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Academic year: 2021

Membagikan "IKATAN AHLI TEKNIK PERMINYAKAN INDONESIA REGISTRATION FORM. Business Forum Simposium Workshop. Company:..."


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Business Forum | Simposium | Workshop

IATMI phone/fax: +62 21 520-3057 | email: pusat@iatmi.or.id 1st Floor Patra Jasa Office Tower, 1C, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav.32-34,

Jakarta, 12950 - Indonesia

Company: ... would like to Register the Following Personnel for

Name: ... to attend: Name: ... to attend: Name: ... to attend: Name: ... to attend: Name: ... to attend: Billing Address: ... ... City: ... Country: ... Postal Code: ... Contact Name: ……… Title: ... Office Phone: ... HP: ... E-mail: ... Fax: ... Signed: ... Date: ...

Contact Contact No email

Nursyantini +62 21 520-3057 nursyantini@iatmi.or.id

A. Manan +62 21 520-3057 abdulmanan@iatmi.or.id

All payments must made by bank transfer, with message: “SIMNASKONG 2012” to: Bank CIMB Niaga, Cab. Pondok Indah,

Acct No.: 017.01.30035.00.5

Business F



Simposium Workshop Forum T

ek nologi Simposium + Business F or um Simposium + W orkshop Simposium + For um T ek nologi







Main Sponsor : Symposium and Congress XII

1 Principal

15,000 USD

Strategic placing of Company name and logo on the main backdrop during the symposium, from Mon-Wed, 3-5 Dec, 2012, and during Golf Tournament on Sun, 2 Dec, 2012.

Company name and logo will also be printed on vertical banner yang which will be placed around the area of symposium.

Company name will be acknowledged during the Opening; Company profile will be printed on the Program Booklet, and in the CD Proceedings.

Principal Sponsor entitles 5 (five) entry tickets to the Symposium.

Nama dan logo perusahaan ditempatkan ditempat yang strategis di backdrop utama, selama simposium pada hari Senin-Rabu, tgl 3-5 Des, 2012, dan pada waktu Golf Turnamen pada hari Minggu tgl 2 Des, 2012. Nama dan logo perusahaan juga akan dicetak pada vertical banner dan ditempatkan dibeberapa tempat di area sekitar simposium. Nama Perusahaan akan disebut dalam acara Pembukaan; profil perusahaan akan diprint dalam Buku Program dan dalam CD Proceeding.

Sponsor Principal mendapatkan 5 (lima) tiket masuk ke Simposium.


Main Sponsor: Business Forum


Forum Business

12,500 USD

Business Forum

Strategic placing of Company name and logo on the main backdrop, during the Business Forum, to be held from 8:30 morning to noon on Monday, Dec 3rd, 2012

Company name will be acknowledged during the Forum

This year selected theme is:

How the Country to Remain Viable for investor to gain from investing in the Conventional and Unconventional Resources business in Indonesia

Expected more than 80 of attendance from the industry, including related government officials, PSC, service companies, and academic professionals.

Sponsor entitles 4 (four) entry tickets to the Business Forum.

Nama dan logo perusahaan ditempatkan di tempat yang strategis di backdrop utama, selama Forum Bisnis berjalan, yang akan diadakan dari jam 8:30 pagi sampai siang pada hari Senin, tanggal 3-Des, 2012

Nama perusahaan akan disebut dalam Forum ini Pilihan tema untuk tahun ini adalah ;

Bagaimana untuk tetap menjadi Negara yang layak diminati oleh Investor untuk menanam modal nya untuk mendapatkan hasil usaha dari sumber daya alam Konvensional dan Unkonvensional di Indonesia

Diharapkan dihadiri lebih dari 80 peserta dari kalangan industri, termasuk pejabat di pemerintahan terkait, KKKS, penyedia jasa, dan akademis profesional.

Sponsor mendapatkan 4 (empat) tiket masuk ke Forum Bisnis.


Main Sponsor: Student Activity & Scholarship


Student Activity and

Scholarship Program


10,000 USD

Opportunity for any Company to support student activity during the symposium representing from university around the country, and from high school in Jakarta. Proceeds will be used to subsidize their activity cost, but majority will go thru IATMI’s regular Scholarship program

Name of and Company logo will be display on the main backdrop, printed material, banner, and event backdrop, during;

a. Smart Competition 3-Dec

b. Paper Contest 4-Dec

c. Education Day 5-Dec

Expected more than 80 selected students will gather in this annual event, for their enrichment, opportunity to interface with their colleagues, and meet with industry peers.

Sponsor entitles to 4 (four) registration entry tickets to the Symposium.

Kesempatan bagi Perusahaan yang akan

men-support kegiatan siswa yang mewakili dari

beberapa perguruan tinggi se Indonesia, dan SMA di Jakarta.

Hasil yang didapat akan dipergunakan untuk subsidi biaya kegiatan mereka, tetapi lebih besar akan diberikan melalui regular program Scholarship IATMI

Nama dan logo perusahaan akan diperlihatkan pada backdrop utama, printed material, banner, dan backdrop pada saat event berlangsung, selama;

a. Smart Competition 3-Des

b. Paper Contest 4-Des

c. Education Day 5-Des

Diharapkan lebih dari 80 siswa terpilih akan bertemu dalam ajang tahunan ini, untuk memperluas pengetahuan, mendapat kesempatan bertatap muka dengan teman dari sekolah lain, dan bertemu dengan rekan industri.

Sponsor mendapatkan 4 (empat) tiket masuk Simposium.


Main Sponsor: Participating

1 Platinum


10,000 USD

Placing of Company name and logo on the main backdrop, and in some area during the symposium, from Mon thru Wed, 3-5 Dec, 2012, and during Golf Tournament on Sun, 2 Dec, 2012.

Company profile will be printed on the Program Booklet, and in the CD Proceedings.

Platinum Sponsor entitles 4 (four) entry

tickets to the Symposium.

Nama dan logo perusahaan ditempatkan pada backdrop utama, dan di area selama simposium, pada hari Senin s/d Rabu, tgl 3-5 Des, 2012 dan pada waktu Golf Turnamen pada hari Minggu tgl 2 Des, 2012.

Company profile akan diprint dalam Buku Program, dan dalam CD Proceedings.

Sponsor Platinum mendapatkan 4 (empat) tiket masuk ke Simposium.

2 Gold


8,000 USD

Placing of Company name and logo on the main backdrop, and in some area during the symposium, from Mon thru Wed, 3-5 Dec, 2012, and during Golf Tournament on Sun, 2 Dec, 2012.

Company profile will be printed on the Program Booklet, and in the CD Proceedings.

Gold Sponsor entitles 3 (three) entry tickets

to the Symposium.

Nama dan logo perusahaan ditempatkan pada backdrop utama, dan di area selama simposium, pada hari Senin s/d Rabu, tgl 3-5 Des, 2012 dan pada waktu Golf Turnamen pada hari Minggu tgl 2 Des, 2012.

Company profile akan diprint dalam Buku Program dan dalam CD Proceedings.

Sponsor Gold mendapatkan 3 (tiga) tiket masuk ke Simposium.

3 Silver


6,000 USD

Placing of Company name and logo on the main backdrop, and in some area during the symposium, from Mon thru Wed, 3-5 Dec, 2012, and during Golf Tournament on Sun, 2 Dec, 2012.

Company profile will be printed on the Program Booklet, and in the CD Proceedings.

Silver Sponsor entitles 2 (two) entry tickets

to the Symposium.

Nama dan logo perusahaan ditempatkan pada backdrop utama, dan di area selama simposium, pada hari Senin s/d Rabu, tgl 3-5 Des, 2012 dan pada waktu Golf Turnamen pada hari Minggu tgl 2 Des, 2012.

Company profile akan diprint dalam Buku Program dan dalam CD Proceedings.

Sponsor Gold mendapatkan 2 (dua) tiket masuk ke Simposium.


Program Sponsor:


Go Green and Blue


5,000 USD

Opportunity for any Company to support Activity to implant mangrove to prevent coastal erosion and coral reef recovery to sustain marine life around one of the island of the thousand island.

Name of and Company logo will be display on the area concerned, printed material, and on banner place around the area of symposium; Sponsor entitles to 2 (two) entry tickets to the Symposium.

Kesempatan bagi Perusahaan yang akan men-support kegiatan penanaman tanaman bakau untuk pencegahan erosi pantai, serta pemulihan terumbu karang untuk berlangsunganya kehidupan biota laut di sekitar salah satu pulau di kepualauan seribu. Nama dan logo perusahaan akan diperlihatkan pada area berlangsung, printed material, dan banner yang ditempatkan diarea simposium; Sponsor mendapatkan 2 (dua) tiket masuk Simposium.


CD/Program Booklet (m)



Co.name and logo will be printed on the item, and on banner place around the area of symposium

Nama dan logo perusahaan akan dicetak pada barang tersebut, dan banner yang ditempatkan diarea simposium.

Sponsor entitles to 1 (one) entry tickets to

the Symposium. Sponsor mendapatkan 1 (satu) tiket masuk Simposium


Technical Discussion Group

(m) 3

,000 USD


Opportunity for any Company to present for 10-15 Min of their (latest) technology applicable to increasing reserve and optimize production of conventional and unconventional resources.

Name of and Company logo will be display on the backdrop at the event;

Sponsor entitles to 1 (two) entry tickets to the Symposium.

Kesempatan bagi Perusahaan untuk mempresentasikan teknologi (terbaru) nya selama 10-15 Min yang dapat diterapkan untuk menambah cadangan dan optimize produksi dari sumber konvensional dan unkonvensional. Nama dan logo perusahaan akan di display pada backdrop di acara tsb,

Sponsor mendapatkan 1 (dua) tiket masuk Simposium.


Symposium Items:


Conference Bag (m)

10,000 USD

as a sole sponsor at Rp 350.000,- value


as joined sponsor

Company name and logo will be printed on the item, and on small banner place around the area of symposium

Nama dan logo perusahaan akan dicetak pada barang tersebut, dan banner kecil yang ditempatkan di area simposium.

2 Notepad

(s) 5,000 USD

at Rp 100.000,- value

Company name and logo will be printed on the item, and on small banner place around the area of symposium

Nama dan logo perusahaan akan dicetak pada barang tersebut, dan banner kecil yang ditempatkan di area simposium.

3 Pen


3,000 USD

at Rp 65.000,- value

Company name and logo will be printed on the item, and on small banner place around the area of symposium

Nama dan logo perusahaan akan dicetak pada barang tersebut, dan banner kecil yang ditempatkan di area simposium.

4 Lanyard

(s) 5,000 USD

Company name and logo will be printed on the item, and on small banner place around the area of symposium

Nama dan logo perusahaan akan dicetak pada barang tersebut, dan banner kecil yang ditempatkan di area simposium.

5 Satchel


3,000 USD

Company name and logo will be printed on the item, and on small banner place around the area of symposium

Nama dan logo perusahaan akan dicetak pada barang tersebut, dan banner kecil yang ditempatkan di area simposium.


Symposium Social Events:

1 Luncheon

(m) 3 days

4,000 USD

Company name and logo will be placed dur-ing the Luncheon, and on small banner place around the area of symposium

Nama dan logo perusahaan akan diletakan pada acara makan siang, dan banner kecil yang ditempatkan di area simposium.

Sponsor entitles to 1 (one) registration tickets. Sponsor mendapatkan 1 (satu) tiket registrasi.


Tea/Coffee Break


2,500 USD


Company name and logo will be placed dur-ing the Tea/Coffee Break, and on small ban-ner place around the area of symposium

Nama dan logo perusahaan akan diletakan pada acara Tea/Coffee Break, dan banner kecil yang ditempatkan di area simposium.


Ice Cream

(m) (2x3days)

2,500 USD


Company name and logo will be placed dur-ing the Tea/Coffee Break, and on small ban-ner place around the area of symposium

Nama dan logo perusahaan akan diletakan pada acara Tea/Coffee Break, dan banner kecil yang ditempatkan di area simposium.

4 Cocktail


5,000 USD

(during Congress)

Company name and logo will be placed dur-ing the Congress, and on small banner place around the area of symposium

Nama dan logo perusahaan akan diletakan pada acara Kongres, dan banner kecil yang ditempatkan di area simposium.

Sponsor entitles to 1 (one) registration tickets. Sponsor mendapatkan 1 (satu) tiket registrasi.


Rangkuman Keuntungan bagi para Sponsor

Summary of Benefits for the Sponsor

Main Sponsor

in k

USD BackdropMain HangingBanners

Printed on the Booklet


Proceedings Golf Reg/Tickets

1 Principal 15 ü ü ü ü ü 8 (S) 2 Business Forum 12.5 ü * ü ü ü 5 (B) 3 Student Activity and Scholarship 10 ü ü ü ü 5 (S) 4 Platinum 10 ü ü ü ü ü 4 (S) 5 Gold 8 ü ü ü ü ü 3 (S) 6 Silver 6 ü ü ü ü ü 2 (S)

* during Business Forum

Program Sponsor

in k

USD BackdropMain HangingBanners Booklet ProceedingsCD Reg/Tickets

1 Go Green/Blue 5 ü * ü ü ü 2 (S)

2 Technical Discussion

Group (FORTEK) 3 ü * ü ü ü 1 (S)

3 CD Program & Booklet 5 ü ü ü ü 2 (S)

* during respective activity

Sponsor Item

in k

USD BackdropMain HangingBanners Booklet ProceedingsCD

Printed on the


Reg/ Tickets

1 Bag (as sole sponsor) 10 ü ü ü ü 1 Bag (as join/dual sponsor) 7.5 ü ü ü ü

2 Lanyard 5 ü ü ü ü

3 Pen 3 ü ü ü ü

4 NotePad 5 ü ü ü ü

5 Satchel 3 ü ü ü ü

Social Event

in k

USD BackdropMain HangingBanners Booklet ProceedingsCD Table Tag Reg/Tickets

1 Lunch 4 ü ü ü ü 2 (S)

2 Tea/Coffee Break 2.5 ü ü ü ü

3 Ice Cream 2.5 ü ü ü ü

4 Cocktail (Congress) 5 ü ü ü ü 2 (S)

Note: Those Sponsor for Principal, Platinum, Gold, and Silver will be placed on the main backdrop of Golf Tournament



Please complete the following form, keep a copy for your record

Sekretariat IATMI

phone/fax: +62 21 520-3057 | email: pusat@iatmi.or.id address

Lt.1c Gedung Patra, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav.32-34, Jakarta, 12950 - Indonesia

website: www.iatmi.or.id

Company: ... We would like to Sponsor: ... Amount:……… USD ... Billing Address: ... ... City: ... Country: ... Postal Code: ... Contact Name: ... Title: ... Office Phone: ... HP: ... E-mail: ... Fax: ... Signed: ... Date: ...

Sponsorship Contact Person: Contact Contact No email

Atria +62 811 100-2996 atria1@slb.com

Nursyantini +62 21 520-3057 nursyantini@iatmi.or.id

A. Manan +62 21 520-3057 abdulmanan@iatmi.or.id

All payments must made by bank transfer, payable to:

Bank CIMB Niaga, Cabang Pondok Indah Account No.: 017.01.30035.00.5

mssg: SIMNASKONG 2012







1. Exhibition Period, and Event Schedule

Each exhibitor is solely responsible for complying with all laws, ordinances and

regulations pertaining public safety and fire prevention while participating in

the exhibition period.

Activity Date, 2012

Application in for Exhibitor (Open - Close) Mon, 15 Jul –Fri, 14 Sep - 2012 09:00 AM – 15:00 PM

Due date for Payment for the Space 5 (five) working days

from date of registration is received, and confirmed,

or otherwise,

space(s) is open to next bidder Exhibitor Assembling and Move In Tue, 03 Dec 2012

18:00 PM – 23:00 PM

Exhibition Period (Hours) Wed, 04 Dec – Thu, 05 Dec

09:00 AM – 15:00 PM Exhibitor Dismantling and Move Out Wed, 05 Dec 2012

(After 6.00 PM) Note:

Exhibitors may enter the exhibition area one hour before opening time, and remain in the exhibit area one hour after closing time.

2. Exhibition Fees

(Excl. 10% Tax)

per meter square of space, with a standard stand

=> Rp 3.500.000 (Three Million Five Hundred Rupiah)

per meter square of space, without the standard stands (space only):

=> Rp. 2.500.000,- (Two Million Five hundred Rupiah)

a. Exhibition Reservation Form

Please complete the attached Exhibition Reservation form,

fax it to the IATMI Secretariat: Phone/Fax. +6221 520-3057

or e-mail scan copy to pusat@iatmi.or.id or

After receiving the form, the Secretariat will send to the applicant an

acceptance of the application and an invoice for the payment for the

rental fee.


b. Early bird discount

Applicant must book/reserve before Friday, 31 Aug 2012 to entitle for a

10% discount, and the form must be signed by a representative.

c. Cancelation charges

i. 25 % before Friday, 09 Nov 2012.

ii. 50 % before Friday, 30 Nov 2012.

3. Exhibition

a. Location

Exhibition will be held around the Foyer of Mutiara Ballroom, Grand Melia

Hotel, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta-Indonesia

b. Stand Specifications

each exhibitor will receive “standard shell scheme” with the following


• Walls: 2.4 m high rear and dividing wall partitions with white laminated in fill panels.

• Fascia: Overhead fascia panel with cut-out company name and stand number. • Lighting: One 13 Amp/220 V power socket and two 40 Watt fluorescent tube


• Furniture: 2 folding chairs and 1 information counter (desk) • Carpet: Needle punch carpet

• Cleaning: all booth/stands floors or/and removal of dry refuse from the booths/ stands. Cleaning will commence from 18.00 to 19.00 hours of exhibition period. Cleaning and clearing for Self-Build stands will be responsible of the exhibitors.

• Storage: Exhibitor must be responsible for their own storage


4. Self-build Stand

Exhibitors with self-build stands should contact the official stand contractor,

PT ………, to discuss their requirements, and to advice IATMI about the structural/ dimensional drawing of the booth by Friday, 09 Nov 2012. Only authorized contractor is allowed to work within exhibition venue.

Exhibitor are responsible for all required payment such as labor, utility, furniture, or other cost incurred in the set up, maintenance or dismantling stand and equipment.

• Display item should, in principle, be less than 2.5 m in height.

For displays items over 2.5 m and two story structures, please submit diagram to the

Organizer for further decision taken by the Organizer

• Only the official contractor PT. ………..………is permitted to undertake any electrical work.

• The exhibitor is responsible for daily removal of rubbish.

• Failure to comply will result in the exhibitor being liable for rubbish removal fee of Rp 250,000/stand

• Fabrication or construction is to be done in a manner that does not disrupt or interfere with the other exhibitor in the area

• All display materials must be fire retardant

• By Sunday 03 Dec 2012 at 22.00 hours all construction works and set up shall cease. All ladders, spare materials, trestles and other items involved with construction of stand shall be removed from the exhibition area.


5. Security

Day and night security will be maintained by the Hotel, from Sun-Wed,

03 - 05 Dec 2012 (exhibition period).

However, neither Hotel nor IATMI will be responsible for any loss, damage

or personnel injury, regardless the cause.

After the show, booths should not be left unattended until the personal

property and portable exhibits have been removed, and rented items have

been collected by appropriate suppliers.

Exhibitors are strongly advised to have all items of value covered by



6. Exhibition Layout


Booth no. 1 – 6 = 3 x 3 meters



IATMI phone/fax: +62 21 520-3057 | email: pusat@iatmi.or.id 1st Floor Patra Jasa Office Tower, 1C, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav.32-34,

Jakarta, 12950 - Indonesia

Company: ... would like to take on the following location: Booth no. 1 – 6 = 3 x 3 meters

1 2 3 4 5 6

would like to take on the following location: Booth no. 7 – 18 = 4 x 4 meters

7 8 9 13 14 15

10 11 12 16 17 18

Fee, per meter square (space only):

with a standard stand => Rp 3.500.000,- (Three Million Five Hundred Rupiah) without the standard stands => Rp. 2.500.000,- (Two Million Five Hundred Rupiah) Booth No.: ……….. Total SQ m: ………..… Amount:……….. Rupiah ... Billing Address: ... ... City: ... Country: ... Postal Code: ... Contact Name: ……… Title: ... Office Phone: ... HP: ... E-mail: ... Fax: ... Signed: ... Date: ...

Contact Contact No email

Dita +62 811 100-2996 dita_dwityawarman@cnooc.com

Nursyantini +62 21 520-3057 nursyantini@iatmi.or.id

A. Manan +62 21 520-3057 abdulmanan@iatmi.or.id

All payments must made by bank transfer, with message: “SIMKONG 2012” to: Bank CIMB Niaga, Cab. Pondok Indah, Acct No.: 017.01.30035.00.5



Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav. X-0 - Kuningan, Jakarta

Tel: 021/526-8080 | Fax: 021/526-8181

e-mail: gran.melia.jakarta@melia.com

Booking / Room Reservation 1-888-741-8931


• Deluxe Twin Room (two queen size bed)

• Deluxe King Room (one king size bed)


• Breakfast for one

• 20% Published Rate

• 10% Disc. on Laundry



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