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An Error Analysis On The Use Of Gerund To The Fourth Semester Students Of English Department Faculty Of Cultural Studies University Of Sumatera Utara In The Academic Year of 2012 2013


Academic year: 2017

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1.1. Background of the Study

Gerund is a verb form which ends in –ing and is used in a sentence like a noun. These verbal forms are often found in many sentences with

different functions such as subject, (direct) object, used after preposition, and

after possessive which often lead to some confusion. To know how the

verbals work, it is essential to understand their meaning and purpose.

Verbals in gerund are derived from verbs but function as a noun by

adding the suffix-ing to verbs. According to Allen (1974:177) the part of the

verb that ends in-ing has two very important functions: (1) It can have the

force of an adjective as well as that of a verb. We call this the present

participle, and (2) It can have the force of a noun as well as that of a verb. We

call this the gerund. Unfortunately, this actually causes errors and problems

due to not only the gerunds use verbs + ing in the sentence but also the

present participle. This is consistent with a statement of a thesis entitled

“Teaching Gerund to the Second Years Students of SMPN3 Peusangan by

Using the Five Finger Tehniques” (in www.kapabeujaya.wordpress.com website) which states that many students may get confused on gerund

because gerund has exactly the same form as the present participle. The same

form will also create errors if it is not properly understood. This idea is

supported by Damianus in his thesis “The Ability of the 2007 Year Students of English Literature Department, University of Sumatera Utara to


understanding about them can make serious problem especially in the case of

the use of English grammatical structure correctly.

Lack of understanding of the verb + ing form that can be used either

as gerund or as present participlemay cause errors in its use. It will lead to a

different understanding of the meaning between the speaker and listener in a

communication. This means that the use of language and its message delivery

is not achieved well. Sapir (1949:7) says that language is purely human and

non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desire by

means of system of voluntarily produced symbols.

There are some results of previous studies on the use of gerund to

students stating that the rate of student errors in using gerund is still high. The

research conducted by Damianus to the students of English Department of

USU in 2007 states that they made error about 37.98% and the error analysis

on the use of gerund research conducted by Arjati to the students of English

literature of UNNES in 2007 also found that many students make errors in the

use of gerund. The error rate in each type of gerund ranged 16% to 69%. The

results of the researchs above show that there are still many students who do

not understand the use of the gerund so that they still make many errors.

In addition, to determine whether there are still many learners who

do not understand the use of gerund, the writer had conducted a preliminary

research on January 26th, 2013 to the fourth semester students of English

Department in the academic year of 2012/2013. The writer chose them as

objects of research since they had learned gerund in semester 3 (three) and


preliminary research, the writer took twenty students as sample and data were

obtained by giving them test. The test is completion test consisting of 60

questions, 39 questions of gerund and 21 questions of other English

structures, so that the students must complete the blank in the sentence by

changing verb in bracket into the correct gerund form. The completion test is

arranged randomly.

In the preliminary research, the writer found that many learners still

made errors in the use of gerund. The writer checked their answer and the

result showed that 50% students get correct answer under 60 (poor-enough)

and 50% students get above 60 (good-very good). It means that many of the

students do not understand how to use gerund. For example, many learners

make error in answering these two following questions in the preliminary test.

1. Avoid ... (make) silly mistakes.

→ Avoid making silly mistakes.

2. I am looking forward to ... (get) a salary arise next month.

→ I am looking forward to getting a salary arise next month.

There are 70% of 20 students made errors or in other words, as many as 14

learners make errors in completing them. The first question is a gerund

functioning as a direct object and the second is gerund after preposition.

There are many types of errors made by the learners such as the addition of

affixes "s", "ed", the use of "to" or modal "will".

Based on the previous studies and the results of the preliminary


continuing research on the use of the gerund of the fourth semester students

of English Department in the academic year of 2012/2013.

Errors made by the learners in the process of learning English

because English is the second language in Indonesia. As a second language,

learners have to study hard to understand the sentence structures that are very

different from those Indonesian sentence structures.

Second Language Acquisition may refer to any language that is

learned by learners after they have mastered their mother tongue (first

language). Our mother tongue is Indonesian language while other language

that we want to learn is called Second Language. Ellis (1985:5) says that

Second Language Acquisition is the study of how learners learn an additional

language after they have acquired their mother tongue. There are generally

found errors when learners learn the second language, for every language has

its rule that is different to other languages. It has been proved in the

preliminary test resulted that many of the learners made errors.

There are several definitions of errors according to experts. Ellis

defines that errors reflect the gaps in a learner’s knowledge. They occur because the learner does not know what is correct. It is caused the learners do

not have the capability of understanding the structure of a language. This

understanding is almost the same with the definition of error proposed by


The behaviorists defines that errors occur as the learners get the wrong

teaching method so that they cannot use the language correctly.

The occurrence of errors in learning or using a second language is

normal. Learners are still soldered on the use of first language, so they do not

know which ones are correct to use. The occurrence of errors in the process of

learning is a process of mastering second language because of the presence of

the errors, learners can analyze and correct them. Strevens (1969) in

Richards (1974:4) hypothesized that errors should not be viewed as problems

to be overcome, but rather as normal and inevitable indicating the strategies

that learners use. He conjectured that if a regular pattern of errors could be

observed in the performance of all learners in a given solution and if a learner

were seen to progress through this pattern, his errors could be taken as

evidence not of failure but success and achievement in learning.

In second language acquisition is found the term of error analysis

that has a meaning of investigating the errors in second language learning by

collecting and describing samples made by language learners. In other words,

this is a procedure to analyze the errors in the language learning process to be

known and corrected by using several ways of analyzing. Ellis (1985:296)

states that errors analysis is a procedure used by both researcher and teacher.

It involves collecting samples of learner’s language, identifying the error in sample, describing these errors, classifying them according to their

hypothesized causes, and evaluating their seriousness. Susan and Selinker

(2008:517) say that error analysis is a procedure for analyzing second

language data that begins with the errors learners make and then attempts to


There is a close relationship between an error analysis on the use of

gerund and second language acquisition, that is gerund is one of English

structure features and English is the first foreign language (second language)

in Indonesia that must be learned by Indonesian students. In the process of

learning gerund, many learners make errors and it is a normal case because it

is the process for the learners to acquire the second language.

To find out why the learners could make errors, a research about the

error must be done. There are several types of errors that were dictated by

experts. According to Ellis (1997:15), there are four kinds of errors: (1)

Omission is the error of leaving item that is required for an utterance to be

considered grammatical, (2) misinformation is the error of using one

grammatical form in place of another grammatical form, (3) misordering is

the error of putting the words in an utterance in the wrong order, and (4)

overgeneralization is the error of using over grammatical form in an


1.2. Problem of the Study

Learners may make errors when they use English language, especially on the

use of gerund, which is one of the English structure forms. Dealing with the

matters and based on the background above, the writer has formulated the

problems of the study as follows:

1. What kinds of error on the use of gerund are made by the 2012/2013 fourth

semester students of English Literature of Faculty of Cultural Studies of


2. What are the causes and the sources of the errors on the use of gerund

made by the 2012/2013 fourth semester students of English Literature of

Faculty of Cultural Studies of USU.

3. What kind of error on the use of gerund is the most dominant made by the

2012/2013 fourth semester students of English Literature of Faculty of

Cultural Studies of USU.

1.3. Objective of the Study

Mastering a language properly and correctly takes a lot of time as learner of

language needs to know the system of the language. One is dealing with the

grammatical system of grammar and usage.

Based on the explanation above, the writer can describe the objectives of the

study are as follows:

1. To find out kinds of error on the use of gerund are made by the

2012/2013 fourth semester students of English Literature of Faculty of

Cultural Studies of USU.

2. To find out the causes and the sources of errors on the use of gerunds

made by the 2012/2013 fourth semester students of English Literature of

Faculty of Cultural Studies of USU.

3. To find out the kinds of error on the use of gerund is the most dominant

made by the 2012/2013 fourth semester students of English Literature of


1.4. Scope of the Study

In each form of English grammar has its own formula, such as the use of

gerund. Gerund is divided into several types and each type has certain

requirements in its use that the learners might make errors in using it.

According to the explanation above, the writer limits the research related to

the use of gerund such as gerund as subject, gerund as (direct) object, gerund

as subjective complement, gerund as object of preposition, gerund a fter

possessive adjective, and Gerund used in the Negative Adjective in the

2012/2013 forth semester students of English Literature of Faculty of Cultural

Studies of USU.

1.5. The Significance of the Study

The errors on the use of the gerund sometimes are predictable but sometimes

not. The kinds of error were made also varied; therefore, it is very important

to have a better method to avoid making errors.

By doing this research, the writer hopes the result is useful to provide:

1. Input to the readers generally and especially for students of English

Literature in order they become more careful in using gerund.

2. Information about the kinds of error on the use of gerund and as a

consideration matery in teaching and learning gerund especially in English

Literature Department.

3. Guidance on the use of gerund to motivate learners to be more seriously


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