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Draft Gold Daily 250118


Academic year: 2018

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Please carefully read the important disclosures at the end of this publication.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Gold Daily

Brought to you by Phillip Futures Pte Ltd (A member of PhillipCapital)

Gold Benchmark

Gold prices continue to strengthen amidst Euro zone


Market Overview

Spot Gold closed at

1358.46 on Wednesday 25/01/18 with a 1.24% gain against Tuesday


closing price

. EU Markit Flash PMI release of 58.6(58.1 in December) gave further strength to

gold prices as the precious etal dovetailed o the Euro’s vigour i charti g levels. The

European Union is forecasted to deliver fastest growth seen in the last 12 years amidst lower

unemployment results and higher consumer confidence.

Gold prices continue to receive support from a feeble dollar plagued by geopolitical fears of a

US tariff war and positive results from the EU. (See technical chart below)

Daily Market Commentaries

Key performance indicators to monitor and observe for gold pricing trends

ECB Press Conference

January 2018

Market has been unanimous on forecasts for a monetary policy status quo in the coming

months by the European Central Bank .

No major change is expected as the ECB will be

looking to reach inflationary target of 2% before enforcing on monetary policy tightening in

the economy. However, market bulls will be sieving through the

ECB’s i u

tes for any

indication of a stronger Euro in the near term..

US Unemployment Claims

January 2018

A Reuters poll conducted has reflected a 20K increase in unemployment claim applicants as

compared to previous release

. Although labour market has been tight in the US ,the amount

is projected to rise with natural disaster claimnants (Puerto Rico) increasing headcount. (See

diagram 1.1 on estimates below)

Daily Market Assessment

The greenback has suffered in the recent term due to a myriad of macroeconomic and

geopolitical factors.

Gold prices strengthen substantially and further received support from

stronger performance in G10 currencies.

Today’s Outlook



We forecast for a gentle ascension in Gold prices today with weaker economic data from the

US and stronger Euro performance underpinning it.

Get today’s a alysis o


fundamentals and pricing action on

the first page of the report.




Trend Analysis for Gold


Chart type:

Phillip Futures MetaTrader 5 Spot Gold (XAUUSD) Pricing Chart

Weekly Chart

Pricing levels broke key resistance point of 1357.42 last night .

Technical patterns indicate for an over-buying in product as of

current time


Stochastic Oscillators are forming a slight curve in the momentum indicator from an early upward ascension in chart

movement. We might see a gentle retracement in the earlier part of the day due to current conditions.

Market will be looking a the next psychological resistance level as stated below.

Key Resistance Level: 1374.59




Key Economic Indicators





Previous Month


Davos World







ECB Press






US Unemployment








Diagram 1.1

US Initial Jobless Claim





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