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Perpustakaan Nasional: Katalog Dalam Terbitan

© Trisna Amelia, Nur Eka Kusuma Hindrasti, 2016

Bahasa Inggris untuk Biologi Trisna Amelia

Nur Eka Kusuma Hindrasti

Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang. Dilarang mengutip sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini dengan cara apa pun, termasuk dengan cara penggunaan mesin fotokopi, tanpa ijin sah dari penerbit

ISBN 978-602-6770-07-3

vii, 68 hlm, 17,6 cm X 25 cm Cetakan 1, Oktober 2016

Hak Penerbitan pada UMRAH Press, Tanjungpinang


Kampus Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji, Gedung Rektorat Lantai III Jl. Dompak, Tanjungpinang, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau 29111

Telp/Fax : (0771) 7001550 – (0771) 7038999, 4500091



Thank Allah SWT who has given His bless to the writer for finishing the Book entitled “Bahasa Inggris untuk Biologi”. The writer also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those who have guided in completing this book.

This book contains concept of biology and the exercise in English language that can help the readers to improve their English skill in biology. There are eight main contents in this book, which are the chemistry of life, an introduction of metabolisms, biotechnology, mechanisms of evolution, classification of living things,reproduction in plant, thermoregulation, and ecology. Hopefully, this book can help the readers to expand their knowledge about English for Biology.

Tanjungpinang, September 2016



Preface ………. i

Contents ………. ii

Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION ………. 1

Chapter 2 THE CHEMISTRY OF LIFE ………. 5


Chapter 4 BIOTECHNOLOGY ………. 14




Chapter 8 THERMOREGULATION ………. 39

Chapter 9 ECOLOGY ………. 49

Bibliography ………. 61

Glossary ………. 62


Chapter I


1. Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

Mata kuliah bahasa inggris untuk biologi dirancang untuk memberi bekal

mahasiswa agar dapat menguasai bahasa Inggris dalam menunjang

pemahaman ilmu kimia dari literatur atau sumber informasi berbahasa Inggris. Materi perkuliahan mencakup peningkatan literasi dalam memahami

naskah saintifik berbahasa inggris. Latihan-latihan yang diberikan berorientasi

pada hakikat sains, terutama keterampilan proses sains. Adapun konten

materi yang terkandung, di antaranya the chemistry of life, an introduction of

metabolisms, biotechnology, mechanisms of evolution, classification of living

things,reproduction in plant, thermoregulation, dan ecology. Bahasa inggris

digunakan sebagai pengantar perkuliahan. Penilaian diambil dari partisipasi

dan keaktifan mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan.

2. Standar Kompetensi

Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan keterampilan proses sains untuk memahami

teks saintifik berbahasa inggris.

3. Kompetensi Dasar

a. Mahasiswa mampu memahami teks saintifik berbahasa inggris

b. Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan keterampilan proses sains dengan



Mata Kuliah Code SKS Semester Lecturers

Bahasa Inggris

English for Biology is English for Specific Purposes ( ESP), English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for Professional Purposes (EPP) toilored to the needs of first and second semester undergraduate Biology Education Department at FKIP UMRAH. The aim of this course is to accomplish student with english ability and make then capable in science process skill. The course materials include reading comprehension, structure, speaking , and listening, from the chosen topics related biology and teaching biology.

Objrectives of the Course


Answer the questions from the texts related to biology



Use the biology terms in sentences.


Speak English in academic context.


Use classroom languages.

2. To introduce one sefl in English


3. Explain the structural polysaccharides

4. Communicate the different of the

structure chitin and cellulose monomer through pictures and explanations

1. define the concept of metabolisms

2. Raise question about metabolisms

3. Explain respiration and photosyntesize

Module Chapte r 2



1. Ask question about photosyntesize

2. Design experiment about photosyntesize

3. Contruct a table of data


2. Raising question about biotechnology

3. Define genetic engineering

4. Aski uestion about genetic engineering


1. Construct hypotheses from the question

2. Design a investigation based on


3. Predict about genetic engineering

4. Communicate the results of the

2. Ask question about evolution

3. Define natural selection

4. Construct a graph based on the data

5. Construct hypotheses from the


classification system in living things;


3. Define endothermy and ectothermy;


2. Applying concept about



k Topic Objectives

Sourc e


n In Plant 3. differentiate between vegetative, asexual and sexual reproduction;

4. explain the parts of a dicot flower and

their functions;

5. present the part of a dicot flower;

6. observe a dicot flower and determine

each part of the flower;

7. state the types of pollination.;

14 Ecology 1. define ecology and describe the major sub-disciplines: behavior, population ecology, community ecology;

2. identify factor that determine

geographic distribution;

3. identify biotic and abiotic factor;

Module Chapte r 8

2 x 50‟

15 Ecology 1. define ecosystem;

2. define primary producer, primary

consumer, secondary consumer, and omnivory and be able to accurately identify these in a food web;

3. read and interpret a food web diagram

with multiple trophic levels and how these interact using top-down and bottom-up terminology;

4. interpret food chains and food webs, and

be able to locate a food chain within a food web.


Chapter II



After completing this lesson, you will be able to :

7. Explain the concept of the chemistry of life

8. Raising question about the chemistry of life

9. Explain the structural polysaccharides

10.Communicate the different of the structure chitin and cellulose monomer

through pictures and explanations

11. Apply the concept of structural polysaccharides to a operation in hospital

12.Predict a phenomenon

The flower above is from a magnolia, a tree of ancient lineage that is native to

Asian and American forests. The magnolia blossom is a sign of the plant's status as a

living organism, for flowers contain organs of sexual reproduction, and reproduction is

a key property, as you will learn later.

Like all organisms, the magnolia tree in second figure above is living in close

association with other organisms, though it is a lone specimen far from its ancestral

forest. For example, it depends on beetles to carry pollen from one flower to another,

and the beetles, in turn, eat from its flowers. The flowers are adapted to the beetles in

several ways: Their bowl shape allows easy access, and their multiple reproductive

organs and tough petals help ensure that some survive the voracious beetles. Such


discussed later in this chapter, evolution is the fundamental organizing principle of

biology and the main theme of this book.

Although biologists know a great deal about magnolias and other plants, many

mysteries remain. For instance, what exactly led to the origin of flowering plants?

Posing questions about the living world and seeking science-based answers scientific

inquiry are the central activities of biology, the scientific study of life. Biologists'

questions can be ambitious. They may ask how a single tiny cen becomes a tree or a dog, how the human mind works, or how the different forms of life in a forest interact.

Can you think ofsome questions about living organisms that interest you? When you

do, you are already starting to think like a biologist. More than anything else, biology is

a quest, an ongoing inquiry about the nature of life. Perhaps some of your questions

relate to health or to societal or environmental issues. Biology is woven into the fabric

of our culture more than ever before and can help answer many questions that affect our lives. Research breakthroughs in genetics and cell biology are transforming

medicine and agriculture. Neuroscience and evolutionary biology are reshaping

psychology and sociology. New models in ecology are helping societies evaluate

environmental issues, such as global warming. There has never been a more important

time to embark on a study of life.

Carbohydrates include both sugars and polymers of sugars. The simplest

carbohydrates are the monosaccharides, also known as simple sugars.

Monosaccharides (from the Greek monos, single, and sacchar, sugar) generally have


Glucose (C6HI20 6), the most common monosaccharide, is of central in the chemistry

of life. Sugar molecules are generally incorporated as monomers into disaccharides or

polysaccharides. There are two polysaccharides, storage polysaccharides and structural


Organisms build strong materials from structural polysaccharides. For

example, the polysaccharide called cellulose is a major component of the tough walls

that enclose plant cells. On a global scale, plants produce almost 1014 kg (100 billion tons) of cellulose per year; it is the most abundant organic compound on Earth. Some

prokaryotes can digest cellulose, breaking it down into glucose monomers. A cow

harbors cellulose digesting prokaryotes in its rumen, the first compartment in its


The prokaryotes hydrolyze the cellulose of hay and grass and convert the

glucose to other nutrients that nourish the cow. Similarly, a termite, which is unable to digest cellulose by itself, has prokaryotes living in its gut that can make a meal of

wood. Some fungi can also digest cellulose, thereby helping recycle chemical elements

within Earth's ecosystems

Another important structural polysaccharide is chitin, the carbohydrate used

by arthropods (insects, spiders, crustaceans, and related animals) to build their

exoskeletons. An exoskeleton is a hard case that surrounds the soft parts of an animal.

Pure chitin is leathery and flexible, but it becomes hardened when encrusted with calcium carbonate, a salt. Chitin is also found in many fungi, which use this

polysaccharide rather than cellulose as the building material for their cell walls. Chitin

is similar to cellulose, except that the glucose monomer of chitin has a nitrogen.

EXERCISE BCommunicate through pictures and explanations

As we know from the paragraph above, chitin is similar to cellulose, except that the

glucose monomer of chitin has a nitrogen. Know, please communicate to your friend


The structure of the chitin monomer.

The structure of the cellulose monomer.

EXERCISE CApply the concept

Have you ever get a operation in hospital? Usually you must be surgic for cover the

pain. Do you know surgical thread is made from? Know, looking for a knowledge what

surgical thread is made from and how is they work!


Predict, What would happen if a cow were given antibiotics that killed all the

prokaryotes in its stomach?



Chapter III



After completing this lesson, you will be able to :

4. define the concept of metabolisms

5. Raise question about metabolisms

6. Explain respiration and photosyntesize

7. Ask question about photosyntesize

8. Design experiment about photosyntesize

9. Contruct a table of data

The living cell is a chemical factory in miniature, where thousands of reactions

occur within a microscopic space. Sugars can be converted to amino adds that are linked together into proteins when needed, and proteins are dismantled into amino

acids that can be converted to sugars when food is digested. Small molecules are

assembled into polymers, which may be hydrolyzed later as the needs of the cell

change. In multicellular organisms, many cells export chemical products that are used

in other parts of the organism. The process known as cellular respiration drives the

cellular economy by extracting the energy stored in sugars and other fuels. Cells apply

this energy to perform various types of work, such as the transport of solutes across the plasma membrane. In a more exotic example, cells of the fungus in figure above

convert the energy stored in certain organic molecules to light. a process called

bioluminescence. (The glow may attract insects that benefit the fungus by dispersing

its spores.) Bioluminescence and all other metabolic activities carried out by a cell are

precisely coordinated and controlled. In its complexity, its efficiency, its integration,


concepts of metabolism that you learn in this chapter will help you understand how

matter and energy flow during life's processes and how that flow is regulated.

.EXERCISE A. Raising Questioning


A chemical reaction either release energy (i.e. exothermic) or uses energy

(i.e. is endothermic). Almost all the chemical reactions that occur in living organisms are of the endothermic type, and this explains why organisms need a source

of energy if they are to function well and stay alive. In other words, energy is the

capacity to do work and the work that must be done in an organisms is to make

endothermic reactions take place. In fact, we find that all organisms, both plants and

animal, obtain the energy needed for endothermic reactions by oxidizing (or

„burning‟) substances such as sugars.this process is called respiration: A sugar + oxygen  water+carbon dioxide+energy

We must now ask where an organism obtains substance like sugars

All green plants can synthesize organic subtances from carbon dioxide and

water, the presence of chlorophyll enabling them to utilize light energy for this

endothermic process, which is called photosynthesis:

Carbon dioxide + water + energy  a sugar + oxygen

Green plants, then, are autotrophic, as also are certain blue-green algae which lack

chlorophyll. Such plants are chemosynthetic (or chemo-autotrophic) rather than photosynthetic (or photo-autotrophic), because they use energy that is released

from simple exothermic chemical reactions. Beggiatoa, for example, is able to oxidize

hydrogen sulphide and then use the energy that is released to synthesize sugars:

Step one: hydrogen sulphide + oxygen  water + sulphur + energy


Chemosynthesis is, however, relatively rare, and most organisms that lack chlorophyll

are heterotrophic, obtaining the organic substance that they need from other


Heterotrophs cannot synthesize complex organic substances from simple raw

materials like carbon dioxide and water. This explains why they are entirely dependent

upon other organisms. It is of course animals that we upon plants and those that feed

on other animals. However, we must also include among the heterotroph many bacteria,all the Fungi, and even some flowering plants that lack chlorophyll.

EXERCISE AChecking of understanding

Finding out baout the meaning of words

Read the passage again and find the words or phrases below. (The numbers in brackets

give the paragraphs in which the words can be found). Then try to decide which of the

three alternatives can replace the word or phrase without changing the meaning of the passage.

1 occur (1) 2 capacity (1)

(a) are important (a) size

(b)take place (b) ability

(c) need energy (c) need

(a) comparatively unknown (a) compeletely

(b) more typical (b) largely

(c) comparatively uncommon (c) mostly

Definitions nd naming statements

Complete these definitions and naming statements


... is the process by means of which an organism release ...

by oxidizing energy-rich compounds


An ... is a reaction which results in the re;ease of energy.


... is called energy



Autotrophism is the process by means of which organisms ...


The use of chemical energy to ... is called chemosynthesis.


Heterotrophs are ...


Chemo-autotrophic organisms are organism which synthesize complex organic

substance using ...

Checking facts and ideas

Try to decide whether you think these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 most chemical reactions in organism are endothermic. ( T / F )

2 respiration takes place in all organisms. ( T / F ) 3 all autotrophs possess chlorophyll. ( T / F )

4 all blue-green algae are chemo-autotrophs. ( T / F )

5 Beggiatoa lacks chlorophyll

( T / F )

6 some heterotrophs feed upon other heterotrophs. ( T / F )

EXERCISE BAsking questioning

Look at the picture below! What do you think about the picture? Please make questions about the picture, which there are relation with photosynthesize!

EXERCISE CDesign Experiment

Design a experiment to know is un-green leaf occur photosynthesize?









EXERCISE DConstructing a table of data

A. Please construct a table to tell the differents of respiration and photosynthesize


Chapter IV



After completing this lesson, you will be able to :

5. Define biotechnology

6. Raising question about biotechnology

7. Define genetic engineering

8. Aski uestion about genetic engineering

9. Construct hypotheses from the question

10. Design a investigation based on hypotheses

11. Predict about genetic engineering

12. Communicate the results of the investigation to the poster

In 1995, a major scientific milestone was announced: For the first time,

researchers had sequenced the entire genome of a free-living organism, the bacterium

Haemophilus influenzac. This news electrified the scientific community. Few among

them would have dared to dream that a mere 12 years later, genome sequencing would be under way for more than 2,000 species. By 2007, researchers had completely

sequenced hundreds of prokaryotic genomes and dozens of eukaryotic ones, including

all 3 billion base pairs ofthe human genome.

Ultimately, these achievements can be attributed to advances in DNA

technology-methods of working with and manipulating DNA-that had their roots in

the 1970s. A key accomplishment was the invention of techniques for making


different sources-often different speciesare combined in vitro (in a test tube). This

advance set the stage for further development of powerful techniques for analyzing

genes and gene expression. How scientists prepare recombinant DNA and use DNA

technology to answer fundamental biological questions are one focus of biotechnology.

Another focus of the chapter is how our lives are affected by biotechnology, the

manipulation of organisms or their compo· nents to make useful products.

Biotechnology has a long history that includes such early practices as selective breeding of farm animals and using microorganisms to make wine and cheese. Today,

biotechnology also encompasses genetic engineering, the direct manipulation ofgenes

for practical purposes. Genetic engineering has launched a revolution in

biotechnology, greatly expanding the scope of its potential applications. Tools from the

DNA toolbox are now applied in ways that were unthinkable only a decade ago,

affecting everything from agriculrure to criminal law to medical research. For instance, on the DNA micro array in figure above, the colored spots represent the relative level

of expression of 2,400 human genes. Using microarray analysis, researchers can

quickly compare gene expression in different samples, such as those obtained from

normal and cancerous tissues. The knowledge gained from such gene expression

studies is making a significant contribution to the study of cancer and other diseases.

EXERCISE A Asking questioning

Based to the text, raise a question about the biotechnology, next find what the answer is?

Question :


Answer :


EXERCISE B Checking for Understanding

List at least three different properties that have been acquired by crop plants via

genetic engineering!




For exerciseC until G, Look at the picture below!

EXERCISE C Raising questioning

Raise 3 questions based to the picture above!

1. What is the name of the fruist in picture above?


2. How can the fruits have unusual performing?


3. How make the fruits!


EXERCISE DConstructing hypotheses

Give your hypothesize to answer your questions!





... ...

EXERCISE E Designing the investigation

Design a investigation to prove, whether your answer correct or not!




EXERCISE F Predicting

Predict why the fruits difficult or hardly found, especially in Indonesia!




EXERCISE G Communicating


Chapter V



After completing this lesson, you will be able to :

7. Define evolution

8. Ask question about evolution

9. Define natural selection

10. Construct a graph based on the data

11. Construct hypotheses from the phenomenon

12. Predict an explanation from the phenomenon

The Onymacris unguicularis beetle lives in the coastal Namib desert

ofsouthwestern Africa, a land where fog is common, but virtually no rain falls. To obtain the water it needs to survive, the beetle relies on “a pecullar uhead standing"

behavior Tilting head-downward, the beetle faces into the winds that blow fog across

the dunes. Droplets of moisture from the fog collect on the beetle's body and run down

into its mouth.

This headstander beetle shares many features with the more than 350,000

other beetle species on Earth, including six pairs oflegs, a hard outer surface, and two pairs of wings. But how did there come to be so many variations on the basic beetle

theme? The headstander beetle and its many close relatives illustrate three key

observations about life: the striking ways in which organisms are suited for life in their

environments; the many shared characteristics (unity) of life; and the rich diversity of

life. A century and a half ago, Charles Darwin was inspired to develop a scientific


The Origina Species, Darwin ushered in a scientific revolution-the era of evolutionary


For now, we will define evolution as descent with modification, a phrase

Darwin used in proposing that Earth's many species are descendants ofancestral

species that were different from the present day species. Evolution can also be defined

more narrowly as a change in the genetic composition of a population from generation

to generation. Whether it is defined broadly or narrowly, we can view evolution in two related but different ways: as a pattern and as a process. The pattern of evolutionary

change is re· vealed by data from a range of scientific disciplines, including biology,

geology, physics, and chemistry. These data are factsthey are observations about the

natural world. The process of evolution consists of the mechanisms that produce the

observed pattern ofchange. These mechanisms represent natural causes of the natural

phenomena we observe. Indeed, the power of evolution as a unifying theory is its ability to explain and connect a vast array of observations about the living world.

EXERCISE A Asking questioning

Based to the text, raise a question about the cell, next find what the answer is?

Question :


Answer :



 Natural selection is a process in which individuals that have certain heritable characteristics survive and reproduce at a higher rate than other individuals.

 Over time, natural selection can increase the match between organisms and their environment

 If an environment changes, or if inviduals move to a new environment, natural selection may result in adaptation to these new conditions, sometimes giving

rise to new species in the process

One subtle but important point is although natural selection occurs through

interaction between idividual organisms and their environment, individuals do not


A second key point is that natural selection can amplify or diminish only

heritable traits-traits that ape passed from organisms to their offspring. Though an

organism may become modified during its lifetime, and these acquired

characteristics may even help the organism in its environment, there is little

evidence that such acquired characteristics can be inherited by offspring.

Third, envirometal factors vary from place and over time, a trait that is

favorable in one place or time may be useless-or even detrimental- in oter places or times. Natural selection is always opertaig, but which traits are favored depends on


EXERCISE BChecking of Understanding


How does the concept of descent with modification explain both the unity and

divertsity of life?

... ...


Describe how overreproduction and heritable variation relate to evolution by natural selection!


EXERCISE C Constructing a graph

Mosquitoes resistant to the pesticide DDT first appeared in India in 1959, but now are found throughout the world.

Graph the data in the table below!

Month Percentage of Mosquitoes Resistant* to DDT

0 4% possible methods of inhibiting the evolution of resistance in mosquitoes,

Ecological Entomology 3:273-287(1978)


EXERCISE DConstructing hypotheses

Examining the graph, hypothesize why the percentage of mosquitoes resistant to DDT

rose rapidly!




... ...

EXERCISE EPredicting

Suggest an explanation for the global spread of DDT resistance!


... ...





Chapter VI



After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

3. raise a question about the concept Classification of Living Things;

4. analyze the advantageous of classification system in living things;

5. define the system of classification of living things;

6. applying the concept about Classification of Living Things

Look closely at the organism in the figure. Although it resembles a snake, this

animal is actually an Australianlegless lizard known as the common scaly-foot

(Pygopus lepidopodus). Why isn't the scaly-foot considered a snake? More

generally, how do biologists distinguish and categorize the millions of species

on Earth? An understanding of evolutionary relationships suggests one way to

address these questions: We can decide in which „container‟ to place a species

by comparing its traits to those of potential dose relatives. For example, the

scaly-foot does not have a fused eyelid, a highly mobile jaw, or a short tail

posterior to the anus, three traits of snakes. These and other characteristics suggest that despite a superflcial resemblance, the scaly-foot is not a snake.

Furthermore, a survey of the lizards reveals that the scaly-foot is not alone; the

legless condition has evolved repeatedly in lizards. Most legless lizards are

burrowers or live in grasslands, and like snakes, these species lost their legs

over generations as they adapted to their environments. Snakes and lizards


great variety of species alive today. In this unit, we will survey this diversity

and de scribe hypotheses regarding how it evoh-ed. As we do so, our emphasis

will shift from the process of evolution to itspattem (observations of

evolution's products over time). A phylogeny of lizards and snakes, indicates

that both the scalyfoot and snakes evolved from lizards with legs-but they

evolved from different lineages of legged lizards. Thus, it appears that their

legless conditions evolved independently (Campbell, 2012).

EXERCISE A RaisingQuestion

Based to the text, raise a question about the concept of reproduction in plant, and

the find out what the answer is!

Question :


Answer :


Definition of Classification

Classification is the process of grouping things based on similarities.

Biologists use classification to organize living things into groups so that organisms are

easier to study. The scientific study of how living things are classified is called

taxonomy. Living things that are classified together have similar characteristics.

Taxonomy is helpful because scientists know a lot about an organism‟s structures and

relationships to other organisms. To help scientists classify organisms, they ask

themselves these four questions:

1. How many cells does the organism have?

2. Is a nucleus present?

3. How does the organism obtain its energy?

4. How does the organism reproduce?

There are four main characteristics that scientists use to classify organisms: 1) number of cells –unicellular or multicellular; 2) presence of nucleus –prokaryote or

eukaryote; 3) how energy is obtained – autotroph or heterotroph; 4) mode of

reproduction –sexual or asexual (ESCOPE, 2012).

Scientists are always looking for these characteristics or 'observable features'

which allow them to group different species together and see how they are related to


classify them further, dividing each of the kingdoms into smaller groups. To

understand the whole thing a bit more it is good to look at an example (Oxford

University Museum of Natural History, 2016). There are several scientist concerned in

classification of living things.


The Greek philosopher Aristotle was the first person known to classify living

things scientifically. He only classified things as plants or animals. This classification system lasted for about 2,000 years.

Carolus Linnaeus

The modern classification system was developed in the 1700s by a Swedish

scientist named Carolus Linnaeus. He observed many organisms and placed them in

groups based on their visible characteristics. Today, there are eight levels of

classification (ESCOPE, 2012).

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

1. Domains

Domain is the broadest category of classification is the Domain. There are three

Domains in which all organisms are classified; Eukarya, Archaea, Eubacteria.

2. Kingdoms

The second broadest category of classification is the Kingdom. There are six

Kingdoms in which all organisms are classified; Animals, Plants, Fungi, Protista,

Eubacteria, Archaebacteria (ESCOPE, 2012).

Each kingdom is further divided into smaller groups called phyla, based on a

few features that are shared by some organisms. For example, the arthropod phylum

contains all the animals without a backbone that also have jointed legs and a hard

covering over their body, such as insects, crustaceans and spiders. A phylum is then

subdivided into classes, orders, families, genera, and finally species. In this


Table 1 shows how this system can be used to classify a human being.

EXERCISE B Analyzing

1. Analyze what if there are no classification system in living things?! Answer:



2. What advantageous people can get from classification system in living things?





1. Natural classification

The hierarchical classification system described above is based on a natural

classification system that uses common features shared by organisms. Natural

classification is based on two ideas, namely homologous structures and evolutionary


a. Homologous structures

Homologous structures are features of organisms that are similar in

structure but may look very different from each other and may be used for different

purposes. A horse‟s frontleg, the human arm and a bat‟s wing are all homologous

structures.They have the same number and arrangement of bones andthis means that

they probably evolved from a single type of structure that was present in a common

ancester millions of years ago.

A fly‟s wing is not homologous with a bat‟s wing. It may look similar and do the same job but it develops from a completely different origin. The fly‟s wing has no

bones and is not covered by feathers.A bat‟s wing and a fly‟s wing are termed


a Feel the bones in your own arm. Try to identify the bones shown on the diagram of

the human arm. Put one hand on your lower arm and turn your lower arm over and

back. You should be able to feel one bone twisting over the other.

b Each of the vertebrates shown has carpals, metacarpals and phalanges. Name three

other bones shared by all three vertebrates.

EXERCISE C Analyzing

3. Describe how the metacarpals of the horse differ from those of the human!




4. How do the phalanges of the bat differ from those of the human?




EXERCISE D Interpreting

Complete these sentences:

The human arm, the horse‟s front leg and the bat‟s wing are described as

____________________ structures. The wing of the bat and the wing of a fly are

described as _____________________ structures.

b. Evolutionary relationships

If you look at photographs of people who share a common ancestor, such as a

grandparent or great grandparent, you often see startling similarities in appearance.

The people in the photos are obviously related to each other and have inherited some

features from their grandparents. In a natural classification system, biologists

group together organisms which are structurally similar and share common ancestors.

Natural classification produces a branching set of relationships as shown in Figure. This shows how the plants are divided into major subgroups such as mosses, ferns,

conifers and flowering plants. Each of these subgroups can be divided further. In this

diagram only the two main groups of flowering plants have been shown. Where

organisms are divisions of the same subgroup, such as the monocotyledons and

dicotyledons, they are more closely related and may share more similar features than

with the mosses and ferns.


With artificial classification you can use any grouping you like. You could put

all the animals that fly in the same group. This group would then include birds, bats

and many insects. You could put all animals that live in water and have streamlined,

fish-like bodies in the same group. This group would then include fish and whales.

Artificial classification systems are also used as the basis for dichotomous

keys that biologists use to identify organisms.


In this activity you will see how an artificial classification works on the basis of using

pairs of options; for example, yes/no has/has not in/out. If it is not one thing then it

must be the other!

Look at the figure, then try to determine what kind of living things it is by using this dichotomous keys!

 1. Is it green or does it have green parts?

o Yes - go to 2

o No - go to 3

 2. Could be a plant or a protist, or blue-green bacteria. Make sure that the

green is really part of the organism, though. An animal might have eaten

something green, for example.

o Single-celled? go to 6

o Multicellular? Plantae. Look for cell walls, internal structure. In the


 3. Could be a moneran (bacteria), protist, fungus, or animal.

o Single-celled - go to 4

o Multicellular (Look for complex or branching structure, appendages) -

go to 5

 4. Could be a moneran or a protist. Can you see any detail inside the cell?

o Yes - Protista. You should be able to see at least a nucleus and/or

contractile vacuole, and a definite shape. Movement should be present,

using cilia, flagella, or amoeboid motion. Cilia or flagella may be

difficult to see.

o No - Monera. Should be quite small. May be shaped like short dashes

(rods), small dots (cocci), or curved or spiral shaped. The largest them

that is commonly found in freshwater is called Spirillum volutans. It is

spiral shaped, and can be nearly a millimeter long. Except for

Spirillum, it is very difficult to see Monerans except in a compound

microscope with special lighting.

 5. Animalia or Fungi. Is it moving?

o Yes - Animalia. Movement can be by cilia, flagella, or complex,

involving parts that contract. Structure should be complex. Feeding

activity may be obvious.

o No - Fungus. Should be branched, colorless filaments. May have some

kind of fruiting body (mushrooms are a fungus, don't forget). Usually

attached to some piece of decaying matter - may form a fuzzy coating

on or around an object. In water, some bacterial infections of fish and

other animals may be mistaken for a fungus.

 6. Most likely Protista. If it consists of long, unbranched greenish filaments

with no apparent structure inside, it is blue-green bacteria (sometimes

mistakenly called blue-green algae), a Moneran. (David R. Caprette, 2012)




Binomial system of naming species

Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist who lived from 1707 to 1778, introduced the


gave each and every species a scientific name in Latin. The binomial system of naming

species means giving organisms two names in Latin (scientific names). The term

binomial literally means two names – „bi‟ means two and „nomial‟ means name.

Linnaeus derived scientific names from the genus and the species to which organisms


When writing a scientific name, the genus name is written firstand starts with a

capital letter, and the species name is written second and starts with a small letter. The scientific name ought to be printed in italics when typed and underlined separately

when handwritten. The tiger belongs to the genus called Panthera and the species

called tigris, therefore its scientific name will be typed as Panthera tigris, or

handwritten as Panthera tigris. Scientific names are universal because, for instance,

every biologist will understand that Felis catus means „house cat‟ without resorting to

the dictionary, no matter what language they speak (Kadhila). Can you think of the scientific names for some more organisms?

EXERCISE F Analyzing

Write two reasons why living organisms are classified into groups.





Use your knowledge about classification system to classify a lion into kingdom,

phylum, class, order, family, genus and species.






Chapter VII



After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

7. Raise a question about reproduction in plant;

8. define reproduction;

9. differentiate between vegetative, asexual and sexual reproduction;

10. explain the parts of a dicot flower and their functions;

11. present the part of a dicot flower;

12. observe a dicot flower and determine each part of the flower;

13. state the types of pollination.;

Male wasps of the species Campsoscolia ciliata often attempt to copulate with

the flowers ofthe Mediterranean orchid Ophrys speculum. During this

encounter, a sac of pollen becomes glued to the insect's body. Evenhlally

frustrated, the wasp flies off and deposits the pollen onto another Ophrys

flower that has become the object of his misplaced ardor. Ophrys flowers offer

no reward such as nectar to the male wasps, only sexual frustration. S0 what

makes the male wasps so enamored of this orchid? The traditional answer has

been that the shape of the orchid's largest petal and the frill of orange bristles

around it vaguely resemble the female wasp. These visual cues, however, are

only partofthe deception: Ophrys orchids also emit chemicals with a scent

similar to that produced by sexually receptive female wasps. This orchid and its wasp pollinators are one example of the amazing ways in which angiosperms

(flowering plants) reproduce sexually with spatially distant members of their


species also reproduce asexually, creating offspring that are genetically

identical to the parent (Campbell, 2012).

EXERCISE A RaisingQuestion

Based to the text, raise a question about the concept of reproduction in plant, and

the find out what the answer is!

Question : ...

Answer : ...

Reproduction is one of the most important characteristic of all living things. It is

necessary for the continuation of the species on earth and also to replace the dead

members of the species. The process by which living organisms produce their

offsprings for the continuity of the species is called reproduction. Plant reproduction is

the production of new individuals or offspring in plants, which can be accomplished by

sexual or asexual reproduction.

 Sexual reproduction produces offspring by the fusion of gametes, resulting in offspring genetically different from the parent or parents.

 Asexual reproduction produces new individuals without the fusion of gametes, genetically identical to the parent plants and each other, except

when mutations occur. In seed plants, the offspring can be packaged in a

protective seed, which is used as an agent of dispersal.

In this chapter, we only study about sexual reproduction of plant. 1. FLOWER

Sexual reproduction in flowering plants centres around the flower. Within a

flower, there are usually structures that produce both male gametes and female

gametes. The flowering plants, also called the angiosperms, are seed plants that bear

flowers and fruits. Fruits come from flowers. Angiosperms, like all other land plants,

have an alternation of sporophyte (diploid) and gametophyte (haploid) generations,

but angiosperm gametophytes are very reduced (miniscule).The flower is a shoot with highly modified leafy structures borne at the enlarged tip, the receptacle.

Sterile parts

The non-reproductive structures of a flower are sepals and petals. The outermost

ring of parts is formed of sepals; all the sepals together are called the calyx. In lilies

and tulips there are three sepals. The sepals are often green and protect the flower in


however they can also be indistinguishable in some plants (including tulips and lilies).

The next inner ring of parts is comprised of petals. There are three petals in lilies and

tulips. All the petals together are called the corolla

Fertile parts

The reproductive structures include the stamen and the carpel. Next inwardly

are the stamens. Each stamen consists of an anther, made up of four pollen sacs

located at the tip, and a narrow stalk-like filament. Because the pollen grains ultimately produce sperm, stamens are associated with male reproductive function.

Remove a stamen from the flower. Cut open the anther with a razor or scalpel. When

pollen (the male gametophyte) is shed, it usually has two cells, one that divides to

produce two sperm, and one which directs the growth of the pollen tube. At the center

of the flower is the carpel.

Normally, the carpel has three regions: 1) the ovary, the ovulebearing basal section, 2) the style, the narrow midsection, and 3) the stigma, the sticky

pollen-collecting tip. The ovary contains one or more ovules that following pollination and

fertilization will form the seeds.


 Receptacle: supports flower

 Petal

The colorful, often bright part of the flower. They attract pollinators and are usually the reason why we buy and enjoy flowers.

 Sepal

The parts that look like little green leaves that cover the outside of a flower bud to protect the flower before it opens.

Male Parts

 Stamen

This is the male part of the flower. It is made up of the filament and anther, it is the pollen producing part of the plant. The number of stamen is usually the same as the number of petals.

 Pollen: male gamete- contains half the genetic information for the production of anew plant.

 Anther

This is the part of the stamen that produces and contains pollen. It is usually on top of a long stalk that looks like a fine hair.

 Filament flower. It is made up of the stigma, style, and ovary. Each pistil is flowers, it is the part of the pistil of a flower which receives the pollen

The part of the plant, usually at the bottom of the flower, that has the seeds inside and turns into the fruit that we eat. The ovary contains ovules. After fetilisation, the ovary swells to produce fruit

 Ovule


Floral variation

The flowering plants show great variation in floral structure. In particular there is variation in the number of sepals, petals, stamens, and

carpels. Their shape and color vary; sometimes one of the floral parts is

lacking; often floral parts are fused. Flowers also differ in their symmetry

and in production of nectar and scent.

Flowers that are radially symmetrical may be cut longitudinally in

many planes to form mirror-image halves. Bilaterally symmetrical flowers

may be cut longitudinally in only one plane to form mirror-image halves.

EXERCISE B Communicating

1. Based to the concept you have learned, label the following

structures in figure: receptacle, sepal, calyx, petal, corolla, stamen,


2. Identify a rose or hibiscus flower, and present to your partner each

particular part is missing from the flower mark the box as “not applicable” or “NA.” ovary, into the embryo sac. By the time the seed is mature, much of its food

will have been transported to a part of the embryo called the cotyledon.

If no pollination occurs, then plants will not be able to grow seeds,

and no other plants will be made. Flower pollen is produced and released

from an anther. Pollen is moved to another flower by the wind or animals.

Pollination takes place when pollen lands on the stigma of a plant. The

pollen travels down to the ovary and fertilizes ovules. Seeds will be formed. Mostly, plants rely on insects, such as bees, to take the pollen from


very important insect pollinators. Most of the time, both the bees, and

plants they visit, are benefited. The honey bee gets some food and the plant gets pollinated. When the bee visits the next flower, some of the pollen

brushes off onto the flower and if it sticks to the stigma of the flower,

pollination will take place. The bee does not make any effort to put the

pollen in the right place (Pollinator Book, 2008).

When a honey bee is collecting pollen from the anthers of a flower, it

puts the pollen in a special pollen basket on its hind legs. All that pollen

will be taken back to the hive. The honey bee is a messy gatherer of food, and some pollen gets stuck on the hairs of its body. Honey bees are very

important insect pollinators. Most of the time, both the bees, and plants

they visit, are benefited. The honey bee gets some food and the plant gets

pollinated. When the bee visits the next flower, some of the pollen brushes

off onto the flower and if it sticks to the stigma of the flower, pollination

will take place. The bee does not make any effort to put the pollen in the right place. When a honey bee is collecting pollen from the anthers of a

flower, it puts the pollen in a special pollen basket on its hind legs. All that

pollen will be taken back to the hive. The honey bee is a messy gatherer of

food, and some pollen gets stuck on the hairs of its body (Pollinator Book,


Pollen can also be transferred by vertebrates (animals with internal

skeletons), particularly by hummingbirds and other birds, and bats. But

also by monkeys, marsupials, lemurs, bears, rabbits, deer, rodents, lizards

and other animals. Bats are often the main pollinators of desert plants and

big trees in the tropics. They are also very important pollinators of many

fruit plants. Bat pollinated flowers are usually white or pale yellow in color

and open at night (Pollinator Book, 2008).

EXERCISE D Identifying

1. Flowers pollinated by _______________ usually have white or pale

colors. They open at night when they release a strong sweet smell.

Their petals are flat and bend back to give a hovering

___________enough room. Flowers pollinated by

_______________ usually are brightly colored and have no smell.

They often occur in clusters so that they form a landing platform. 2. Determine the example of plant that polen transferred by insect and


Answer :





After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

5. Raise a question about thermoregulation;

6. Define thermoregulation;

7. Define endothermy and ectothermy;

8. Interpret data about thermoregulation;

9. Applying concept about thermoregulation

The outer ears of the jackrabbit (Lepus alieni) are thin and remarkably large. They provide this hare with an acute sense of

hearing, a primary defense against predators. The ears also help

the jackrabbit shed excess heat. Blood flowing through each

ear's network of vessels transfers heat to the surrounding air. At

times, however, blood flow in the ear could be a liability. When


raising body temperature to dangerous levels. So how does a

big-eared jackrabbit survive in the midday desert heat? To answer this question, we need to look more closely at the

biological form, or anatomy, of the animal. Over the course of its

life, a jackrabbit faces the same fundamental challenges as any

other animal. All animals must obtain oxygen and nutrients,

fight off infection, and produce offspring. Given that they share

these basic requirements, why do species vary so enormously in

makeup, complexity, organization, and appearance? The answer is that natural selection favors, over many generations, the

variations appearing in a population that best meet the animal's

needs. The solutions to the challenges of survival vary among

environments and species, but for the jackrabbit and other

animals, they frequently result in a dose match of form to

function. Because form and function are correlated, examining anatomy often provides clues to physiology-biological function.

In the case ofthe jackrabbit, researchers noted that its large the rest of the body. When the air cools, blood flow resumes, and

the large ears again help release excess heat. Next, we will

discuss how animals regulate their internal environment, using

body temperature regulation to introduce and illustrate the


EXERCISE A RaisingQuestion

Based to the text, raise a question about the concept of ecology, and the find out what the answer is!

Question :


Answer :


Thermoregulation definition

Thermoregulation is the process by which animals maintain an internal temperature within a tolerable range. Thermoregulation is critical

to survival because most biochemical and physiological processes are very

sensitive to changes in body temperature. For every lOoC decrease in

temperature, the rates of most enzyme-mediated reactions decrease two-

to three fold. Increases in temperatures speed up reactions but cause some

proteins to become less active. For instance, the oxygen carrier molecule hemoglobin becomes less effective at binding oxygen as temperature

increases. Membranes can also change properties, becoming increasingly

fluid or rigid as temperatures rise or fall, respectively. Each animal species

has an optimal temperature range. Thermoregulation helps keep body

temperature within that optimal range, enabling cells to function

effectively even as the external temperature fluctuates (Campbell, 2012).

Endothermy and Ectothermy

Internal metabolism and the external environment provide the


endothermic, meaning that they are warmed mostly by heat generated

by metabolism. A few nonavian reptiles, some fishes, and many insect

species arealso mainly endothermic. In contrast, amphibians, lizards,

snakes, turtles, many fishes, and most invertebrates are mainly

ectothermic, meaning that they gain most of their heat from external

sources (Campbell, 2012).

Animals that are mainly endothermic are known as endotherms;

those that are mainly ectothermic are known as ectotherms. Keep in

mind, though, that endothermy and ectothermy are not mutually exclusive modes of thermoregulation. For example, a bird is mainly endothermic,

but it may warm itself in the sun on a cold morning, much as an

ectothermic lizard does. Endothermic animals can maintain stable body

temperatures even in the face of large environmental temperature

fluctuations. For example, few ectotherms are active in the below-freezing

weather that prevails during winter over much of Earth's surface, but many endotherms function very well in these conditions. It is showed in figure

below (Campbell, 2012).


In a cold environment, an endotherm generates enough heat to keep

its body substantially warmer than its surroundings. In a hot environment, endothermic vertebrates have mechanisms for cooling the body, enabling

them to withstand heat loads that are intolerable for most ectotherms

(Campbell, 2012).

Because their heat source is largely environmental, ectotherms

generally need to consume much less food than endotherms of equivalent

size-an advantage if food supplies are limited. Ectotherms also usually

tolerate larger fluctuations in their internal temperatures. Although ectotherms do not generate enough heat for thermoregulation, many

adjust body temperature by behavioral means, such as seeking out shade

or basking in the sun (See figure below). Overall, ectothermy is an effective

and successful strategy in most environments, as shown by the abundance

and diversity of ectothermic animals (Campbell, 2012).


EXERCISE B Analyzing

1. What if there is no thermoregulation mechanism in animal being?

Answer :




2. Human is one example of endothermic living things. Explain

this in how human get their heat and!

Answer :




Variation in Body Temperature

Animals can have either a variable or a constant body temperature. An animal whose body temperature varies with its environment is called a

poikilotherm (from the Greek poikilos, varied). In contrast, a homeotherm

has a relatively constant body temperature. For example, the largemouth

bass is a poikilotherm, and the river otter isa homeotherm. From the

descriptions of ectotherms and endotherms, it might seem that all

ectotherms are poikilothermic and all endotherms are homeothermic

(Campbell, 2012).

Actually, there is no fixed relationship between the source of heat

and the stability of body temperature. For example, many ectothermic


temperatures that their body temperature varies less than that

ofendotherms such as humans and other mammals. Conversely, the body temperature of a few endotherms varies considerably. For example, bats

and hummingbirds may periodically enter an inactive state in which they

maintain a lower body temperature. It is a common misconception that

ectotherms are "coldblooded~ and endotherms are "warm-blooded:'

Ectotherms do not necessarily have low body temperatures. In fact, when

sitting in the sun, many ectothermic lizards have higher body temperatures

than mammals. Thus, the terms cold-blooded and warm-blooded are misleading and have been dropped from the scientific

vocabulary(Campbell, 2012).

EXERCISE C Analyzing

1. Give 1 example of poikilotherm animal, explain how the animal

adapt to its environtment?

Answer :



2. Give 1 example of homeotherm animal, explain how the animal

adapt to its environtment?

Answer :




EXERCISE D Interpreting data

Based to the concept about Variation in Body Temperature, interpret the

graph about The relationship between body and environmental

temperatures in an aquatic temperature regulator and an aquatic

temperature conformer!


... ...


Balancing Heat loss and Gain

Thermoregulation depends on an animal's ability to control the

exchange of heat with its environment. Any organism, like any object,

exchanges heat by four physical processes: conduction, convection,


Radiation is the emission of electrmagnetic waves by all object

warmer than absolute zero. Radiation can transfer heat between object that are not in direct contact.

Evaporation is the removal of heat from the surface of a liquid that is

losing some ot its molecules of gas. Convection is the transfer of heat by

the movement of air or liquid past a surface. Conduction is the direct

transfer of thermal motion (heat) between molecules of object in direct

contact with each other (Campbell, 2012).

Heat is always transferred from an object of higher temperature

to one oflower temperature. The essence of thermoregulation is

maintaining rates of heat gain that equal rates of heat loss. Animals do this

through mechanisms that either reduce heat exchange overall or that favor

heat exchange in a particular direction. In mammals, several of these

mechanisms involve the integumentary system, the outer covering of the

body, consisting of the skin, hair, and nails (claws or hooves in some species).

A key organ of this system is the skin, which consists ofthe

epidermis and the dermis. The epidermis is the outermost layer of skin and

is composed mostly ofdead epithelial cells that continually flake and fall

off. New cells pushing up from lower layers replace the cells that are lost.

The inner layer, the dermis, contains hair follicles, oil and sweat glands,

muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. Beneath the skin lies the hypodermis, a layer of adipose tissue that includes fat-storing cells as well as blood



Apply the concept about exchange heat mechanism (conduction, convection, radiation, and evaporation) to this figure. Which arrow belong

to each concept?







Chapter IX



After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

10. define ecology and describe the major sub-disciplines: behavior,

population ecology, community ecology;

11. identify factor that determine geographic distribution;

12. identify biotic and abiotic factor;

13. define ecosystem;

14. define primary producer, primary consumer, secondary

consumer, and omnivory and be able to accurately identify these

in a food web;

15. read and interpret a food web diagram with multiple trophic

levels and how these interact using top-down and bottom-up


16. interpret food chains and food webs, and be able to locate a food

chain within a food web.


whales (Eschrichtius robustus) swim side by side on a remarkable

8,000-km journey. They are headed to the Arctic Ocean to feed on the crustaceans,tube worms, and other creatures that thrive there

in summer. A century ago, whaling had reduced the population to

only a few hundred individuals. Today, after 70 years of protection

from whaling, more than 20,000 travel to the Arctic each year.

Environmental factors determine the geographic distribution of

gray whales, or variations in their food supply affect to the size of

the gray whale population, are such things the subject of ecology (from the Greek oikos, home, and logos, to study), the scientific

study of the interactions between organisms and the environment

environment. These interactions occur at a hierarchy of scales that

ecologists study, from organismal to global (Campbell, 2012).

EXERCISE A RaisingQuestion

Based to the text, raise a question about the concept of ecology, and the find out what the answer is!

Question :


Answer :



Ecology is the science of the mutual interactions between organisms and their environments, and of interactions among organisms. These

interactions are enormously complex and the aspect of mutual

interdependence is highly important. Organisms don't just "make do" with


Table 1 shows how this system can be used to classify a human being.


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