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The Possible reasons and the readers` opinion on a code-switching phenomenon in cosmogirl Indonesia magazine.


Academic year: 2017

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Yacobus Guntur Dwi Hastoro Student Number: 06 1214 132










Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Yacobus Guntur Dwi Hastoro Student Number: 06 1214 132








When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,

When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill,

When the funds are low and the debts are high,

And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit

Rest, if you must --- but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,

As everyone of us sometimes learns,

And many a failure turns about

When he might have won had he stuck it out,

Don’t give up, though the pace seems slow ---

You might succeed with another blow

Often the goal is nearer than

It seems to a faint and faltering man,

Often the struggler has given up

When he might have captured the victor’s cup.

And he learned too late,

When the night slipped down,

How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out ---

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt ---

And you never can tell how close you are,

It may be near when it seems afar,

So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit ---

It’s when things seem worst that you musn’t quit.

(author unknown)

I dedicate this thesis to all of struggle I have ever done For the efforts that will never end in my life,




I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those which were cited in the quotations and the bibliography, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, November 23, 2010 The writer




Dwi Hastoro, Yacobus Guntur. (2010). The Possible Reasons and the Readers’ Opinion on a Code-Switching Phenomenon in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Code-switching is a common phenomenon in multilingual society. There are a number of reasons that bring people to use code-switching. In written context, code-switching may serve as a bridge to communicate more effectively. In fact, the use of code-switching has influence to people who are involved in it.

There are two issues that are discussed in this thesis. They are (1) what are the possible reasons of the use of code-switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine? and (2) What is the readers’ opinion of a code-switching phenomenon which occured in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine?

In order to accomplish the research objectives, the writer conducted descriptive study in which qualitative data analysis was employed. In answering the first research question, the writer obtained the data from Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine of June 2010 edition that was used as the primary source. Whereas the writer conducted interview for 5 participants of English Language Education Sanata Dharma University to answer the second research question which deals with readers’ opinion on a code-switching phenomenon which occurred in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine.

The result of the analysis shows that there are 7 kinds of reasons of code-switching which occured in the magazine. They are: (1) lack of facility, (2) lack of register, (3) mood of the speaker, (4) to emphasize a point, (5) habitual experience, (6) identity with a group, and (7) to attract attention. Based on the analysis of the interview from the participants, it is shown that there are advantages and disadvantages on the use of code-switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. The advantage is code-switching seen as a way to support English language development. Meanwhile the disadvantage is the use of code-switching may reduce the familiarity of certain words in Bahasa Indonesia. In fact, nowadays there are many English words and expressions which are more popular than their equivalence in Bahasa Indonesia.

The findings also show that there is a relevant point between the reasons of code-switching and the readers’ opinion on the code-switching phenomenon which occured in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. It is found that the use of code-switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine is aimed to communicate more effectively.



Hastoro, Yacobus Guntur Dwi. (2010). The Possible Reasons and the Readers’ Opinion on a Code-Switching Phenomenon in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Alih-kode adalah sebuah fenomena umum dalam masyarakat majemuk. Ada beberapa alasan yang membuat orang menggunakan alih-kode. Dalam konteks tertulis, alih-kode bisa mempermudah komunikasi agar bisa terjalin lebih efektif. Pada kenyataannya, alih-kode juga mempunyai pengaruh terhadap orang-orang yang terlibat dalam penggunaannnya.

Ada dua persoalan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini, yaitu (1) alasan-alasan apa yang mungkin muncul dalam penggunaan alih-kode di majalah Cosmogirl Indonesia, dan (2) bagaimana pendapat pembaca terhadap fenomena alih-kode yang terjadi di dalam majalah Cosmogirl Indonesia.

Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian, peneliti menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dimana analisis data kualitatif diterapkan. Dalam menjawab permasalahan pertama, penulis mengumpulkan data dari majalah Cosmogirl Indonesia edisi Juni 2010 yang digunakan sebagai sumber utama. Sedangkan untuk menjawab permasalahan kedua yang tidak lain berkaitan dengan pendapat pembaca terhadap fenomena alih-kode yang muncul dalam majalah, penulis melakukan wawancara kepada 5 orang mahasiswi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa ada tujuh jenis alasan dari penggunaan alih-kode dalam majalah, yaitu (1) kurangnya kecakapan dalam berbahasa, (2) kurangnya padanan kata, (3) keinginan pengguna alih-kode, (4) penekanan sebuah pernyataan, (5) kebiasaan, (6) kesatuan dalam sebuah kelompok, dan (7) untuk menarik perhatian. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara, menurut pembaca, ada keuntungan dan kerugian yang ditimbulkan dari penggunaan alih-kode dalam majalah Cosmogirl Indonesia. Keuntungannya adalah alih-kode dipandang sebagai sebuah cara untuk mendukung pengayaan kosakata Bahasa Inggris. Sedangkan kerugiannya adalah penggunaan alih-kode juga bisa mengurangi kepopuleran padanan kata dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Pada kenyataannya, sekarang banyak ekspresi dan kata dalam Bahasa Inggris yang lebih populer daripada padanan kata dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

Penemuan juga menunjukkan bahwa ada relevansi antara alasan-alasan penggunaan kode dengan pandangan pembaca mengenai penggunaan alih-kode dalam majalah Cosmogirl Indonesia. Peneliti menemukan bahwa penggunaan alih-kode dalam majalah Cosmogirl Indonesia dimaksudkan untuk mempermudah komunikasi agar bisa terjalin lebih efektif.





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Yacobus Guntur Dwi Hastoro

Nomor Mahasiswa : 061214132

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:



beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin kepada saya atau memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya, Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal : 23 November 2010 Yang menyatakan



First of all, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Jesus Christ for the never ending love and grace. I thank Jesus for guiding me pass the hard time in finishing this thesis.

I want to express my earnest thanks to my major sponsor, J.B. Gunawan M.A., who has patiently given me part of his precious time to read, correct, and improve my thesis. I am deeply grateful for his suggestion, advice, assistance, and criticism in every part of my study during the completion of this thesis.

I am deeply indebted to Antonius Jodi S.Pd. and FX. Risang Baskara S.S. for becoming my proof readers and for the suggestions and kindness to me. My biggest thanks I dedicate also to Pak Sas and Mas Sidha for giving me inspiration of the idea for this thesis.

I would like to express my gratitude to all lecturers of English Language Education Study Program who have given me valuable and everlasting knowledge. The same expression goes to the secretariat staff, Mba Dhanniek and Mba Tari, for helping me in the administration procedures.

My greatest gratitude is mostly addressed to my beloved parents, Ir. Thomas Heru Budiarso and Chatarina Wiwik Hartanti, for supporting me morally and financially, for their everlasting love and care, prayer, guidance, and attention. My overwhelming thanks also go to my beloved sister, Prisca Geovica Nurcahyani and her husband, Ignasius Yamky Gunadi. What a wonderful family I have with all of them.


x time we share together.

I would like to convey my gratitude for my friends and seniors in Language Institute of Sanata Dharma University, Bu Retno, Bu Henny, Mba Nana, Mba Tetty, Mba Aree, Mba Ian, Endru “Tekitou”,MasGalih, Mas Sandy, Mba Lia, Bang Richard, Ade, Doni, Ira, Veronica “Menyoel”, Asumi, Hiro, and Ji Yeon for valuable experience I have with all of them. I thank for the chance to develop myself, for the laughter, cry, and fear we share. Last but not least, I would like to thank everybody, whose name cannot be mentioned one by one, for their support and prayer so that I can finish this thesis. May Jesus Christ grant them with peace, joy, and happiness.









ABSTRAK... vii






CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Research Background... 1

B. Problem Formulation... 5

C. Problem Limitation... 5

D. Research Objectives... 6

E. Research Benefits... 6

F. Definition of Terms... 7


1. Sociolinguistics... 10

2. Code-Switching...………. 11

a. The Nature of Code-Switching... 11

b. Reasons of Code-Switching... 14

c. Advantages and Disadvantages of Code-Switching Application... 21



A. Research Method... 28

B. Research Subject... 30

C. Research Participants... 31

D. Research Instruments... 32

E. Data Gathering Technique... 33

F. Data Analysis Technique... 35

G. Research Procedure... 37


1. Lack of Facility... 41

2. Lack of Register... 43

3. Mood of the Speaker...………... 45

4. To Emphasize a Point...………... 46

5. Habitual Experience...………...………. 48

6. To Show Identity with a Group...…...…………... 49

7. To Attract Attention...…... 50

B. The Readers’ Opinion on Code-Switching Phenomenon Which Occured in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine... 52

1. The Readers’ Opinion on the Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine... 53

2. The Readers’ Opinion on Code-Switching Phenomenon Which Occured in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine... 55

3. The Readers’ Opinion on the Advantages and the Disadvantages of the Use of Code-Switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine 57 a. The Advantages on the Use of Code-Switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine... 57



b. The Disadvantages on the Use of Code-Switching

in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine... 62 c. Another Finding………... 64


A. Conclusions…... 65 B. Suggestions…... 68



Page Table 4.1 Table of Number of Code-Switching Cases Classification



Appendix Page

A The Observation List of Code-Switching………... 72

B The Observation Checklist of the Possible Reasons of Code-Switching... 73

C Example of Checklist of Classification of Reasons from Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine... 74

D The Interview Guide for the Participants... 109

E The Transcription text of the Interview from Participants... 110




This section will focus on the reasons of why the writer conducted this research. This chapter will cover: (a) the background of the research, which consists of the writer’s reasons of choosing this topic, (b) the problem formulation, which deals about the main problem or the main point that the writer wants to deeply dig, (c) the problem limitation, where the problem in this research is limited, so it will not be too broad, (d) the research objective, which is about the reason why this research was conducted, (e) the research benefit, which deals with the beneficial effect for sociolinguistics study, learners, English Language Education Study Program and other researchers, and (f) definition of terms, which deals with the definition of terms related to this research.

A.Research Background

We are living in multilingual and multicultural communities. This means that we are facing various kinds of origins, cultural differences, and languages. One of the important things in communication is language. “Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols” (Sapir, 1921:8). Language becomes the most effective way to communicate among people.



language in order to be fluent both in verbal communication and written expression. Bilingual people have their second language. In a condition in which English serves as a second language, there is possibility for people to switch the language in order to be better understood. This process is called code-switching. The term code-switching refers to “the juxtaposition of elements from two (or more) languages or dialects" (Asher, 1994:581). Drawing upon this quotation, code-switching may happen when a person switches from one language to another. He can produce an utterance that consists of language elements from one or two different languages. This phenomenon is also familiar in language learning. As an example, during the interaction in an English class, both students and teacher use code switching in discussion.

In Indonesia, most people are bilingual. They both speak regional language and official language. In addition, English is taught from elementary school until university. As a result, some people are familiar with some English words/expressions which are frequently used in daily conversation. At the present time, there are many ways to improve English, such as by listening western music, reading magazines, watching movies, and directly talking to foreigners. In this situation, English gives indirect influence to people who use it. It can lead to code-switching use, which is the alternation between two languages. The same is true for Indonesian native speaker who frequently uses English language juxtaposed to Indonesian language context.



Through mass media, people can gain as much as possible information they need. It provides an amount of information from many kinds of resources. Code-switching also commonly occurs in Indonesian printed mass media, such as newspapers, magazine, and tabloids. In fact, in some cases, English words/expressions are more familiar than words/ expressions in Bahasa Indonesia. There must be reasons that bring mass media writers switch the language. According to Trudgill (2000:105), “speakers switch to manipulate or influence or define the situation as they wish, and to convey nuances of meaning and personal intention”. Code-switching is used by people to express themselves as they wish. In written context, sometimes writers also have personal intention. In order to get more readers’ understanding, and also to get the closest meaning of what the writers are going to bring up, then code switching becomes a way to communicate more effectively.

Several studies have seen code-switching as a language deficiency in society. In this research, the writer tries to see code-switching from a different view. Thus, it is not seen as a language deficiency, in contrast, it is seen as a bridge to create a situation in which communication goes naturally. In addition, people who are involved can learn another language. In this case, code-switching can be a way to support language development.



choice of topics, and also language-use. Magazine provides topics which are closely related to adults’ life. The information such as life-style, fashion, tips, gossips and any other updated information are covered in magazine. A side from that, language-use has a great influence for adolescents to choose magazine as the preference to read. They also consider the degree of formality of language-use.

In Indonesia, newspapers and magazines have an important role as media to receive information. Nowadays there are many Indonesian Magazines. Every magazine has its speciality. There are some Indonesian magazines which are based on gender, such as Men’s Health and Matra are Men’s Magazine. Meanwhile Femina, Kartini, Cosmopolitan and Cosmogirl are women’s magazines. In presenting information, there is possibility for those magazines to include code-switching from another language, in this case English. Many English words/expressions are used in any information section. As a result, writers prefer to use the word event to acara or me-release to mengeluarkan. This phenomenon can also be categorized as code-switching occurrence.

Almost every Indonesia magazine uses code-switching. As an international language, English becomes the choice of the language alternation. Besides, the use of English is intended to make the information more interesting. Thus, it becomes one of the strategies to attract readers’ interest.



B. Problem Formulation

There are two problems formulated in this research in order to identify the main objective of this research. The problems can be formulated as follows: 1. What are the possible reasons of a code-switching phenomenon in Cosmogirl Indonesia magazine?

2. What is the readers’ opinion on a code-switching phenomenon which occured in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine?

This research of these particular types may hopefully reveal the main problems which are formulated, so that the writer could know the relevance between the possible reasons of the use of code-switching and the readers’ opinion on code-switching phenomenon which occured in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine.

C. Problem Limitation



range of 17-20 years. This decision was based on the target readers of Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine.

D. Research objectives

This research has some purposes to accomplish. Those are;

1. To describe reason(s) of code-switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. 2. To describe readers’ opinion on a code-switching phenomenon which occured in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine.

E. Research Benefits

This research is aimed at giving beneficial contributions expectantly for sociolinguistics study, readers, and other researchers.

1. Sociolinguistic Study

By conducting this research, the writer also hopes that this research can give an improvement of sociolinguistic study, in this case, the code-switching phenomenon in society. Since the previous studies of code-switching in written context which worked on readers’ opinion on code-switching phenomenon are limited, this research wants to figure out the relevance on reasons of code-switching which is from writers’ views, and readers’ opinion on code-code-switching phenomenon.

2. Readers



either help or hinder learning. Second, it is expected that this research will also enrich the readers to have broader knowledge of the common phenomenon that occurs around them, that is code-switching.

3. Other researchers

The writer also hopes after conducting this study, it will enable other researchers to have a further study of code-switching. In addition, this study is expected to inspire other researchers to conduct research on other language phenomena which exist in society.

F. Definition of Terms

In order to get better understanding, the writer clarifies some words which have been the main idea of this research. These are;

1. Code-switching

Code switching is one of language phenomena that exists in society. As cited by Roberto R. Heredia and Jeffrey M. Brown in the Encyclopedia of Lingusitics (1997:1), “code-switching occurs when bilinguals substitute a word or phrase from one language with a phrase or word from another language”. In addition, Heredia defined code-switching is “as a means of effective communication because it is a strategy to compensate for diminished language proficiency”. Furthermore, people who are involved in communication sometimes are not aware that they have switched the language. In this research, code-switching refers to the juxtaposition of English language to Indonesian language context in



2. Cosmogirl IndonesiaMagazine

Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine is a female magazine served in Indonesian language whose target is young women in Indonesia. Actually this magazine was originally from America and it was firstly published in 1999. Meanwhile in Indonesia, this magazine was firstly published in 2001 under the publisher of P.T. Media Rahayu Citra. As defined by the editorial staff of Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine, the magazine is for readers in the range of 17-20 years. The contents of the magazines are made according to what Indonesian female interested in or will probably need such fashion, health, entertainment, beauty tips/ treatment, etc. Since this magazine was originally from America, it might affect the number of English words in its content. The writer found out that this magazine contains more English words rather than any other Indonesian women magazines.

3. Opinion

According to Gunsch (2010), “an opinion is a belief that may or may not be backed up with some type of evidence. An opinion is normally a subjective statement that can be the result of an emotion or an individual interpretation of a fact.” In accordance with this research, opinion is seen as personal thought of readers of the code-switching phenomenon being discussed. The opinion of the readers in this research specifies advantages and disadvantages of the code-switching phenomenon in the magazine.






This chapter will discuss some theories which support the writer’s research. This chapter aims to give basic principles related to the formulated problems. This chapter consists of two major points, theoretical description and theoretical framework. The theoretical description will give explanation of theoretical review related to code-switching. In addition, the theoretical framework will discuss the theories that have been used as the framework of this research.

A. Theoretical Description

This section will elaborate some theories. The theories that will be elaborated are sociolinguistics, code switching, including the nature of code switching, the reasons of switching, advantages and disadvantages of code-switching application, and brief descriptions of Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine.



1. Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is the study of the use of language in the society (Lehman, 1972). There are factors that influence the use of language in society. One of the factors is bilingualism. It is when a person has a tendency to use more than one language to communicate with others. One of the common products of bilingualism is code-switching.

In the condition of bilingualism, people will often alter language or language style. It depends on the condition and the needs of using the language itself. As an example, when a speaker using “A” language to talk with second speaker. Afterwards, third speaker who were not able to use “A” language came and joined in this conversation situation. Therefore, the first speaker switched into “B” language which was understandable for the third speaker. In this situation, code-switching is employed. Code switching has a significant relevance to sociolinguistics.



2. Code-switching

According to Asher (1994) in The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Volume 2, “the term “code” refers to variety of a language.” Asher defined code-switching as the switching from one variety to another, either of the same language or of different languages, in speech or writing.

There are some different arguments which were proposed by linguists in order to define the terms code-switching and borrowing. Some linguists differentiate these two terms. However, many linguists tended to see that switching and borrowing as a continuum. In this research, the writer sees code-switching as similar process. It has been supported by Rezaeian (2009) in Structural and Social Aspects of Code Switching Among Iranian/Canadian Bilinguals who viewed that “code-switching and borrowing have similar processes which fall along a single continuum.”

a. The Nature of Code-Switching

In sociolinguistics, the speaker uses a term to perform language style which is called ‘code’. Tanner in Pride says:

“Code… refers to any form of a speech whether named or unnamed that the society in question differentiates from other forms. The concept code thus includes both where we commonly understand by the term language, and into language distinction that I call varieties, that is, speech levels, dialects, and styles” (1972:126).

There is a different meaning of ‘code’ from Longman, Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.



also use ‘code’ when they want to stress the uses of a language or language variety in a particular community” (2002:79).

Bilinguals usually switch some of code in their speech. This phenomenon is often called code-switching act. For example, in a conversation between speaker A and B who come from Javanese, in the middle of conversation a Bataknese joins them, so A and B who are Javanese switch their language into Bahasa Indonesia because of the presence of the third person that urges A and B to do switching act.

According to Gardner (1997), as seen in Jaworsky & Coupland’s Modern Lingusitics: Sociolinguistic: A Reader and Coursebook, code-switching is defined as “the use of two or more languages in the same conversation or utterance” (1997:361). This kind of behaviour can occur in the situation of bilingualism where people use more than languages. It also possibly occurs in the regional minorities in which a speaker becomes the new comer of a community, so that he has to adapt within the society. In addition, Gardner argues that behaviour involved in the phenomenon relying on the sociolinguistics circumstances and the language combination as well.

Hymes (1974) defines only code-switching as “a common term for alternative use of two or more languages, varieties of a language or even speech styles” while Bokamba (1989) defines both concepts thus:



order to infer what is intended, must reconcile what they hear with what they understand.”

Drawing upon this qutation, code switching engages and requires two languages or more which are used by people in same speech event. Therefore, the language alternation needs to involve language elements of those two languages by the process of borrowing and constructing or combining. A speaker may borrow certain language elements from another language, for instance in the form of a word, phrase, clause, or even a complete sentence, and combine them with the language elements of her or his native language.



According to some linguists’ perspective about code-switching, it can be concluded that code-switching is a product of language alternation in the same utterances. This change is indeed expected to have the same meaning.

b. Reasons of Code-Switching

According to Gumperz (1982) in his book Discourse Strategies, code-switching has communicative functions which is to create a conversational effect. It is called personalization function of language. Thus, code-switching is used to build an effective communication between people who are involved. The use of code-switching functions as a bridge to help people to have a better understanding of information in communication.

Gumperz (1982) proposed some functions of code-switching: quotation, addressee specification, repetition, interjection, message qualification, personalization, and facility of expression.

1. Quotation



2. Addressee specification

In this second function, this type of switching aims to direct message to a spesific person. This type of switching is recognizing not only the interacting members of the speech events but it is recognizing that their language behaviour may be more than merely a matter of individuals preference or facility, but also a matter of role relations. As an example, in the Indonesian social networking “Kaskus”, there is a word agan. Actually, this word is used to call people who are involved in general discussion of kaskus. In addition, this word is only used for kaskus user, and it is not used in any other Indonesian social networking.

3. Repetition

Sometimes a message can be spoken two times, either in the same language or in different language. The repetition which is said in different language has some reasons. Repetition may serve to clarify what is said and emphasize the message. In repetition, the span of time between the original and the repeated message is very short. As an example, “Apa yang kamu makan menentukan kesehatan diri kamu seperti apa. You are what you eat”. From this example, the English utterance which came after Indonesian utterance aims to clarify and emphasize the message which preceded the English utterance.

4. Sentence filler



in many situations and contexts, people are sometimes unaware that they switch the language using those sentence filler expressions in their conversation.

5. Message qualification

Message qualification deals with the switching that consists of qualifying constructions, such as clauses, phrases and sentences. The main message is sometimes in Bahasa Indonesia and in English. When it is in Bahasa Indonesia, the following English phrases or sentences are used to qualify message or vice versa. As an example, “Dia sedang menyusun dissertasi untuk PhD tentang dissability people around the world”. Here, the main message is in Indonesian, while the English phrase serves to give more information to the reader what the dissertation is about.

6. Personalization

In this function, the switching reflects personal opinion, feeling, and knowledge of the speaker. As some English expressions are familiar in some situations and contexts, a speaker might feel that English is more personal when talking about a difficult situation and therefore it describes his feeling better. Some English expressions such as “I miss you” and “ I love you” are commonly found. People find it strange and awkward to say “ Aku rindu kamu” or “aku cinta kamu”. These expressions are not commonly found in real life. Therefore, people tend to use English expressions as it is more convenient and does not look strange. 7. Facility of expression



“online”, “browser”, and “ server” do not have exact equivalent words in Bahasa Indonesia. Thus, people tend to use the original English words.

In order to have a broader knowledge about the functions of code-switching, the writer also referred theories proposed by another linguist. Malik (1994) in her book Socio-Linguistics : A Study of Code-Switching defines some reasons of code-switching. According to Malik, there are ten communicative reasons of code-switching. These reasons are lack of facility, lack of register, mood of the speaker, to emphasize a point, habitual experience, semantic significance, to show identity with a group, to address a different audience, pragmatic reasons, and to attract attention.

1. Lack of facility

Malik (1994:16) defined that “bilinguals or multilinguals often explain that they code switch when they cannot find an appropriate expression or vocabulary item or when the language of conversation does not have the particular word needed to carry on the conversation smoothly”. In accordance with this research, this reason is related to the lack of equivalent words in Bahasa Indonesia. The writer offered an example below:

“Seafood adalah makanan kesukaan saya.”

From this example, the word “seafood” brings smooth meaning rather than the equivalent word in Bahasa Indonesia “makanan hasil laut”. Thus, people tend to use the original English word “seafood”.



expressions which are commonly used in Indonesia. Indonesian prefers to use the word event to acara or nge-print to mencetak. As a result, this kind of situation creates a tendency in which people use English expression rather than equivalent expressions in Bahasa Indonesia.

2. Lack of register

It is the condition in which a speaker is not equally competent in two languages, and when the speaker does not know the terms in two languages. In certain occupations code switching takes place in the speech of doctors, lawyers, engineers while they interact among themselves owing to the fact that proper terms in Bahasa Indonesia or in any other language other than English may not be available to them. As a result, people employ the English term that they are familiar with.

3. Mood of the speaker

Malik (1994) claims that usually when bilinguals are tired or angry, code switching takes place with a new dimension. This means, when the speaker is in the certain state of mind, he/she can spontaneously find the certain English expressions that can represent his annoyance. In the writer’s opinion, this reason also emphasizes on personal expression or feeling of the speaker toward situation he encounters.

4. To emphasize a point



only helps to end the interaction but may serve to emphasize a point. In this case, the switching aims to give a stress and to add more force to the statement.

5. Habitual experience

Malik (1994:17) stresses the fact that “code switching often occurs in fixed phrases of greeting and parting, commands and request, invitation, expressions of gratitude and discourse markers.” In this reason, people use code-switching because the expressions used have been a habitual experince in daily life. For example, in Radio broadcast in Indonesia, the broadcaster often says, “Good morning Listeners. Ketemu lagi dengan saya.” In this case, “good morning” is considered as habitual experience since it is an example of greeting expression.

6. Semantic significance

As cited by Muthusamy in Communicative Functions and Reasons for Code-Switching: Malaysian Perspective, Malik (1994), Gumperz (1970, 1976, 1982), and Gumperz and Hernandez (1972) all stress that switching at a particular moment conveys semantically significant information. It is a communicative resource that builds on participant’s perception of two languages. Drawing upon this quotation, switching may also serve as an implicit purpose which is only known by particular speakers in certain specific information.

7. To show identity with a group



8. To address a different audience

Malik (1994:17) states that “code switching is also used when the speaker intends to address people coming from various linguistic backgrounds.” The writer gives an illlustration as the example below:

Jono, who is Javanese, was talking to Temon, who is also Javanese. Since they are originally from Java, they were accustomed to use Bahasa Jawa in their conversation. During the conversation, suddenly Simatupang, who is from Batak, came and joined in their discussion. Knowing that Simatupang was not able to speak Bahasa Jawa, Jono and Temon directly switched the language into bahasa Indonesia. It aimed to make Simatupang could be able to join in the discussion.

9. Pragmatic reasons

Sometimes the alternation between two languages is highly meaningful in terms of the conversational context. Gumperz (1970) also notes that switching may emphasize varying degrees of speaker’s involvement. In this case, the switching happens because there is different degrees between speakers. As an example, a Javanese student was talking with his lecturer at campus. In some expression, he switched the language with krama alus in order to have a more polite meaning than used Bahasa Indonesia. In addition, this switching is used to show respect to the addressee.

10. To attract attention



switching occurence. For example, an advertisement in written context, “ Samsung Camera PL 150 memang cool banget! Semua mata pasti melirikmu.” From this example, the word “cool” is used to attract and to ensure readers that the product is fabulous and the best one.

c. Advantages and Disadavantages of Code-Switching Application

There is a lot of of positive and negative perceptions toward code-switching phenomenon, whether it is in formal or informal contexts. Code-switching may be seen as a bridge to create effective communication. Whilst, it is also seen as a language deficiency of the speakers.



As mentioned by Huerta-Macias (1992), “code switching can help in improving the instruction or order not only in instilling the understanding and two-way communication, but also able to help in forming rapport and good relationship with those who are aware that they are actually able to join in the class and let anyone hears their views no matter in what language that they are using.” Huerta-Macias also claimed that code switching in a classroom is a practical and feasible way to assist the improvement of the students’ bilingualism. Code switching is not only for improving and making alive the learning and teaching process in the classroom, but also helps to preserve and develop the languages of those who are bilingual. This preservation and development occur by using both languages in a meaningful activity which involve all the main skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking). Other than that, code switching is used to improve and boost communication skills, in oral or written form.

Kamisah Ariffin in Code-Switching as a Communication Device in Conversation also defined that studies have shown that speakers accommodate and take into account other interlocutors’ linguistic factors in designing their speech (Giles & Smith, 1979; Bell, 1984; Giles, Coupland & Coupland, 1991). Speakers may diverge and converge their speech to accommodate the other interlocutors for effective communication. Hence, in terms of communication, code-switching is used as a bridge to communicate more effectively.



and communication. Gibbons in his study on language attitudes and code switching in Hong Kong between Cantonese and English (1983 as cited in Duran, 1994) found that when the Chinese speakers converse in English between each other, it indicates status and westernization and when they are conversing in Cantonese, it shows humility and solidarity.

According to Skiba (1997 as cited in Sert, 2005), “the advantage of code switching is it performs as a backing element in communication of information and in social interaction as it works as a tool for continuity in speech in preference to present interference in language.” Sert (2005) suggests that code-switching works as a bridge from known (native language) to unknown (foreign language) where the code switchers can learn the new words in the foreign language unconsciously.



language, as mutual intelligibility may not be possible if the learner switches his language during communication”. Sert (2005) added that the repetitive function of code switching may lead to students’ undesired behaviours. The students might feel bored and lost their interest in listening to the previous instruction (in the target language).

3. Brief Description of Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine

Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine is a woman magazine served in Indonesian language whose target is young women in Indonesia. Actually this magazine was originally from America and it was firstly published in 1999. Meanwhile in Indonesia, this magazine was firstly published in 2001 under the publisher of P.T. Media Rahayu Citra. As defined by the editorial staff of Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine, the magazine is for readers in the range of 17-20 years. It has also varied information sections to attract the target group of readers, some information sections are:

a. Fun

This section discusses about the updated information from celebrities. Besides, Fun section also provides choice of alternative places for holiday. In this section, readers can have references to choose the best place for holiday.

b. Stars



movies and music. Movie review and music review are examples of information which are provided in this section.

c. Look

It is a section which discusses about fashion, beauty, and make-up. This section seems to be the most favourite section because it provides a lot of information about styles. By reading this section, readers can know newest products, styles, and also prices. The place where readers can buy the products are also provided in this section.

d. Social Life

Social life discusses about readers’ opinion on the newest issues or gossips. Besides, this section provides tips and trick to be “IT” Girl, which is a name for an ideal girl – version Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine.

e. JSYK – Just So You Know

This section discusses information about get a date, relationship, and quizzes. Besides, there is also a short story which is provided for readers who are interested in it. The story usually tells about life which is closely related to adult life. Thus, they will be interested in reading it.



B. Theoretical Framework

In order to conduct a systematic research, the writer organizes this theoretical framework that will be the base to accomplish this research. Here are the basic theories in this theoretical framework;

1. Reasons of code-switching

In answering the first research question which deals about possible reasons of code-switching, the writer bases the theory which was proposed by Lalita Malik (1994). In her book Socio-Linguistics: A Study of Code-Switching, she defines 10 possible reasons of switching. The ten possible reasons of code-switching are lack of facility, lack of register, mood of the speaker, to emphasize a point, habitual experience, semantic significance, identity with a group, to address different audience, pragmatic reason, and to attract attention. This theory will be used as the base to discuss possible reasons of code-switching which occured in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine.

Actually the writer also used theory which was proposed by Gumperz (1982) as the proponent theory. Gumperz’s theory about addressee specification, message qualification, and personalization will be used as the proponent theory in this research. The writer found that several theories from Malik (1994) have similar intention with the theory proposed by Gumperz (1982).

2. Advantages and disadvantages of code-switching application



(1997) and Cook (2002). Skiba’s theory was used as the foundation to figure out the advantages of code-switching application. According to Skiba (1997 as cited in Sert (2005), “the advantage of code switching is it performs as a backing element in communication of information and in social interaction as it works as a tool for continuity in speech in preference to present interference in language”. Sert suggests that code- switching works as a bridge from known (native language) to unknown (foreign language) where the code switchers can learn the new words in the foreign language unconsciously. Meanwhile for the disadvantages of code-switching application, the writer uses the theory from Cook (2002). According to Cook, some students who do not have same native language might feel neglected as the application of code switching in a multilingual classroom.




This chapter presents the methodology used in this research. This chapter

consists of Research Method, Research Participants, Research Instrument, Data

Gathering Technique, Data Analysis Technique, and Research Procedures.


Research Method

In this research, a certain methodology was used as a guidance to conduct this

research. Since code switching deals with the phenomenon in a society, thus, the

writer used qualitative research. According to Hancock, “qualitative research is

concerned with developing explanations of social phenomena. That is to say, it aims

to help us to understand the world in which we live and why things are the way they

are” (Hancock, 2002:6). In the writer’s opinion, since qualitative research tends to

answer “why things”, it can help him to have in-depth understanding about a social

phenomenon that exists in a certain area. In addition, qualitative research equips the

writer to be able to explore feelings, opinion and experiences of people who are

involved in it.

Considering this research is an in-depth study which presents further analysis

of observing a language phenomenon that exists in society, then it is considered as

descriptive research. According to Ary, Jacobs and Razavieh, descriptive research



“what exist” in a situation. Dealing with this research, the writer did not generally test

a hypothesis, but rather find out and describe information of what really exists in a

certain situation. By finding a description of what exists in a certain situation, it is

expected that the writer could really know what people’s opinion to the existence of a

phenomenon around them.

In analyzing the first research question which deals with possible reasons of

code-switching, the writer used document analysis. Since this research deals with the

analysis of a phenomenon in written context, in this case, English code-switching in

Indonesian magazine, a document analysis was considered as the most appropiate

method. Document analysis helps the writer to analyze and interpret the data. Leedy

and Ormord (2005:142) explained that a document analysis is “a detailed and

systematic examination of the contents of a particular body of material for the

purpose of identifying patterns, themes, and biases. It is typically performed on form

of human communication, including books, newspapers, films, television, art, music,

videotapes of human interactions, and transcripts of conversation.” It was supported

by Ary, et al, “the procedure for systematically analyzing written materials is called

document analysis

, or

content analysis

(Ary, et al, 2002:385). Therefore, based on

the statement above, the writer conducted the research to analyze the resources from

an Indonesian women Magazine, which was Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine.

Since the second research question was in the area of people’ perspective,



Razavieh, 2002: 25). Hence, survey research can be defined as “the systematic

gathering of information from (a sample of) respondents for the purpose of

understanding and/or predicting some aspects of the behaviour of the population of

interest” in certain topic of problem (Tull and Albaum, 1973: 3). Related to this

research, the writer surveyed students’ opinion on code-switching phenomenon which

occurred in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. The surveyed done through interviewing

the students who are considered as the readers of Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine.

B. Research Subject

Since this research focuses on the use of code-switching in written context,

Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine was chosen to be the subject of this research.

Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine is considered as one of the favorites women magazine

in Indonesia. It provides much information which are up-to-date. In addition, the

information provided in this magazine are fit to women’s interest. Information such

as life-style, fashion, special issues, artists’ life, and newest products are available in

this magazine. As defined by the editorial staff of Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine, the

magazine is for readers in the range of 17-20 years. The writer chose Cosmogirl

Indonesia Magazine because it uses different language style compared to any other

teenage magazines. Hence, it is still acceptable to be read for early college students.

In addition, this magazine also provides many code-switching cases which become a

space for readers to learn English by enriching new vocabularies used in its contents.



languages (

Bahasa Indonesia

and English).

The writer employed one edition of Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine to analize.

This consideration was based on the need of adequate data, in which the chosen

edition of magazine has provided sufficient evidence of the occurence of a

code-switching phenomenon to analyze. After analyzing the data, the writer found the

evidence that almost in every page of this edition contains code-switching case. There

is minimally one code-switching case in almost every page. There are also many

pages which contain more than one code-switching cases. Furthermore, since this

research has been conducted in the present time, the writer chose June 2010 edition.

C. Research Participants

In answering the second research question, the writer chose students of the

English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) of Sanata Dharma University

Yogyakarta as the research participants. Since this research deals with a phenomenon

in sociolinguistics and language learning, the decision of choicing The ELESP

students as the participants was because they are more eager to learn English rather

than other readers who are not from English education background. Hence, this

research expectantly could give a picture on advantages and disadvantages of the use

of code-switching. The writer would like to know whether the use of code-switching



students in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University, the choice of the magazine came to

Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. Furthermore, in the writer’s opinion, compared to

men, women have greater interest in updating information which are related to

life-style, fashion, and newest products. One of the ways is by reading magazine.

In conducting the interview, the writer took 5 women students of English

Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University as the participants

of this research. The selection of the students was based on a small observation which

had been conducted. The students who were chosen were noticed to frequently read

Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine as one of information or entertainment sources in

their daily life.

D. Research Instruments

In this qualitative research, the writer is considered as the research instrument

of the research. Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (2002:447-448) defined the human

instrument as follows:

In qualitative studies, the investigator is the data-gathering instrument. He or

she talks with people in the setting, observes their activities, read their

documents and written records, and records this information in field notes and

journals. Qualitative inquiry relies on fieldwork methods-interviewing,

nonstructured observation, and document analysis – as the principal means of

collecting data, avoiding the use of paper-and-pencil tests, mechanical

instruments, and highly structured observational protocols.

Dealing with the theory, the writer positions himself as the data gathering



interview to the participants, and analyzed the data.

The other instruments which were used were observation checklist and

interview guide. The observation checklist was used to list code-switching cases

which occured in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. Meanwhile, interview guide was

used to help the writer to answer the second research question, which deals with the

readers’ opinion on code-switching phenomenon which occcured in Cosmogirl

Indonesia Magazine. The table of the observation checklist and the interview guide

can be seen in Appendix A and Appendix D.

E. Data Gathering Technique

In gathering the data of this qualitative research, the writer used library study,

observation, and interview techniques. The first technique used to help the writer in

gaining the data was library study. To describe possible reasons for code-switching,

the writer employed library study which was based on theories proposed by some

linguists. These theories then would be used as the foundation to analyze the data

which deal with the possible reasons for code-switching.

Second, in collecting the data of the evidence of code-switching occurrence in

related magazine, the writer designed the observation checklist. The observation

aims to give a reliable data and to prove the occurrence of code-switching in the

magazine. As a result, the writer could obtain background information and the



writer used semi-structured interview. Hancock (2002:13) defined semi-structured

interview as follows:

Semi-structured interview involves a series of open ended questions based on

the topic areas the researcher wants to cover. The open ended nature of the

question defines the topic under investigation but provides opportunities for

both interviewer and interviewee to discuss some topics in more detail. If the

interviewee has difficulty answering a question or provides only a brief

response, the interviewer can use cues or prompts to encourage the

interviewee to consider the question further.

Drawing upon this quotation, the writer used semi-structured interview to help

him in gaining the data. The semi-structured interview was a very useful instrument

for the writer, since it could help him in obtaining in-depth information from the

participants. This instrument also enabled the writer to develop the questions in order

to obtain further information from the participants. However, the interview was used

to answer the second problem formulation in this research, which was to know the

readers’ opinion on code-switching phenomenon which occured in Cosmogirl

Indonesia Magazine.

The interview to the participants was conducted within a week, from

September 17


to September 24


2010. The writer conducted the interview for the

participants one by one. In the process of the interview, the writer tried to create a

relax situation, so that the participants could elaborate their answers well. The writer

chose a proper place which could create a relax situation, such as in canteen and



information from the participants. In addition, the writer used recorded-interview.

This technique aims to attain a detail trancription of the conversation which was

conducted between the writer and the participants. The result of the interview was

then transribed in a form of text.

F. Data Analysis Technique

After gathering the data, then it would be analyzed. Since this research was

qualitative research, the nature of data would be in the form of words. In gaining a

qualified finding, the writer followed the organized step in analyzing and organizing

the qualitative research which were constructed by Creswell (1998), as cited by

Leedy and Ormord (2005: 150-151). Creswell described a spiral data analysis which

covered four steps;


Organizing the data

The writer firstly conducted scanning reading of an edition of Cosmogirl

Indonesia Magazine of June 2010 edition to identify words, phrase, clause and

sentence which contained code-switching. In this step, the writer sometimes gave a

brief note for interesting information which were related to the nature of this research.

Before listing the data into observation checklist, the writer highlighted the

code-switching cases from the magazine.

Secondly, in answering the second research question which deals with the



Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. This interview was based on the

interview guide which had been designed. In the process of the interview, the writer

recorded it in order to obtain a detail transcription of the conversation. Afterwards,

the result was transcribed into text.


Examining the data

By reading and examining thoroughly the code-switching cases and the

interview result that had been put on the observation checklist and interview guide,

the writer might have an early interpretation toward the phenomenon being discussed

in this research.


Identify general categories and classify each piece of data

This step might come up with the specific data which have been obtained

from the observation checklist and the interview result. In the third step, the

researcher went through detailed analysis. Dealing with the first research question in

this research, the writer classified code-switching data into description based on each

reason. Meanwhile for the second research question, the writer classified the result of

the interview based on the questions in the interview guide.


Integrating and summarizing the data

After finishing classifying the data, to get a big picture related to the common

phenomenon being studied, the writer made conclusion toward code-switching



theories proposed from several linguists.

F. Research Procedure

This section describes the procedures of how the writer organized this

research. Actually, there are eight steps which were done to accomplish this research.

The steps are as follows:


Selecting the problems

There were a number of reasons that bring the writer conducted this research.

Since the previous studies which worked on readers’ opinion on code-switching in

written context are limited, this became one of the reasons of why this research was



Selecting sampling of magazine

Considering some reasons of choosing the magazine, the writer decided to use

Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine as the research subject which was observed.

Furthermore, since this research had been conducted in the present time, the writer

chose June 2010 edition. This consideration was based on the need of adequate data,

in which the chosen edition of magazine has provided sufficient evidence of the



Since the sources of the data in this research were gained by the observation

and the interview, designing observation checklist and interview guide would be the

important things in this research. The significance of the observation checklist was to

equip the writer to list code-switching cases which occurred in magazine, thus, it

would be clearly seen within its context. Meanwhile, the significance of the interview

guide was to equip the writer to answer the second research question, which was to

describe the readers’ opinion on code-switching phenomenon which occured in

Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine.

4. Identifying code-switching cases and listing into observation checklist

After designing observation checklist and interview guide, the writer

identified every code-switching case which occurred in the chosen edition of

Cosmogirl Magazine, by highlighting the code-switching cases in the magazine.

Afterwards, they were listed into observation checklist.


Conducting and recording interview to the participants

In this procedure, the writer conducted interview for 5 participants who were

identified as Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine readers. This interview was tended to

find out the readers’ opinion on code-switching phenomenon which occured in the




Some theories which have been proposed by linguists would be the bases to

figure out the reasons of code-switching which occurred in magazine. Afterwards, the

writer classified the cases based on each reason.

7. Analyzing readers’ opinion on code-switching phenomenon which occured in

Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine

In analyzing the readers’ opinion, the writer figured out the result of the

interview from the participants. In this analysis, the writer also classified the data

which had been found. In the analysis, the writer generally used his interpretations to

explore more the language phenomenon being discussed in this research.

8. Making conclusion based on the findings

In this step, the writer drew a conclusion which was based on the findings that

have been obtained. The writer’s interpretation toward the phenomenon being

discussed played important role to make the conclusion. The conclusion is related to

the two problems which were discussed in this research, which focus on possible

reasons and readers’ opinion on code-switching phenomenon which occured in the









This chapter presents the research results. This chapter is divided into two sections, namely the possible reasons of code-switching and the readers’ opinion on code-switching phenomenon which occured in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine.

A. TheReasons of Code-Switching

In this research, the writer categorized the functions of code-switching based on the theory asserted by Malik (1994). These reasons are lack of facility, lack of register, mood of the speaker, to emphasize a point, habitual experience, semantic significance, to show identity with a group, to address a different audience, pragmatic reasons, and to attract attention.



Table 4.1. Table of Number of Code-Switching Cases Classification in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine of June 2010 Edition

The Reasons of code-switching Number Percentage

Lack of facility 248 55.5 %

Lack of register 37 8.3 %

Mood of the speaker 28 6.3 %

To emphasize a point 49 11 %

Habitual experience 15 3.4 %

Semantic significance 0 0 %

Identity with a group 5 1 %

To address different audience 0 0 %

Pragmatic reason 0 0 %

To attract attention 65 14.5 %

Total 447 100 %

This part also elaborates the reasons of code-switching in detail. In each reason, the writer presents the findings and shows the percentage of the occurence in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine.

1. Lack of Facility



the writer found that there are many cases of code-switching which have been categorized as lack of facility.

Lack of facility was the most dominant reason which was found in the chosen magazine. More than 50% of the cases of codes-switching had been categorized as this reason. The writer would like to discuss several cases found in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine of June 2010 edition which were categorized as lack of facility.

1). Seafood adalah menu khas yang bisa kamu jumpai di setiap penginapan. (p.25, June 2010 edition)

2). Makin mudah untuk meng-upload plus berbagi keceriaan kamus secara online melalui Picasa, Facebook, dan Youtube. (p.38, June 2010 edition)

3). Iy akan “membacakan” pesan-pesan tertulis yang masuk ke inbox kamu. (p.44, June 2010 edition)

4). Lewat Twitter, Zooet jadi lebih update dengan segala hal yang sedang terjadi di dunia ini. (p.89, June 2010 edition)

5). Sekarang, kita hanya perlu handphone untuk internetan. (p.89, June 2010 edition).

From these examples, code-switching is identified by the inclusion of English words in every sentence. There are also several sentences which contain more than one English word. Dealing with the function of code-switching, which is lack of facility, in these examples, the English words were used in order to carry on the conversation smoothly.



makanan hasil laut. In the second example, the magazine used the word “ upload”. The writer thought that the word “upload” is more familiar than the word memuat. The situation is also similar with the switching case in the third example. In many situations, people would rather use the word “inbox” than use kotak masuk, since kotak masuk is not common. The writer thinks it will be strange when people use kotak masuk. It is unfamiliar in daily conversation. The case is also similar in examples 4 and 6, the words “update” and handphone” are used more often than the words diperbaharui and telepon genggam.

Lack of facility also deals with certain English words which are commonly used in Bahasa Indonesia. Related to this reason of code-switching, the writer also found some words which occured many times in the chosen magazine. Several words which occured many times were “fashion” and “make-up”. Since Cosmogirl Indonesia is a woman magazine, the code-switching cases are mostly related to fashion and style. Here are some examples:

6). Ssst.. ada beberapa fashion show yang menampilkan make-up dengan bulu-bulu yang dipasang alias dan riasan face painting beraksen glitter yang luar biasa menarik perhatian. (p.48, June 2010 edition)

7). Aku seneng disuruh pake baju lucu dan di-make up dengan gaya yang sesuai dengan wajahku. (p.63, June 2010 edition)

8). Terus, make-overnya bikin aku pangling pas lihat muka sendiri. (p.63, June 2010 edition)

2. Lack of Register


Table 4.1 Table of Number of Code-Switching  Cases Classification
figure out the reasons of code-switching which occurred in magazine. Afterwards, the
table below shows the number of the code-switching cases that were found in
Table 4.1. Table of Number of Code-Switching Cases Classification in


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