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Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "TEACHING TECHNIQUES USED BY TUTORS IN ENGLISH TUTORIAL PROGRAM AT MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF SURAKARTA Teaching Techniques Used By Tutor In English Tutorial Program At Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta."


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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting the Bachelor Degree of Education in English Department











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Accepted by the Board of Examiner School of Teacher Training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta on October, 2016

The Board of Examiners:

1. Mauly Halwat Hikmat Ph. D (……..……..) (Ketua Dewan Penguji)

2. Aryati Prasetyarini S.Pd., M.Pd. (………) Member 1

3. Dwi Harjanti Dra. M.Hum., Dr. (……….) Member 2


NIP. 19650428199303001



I am the researcher, signed the statement below:

Name : Ega Prasetya

NIM : A320120091

Study Program : Department of English Education




Herewith, I testify that there is no plagiarism in this research paper. As far as I know, there

is no literary work which has been raised to obtain bachelor degrees of university. Nor there are

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Hence, later, if it is proven that there are some untrue statements in this

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Surakarta, 12 Oktober 2016

The Researcher





Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi teknik yang digunakan tutor, tujuan dari teknik yang digunakan dan peran tutor dalam proses belajar mengajar di English Tutorial Program (ETP) UMS. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah kelas DD dari FEB UMS. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif untuk menganalisis data. Objek dari penelitian ini adalah teknik pengajaran yang digunakan oleh tutor dalam English Tutorial Program (ETP) UMS. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumupulkan data yang kredibel dalam penelitian ini adalah interview, observasi dan dokumentasi. Kemudian analisis data menggunakan model Miles and Huberman, yaitu reducing the data, data display dan verification of the data. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa tutor menggunakan beberapa teknik mengajar dalam proses belajar mengajar. Teknik yang digunakan adalah lecturing, role play, dan giving assignment. Teknik yang berbeda menunjukkan tujuan yang berbeda dari pencapaian yang diharapkan. Lecturing digunakan untuk membuat siswa lebih mudah dalam memahami materi yang mereka belum pernah ketahui sebelumnya. Role play digunakan untuk membuat siswa mengalami sendiri apa yang telah mereka pelajari. Peran tutor dalam proses belajar mengajar berdasarkan teknik yang digunakan adalah sebagai pengontrol, komentator, instruktur konsultan dan sebagai penilai.

Keywords: Techniques, English Tutorial Program (ETP), purpose, roles


This research aims at identifying techniques used by tutor, the purpose of the techniques used and tutor’s roles in teaching learning process in English Tutorial Program (ETP) UMS. This research is descriptive research. The subjects of this research are students of Class DD of FEB UMS. The object of the study is teaching techniques used by tutors in English Tutorial Program (ETP) UMS. Method used to collect the credible data in this research is interview, observation, and documentation. Then, the data analyzed used Miles and Huberman model, that are reducing data, data display and verification of the data.The result shows that tutors used several techniques in teaching learning process. The techniques used are lecturing, role play and giving assignment. Different techniques show different purposes of the expected achievement. Lecturing is used to make students easier in understanding the material they’ve never know. Role play is used to make students experience what they have learned by themselves. Tutor’s roles in teaching learning process based on the techniques used are as controller, commentator, instructor, consultant and assessor.



English Tutorial Program (ETP) is additional program proposed to develop students’ skill

of English, especially in speaking skill. English Tutorial Program (ETP) is held in UMS firstly

in 2015. All students of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS) should join English

Tutorial Program (ETP) at the beginning of their study in UMS. The tutors of this program are

students who have been tested by LPIDB. The tutors are students come from varied field of

study of UMS. The backgrounds standing behind the writing of this research are writer’s

curiosities about the techniques used by tutor in teaching learning process, tutor’s roles and the

purpose of using certain techniques while the tutor are still standing as students. The purpose

of this research is to find out the techniques and purpose and tutor’s role in order to answer my

curiosities. Knowing techniques of teaching is very important because it will lead us to the

result of the learning process. I find several previous studies which have some similarities.

They are Aisyah Rolitasari and Agus Susilo Dwi Prasetyo. Aisyah Rolitasari conducted

research Entitled “Communication Strategy Used by English Department Students of

Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta: A Case Study in Saturday English Gathering (Sega)

Program”. SEGA is additional program. It is like ETP. The students both ETP and SEGA are

new students. But the difference is SEGA is only held in English Department, but ETP is held

in University range. The tutors are just the same. They are students who have been tested.

Aisyah Rolitasari identify the communication strategies used by students in Saturday English

Gathering (SEGA). She analyzes the data which entail 30 students. The result of her research

shows that the techniques used by students are fillers with 37,26%, non-linguistic means and

restructuring with 0,62%. The second research is conducted by Agus Susilo Dwi Prasetyo. He

conducted research Entitled “Using Picture Technique to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill at

the Sixth Year of SD Muhammadiyah 24 Surakarta: Classroom Action Research”. He

investigated the impact the application of using picture techniques for improving student’s

speaking skill mastery at the sixth year of SD Muhammdiyah 24 Surakarta. He used classroom

action research. The objects of his study were the teacher and students. Prasetyo only used one

way to collect the data. That was observation. There were four activities in teaching learning

process. They were reading aloud, vocabulary, discussion and the last was question-answer.

The result was he thought there should be any helped from the teacher to students to make the

students easier learning speaking, especially in teaching vocabulary by using picture


English Tutorial Program emphasizes on mastering speaking skill. Different

techniques show different purposed of expected achievement. Knowing the best techniques of

teaching will lead to good achievement. There are 10 techniques used to teaching English

suggested by Asman and Michaela (1997): lecturing, discussion, programmed instruction,

assignment, tutorial, seminar, demonstration, buzz group, brainstorming and role plays. Many

people believe that speaking in a new language is away harder than reading, writing, or

listening for two reasons. Unlike reading or writing, speaking is in real time. Second, when

you speak, you cannot edit or revise what you wish to say, as you can if you are writing. The

classroom technique used to use in teaching speaking: information gap, jigsaw activity,

role-plays and simulations


I use the qualitative research in this research to analyze and describe the techniques used

by the tutor in English Tutorial Program. These points are divided into five. Firstly, the types

of this research is descriptive qualitative to describe the phenomenon and techniques used by

the tutor. Secondly, the objects of this research are teaching techniques used by the tutor,

tutor’s roles and the purpose of the techniques usages. Thirdly, the subjects of this research is

class DD of FEB UMS. The class contains 15 students. Fourthly, the data of this research is

the field note containing information about technique of teaching and transcript of interview.

The source of data that will be used in the data analyzes are event and Informant. The methods

to collect the data are interview and observation. Interview is used to know the tutor’s roles

and tutor’s purposes of using certain techniques. Interview is also used to analyze the data then

it is used to compare with the findings of observation. Observation used to find the fact

happens in the field. Fifthly, in analyze the data, this research uses 3 steps. First, the data is

reduced, then the writer display the data found and the last is verifying the data. The last is

credibility of data. To get the credible information, this research uses 3 ways. They are

observation, interview and documentation.


3.1Main Findings

In this chapter, I formulate the techniques used by the tutor in teaching English tutorial

program, classrooms activities, tutor’s purpose of using certain techniques and tutor’s roles in


3.1.1 Techniques of Teaching English

In this point, this research formulates the techniques used by the tutor in teaching English

tutorial program, tutor’s opinion about how much the importance of techniques in teaching

learning process. the techniques used by the tutor in English tutorial program are lecturing,

role play and giving assignment.

3.1.2 The Purpose of Using Techniques

This point explains the findings consist of tutor’s purpose of using certain techniques in

teaching learning process. Lecturing is used to teach students who have no basic knowledge of

English skill, so they can understand the material easier. Role play is used to make students

experience what they have learned by themselves and giving assignment is used to encourage

students’ self-confidence and to make them learn more at home.

3.1.3 Classrooms’ activities

Classroom activities are categorized by 3 stages, those are opening, main activities and

closing. In this research found 2 model. Those are lecturing-role play and lecturing giving

assignment. Lecturing-role play means that tutor combines lecturing then continued with role

play. Lecturing-giving task means that tutor combines lecturing then continued with giving


3.1.4 Tutor’s Roles

Tutor’s roles in teaching learning process are as controller, commentator, instructor,

consultant, and assessor.


On the basis of findings, it can be seen that the tutor serves the material very well. Tutor

combines several techniques in each meeting to avoid students’ boredom. Tutor chooses

certain technique by considering the situation of the class. Basically, students of ETP have no

basic skills of English, and they have no interest in English. It makes tutor should pick the

suitable technique in order the material can be achieved by students. In Class DD of FEB in

ETP, the tutor uses several techniques such as lecturing, role play and giving assignment. The

three of them is the most suitable to encourage students’ interest of English. But the point of

using technique is to make students easier achieving the material so they can use English in


previous study. In the previous study which investigated communication strategies used by the

students in Saturday English Gathering (SEGA) UMS. The result of the study showed that

there are five communication strategies. The most strategy used was fillers with 37,26%,

non-linguistic means and restructuring with 0,62%. She concluded that students needed

communication strategies for better speaking. According to theoretical perspective, techniques

used by the tutor in ETP are suitable although the tutor here only use three techniques of

teaching speaking from ten mentioned by Asman and Michaela.

In serving the material in the class, tutor combines several techniques. The use of certain

technique has different reason. Tutor chooses the most suitable technique to teach the student

in order the student feels no bored and encourage their confidence. The tutor uses lecturing

because mostly the students of ETP have no basic of English. Basically, Indonesian and

English are different. In understanding the new language, students cannot learn or think by

themselves, even discuss it. The tutor should explain briefly and build students’ understanding

about the new material. Lecturing technique is believed as the most suitable technique to teach

a new material to the students. It is different from the findings of the previous study. The result

of the previous study showed that the students should practice and practice, without consider

the techniques. It is different from this research which found the use of technique has crucial

role in learning process. This research is appropriate with the theory according to Asman and

Michaela, teaching learning process should have varied techniques.

Based on three observations done by the researcher, tutor of ETP always use lecturing in

serving the material. The classroom is very tutor-centered. But in avoiding teacher centered,

and give occasion to the students to practice, tutor often play game. In the first observation the

tutor order the students to play role play, in order they experience what they have learn in real

life. The tutor picks an illustration that every student knows in real life. Role-play makes

students practice their ability, so that can make them encourage their confidence in using

English. Tutor isn’t only use role play and lecturing to teach the students. There is one

technique also combined. That is giving assignment. Tutor often gives assignment to make the

students learn the material at home. Homework makes them open their book and learn more

the material they got in the class. Homework also helps them to use their English individually,

so that can increase their confidence. In the other words, giving students’ homework makes

them learn more at home. Mostly the students of ETP is less-confidence, has no basic of

English, and has no interest in English. By the three technique used by the tutor hopefully it

can be omitted. By the role-play hopefully students can encourage their confidence in


material they really never know. By the assignment hopefully students increase their

confidence and learn more about English at home. The result of this research shows that it is

appropriate with either previous study or the theoretical perspectives. Firstly in teaching

speaking, teacher should help students in achieving the material. Secondly, both previous

study and theoretical perspectives agree that teacher/ tutor should make students practice by

themselves. Students should experience so they can build their confidence to speak English.

The tutor of ETP UMS mostly gives occasion to the students to ask about material they

haven’t understood. It is done by the reason to make them practice their English skill. At the

end of the class, tutor often asks for the students to ask about material they haven’t

understood. Besides that, tutor also asks the students before the class discusses new material.

Tutor usually asks them whether or not understands the material before discussed. Not only

that, in class usually the tutor enforce students to practice by asks them to play role. Clearly it

makes them practice what they have learned. In ETP, speaking ability is the concern of the

class. ETP enforce all of the students to be able to speak English correctly and fluently.

The handbook used by the tutor and students of ETP in teaching learning process is

Module of English Tutorial Program. It is compiled by LPIDB TEAM. The handbook is

available in 2 kinds. The first book is a book for the tutor that completed by the module,

whereas the second book is a book for the students which uncompleted by the module, or in

other words, it is just material. By comparing with the previous study which has the same

focus that is focus on speaking, some use handbook, and other one is no. The handbook of

ETP is designed especially for ETP by LPIDB TEAM. The material is different. It is matched

with the necessities. Different necessities uses different book with different materials. Another

previous study doesn’t use handbook. Students only have to produce their language as much

as they can. It is appropriate to the theory that teaching must not use handbook. The point is,

students can speak English well.

The roles of the tutor in English Tutorial Program are as controller, as assessor, as

consultant, as instructor, as commentator. The tutor is controller which the tutor controls all of

the activities in the class. Tutor organizes the class and orders the students as it should be. As

an assessor, the tutor score students’ works. Students’ works can be performance of play role,

or homework. As consultant, tutor answers every question given by students in the class. As

an instructor means they instruct students to do something related to the class activities, for

example opening the book, write down homework, practicing the material, etc. then, the tutor

as commentator. As commentator tutor score and evaluate students’ achievement. Tutor


the finding of this research is just the same as the previous study. Teacher could be controller,

assessor, consultant, etc. Theoretically, it is appropriate, tutor or teacher should serve and help

students in.


From the research finding, the writer draws some conclusion as follows:

Firstly, the techniques of teaching English used in ETP are lecturing, role-play and giving

task. Lecturing is a technique where the tutor gives all information needs by the students

orally. Lecturing is very teacher-centered. The second technique used is role play. Role play is

a technique where students play role or game in certain instruction by the teacher. The last is

giving task. Tutor gives task not only at the end of the class but also as the activity such as do

exercise provided in the handbook.

Secondly, the purposes of using technique in teaching English Tutorial Program are: The

purpose of using lecturing is to give students description about material they never know

before. Tutor should explain briefly the material, because most students never know about the

material before. The purpose of using role play is to make students experience what they have

learned by themselves. Task is used to make students learn more and build their confidence in

using English. Besides that, task is used by the tutor to make students get higher score at the

end of the semester.

Thirdly, Tutor’s roles in teaching learning process in English tutorial program are as


The tutor as a controller which is the tutor controls the class. Tutor controls all of

activities take place in the class. The tutor as a commentator which is the tutor comments what

students do in the class. Besides that, tutor also evaluates the works of students. The tutor as

an instructor which is the tutor is source of the material. The tutor as a consultant who is the

tutor as place where students can ask for something they haven’t understood about the

material. The tutor as a assessor which is the tutor score and values the works of students.


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