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EDMODO mediated English speaking materials for nursing students novice leve.


Academic year: 2017

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Anjarmoko, Matius Hebi. 2017. EDMODO Mediated English Speaking Materials for Nursing students Novice Level. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Profession of nurse nowadays is required to be a professional nurse who has the competence to give good medical service to patients. This medical service includes the competence to communicate with patients with different background and nations in English. This competence needs to be taught to nursing students despite many obstacle faces by the students in terms of time and exercise in learning English. In order to accommodate the goal to be a professional nurse the writer is interested in designing online English speaking materials through EDMODO. There are two research question presented. The first question is How is EDMODO Mediated English Speaking Materials for Nursing students Novice Level designed and the second what are the students’ perceptions towards the designed EDMODO Mediated English Speaking Materials Novice Level.

The two questions were answered using ADDIE model in justification to R&D and Mixed method research. ADDIE model consists of 5 cycles namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. ADDIE model was combined with R&D model Borg and Gall (1983). The combinantion results in writer’s design model. The model then works as the umbrella in the designing process. Meanwhile mixed method research combines quantitative and qualitative data taken from questionnaire given to the nursing students novice level.

The process of designing is done using ADDIE which is in justification to R&D model which then transformed into EDMODO as the Online Learning Management System. Need analysis reveals that students wants to have more English speaking exercises that they can do at home or during their free time.Nursing students realies that to be able to speak in English is important for their career as nurses. The materials given to the student are communicative speaking which allow them to learn based on the real situation they will face later on as nurses. Students’ access to internet through mobile phones becomes the answers to provide online learning through EDMODO. The design consists of several cycles namely: Insert, Ignite, Start, and Go. The writer makes 3 topics which include videos on each topic. The topics were Spark: First Meeting, Spark: Personal Information, and Spark: Introducing Others. Insert serves as the first cycle in the design, here the students are asked to watch videos on related topics and asnwer questions based on the videos they watch. Ignite serves as the guided exercise for the students. They have to do phrases matching activities. The next cycle, Start, serves as semi-guided exercise. Students are asked to supply replies related to the expressions presented based on each topic. In Go cycle, the students have to create their own dialogs and create videos which then they have to upload to Youtube. Once the students upload their videos, they embed link of their Youtube video link to their EDMODO course.



Anjarmoko, Matius Hebi. 2017. EDMODO Mediated English Speaking Materials for Nursing students Novice Level. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Profesi perawat saat ini dituntut untuk dapat menjadi perawat yang profesional yang mampu memberikan pelayanan kesehatan terbaik bagi pasien. Pelayanan medis yang dimaksud termasuk pelayanan dalam hal berkomunikasi dengan pasien dengan berbagai latar belakang dan dari manca negara dalam bahasa Inggris. Kemampuan ini perlu untuk diajarkan kepada siswa keperawatan meskipun banyak faktor yang menghambat proses belajar termasuk waktu dan latihan yang didapat siswa. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk membuat desain materi Speaking yang dapat diakses secara online melalui EDMODO. Terdapat dua pertanyaan diajukan dalam penelitian ini. Bagaimana desain materi speaking untuk siswa keperawatan level 1 melalui EDMODO dibuat dan yang kedua adalah Pendapat siswa keperawatan level 1 mengenai desain materi speaking melalui EDMODO.

Kedua pertanyaan tersebut dijawab dengan menggunakan model ADDIE. Model ADDIE terdiri dari 5 tahapan, yaitu: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. Model ADDIE lalu dikombinasikan dengan model R&D oleh Borg and Gall (1983). Kombinasi dari kedua model di atas menjadi dasar dari proses membuat desain melalui EDMODO. Selain diatas, Mixed method juga digunakan untuk mendapatkan data baik secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif dari kuesioner yang diberikan kepada siswa Akademi Keperawatan Notokusumo Yogyakarta level 1.

Dalam proses penyusunan desain materi melalui EDMODO sebagai Sistem Manajemen Pembelajaran Daring, penulis menggunakan model ADDIE yang dikombinasikan dengan model R&D. Pada tahapan Analisa kebutuhan, penulis menemukan bahwa siswa menginginkan latihan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris lebih banyak yang bisa mereka gunakan di rumah atau di saat waktu senggang mereka. Siswa keperawatan menyadari pentingnya kemampuan untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris demi karir mereka pada masa yang akan datang. Materi yang disediakan pada penelitian ini merupakan materi komunikatif dimana siswa diberikan materi yang sesuai dengan topik yang nantinya akan mereka hadapi. Kemampuan dan ketersediaan siswa dalam mengakses internet melalui telepon genggam mereka menjadi jawaban akan pembelajaran daring melalui EDMODO. Desain materi terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu, Insert, Ignite, Start, dan GO. Penulis membuat desain materi dalam tiga topik yang disertai video dalam tiap topiknya. Ketiga topik tersebut adalah Spark: First Meeting, Spark: Personal Information, dan Spark: Introducing Others. Insert merupakan tahapan pertama pada desain materi, pada tahapan ini siswa diminta untuk menonton video yang disediakan sesuai topik yang sedang dipelajari. Pada tahapan ini pula, siswa diberikan pertanyaan berdasarkan video yang mereka tonton. Tahapan Ignite menuntun siswa untuk mengenali frasa-frasa yang digunakan dalam topik yang sedang dipelajari melalui kegiatan mencocokkan. Tahapan selanjutnya yaitu Start adalah tahapan dimana siswa dipandu untuk menjawab pertanyaan berkaitan dengan topik yang dipelajari. Tahapan akhir, yaitu Go memberi kesempatan pada siswa untuk membuat dialog mereka sendiri berdasar perintah yang disediakan. Setelah membuat dialog, siswa diajak untuk membuat video yang nantinya harus mereka upload pada Youtube. Setelah proses upload selesai, siswa diminta untuk menyediakan link video Youtube mereka pada kelas EDMODO.




A Thesis Presented to

The Graduate Program in English Language Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum)


English Language Studies


Matius Hebi Anjarmoko Student Number: 116332036





I would like to express my deepest gratitude to The Almighty God for always

providing me with strength, guidance and blessings during the completion of my study.

My gratitude also goes to Drs. F.X. Mukarto, M.S., Ph.D. as my thesis sponsor for his

patience and wisdom in showing me the way to finish my thesis. Pak. Mukarto as a gentle

and caring person tried his best to help me during my study.

My deepest thank also goes to Dr. Ir. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto and SEAMOLEC’s

team for the funding and chance through the scholarship. I thank them for their dedication in

giving us another paradigm in using technology for educational purposes.

I am deeply grateful to Dr. J. Bismoko and Dr. B. B. Dwijatmoko, M.A., for sharing

their knowledge when I was in their classes and experiencing their profesional competence.

The most special gratitude goes to my most special girl in life, Siska Estri Pangestika,

S.Pd.SD. She is the one behind all my thesis completion. She is the one who always provides

love and support for me. Thanks for all her prayers. Love you so much.

Next, my gratitude goes to Mas Putut, Mbak Pipit, Pak. Koko, and my colleagues at

KinderStation Primary for always reminding me when to get married.

I owe a very important debt to Om Bambang Dwi Purnomo, M.B.A. for his time and

words that gave me positive energy.

Last but not least. I would like to offer my special thanks to my family. My mother,

sister, brother. Thanks also to my niece and nephew for fullfilling my day with smile.Thank

you for all your countless support and prayers.







A. Research Method ... 40

B. Research Design ... 41

C. Research Setting and Participants ... 45

D. Technique of Data Collection ... 45

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 47


A. Research Finding ... 49

1. Needs Analysis ... 49

2. Design ... 52

3. Development ... 56

a. Preliminary Field Testing ... 56

b. Main Field Testing ... 61

4. Implementation ... 63

5. Evaluation ... 65

B. Discsussion ... 65


A. Conclusion ... 69

B. Discussion ... 73





Table 3.1.: PAP Conversion Table ... 48

Table 4.1: Topic, Basic Competence, and Learning Indicator ... 51

Table 4.2: Result of Spark: First Meeting (Start) ... 61

Table 4.3: Expert’s Respondent Description ... 62

Table 4.4: Result of Spark: Personal Information (Start) ... 62

Table 4.5: Result of Spark: Introducing Others (Start) ... 63

Table 4.6: Students’ Response Distribution of the Closed-Ended Questionnaire 64 Table 4.7: Result of Pre-Test ... 67




Figure 1.1: Dick and Carey System Approach Model ... ... 11

Figure 1.2: Morrison, Ross, and Kemp Model ... ... 13

Figure 2.1: ADDIE Model ... ... 18

Figure 2.4: CALL Principles ... 37

Figure 3.1: Writer’s Design Model ... 43

Figure 4.1: Start First Meeting ... 58

Figure 4.2: Ignite Introducing Others ... 58



LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1. Needs Analysis Questionnaire

Appendix 2. Expert Validation Questionnaire

Appendix 3. Syllabus



Anjarmoko, Matius Hebi. 2017. EDMODO Mediated English Speaking Materials for Nursing students Novice Level. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Profession of nurse nowadays is required to be a professional nurse who has the competence to give good medical service to patients. This medical service includes the competence to communicate with patients with different background and nations in English. This competence needs to be taught to nursing students despite many obstacle faces by the students in terms of time and exercise in learning English. In order to accommodate the goal to be a professional nurse the writer is interested in designing online English speaking materials through EDMODO. There are two research question presented. The first question is How is EDMODO Mediated English Speaking Materials for Nursing students Novice Level designed and the second what are the students’ perceptions towards the designed EDMODO Mediated English Speaking Materials Novice Level.

The two questions were answered using ADDIE model in justification to R&D and Mixed method research. ADDIE model consists of 5 cycles namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. ADDIE model was combined with R&D model Borg and Gall (1983). The combinantion results in writer’s design model. The model then works as the umbrella in the designing process. Meanwhile mixed method research combines quantitative and qualitative data taken from questionnaire given to the nursing students novice level.

The process of designing is done using ADDIE which is in justification to R&D model which then transformed into EDMODO as the Online Learning Management System. Need analysis reveals that students wants to have more English speaking exercises that they can do at home or during their free time.Nursing students realies that to be able to speak in English is important for their career as nurses. The materials given to the student are communicative speaking which allow them to learn based on the real situation they will face later on as nurses. Students’ access to internet through mobile phones becomes the answers to provide online learning through EDMODO. The design consists of several cycles namely: Insert, Ignite, Start, and Go. The writer makes 3 topics which include videos on each topic. The topics were Spark: First Meeting, Spark: Personal Information, and Spark: Introducing Others. Insert serves as the first cycle in the design, here the students are asked to watch videos on related topics and asnwer questions based on the videos they watch. Ignite serves as the guided exercise for the students. They have to do phrases matching activities. The next cycle, Start, serves as semi-guided exercise. Students are asked to supply replies related to the expressions presented based on each topic. In Go cycle, the students have to create their own dialogs and create videos which then they have to upload to Youtube. Once the students upload their videos, they embed link of their Youtube video link to their EDMODO course.





Anjarmoko, Matius Hebi. 2017. EDMODO Mediated English Speaking Materials for Nursing students Novice Level. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Profesi perawat saat ini dituntut untuk dapat menjadi perawat yang profesional yang mampu memberikan pelayanan kesehatan terbaik bagi pasien. Pelayanan medis yang dimaksud termasuk pelayanan dalam hal berkomunikasi dengan pasien dengan berbagai latar belakang dan dari manca negara dalam bahasa Inggris. Kemampuan ini perlu untuk diajarkan kepada siswa keperawatan meskipun banyak faktor yang menghambat proses belajar termasuk waktu dan latihan yang didapat siswa. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk membuat desain materi Speaking yang dapat diakses secara online melalui EDMODO. Terdapat dua pertanyaan diajukan dalam penelitian ini. Bagaimana desain materi speaking untuk siswa keperawatan level 1 melalui EDMODO dibuat dan yang kedua adalah Pendapat siswa keperawatan level 1 mengenai desain materi speaking melalui EDMODO.

Kedua pertanyaan tersebut dijawab dengan menggunakan model ADDIE. Model ADDIE terdiri dari 5 tahapan, yaitu: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. Model ADDIE lalu dikombinasikan dengan model R&D oleh Borg and Gall (1983). Kombinasi dari kedua model di atas menjadi dasar dari proses membuat desain melalui EDMODO. Selain diatas, Mixed method juga digunakan untuk mendapatkan data baik secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif dari kuesioner yang diberikan kepada siswa Akademi Keperawatan Notokusumo Yogyakarta level 1.

Dalam proses penyusunan desain materi melalui EDMODO sebagai Sistem Manajemen Pembelajaran Daring, penulis menggunakan model ADDIE yang dikombinasikan dengan model R&D. Pada tahapan Analisa kebutuhan, penulis menemukan bahwa siswa menginginkan latihan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris lebih banyak yang bisa mereka gunakan di rumah atau di saat waktu senggang mereka. Siswa keperawatan menyadari pentingnya kemampuan untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris demi karir mereka pada masa yang akan datang. Materi yang disediakan pada penelitian ini merupakan materi komunikatif dimana siswa diberikan materi yang sesuai dengan topik yang nantinya akan mereka hadapi. Kemampuan dan ketersediaan siswa dalam mengakses internet melalui telepon genggam mereka menjadi jawaban akan pembelajaran daring melalui EDMODO. Desain materi terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu, Insert, Ignite, Start, dan GO. Penulis membuat desain materi dalam tiga topik yang disertai video dalam tiap topiknya. Ketiga topik tersebut adalah Spark: First Meeting, Spark: Personal Information, dan Spark: Introducing Others. Insert merupakan tahapan pertama pada desain materi, pada tahapan ini siswa diminta untuk menonton video yang disediakan sesuai topik yang sedang dipelajari. Pada tahapan ini pula, siswa diberikan pertanyaan berdasarkan video yang mereka tonton. Tahapan Ignite menuntun siswa untuk mengenali frasa-frasa yang digunakan dalam topik yang sedang dipelajari melalui kegiatan mencocokkan. Tahapan selanjutnya yaitu Start adalah tahapan dimana siswa dipandu untuk menjawab pertanyaan berkaitan dengan topik yang dipelajari. Tahapan akhir, yaitu Go memberi kesempatan pada siswa untuk membuat dialog mereka sendiri berdasar perintah yang disediakan. Setelah membuat dialog, siswa diajak untuk membuat video yang nantinya harus mereka upload pada Youtube. Setelah proses upload selesai, siswa diminta untuk menyediakan link video Youtube mereka pada kelas EDMODO.





In this study, I would like to investigate the implementation of my designed online

English materials through EDMODO. The study focuses in the designing of the materials in

order to provide materials which then can contribute to the nursing students novice level’s

English improvement. Moreover, the study will investigate students’ perception toward the

designed materials whether it gives positive contribution to the students in terms of

improvement in their English speaking skill. This chapter provides seven sections; they are

background to the research, problem identification, problem limitation, statement of the

research question, product specification, research objective, and research benefit.

A. Background

Speaking skill is chosen to make sure that students are able to communicate in their daily

practices and to prepare them for the global era. This is also to answer the challenges for

better qualified graduates who are able to compete with other graduate nurses around the

globe. Speaking in English as part of global communication skill needs to be well taught to

students to help them with the current development in technology and learning as well.

With the current development of globalization, nursing academies worldwide are to keep

up with the latest methods in nursing which later on require them to be able to implement

their English skill for their daily services including how to give good services in English and

also to explain to patients about their medications. As front line guard in hospital, nurses are

the one who becomes the face of hospital and their services means that they are the quality

control of hospital’s services. For that reason, nurses are also required to have up to date

medical techniques and services to provide excellence medical care. Those services not only


2 make sure that they get the best treatment in the hospital. Global expansion in many areas

also shows that more foreigners coming to Indonesia which later on opening wide

possibilities of medical services. In the end, English has become of one the subjects taught in

Nursing Academy in order to make sure that they have competitive graduates.

The fact that English is one of the subjects taught in Nursing Academy has led the

students to a different level. Students are now to prepare themselves with the necessary

communication skills that they need. In the working world too, students will need to perform

this skill to ease them in their daily work and also to allow them to access information they

need to give the best services to their patients. Nowadays, nurses are required to perform

English skill since they will have patients from other countries. Their other competences are

also needed to be improved by exchanging information with other nurses or hospital globally.

In the end, it is hoped that the students will have the ability to use English to support their

future career in the working world.

The process of teaching and learning of English in Nursing Academy has always been an

interesting area since learning is an ongoing process where there are always new things to

discover and consider in the process. In Notokusumo Nursing Academy Yogyakarta, where

the research took place, the teaching and learning process takes places in the classroom.

Lecturers use books and students’ workbook during their teaching process and also

presentation. In the class, the teaching and learning processes is done classically which means

the students get the information directly from the teacher in class. The lecturers also make use

of paper based teaching activities in class. This sometimes leads to confusion to students who

have little understanding on the materials they are learning. Meanwhile, English in

Notokusumo is put in second after the primary materials which is the nursing skill. Students

sometimes have low level of attention when it comes to afternoon English lesson, this


3 The history of computer being used for language teaching started back in 1960’s, from

that moment there are many researches under Computer Assisted Language Learning

(CALL). Computer Assisted Language Learning is “The search for and study of applications

of the computer in language teaching and learning” (Levy, 1997:1). The development of

technology, especially computer leads to the creation of CALL. CALL provides lecturers

with a framework on how to use technology in the classroom. It guides lecturers to make use

of computer as the product of technology to support their teaching process and to maximize

the result. CALL also gives teachers who plan to utilize computers in their teaching activities

with a set of parameters so that the goals of learning activities can be achieved. Nowadays,

the popularity of computer has decreased over time with the presence of mobile phones.

Mobile phones which are cheaper and more compact compared to personal computers have

gained its popularity in society. Nevertheless, mobile phones which act like personal

computer require CALL when it comes to the use in teaching and learning activities.

The development of technology and the invention of various communication tools have

shaped the way we live and think. Nowadays, people are presented with many gadgets which

offer many features to do many things we couldn’t do in the past. The vast development of

technology surely affects many aspects in life especially the way we learn something. It also

affects the development of mobile technology. At present, mobile technology is surprisingly

increase and mobile users are given many advantages from it. One of the area infected by the

development of mobile technology is the area of education. In the field of education, the

phenomenon has been a great help for lecturers since they can have more resources for their

teaching activities. Teachers can present their materials in such a way that will promote

students’ learning motivation. Teachers can also manage the learning activities to adjust

students’ learning needs and also time. Mobile technology provides teachers with endless


4 teachers to download many learning materials over the internet to support and to vary their

teaching techniques so that it will be beneficial for the development of their students.

Mobile technology combines with internet are also able to provide teachers with the

ability to present their own materials online, even their recorded-teaching activities, so that

students will be able to learn outside the classroom. By doing this, teachers open the

possibilities of helping the students more compared to classical activities. Internet is able to

give solution to the boundary of time and space since it can be accessed at any time on

anyplace. Through internet, teachers are given a medium to interact with their students

outside the class. This is very helpful when it comes to deal with students who are less

motivated or have low self-confidence. Teachers are able to provide their materials and

learning activities online and students can ask for feedbacks and comments during the


The use of internet in the teaching and learning process is done through mobile phones as

its media. Mobile phones are included into computer area since today’s mobile phone

technologies already begins to take place of old personal computers. In fact, mobile phones

are small personal computers equipped with computer ability since it serves as computers

with more compact size. Mobile phones serve as the tool to run the internet and to present

the learning activities.

The presence of a more compact computer widens the possibility for lecturers and

students to interact each other. More compact computers in form of mobile phones allow

teachers and students to interact through applications or social media. There are many ways

establish interactions or learning activities through mobile phones, but one needs to be put

into consideration is that teachers and students have to be in the same corridor of teaching

and learning activities. Mobile phones being used in the teaching and learning process needs


5 always come with the disadvantages since technologies especially mobile technology offers

wide possibilities of development and usage in life. The use for online teaching activities is

one of the advantages of mobile phones. Teachers can present their teaching materials online

and they can teach or guide students through online class but it also means that teachers

cannot fully control students’ real actions.

The presence of Internet nowadays is in line with the presence of mobile phone.

Mobile phone as a communication gadget which serve as a tool to communicate has become

a new ‘close friend’ for students. As technology is growing rapidly, mobile phone has turned

its purpose not only as a tool for communication but also a tool to socialize. Mobile phone as

a tool to interact with other people globally through social media is quite common in society.

As we know of, social media is part of students’ lives; their daily lives are connected to their

social media as a place to express their feelings and ideas. Other purposes of the growing

technology of mobile phone are somehow gain less attention compared to its social function.

One of the purposes is for online learning. There are many developers that make use of the

growing technology of mobile phone to do self-development through learning, games, and

many more.

The establishment of online learning in mobile phone is indeed not a new thing.

Before mobile phone grows like present days and with the presence of internet, educators

have already begun to make internet into their teaching and learning considerations. Learning

through mobile phone gets closer and closer nowadays with mobile phones and internet

connection. Learning can be done outside classes and teachers can communicate more

intensively with their students. Learning also can be done anytime whenever the students are

willing to. Many teachers also already to optimize the use of learning applications to support

their teaching activities since the applications have more benefits in terms of supporting their


6 learning progresses through continuous exercises and practices. Learning applications which

are connected to internet also can be a place to share learning problems face by the students

and also a place to have learning consultations for students who do not have a chance to share

in class. Mobile learning application for mobile phone are always be updated and the

numbers are growing every day. One of the learning applications is EDMODO.

EDMODO is a internet-based platform that provides a safe and easy way for your

class to connect and collaborate, share content, and access homework, grades and school

notices. It is founded to support learning activities and to support students who wish to learn

other skills. EDMODO’s look resembles Facebook but in a safe and controlled environment

appropriate for school. The resemblance is intended to help students accustomed to the flow

of the application and to make them easier to control and use the application. EDMODO also

provides features for lecturers and students to interact in safe way so that the goal of learning

will be achieved. It is also an LMS which provides monitoring to students’ learning progress

and activities. Monitoring is part of EDMODO to help teachers observe their students and

their learning achievements. EDMODO also help teachers in terms of regular achievement

through notifications and recorded scores after doing the learning activities. Overall,

EDMODO is a LMS to study and work with.

B. Problem Identification

Nursing students encounters difficulties in understanding and using English in context.

They have difficulties in expressing their ideas and thoughts which lead them to have a

mindset that English is difficult to learn. This situation is also being strengthened with the

fact that English language is not used in daily practices. Their daily language is Bahasa Indonesia which makes them unable to have regular practices in using English language.

Lecturer sometimes uses more than the provided time to teach because students need


7 teaching and learning processes, outside the class they tend to use Bahasa Indonesia. This kind of situation is hard to deal especially when they are supposed to accomplish the goal of

the class which is to communicate in English. Communicating in English has become a basic

requirement for many working places since it offers a bigger chance for them to face the

global. For that reason, English becomes very important to be taught in classrooms to prepare

its students to face the working world and that also what Nursing Academy is aiming for, to

prepare its students to face the working world requires its students to be able to communicate

in English.

In order to help the students to understand English in class, students need to have more

exercise so that they can practice and share their understanding. With the traditional

classroom, this can only be done during the school hour. With the limited time in the class,

lecturers and students sometimes only have little time to do more practices. The limitation of

time and exercise causes the students to have limited activities in developing their skills. The

time needed to do the exercises sometimes exceeds the given time since the students are

packed with different tasks and assignment.

C. Problem Limitation

The study deals with the designing of EDMODO Mediated English Speaking

Materials for Nursing students Novice Level. The study includes the designing of the

materials for the novice level and the exercises for the students. The exercises are the focus of

the study since the students are going to learn and practice their English skill through the


D. Research Questions

The formulation of problems which are concluded from the main problems of the


8 1. How is EDMODO Mediated English Speaking Materials for Nursing Novice Level


2. What are the students’ perceptions towards the designed EDMODO Mediated English

Speaking Materials for Nursing students Novice Level?

E. Research Objective

The objective of the researcher is to help the students of Nursing Academy novice

level practice speaking skill that they learn in class as part of their skill development. The

process is done by promoting the use of computer through EDMODO in the process of

teaching and learning of English. The study provides a design on the learning materials for

the nursing students and shows their perceptions towards the designed materials for the

improvement of the nursing students’ English speaking skill.

F. Product Specification

The product of the research helps the students of Nursing Academy novice level to

have better understanding on their English and to help them improve their speaking skill

which can be used to support their profession. The product is designed to help the nursing

students novice level to have more exercises which they can access without the limitation or

time and space. The designed product is in justification with the syllabus so that in the end

the students will have the same competence with those who are learning English in class. The

target of the product is the students of Nursing Academy grade 1 or novice level.

G. Research Benefits

The study will be beneficial to the improvement of human’s life quality especially to

both theoretical and practical part.

Theoretically, the research is hoped to be beneficial to the development of the nursing

students’ English mastery through EDMODO. EDMODO becomes the media to improve the


9 Practically, through the study, the students will have more exercises on speaking skill

so that that they will have the skill to do basic communication. The designed materials which

are presented through EDMODO might be able to bridge the limitation of time and space, as




This chapter discusses the theories underlying the study. In this chapter, the writer serves

two main points in the study, namely Theoretical Description and Theoretical Framework.

Theoretical description describes the instructional design, nursing students, Computer

Assisted Language Learning (CALL), and EDMODO. The theoretical framework in the

study deals with the designing of online English learning materials.

A. Theoretical Review

Theoretical description gives the description on the instructional design, nursing

students novice level, Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Speaking, and

EDMODO. The description becomes the basis in the study.

1. Instructional Design

Instructional design provides the blue print in the designing process. The aim of

instructional design is to guide material developer to design their materials so that it will be

acceptable and functional. Gustafson and Branch (1997) states that the aim of instructional

model is to collaborate designers, technicians, and clients in managing and organizing steps

for educational purposes. Instructional design makes sure that the design that we plan to

execute works and suitable for our targets. It works like a blue print for the design we have.

In instructional design we have the term model. Model is the term used in instructional

design to refer to the real product of the instructional design. The product shows us the steps

we have to go in the instructional design so that it will create a good design at the end. Model

is much influenced by the instructional situation “The application and value of a model is

dependent on the instructional situation, problem or task” (Siemens, 2002; Ryder, 2006).


11 a. Dick and Carey System Approach Model

This model provides designers with a linear design which means that the designer

have to follow the line to make sure that their design is in proper cycle. Dick and Carey

model directs designers to break down their instructions to more detail in order to reach

the objectives of the program. Brandt (2001) states that “Designer must end up with a

product containing accomplished objectives and measurable outcomes” this is to make

sure that our design is acceptable and is able to be implemented. There are 9 cycles in

Dick and Carey model, the cycles are:

1. Identify Instructional Goals - Describe what the learners are expected to perform at the end of the instruction. Instructional goals are normally broad statements of what

you are trying to accomplish. They should describe what the learners should perform,

not what you are going to do.

2. Conduct Instructional Analysis - Identify the exact performance gap between the present performance and the desired performance. This informs you what the learners

need to learn in order to perform. Next, identify the steps the learner must be able to

perform in order to accomplish the tasks that lead to the desired performance.


12 to the skills and topics that will be taught. The information should have enough detail

to allow you to identify the correct starting point of the instruction so that they do not

waste time reviewing material they already know and does not omit content they need

to know. The goal is to start the learning process at a level they already understand so

you can scaffold the instruction by providing a structure that they can build upon.

4. Write Performance Objectives - Performance Objectives consist of a description of the task or skills to be learned, the standards or criteria, and the conditions that the

task must be performed.

5. Develop Assessment Instruments - Tests and evaluations are created that will: 1) ensure the learners meet the necessary prerequisites for performing the new skills, 2)

identify the learner's progress in meeting the performance objectives during the

learning process, and 3) evaluate the learning process itself to ensure it is structurally


6. Develop Instructional Strategy - Create a blueprint of the learning activities that will transfer, develop, and reinforce the skills and knowledge formulated in the

performance objectives. Sequence the items in the blueprint in the order that will

provide the best learning environment.

7. Develop and Select Instructional Materials - Using the blueprint created in the previous step, fully develop the instructional content and activities. To save time,

reuse existing material whenever possible.

8. Design and Conduct Formative Evaluation - Use iterative design methods, such as prototypes, small field group trials, and/or interviews with prospective learners so that

you can collect data to identify areas in the instructional material that need


13 9. Design and Conduct Summative Evaluation - Judge the worthiness of the entire program with the focus being on the outcome: Did it work as intended? Continue the

evaluation after each class or training activity to determine if it can be approved.

10.Revise Instruction: Use the data from the two types of evaluations to examine the validity of the instructional material and revise as needed.

b. Morrison, Ross & Kemp Model (Kemp Model)

Kemp Model serves designer with a model with allow them to focus working on each

element. This model serves flexibility for designer to start from any element. “The

purpose is having flexibility is to ensure that the goals of learning objectives are not

compromised (Morrison, Ross & Kemp, 2004). The oval shape of the model enables

designers to have revisions on each element so that they will have strong basis for each

element. There are nine elements in Kemp model, they are:

1. First element, the focus is on defining the learning outcomes for the course. This includes what the student needs to learn or the skills they need to acquire. For

instance, what broad concepts, new knowledge, or course-specific content should the


14 should the learner be able to perform, or what skills should the learner be able to


2. Second element is phase is on the learning styles and needs of students, as well as the germane cognitive load related to topics, tasks, and procedures.

3. Third element is similar to the third stage of the model proposed by Dick and Carey, as well as the analysis stage in the ADDIE model. It is a very important element,

because it helps the designer to begin thinking about the overall content of the course

in relation to the characteristics of the learner.

4. Fourth element, content and task analysis is the phase that most specifically focuses on the whole learner, and determines the depth of understanding of new material that

the learner should be able to demonstrate. Bloom’s taxonomy is a good resource for

helping ascertain the level that a learner can be expected to process new information.

5. Five (determining objectives for learners) is similar to the first stage in the Dick and Carey model, which deals with examining the course ILOs. In this phase, the

designer analyzes the broad learning objectives of the course, and translates them

into more specific and defined goals.

6. Sixth element is the design of activities that will assist in course facilitation.

7. Seventh phase, the designer decides what instructional resources are necessary to

allow teachers to effectively teach, and students to effectively learn.

8. Eighth component is one which is unique in the Kemp model, because it takes into account support services that are available, or that may be required, to facilitate both

teaching and learning activities. For instance, the instructional design may specify a


15 9. Final component, which deals with formative and summative evaluations and assessment modes, is similar to at least two other models (Spector, Merrill, Van

Morrienboer & Driscoll, 2008)

c. ADDIE Model

ADDIE model starts its model from the learning outcome. It means that every step in

ADDIE is influenced by the goal of the learning. ADDIE model is dynamic, it means that

the end product of the model resembles the previous cycle. In ADDIE, formative

evaluation helps designers to move to its previous cycle so that at the end it will provide

an effective design. ADDIE model employs 5 cycles

1. Analysis

During analysis, the designer identifies the learning problem, the goals and objectives,

the audience’s needs, existing knowledge, and any other relevant characteristics.

Analysis also considers the learning environment, any constraints, the delivery

options, and the timeline for the project.

2. Design

A systematic process of specifying learning objectives. Detailed storyboards and

prototypes are often made, and the look and feel, graphic design, user-interface and

content is determined here.

3. Development

The actual creation (production) of the content and learning materials based on the

Design phase.

4. Implementation

During implementation, the plan is put into action and a procedure for training the

learner and teacher is developed. Materials are delivered or distributed to the student


16 5. Evaluation

This phase consists of (1) formative and (2) summative evaluation. Formative

evaluation is present in each stage of the ADDIE process. Summative evaluation

consists of tests designed for criterion-related referenced items and providing

opportunities for feedback from the users. Revisions are made as necessary.

In this study, the writer made use of ADDIE model as the basis for developing the

design materials.

2. ADDIE Design Model

ADDIE or Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation serves as the

instructional model in the study. “ADDIE Model” is a colloquial term used to describe a

systematic approach to instructional development. The term is virtually synonymous with

instructional systems development (ISD)” (Kovalchick and Dawson, 2003, p.1). The model is

used to ensure that the design fulfill the requirement of a good and systematic design to help

the students of vocational school to develop their English. ADDIE works as the umbrella for

the design and provides guidelines for the writer in the designing process. ADDIE guides the

writer through 5 phases:

a. Analysis

The first phase in ADDIE is analysis. In this phase, the writer analyzes the

characteristics needed in their research. The writer identifies the learning problems, the

goals and objectives, the needs of the learners, their existing knowledge. The result

gathered from the analysis phase gives the writer a blue print of the design.

b. Design

The data gathered from the analysis then moves to the design phase. In this phase, the

writer states the learning objectives and the course map of the design. The writer creates


17 c. Development

The development phase is the designing phase of the materials. The writer produces

their materials, the content of the design and the exercises.

d. Implementation

In the phase of implementation, the writer implements their design to their learners.

The data gathered from this phase is very useful for the writer to reshape their design so

that the design will be useful for the development of the students.

e. Evaluation

Evaluation phase is divided into formative and summative evaluation. Formative

evaluation is the evaluation done during the process of design to make sure that every

phase is valid because in ADDIE the evaluation can be implemented on every phase as

seen of figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: ADDIE Model, Diagram by: Steven J. McGriff, Instructional Systems, College of Education, Penn State University 3. Nursing Academy Novice Level

Nursing Academy is part of Indonesian Educational System which prepares its students to

become professional nurse. Nursing academy lasts for 3 years and in the end they are hoped


18 Nursing is a profession in which someone takes care patients with care and performs

professional method in giving the service to patients. Henderson defines nursing as

"The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery or to peaceful death, that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge" (Henderson, 1966)

It is clear that nursing a profession which deals with sick people and to execute method of

caring to help both sick people and people who are near the end of their lives.

One of those competences needed to have by the nursing students is the ability to

communicate in English. Nursing Academy realizes that the world today is in open mode in

which many people come and go from one country to another and that people will need

medical treatment as they are human beings. In order to provide the best service and

treatment, Nursing Academy needs to supply their students with the ability to use English so

that they can communicate with foreign patients and in the end they can provide quality

caring for the patients. Mastering English also will allow their students to be able to access

information they need and to keep up to date with the nursing world. This is also to provide

up to date service for the patients.

Nursing students needs to learn English as part of their communication skill. English as a

world’s language is needed whenever the students wish to communicate with foreign

patients, doctors, or colleagues. Being able to communicate in English is critical since

medical papers are often presented in English and it has become a common phenomenon

where English becomes part of their lives. Every nursing students owns mobile phone and

has the access to internet and they often face English while they surf the internet. That is why

to be able to communicate both oral and written in English is important for them.

Nursing academy as a place where nursing students learn to become professional nurses,

strive to help its students to meet their maximum potential as nurses. Nursing academy


19 medical area has developed. In order to face the global challenges, they demand their students

to have not only nursing skill but also other skill; one of them is English, to master.

Novice level is the term used in the research to indicate the level of students taking part in

the study. Novice level is the first level or entry level students who are in the learning

process. In medical term, novice level refers to the students who have little understanding on

the medical skills they are learning.

“This would be a nursing student in his or her first year of clinical education; behavior in the clinical setting is very limited and inflexible. Novices have a very limited ability to predict what might happen in a particular patient situation. Signs and symptoms, such as change in mental status, can only be recognized after a novice nurse has had experience with patients with similar symptoms” (Banner, 1982).

The above statement shows that medical students who are trying to grasp the essence of

medical studies and have no experience in medical practices can be included into novice

level. Novice level or the beginner level indicates that they do not have sufficient knowledge

on the subjects they are learning and they are shaping their way to master the skills needed as

nursing students. While in medical studies shows that novice level is the beginner level, In

this study, novice level also means that the learners or students are in their beginner level.

Even though students of nursing academy are equipped with English skill starting from their

elementary school level, in this study, they are considered as beginner level in English for

nursing students. Students who receive English subject in nursing academy are in their

second semester since English subject is taught during even semester level. This is a great

chance for teachers to help shape students’ skill since they are beginners. Teachers can

provide materials and activities which help the students to have more exposure on English

materials especially speaking skill.

4. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

Computer Assisted Language Learning is a form of learning that makes use of computer


20 CALL as the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and

learning. Technology has become part of human’s life. It penetrates almost on every part of

human activities, including the educational area. “Recently, though, computers have become

so widespred in schools and homes and their uses have expanded so dramatically that the

majority of language lecturers must now begin to think about the implications of computers

for language learning” (Warschauer, 1996, p.1). The use of computer in classroom also

becomes one of the concerns for many teachers since it is “hypothetically, a theory of CALL

could assist lecturers in making decisions about ways to prepare language learners for the

high-technology future they face” (Egbert and Hanson-Smith, 1999, p.1). The above

quotation supports the idea that the development of technology, in this case computer, is

developing rapidly and influence many aspects in life. Lecturers nowadays turn their

attention to computer to support their teaching activities since computer serves many

advantages. The advantages of computers by Kenning (Kenning, 1983, p.2-3) are as follows:

1) Computer gives individual attention to learners

Using computer, students are given a chance to have their own attention towards learning

activities. Typically, a computer will be used by one student and this will make sure that

students will have more attention and exposure towards the activities they do.

2) It guides the learners toward the correct answers and generally adapts the material to his

or her performance.

Computer program provides programs which allow teachers to create automatic answers.

Computer also provide program to help present materials and questions based on the

students performance and competence.

3) It offers privacy, which relieves learners from the fear of being ridiculed for the mistakes

by their classmates.


21 they keep the record of students’ progress in the system. This allows students to have

better self confidence in completing tasks since the students will not feel inferior to other

students who achieve higher score or perform better. As we know of, students tend to

compare their results with other students which most likely make students who have less

score or performance to feel less than their classmates. When students are given tasks

with the help of computer, they feel secure inside their save area.

4) Computer is patient and will tirelessly go over the same points for as long as is necessary

Computer programs or software used in learning activities always have the same amount

of attention and provide the same quality for the students. Programs or software are

digitally designed to help students do activities over and over without having problems

compared to teachers.

5) Computer is consistent, unbiased, and has no “Off days”

Computers and its programs are consistent because works using mathematical formulas.

The formulas are constructed into so called computer language which work based the data

input made by programmer. In other words, computers work as intended by the

programmer. Computers also can work full day not like humans who are limited to


6) For lecturers, computer offers the opportunity to make better use of their time and


Through computer, lecturer can create learning environment and activities as they like.

They can also present their materials more attractive to promote students learning.

Teaching using computer also enables teachers to save time and resources needed to teach

compared to classroom activities.

The advantages indicate above show that the use of computer in classroom can support


22 class will find it helpful and less time consuming. Computer helps by cutting the time needed

for teachers’ to explain the materials and also present exercises to their students. Computer

too can provide two-way communication for teachers and students so that it will be more

advantageous for both sides. Communication is established through network where both

students and teachers can send message to each other. The communication in computer then

can be used to support class activities by sending feedbacks and comments.

5. Speaking

Speaking is way to serve meaning in oral communication. It is the social interaction

performed by human in society. Speaking is defined as an interactive process of

constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing information. Its

form and meaning are dependent on the context in which it occurs, the participants, and

the purposes of speaking (Burns & Joyce, 1997).

In real life situation, oral communication is needed to express ideas whenever we do

something. It is the way to show what we want to others in order for them to accomplish what

we want. Chaney describes speaking as the process of building and sharing meaning through

the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts (Chaney, 1998, p. 13). It is

clear that in the end our communication will influence the result that we expect.

Speaking as means of communication for learners nowadays has become more and

more important with the development of global partnership and ease of communication.

Learners who want to survive and work feel the need of being able to communicate with

other people from different country. As English is the language of the world, learners

consider this language to be the bridge they need to survive in the era of globalization.

Furthermore, in the age of “globalism" we live nowadays, the interdependence of nations and

countries creates a need for a global language and no language qualifies for this better than


23 Learning speaking for ESL students is a matter of complex things to do since it is not

their first language. ESL students think that speaking in English is hard because they often

make mistakes in pronouncing which influence their self-confident. Other problem that they

face is the matter of fluency. ESL students often want to express their feelings and ideas but

they tend to feel uncomfortable with their fluency aspect. As Scarcella & Oxford, 1994:165

and Florez, 1998, identify the problems are as follows:

The conflict between fluency and accuracy: Though a student may gain confidence in using the new language by being let uncorrected, his

language will continue to be inaccurate/ incorrect.

Lack of confidence: Apparently, some students feel uncomfortable in their first hesitant attempts at speech in the second language.

Pronunciation: The most prominent problems are: phonetic confusion, interference from the written form, interference from the mother language

and failure to use the weak forms.

English as Second Language (ESL) learners often face the problems stated above, this

happens because English is not their mother language. As English for ESL students is their

second language, they require English to be performed in communicative way. By having

communicative English, students will have more chance to overcome the problems occur

during communication.

In order to learn Speaking skill, students need to be able to use the Macro and Micro

skill of Speaking skill. Brown (2007) states that Richards in 1983, in a seminal article, has

introduced a comprehensive taxonomy of aural skills, termed microskills, later adapted by Brown and discussed under the notions of microskills and macroskills; the former designates

skills at the sentence level, the latter, however, delineates skills at the discourse level. In other



1. Produce differences among English phonemes and allophonic variants.

2. Produce chunks of language of different lengths.

3. Produce English stress patterns, words in stressed and unstressed positions, rhythmic structure, and intonation contours.

4. Produce reduced forms of words and phrases.

5. Use an adequate number of lexical units (words) to accomplish pragmatic purposes.

6. Produce fluent speech at different rates of delivery.

7. Monitor one’s own oral production and use various strategic devices – pauses, fillers, self-corrections, backtracking – to enhance the clarity of the message.

8. Use grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs etc.) systems (tense, agreement, pluralisation), word order, patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.

9. Produce speech in natural constituents: in appropriate phrases, pause groups, breathe groups, and sentence constituents.

10.Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.

11.Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse.


1. Appropriately accomplish communicative functions according to situations, participants, and goals.

2. Use appropriate styles, registers, implicature, redundancies, pragmatic conventions, conversation rules, floor keeping and yielding, interrupting, and other sociolinguistic features in face-to-face conversations.

3. Convey links and connections between events and communicate such relations as focal and peripheral ideas, events and feeling, new information and given information, generalization and exemplification.


25 5. Develop and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as emphasizing key


rephrasing, providing a context for interpreting the meaning of words, appealing for help, and accurately assessing how well your interlocutor is understanding you. Moreover, macro-skill deals with body language, facial expressions, pragmatics, and many more to make their messages get to their intended hearer.

Students of Nursing Academy are group of ESL students. They learn English to support

their competence as nurse and to be able to communicate to others in English. As ESL

students, nursing academy students have Bahasa Indonesia as their first language and this language serve as the primary language used in classes. Even though nursing students have

more exposure to English nowadays through their mobile phones and internet does not mean

that they use English as their second language. English taught in class is more on giving

materials with little exposure on students’ performance. Their English is based on

communicative aspects which enable them to use English suiting their needs in the future.

Communicative aspect means that nursing students need to be able to perform speaking based

on what they are going to face later on. Giving the students topics dealing with medical focus

will allow them to enrich and to get them used to the expressions needed later on.


EDMODO is a free online Learning Management System which allows lecturers and

educators around the world to provide online learning. EDMODO is founded in Chicago and

it is dedicated to connect all learners with both people and resources around the world.

EDMODO has the similar look to Facebook since it is designed that way to ease the learners

to use the system. Having the look that almost resemble Facebook gives EDMODO an advantage since for nursing students, Facebook is most likely part of their online social lifestyle. Nursing students is hoped to have little problem in accessing EDMODO as they are


26 Facebook. Features in EDMODO are provided to help new students in using and knowing the function of those features.

EDMODO is an educational website that takes the ideas of a social network and refines them and makes it appropriate for a classroom. Using EDMODO, students and lecturers can reach out to one another and connect by sharing ideas, problems, and helpful tips. A teacher can assign and grade work on EDMODO; students can get help from the entire class on EDMODO. It is a safe environment. There is no bullying or inappropriate content, because the teacher can see everything that is posted on EDMODO. Also parents can join the class to bring a level of transparency that is difficult to achieve without technology. All in all EDMODO is a great companion to just about any class. (EDMODO user guide)

EDMODO is a safe LMS to use since it gives teacher the access to the class and also to

parents who are willing to observe their children progresses. EDMODO provides two pages,

teachers and parents. Both of them have the same function to monitor students’ progresses

and activities. Monitoring is needed in EDMODO to control students’ achievements and also

interactions. As an online LMS, EDMODO needs to make sure that every member uses the

application to develop their skills. EDMODO also provides notification to help control the

activities. Every time the students do activities or post something, EDMODO will send

notification which is recorded into the administrator’s email. This observation function is

helpful to make sure those students get positive improvement based on the class they take.

EDMODO also offers ease of access because it works on Android, Apple, and

windows platform. This allows mobile learners to access their class anytime and anywhere.

Users can download the application in Google Playstore. The next thing they need to do is signing up into EDMODO to make new EDMODO member. The application provides simple

and easy to navigate button so that users do not have difficulties in operating the application.

Once it is downloaded, EDMODO will be installed into students or users’ mobile phones.

Students can use EDMODO based on the class they take or based on their teachers’ learning

activity plan. The easy to use EDMODO also supported by the fact that since it is online,


27 activities at home or during their free time. This also helps teachers to minimize reasons from

students who say that they do not have time to do the assignment and to reduce papers.

EDMODO is flexible since the activities is time-based, meaning that the assignments can be

scheduled by the teachers and teachers can also provide notification when to do the

assignments or join the activities. Using EDMODO also means that teachers can help reduce

the use of papers. By reducing papers, teachers can use the resources for other activities.

EDMODO has gradebook which will reduce the amount of time needed by teachers to

input students’ grade. This is very helpful for teachers who have many students and limited

time. In every assignments or quizzes, EDMODO give an option for teachers whether the

activities will be recorded into students’ gradebook or not. Gradebook also can be optimized

to control students’ progress because it records grades which are planned to be recorded into

gradebook. In the end, teachers can download students’ gradebook into Excel Worksheet which then can be imported into teachers’ offline folders.

Award is given to student through badges. This is to give support and compliment to

learners when they succeed in doing the activities provided by their lecturers or educators.

Giving rewards to students will improve their learning motivation. Badges are given to

students based on the criteria of achievements. Teachers can give badges to their students

who have successfully done the activities given. Rewards are part of learning and it is

common in any mobile applications especially games. It is enabled to support users’ attention

and also to make sure that users’ want to use the application. In LMS, rewards in form of

badges can only be found in EDMODO. In other LMS, rewarding takes in different forms but

in EDMODO, rewarding is given in form of badges and in other features like gradebook and

note. Badges are designed in such a way that attracts students’ attention which then triggers


Table 3.1.: PAP Conversion Table ....................................................................
Figure 1.1: Dick and Carey System Approach Model  ................................  .....
Figure 2.1: ADDIE Model, Diagram by: Steven J. McGriff,  Instructional Systems, College of Education, Penn State University
Figure 3.1: Writer’s Design Model


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