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Submitted to the English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts UNIMED in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Reg. Number : 2101121022






First and foremost, the writer would like to express thank and praise to

Almighty God, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala for the mercy and guidance in giving her blessings, health, protection, knowledge and opportunity so that the thesis

could be completed.

In completing this thesis, the writer has worked with a great member of

people. Therefore, the writer would like to express her gratitude and special

thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si, as the Rector of State University

of Medan

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, as the Dean Faculty of Languages and

Arts, and all the Vice Deans for their leaderships during the process of

writing this thesis.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd, as the Head of English Department.

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed as the Head of Educational Program of

English Department and her thesis reviewer.

Drs. Zainuddin DIP.TEFL, M.Hum, as her Thesis Consultant for his

kindness, help, advice, critics, attention and precious time during the

completed of this thesis.

Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D, and Dra. Meisuri, M.A, as her thesis



Elfian Lubis, S.Pd as the Headmaster of SMP N 1 Tg. Morawa and Mam

Bintang as the English Teacher who had helped me during the research in the school and also for Students in VIII-4 and VIII-5 class.

 Then, her most special gratitude expressed to her beloved father and

mother, Pahlawan Rambe and Kholijah Siregar, for their unconditional and endless love, prayers, kindness, patience, motivation, encouragement,

caring and support, both emotionally and financially throughout her

degree in order to reach her ambition.

 Her classmates DIK Reg A 2010, her class monitor M.Yusuf and

colleagues in English Department Students ’10.

 Her closest friends, whose presence helped make the completion of her

graduate work possible, best friends for the past four years, Liza Insyirah,

Anggrayni Dian Novia, Risqa Indina and Anisa, the most reliable friend one she could have. They are there for her in so many ways.

 The last but not the least, Chairul Azmi Hutagalung, who has given

special support, encouragement and motivation.

Medan, Juli 2014 The writer,




Rambe, Halimatun Husna. Nim 2101121022. “The Effect of Using Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic (VAK) Learning Model on Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text”. A Thesis. Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS), State University of Medan (UNIMED). 2014.

This study deals with the applications of Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic (VAK) Learning Model on Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text. It was conducted by using experimental research. The objective of the study was to find out whether VAK learning model significantly effected the students’ achievement in writing recount text. This study was conducted to 2013/2014 the eighth grade of SMP N. 1 Tg.Morawa, which consisted of 324 students in nine classess. The sample was divided into two groups: experimental and control groups. The instrument used to collect the data was writing test. It was found that the scores of the students in the experimental group were significantly higher than the scores of the students in the control group at the level of significance µ = 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 70, t-observed value 2.39 > t-table value 1.994. It means that Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic (VAK) Learning Model has a significant effect on students’ achievement in Writing Recount Text




A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Problem of the Study ... 5

C. The Objective of the Study ... 5

D. The Scope of the Study ... 6

E. The Significance of the Study ... 6


A. Theoetical Framework... 7

1. Students’ Achievement in Writing... 7

2. Writing... 8

a. Writing Process... 9

b. Roles of the Teacher in Writing... 12

c. Kinds of Text... 13

d. Recount Text... 15

3. VAK (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic) Learning Model.. 16

a. Visual Learning Style... 18

b. Auditory Learning Style... 19

c. Kinesthetic Learning Style... 21

d. Advantages and Disadvantages of VAK Learning Model... 23

4. Learning Style Quiz... 24

B. Relevant Study... 24

C. Conceptual Framework... 26

D. Hypothesis... 27


A. Research Design... 28

B. Population and Sample... 28

1. Population... 28



C. The Instrument of Collecting Data... 29

D. The Assesment of Writing Skill... 29

E. The Procedures of The Study... 32

1. Pre-Test... 32

2. Treatment... 32

3. Post-Test... 34

F. Validity and Reliability of the test... 34

G. The Technique for Analyzing Data... 36

H. The Statistical Hypothesis... 36


A. Data... 37

B. Data Analysis... 40

C. Research Finding... 41


A. Conclusion... 43

B. Suggestion... 43





Table 2.1 The indicators of visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner... 22

Table 3.1 Research Design... 28

Table 3.2 The Assessment of Writing Skill... 30

Table 3.3 Rubric Assessment for Writing Recount Text... 31

Table 3.4 Experimental Group Activity... 32

Table 3.5 Control Group Activity... 34

Table 4.1 The score of pre test and post test by students in experimental group………... 37




APPENDIX A : Learning Style Questionnaire...48

APPENDIX B : Students’ Learning Style in Experimental Class... 52

APPENDIX C : The Calculation of t-test for Experimental Class... 53

APPENDIX D : The Calculation of t-test for Control Class... 55

APPENDIX E : The Calculation of the t-table and t-observed... 57

APPENDIX F : T-table Distribution... 59

APPENDIX G : Students’ Evaluation in Treatment... 60

APPENDIX H : Lesson Plan in Experimental Class... 61

APPENDIX I : Lesson Plan in Control Class... 71

APPENDIX J : The Examples of Students’ Answer Sheets... 79





A. Background of the Study

English, as an International language, has played its role as a medium of

communication for aspects of life such as in commerce, sport, science, education

and technology. English itself is taught as a foreign language in Indonesia and has

been taught to every level of education.

There are four skills in learning English namely listening, speaking,

reading and writing. Writing is one of English skills that is should be mastered in

language learning. Peoples need to learn writing in English, for occupational or

academic purposes (Harmer, 2004, p. 31). In fact, writing, particularly academic

writing is not easy. It takes study and practice to develop this skill. It is important

to note that writing is a process, not a product. This means that a piece of writing,

is always possible to review and revise, and revise again (Oshima and Hogue,

1999, p. 3).

In the Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan, “Students are expected to be

able to use both in oral and written communication as the basic knowledge for the

further study”. Referring to it, the purpose of writing for the Junior High School is

to encourage the students to write some some kinds of texts in the form of

functional texts (advertisements, brochures, personal letters, announcements and

notice and simple monolog texts are descriptive, recount, narrative, procedure and



Based on the explanation before, this study focuses on recount text that

must be mastered by students in learning English. Theoretically, according to

Knapp and Watkins (2005:223) recount text has a basic form of sequencing units

of information or a series of events.

In the process of writing, students need to be focus on designing the

strength and weakness on topic, organization, the content, grammatical mistakes,

unity and coherence of the entire paragraph and also the supporting sentences

related to other line to have a good writing. It is clear that writing skill is

important but in fact the teaching of writing is not successful yet. It can be seen

from the learners’ performances in writing and their responses towards writing.

Based on the preliminary observation of Grade VIII-1 of SMP Negri 1

Tg.Morawa and by interviewing the English teacher, from 38 students it is found

that there are 12 students still could not pass the minimum standard competence

(KKM) which is applied by school for English lesson. The score of minimum

standard competence is 75.

The writer found that students are difficult to write texts in English. This

difficulty was caused by some problems.

First, the students spent a great deal of time in copying the examples rather

than expressing their own ideas creatively. It is difficult to students because they

didn’t have any ideas and information, and minim vocabulary. In this kind of

situation, the teacher has important role to assist the students and make the



Second, there are differences of students’ characteristics such as aptitude,

good learner styles, language levels and individual variations. In the context of

language learning, understanding the way students’ learn, especially in their

learning style, is the key to educational improvement, it will lead to the

improvement in the lesson planning, the learning process, and the outcomes

of language learning itself. In relation to that, teachers are suggested to know

how his or her students learn to find teaching method that create fun-learning

activity and suitable for the students.

To get effective classrooms the teaching strategies are needed. However

not all teaching strategies are applicable for writing. According to Beck (2001:56),

as teachers, we have to aware of our students’ learning style preferences, they are

more likely to make an effort to accommodate these differences.

One of the approaches which is able to overcome the complication of

students’ writing achievement is VAK learning model. VAK learning model is an

approach and development from Quantum Learning. This VAK learning model

consist of a combination of motivation, engagement, and cognitive processing

habits, which then influence the use of metacognitve skills such as situation

analysis, self-pacing, and self-evaluation to produce a learning outcome based on

the difference of students’ learning style.

Dunn and Dunn in DePorter (2007:89) suggest that learning styles are

categorized as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Visual learners learn visually by

means of charts, graphs, and pictures. Auditory learners learn by listening to



Previous research had been conducted by Sitorus (2012) shown that there

is significant effect of using VAK learning model on students’ achivement in

writing poetry. It is also stated that the students’ achievement who are taught by

using VAK learning model is better than the the students’ achievement who are

thought by using without VAK learning model in SMP Negeri 2 Porsea.

Suhara (2013) conducted a study that investigated the effect of VAK

learning model on students’ achivement of senior high school in SMA Negeri 1

Lawang Kidul in writing descriptive text. She found that mean score of

experimental class is better than the mean score in control class.

Vaishnav (2013) found that there was positive correlation between visual,

auditory and kinesthetic learning styles on students’ academic achievement among

secondary school students from various schools of Nagpur City in Maharashtra

states. Susilawati (2013) also did investigation to find out the correlation between

university students’ learning style and their writing achievement in English

department of Jambi University. She found there was a positive correlation

between learning style and writing achievement.

Ahmed (2012) investigated the effectiveness of using different learning

styles on developing EFL Saudi students’ writing skills. The findings of the study

showed that the perfomance of the experimental group was far better than the



According to Gilakjani (2012), a better knowledge and understanding of

learning styles may become important as classroom sizes increase. Teachers

should accomodate students’ learning style to improve students’ learning results,

increases both motivation and efficiency.

The writer conducted this study based on previous researchers. Yet, this

study was different in the aspect of media and material used. Hopefully, the using

of visual, auditory, kinesthetic (VAK) learning model can be one of effective

learning material than can significantly improve students’ achievement in writing

recount text.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem was formulated as the

following: “is there any significant effect of using VAK (visual, auditory and

kinesthetic) learning model on students’ achievement in writing recount text?”

C. The Objective of the Study

In relation to the problem above, the objective of the study was intended

to derive whether there is a significant effect of using VAK (visual, auditory and



D. The Scope of the Study

There are many types of writing texts namely narrative, descriptive,

recount, procedure, explanation, discussion, exposition, news item, report,

anecdote, spoof and review. This study focuses on investigating the effect of using

VAK (visual, auditory and kinesthetic) learning model on students’ achievement

in writing recount text.

E. The Significance of the Study

This research hopefully gives contributions to:

1. English teacher, as a reference to improve the students’ achievement in

writing recount text and give information about responding to students’

learning styles and srategies that plays an important role in the

successfull of learning.

2. Students, to improve their achievement on writing by matching their

own learning style and use appropriate ways to develop their skills by


3. Other researchers, who are interested in doing further VAK (Visual,

Auditory, Kinesthetic) Learning Model research to improve students’




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Suhara, Alfa Mitri. 2013. Keefektifan Model Pembelajaran VAK (Visual, Auditori, Kinestetik) dalam pembelajaran Menulis Deskriptif Pada Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 lawang Kidul. Unpublished Thesis. UPI.



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Table 2.1 The indicators of visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner........


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