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Academic year: 2017



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Anggi Anggraini Reg. Number 4103332011

Bilingual Chemistry Education Study Programme


Submitted to Fulfill The Requirement for Getting The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan





Anggi Anggraini was born in Kabanjahe on June 9th, 1992. Father’s name is H. Mansyur and mother’s name is Hj. N. Rangkuti. The writer is the fifth child of five brotherhood. In 1998 writer was accepted to primary school, SD Negeri 06087 Medan

and graduated on 2004. On 2004, writer was entrance primary school in SMP Negeri 37

Medan and graduated on 2007. On 2007, writer was entrance senior high school in

SMA N 3 Medan and graduated on 2010. On august 2010, writer continued her study in

Bilingual Chemistry Education Study Programme, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural




Thankful to Allah S.W.T., The Almighty God, for all the graces and

blessing that provide health and wisdom to the author to compose this thesis well

and accordance with the planned time.

The tittle of this thesis is The Implementation of STAD Type of

Cooperative Learning With Multimedia Based on Computer To Foster Teamwork

and Increase Achievement of Student In Redox Reaction Topic, conducted in

SMAN 3 Medan, SMA Laksamana Martadinata and SMA Krakatau Medan in

academic year 2013/2014. This thesis is arranged to obtain the degree of Sarjana

Pendidikan in Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural

Sciences, State University of Medan.

The author convey gratitude to late Prof. Dr. Suharta, M.Si (Alm) as my

thesis supervisor and continued by Prof. Dr. Ramlan Silaban, M.Si as my thesis

supervisor who had provided guidance, support and suggestion since the

beginning until the completion in writing the thesis. The author also give thanks to

Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc., Ph.D, Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si, and Drs.

Jamalum Purba, M.Si, as an evaluator committe who has provided suggestions for

the completion of thesis. The thank also gives to Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc., Ph.D,

Dean of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, State University of Medan

and also thanks to Prof. Dr.rer.nat, Binari Manurung, M.Si as Coordinator of

Bilingual Programme, their advices and other necessary administrative.

I also give thanks to Prof. Dr. Albinus Silalahi, M.S, as the academic

supervisor who always guided the author during the lecture and all lecturers in

Chemistry Department FMIPA UNIMED who helped the author. The author also

present thanks to Principal of SMAN 3 Medan, Drs. Sahlan Daulay, M.Pd,

Principal of SMA Laksamana Martadinata, Dr. Ir. H. Suditama, MT, and Principal

of SMA Krakatau, Drs. Edi Siswanto and all chemistry teachers in the schools

who helped the author during the observation and research in SMAN 3 Medan,


Greatfull thanks to Allah S.W.T. because gives me best parent, H.

Mansyur and Hj. N. Rangkuti, who caring, raising and educating me with love

and affection. Thanks for the prayer, motivation and sacrifice of my parent so I

can complete Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) from State University of Medan. Thanks

also for my beloved sisters and brother, Rina Nurmaningsih, A.Md, Sri Rahayu,

A.Md, Juli Meliza, S.Pd., M.Si and M. Raja Mulia, S.H, who give me support and

motivation until the completion of this thesis. The authors also express thanks to

best friends, Ilmi Fadhilah Rizki, Shofiyah, Rudi Purwanto, and my thesis team,

Fenny Rizky Amelia and Ervi Luthfi Sheila Wani Lubis and also big family of

CESP 2010, thanks for your support, help, motivation and friendship. Thanks also

gives to Reza Adriansyah, who always gives help, motivation and support to the

author in completing the thesis. Thanks for people who involved in the process of

writing until completion of this thesis.

The author tried maximal effort in the completion of the thesis, but the

author is aware of there are many weakness in terms of both content and

grammar. Author hope the suggestions and constructive critism from readers for

completeness the thesis perfectly. At least, author hopes this thesis can be useful

to enrich the reader in science education.

Medan, July17th, 2014


Anggi Anggraini






ANGGI ANGGRAINI (4103332011)


The objectives of this research are: (1) to know the chemistry student’s achievement that taught by cooperative learning STAD type and direct instruction, (2) to investigate whether the student’s achievement taught by cooperative learning STAD type with multimedia based on computer is significant higher than student’s achievement taught by direct instruction, (3) to investigate how many percent of student’s teamwork character that can be fostered by using cooperative learning STAD type, (4) to investigate the effectiveness of cooperative learning STAD type with multimedia based on computer compare with direct instruction to increase student’s achievement.

This research was done in SMAN 3 Medan, SMA Laksamana Martadinata and SMA Krakatau in Medan. The population is all student X grade in SMAN 3 Medan, SMA Laksamana Martadinata and SMA Krakatau in Medan. The samples are 6 classes which taken 2 classes of each selected schools choosed randomly. The sample classes devided into experiment class use cooperative learning STAD type and control class use direct instruction. The research instruments are achievement test and observation sheet. The achievment test is pretest and posttest, the mean of pretest in experiment class is 24,111 and in control class is 20,611. The posttest in experiment class is 78.056 and in control class is 65.611. Both of instrument have been validated by expert about the content. The achievement test is used to measure the increasing of student’s achievement and observation sheet is used to measure the foster of student’s teamwork character. The research data is analysed by using SPSS 16.0 for Windows.




Agreement Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

List of Content vi

List of Figure ix

List of Table x

List of Appendix xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Reseach Background 1

1.2. Scope of The Study 5

1.3. Problem Identification 5

1.4. Problem Formulation 5

1.5. Research Objective 6

1.6. Research Benefit 6

1.7. Operational Defenition 7

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Cooperative Learning 8

2.1.1. STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) 10

2.2. Direct Instruction 12

2.3. Learning Media 15

2.4. Character Education 17

2.4.1. Teamwork Character 19

2.5. Learning and Learning Outcome 21

2.6. Material of Reduction and Oxidation Reaction 22



2.6.2. The Development Concept of Redox Reaction 23

2.6.3. Oxidation Number 24

2.6.4. Nomenclature of Compound Based on IUPAC Rule 25

2.7. Conceptual Thingking 26

2.8. Hypothesis 27

2.8.1. Verbal Hypothesis 28

2.8.2. Statistic Hypothesis 28


3.1. Location and Time of Research 29

3.2. Population and Sample 29

3.3. Research Variable 30

3.3.1. Independent Variable 30

3.3.2. Dependent Variable 30

3.3.3. Control Variable 30

3.4. Research Instrument 30

3.5. Research Design 33

3.6. Research Procedure 35

3.7. Test of Research Instrument 37

3.7.1. Validity Test 37

3.7.2. Reliability Test 37

3.7.3. Difficulty Index 38

3.7.4. Discriminating Power 38

3.7.5. Destructor Index 39

3.8. Technic of Data Analysis 39

3.8.1. Normality Test 40

3.8.2. Homogeneity Test 40

3.8.3. Normalized Gain 40

3.8.4. The Increase of Student’s Achievement 40

3.8.5. The Foster of Teamwork Character of Student 41


3.9. Hypothesis Test 41


4.1. Description of School Samples 42

4.2. The Cooperative Learning STAD Type in Redox Reaction Topic 42

4.3. The Analysis of Research Instrument 46

4.3.1. Validity Test 46

4.3.2. Reliability Test 47

4.3.3. Difficulty Index 47

4.3.4. Dicriminating Power 47

4.3.5. Destructor Index 47

4.4. Data of Research 48

4.5. Analysis of Research Data 52

4.5.1. Normality Test 52 Normality Test of Student’s Teamwork Character 52 Normality Test of Student’s Achievement 53

4.5.2. Homogeneity test 53 Homogeneity Test of Student’s Achievement 53

4.5.3. Hyphothesis Test 54

4.5.4. The Percentage of Effectiveness 55

4.6. Discussion 55


5.1. Conclusion 59

5.2. Suggestion 59





Table 2.1. Syntax of STAD Type of Cooperative Learning 11

Table 2.2. Syntax of Direct Instruction 14

Table 3.1. Description of School Samples 29

Table 3.2. The Specification of Evaluation Test 31

Table.3.3. The Specification of Observation Sheet 32

Table 3.4. Research Design 33

Table 4.1. Description of STAD in Redox Reaction Topic 43

Table 4.2. Data of Student’s Teamwork Character 48

Table 4.3. Data of Student’s Achievement in Experiment Class 49

Table 4.4. Data of Student’s Achievement in Control Class 49

Table 4.5. Description of Posttest Score 50

Table 4.6. Gain of Student’s Achievement 51

Table 4.7. Relation between Character and Achievement 51

Table 4.8. Result of Normality Test of Student’s Teamwork Character 52

Table 4.9. Result of Normality Test of Student’s Achievement 53

Table 4.10. Result of Homogeneity Test of Student’s Achievement 54




Figure 2.1. The Edgar Dale’s Cone of Learning 15

Figure 3.1. Research Design of Student Achievement 34





Appendix 1. Syllabus 64

Appendix 2a. Lesson Plan of Experiment Class 70

Appendix 2b. Lesson Plan of Control Class 87

Appendix 3a. Instrument Analysis Before Validation 103

Appendix 3b. Instrument Analysis After Validation 115

Appendix 4a. Instrument Test Before Validation 127

Appendix 4b. Instrument Test After Validation 134

Appendix 5a. Answer Key Before Validation 138

Appendix 5b. Answer Key After Validation 139

Appendix 6. Learning Media 140

Appendix 7. Observation Sheet 145

Appendix 8. Table of Instrument Validation 146

Appendix 9. Result of Validity Test 147

Appendix 10. Table of Instrument Reliability 150

Appendix 11. Result of Reliability Test 152

Appendix 12. Calculation of Difficulty Index 153

Appendix 13. Calculation of Discriminating Power 154

Appendix 14. Calculation of Destructor Index 156

Appendix 15. Data of Research 158

Appendix 16. Data of Student’s Teamwork Character 164

Appendix 17. Analysis of Student’s Teamwork Character 168

Appendix 18. Relation between Student’s Teamwork and Achievement 171

Appendix 19. Normality Test 174

Appendix 20. Homogeneity Test 181

Appendix 21. Hyphothesis Test 183

Appendix 22. Calculation of Gain and Effectiveness Percentage 184

Appendix 23. Research Schedule 185



1.1. Research Background

Education is a pillar of country development. The quality of education

determine the quality of a nation. Sardjoko (2013) said that based on the United

Nation Development Program 2011, the Human Development Index of Indonesia

is in 128 rank from 187 country which is surfey with 0,67 percent index. The

education quality of Indonesia is low. The index of education quality is 14,8

percent while Singapore and Malaysia is 28 and 33 percent. This is proved by a

lot of unemployment man due to the defeat in competitive job. In micro size, the

education quality is effected by the teacher quality and education system itself.

Education in school is depend on the success in learning process. The

successof teaching and learning is determined by approach of the teacher to the

student. In senior high school, chemistry is one of subject teached. Based on

Situmorang (2009), the difficulties in studying chemistry related with its

characteristic, where the characteristics are: (1) A number of chemistry has

abstraction characteristics. (2) Chemistry was asimplificaton from in fact. (3)

Characteristics of chemistry are successive and develop quickly. (4) Chemistry

not only problem solving. Problem solving consists of numbers (numeric

problem) that has important partin chemistry learning. But also have to describe

such as chemistry facts, chemistry laws, chemistry terms and others. (5) The

materials which is studied in chemistry very much. One of chemistry subject in X

grade at even semester is redox reaction. The redox concept is the material with

abstract characteristic, factual and need an advance comprehension. To learn this

subject also need skill and logical reasoning of student (Wiwit, 2012). Teachers

perceive redox as one of the most difficult topics to teach and research has shown

that school students have difficulties in conceptualising redox reactions. Jong and

Treagust (1995) suggested that students regard oxidation and reduction as

independent reactions; they have problems with the meaning and assignment of



agents. Soudani et al. (2000) found that students have difficulties in using a

theoretical knowledge of redox to interpret everyday phenomena. All of these

problems make student hard to understand in learning topic of the redox reaction.

As an ussual phenomenon in school, the observation result of teaching and

learning activity in SMAN 3 Medan shown same problem of student. The student

achievement in chemistry subject is relatively low (lower than standard pass of

exam). There is no variation in teaching and learning process. The class is always

start by teacher explain the material, give example and then give homework for

student. Teacher also rarely use media in teaching thus student only listen to the

teacher explanation. This make student has no interaction with friends nor teacher

in increasing the comprehension of topic learned and not develop the character of


In Law No. 20 Year 2003 about National Education System at section 3

stated that national education is used to develop ability and form character and

prestige nation culture in developing national intellectual life. According to the

function mentioned, the purpose of national education is to develop the potential

of student become faithfull man to God The One, noble character, healthy,

educated, capable, creative, independent and democratic citizen and also

responsible. The content of National Education Purpose imply that education will

create intelligence of intellectual, emotional, spiritual, social and kinesthetics. The

National Education has noble purpose to student individual, those are developing

educated personal, increasing technical competency, developing strong

personality and forming strong character, and creating perfect human and prestige

life (Suharta, 2012).

In supporting the national education system, curriculum need to make the

system effective. Curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the

purpose, content, and teaching materials and methods used to guide the

organization of learning activities to achieve specific educational objectives (Law

number 20 year 2003). In Farisi (2012) curriculum experts considers that the

curriculum has a strategic position and influence in the overall educational


in the educational process, as the design process and outcomes, and center of

education. In this position, it is not an exaggeration to say that the process and

educational outcomes are controlled, regulated, and assessed based on the criteria

contained in curriculum. In development country, curriculum need to be

developed. Based on the functions and objectives of the national education, the

curriculum development must be rooted in the national culture, national life today,

and the life of the nation in the future. Curriculum 2013 is developed curriculum

which is centered on the needs, requirements, and interests of learners and the

environment. Competency-based curriculum model is characterized by the

development of competence in the form of attitudes, knowledge, thinking skills,

and psychomotor skills are packaged in a variety of subjects.

One of competence development is the teamwork character. According to

Suharta (2012) a teamwork action undertaken together with along with mutual

understanding, mutual respect, and help each other so that it looks unity and

compactness. This collaboration skill is necessary because humans are social

creatures who need others to help each other, and helping each other can be done

if there is always collaboration among individuals. According to Johnson (1975)

teamwork is working together within the group to reach the group goal. This will

promote interpersonal processes that will generally improve the quality of

classroom life and increase the enjoyment and productiveness of both the teacher

and students.

In improving the teamwork character and student achievement, researcher

implement the cooperative learning of STAD (Student Teams Achievement

Divisions) type to increase the activity and interaction of student through teaching

and learning process. In Kunandar (2007) STAD type is developed by Robert

Slavin at all from John Hopkins University. This is the most simple model and

widely use in cooperative learning. This model is used to teach new academic

information to student through verbal or non verbal. Students are assigned to

four-member learning teams that are mixed in performance level, gender, and ethnicity.

The teacher presents a lesson, and then students work within their teams to make



process, there is quiz to identify the student understanding. This model will

increase the learning outcome, that are teamwork and student achievement.

Felder (2004) doing analysis of 39 studies of small-group learning in

science, mathematics, engineering, and technology courses and cooperative

learning gives positive effect (d=0.51) on achievement (sufficient to move student

from 50th percentile to 70th percentile on a standardized test). Research by

Pradiyanti (2013) prove the effectiveness of STAD. The pre test of cognitive

learning result is 41 and the post test is 86. The N-gain of cognitive learning result

is 0.78. This mean STAD gives positive effect in learning efectivity. Study done

by Majoka (2010) prove the effectiveness of STAD also. The classroom

observation indicated that the students of experimental group were engaged in

learning at a higher level as compared to the counterpart students of control group.

Furthermore, the experimental group outscored significantly the control group on

posttest showing the obvious supremacy of cooperative learning over traditional

method of teaching. Hence, ultimate result of the study indicated that STAD was

more effective instructional paradigm as compared to the traditional method of

teaching. Due to its provision for higher learning engagement, it proved to be an

active learning strategy.

Besides the using of model, the increasing of learning outcome can be

supported by using of media. According to Munadi (2008), media in outline is

human especially teacher but not only it, anything that create to deliver the

learning message is learning media. Specifically, the definition of media in

teaching and learning process is graphic tools, photograph, or electronic to get,

process, and rearrange the visual and verbal information. Media is a part of

teaching and learning process to reach the educational purpose generally and

learning purpose in school specifically. To provide more information from media,

multimedia based on computer is used in this research. Multimedia has ability to

combine all media elements, for example text, presentation, video, animation,

image, graph, sound and develop the learning material become more efficient and


Based on the background described, researcher interest to do the research

entitled : ”The Implementation of Cooperative Learning STAD Type With Multimedia Based on Computer To Foster Teamwork and Increase Student’s Achievement in Redox Reaction Topic”.

1.2. Scope of The Study

To focus on the problem, so the scope of this study are :

1. The subject taught in this research was chemistry on redox reaction topic

2. The teaching models were cooperative learning STAD (Student Teams

Achievement Divisions) type and direct instruction

3. The media was multimedia based on computer

4. The research result to be measured were student’s teamwork character and student’s achievement

5. The research object was student X grade in SMAN 3 Medan, SMA

Laksamana Martadinata and SMA Krakatau

1.3. Problem Identification

According to the research background above, the problem identification can

be devided into some points :

1. Redox reaction is difficult topic for student, because it is about

conceptual understanding and need retention of student

2. Learning model and media used in learning process is not suitable with

the redox reaction topic as abstract concept

3. Teamwork character of student is not improve yet through learning


4. Student achievement in chemistry relatively low

1.4. Problem Formulation

According to the problem identification and scope of study above, the



1. How the chemistry student’s achievement that taught by cooperative

learning STAD type and direct instruction?

2. Is the student’s achievement taught by cooperative learning STAD

type with multimedia based on computer is significant higher than

student’s achievement taught by direct instruction?

3. How many percent of the student’s teamwork character that can be

fostered by using cooperative learning STAD type?

4. How the effectiveness of cooperative learning STAD type with

multimedia based on computer compare with direct instruction to increase student’s achievement?

1.5. Research Objective

Based on the problem identified, the objectives of this reseach are :

1. To know the chemistry student’s achievement that taught by

cooperative learning STAD type and direct instruction

2. To investigate whether the student’s achievement taught by

cooperative learning STAD type with multimedia based on computer

is significant higher than student’s achievement taught by direct


3. To investigate how many percent of the student’s teamwork character

that can be fostered by using cooperative learning STAD type

4. To investigate the effectiveness of cooperative learning STAD type

with multimedia based on computer compare with direct instruction to

increase student’s achievement

1.6. Research Benefit

The benefit of this research are :

1. Benefit for student

Give chance for student to have different experience in learning, thus

student can optimalized the character, especially teamwork character


2. Benefit for teacher

Give alternative teaching model and media to increase student

achievement and develop student teamwork during the learning


3. Benefit for researcher

Give experience in apply the model and media in teaching process

1.7. Operational Definition

Some operational definition in this research are :

1. Redox reaction is a topic given in X grade at even semester discuss

about the oxidation number concept, reduction and oxidation reaction,

compound nomenclature and redox reaction application in daily life

2. STAD is Student Teams achievement Divisions, a type of cooperative

learning model developed by Robert Slavin et all

3. Multimedia based on computer is media that can combine all media

elements, for example text, presentation, video, animation, image,

graph and sound (Munadi, 2008)

4. Teamwork is actions undertaken together with along with mutual

understanding, mutual respect, and help each other so that it looks

unity and compactness (Suharta, 2012)

5. Student achievement is result of interaction teaching and learning. For

teacher, teaching activity closed by evaluation of achievement and for

student, achievement is result of learning activity (Dimyanti and





5.1. Conclusion

Based on the research result in the discussion obtained the conclusions as


1. The mean of student’s chemistry achievement that taught by cooperative

learning STAD type with multimedia based on computer is better (86.67%

pass the KKM) compare with student’s chemistry achievement that taught by

direct instruction (63.33% pass the KKM).

2. The student’s achievement taught by cooperative learning STAD type with

multimedia based on computer is significant higher (sig=0.000) than student’s

achievement taught by direct instruction.

3. The cooperative learning STAD type with multimedia based on computer can

foster (45.80 %) the student’s teamwork character.

4. The effectiveness of cooperative learning STAD type with multimedia based

on computer is effective to increase student’s achievement (20.51%) compare

with direct instruction.

5.2. Suggestion

From the result of research have been discussed, there are some of

suggestion had to be raised, such as:

1. It is suggested for chemistry teachers to use STAD type of cooperative

learning multimedia based on computer as an alternative teaching model in

order to foster teamwork of student and increase achievement of student on

redox reaction topic.

2. It is suggested for the other researcher to do the next research about STAD

type of cooperative learning multimedia based on computer the with another

topic in chemistry or the other subject matter as an effort to increase


Figure 2.1.
Table of Instrument Validation


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