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What Lies Behind Luxury Bedding


Academic year: 2017

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What Lies Behind Luxury Bedding Word Count:

350 Summary:

When people go shopping for the sheets of their dreams, most commonly they tend to judge fabrics by the number of threads by square inch...But is there any reason for this mad thread count? The vendors seem to believe so, or at least they seem to be very speculative with this, putting these sheets out on sale at quite high prices.


Discount luxury bedding, linens n things

Article Body:

When people go shopping for the sheets of their dreams, most commonly they tend to judge fabrics by the number of threads by square inch...But is there any reason for this mad thread count? The vendors seem to believe so, or at least they seem to be very speculative with this, putting these sheets out on sale at quite high prices.

But let us analyze the problem from another point of view. If luxury bedding is indeed an equation, with more than one variable, given that thread count really is one, of course, then people should judge it from the point of view of the methodology used to produce quality fabrics. Every one knows that there are two ways of producing fabric: one solution is to manufacture it, and the other is to let nature do it! Natural fabrics are the best of all and that is what prices in shops should reflect.

Luxury bedding nowadays means that the sheet has a very high number of threads, thus the fabric is said to be more pleasant to touch and feel. But this does not give any guarranties that chemicals weren´t involved in the whole process. Chemicals may give people the impression that the sheets are smooth and of qood quality, but this is only until the finishes wear off. All that remains behind them is poor quality fabric, that may harm your skin. Maybe the manufacturers have added several plies of fabric together to get a good score at thread count. Or maybe they just intended to give more durability to their fabrics. Nevertheless, many buyers fall in this trap every day. On the other hand, natural cotton is by far better than manufactured fabrics. Cotton allows skin to breathe. Another good choice when buying sheets is choosing biodegradable materials, that is if one wishes to have a silk feeling on the body while sleeping.

So thread count is not a way to judge good or bad sheets, but just a marketing trick that should not mislead customers anymore. Quality and comfort are measured in a different way.

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