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1444 H / 2023 M







Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Bachelor Degree of English Education





1444 H / 2023 M




Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamiin, praise belong to Allah Almighty, the lord of universe, the most gracious and merciful who has rewarded writer the time, energy, opportunity, finance, health, and belief. Shalawat and gratitude go to our prophet Muhammad SAW (Peace be Upon Him). Due to Allah, the writer can finish and complete this thesis to fulfill one of the requirements for the award of bachelor degree at the Department of English Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.

In conducting the research and finishing this project; paper, the researcher got suggestion, encouragements, motivation, and support from many sides.

Therefore in this chance, the researcher also thanks:

1. Prof., Dr. Hairunas, M.Ag, the Rector of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Dr. Hj. Helmiati., M.Ag., as Vice Rector I, Dr.

H. Mas’ud Zein, M.Pd., as Vice Rector II, Edi Irwan, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., as Vice Rector III and all staff. Thank you for kindness and encouragement.

2. Dr. Kadar M. Yusuf, M.Ag, the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Dr. H. Zarkasih M.Ag., as Vice Dean I , Dr. Zubaidah Amir MZ, S.Pd., M.Pd., as Vice Dean II, Dr. Amirah Diniaty, M.Pd.Kons, as Vice Dean III and all staff. Thank you for kindness and encouragement.

3. Dr. Faurina Anastasia, SS., M.Hum, the Chairperson of Department of English Education Department who has given guidance in completing this thesis in academic year 2018/2023.

4. The English Education Departement’s Secretary, Dr. Aisyah Zulkifli, S.Pd, M.Pd, provided this thesis with corerections, sugesstion, assistance, advice, and direction.

5. Rizki Amelia, M.Pd., the researcher’s supervisors who have given


iv many questions.

6. All lecturers of English Education Department of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, who have given knowledge and information of this project paper and thanks for their contributions and support during the courses.

7. The Headmaster of SMK Taruna Pekanbaru, and My beloved English Teacher Mam Nely Indrayani, S.Pd, and Mr Rahmat Alhamda, S.Pd, and staffs who have helped me in accomplishing this research.

8. My Beloved Family, Thank you always giving support.

9. All of the people who cannot the researcher mention one by one who have the role on finishing this thesis, Thank you.

The perfection only belongs to Allah. Criticisms, comments and suggestions are really appreciated to improve the thesis. May Allah Almighty, the lord of universe bless us.

Pekanbaru, 27 November 2022 The Researcher,

Freshly Anancy SIN. 11614203206



Freshly Anancy, (2022): An Analysis on Social Competence of English Teacher at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru

This study aims to describe the social competence of teachers in terms of inclusiveness, acting objectively and not discriminating and secondly, good communication with teachers, education staff, students and the community. This goal is important in dealing with the times where the dominant aspect is attitude or affective. This research is classified as a qualitative research. In this study, researchers took samples from the population based on purposive sampling technique. The researcher took all English teachers who had experience teaching English at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru, namely two English teachers. This study recommends other research on teacher competence in applying discipline. In collecting data, researchers used interviews. One-on-one interviews were used in this study. The research data analysis technique is based on Miles and Huberman's interactive analysis technique through data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Data validity with technique and source triangulation. Based on the results of the analysis, the researchers found that the social competence of English teachers at SMK Taruna Pekanbaru as a whole was categorized as good. This can be seen from the findings that each teacher's first social competence is inclusive, acts objectively and does not discriminate and secondly that communication with teachers, education staff, students and the community is already good.



Inggris di SMK Taruna Pekanbaru.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kompetensi sosial guru dalam sikap inklusif, bertindak secara objektif dan tidak mendiskriminasi dan kedua adalah komunikasi dengan guru, tenaga kependidikan, siswa dan masyarakat sudah baik. Tujuan ini penting dalam menghadapi perkembangan zaman di mana aspek yang dominan adalah sikap atau afektif. Penelitian ini tergolong dalam penelitian kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengambil sampel dari populasi berdasarkan teknik purposive sampling. Peneliti mengambil semua guru bahasa inggris yang sudah berpengalaman mengajar bahasa inggris di SMK Taruna Pekanbaru yaitu dua orang guru bahasa inggris. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan penelitan lainnya tentang kompetensi guru dalam menerapkan sikap disiplin.. Didalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan wawancara. One-on-one interview digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Teknik analisis data penelitian ini berdasarkan teknik analisis interaktif Miles dan Huberman melalui pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Validitas data dengan triangulasi teknik dan sumber.

Berdasarkan hasil analisis, peneliti menemukan bahwa kompetensi sosial pada guru bahasa inggris di SMK Taruna Pekanbaru secara keseluruhan dikategorikan baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari penemuan yang mana tiap kompetensi sosial guru yang pertama adalah inklusif, bertindak secara objektif dan tidak mendiskriminasi dan kedua adalah komunikasi dengan guru, tenaga kependidikan, siswa dan masyarakat sudah baik.








ABSTRAK ... vi


. ... vii


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ... 5

C. Limitation of the Problem ... 6

D. Formulation of the Problem ... 6

E. The Objective of the Research ... 6

F. The Significant of the Research... 6

G. The Definition of the Terms ... 7


1. Definition of Sosial Competence ... 8

B. Relevant Research ... 19

C. Conceptual Framework ... 25


B. Time and The Location of the Research ... 27

C. Subject and Object of the Research ... 28

D. Participant ... 28

E. The Technique of Data Collecting ... 28



F. The Technique of Data Analysis... ... 29 CHAPTER IV DATA PRESENTATION AND DATA ANALYSIS

A. Findings ... 31 B. Discussion ... 42 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

A. The conclusion ... 48 B. The Suggestion ... 49 REFERENCES




1 A. Background of the Problem

The main elements of education are teachers, students, and the education system. These three things are interdependent, but the teacher factor seems to be the most decisive in educational success. Krishna (2007) says that there are three noble professions. The first is a teacher, the second is a doctor and the third is a lawyer, judge, or prosecutor. Furthermore, Krishna (2007) says that if we have to choose, then the teaching profession is the noblest. This statement gives a huge appreciation to the profession of a teacher.

Moreover, the statement about the importance of teacher’s competency is also supported by Law Number 20 of 2004 concerning the National Education System states that education is a conscious and planned effort to realize conditions and processes as well as learning outcomes so that students can actively develop their potential, power of self-control and skills for themselves and society. For this reason, very careful planning is needed to carry out education properly and correctly, so that the objectives of national education can be realized by the mandate of the Law. Based on the law, it can also mean that the obligations of teachers in urban and rural areas in Indonesia are the same.

According to Permendiknas No 16 (2007), the teacher has to master four competencies; pedagogical competence; personal competence; social competence, and professional competence. Concerning teachers’ competence, the success of the teaching materials in relation to teaching content is influenced by competence.



If the teacher can master all of the competencies, the learning and teaching process in the classroom was a good situation.

Nowadays, the most problems that happened in teachers’ area are nearly half of the approximately 2.7 million teachers in Indonesia have not fulfilled the requirements of high competency in teaching (Pahrudin et al, 2016). Teachers as an executor of education play a role in student achievement. A good teacher is the most determinant of the student's achievement in the classroom (Hayes, 2003 Rif’atul, 2016). One of the competencies that should be mastered by the teacher is social competency.

Based on UU RI No. 14, 2005, social competence is defined as a teacher’s ability to be part of the community, including communicating and socializing effectively with students, fellow teachers, school staff and parents or guardians, and the community. In other words, teachers can communicate and interact effectively with the school environment and outside the school environment.

Social competency is the ability of teachers as part of the public to communicate and interact effectively with others including learners, fellow teachers, parents/

guardians of the students, and the community. Indicators used in the measurement of social competence of teachers include the ability to communicate and interact effectively with students, fellow teachers, education personnel, and the parents/guardians of the students and the community.

Regarding the scope of teacher social competence, Sanusi (1991) revealed that social competence includes the ability to adapt to the demands of work and the surrounding environment when carrying out his duties as a teacher. According


to Permendiknas No. 16 of 2007 there are five social competencies that must be possessed by teachers which are described in detail as follows: Having skill in communicating with students and parents of students, be sympathetic, Can work closely with the education board/school committee, Good at getting along with coworkers and educational partners, Understanding the world around him (the environment).

Social competence which refers to the ability of teachers was part of a social or community school environment. The interaction and communication between all elements in a good school was the interaction between teachers and students, it will create conditions conducive. Intensive communications to the learners have a significant impact on student learning outcomes. Given these interrelationships it will provide a significant impact to the learners in implementing the learning process. This case happens in Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru. There were still English teachers who had some problems in their social competence context at school.

Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru is one of senior high schools in Riau Province. Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru adapts curriculum 2013 Revision 2017. According to the law of lecturer and teacher, all of teacher should have social competence when teaching in the class. One of competencies should be mastered by teacher is social competence. It is also for English teachers.

But in the fact, there are English teacher who not have social competence.

In a priliminary research, the researcher interviewed to english tecaher at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru. Based on interview with the first



English teacher at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru. She has been teaching about 9 years. She said that when teaching in the class, she is seldom to communicate with the students because many students used bahasa when communicating in the class or outdoor. She is one of English teacher who didn’t like sharing about something with the teacher or the students. And when learning process was started in the class, she prohibited the students to use gadget for translating the English texts. It makes the student didn’t like English lesson with her.

Based on interview with the second teacher at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru, He has been teaching English subject about 3 years. The researcher found the students more prefer the second teacher than the first teacher, it is caused the second teacher is friendly with the teacher or the students. The second teacher always motivate and invite the students to use English every day.

Therefore, From the cases above, the researcher assumed that there were some teacher problem in the context of social competence.

Based on the researcher’s observation in Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru about English social competence, the researcher found that there are several problems about social competences as follows: Some of English teachers are not able to communicate on school environment well, Some of English teachers are not able to get along with other colleagues, Some of English teachers are less able to socialize in school, Some of English teachers are not able to communicate and get along with parents / guardians of students and the


surrounding community, Some of English teachers who are discriminatory at school.

Most of the previous studies (Utami et al 2020, Kamal et al 2021, Pahrudin et al 2016, Wiwi Rif’atul Qodariyah, Kathleen Lynne Lane, Annisa Nadia) the researcher concluded that many other researchers investigated the competencyabout English Teacher Competency, headmaster leadership and tecaher competencies, all of teacher competency pedagogical competency. and there were research about social competency but it was located in abroad. So that is why the researcher wants to investigate social competency on english teacher.

Thus, it is important to bring this issue to the surface and to do specific research on it. Based on phenomena above, the writer is interested in carrying out these phenomena in a research entitled “An Analysis of Social Competence on English Teacher at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru”.

B. The Identification of the problem

After conducting preliminary observation at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru, it is clear that English teacher are still low in doing communicate with the students. To make the problem of research clearer, the problem of this research was identified as follow: the first were some of English teachers in Vocational Taruna Pekanbaru not able to communicate on school environment well, the secod were some of English teachers in Vocational Taruna Pekanbaru not able to get along with other colleagues, the third were some of English teachers in Vocational Taruna Pekanbaru less able to socialize in school, the four were some of English teachers in Vocational Taruna Pekanbaru not able



to communicate and get along with parents / guardians of students and the surrounding community, and the last were some of English teachers in Vocational Taruna Pekanbaru who discriminatory at school.

C. Limitation of the Problem

After identifying the problems stated above, thus, the researcher needs to limit and focus on analysis of social competence on English teacher at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem, the researcher formulates the problem of the research is “how is social competence on English teacher at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru?”

E. Objective and Significance of the Research

To describe how social competence of English teachers at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru is.

F. Significance of the Research

Based on the research objectives, the results of this study are intended to provide theoretical and practical benefits. Theoretically, the results of this study are expected to be useful for writers as novice researchers, especially in learning how to do research. The results of this study are also expected to be useful and valuable, especially for English teachers at Vocational High Shool Taruna Pekanbaru to be taken into consideration in their future learning process.


Practically, the results of this study can be useful for teachers at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru, the findings of this study are also expected to be positive and valuable information, especially for those who are involved in the world of teaching and learning English as a foreign language/second language, and the findings This research is also expected to become information to improve the social competence of English teachers

G. Definitions of the Terms 1. Social Comptence

Social competence of teachers is the ability of teachers as part of society to communicate and interact effectively with students, fellow educators, education staff, parents / guardians of students, and the surrounding community, (Mulyasa of 2009). In this research, social competence is to know the teachers’ ability in communication on social environment. The researcher assumes that when the social competence of teachers increases, student learning outcomes will also increase.




A. Theoretical Framework 1. Social Competence

Many experts have given the definition about competence. Holmez (1992) as cited from Asep (2013) “a competency is a description of something which a person who works in a given occupational area should be able to do.

It is a description of an action, behavior or outcome which a person should be able to demonstrate”. The competence is so important So someone must be able to do something correctly if they want to be called as competence.

Meanwhile Moqvist (2003) said that “competency has been defined in the light of actual circumstances relating to the individual and work”. In line with that statement, competence is basically a description of what a person can do at work, as well as what the visible form of that job is. To be able to do a job, a person must have abilities in the form of knowledge, attitudes and skills that were relevant in the field of work (Asep, 2013).

According to Vijay Kumar (2013) as cited from Pahrudin et al (2016) about "The Influence of Teacher's professional competence on Students' Achievement" regarding competence are: "competency standards were concerned with the application of professional knowledge and skills within the workplace and were underpinned by teachers' professional values Competence is usually associated with highly professional performance and there is a direct


link in the field of education between a teacher’s professional competence and pupil performance.

According to Sagala (2013:23) competence is a fusion of knowledge (daya thinking), attitude (heart power), and skills (physical power) which is embodied in form deed. There are four required competencies owned by the teacher. competencies These include pedagogical competence, personality, social, and professional.

According to Stephen Robbin (2007: 38) the definition of competence according to Stephen Robbin is the ability (ability) or the capacity of a person to do various tasks in a job, where this ability is determined by two factors namely intellectual ability and physical ability.

According to Usman in Kunandar (2010: 52) says competence is something that describes a person's qualifications or abilities, both qualitative and quantitative. This definition implies that competence can be used in two contexts, namely: first, as an indicator of ability that shows the observed actions. Second, as a concept that includes aspects cognitive, affective and deed as well as the stages of implementation as a whole.

From the opinions explained above, the researcher concluded that competence is basically a description of what someone should be able to do in a job, in the form of activities, behaviors and results that should be displayed or demonstrated.

According to E. Mulyasa (2007), that there were six aspects or domains contained in the concept of competence, namely as follows:



1. Knowledge, is awareness in cognitive field, for example a teacher knows how to identify learning needs, and how to perform the learning of the students according to their needs.

2. Comprehension (understanding), is the depth of cognitive and affective owned by individuals, for example, a teacher who would carry out the study must have a good understanding of the characteristics and circumstances of learners.

3. Ability (skill), is something that is owned by an individual to perform a task or job assigned to him, such as the ability of teachers to choose and create simple props to provide ease of learning to learners.

4. Values, is a standard of behavior that has been believed and psychologically been fused in a person, for example, the standard behavior of teachers in learning (honesty, openness, democratic, and others).

5. Attitude is feeling (happy, unhappy, likes, dislikes) or a reaction to a stimulus that comes from outside, a reaction to the economic crisis, the feeling of the salary increase, and others.

6. Interest, is the tendency of a person to perform an act, such as interests to do something or to learn something.

From the six aspects contained in the concept of the competence above, if it explored deeply include four areas of competence that is essential for a teacher namely pedagogical competence, personal competence, social competence, and professional competence. These four types of these competencies should be controlled fully by the teacher.


Teacher competencies have been divided into four competences as follows (Agus, 2012).

a. Pedagogic Competence is the teacher's understanding of students, planning, implementing learning, evaluating learning outcomes, and developing students to actualize their potential.

b. Personality competence of a teacher is the basic asset for the person concerned in carrying out his duties professionally.

c. Professional Competence, according to education experts, a job is said to be a profession if it is done for a living at the same time it is done with a high level of expertise.

d. Social Competence is the ability of teachers to communicate, cooperate and interact effectively and efficiently with students, fellow educators, parents / guardians, and with the surrounding community.

According to Lauzackas (2005) Social competence is the behavior, which in specific social situations leads to either positive or negative interaction of a teacher or students, social environment and society. Social means relating to human society and its models of organization, competence is a specific range of skills, knowledge, or ability. The concept of social competence defines personal behavior and expression of his interpersonal relationships and abilities to achieve targeted goals. In other word social competence is the art of human expression which a person is learning during all his life, from early age very existence and which reveals itself in human maturity, intelligence and awareness (Weinert, 1999)



According to Reitz (2012) the social competence concept development in higher education and social competence is the sum of knowledge and skills of person that determines the quality of socially competent behavior. Social competence that is get along and communication effectively have relationship between the school and the community, the role of teachers in the community and the teacher as an agent of social change.

Demonstrated social competence by Buchari Alma (in Wibowo and Hamrin, 2012:124) is the ability of the teacher to communicate and interact effectively with the school environment and outside school environment.

Social competence is behavior, led in certain social situations to either the positive or negative interactions of a person teachers or students, social environment and society (Weinert F. E., 1999). (Gedviliene, 2012)

Must have language skills by a teacher, because the teacher is mentor and facilitator. With language skills possessed by the teacher, the teacher will more easily convey the material which will be delivered. Susanto (2013:243) say that oral language skills includes speaking and listening skills, while written language skills include reading and writing skills. Moment humans communicate orally, then ideas, thoughts, ideas, and feelings are expressed in the form of the word with the aim to understood by the interlocutor. A teacher who have deep social competence do Indonesian language learning must have language skills including speaking, listening, reading, and write. Teacher knowledge and abilities in language is a science for implemented and distributed to students.


According to (Suraji, 2012), social competence is the ability of teachers related to the task of the teacher as an educator and learning agent.

Process and education and learning too included in the process of social communication between teachers and students. Teacher's social skills with all components involved in the process of education and learning are very influential to the success of an education and learning. So that the social ability of the teacher become important in education and learning. The things that are included in Social competence is the attitude of loving students, listening and respecting people's opinions others, do not impose opinions and desires on others and help people who sincerely need.

Based on the explanation above it can be concluded that social competence is a person's ability to communicate and interact orally and in writing with students, teachers, educators, parents and the community. Social competence is the skill of a teacher in showing appropriate behavior with the circumstances and conditions that are often carried out in social activities. So there is an interaction good and effective. The aspects of social competence are as follows: 1. Cognitive capacity, which is the most basic thing in the teacher's social abilities in establish and maintain positive relationships. In cognitive capacity that is has a price good self, have the ability to see things from a social point of view, and have ability to solve interpersonal problems.

2. The balance between socialization needs and privacy needs, every social decision is the need for someone in a community group to establish good relationships with other people. While the need for privacy is the need to be an



individual which is unique, different and free to perform an action without any intervention others. 3. Social ability with peers, is an individual's ability to establish relationships relationships with peers, so there is no feeling of awkwardness in adjustment towards the group and want to be involved in group activities. 4. Teachers must have social responsibility, in the school environment teachers do not have limitations in the learning process, but has a great social responsibility in working together to manage education in the community. For that the teacher must have a big contribution in carrying out activities outside of school.

Teachers who have social competence will be able to communicate well with others students to build a fun learning process and multi-directional interactions occur between them teacher with students. So that in learning students become active. Nurfuadi (2012) in (Muspiroh, n.d.) Explained that teachers must have social competence to communicate and interact with the community, this is because if there is a need in the process learning related to parents of students or the community about necessary issues resolved it will be easy to communicate. who are intelligent in social skills, will be able to manage classes related to forming relationships with students, developing lessons according to student abilities, able to create and develop ways to increase intrinsic motivation and others.

According to Goleman (2006) in (Muspiroh, n.d.), that the teacher's social intelligence is capable creating a good learning atmosphere can improve student learning abilities. The teacher will also find it easy to manage the


teaching and learning process and become a central figure strong and has authority, but still has a side as a friend to his students.

According to Hamzah B. Uno (2011:50) Stated that in social competence, it has become human nature as a social being and an ethical being. He must be able to treat his students fairly and aim to achieve optimization in each student. He must understand and apply the principle of humanistic learning which assumes that Learning success is determined by the abilities that exist in these students. The instructor is only tasked with serving them according to their individual needs. Social competence possessed by a teacher is related to the ability to communicate with students and the environment them (such as parents, neighbors, and fellow friends).

The research results of Yendri Wirda et al (2009) show that to improve social competence, the teachers need training / upgrading, books on communicating effectively, empathic, and polite, religious deepening activities, getting to know local culture, and the availability of a comfortable work space for interact. While the efforts made are multiplying reading reference books, expanding association in society (socializing), involved as administrators in social activities/ religion in schools and communities, communicate with teacher professional community. The material needed is in the form of training, seminars, workshops to improve social competence, including knowledge of social/association ethics, faith/ religion, society, culture and communication.



Social competence is the competence of teachers with regard to the relationship between teachers and the environment or the public, that society is in school or out of school, communicate and interact with both the students and have values and norms that apply in school and society. According to Surya, social competence is required by a person’s ability to succeed in dealing with others, including skills in social interaction and social responsibilities. In that regulation no 19 of 2005 stated that, social competence includes the ability to communicate, get along in school and society.

According to mulyasa (2009) states that social competency is the ability of teachers as part of the public to communicate and interact effectivly with others include: learners, follow teachers, parents/guardians of the students and the community. Indicators used in the measurement of social competence of teachers include the ability to communicate and interact effectively with students, follow teachers and education person and the parents/guardians of the students and the community

According to Bharga & Pathy concerning the competence of personality in his article Morallo entitled personal and professional competencies of Senior teacher Education Students stated that the teachers personal competencies include knowledge of the subject matter, effective communication skills, punctuality, being a disciplinarian and understanding the nature of child psychology, personal competence of teachers include knowledge of the subject matter, effective communication skills, punctual, disciplined and understand the character of psychology children.


Meanwhile Supriadi and Darmawan in Nurhasnawati (2015), social competence is social competence is the ability of educators as part of society to communicate and socialize with students, fellow educators, education staff, parents or guardians of students, and the surrounding community. And then Mulyasa (2013) in his book said that the social competence of teachers and education personnel is one of the powers or abilities to prepare students to become good members of society and the ability to educate guide society in facing life in the future.

According to Mulyasa (2006) the indicators of social competence were as follows:

a. Communicate orally in writing and gestures.

b. Use communication and information technology functionally.

c. Socialize effectively with students, teachers, educational staff, parents or guardians of students.

d. Getting politely with the surrounding community

In this research, the researcher used Mulyasa’s statement as grand theory as the rules of social competency because he explained more detail about social competence in his book than other experts. So that is why the researcher Mulyasa book as main idea about social competency

According to Getteng (2011) social competence is the ability of the teacher as part of community, which at least includes the competence to:

a. Communicate orally, in writing and gesture;

b. Using communication and information technology functionally;



c. Mingle effectively with students, fellow educators, staff education, parents or guardians of students, and

d. Get along politely with the surrounding community.

Social touch shows that a professional inside doing something must be based on human values, awareness of environment, and has economic value for the benefit of society extensively.

In addition, the reseacher also found the English teacher social competence stated in the Minister of National Education No. 16 of 2007 are as follows:

a. Be inclusive, act objectively, and not discriminate because of consideration of gender, religion, race, condition, physical, family background, and socioeconomic status.

b. Communicate effectively, empathically, and politely with fellow educators, educational staff, parents and the community.

c. Adapt in the place of duty throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia which has sociocultural diversity.

d. Communicate with the professional community itself and other professions verbally and in writing or in other forms.

And social competence according to Slamet PH in Syaiful Sagala (2013) consists of:

a. Understand and appreciate (respect) differences and have abilities managing conflicts and clashes;


b. Carry out harmonious cooperation with colleagues, chief schools and deputy principals, and other related parties;

c. Build teamwork (teamwork) that is compact, intelligent, dynamic, and agile;

d. Build communication (oral, written, pictured) effectively and fun with all school members, parents of students, with full awareness that each has a role and responsibility responsible for the progress of learning;

In this research, the researcher used Mulyasa (2009) theories because Mulyasa is one of expert about education especially on curriculum. Many book have been written by Mulyasa about curriculum and teacher competency. So that is why the researcher used his opinion to measure English teachers social competency at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru.

B. Relevant Research

According to Syafi’i (2007), relevant research is required to observe some previous researches conducted by other researcher in which they are relevant to our research. Relevant research is used to know the same and the difference about the variable of the research. To avoid plagiarism from previous research, there are some researches that have been conducted relates to this research as follows.

The First is the research that had been done by Utami, et al, (2020), they stated that having competencies can create work professionalism and are reflected in the teaching performance performed by a teacher. These competence components include personality and social competencies. This study aims to



analyze the influence of personality and social competencies of Kindergarten teachers in their teaching performance based on the principal's assessment. The samples were 101 school principals who assessed 173 kindergarten teachers. The research method used was quantitative with ex-post facto design. The data were collected through a questionnaire with a Likert scale.

To determine the accuracy of the model, classical assumption testing was done which included normality test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. The analysis technique used was multiple regression analysis both partially and simultaneously. The results show that: first, there was a positive and significant influence between personality competences toward teacher performance with a significance of 41.8%. Second, there was a positive and significant influence between social competences toward teacher performance with a significant percentage of 47.8%. Third, there was a positive and significant influence between personality and social competencies toward teacher performance with a significant percentage of 51.9%. Through the results of these studies indicate that personal and social competence plays a role in the formation of teachers' performance, so it’s important for teachers to always try improve their ability to produce more optimal performance.

The second, the research from Kamal et al. (2021), they stated that The teachers are the factor that most determines the qualities of education, so the teachers required to have the potential to develop professionalism as a teacher.

But there are still many teachers who are not able to develop their social competences. Research focus in this study are (1) How do the teachers


understanding of social competence in the communication aspect in SDI No. 167 Mattoanging? (2) Do teachers in SDI No. 167 Mattoanging communicate affectively to students, professional friends (fellow teachers), and parents of students.

This study aims (a) to find out an overview of the understanding of social competence of classroom teachers in SDI No. 167 Mattoanging on the aspects of communication. (b) To find out teacher communication with the students, fellow educators, education staff and parents of the students. The type of research is a descriptive approach through a qualitative approach. The sources used in this study were the principal as the key informant, teacher, education staff, parents of the students, and the school committee as informant. Datum collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Datum analyzed through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and data validity checks. The results of the study show that (1) the teachers do understand every aspect of social interaction of competences (2) the teachers’ communication is not affective in terms of each social component.

The third relevant research was conducted by Pahrudin et al which entitled

“The Effect of Pedagogic Competency, Personality, Professional and Social Competency Teacher to Study Achievement of Economic Lesson in State Senior High School of East Lombok District Academic Year 2015/2016”. This research was conducted on 2016 in State Senior High School of East Lombok. The researcher used descriptive with kind of survey research. This research uses research population by using 32 state senior high school economic teachers as the



subject in East Lombok. The Data in this research were collected through questionnaires and documentation, and then Analyzed with path analysis uses SPSS Version 19.

The result showed pedagogical competencies that teachers had direct effect positively to study achievement of economic study lesson by 18.7%, personality competency directly effect to study achievement of the economic lesson by 26%, the professional competency directly effect to study achievement of the economic lesson by 30.8%, social competence of teachers directly effect to study achievement of the economic lesson by 28.8%, pedagogical competence indirectly effect to study achievement through professional competency by 0,074, personal competence indirectly effect to study achievement through the professional competence by 0.082, and social competence indirectly effect to study achievement through professional competence by 0.158. From the explanation above, the researcher concluded that the different with this research are the researcher focuses on all of teachers’ competence. And the similarity in this research is the researcher also investigated about social competency.

The fourth relevant research was conducted by Wiwi Rif’atul Qodriyah which entitled “An Analysis of Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence in Teaching English for Young Learners at Nara Islamic School Cirebon. This research was conducted in Nara Islamic School Cirebon. The researcher used qualitative research. The data of this research was collected from the observation and interview which strengthens the data. This study shows that the teacher does various actions to manage the classroom which is the English young learner


classroom. Those various actions are conducted by the teacher to manage several things, such as classroom layout, classroom interaction, roles of the teacher, classroom language, error correction, and dealing with diversity. In addition, Harmer (2007) says that there are eight instructional media. Those are the students themselves, realia, pictures, course book, boards, overhead projector (OHP), flipchart, and computer-based presentation technology.

The teacher in this present study concerns to only three interactions proposed by Hadfield & Hadfield (2008). Those are teacher to students (60%), teacher to students and student (s) to teacher (37%), and student to student interaction (3%). From the explanation above, the researcher concluded that the different with this research are the researcher focuses on all of teachers’

pedagogical competence. And the similarity in this research is the researcher also investigated about competency.

The fifth relevant research was conducted by Kathleen Lynne Lane, Melinda R. Pierson and Christine C. Givner which entitled “Secondary Teachers’

Views on Social Competence: Skills Essential for Success”. This research was conducted at four schools (two middle schools and two high schools) located in Southern California. All four schools were large, culturally and ethnically diverse, and served predominantly Hispanic populations (45%–89%; M= 76.55, SD = 21.15). Percentages of student populations ranged as follows: White students, 2%

to 28% (M = 8.85, SD =12.97); African American students, 4% to 17% (M= 8.93, SD = 5.53); and Asian/Pacific Islanders, 1% to 8% (M = 4.90, SD = 3.37). The middle schools enrolled 1,100 and 1,300 students, and the high schools enrolled



1,600 and 2,300 students. This result indicated that while middle and high school teachers are relatively similar in their expectations regarding cooperation and self- control skills, they have different opinions about the importance of assertion skills. However, none of the assertion items was rated by the majority of respondents as critical for success by any of the subgroups (program type, secondary level).

Findings also indicated that secondary level and program type were associated with the importance placed on assertion skills. These variables, as well as credential status, were also associated with teachers’ ratings about cooperation skills. Implications for pre referral interventions, inclusive programming, and transitioning from middle school to high school are discussed. From the explanation above, the researcher concluded that the different with this research are the researcher focuses on secondary teachers’ views. And the similarity in this research is the researcher also investigated about social competency.

The sixth relevant research was conducted by Annisa Nadia which entitled

“An Analysis of Teacher Competence on Teaching Learning Process of English at SMAIT Iqra’ Kota Bengkulu. Thesis, English Study Program, Tarbiyah and Tadris Faculty, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Bengkulu”. This research was conducted in SMA IT Iqra’ Bengkulu City. This research was qualitative study using case study method. The observation of teacher competence (Pedagogic, personality, social, and professional competence) based on Minister of National Education Decree 16/2007 concerning standards of academic qualifications and teacher competence was consists of 4 competencies 14 sub-


competencies and 78 indicators. The main findings indicate that personality competence and social competence are relatively higher than pedagogic and professional competence. Those competencies very needed to increase student potential and achievement. Furthermore, for some relevant and useful learning implication, it is recommended to increase teacher competence. As a whole it had been claimed as a professional teacher because it significantly concerned with things such as the mastery of material, the use of technology, and the professional of competence. From the explanation above, the researcher concluded that the different with this research are the researcher focuses on secondary teachers’

views. And the similarity in this research is the researcher also investigated about social competency.

Based on the relevant research above, the researcher concluded that many other researchers investigated the competency about English teacher competency, headmaster leadership and teacher competencies, all of teacher competency, pedagogical competency. And there were research about social competency but it was located in abroad. So that is why the researcher wants to investigate social competency on English teacher.

C. Conceptual Framework

In this research, the research used one variable- an analysis of social competence on English Teachers in Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru . In this research, the researcher has developed conceptual framework which addresses on the nine main concepts based on theory explanation above as cited from the Minister of National Education No. 16 of 2007 as follows



Teachers’ Social Competence

Be inclusive, act objectively, and not discriminate because of consideration of gender, religion, race, condition, physical, family

background, and

socioeconomic status.

Communicate with the professional

community itself and other professions verbally and in writing or in other forms.

Communicate effectively,

empathically, and politely with fellow educators, educational staff, parents and the

Adapt in the place of duty throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia

which has

sociocultural diversity.


27 A. Research Design

This research was a qualitative research. The research consisted of one variable. According to Moleong (2004) qualitative research is “a type of research which does not include any calculating or numbering”. The researcher wanted to explore the social competence on English teacher. A qualitative research was used to explore people’s feelings, perceptions and believes, this approach was suitable for this study (Creswell, 2012). Furthermore, a qualitative research was also used to understand a certain problem in specific details. In this study, the researcher wants to give a detailed understanding of the causes of social competence on English teacher.

In this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative research.

Brumfit and Rosamond (1995) stated that descriptive qualitative research will aim at providing as accurate an account as possible of what current practice is, how learners do teach, what classroom do look like, at a particular moment a particular place.

B. Time and Location of the Research

This research was conducted at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru on 15th February 2021.



C. Setting of the Research

The subject of this research was the English Teacher at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru, and the object of this research was the social competence on English teacher at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru.

D. Participants

According to Cresswell (2012) “population was a group of individuals who have the same characteristic”. The target population of this research was the English teacher at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru. In this research, there are two English teachers at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru.

Below was the data profile of English teachers at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru.

In this research, the researcher takes the sample of the populations based on purposive sampling technique. According to Arikunto (2010) total sampling was the process of selecting sample by taking all subject from the population. The researcher took all of English teachers who has experience about teaching English at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru.

E. Technique of Collecting the Data

The data collection of the research was collected by using interview.

1. Interview

One-on-one interview was used in this research. One-on-one interview was a data collection process in which the researcher asks questions to and records answers from only one participant in the study at a time. The purpose


of the interview was to know about teacher’s belief in detail and to find the similarities of teacher’s beliefs and their practices in a more complete way.

The interviews focus on finding social competence on English teacher. To reveal teacher’s social competence, the interviews are conducted just one time.

In the interview, the researchers asked the question related to social competence on English teacher.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

According to Yin (1984), there were three categories of a case of study, namely exploratory, descriptive and explanatory case studies. In this research, the researcher uses descriptive case study. Descriptive case studies set to describe the natural phenomena which occur within the data in question. The goal set by researcher was to describe the data as they occur. To analyze data, the researcher will read it several times and conduct an analysis each time through observations.

The researcher will understand about the information from participants of this study.

1. Preparing and Organizing the Data for Analysis

The researcher prepared the data for analysis requires transferring the information from the spoken language to the written words. The first step in analyzing the data was organized the data, by transcribing the data through observation and interview, then analyzed the data of the interview.

2. Exploring and Coding the Data

The researcher gave a label to the text to form descriptions and general themes in the data. The researcher assigned a code label based on the teachers’



strategies in teaching reading comprehension, for example, the researcher writing memos in the margins of fieldnotes. The researcher also assigned a code label based on the interview of teachers’ strategies in teaching reading comprehension.

3. Coding to Build Descriptions and Themes

In this process, the researcher developed the descriptions of teachers’

strategies in teaching reading comprehension. Whereas, the researcher inter connects set of activities to present the complexity of the phenomenon.

4. Representing and Reporting Qualitative Findings

The researcher reported the findings by using narrative discussion related to the teachers’ strategies in teaching reading comprehension.

5. Interpreting the Findings

Interpretation in qualitative research means that the researcher looks back at the process of reporting and representing about the phenomenon based on the individuals’ view, compared with the past studies, or both.

6. Validating the Accuracy of The Findings

In this type, the researcher used the triangulation to corroborate the evidence from the different individuals from the different types of data, such as observational fieldnotes, interviews, and etc. The researcher checked the teachers’ strategies in teaching reading comprehension of observation by interviewing them that related what they had done in the classroom. The researcher also asked the reason why the teachers used those strategies.



The researcher get conclusion based on the result from interview in describing and exploring how social competence on English teachers in Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru Besides, the researcher also provides the suggestions.

A. Conclusion

The researcher found how social competence on English teachers in Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru. based on the research problems that have been formulated and the results of research that has been conducted by researchers, researchers can draw the following conclusions: English Teacher at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru by referring to the data obtained from interviews, it can be concluded that:

1. The teachers treated the students fairly and the teacher also made the students feel comfort and safe in the classroom activity. The concept of justice to other students is applied by the teacher in the teaching and learning process. Both respondents treated the students without any different treatment and make them same to the other students.

2. The teachers communicate with parents of students and the community regarding learning programs and student development is through written form or communicating directly during parent meetings, guardian visits and site surveys when participants students submit SKTM and English Education



teachers in collaboration with the school or homeroom teacher. Then in terms of communicating honestly, as is and using polite language

3. The teachers at the Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru in adapting to the work environment is in line with DR Rulam Ahmadi's book entitled

"Teaching Profession" which states that the teacher's ability to establish harmonious communication and cooperation and make all efforts to work together with the community playing an active role and upholding religious, legal, moral and humanitarian values with the community.

4. The teachers in interacting and communicating with colleagues were always polite. This is shown by avoiding harsh language, not being arrogant, speaking in polite language, not looking for other people's faults, and also giving advice by English Education teachers at Vocational High School Taruna Pekanbaru by reminding each other when something goes wrong, and keeping in touch with each other.


B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion of the research that has been done, the following author describe some suggestions that were expected to be useful in improving teacher competency and learning outcomes. For students, it is hope that they can improve their learning outcome by motivating themselves not only to depend on the teachers, so students were more independent, creative and initiative and can achieve the desired expectations.



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APPENDIX 1 Decision Letters of



APPENDIX 2 Thesis Guidance




Research Letters



Instrument of The Research


1St Partisipants I : Interviewer

ISt : Partisipants

Text Category / Theme

I Assalamualaikum Pak, Mohon maaf pak udah menggangu waktunya, saya Freshly Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dari Uin Suska Riau pak, apa Freshly boleh minta waktunya sebentar pak?

ISt Ya, silahkan Silahkan

I Jadi gini pak, apa bapak boleh memperkenalkan diri bapak terlebih dahulu pak?

ISt Nama bapak Rahmat Alhamda, bapak lulusan dari pendidikan bahasa dan sastra Universitas Riau, bapak mengajar bahasa inggris kelas 2 alias kelas 11

I Mohon maaf pak sebelumnya, kalau freshly boleh tau bapak sudah berapa lama ya mengajar di sekolah ini pak?

ISt Untuk mengajar di sekolah ini bapak sudah 3 tahun jalan 4 tahun

I Jadi gini pak, ada beberapa hal yang ingin freshly tanyakan ke bapak mengenai penelitian freshly, yaitu yang pertama Apakah penting memiliki sikap inklusif, bertindak objektif, dan tidak membeda- bedakan karena pertimbangan gender, agama, ras, kondisi, fisik, latar belakang keluarga, dan status sosial ekonomi kepada siswa dan siswi yang ada di sekolah ini pak?

ISt Sangat penting memperlakukan siswa secara adil. Keadilan inilah yang akan menjadikan peserta didik merasa aman dan nyaman dalam sekolah terutama pada saat proses kegiatan belajar mengajar. Keadilan juga menjadikan salah satu daya tarik agar peserta didik berantusias dalam kegiatan belajar.

Ketika peserta didik telah antusias dan semangat dalam belajar serta psikis yang rileks dan tenang, maka pemahaman peserta didik akan sangat melejit, sehingga hasil belajar akan mudah tercapai.

I Bagaimana cara bapak berkomunikasi dengan siswa dan siswi yang ada di sekolah kita ini pak?


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