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A. Description of the Data - The correlation between students’ students’ mastery of simple past tense and their ability in writing anecdote at the eighth grade of MTs N 2 Palangka Raya - Digital Library IAIN Palangka Raya


Academic year: 2018

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This chapter described the obtained data of the students’ mastery of simple

past tense and writing score. The presented data consisted of score description,

normality, linearity, homogenity testing and analysis of hypothesis.

A. Description of the Data

1. The Students’ Score of Simple Past Tense Mastery Test

The score of students’ mastery are distributed in the following table:

The Description Data of the Students’ Mastery of Simple Past Tense Score


NO. Sample X X2

Based on the data above, students` mastery of simple past tense as the

varibale X, it was known ∑X was 3536 and ∑X² was 7072 mean of the

simple past tense mastery score was 57.03, maximum of the score was 86

and minimum of the score was 30. To know the classification of the

students’ score can be seen on the table below:

Distribution of Students’ Achievement Criteria of Simple Past Tense Mastery of MTsN 2 Palangka Raya

No. Category Score Frequency

1. 80-100 2

100. There were six students who got score 70-80. There were seventeen

students who got score 60-70. There were sixteen students who got score


classification of the students’ achievement criteria of heavy value and

predicate can be seen on the table below:

Distribution of Students’ Achievement Criteria of Mastery of Simple Past Tense Score

Mark Value Letter Value Heavy Value Predicate

80-100 A 2 Excellent

70-80 B 6 Good

60-70 C 17 Fair

50-60 D 16 Poor

0-50 E 21 Very Poor

To determine the frequency of score, percent of score, and cumulative

percent calculated using manual calculation as follows:

The Frequency of Score, Percent of Score,

Valid Percent and Cumulative Percent calculated using Manual Calculation


Score Frequency Percent Valid Percent


There were 25.81% students who got score 50-60. And there were 33.87%

Based on the result above using manual calculation, it was found that

the mean score of simple past tense mastery score was 57.03. The

distribution of students’ mastery of simple past tense score can also be

seen in the following figure.

Histogram of Students’ Simple Past Tense Mastery Score

It can be seen from the figure above the students’ mastery of simple

past tense score. There were twenty one students who got 0-50 with

predicate very poor. There were sixteen students who got score 50-60 with

predicate poor. There were seventeen students who got score 60-70 with

predicate fair. There were six students who got score 70-80 with predicate


good. And there were two students who got 80-100 with predicate


The next step, the result calculated the score of mean using SPSS 17

program as follows:

The Calculation of Statistics using SPSS 17

N Valid 62

Based on the table above, the result calculated using SPSS 17, it was

found that the mean of score were 57.03, the standard deviation was 12.51

and the standard error of mean was 15.98. Then, based on valuation scale

used in MTsN 2 Palangka Raya, the average of the students’ mastery of

simple past tense was in fair criteria.

2. The Students’ Score of Writing Test

The Description Data of the Students’ Writing Score



Based on the data above, writing as the varibale Y, it was known ∑Y

was 4239.5 and ∑Y² was 8479, mean of the writing score was 68.38,

maximum of the score was 88 and minimum of the score was 46. To know

the classificaton of the students’ score can be seen on the table below:

Distribution of Students’ Achievement Criteria of Writing Anecdote Ability of MTsN 2 Palangka Raya

No. Category Score Frequency


Based on the data above, there were six students who got score

80-100. There were twentythree students who got score 70-80. There were

seventeen students who got score 60-70. There were eleven students who

got score 50-60. And there were five students who got score 0-50.

The next, to know the classificaton of the students’ achievement

criteria of heavy value and predicate can be seen on the table below:

Table Distribution of Students’ Achievement Criteria of the

Writing Score

Mark Value Letter Value Heavy Value Predicate

80-100 A 6 Excellent

70-80 B 23 Good

60-70 C 17 Fair

50-60 D 11 Poor

0-50 E 5 Very Poor

To determine the frequency of score,percent of score, and cumulative

percent calculated using manual calculation as follows:

The Frequency of Score, Percent of Score,

Valid Percent and Cumulative Percent calculated using Manual Calculation


Score Frequency Percent Valid Percent


Based on the data of percent of score, it can be concluded that there

Based on the result above using manual calculation, it was found that

the mean score of writing score was 68.38. The distribution of students’

writing score can also be seen in the following figure.

Histogram of Students’ Writing Score

It can be seen from the figure above the students’ writing score. There

were five students who got score 0-50 with predicate very poor. There

were eleven students who got score 50-60 with predicate poor. There were


seventeen students who got score 60-70 with predicate fair. There were

twenty three students who got score 70-80 with predicate good. And there

were six students who got score 80-100 with predicate excellent.

The next step, the result calculated the score of mean using SPSS 17

program as follows:

Calculation of Statistics using SPSS 17

N Valid 44

Missing 0

Mean 68,38

Std. Error of Mean 13,67

Std. Deviation 10,74

Minimum 46

Maximum 88

Based on the table above, the result calculated using SPSS 17, it was

found that the mean of score were 68,38, the standard deviation was 10,74

and the standard error of mean was 13,67. Then, based on valuation scale

used in MTsN 2 Palangka Raya, the average of the students’ writing score

was in fair criteria.

B. Testing of Normality, Homogeneity and Linearity

1. Testing of the Normality

It used to know the normality of the data that was going to be

analyzed whether both groups have normal distribution or not. Because of


Table Normality Test using SPSS 17 One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 62 62

Normal Parametersa,b Mean 57.03 68,38

Std. Deviation 12,51 10,74

Most Extreme Differences

Absolute ,113 ,117

Positive ,100 ,097

Negative -,112 -,116

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z ,745 ,770

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,636 ,593

The criteria of the normality test was if the value of (probability

value/critical value) was higher than or equal to the level of significance

alpha defined (r > a), it meant that the distribution was normal. Based on

the calculation using SPSS 17 above, the value of (probably value/critical

value) from vocabulary and writing score in Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z table

was higher than level of significance alpha used or r = 0,745 > 0,05 for

vocabulary score and r = 0,770 > 0,05 for writing score. So, the

distribution was normal. It meant the students’ score of simple ast tense


2. Testing of the Homogeneity

Table Homogeneity Test using SPSS 17

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

1,287 12 29 ,278

The criteria of the homogeneity test was if the value of (probability

value/critical value) was higher than or equal to the level significance

alpha defined (r > a), it meant the distribution was homogeneity. Based on

the calculation using SPSS 17 program above, the value of (probably

value/critical value) from simple past tense master and writing score of

variance in sig column was known that p-value was 0,278. The data in this

study fulfilled homogeneity since the p-value was 0,278 > 0,05.

3. Testing of the Linearity

It used to know the correlation linearity of the data that was going to

be analyzed between independent and dependent variable. Because of that,


Table Linearity Test using SPSS 17

0,078, and analysis above showed that value F was 1,873 with Sig. 0,078

higher than level of significance alpha or 0,078 > 0,05 for vocabulary

mastery and writing ability. So, it concluded that correlation between


C. The Result of Data Analysis

1. Testing Hypothesis using Manual Calculation

Table Distribution Scores Simple Past Tense Mastery and Writing Ability


To find out the correlation between simple past tense mastery and

writing ability of the eight graders MTsN 2 Palangka Raya, this study used

Product Moment Formula by Pearson, as follow:

rxy = ( )( ) √* ( )+* ( )+

From the calculation of variable X and variable Y, it was known that:

N = 62

The calculation above had shown index correlation of variable X and

Y was 0,987. Based on the interpretation orientation score of “r” product,


variable Y there is very high correlation. It meant simple past tense

mastery had association with writing ability.

The result of the calculation that was counted by product moment

above showed that the index of correlation was 0,987. Then, the degree of

calculation degree of freedom with formula, as follow:

df = N – nr

It was known:

N =62, nr =2

Df = 62 – 2 = 60

The significant choose at 5%, it meant the significant level or refusall

at 5%. It was illustrated as follow:

Table Critical Value of the Product Moment Correlation Coefficient

Df The number of correlation variable


Value “r” on significant level

5% 1%

60 0,254 0,330

Even so, it was known the result of “r” = 0,254 < 0,987> 0,393. It can

be explained that the value of “r” (0,420) was higher at significance level

5% (0,304). As the result, the value of “r” showed positive correlation

between simple past tense mastery and writing ability at significant level


The correlation between variable X (simple past tense mastery) and

variable Y (writing ability) can be illustrated by following scatter plot as


Figure the Linear of Variable X and Variable Y

The scatter plot above illustrated the direction of the correlation

between the variables. The dots going from lower left to upper right

indicate positive correlation. A scatter plot with dots going from lower left

to upper right indicated a positive correlation as variable X goes up,

variable Y also goes up. Scatter plot of also reveals the moderate of the

correlation between variables. The scatter plot above has shown the dots


is strong correlation between two variables, simple past tense mastery and

writing anecdote ability.

To know the contribution of the variable X and Y, this study used the

formula as follow:

KP = r2 × 100%

= (0,987)2 × 100

= 0,974169 × 100% = 97,4169 %

So, it means that the variable X (simple past tense mastery) gives the

contribution’ ability in writing anecdote at eight graders of MTsN 2

Palangka Raya was 97,4169 %.

The reject or accepted hypothesis, this study calculated tvalue as follow:

Tobserved = √

meant there was significant correlation. If tobserved < t table, H0 was rejected.

It meant there was no significant correlation between variables. Based on


freedom used the formula nr – 2, N = 62. So, df = n – 2 = 62 – 2 = 60 and

ttable, = 2,02 at significance level 5% and 2,71 at significance level 1%. The

following table was the result of tobserved and ttable from df at 5% level, as


Table Result of the Manual Calculation Tobserved

Variable Tobserved Ttable Df/db

5% 1%

X-Y 67,05345 2,02 2,71 62

The result of the ttest used manual calculation, it was found the tobserved

was greater than the ttable at 5% significance level or 67,05345 > 2,02. It

means Ha (there is significant correlation between simple past tense

mastery and writing anedote text ability at eight graders of MTsN 2

Palangka Raya) is accepted and H0 (there is no significant correlation

between simple past tense mastery and writing anecdote text ability at

eight graders of MTsN Palangka raya) is rejected.

2. Testing Hypothesis using SPSS Calculation

This study also applied SPSS 17 program to calculate correlation “r”

product moment in testing hypothesis of the study. The result of

calculation SPSS 17 to support the manual calculation could be seen as


Table Correlation Index used SPSS 17 Program



X Pearson Correlation 1 ,420**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,005

Sum of Squares and


6949,499 2627,960

Covariance 161,616 61,115

N 62 62

Y Pearson Correlation ,420** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) ,005

Sum of Squares and


2627,960 5630,108

Covariance 61,115 130,933

N 62 62

The table showed the result of “r” product moment calculation using

SPSS 17 program. Since the result of Pearson Correlation was 0,420. So,


3. Interpretation

To examine the truth of the false of null hypothesis, the result of

Pearson Correlation was 0,987. Correlation , so Ha was accepted and H0

was rejected. The result of Pearson Correlation was interpreted on the

result of degree freedom to get the ttable. The result of the degree of

freedom (df) was 62, it found from total number of the students in both

group minus 2. The following table was the result of Pearson Correlation

and “r” table from df at 5% level.

Table the Result “r” Product Moment

rxy df The number of correlation Result

5% 1%

0.987 60 0.254 0.330

5% <0.987> 1% 0.254 <0.987> 0.330

Ha= accepted Ho= rejected

Based on the result of interpretation was found the Pearson correlation

was greater than the r table at 5% significance level or 0,987> 0,304. It

means that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected. Based on the table above

there was avarege correlation between correlation variable vocabulary and


It could be interpreted based on the result of calculation that Ha there

is correlation between students’ simple past tense mastery and writing

anecdote ability at eight graders of MTsN 2 Palangka Raya and H0 stating


and writing anecdote ability at eight graders of MTsN 2 Palangka Raya is


D. Discussions

Based on the result of linear, the dots going from lower left to upper right

indicate positive correlation. A scatter plot with dots going from lower left to

upper right indicated a positive correlation as variable X goes up, variable Y

also goes up. Scatter plot of also reveals the moderate of the correlation

between variables. It means the data of simple past tense mastery and writing

ability in the present study have good linear association. As the result, the data

in the present study can be analyzed by using parametric statistic especially

product moment correlation.

Based on data analysis, simple past tens mastery gives contribution

97,4169% to writing ability. The result of product moment correlation has shown that the value of rxy was greater than the value of ttable at 5% and 1%

significant levels (0,304 < 0,987 > 0,393). It means that null hypothesis was

rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted.

Next, the dots in scatter plot of variable X and variable Y going from

lower left to upper right. It means there was positive correlation between

simpel past tense mastery and writing anecdote ability. The dots in the scatter

plot also formed a narrow band. When a straight line was drawn through the

band the dots would be near the line. It illustrated that there was moderate

correlation between the variables. So this way, alternative hypothesis is


between students’ mastery of simple past tense and their ability in writing

anecdote text of the eight grade students MTsN 2 Palangka Raya.

From the research findings, it could be considered that the good writers

may effectively create a composition in case they may excellent in grammar

and tenses: therefore to have the adequate grammatically tenses knowledge is

insisted for them. Writing is essential subject that useful for the students to

develop their idea, express their emotion through writing. Besides, writing was

representation of language in textual medium through the use of sign of

symbols. It means, it is in line with theory stated by Hamer in chapter II.

The result also shows the students’ mastery of simple past tense was

important to be developed as theorie statetd in chapter II page 12. It means that

related to writing skill in using grammar to make writing paragraph, they have

to mastery simple past tense. By mastery gramatical tenses, the students can


Table Distribution of Students’ Achievement Criteria of the
Table Normality Test using SPSS 17
Table Homogeneity Test using SPSS 17
Table Linearity Test using SPSS 17


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