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Academic year: 2017



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By: Fauziatul Fitria


Physics Bilingual Education Study Program


Submitted to fulfill the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan





Alhamdulillah, praise and thanks to Allah SWT who has give a flood of

merci and guidance to writer. Shalawat and Salam to Rasulullah Muhammad

SAW, hopefully His Syafaat will abundant.

This thesis which is titled “Implementation of Problem Based Instruction (PBI) Model For Increasing Students’ Intrinsic Motivation and Learning Achievement in Optic Instruments Topic at SMA Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu Medan

Academic Year 2011-2012”, is arranged to acquire scholar degree of Physics Education,

Faculty of Mathematics and Nature Science State University of Medan.

In this occasion, let me say a million thanks to Drs. Eidi Sihombing, M. S. as

thesis supervisor who has guide and give suggestion to writer from initial research until

finished this research. A million thanks also to Alkahfi Maas Siregar, S.si, M,Si, Dr.

Ridwan Abdullah Sani, M.Si, and Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc, Ph.D who have give critic and

suggestion to writer from the planning of research until the finish of thesis writing. A

million thanks to Mr. Prof. Dr. Mara Bangun Harahap, M.S as academic supervisor and to

all Mr. and Mrs. Lecturer and staff employee of Physics FMIPA State University of

Medan who have encourage writer.

Gratefully to my beloved Mother and Father for grow me up and educate me, and for Nurul Husnah, Fauzan „Asy Ari, Abdul Karim and Fauziatul Wardiah, also my best friend Fitriani Harahap and Deni Sriwahyuni thanks for your love.

To all of my friend in Physics Department FMIPA UNIMED, especially to 2008

students of Physics Bilingual 2008. Majid, Alfan, Rini, Azwar, Boby, Wita, Ester, Febri,

Laila, Laurent, Luqman, Nurul, Nawi, Risdo, Ruth, and Tika.

Rightfully proud to my friends Devi Andriani Siregar, Kak Irma, Lia, and Dedek,

thanks for support my dreams.

I realize this thesis is out of perfect caused by my literature or knowledge. That‟s why, I do hope constructivism advice and suggestion in order to make this thesis is useful

for all of us.

Medan, June 2012



Fauziatul Fitria (NIM. 408121049)


Penelitian tentang penerapan model pembelajaran PBI untuk meningkatkan motivasi intrinsik dan hasil belajar siswa di SMA Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu Medan di kelas X dilakukan karena rendahnya hasil belajar pembelajaran fisika, khususnya dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan motivasi intrinsik dan hasil belajar siswa dari ranah kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi experiments dengan one group post-test, pre test design. Populasi dalam peneletian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X di SMA Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu Medan. Sampel dalam peneletian ini adalah siswa kelas X di SMA Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu, Medan tahun ajaran 2011-2012 terdiri dari satu kelas, dengan total siswa 26 siswa dengan random sampling technic.


Implementation of Problem-Based Instruction (PBI) Model For Increasing Students' Intrinsic Motivation and Learning Achievement in Optic Instruments Topic at SMA Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu Medan Academic Year

2011-2012. Thesis Department of Physics, Physics Education Studies Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science UNIMED 2012.

Fauziatul Fitria (Reg. Number 408121049)


Research about implementation of problem-based instruction (PBI) model for increasing students' intrinsic motivation and learning achievement at SMA Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu Medan in class X is done because of students‟ law achievement in physics study, especially in solving of daily life physics problem. These research objectives are to determine the increasing of intrinsic motivation and student learning achievement of cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain.

Method of this research is by using quasi experiments with one group post-test, pre-test design. Populations in this research were all students of grade X in SMA Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu Medan. The sample in this research are students of grade X SMA Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu, Medan academic year 2011-2012 consists of one class, totaling 26 students based on simple random sampling technique.



1.2. Problems Identification 5

1.3. Problems Limitation 5

2.2. Constructivism Learning Theory 9

2.2.1. Learning Theory of Jerome Bruner (Discovery Learning) 11

2.3. Learning Model 13

2.4. Contextual Teaching and Learning 14

2.4.1. Problem Based Instruction 15

2.4.2. Theoretical of Problem Based Instruction (PBI) Model 16

2.4.3. Characteristic of Problem Based Instruction 17

2.4.4 Advantages of Problem Based Instruction (PBI 18

2.4.5 Disadvantages of Problem Based Instruction (PBI) 18



2.4.7 Teachers’ Roles in PBI 19

2.4.8 Problem-Based Instruction and Higher-Order Thinking 21

2.4.9 Problem Based Instruction Goals 21

2.5 Conventional Learning 21

2.6. Motivation 22

2.6.1. Current Theoretical Perspectives on Motivation 23

2.6.2. Learning Motivation 23

2.6.3. Techniques to Increase Intrinsic Motivation in Learning 25

2.7. Learning Achievement 25

2.7.1 Anderson’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain 26

2.7.2 Simpson's Taxonomy of Psychomotor Domain 28

2.7.3. Krathwohl’s Taxonomy of Affective Domain 30

2.8. Learning Material 32

2.8.1. Concave Mirrors 32

2.8.2. Convex Mirrors 32

2.8.3. Mathematical Method of Locating the Image 33

2.8.4. Convex and Concave Lenses 33

2.8.5. Chromatic aberration 34

2.8.6 Eyes 34


3.7 Content Validity 46

3.8. Data Collection Technique 46

3.9. Data Processing Technique 47

3.9.1. Calculation of Gain Scores Normalized 47

3.9.2. Data Processing of Students’ Affective Domain 48

3.9.3. Data Processing of Students’ Psychomotor Domain 51


4.1. Instrument Research and Data Analysis 55

4.2. Increasing of Student’ Intrinsic Motivation 55

4.3. Increasing of Student’s Learning Achievement 58

4.3.1. Increasing Student’s Learning Achievement of Cognitive Domains 58

4.3.2. Increasing of Students’ Learning Achievement in Affective Domain 62

4.3.3. Increasing of Students’ Learning Achievement in

Psychomotor Domain 63


5.1. Conclusions 66

5.2. Recommendations 66





Table 2.1 Comparing of Traditional and Constructivism Classrooms 9

Table 2.3 Anderson’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain 27

Table 2.4. Simpson's Taxonomy of the Psychomotor Domain 29

Table 2.5. Krathwohl’s Taxonomy of the Affective Domain 30

Table 3.1 Pretest-posttest, non-equivalent control group design 38

Table 3.2 List of Essay Test for Cognitive Domain 42

Table 3.3 List of Essay Test for Affective Domain 43

Table 3.4 List of Essay Test for Psychomotor Domain 44

Table 3.5 List of Questionnaire for Students’ Learning Intrinsic Motivation 45

Table 3.6 Data Collection Technique 46

Table 3.7 Interpretation of Gain Normalizing Value 48

Table 3.8 Score of Affective Domain 48

Table 3.9 Descriptor of Student’s Affective Domain 49

Table 3.10 Score of Psychomotor Domain 52

Table 3.11 Descriptor of Student’s Psychomotor Domain 52

Table 4.1 Recapitulation of Students’ Intrinsic Motivation 55

Table 4.2 Recapitulation of Students’ Score Increasing in

Intrinsic Motivation for Each Aspect 57

Table 4.3 Recapitulation of Student’s Score Increasing in Cognitive Domain 59

Table 4.4 Recapitulation of Students’ Increasing Score in

Cognitive Domain for Each Aspect 60

Table 4.5 Recapitulation of Students’ Increasing Score in Affective Domain 62

Table 4.6 Recapitulation of Students’ Increasing Score in




Figure 2.1 Kolb’s learning cycle 8

Figure 2.2 Figure 2.2 PBI Process 19

Figure 2.3 Shift in three foci of preoccupation 20

Figure 2.4 Roles of teacher in PBI 20

Figure 2.5 Goals of a PBI problem 21

Figure 2.6 Value and Expectations Model of Motivation Theory 24

Figure 2.7 Image formation by a concave mirror 31

Figure 2.8 Image formation by a convex mirror 32

Figure 2.9 Convex lens 33

Figure 2.10 Concave lens 33

Figure 2.11 Image formation by camera 35

Figure 3.1 Research Procedure Scheme 41

Figure 4.1 Cylinder Diagrams of Average Gain Actual and

N-Gain Students’ Intrinsic Motivation 56

Figure 4.2 Cylinder Diagrams of Average Percentage Gain Actual and

N-Gain Percentage in Intrinsic Motivation for Each Aspect 57

Figure 4.3 Cylinder Diagram of Average Gain Actual and

N-Gain Score Increasing of Cognitive Domain 59

Figure 4.4 Cylinder Diagrams of Average Percentage Gain Actual and

N-Gain Percentage Cognitive Domain for Each Aspect 61

Figure 4.5 Cylinder Diagram of Average Gain Actual and

N-Gain Score Increasing of Affective Domain 63

Figure 4.6 Cylinder Diagram of Average Gain Actual and



Appendix 4 List of Student’s Learning Achievement

In Topic Optic Tools 90

Appendix 5 Answering & Scoring Essay Test 98

Appendix 6 Teacher’s Observation Sheet 104

Appendix 7 Questionnaire of Student’s Intrinsic Motivation 108

Appendix 8 Initial Score of Students’ Intrinsic Motivation 109

Appendix 9 Final Score of Students’ Intrinsic Motivation 110

Appendix 10 Data Analysis of Actual Gain and N-Gain for Student's

Intrinsic Motivation 111

Appendix 11 Data Analysis of Actual Gain and N-Gain for Student's

Intrinsic Motivation of Self-Efficacy Aspect 112

Appendix 12 Data Analysis of Actual Gain and N-Gain for Student's

Intrinsic Motivation of Intrinsic Value Aspect 113

Appendix 13 Data Analysis of Actual Gain and N-Gain for Student's

Intrinsic Motivation of Test Anxiety Aspect 114

Appendix 14 Data Analysis of Actual Gain and N-Gain for

Cognitive Domain 115

Appendix 15 Data Analysis of Actual Gain and N-Gain for

Cognitive Domain of Analysis (C4) 116

Appendix 16 Data Analysis of Actual Gain and N-Gain for

Cognitive Domain of Evaluation (C5) and Create (C6) 117

Appendix 17 Initial Score of Student's Affective Domain by Researcher 118

Appendix 18 Final Score of Student's Affective Domain 119

Appendix 19 Data Analysis of Actual Gain and N-Gain for

Student's Affective Domain 120


Appendix 21 Final Score of Student's Psychomotor Domain 122

Appendix 22 Data Analysis of Actual Gain and N-Gain for

Student's Psychomotor Domain 123



preliminary observations in SMA Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu Medan, also show that

students average value is below of passing standard score, even based on the

assessment carried out in school, students must master at least basic competence

in classical and individual type above or equal to 75.

The low of student’s learning achievement is caused by various factors,

one of them is because students are less interested in physics, most students in X

grade claimed that they followed lessons of physics only as an obligation.

Although there are some students who are able to understand formulas in physics,

but it is still difficult for them to implement these formulas in daily life, so they

think that physics is not needed to solve various problems in daily life. It can be

concluded that most students are not motivated in learning physics. Teacher who

teach are usually using conventional model, where students in the compulsory to

understand formulas without explaining to students of physics concepts contained

therein and its relationship with other subject matter taught in classroom. In

addition, use of media in learning is also very minimal, so students become very

limited activity.


fatigue factor (Slameto, 2002:54). The process of teaching-learning interactions

related to internal factors is more focused on the problem of motivation and

reinforcement. These internal factors actually related to physiological factors and

psychological factors. But with reinforcement problem, hence the review about

these internal factors will be devoted to psychological factors. Thomas F. Staton

describes six kinds of psychological factors: motivation, concentration, reaction,

organization, comprehension and repetition (Sardiman, 2011:39). This research is

focus on psychological factors of intrinsic motivation.

Someone will succeed in learning, if in itself there is a desire to learn.

This is the principle and first law in educational activities and instruction

(Sardiman, 2011:40). Based on preliminary observations by giving questionnaire

of motivation to students at SMA Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu Medan obtained data

that most of them have a level of motivation that can be categorized as less.

Factors that can affect students' low motivation in learning physics are: 1) physics

study is made be an abstract lesson , 2) students are not encouraged to understand

the concepts of physics; 3) lack of use of instructional media; 4) interaction

between students is limited.

Uno (2011: 23) reveals that, indicators of motivation to learn can be

classified as follows: 1) the desire abnd willingness to learn, 2) the encourage and

need feeling in learning, 3) the hopes and ambition of the future; 4 ) the

appreciation in learning, 5) the interest activity in learning; 6) the existence of a

conducive learning environment.

When students do not have motivation to learn physics properly, this will

affect their learning achievement, which can be ascertained that results of their

learning achievement will also be low. The problem now is how to find the

appropriate way to convey the various concepts so that students have a long-term

understanding of physics concept and implement it in their daily live and how a

good and wise teacher able to use variety of learning media?

To overcome all problems above, it is required learning innovation that

uses a contextual approach to learning and teaching. The challenge is indeed for



motivation and independence to equip students with learning and problem-solving

skills and competencies that employers are looking for (Tan, 2003: 99). Learning

with a contextual approach (Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) links

between the material being taught and students real-world situations and

encourage students to make connections between knowledge that they have and its

implementation in their daily lives is expected to improve student learning

achievement. There are three models of CTL namely: Direct Instruction (DI),

Cooperative Learning (CL) and Problem Based Instruction (PBI). In this research

the model will be applied to Problem Based Instruction (PBI)

PBI is a learning model that presents problem to students before they

construct their knowledge. The problem presented is problem which always

experienced by students in their daily live. Through PBI students trained

construct their own knowledge, develop problem solving skills, accustomed in

using media, and used to enhance interaction among students of students, so

students become independent, more confident and have a great motivation in

learning physics. Meanwhile, Ibrahim reveals that the PBI, teachers try to

encourage students to have intrinsic motivation (Rusmiyati & Yulianto, 2009:75).

In his book of “How to Use Problem-Based Learning in Classroom”, Delisle

reveals that research and teachers’ experience have demonstrated that active

instructional techniques like PBL can motivate bored students and raise their

understanding and achievement (Delisle, 1937: 5).

Some research relating to the use of Problem Based Instruction method

has already been done, among others; by Festiyed 1, Ermawati 2 (2008), where

their reaearch showed that by using PBI in learning can provide an increase in

activity and student’s learning achivement, this thing can seen from average value

of student learning achivement which have increased from 5.7 in Cycle I to 6.09

in cycle II. There is also an increase in value of the lowest in cycle I was 4, in

cycle II, the lowest value obtained 5. Most student’s scores have increase, initially

they received score of 5 and 6 in cycle I, to 6 and 7 in cycle II. Research


suggested that experiments of this study is more extensive, so as to ascertain how

far this PBI method can increase activity and student learning outcomes.

Then by CA Hapsoro, H. Susanto (2011), where the results of their study

showed that PBI-assisted learning aids can achieve basic competencies of students

and student learning outcomes, in addition, PBI-assisted learning aids are better

than conventional learning, this indicated by students' cognitive learning

outcomes, with average value of 69.3415 in control class, while 73.5238 in

experimental class. Increased learning outcomes in control class by 45% whereas

in experimental class by 52%. The results of this research were obtained by using

two classes as a grade control and experimental classes. Advice given in their

research is aimed to improve the quality of education especially in learning

activities, among others; teacher should consider PBI-assisted learning aids to be

applied, because the learning method is proven improve basic competencies and

student learning outcomes significantly, and also implementation of PBI learning

takes a long time so that the efficiency of time is necessary for the purpose of

learning can be achieved.

Next by Cecepullah (2011), describes the results of his research, among

others; increasing creative thinking abilities of students based on the average

normalized gain (<g>) after PBI model is applied at 0.272 to a low category, and

increased student achievement based on the average normalized gain (<g>) after

PBI model is applied at 0.271 with low category. The results of this research were

obtained by using the method of quasi-experimental (Quasi Experiment). Advice

given by him in his research are as follows: (1) setting the table on the PBI model

should be quite comfortable to use a group of five to six people and do not hinder

the mobility of teachers, (2) the number of groups is not too much, (3 ) required

further research concerning the application of the PBI model, so as to obtain more

consistent results.

Research about the implementation of PBI model to improve student

motivation and learning achievement conducted at high school of grade X in

Medan. This research is conducted by considering low motivation of students in



students automatically become low. Method of this research is by using quasi

experiments with one group post-test, pre-test design. This method was chosen to

determine the increase of students’s motivation and learning achievement after

applying PBI model compared to before applying PBI model.

Based on description above, will be conducted research with title

"Implementation of Problem Based Instruction (PBI) Model For Increasing Students’ Intrinsic Motivation and Learning Achievement in Optic Instruments Topic at SMA Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu Medan Academic Year 2011-2012" expected the results could provide benefits for teachers, especially in providing an alternative model of learning in classroom, particularly in efforts to

improve motivation and student’s learning achievement.

1.2. Problems Identification

Based on description of background above, problem can be identified as


1. Teacher is usually using conventional model.

2. Most students in X grade at SMA Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu Medan have

low intrinsic motivation in learning physics.

3. Average student learning achievement is below of passing standards.

1.3. Problems Limitation

Problem that developed in this paper should be limited to provide a clear

description of the issues that will be reviewed. In accordance by problem

identification, problems limitation of this paper are as follows:

1. Using of appropriate learning model to enhance student motivation and

learning outcomes.

2. Students's motivation towards learning physics.

3. Student learning achievement which consits of students' cognitive,


1.4. Problems Formulation

Based on the problems limitation which described above, hence the

problems formulation in this research are;

1. How the increasing of students' intrinsic motivation after applied

Problem Based Instruction (PBI)?

2. How the increasing of students' learning achievement after applied

Problem Based Instruction (PBI)?

1.5. Research Objectives

Referring to problem formulation, the objectives to be achieved in this

research were to:

1. Knowing the increasing of student’s motivation after been applied

Problem Based Instruction (PBI).

2. Knowing the increasing of student’s learning achievement after been

applied Problem Based Instruction (PBI).

1.6. Benefits of Research

 For school: The results of this research are expected to increase the quality of school as students’ learning achievement and teacher’s

professionalism increase.

 For teacher : The results of this research are expected to be input in expanding knowledge and insight about Problem Based Instruction

(PBI) model in teaching science, that become one of alternative

teaching models as effort to improve student’s motivation and learning


 For student: The results of this research are expected to increase students’ learning achievement and intrinsic motivation in learning


 For researcher: The results of this research are expected to be description of learning model implementation in teaching physics and




5.1. Conclusions

Based on data analysis and discussion of research results, obtained

general conclusion that application of Problem Based Instruction learning model

in optic instruments topic has a low criterion in improve students intrinsic

motivation and have sufficient criteria to improve students learning achievement

in cognitive, effective and psychomotor domains. Based on research questions

that presented earlier, we can conclude some of the following:

1. Increasing of students' intrinsic motivation based on average gain

normalized (<g>) after implement Problem Based Instruction Learning

model is equal to 0.362 in a medium category.

2. Increasing of students’ learning achievement based on average

normalized gain (<g>) after implement Problem-Based Instruction

learning model is 0.556 of cognitive domain, 0.600 of affective domain

including into medium category and 0.722 of psychomotor domain

including into high category.

5.2. Recommendations

This research is still far from perfect research. Based on the research

results that have conducted, researcher gives the following recommendations:

1. Table and seating arrangement of students have to suitable by the

characteristics of learning model that used. Particularly in PBI learning

model, the shape of table should not elongated and comfortable enough

to used by a group of five to six students. In addition, the position of

tables is not impeding mobility of teacher when guiding students groups.

2. The number of groups should not be too much for teachers for more

maximum control of student activity, especially at investigation stage.

3. Further research is needed of implementation Problem Based Instruction



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Fauziatul Fitria was born in Medan at 05 Desember 1990. Father‟s name is


tables is not impeding mobility of teacher when guiding students groups.


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