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The perception of Stella Duce I Yogyakarta senior high school students on the use of yahoo masengger as a tool for English Language Learning - USD Repository


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A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain theSarjana PendidikanDegree

in English Language Education


Ignatius Indra Kristianto Student Number: 051214041





Kristianto, Ignatius Indra (2009). The Perception of Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High school students on the use of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

The internet has become the primary needs for most students. Many students rely on it to obtain information and establish connection or communication with others. The growing needs for direct communication with foreigners, primarily with those who come from English speaking countries, has made chat program, such as Yahoo Messenger, become a trend among the high school students. Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School students also have the habit of accessing Yahoo Messenger.

This is the major reason that encourages the writer to carry out the research. Investigating a phenomenon in English language learning that is still incomprehensible to many teaching practitioners is an obligation. Moreover, by comprehending the habit, the English education practitioners, especially the English teachers in Stella Duce 1 Senior High School, are able to acknowledge of the habit to the benefit of English teaching.

The problem to be uncovered is: What are the Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School students’ perceptions on the use of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning?

The writer conducted research by distributing questionnaires and interviewing students. The participants of the study were the students of class XI IA 1 and XI IA 4. The writer employed descriptive research combined with mixed method approach. The purpose of the research was to uncover the perception of Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School students on the use of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning.

Based on the result of the questionnaires and focused interview it could be concluded that Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School students possess positive or good perception toward Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. The writer could draw the conclusion because the students experienced many advantages and positive effects after they used Yahoo Messenger to communicate with native speakers of English.

The advantages or positive effects that the Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School students experienced were: First, the students were more fluent in speaking. Second, the students knew how to communicate in English. Third, the students felt that their English improved. Fourth, the students were accustomed to communicating in English. Fifth, the students’ vocabulary increased. Sixth, the students knew when to use the right expression for certain situations. Seventh, the students’ grammar mastery increased after using Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning.






Kristianto, Ignatius Indra (2009). The Perception of Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High school students on the use of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Bagi sebagian besar murid sekolah, internet sudah menjadi kebutuhan pokok. Banyak dari mereka yang mengandalkan internet untuk memperoleh informasi dan berkomunikasi. Kebutuhan untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang asing meningkat. Apalagi dengan mereka yang berasal dari negara berbahasa Inggris. Hal ini membuat program chatting seperti Yahoo Messenger menjadi tren di kalangan murid sekolah. Murid SMA Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta juga mempunyai kebiasaan mengakses Yahoo Messenger.

Inilah yang menjadi alasan utama yang mendorong penulis untuk menjalankan penelitian. Bagi penulis menyelidiki fenomena yang masih belum dipahami oleh praktisi pendidikan ini merupakan suatu kewajiban. Lagipula, guru Bahasa Inggris dapat mengambil manfaat dari fenomena ini

Masalah yang diselidiki dalam skripsi ini adalah: Bagaimanakah persepsi murid SMU Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta terhadap penggunaan Yahoo Messenger sebagai alat pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Penulis melaksanakan penelitian dengan mendistribusikan kuesioner dan melakukan wawancara terfokus kepada murid SMU Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta. Murid kelas XI IA 1 dan XI IA 4 SMU Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini. Dalam melaksanakan penelitian, penulis mengaplikasikan metode deskriptif yang dikombinasikan dengan metode campuran. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui persepsi SMU Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta terhadap penggunaan Yahoo Messenger sebagai alat pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari kuesioner dan wawancara, dapat disimpulkan bahwa murid SMU Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta mempunyai persepsi yang positif terhadap penggunaan Yahoo Messenger sebagai alat pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Penulis dapat menyimpulkan demikian karena berdasarkan data yang diperoleh diketahui bahwa murid SMU Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta merasakan banyak sekali dampak positif. Apalagi setelah mereka berkomunikasi dengan orang asing menggunakan Yahoo Messenger.

Dampak positif yang dirasakan oleh murid SMU Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta adalah: Pertama, mereka lebih lancar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris. Kedua, mereka mengetahui bagaimana berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ketiga, Bahasa Inggris para murid meningkat. Keempat, mereka terbiasa berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris. Kelima, kosakata Bahasa Inggris mereka meingkat. Keenam, mereka menjadi tahu kapan menggunakan ekspresi yang benar untuk situasi tertentu. Ketujuh, grammar para murid meningkat setelah menggunakan Yahoo Messenger sebagai alat pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris.






First of all, I would like to thank God and Mother Mary for the enormous blessings and grace.

My biggest gratitude goes to Drs. Concilianus Laos Mbato, M.A., my sponsor. I thank him for his guidance, patience and worthy suggestions in guiding me in finishing this thesis. He is very attentive in helping me to finish the study.

I would like to thank all of the lectures and staffs of English Language Education Study Program. I thank them for their support and guidance.

For Sr. Petra CB, S.Pd., the headmaster of Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School, I would like to thank her for her help and permission to conduct a research in her school.

For the students of XI IA1 and XI IA4, I would like to thank them for the participation and help. Without them the research could not be conducted.

I would like to thank my beloved parents, Bapak Tarcisius Winarto and Ibu Lusia Maria Anis Endar Sarwindah. I thank them for their endless encouragement, never-ending love, advice and prayers. Without their support I will not survive until this stage. They are the best parents in the whole world.



I would like to express my gratitude to Monica Ella Harendita, my soul mate. I thank her for her encouragement, never-ending love and prayers. Her words and action made me feel that I am blessed.

To my dearest friends; Itok, Iwan, Aan, Ncit, Hana, Nina, Mega, Tunjung, and all year 2005 students, I thank them for the unforgettable moments that they and I have shared together.

I would like to thank all people that I could not mention here. I thank them for their support, help and prayers.





TITLE PAGE ………... i





ABSTRACT ……….... vii

ABSTRAK ………... ix



LIST OF TABLES ………... xv


CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 4 4 5 5 A. Research Background ……….. B. Problem Formulation ………... C. Problem Limitation ……….. D. Research Objectives ……… E. Research Benefits ……… F. Definition of Terms ………. 6

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Theoretical Description ………... 8

1. Perception ……….. 8

2. Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Internet ………... 12

3. Curriculum in Language Teaching and KTSP ……….. 15

4. The English Skills which are Developed ……… 16



b. Writing ………... 17

5. Netspeak ……… 18

B. Theoretical Framework ……… 19

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY A. Research Method ………. 21

B. Research Participants ………... 22

C. Research Instruments ………... 22

1. Questionnaire ………. 23

2. Focused Interview ………. 24

D. Data Gathering Technique ………... 25

E. Data Analysis Technique ………. 25

F. Research Procedure ………. 26

CHAPTER IV. DISCUSSION 28 28 29 39 42 A. The Perception of Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School Students on the Use of Yahoo Messenger as a Tool for English Language Learning ……….. 1. Data Presentation of the Questionnaire ………. a. The Results of Closed Questions ………. b. The Results of Open Questions ……… 2. Data Presentation of the Focused Interview ………. B. Discussion ……… 45

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 48 A. Conclusion ………... B. Suggestions ……….. 49




Table Page

Table 3.1 Questionnaire Blueprint 23

Table 3.1 Questionnaire Blueprint 24

Table 3.2 Interview Blueprint 24

Table 3.2 Interview Blueprint 25

Table 4.1 Questionnaire Distribution 29

Table 4.2 Questionnaire Result of Part A 29

Table 4.3 Questionnaire Result of Part B 31

Table 4.4 Questionnaire Result of Part C 33

Table 4.5 Questionnaire Result of Part D 36












This chapter presents the introduction of this study. This chapter is divided into six sections; they are research background, problem formulation, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits and definition of terms.

A. Research Background

The rapid and advance development of technology, especially the founding of the internet, has made communication become easier and faster to do (Castells, 2007: 1). The internet has become the primary needs for most students. Many students rely on it to obtain information and to establish connection or communication with others. The growing need for direct communication with foreigners, primarily with those who come from English speaking countries, has made chat program, such as Yahoo Messenger, become a trend among high school students.

The prevalent language for communication on the internet is English. “This may be a result of the internet origin’s, as well as English’s role as the


friends, sometimes in the same way as having pen pals. However, chat through Yahoo Messenger is faster and cheaper.

Being aware that there are many benefits that internet may bring to the educational environment, many of senior high schools in Indonesia, nowadays, have sophisticated internet connection in their area. The condition makes it easier for teachers in elaborating material for teaching English to their students.

Therefore, some schools have equipped their area with hot spot facility which makes their students who own notebook computers or even mobile phones find it easier to access the internet. The students are able to access many web sites in the internet. The students, however, may have different purposes in accessing the internet. Some students are fond of accessing the internet to obtain information and data in order to accomplish the assignments from their teachers, while some others are quite fond of accessing chatting web sites such as YM (Yahoo Messenger). The Internet according to Crystal (2001: 129) allows people to engage in a multi-party conversation online, either synchronously, in real time, or asynchronously, in postponed time.

It is true that the students write the conversation in the Yahoo Messenger. The following is one of the examples of the conversation in the Yahoo Messenger according to Crystal (2001: 158):


This kind of conversation in the Yahoo Messenger, according to Crystal (2001: 17) is called “Netspeak”. This kind of conversation, however, has the same purposes as daily speaking. According to Martyn (1987), as cited in Nunan (1999: 228), “the purposes of speaking are to gain information and to correspond with others.”

In addition to the previous statements, Muehleisen (1997: 1) stated that “students are quite interested in joining the internet revolution for three reasons.” On a very basic level, students see the internet as trendy and they want to be a part of it. Others are also drawn by the practical aspects of job skills acquisition and on learning skills that will be useful in life. Whatever reasons are at the root of this motivation, it is clear that many students are excited about it.


B. Problem Formulation

In order to achieve the purpose of the research, the research was conducted in the basis of a research question. The research question is: What are the Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School students’ perceptions on the use of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning?

C. Problem Limitation

Relating to the use of internet and English teaching is a very little task to be accomplished, since in recent years many English teaching methods use the internet as a source of information. There are many unexplored domain in the context of internet and English teaching.

The internet and many programs in it have been considered as another kind of useful mean to teach English to the students. Muehleisen (1997: 1) suggested that “the Internet use also offered a more practical real life language experience, providing students with functional communicative experience that serves the learners’ needs as well as motivates them to use English in their daily live.”


D. Research Objectives

This research is conducted to obtain some new understanding about the perception of Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School students on the use of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English Language Learning. Furthermore, this research is conducted to uncover the Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School students’ perception on the use of Yahoo Messenger and to uncover the advantages and disadvantages on the use of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English Language Learning.

E. Research Benefits

This research has some benefits in its implementation. In this advanced information and technological era this research will give significant support to the Indonesian English teaching and learning process. The result of this research will not only be beneficial to the English teachers but also to the senior high school students in Indonesia, especially from Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School.


Hopefully the outcome of this research will encourage the students to maintain and develop their habit. The students will be provided with a new perspective on the use of Yahoo Messenger so that they will be aware that the habit provides positive impact to their English learning.

F. Definition of Terms  Learning

According to Burns (1995), “learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior including both observable activity and internal processes such as thinking, attitudes and emotions.” It is not only the acquisition of certain knowledge but also the acquisition of skill-physical and mental, interest and establishment of principles system. In this study the kind of learning being investigated is English learning. It is because nowadays English is considered as one of basic skills to be mastered. The kind of English learning being investigated is focused on learning English by using Yahoo Messenger.

 Netspeak


write what they want to convey when using Yahoo Messenger or other chat program.

 Perception

Sternberg (1988: 8) defines perception as “the way human perceives the world. Furthermore it is the ability to see, hear or understand things; awareness.” A deeper understanding and awareness than is usual. It requires a cognitive shift which the following “thought experiment” might help to achieve. Operationally, perception, in this research is defined as a way people perceive, see, understand and interpret something by involving cognitive process; this way happens as the response to a certain stimuli. In this study the perception being investigated is the perception on the use of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English learning.

 Yahoo Messenger




This chapter presents theoretical writing and research that underlie this study. This chapter consists of two parts, i.e. theoretical description and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

In this section, the theories that are mainly discussed are the theories on perception, computer assisted language learning, curriculum in language learning, the basic language skills which are developed andnetspeak.

1. Perception


Meanwhile, Cook (1994: 150) remarks that, “perception is the selection, organization and interpretation of sensory data.” It shows that perception is important process that helps people define their world and guide their behaviors.

Robbins (2001: 122) adds that, “perception can also be defined as conscious mental process of observing, viewing, responding and understanding, in which someone gives a meaning on the stimulus he receives.” Perception does not solely involve sensory process for it is also a mental process. In addition Hardi and Heyes (1988: 85) states that, “the basic form of perception is people’s born talent, meanwhile perceptional ability is the result of learning, which is determined by the environment.”

Robbins (2001: 122-124) states that, “perception has three components.” The components are a perceiver, target and the situation in which the perception is occurring. Each of these components influences the perceiver’s impression or interpretation of the target.


The students’ perception on the use of Yahoo Messenger is really strong since they experience it by themselves. The experience occurs when they have a chat with native speakers using Yahoo Messenger. It will be different if the perception is received from the other person. The students are really doing the conversation with the native speakers using the Yahoo Messenger. Their perception on the use of the Yahoo Messenger is based on their experience when doing the conversation. The students will have positive perception if their first impression of using Yahoo Messenger is good. On the contrary if the students’ first impression on the use of Yahoo Messenger is bad, they will have negative perception. Then, it can be inferred that the students’ positive perception toward the use of Yahoo Messenger encourages the improvement on the students’ speaking skill. On the other hand, the negative perception will discourage the speaking skill improvement.

During the process of shaping the perceptions, an individual might be influenced by some factors which possibly obstruct his or her perception. According to Warga (1983: 210-213), the factors influencing perceptions are stated as follows:

a. Stereotyping


b. Self-concept

An individual may think that he or she is qualified, intelligent and patient. This belief on his or her qualification may take an important role as it affects how an individual perceives what he or she is facing. The way how an individual sees and feels about him or herself is called self-concept. c. Situation

Situation cannot be separated from perceptions since the habits familiar with an individual and expectations desired by an individual affects his or her perception. For instance, when someone has been accustomed to one situation, he or she will find some difficulties if he or she faces another situation which he or she never experiences.

d. Needs

If an individual finds needs of what he or she has experienced and observed, he or she must shape positive perception in his or her mind. However, when he or she does have certain purposes of what he or she has experienced and observed, he or she can shape the perception more naturally.

e. Emotion


In order to form a perception, there are three steps needed in process of perception; those are the awareness or attention to the incoming stimuli, recognition and interpretation of incoming stimuli into some messages and translating or deciding on the appropriate action or behavior in response to the message. Thus perception is a form of behavior that allows individual to interact with and adjusts to the varying demands of environment.

2. Computer-Assisted Language Learning and the Internet

According to Levy (1997: 1), “Computer-Assisted Language Learning may be defined as the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning.” CALL has been made possible by the invention and subsequent development of the computer. For educators, the rapid and continuing introduction of new technology into education has outpaced the ability of teachers and developers to evaluate it properly. Yahoo Messenger is considered as one of the new technology.

Levy (1997: 171) states that, “from the point of view of conceptualizing CALL, the traditional bounds of the classroom and the class group are broken.” Teachers and their students are now able to reach beyond the learning environment as it is defined locally, and thereby native speakers of the target language are able to become active participants in the learning process. This is the significant advance.


internet. Internet becomes cheaper and everyone has the ability to use it. Grey (1999: 1) has identified four ways in which the Internet can function as an educational tool in schools. These can also be considered four basic ways in which the Internet can be used in ESL/EFL classrooms.

1. Search for and receive

This category comprises activities that are based on using the Internet as a huge virtual library. In these activities students search for and retrieve information from this library.

2. Publish and provide

These activities involve not the retrieval, but the publication of information. This publishing is done on web pages, which are the basic places where information is stored on the Internet.

3. Talk to and reply

These are conversational activities that take place via the Internet through email correspondence and in ÒchatÓ rooms. Strictly speaking, this category could also include Internet phone conversations.

4. Collaborate and learn

This category includes joint projects that involve students in two or more classrooms that might be thousands of miles apart.


Conference and Chat Room. Using Yahoo Messenger, a teacher can easily set up a private chat room for students that cannot be entered by others. Yahoo Messenger provides capabilities that have good potential for second language learners. Second language learners will acquire the opportunity to practice with native speaker of the language.

According to Teresa (2003: 3), “Yahoo Messenger is the ‘all in one’ type tool that allows its member to be in permanent contact all times whether in real time or not.” Teresa (2003: 7) also suggests some skills that the students will use in using Yahoo Messenger as a tool for language learning. The skills are:

a. Communicative skills (carrying on a conversation, interviewing and negotiating meaning).

b. Social and socialization skills, including proper etiquette (greeting others, introducing oneself, making choices, etc).

c. Technological skills or computer literacy. d. Personal skills (independence and autonomy).

e. Interpersonal (asking, listening, interviewing, debating, discussing, suggesting, etc).


language learning and professional development is enormous and motivating. It can be enlarged and enhanced.

3. Curriculum in Language Teaching andKTSP

According to Richards (2001: 2), “curriculum includes the processes that are used to determine the needs of a group of learners.” Curriculum develops aims or objectives for a program to address those needs. It determines an appropriate syllabus course structure, teaching methods, and materials, and to carry out an evaluation of the language program that result from these processes.

Here are several key assumptions about goals that characterize the curriculum approach to educational planning proposed by Richards (2001: 112):

a. People are generally motivated to pursue specific goals.

b. The use of goals in teaching improves the effectiveness of teaching and learning.

c. A program will be effective to the extent that its goals are sound and clearly described.

Teachers considered the previous key assumptions as the basis of Yahoo Messenger as English language learning. The students will develop perception as they experience the use of Yahoo Messenger.


Muslich states that (2007: 11) KTSP is developed by considering the following principals, they are:

a. It centers on the learners’ potential, development, needs and importance. b. Various and integrated.

c. Aware to the development of science, technology and art. d. Relevant to the needs of life.

e. Thorough and continuous. f. Learn through life.

g. Balance between national interest and regional interest.

According to Muslich (2007: 48-51) there are five principals of learning and teaching in KTSP, they are:

a. Students centered activities. b. Learning by doing.

c. Developing intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social intelligent. d. Learning as long as life.

e. Learn to be independent and learn to cooperate.

4. The Basic Language Skills which are Developed

a. Speaking


speech acts, such as request, apologies, thanks, and invitations, and (4) knowing how to use language appropriately.

According to Tay, Mary W. as quoted by Canale and Swain (1980: 31), “oral skills are the ability to understand English spoken in class and everyday situations.” The students are likely to experience, the ability to speak so that one is easily understood by people: the ability to understood, to understand and to use more common speech conversations of English.

By using the Yahoo Messenger the students can communicate directly to the native speakers from all over the world. The theory of speaking suggested by Richard et.al underlines the knowledge that the students must possess in order to make the communication run well, including the communication in the Yahoo Messenger.

b. Writing


of writing is self actualization. Writing helps people to discover and develop themselves, that is, help them to realize their individual potential and to achieve personal goals. The last function of is that writing helps people control the personal environment. Writing is a tool for survival in the real world. Through writing people not only can convey message but they can also communicate from distance.

According to Harmer (1998: 79), “there four reasons for teaching writing to students, they are: reinforcement, language development, learning style and, most importantly, writing as a skill in its own right.”

However the most appealing reason of teaching writing in regard of this research is writing as a skill. According to Harmer (1998: 79), “it is by far the most important reason for teaching writing, of course, is that it is a basic language skill, just as important as speaking, listening and reading.” Students need to know how to write letters, how to put written reports together, how to reply to advertisements – and increasingly, how to write using electronic media. The students need to know some of writing’s special conventions (punctuation, paragraph construction, etc) just as they need to know how to pronounce spoken English appropriately.

5. Netspeak


“Netspeak” emerges since the students uses program such as Yahoo Messenger to communicate with foreigner from all over the world. In doing the communication the students will write what they want to express. In a simple way the students write what they want to convey when using Yahoo Messenger or other chat program.

B. Theoretical Framework

The habit of using Yahoo Messenger is mostly related with leisure activity. The thing that people do not usually know is that it is a part of Computer-Assisted Language Learning. According to Levy (1997: 1), “Computer-Computer-Assisted Language Learning may be defined as the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning.” According to Jaroslaw Krajka (2007: 1), “computer assisted language learning is a language learning in which the internet and computers are used in some way in the learning process.” It has authenticity (since the learning process is in the English community), recency (it always up to date), variety and choice (many sources and knowledge are available).


or classmates). This makes the act of communicating in English not just a theoretical problem, but a practical one. The requirement to solve that practical problem can be a strong motivator for students to try hard to construct clear, grammatical messages that communicate their thoughts.





This chapter clarifies information on how this study is conducted. There are six parts in this chapter, namely research method, research participants, research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique and research procedure.

A. Research Method

The qualitative approach was applied in this study. Qualitative method was described as approaches used to gather data systematically, but the data were purely descriptive, and therefore not numerical (Sprinthal, Schemutte, and Sirois, 1991: 100). This study was a survey study it aims at obtaining the answers for the question stated in the problem formulation. According to Ary et al. (2: 297), “survey study is a study that permits the researcher to summarize or measure the characteristics, attitudes, and opinion of several different group towards some issues.”


either simultaneously or sequentially to best understand research problems. The data collection also involved gathering both numeric information (e.g., on instruments) as well as text information (e.g.; on interviews) so that the final database represents both quantitative and qualitative information. The quantitative data was being collected by the use of questionnaire. On the contrary, the qualitative data was being collected by the use of focused interview.

B. Research Participants

This research implemented purposive sampling. The participants were chosen based on the information that were intended to be obtained. According to Ary et al. (2002: 168), “gathering the data from all of the population will be expensive and needs much time.”

The participants of this research were the eleventh grade students of Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School. They were year 2007 students. The participants for questionnaire were sixty eight eleventh grade students of Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School. The participants for the interview were eight eleventh grade students of Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School. The researcher considered that the data result as a supporting data would support the primary data which was the questionnaire data result.

C. Research Instruments


1. Questionnaire

The first instrument employed in this research was questionnaire. According to Ary et al. (2002: 566), “a questionnaire is an instrument in which respondents provided written responses to questions or mark items that indicated their responses.”

There were twelve closed questions and seven open-ended questions in the questionnaire. The twelve closed questions were used to answer the research problem, to find the students’ perception on the use of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. The researcher decided to make twelve closed questions because they are already enough to gather the information. Moreover, if there are a lot of questions it would be difficult for the participants to answer them.

The seven open-ended questions were used to obtain further information on the students’ perception on the use of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. Furthermore, they were used to find the advantages and disadvantages of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. The questionnaires were in Indonesian to make it easier for the participants to answer it.

Table 3.1 Questionnaire Blueprint

Number Question Description

1. 1 to 2

These two questions gathered information about the students’ background knowledge about Yahoo Messenger.


Table 3.1 Questionnaire Blueprint

Number Question Description

3. 5 to 8

These four questions gathered information about the students’ perception on the use of English in Yahoo Messenger.

4. 9 to 12 These four questions gathered information about thestudents’ perception on the effect of using Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning.

2. Focused Interview

The second instrument employed in this research was focused interview. According to Kvale (1996: 11), as cited in Cohen et.al (2000: 267), “focused interview is a way of gathering qualitative data by asking individuals questions about their behavior.” It was an interchange of views between two or more people on a mutual interest and it was emphasized on the social situation of research data. It also enabled participants to discuss their interpretation of the surrounding and expresses how they see situations from their point of view.

The focused interview was used to gain deeper information from the participants. The focused interview gathered the information about both; the students’ perception and advantages or disadvantages of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. The questions in the focused interview were in Indonesian to make the respondents feel comfortable because they are still in the senior high school.

Table 3.2 Interview Blueprint

Number Question Description

1. 1 to 2


Table 3.2 Interview Blueprint

Number Question Description

2. 3 to 6

These four questions gathered further information about the students’ perception on Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning.

D. Data Gathering Technique

The data for this research were gathered by distributing the questionnaire and conducting the focused interview. The questionnaires were distributed on March 2009 to the eleventh grade students of Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School. However, not all the eleventh grade students became the research participants. The distribution of the questionnaire was done after the researcher had the permission from the school.

The data for answering the research problem was obtained from the twelve closed questionnaire questions, while the open ended question gathered further information on the students’ perception on the use of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. After the data from the questionnaire was obtained, the focused interview was carried out. The focused interview was carried out a week after the questionnaires were distributed. The participants were smaller than the questionnaire. The questions in focused interview were to obtain undiscovered information that was not found from the questionnaire.

E. Data Analysis Technique


questionnaire was read by the researcher carefully. Then, the answers collected from the questionnaire were being classified for each group. There were four responses to be chosen in the questionnaire: 1. strongly disagree, 2. disagree, 3. agree, 4. strongly agree. After the classification was done, the average was counted. The average would determine the major response for each statement. The data then were presented in the form of table before being analyzed. The total scores of questionnaire were counted as the students’ perception.

The second step was analyzing the focused interview result. The researcher read the focused interview result carefully. The focused interview result may add unattained answer of the questionnaire or convince the students’ perception. The information obtained from the focused interview would support the interpretation of the questionnaire data.

F. Research Procedure




This chapter presents detailed information about the data gathered in this study. The discussion involves two main sections; they are data analysis based on the research question: what are the Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School students’ perceptions on the use of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning and discussion.

A. The Perception of Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School Students

on the Use of Yahoo Messenger as a Tool for English Language Learning The data were obtained by distributing sixty eight questionnaires among the eleventh grade students of Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School. To obtain further data the writer conducted focused interview to ten eleventh grade students of Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School.

1. Data Presentation of the Questionnaire

In order to find out the Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School students’ perception on the use of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for language learning, the writer distributed questionnaires. The participants were the XI IA1


Table 4.1 Questionnaire Distribution

Date Time Location

Total number students of the


Total participants

March 6, 2009 09.00-09.30 Class XI IA 1 35 35

March 6, 2009 09.30-10.00 Class XI IA 4 33 33

a. The Result of Closed Questions

Below are the results of the questionnaire analysis (closed questions) that were discussed per part. There were four responses to be chosen in the questionnaire: 1. strongly disagree (SD), 2. Disagree (D), 3. Agree (A), 4. Strongly (SA) agree.

1) The Students’ Background Knowledge about Yahoo Messenger

This part consists of two items. The purpose of this part is to find out the Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School students’ background knowledge about Yahoo Messenger. The following is the table that shows the percentage result of the part A of the questionnaire.

Table 4.2 Questionnaire Result of Part A


No. Statement Percentage (%)

1. Saya tahu apa itu Yahoo Messenger.(I know what Yahoo

Messenger is.) 60,29 38,235

2. Saya sangat sering mengakses Yahoo Messsenger.(I often

access Yahoo Messenger.)

2,94 16,176 64,705 14,705


participants, more than half of the participants (60,29%) did agree that they knew what Yahoo Messenger is, while the rest of the participants (38,235%) strongly agreed. All of the participants knew what Yahoo Messenger is because it is a very popular program in this internet era. In every internet café, Yahoo Messenger is a program that must be installed. Most of the students have ever accessed the internet so they are familiar with Yahoo Messenger.

Most participants agreed that they often access Yahoo Messenger. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaires, as shown in table 4.2. Out of sixty eight participants, forty three participants or 64,705% did agree and ten participants or 14,705% strongly agreed that they often access Yahoo Messenger. Eleven participants or 16,176% did disagree and four participants or 2,94 % strongly disagreed that they often access Yahoo Messenger. Most of the students were often accessing Yahoo Messenger because the program is free. The other reason is that it is easy to be used. As it has been stated in chapter II, Yahoo Messenger is a popular advertisement-supported instant messaging client and associated protocol provided by Yahoo! One more reason why Yahoo Messenger so popular is that it is provided free of charge and can be downloaded. The students always love free and cool stuff like this.

2) The Students’ Perception on Yahoo Messenger


Table 4.3 Questionnaire Result of Part B


No. Statement Percentage (%)

3. Saya senang menggunakan Yahoo Messenger untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris saya.(I am fond

of using yahoo Messenger to improve my English


7,35 16,176 64,705 4,415

4. Saya tertarik untuk menggunakan Yahoo Messenger

untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang asing.(I am attracted to

using Yahoo Messenger to communicate with foreigners.)

23,529 67,647 8,823


Most of the participants had positive perception towards Yahoo Messenger as a tool for improving their English. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaires, as shown in table 4.3. Out of sixty eight participants, forty three participants or 64,705% did agree and five participants or 4,415% strongly agreed that they were fond of using yahoo Messenger to improve their English proficiency. Twelve participants or 16,176% did disagree and eight participants or 7,35% strongly disagreed that they were fond of using yahoo Messenger to improve their English proficiency.

Out of sixty eight participants, most of them were attracted in using Yahoo Messenger to communicate with foreigner. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaires, as shown in table 4.3. Forty seven participants or 67,647% did agree and six participants or 8,823% strongly agreed that they were interested in using Yahoo Messenger to communicate with foreigner. The rest of the participants, twenty one participants or 23,529% did disagree that they were interested in using Yahoo Messenger to communicate with foreigners.


Table 4.4 Questionnaire Result of Part C


No. Statement Percentage (%)

5. Saya menggunakan Bahasa Inggris ketika ber-YM dengan orang asing.(I use English when

using Yahoo Messenger to communicate with foreigners.)

5,88 25 55,88 11,76

6. Saya menggunakan struktur kalimat Bahasa Inggris yang benar ketika ber-YM dengan orang asing.(I use the right grammar when using Yahoo Messenger to communicate with


7,35 42,65 50

7. Saya menggunakan gaya bicara yang formal ketika ber-YM dengan orang asing.(I use formal style when using Yahoo Messenger to communicate with


5,88 51,47 41,176

8. Saya memperhatikan pilihan kata yang saya pakai ketika

ber-YM dengan orang asing.(I pay attention to my diction when

using Yahoo Messenger to communicate with foreigners.)

2,95 35,294 58,85 1,47


Most of the participants used English when to communicate with foreigners. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaires, as shown in table 4.4. Out of sixty eight participants, thirty eight participants or 55,88% did agree and eight participants or 11,76% strongly agree that they used English to communicate with foreigners. Seventeen participants or 25% did disagree and four participants or 5,88% strongly disagreed that they used English to communicate with foreigners.

More than half of the participants used the right grammar when communicating with foreigners. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaires, as shown in table 4.4. Out of sixty eight participants, thirty four participants or 50% did agree that they used the right grammar when communicating with foreigners. Twenty nine participants or 42,65% did disagree and five participants or 7,35% strongly disagreed that they used the right grammar when communicating with foreigners.


The students’ habit of not using the formal style of English could bring bad effect to their English language learning. The argument emerged since they usually did not pay attention to the style of English when using Yahoo Messenger. As long as the students and the native speaker comprehend each other there was no need to use the formal style of English. It was the main reason for doing it. The words were usually being abbreviated, for example, you becameu, laugh out loud became lol, etc. The negative habits, which were using the abbreviation in spelling and not paying attention to the grammar, may influence the writing or the speaking style in their English lesson at school. This kind of language style was called netspeak. According to Crystal (2001: 17), “it is a term that succinct and functional enough to describe the conversation which takes place in the internet, since speaking here involves writing as well as talking.”

More than half of the participants paid attention to their diction when using Yahoo Messenger to communicate with foreigners. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaires, as shown in table 4.4. Out of sixty eight participants, forty participants or 58,85% did agree and one participant or 1,47% strongly agreed that they paid attention to their diction when using Yahoo Messenger to communicate with foreigners. Twenty four participants or 35,294% did disagreed and two participants or 2,95% strongly disagreed that they paid attention to their diction when using Yahoo Messenger to communicate with foreigners.


Stella Duce 1 Senior High School students. Both of the actions can be challenging because they are integrated in speaking skill. According to Richard et.al (1985: 49), as cited in Nunan (1999: 226), “speaking is a skill that requires some knowledge.” Those knowledge are; (1) knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the language, (2) knowledge of rules of speaking, (3) knowing how to use and respond to different types of speech acts, such as request, apologies, thanks, and invitations, and (4) knowing how to use language appropriately.

4) The Students’ Perception on the Effect of Using Yahoo Messenger

This part consists of four items. The purpose of this part is to find out the Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School students’ perception on the effect of using Yahoo Messenger. The following is the table that shows the percentage result of the part D of the questionnaire.

Table 4.5 Questionnaire Result of Part D


No. Statement Percentage (%)

9. Vocabulary saya meningkat setelah menggunakan YM untuk

berkomunikasi dengan orang asing.(My vocabulary is increasing after I use Yahoo Messenger to communicate with


2,95 26,47 66,176 4,45

10. Dalam ber-YM saya sering menanyakan informasi yang

biasa ditanyakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari. (nama,

alamat, dll.)(I often ask about general information when using

Yahoo Messenger to communicate with foreigners.)


Table 4.5 Questionnaire Result of Part D


No. Statement Percentage (%)

11. Penguasaan kemampuan bahasa Inggris meningkat setelah menggunakan YM.(My English

proficiency is increased after I use Yahoo Messenger.)

36,764 64,705 4,411

12. Penggunaan YM memberikan banyak keuntungan pada penguasaan Bahasa Inggris

saya.(The usage of Yahoo Messenger brought a lot of advantages to my English


30,88 63,235 4,41

Most of the participants have positive perception on the effect of using Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. As stated in chapter two, the use of Yahoo Messenger brings a lot of effect to the students’ English ability. Teresa (2003: 7) stated that there are some skills that the students will use in using Yahoo Messenger as a tool for language learning. The skills are:

a. Communicative skills (carrying on a conversation, interviewing and negotiating meaning).

b. Social and socialization skills, including proper etiquette (greeting others, introducing oneself, making choices, etc).

c. Technological skills or computer literacy. d. Personal skills (independence and autonomy).


f. Organizational skills (setting objectives, time and project management). More than half of the participants agreed that their vocabulary increased after using Yahoo Messenger to communicate with the foreigners. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaires, as shown in table 4.4. Out of sixty eight participants, forty three participants or 66,176% agreed and three participants or 4,45% strongly agreed that their vocabulary increased after using Yahoo Messenger to communicate with the foreigners. Eighteen participants or 26,47% disagreed and two participants or 2,95% strongly disagreed that their vocabulary increased after using Yahoo Messenger to communicate with the foreigners.

Most of the participants agreed that they often ask personal information when using Yahoo Messenger to communicate with foreigners. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaires, as shown in table 4.4. Out of sixty eight participants, fifty participants or 73,55% agreed and five participants or 8,825% strongly agreed that they often ask personal information when using Yahoo Messenger to communicate with foreigners. Seven participants or 16,176% disagreed and one participant or 1,47% strongly disagreed.


participants, twenty five participants or 36,764% disagreed that their English ability was increased after using Yahoo Messenger.

More than half of the participants agreed that the use of Yahoo Messenger gave many advantages to their English proficiency. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaires, as shown in table 4.4. Out of sixty eight participants, forty three participants or 63,235% agreed and three participants or 4,411% strongly agreed that the use of Yahoo Messenger gave many advantages to their English proficiency. The rest of participants, twenty one participants or 30,88% disagreed that the use of Yahoo Messenger gave many advantages to their English proficiency.

b. The Result of Open Questions

There were seven questions in the open questions part. The open questions were made to obtain further information from the students. The participants were given the opportunity to write whatever possible answer for the questions based on their knowledge and experience.


Based on the data obtained from the second question, it can be inferred that all English skills can be improved through using Yahoo Messenger. English skills that can be improved through Yahoo Messenger were: speaking, writing and reading. Writing and speaking skills, however, were more improved through using Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. The students felt it since, when using Yahoo Messenger, they wrote what they wanted to convey.

Based on the data obtained from the third question, it can be inferred that the students experienced positive effects after using Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. The positive effects were: they were more fluent in English, they knew how to communicate in English, they felt that their English improved, they were accustomed to communicating in English, their vocabulary increased, and they knew when to use the right expression for certain situation. They also stated that their Grammar mastery was increased after using Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning.


Based on the data obtained from the fifth question, it can be inferred that the students felt the advantages of using Yahoo Messenger. The advantages were: the students became more fluent in speaking; the students’ vocabulary improved, the students felt that they were challenged to improve their English. The most apparent advantage was that the students felt more confident in communicating using English.

Based on the data obtained from the sixth question, it can be inferred that the students felt the disadvantages of using Yahoo Messenger. The disadvantage was, the students were affected by informal English. It means that the students used the wrong grammar and expression when communicating with foreigners. Moreover, the students used the informal English in the English lesson or English test.

Based on the data obtained from the seventh question, it can be inferred that the students had suggestion in accordance with Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. The students suggested that Yahoo Messenger is developed as a tool for English language learning, especially as a means of practice for communicating directly with the native speakers of English. In the curriculum Grey (1999: 1) has identified four ways in which the Internet can function as an educational tool at schools. These can also be considered four basic ways in which the Internet can be used in ESL/EFL classrooms.


This category comprises activities that are based on using the Internet as a huge virtual library. In these activities students search for and retrieve information from this library.

2. Publish and provide

These activities involve not the retrieval, but the publication of information. This publishing is done on web pages, which are the basic places where information is stored on the Internet.

3. Talk to and reply

These are conversational activities that take place via the Internet through email correspondence and in ÒchatÓ rooms. Strictly speaking, this category could also include Internet phone conversations.

4. Collaborate and learn

This category includes joint projects that involve students in two or more classrooms that might be thousands of miles apart.

2. Data Presentation of the Focused Interview


and May 6th, 2009. The interviewees were eight eleventh grade students of Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School. The researcher asked six guiding questions to the participants. The researcher asked about the students’ perception on Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning, the basis of why the students’ possess that kind of perception and what the students expect from the perception.

The first question was asked to gather the students’ opinion about Yahoo Messenger. From the response, it was proved that all of the participants were fond of accessing Yahoo Messenger. In a week, the participants will access Yahoo Messenger more than six times. They often access Yahoo Messenger during leisure time. Their primary intention of accessing Yahoo Messenger was for pleasure.

All of the participants will establish communication with foreigners when accessing Yahoo Messenger. Six participants said that it was the foreigners who made the first initiative to start an online conversation. While the rest of the participants said that it was them who made the first interaction. It was their primary intention in accessing Yahoo Messenger. They wanted to establish communication with foreigners.


Yahoo Messenger was not appropriate to be used as a tool for English language learning. She said that there were no rules and boundaries in Yahoo Messenger. So it will bring bad effects to the students’ English proficiency.

All of the participants possess positive or good perception on the use of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. They stated that Yahoo Messenger help them to improve their English. Most of the participants have been using Yahoo Messenger for some times. They felt that their English improved. The students became more fluent in speaking; the students’ vocabulary improved, the students felt that they were challenged to improve their English. The most apparent advantage was the students felt more confident in communicating using English.

The students were more fluent in English, the students knew how to communicate in English, the students felt that their English improved a little, the students were accustomed to communicating in English, the students’ vocabulary increased, and the students knew when to use the right expression for certain situation. The students also stated that their Grammar mastery increased after using Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning.


participant suggested that Yahoo Messenger be used as a tool for English test. The idea was interesting; however, it was difficult to be applied. There were a lot of considerations, with respect with KTSP curriculum, before using Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. Muslich states that (2007: 11) KTSP is developed by considering the following principals, they are:

a. It centers on the learners’ potential, development, needs and importance. b. Various and integrated.

c. Aware to the development of science, technology and art. d. Relevant to the needs of life.

e. Thorough and continuous. f. Learn through life.

g. Balance between national interest and regional interest.

B. Discussion


The students’ perception on the use of Yahoo Messenger is really strong since they experience it by themselves. It will be different if the perception is received from the other person. The students are really doing the communication with the native speakers using the Yahoo Messenger. Their perception on the use of the Yahoo Messenger is based on their experience when doing the communication.

Most of the students possessed the habit of accessing the internet. During accessing the internet they might have accessed internet chat program. One of the well known chat programs in the internet was Yahoo Messenger. Many of the senior high school students possessed the habit accessing Yahoo Messenger. This habit, similar to any other habit, could develop students’ positive or negative perception. The perception would affect the students in English learning.

The students participating in the research confessed that their primary intention of using Yahoo Messenger was not to improve their language proficiency. Their primary intention was just for fun, to have a chat with many people from around the world. This was match with the students’ understanding about Yahoo Messenger. According to the students Yahoo Messenger is an internet program which makes people possible to have a chat with people from around the world through offline or online.


also as a kind of language learning. Through this habit they would have a direct communication with English talking foreigners from around the world. Moreover, they must decide as soon as possible the selection of appropriate English utterances to convey what they wanted to say. This was just like what Krajka (2007: 1) had suggested about internet-based language learning. “The internet based language learning has authenticity, recency, variety and choice.”

The negative perceptions were the habit of using Yahoo Messenger will bring bad influence to their English. The students did not really concern on the grammar when they chat using the Yahoo Messenger. Their main goal was to be able to comprehend what their chat friend wanted to say. This may become habit that will be applied in their English lesson at school.




This chapter presents the conclusion of the study and suggestions for the English teachers, learners, and for other researchers.


This research aimed at discovering the students’ perception on the use Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. This research was based on one major problem. The problem was stated in the first chapter. The problem was: What are the Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School students’ perceptions on the use of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning?

Based on the result of the questionnaires and focused interview it could be concluded that Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta Senior High School students possess positive or good perception toward Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. It was because the students experienced many advantages and positive effects after they use Yahoo Messenger to communicate with native speakers of English.


communicating in English. Fifth, the students’ vocabulary increased. Sixth, the students knew when to use the right expression for certain situation. Seventh, the students’ grammar mastery increased after using Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning.


The researcher has three suggestions. The first suggestion is for the English teachers. The second suggestion is for the students. The third suggestion is for the other researchers.

The first suggestion is that the English teachers should make use of Yahoo Messenger as a tool for English language learning. English teachers can apply Yahoo Messenger as a practice tool for their students. In that way, the students could communicate directly with English native speakers.

The second suggestion is the students should make use of their habit of accessing internet chat program, such as Yahoo Messenger, as a way to improve their English proficiency. To make the habit more useful, the students should use the right grammar and spelling when communicating with native speakers.




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54 APPENDIX B KUESIONER Nama : Kelas : Sekolah :

Kuesioner ini disusun untuk mengetahui persepsi siswi SMU Stella Duce 1

Yogyakarta terhadap penggunaan Yahoo Messenger sebagai sarana untuk

mengembangkan/belajar kemampuan Bahasa Inggris. Informasi yang didapat akan digunakan sebagai data dalam skripsi yang dikerjakan oleh Ignatius Indra Kristianto (051214041), salah satu mahasiswa PBI, untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Pendidikan. Informasi yang anda berikan akan sangat berguna dalam penelitian ini. Oleh karena itu, kejujuran dan kerelaan anda sangat diharapkan dalam mengisi kuesioner ini.

Berikut merupakan penjelasan bagaimana menjawab kuesioner:

1. Model pertanyaan yang diajukan adalah pertanyaan tertutup pada bagian pertama dan pertanyaan terbuka pada bagian kedua..

2. Jawablah pertanyaan sesuai dengan pengetahuan anda.

Berilah tanda (√) pada kolom di bawah ini berdasarkan pilihan anda.

Sangat Tidak Setuju Tidak Setuju Setuju Sangat Setuju No. Pertanyaan

(1) (2) (3) (4)

1. Saya tahu apa itu Yahoo Messenger.

2. Saya sangat sering mengakses

Yahoo Messsenger.

3. Saya senang menggunakan Yahoo

Messenger untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris saya. 4. Saya tertarik untuk menggunakan

Yahoo Messenger untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang asing


5. Saya menggunakan Bahasa Inggris ketika ber-YM dengan orang asing


6. Saya menggunakan struktur kalimat Bahasa Inggris yang benar ketika ber-YM dengan orang asing (bule). 7. Saya menggunakan gaya bicara yang

formal ketika ber-YM dengan orang asing (bule).

8. Saya memperhatikan pilihan kata yang saya pakai ketika ber-YM

dengan orang asing (bule). 9. Vocabulary saya meningkat setelah

menggunakan YM untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang asing


10. Dalam ber-YM saya sering

menanyakan informasi yang biasa ditanyakan dalam percakapan

sehari-hari. (nama, alamat, dll.)

11. Penguasaan kemampuan bahasa

Inggris meningkat setelah menggunakan YM.

12. Penggunaan YM memberikan


Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan pengetahuanmu :

1. Apakah kamu sadar bahwa kebiasaanmu ber-YM dapat meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggrismu?

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________

2. Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris apa yang kamu rasakan paling meningkat setelah menggunakan YM untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang asing? (reading, listening, writing atau speaking)

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________

3. Hal-hal positif apa yang kamu rasakan dari kebiasaanmu ber-YM pada kemampuan Bahasa Inggrismu?

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________

4. Hal-hal negatif apa yang kamu rasakan dari kebiasaanmu ber-YM pada kemampuan Bahasa Inggrismu?

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________

5. Keuntungan apa yang kamu rasakan dari kebiasaanmu ber-YM pada kemampuan Bahasa Inggrismu?


6. Kerugian apa yang kamu rasakan dari kebiasaanmu ber-YM pada kemampuan Bahasa Inggrismu?

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________

7. Adakah usul yang ingin disampaikan berkaitan dengan penggunaan YM dan pengajaran Bahasa Inggris?

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________



Interview questions

1. Apakah kamu senang menggunakan Yahoo Messenger?

2. Apakah kamu sering berinteraksi dengan orang asing menggunakan Yahoo Messenger?

3. Apakah menurutmu Yahoo Messenger bisa digunakan sebagai alat untuk belajar bahasa Inggris? Kenapa?

4. Bagaimana persepsimu tentang Yahoo Messenger sebagai alat pembelajaran bahasa Inggris?

5. Kenapa kamu bisa mengatakan itu?




1. Apakah kamu senang menggunakan Yahoo Messenger?

o Sangat senang sekali. Hampir setiap hari membuka Yahoo Messenger.

o Ya, senang. Seminggu bisa lebih dari tujuh kali.

o Setiap buka internet aku juga buka Yahoo Messenger.

o Ya, lumayan. Tiap mi


Table 3.1 Questionnaire Blueprint
Table 3.1 Questionnaire Blueprint
Table 3.2 Interview Blueprint
Table 4.1 Questionnaire Distribution


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