneous character. The situation here does not need to contain the

danger but the situation requires that he take a decision immediately.

• Inner thoughts: What the character thinks reveals things about the character.

We discover things about their personalities and feelings, which sometimes

helps us understand the character’s actions.

• Reactions: Effect on others or what the other characters say and feel about

this character. We learn about the relationships among the characters.

• Speech: What the character says provides a great deal of insight for the

reader. The character might speak in a shy, quiet manner or in a nervous

manner. The character might speak intelligently or in a rude manner.

2.2Psychology of Literature

Psychology of literature is one of the interdisciplinary studies of literature,

because understanding and reviewing of literature using various concepts and


psychology and literature spawned psychological approach to literature.

Psychological approach considers that literary works all the time talk about human’s

life problem that Semi explained (1989:97-98).

Psychology of literature as the psychological study of the writer, as type and as individual, or the study of the creative process, or the study of the psychological types and laws present within works of literature, or, finally, the effects of literature upon its readers (audience psychology) (Wellek and Warren, 1995:81).

The theory explains that there are four definitions from psychology of

literature. First, there is study about psychology of author. Second, study of creative

process. Third, study about kinds of psychology and laws that showed in literary

works. Fourth, give effect of literature to reader. So, the reader can get educational

values that it connection with literature and also get entertainment.

Roekhan (1990:88) states that psychological approach sees literary work as

psychological activities. Psychology also states that literature is a mirror of people’s

psychology. Literary work is considered as psychological phenomenon which

reflects psychological aspects of the characters in literary work. Basically, literary

psychology is based by three approaches. First is textual approach which analyzes

psychological aspects of the character. Second is a pragmatism-receptive approach

which analyzes psychological aspect of the reader which is shaped after reading a

literary work; and the process which is experienced by the readers. Third is

expressive approach which analyzes psychological aspect of the writer when she or

he created a literary work. In this study, psychology literature review using textual


To quote Wellek and Warren (1990), and Hardjana (1985:60-61) also stating


writer’s psychology as their type or privacy. This study learns about art psychology.

The researcher attempts to reveal the condition of the author when created a literary

work. Second is research about the creative process which has relationship with

psychology. This research relates a creative process on psychology and how the

author’s psychology during make a literary works. Third is about research laws in

psychology which is applied in literary work. Fourth is the effect of psychology to

the readers. In this field, the analysis is aimed directly in theory of psychology. The

psychological approach to literature that writer use emphasizes the third aspect,

namely the study of psychology as applied to literary works. It used to see how the

stimulation affects the reaction of someone, because of the novel’s main character

reveal personality disorders.


Antisocial consists of the word anti-social, anti means opposed or hostile and

social means respect to the community. So, antisocial is an attitude that against the

customs of the people and the public interest. People who have antisocial attitudes

and actions sometimes result in losses for the wider community because the actors

are basically not like the social order as expected by most members of the public.

According to Elly M Setiadi and UsmanKolip (2011: 229) that social disorder called

social pathologies that as part of the object of study of sociology are often referred to

as a social problem. In this case, Sorjono Soekamto making criteria of social

problems such as: economic factors, biological factors, psychological factors such as

depression, stress, mental disorders, crazy, distress, well-being of the soul and so

forth, and social factors and culture, such as divorce, problems, criminal, sexual


The term antisocial formally is called antisocial personality disorder (Elly M

Setiadi and Usman Kolip, 2011:230). It can be said that antisocial behavior can be

described as “unwanted behavior as a result of a personality disorder”. Cleckley said

that People with antisocial personality disorder (antisocial personality disorder)

persistent violation of the rights of others and often break the law. They ignore the

norms and social convention, impulsive, and failed to establish interpersonal

relationships and work. Antisocial behavior is a personality of a person who shows

indifference, indifference and/or hostility to others, especially those related to social

and cultural norms. From the above explanation, analysis of antisocial or antisocial

personality disorder is not discussed in terms of sociology but in terms of


People with antisocial personality disorder are usually not concerned with the

value of right and wrong, and often ignore the rights, desires, and feelings of others.

People with this disorder tend to be hostile, manipulate, or treat others harshly or

with callous. They may often violate the law or make a fuss, but do not indicate guilt

or remorse. They may also lie, hard to behave, or impulsive, and having problems

with drug and alcohol use. All the above characteristics make a person with

antisocial personality disorder are not able to meet the responsibilities associated

with family, work, or school.

The use of the terms psychopath and sociopath that we often hear used to

indicate the type of people that are now included in antisocial personality. A number

of clinicians continue to use this term interchangeably with antisocial personality.

The roots of the word psychopath focuses on the idea, that something is not right


word sociopath centered on the deviation (deviation) social. In the end 19th the term

psychopathic began to be used for their antisocial behavior. At the time of the

diagnostic manual of the APA (American Psychiatric Association) published in the

early 1950s introduced as a psychopathic and sociopathic stress and socio-cultural

components of behavior and reduce the role of constitutional theory that was

originally dominated the study of this issue. When the second edition of this guide

was published in 1968, the term began to be abandoned and the term antisocial


2.3.1 Characterization of Antisocial Personality

According to Elly M Setiadi and Usman Kolip (2011:230) that writer

translated said that there are two characteristics of someone who antisocial, are

asocial and introvert.

a. Asocial

Someone who asocial also called individualist or a loner often feels they do

not have a connection with the public or general culture, or even feel that society or

culture that is common to avoid them. Sometimes, a person who asocial deliberately

refuses social relationships because he/she feel better/ superior to others, either

specifically or generally, so they have little contact with others. People who are

asocial feeling superior will select only those who they want to be their friend.

b. Introvert

Introversion is a closure, usually by choice. A person who is introverted

prefers solitary activities such as reading, art, and writing. They do not find


did not join any group, large or small. Group activities can sometimes be so

provoked the introvert, so that finally they are only thinking about themselves,

introspection and silent, amid the exciting conversation. People introverted who are

normally quiet, sensitive, easily provoked, and have few friends from the crowd.

Introvert is a person who is alone and usually more quiet and introverted, speaking

little and prefers being a good listener in a group or prefer to be alone in the home

than to get together with other people, or many hours sitting in front of computer.

But not all introverts behave like that, not a bit introvert who likes a group and

discuss something with his friend even though most are just like talking or doing

things that are considered beneficial for many reasons.

To quote Elly M Setiadi and Usman Kolip (2011:230) also add that

antisocial personality has five personality traits, namely: the inability to learn or

benefit from the experience, emotion is superficial, unnatural, irresponsibility or can

not be held responsible, no conscience, do something without worrying about the

consequences, and impulsive.

Karakteristik seorang yang antisosial adalah asosial dan antisosial.

……… kepribadian antisocial memiliki lima ciri-ciri kepribadian, yaitu: ketidakmampuan belajar atau mengambil manfaat dari pengalaman emosi, bersifat superficial, tidak alami irresponsibility/ tidak bertanggung jawab, tidak memiliki hati nurani, bersikap tegaan dan implusiveness.” (Setiadi and Kolip, 2011:230)

According to DSM-IV-TR (Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder IV)

those Criteria of antisocial personality disorder:

1. There is a pervasive pattern of indifference and violence to rule over others since


• Failure to conform to social norms and respect for the action of law,

characterized by repeatedly taking action which is the reason he was arrested

• Dishonesty, characterized lie repeated, using another name / cheats

• Impulsivity / failure to plan something

• Irritability, aggressive, repeatedly characterized fights / assault

• Indifference reckless to the safety of self / others

• Action is not responsible consistent characterized by repeated failure to

sustain consistent work behavior / honor financial obligations

• Lack of remorse is characterized by mediocre / rationalize himself hurt,

stolen, persecuted by others

2. Minimum age 18 years

3. Evidence of the occurrence of conduct disorder arising before 15 years

4. The emergence of antisocial behavior does not occur in a state of schizophrenia /

manic episode

2.3.2 Factors that Shaped Antisocial Personality Disorder

To quot Elly and Kolip (2011:231) that writer translated expresses that

factors that encourage the formation of antisocial behavior are presence of mental

disorders, offspring factor, stress and socio-cultural, environmental factors, and the

failure to learn the moral and ethical in their early.


a. The existence of a mental disorder

At first, experts do not classify anti-social behavior as a form of mental

disorder; it is because they do not see the symptoms that led to it. One thing which is

paradoxical in psychopathology that some people experience normal intellectual, but

in other side they have abnormal personality. Terms and conditions of this paradox is

difficult to explained. The thing accepted without question in addition to quite

understandable that the disintegration of the intellectual causes that produce mental


b. Heredity factor

Congenital predisposition (genetics) is an aspect of someone personality that

inherited by their parents, such as shyness or have a positive outlook. Innate aspect is

sometimes also referred to as temperament. Biological factors among others, is

caused by genetic factors.

Although no biological cause obvious for this disorder, research on risk

factors of biological likely to develop antisocial personality disorder showed that, in

those with antisocial personality disorder, part of the brain that is primarily

responsible for learning from one's own mistakes and to respond to expressions sad

faces and fear (amygdale) tend to be smaller and less sturdy responds with facial

expressions happy, sad, or afraid of other people. That lack of response has to do

with a lack of empathy that antisocial individuals tend to have the feelings, rights,

and the suffering of others.

While some people may be more prone to develop antisocial personality


factor only when the person is also affected by life events such as abuse or neglect

that tends to put people at the risk of developing these disorders.

c. Stress and socio-cultural

The tension between cultural and social structures can lead to deviant

behavior. It happens if in an effort to achieve a goal one does not get a chance, so he

sought the opportunity itself, and then there is deviant behavior.

d. Environmental factor

Environmental factors, the events that occurred, and relationships with other

family members also influence the development of one’s personality. Refers to the

neighborhood where you live and grow big, important events that happen throughout

your life, and relationships with family members or others. Parenting parents,

whether it’s good or bad and affection given by parents, experience childhood trauma

caused by family problems with violence, Children with parental alcohol and

children experiencing rejection from parents at risk for the formation of antisocial

personality disorder.

During the 1960s, psychologist Diana Baumrind explained there three diverse

style of parenting on her study with preschool kids: permissive indulgent,

authoritative, and authoritarian. In later years, researchers added a fourth style known

as uninvolved parenting.

• The authoritative style is considered the “ideal” parenting style and seems to

produce children with high levels of self-reliance and self-esteem, who are

socially responsible, independent and achievement-oriented. Authoritative


children’s behavior, use discipline based on reasoning and encourage their

children to make decisions and learn from their mistakes. They are also warm and

nurturing, treating their children with kindness, respect and affection.

• Although the word sounds similar, authoritarian parenting is different in many

ways from authoritative parenting. The authoritarian parent tends to set rigid

rules, demand obedience and use strategies such as the withdrawal of love or

approval to force a child to conform. These parents are more likely to use

physical punishment or verbal insults to elicit the desired behavior. They lack the

warmth of the authoritative parent and may seem aloof to their children. Children

with authoritarian parents may be well-behaved, but they are also likely to be

moody and anxious; they tend to be followers rather than leaders.

• The permissive-indulgent parent is overflowing in parental warmth. This parent

may be openly affectionate and loving but sets few or no limits, even when the

child’s safety may be at risk. Permissive-indulgent parents make few demands

for maturity or performance, and there are often no consequences for

misbehavior. Children of permissive parents often have problems with

controlling their impulses; they may display immaturity and be reluctant to

accept responsibility.

• Permissive-uninvolved parenting, also called simply “uninvolved parenting,” is

characterized by the same lack of limits or demands seen in the

permissive-indulgent style. However, the uninvolved parent displays little or no parental

warmth. At its extreme, the uninvolved style can be neglectful or involve outright

rejection of the child. Children with uninvolved parents are likely to have low


particularly as they move into high school, are more likely to exhibit delinquent

behavior and to be depressed.

Antisocial personality also learned of their antisocial behavior was given a

reward by the environment. In any case like this type of person would be

maladaptive after being sentenced repeatedly. The important thing is individuals

diagnosed as antisocial will develop maladaptive behavior in social that it is a quot

Elly and Kolip (2011:233).

e. Failure to learn the moral and ethical in their early life

Failure in the early stages of life (children) will explain why delinquent and

criminal behavior can continue to grow. This possibility occurs because distort

attitudes and related to past experiences where they have been victims of people who

are actually so close to themselves.

Antisocial personality or psychopaths is a personality disorder is not

clear causality. Forms of interference can be varied, but always marked by

irresponsibility and destructive behavior. This disorder can be found in all walks of

life, even well experienced by a group of educated and high income. Some experts

believe this disorder arising from abnormal biological inborn. The other opinion

indicated that the factors that cause is the environment and the people closest since

childhood has more influence on the occurrence of this personality disorder.

Appearance antisocial personality disorder thought to be caused by the experience of

childhood trauma caused by family problems with violence. Children with parental

alcohol and children, who suffered rejection from parents, have risk for the formation


2.4Blind Eye: The Analysis of Main Character 0f James B. Stewart Novel By

Using Psychological Perspectives

There has been one study on James B Stewart‘s novel Blind Eye: The Terrifying Story of A Doctor Who Got Away with Murder that was done by Hario Rustomo and Yan Ardian from STBA Nusa Mandiri Tangerang Indonesia. Their

journal is entitled Blind Eye: The Analysis of Main Character of James B. Stewart

Novel by Using Psychological Perspectives (Hario and Yan 2012). The study is

about analyzes the psychological perspectives of the main character in the novel

Blind Eye: The Terrifying Story of A Doctor Who Got Away with Murder by Michael J. Swango. The psychological problems that they analyze are factors that shaped the

main character, kinds of psychological symptoms that the main character has, and the

motive why the main character does murder. The result of their journal are that

personality of the main character shaped by cultural factors, family factors, and

social factors, The symptoms that Swango has are narcissism and psychopath

(antisocial), and The motive of the main character is doing murder to revenge. Their

journal can help me in this research. Similarly, this paper also analyzes James B


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