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( Research and Development at the seventh grade Madrasah Ulumul Qur’an in Academic 2016 )


By :

Khaidir Sabri


English Education Department





Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :


Nim : 1042011059

Jurusan : Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Ilmu Keguruan (FTIK)

Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (PBI)

Alamat : Gp. Meurandeh, Kota Langsa.

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi saya yang berjudul “ SOHED (SPEAK ONE HOUR EVERY DAY) STRATEGY TO DEVELOP STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY” adalah benar hasil karya sendiri. Apabila dikemudian hari ternyata/terbukti hasil karya orang lain atau dibuat oleh

orang lain, maka saya siap menerima sanksi akademik sesuai dengan peraturan

yang berlaku.

Demikian surat pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya.

Langsa, 06 Januari 2017 Yang membuat pernyataan



Khaidir sabri lahir di Kutapanjang, pada 10 Agustus 1994. Merupakan

anak kedelapan dari delapan bersaudara dari pasangan ayahnda Sabaruddin dan

ibunda Salamah. K. Pendidikan dasar yang ditempuh di SDN 1 Kutapanjang,

Sedangkan pendidikan menengah di Pondok pesantren MTs Ar-raudatul Hasanah,

dan pendidikan menengah atas di SMAN 1 Kutapanjang.

Pada tahun 2011, penulis diterima sebagai mahasiswa Fakultas Tarbiyah

dan Ilmu Keguruan prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IAIN Zawiyah Cot Kala

Langsa Program Studi S-1 Bahasa Inggris.Alhamdulillah pada tahun 2017 setelah

melalui berbagai perjuangan dan pengalaman selama masa perkuliahan ia dapat



First of all, praise to Allah, the lord of the world, who has given us

opportunity to life in order to obey. And also by His mercy and love, the writer

can accomplish this thesis. Peace and salutation be upon Prophet Muhammad

SAW; a figure who illuminate our life by love, behavior, knowledge and freedom

from worshiping God but Allah SWT.

Then, sincere gratitude of the writer was presented for his Parents; Mr.

Sabaruddin and Mrs. Salamah. K. Father who has shown and guided him the way

of life; helping and sharing each other, give the best in benefit if it can and in a

lost if it must but always sincerely the best. And also mother who has lighted the

spirit and be the write motivation in keeping do more than it must.

Thanks are also presented for all teachers and lectures who have taught me

knowledge and also science. Their comments, suggestions, support and also

encouragements are foundation for me in living my live until present time.

Furthermore, the sincere thanks was especially expressed for Mr. Muhammad

Rasid Ritonga,MA and Mr. Saparuddin Rambe, M.Pd.I; supervisors of this thesis

who have patiently guided me in finishing the thesis. And the special thanks gifted

to my old brother, Hatta Sabri, M.Pd.I, and Munawir S.Sos.I.

Last but not least, my sincere gratitude for all my friend; Romi (Thanks for

the teamwork as observer), Bang Nasir Siagian, Rahmad “Amek”, Rahim

“Wenda”, Sayang “Eng”, Iskandar, Malik Ibra, Weri, Putra “Vrit”, all of unit 2

students, all of Sanggar Putroe Nurul A’la Lovers, and also every friend of mine

who have coloured my life. I could not give any reward for all of your support,

motivation and memory in my life. May Allah give you the best as reward of your

sincerity for me.

Finally, it is realized that this thesis also has not perfect yet. So critics,

suggestions and also advices are really needed in order to make it better. May us

always be in His Blessing forever.

The Writer

Khaidir sabri The Writer









A. Background of Study ... 1

B. Research Question ... 4

C. Purposes of The Study ... 4

D. Scope of The Research ... 5

E. Significance of The Study ... 5

F. Terminology ... 5


A. Teoretical Framework ... 7

1. The Nature of Vocabulary ... 7

1.1 Definition of Vocabulary ... 8

1.2 Vocabulary Mastery ... 9

1.3The Importance of Mastering Vocabulary ... 14

1.4 Speaking Based Vocabulary ... 15

2. SOHED Strategy as Speaking Based Vocabulary ... 16

2.1 Strategy of Vocabulary Development ... 16

2.2 SOHED Strategy Development Based Vocabulary ... 20

B. Related Studies ... 22



A. Types of Research ... 25

1. Data Collection Technique ... 26

1.1. Instrument of Collecting Data ... 29

B. Research Stage ... 35

C. Data Analysis Techniques ... 44


A. Result ... 46

B. Discussion ... 49


A. Conclusion ... 60

B. Suggestion ... 60



Table 1.0. Target of Strategy... 31

Table 1.1. Research Design in Trial Top ... 42

Table 1.2. Praliminary Questionnaire ... 50

Table 1.3. Weighted Value... 51

Table 1.4. Percentage Value... 51

Table 1.5. Main Field Questionnaire ... 52

Table 1.6. Operational Field Questionnaire ... 55



Figure 1.0. Flow Model of Development Borg & Gall ... 26

Figure 1.1. Stages of R & D cycle models by Borg and Gall ... 35

Figure 1.2. Research and Development Activity Flow Model... 44



Background problem in this research is easy to forget the student will be vocabulary that have been learned, this is due to the scarcity of students using the vocabulary. Therefore, researchers wanted to conduct research and development conducted in Madrasah Ulumul Qur'an. Research and development is aimed at improving students' vocabulary, with SOHED (Speak One Hour Every Day) strategy, students will easily learn the vocabulary and also be easy to memorize the vocabulary, to practice every day in one hour. This will allow students to remember vocabulary, so that vocabulary can be stored in the permanent memory of the student. This research is the Research and Development (R & D) strategy to develop students'vocabulary SOHED mastery. Data analysis in this study using qualitative and quantitative analysis. Variable students' response to SOHED strategy is based on the attractiveness, clarity and efficiency. Based on tests conducted, namely pre-test and post-test there is an increase in scores, which increased to 76.6 from 65.8. This result already meet the KKN value is determined by the Madrasah Ulumul Qur'an.




A. Background of The Study

Learning a language is not something new for people who have been

interested in it since a long time ago. It is caused by the main function of language

that is for communication1. In the learning process, one of the important parts in creating and understanding the language is vocabulary mastery. People can not

express their opinion and ideas in English without knowing their vocabulary. Low

vocabulary mastery also makes them unable to express the opinion properly. This

statement appropriate with the Qur’an, Allah said:

ﻰِﻧﻮُﺌِﺒْﻧَأ َلﺎَﻘَﻓ ِﺔَﻜِﺋﻶَﻤﻟا ﻲَﻠَﻋ ْﻢُﮭَﺿَﺮَﻋ ﱠﻢُﺛ ﺎَﮭﱠﻠُﻛ َءﺂَﻤْﺳَﻷا َمَداَء َﻢﱠﻠَﻋَو

﴿ َﻦْﯿِﻗِدﺎَﺻ ْﻢُﺘْﻨُﻛ ْنِإ ِء َﻵُؤﺂَھ ِءﺂَﻤْﺳَﺄِﺑ


And He taught Adam all the names of everything, then He showed them to the

angels and said: “Tell Me the names of these if you are truthful (Al Baqoroh: 31)2

In the surah above, Allah shows us that we should learn vocabulary enable

we can create our language skill. We can choose appropriate words in spoken or

written language. A good vocabulary is a vital part of effective language



Depdiknas, Kurikulum 2004 Standar Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, (Jakarta: Depdiknas, 2004), p. 9.



In Indonesia, English is a compulsory subject which is taught in Junior

High School and Senior High School as a second language. As a result, the

Indonesian government always makes effort to improve the quality of teacher and

other component which are involved in education process. The education in

Indonesia has been improved from time to time, one of them is established by

curriculum. According to the competence based curriculum of Junior High

School, the goal of foreign language learning is to learn how to communicate by

using the target language orally or writtenly.3 So after learning English, students should be able to communicate in English spoken or written.

Vocabulary has relationship with words, according to Vygotsky word is a

microcosm of human consciousness.4 Young learners learn about new language and they do not understand about the vocabulary of the language it is a big

problem that has to be solved by the teacher because if children have limit

vocabulary they cannot say anything to express their idea. In the past, vocabulary

teaching learning was often given little priority in second language program. But

recently, there has been a renewed interest in the nature of vocabulary and its role

in learning and teaching. Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency

and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read, and

write. Mastery of language includes a variety of skills that listening skill, speaking

skill, reading skill, and writing skill.


Depdiknas, Op Cit, p. 10



Vocabulary influential in making the English language sentences and

understanding of English language. English essential vocabulary taught to

students because they can remember and understand more vocabulary.

Vocabulary will affect the manufacture of a sentence, the suitability of the content

and the expected explanation in English language.

Students must be able to use a lot of vocabulary of English, if they want to

be successful in learning. Vocabulary is an important element in language, we can

not express ideas in English without learning English vocabulary. So that, when

students are given a passage with word that are supposed to have been taught

earlier, they still find it difficult to remember the vocabulary. To make students

motivated and enjoyable to study vocabulary, the teacher creative in delivering


We should use variation strategies to develop students’ vocabulary

mastery. One of the strategies that can be used by teacher is using SOHED

strategy to support the teaching learning process. There are some teaching

strategies available now, so the writer designed SOHED strategy to enable the

students’ vocabularies retain.

Because the speaking practice, students will be familiar with the

vocabulary that has been memorized, this way can save the students’ vocabulary

permanently. Therefore, researchers will design SOHED strategy. SOHED

strategy is a strategy to talk one hour each day which aims to familiarize students


found that students forget the vocabulary that has been memorized, the results of a

survey of the problems is the lack of practice obtained using a vocabulary that has

been memorized.

The problems found by the researcher, the researcher is interested in doing

research with the title “SOHED (SPEAK ONE HOUR EVERY DAY)


B. Research Question

In accordance with the background of the above problems, the research

problem is formulated as follows:

a. How is the development of SOHED strategy as students’ learning

strategies to develop students' vocabulary mastery ?

b. How is the students' response to the SOHED strategy as learning

strategies to develop students' vocabulary mastery?

c. Whether the SOHED strategy can develop students’ vocabulary


C. Purposes of Study

1. Based on the research of the problem that has been prepared, the goals to

be achieved in the study are:

a. To develop of SOHED strategy as learning strategies to develop

students' vocabulary mastery.

b. To investigate the students' response to the SOHED strategy as

learning strategies to develop students' vocabulary mastery.


D. Scope of Research

To limit the scope of study, the researcher only discussed such us follows :

1. This research was done at the seven grade students of MTs MUQ

Langsa in academic year 2016.

2. This study is application of SOHED strategy as an attempt to help

students mastery vocabularies more effectively

E. Significance of The Study

Benefits of this research both theoretical and practical of this study are as

follows :

a. Theoretical and practical research finding is expected to provide a

meaningful contribution to strategies in teaching vocabularies,

especially thinking about development SOHED strategies.

b. Practical, the result of this study is expected to provide information

about the students’ interest towards SOHED strategy, which in turn,

about the improvement of students' skills in mastering vocabularies.

F. Terminology

The terms need to be explained in the research and development strategy

SOHED (Speak One Hour Every Day) are as follows:

1. Development is a process, method or deed development. This

development research is a type of research that is not intended to test the

theory, but to produce or develop products in the form of strategy Speak


2. SOHED (Speak One Hour Every Day) is a learning strategy that can

improve the ability of students in memorizing vocabulary. In this strategy

it a habit instilled students, where the students get used to using a

vocabulary that has been memorized.

3. Vocabulary language is one component of the which have to be mastered

by students in learning new language, students should have an adequate




A. Teoretical Framework

1. The Nature of Vocabulary

The most important part of that language is the vocabulary,because the

important words in a subject area stand for the most important concepts and ideas

in that subject. By providing this language—the vocabulary—you are giving your

students the keys to accessing the important ideas and concepts of your subject.

Teaching this vocabulary “is more than teaching words, it is teaching aboutwords:

how they are put together, how they are learned, and how they are used”.5

Our students are naturally set up to learn words and to be interested in

words. They thrive on learning and using words that are a part of their world and

their interests, the words of popular culture and of niche subcultures. These words

are valuable to students, and are the coin of everyday language that helps define

their worth in the eyes of their peers and their independence in the eyes of adults.

As students move into middle school and beyond, they thrive on communicating

in ways that defy adults’ attempts to comprehend. Of course, it is this way with

every generation, because this is, after all, human nature. How can we capitalize

on our students’ natural disposition to learn words and teach them the vocabulary

we know is good for them, the vocabulary that will help them grow beyond the

coin of their own language realms.



1.1Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of language component which have to be mastered by

students in learning new language, students should have an adequate vocabulary

to improve the four language skill. In listening, by having many vocabularies they

can hear and understand all the words in oral communication easily. In speaking

skills, they can cover all the words that they use in oral communication. In reading

skills, they can understand all the words in written materials. And in writing skills,

they can express their ideas, opinions, and feeling cohesively. The writing and

speaking are language productions that belong to productive skills while listening

and reading involve receiving the massage that belong to receptive skills.6 When the students limited of vocabulary, they will have some difficulties in learning and

understanding the foreign language.

Suyanto’s argue that the vocabulary is a collection of words that are

owned by a language and give meaning if we use the language.7 Furthermore, Jeremy indicates the vocabulary is a one of terms that must be mastered by people

to understanding the meaning of words even for competent speakers.8


Arnold. Introduction to Applied Linguistics. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), p, 40-41


Kasihani K.E. Suyanto. English For Young Learners. (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2008), p, 43



Harimurti Kridalaksana views that vocabulary of the language component

contains all the information about the meaning and usage of words in language.9 Purwati, that finds out the vocabulary means or wealth vocabulary words used.10

Vocabulary can be defined as set of words or vocabulary that has meaning

and is used in a language. Vocabulary is very important in language, because

without the vocabulary, then learners will be difficult to give you an idea of

communicating and difficulty in understanding the context of a foreign language.

1.2. Vocabulary Mastery

Mastery is an existing capability in a person to master and explore

something that is learned. Vocabulary by Linse is "Vocabulary is the collection of

words that an individual knows.11 The above statement can be interpreted that the vocabulary is a collection of word cognizance.

Based on the above opinion, the vocabulary is an ability that is in a person

to be able to master and understand about a word that became the basis of the

communication that has been made known to everyone. The words are learned,

memorized, understood and used in everyday activities. If someday need it merely


Harimurti Kridalaksana. Leksion Komunikasi. (Jakarta: PT. Pradnya Paramita, 1984), p,98


Purwati. Media Flash Card dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Pemahaman Kosakata Bahasa

Inggris Anak Usia Dini. Skripsi UPI Jurusan PGPAUD (Bandung: tidak diterbitkan, 2012),p, 17



needs to recall the word. Cameron argued that the vocabulary required several


a. Learning to interpret the word

Students who are still unfamiliar with the vocabulary of a foreign language

is taught by teachers can be encouraged to learn together in deciphering the

vocabulary. Students who initially do not understand a vocabulary if it has been

understood that means the students interested in learning the vocabulary.

Cameron defines a new word as very important for students because

students still need encouragement to interpret the words of a foreign language.

Deciphering words can help students to save a new word acquired in the memory.

The meaning of a foreign language can be recalled if the student is taught the

meaning of words according to language that has been obtained by the students.13

b. Make memories with a strong link between the form and meaning of the


Cameron argued that the vocabulary learning process begins when the

student has understood the new words he learned and pay attention to the shape of

the new vocabulary. At first the newly learned words entered in short-term

memory of students and then teachers should be able to build the memory of the

word to be used so that it can be a long-term memory. Activity memorize the


Lynne Cameron. Teaching Languages to Young Learners. (New York: Cambridge University Press,2005),p, 83



main activities in learning vocabulary at the beginning of the learning is then

repeated on a regular basis so that vocabulary can be kept in mind.14

c. Using the Word

Mastery of English vocabulary is required habituation in using English

vocabulary. Habituation may include the use of new words during the learning

process. Mastery of English vocabulary not only use memory skills but the

teacher should provide training on the vocabulary.

Based on the above opinion the students have to do some things in order to

master the vocabulary that defines a vocabulary. The meaning of an English

vocabulary is very important for students to help understand the English

vocabulary and study the shape of the English vocabulary. Students who have

interpreted the English vocabulary then introduced to the practice of talking to

wear the English vocabulary. The process of learning the practice of talking is

done repeatedly. This is done to help students in remembering a vocabulary of

English. The use of the English vocabulary in the classroom is recommended that

students' memories about the new word is not easily lost.

Arabic experts also noted that no matter how much a person's vocabulary

in learning a foreign language, the vocabulary will gradually disappear from his

memory if the language was considered only as a rote and not used as a tool to

communicate, both orally and in writing. The statement was based on the notion



that among the success factors in language acquisition is mumarasah namely


Based on the above opinion, there are several things that must be done so

that students can master the English vocabulary that students should be able to

interpret an English vocabulary. Deciphering a vocabulary can be done with the

help of pictures, body language or by a sentence which shows a meaning. The

meaning of an English vocabulary is very important for students to help

understand the English vocabulary and study the shape of the English vocabulary.

Students who have interpreted the English vocabulary then introduced to reading

the English vocabulary. The process of learning to read is done repeatedly. This is

done to help students in remembering a vocabulary of English. The use of the

English vocabulary in the classroom is recommended that students' memories

about the new word is not easily lost.

Izzan Ahmad said that in teaching vocabulary, teachers can follow the

steps recommended by Celce-Murcia and Rosenswweig as follows.16

1. Giving context, the teacher gives meaning-the meaning of the word

with one or several techniques.

2. The repetition of the word, which the students have to repeat the

pronunciation of words without context until they are able to say quite



3. Checking the meaning of words by asking questions about the word.

From the response of students, teachers can tell whether a word has

become part of the students.

4. The use of the word in the context of the situation are manifold. For

example, the teacher gave the same response in situations where an

assortment within the meaning of the response was mixed well.

5. Giving an example sentence or model. Teachers give sentence examples

remind students about how to use the vocabulary in a phrase in the right


Some of the techniques in learning English vocabulary that is appropriate

to apply for junior high school students namely:

1. Teachers give context, giving context and meaning of the word being

taught according to a predetermined theme.

2. Teachers repetition of the word pronunciation of English vocabulary.

3. The teacher checks the pronunciation of the vocabulary by asking

questions to the students.

4. Teacher gives an example of using the vocabulary in a sentence.

Ahmad Rusdi of understanding Thoimah say in determining the


alkalimah, qira’ah alkalimah, kitabatu alkalimah, takwinuha fi aljumlah almufida.17

1.3. The Importance of Mastering Vocabulary

Vocabulary is very important to communicate, especially people

communicate using words. We will find vocabulary when we are studying

reading, spelling, and structure and create dialogue. There is always a vocabulary

item to be learned in all the book learning and teaching English in the classroom

in addition to reading, structure, dialogues, and pronunciation. All of the above

statement is clear that if students do not have enough vocabulary, they will not

understand the English language text properly.18

By having a sufficient vocabulary of a foreign language, it makes them

easier to learn all the language skills such as speaking, reading, writing, and


In foreign language teaching, since the old vocabulary into areas that are

not neglected.20 This means that in learning a foreign language, vocabulary is the most important thing to master and can not be ignored. And when a person has a

vocabulary, he will not find any difficulty in learning the language.

From the above definition, it is clear that the vocabulary is the most

important factor in learning English as a foreign language even in all languages.


Ahmad Fuad Efendi. Metodologi Pengajaran Bahasa Arab. (Malang:Miskat,2009), p, 35


Richar and Rodger, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. (Australia: Cambridge University Press, 1987), p, 7.


Burton, Mastering English Language. (New York:1982), p, 98.



Thus, teachers must have a good strategy and appropriate to avoid the problems

found in the Qur'an Ulumul Madrasah Langsa.

1.4. Speaking Based Vocabulary

Speaking is a skill that is extremely complex requiring the use of a wide

range of capabilities simultaneously which include: the pronunciation (which

includes the characteristics of segmental vowels and consonants, as well as

patterns of right and intonation), grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and

comprehension (the ability to respond to a speech as well).21

Understanding the above theory suggests that the association spoke very

closely with vocabulary, without the vocabulary, students would be difficult to

convey the idea that to be disclosed. This statement is also in line with statements

from Hendry Guntur Tarigan argued that the quality of one's language skills

obviously depend on the quantity and quality of its vocabulary.22

Syafrida Wati also noted that to enhance the ability to speak was

recommended to the teachers to be able to invite students to practice speaking

either in the classroom or outside the classroom.23

So by practicing speaking, vocabulary already memorized to be preserved

in a permanent memory of students. Therefore, researchers wanted to produce a


Imam Asrori, dkk., Evaluasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab, ( Malang: Misykat Indonesia, 2012), p, 101


Hendry Guntur Tarigan. Menyimak Sebagai Suatu Keterampilan Berbahasa. (Bandung: Angkasa, 1986), p,2


Shafrida Wati. Teaching speaking by Using cooperative learning to the third year


learning strategy to familiarize the students use the vocabulary they have learned

in their daily activities.

2. SOHED Strategy as Speaking Based Vocabulary

SOHED (Speak One Hour Every Days) strategy is a strategy will be

developed to achieve mastery of vocabulary. This strategy aims to make students

memorize vocabulary well and can also be put into practice in our daily activities.

Because of the habit of using vocabulary that have been learned, the vocabulary

that have been learned will be stored in a permanent memory of students.

From the exposure of the theory of the above strategy, the development of

this strategy includes several steps into practice, namely:

2.1Strategy of Vocabulary Development

In the development of vocabulary, the first steps are:

a. Introduction of Vocabulary

The vocabulary is introduced to students a vocabulary consisting of nouns

and verbs derived from the When English Rings the Bell book,24 based on the educational curriculum.

In terms of recognition vocabulary, the teacher must give a vocabulary

appropriate to the theme that has been determined in each meeting, and provide

guidance to identify and analyze other words a verb relating to the noun.



The stages and techniques of teaching vocabulary will at present as


a) Listen to the Word

This is the first technique in the mastery of vocabulary. Teachers provide

opportunities for learners to listen to the spoken vocabulary

b) Say the Words

This second technique provides the opportunity for students to say the

words that have been heard. Pronunciation is done repeatedly will make it

easier to memorize words.

c) Reading Words

Once learners listen and say the word. Teachers can write on the board.

After that students can read words aloud

d) Writing Words

To help procurement vocabulary, the trainees were asked to write new

words learned. Trainees write the vocabulary in vocabulary cards that have

been prepared in advance, with the example of what is in the teacher wrote

on the blackboard.

b. Understanding the Meaning of Word

In this second phase, the teachers guide the learners in understanding the

meaning of the vocabulary. In an effort to understand the meaning of a vocabulary

in this exercise, the teacher defines the vocabulary in two ways, namely to

understand the meaning of the English vocabulary in the English language, and


The steps of the learning exercise to understand the meaning of the

vocabulary is:

a. Master mentioned vocabulary

b. Teacher Explains Meaning of Words

In understanding the meaning of a word, the teacher tried to explain the

meaning of the English vocabulary, for example says a pen, the teacher asked what we use, if we want to write?

- Trainees guess the meaning of vocabulary with another explanation

- Trainees mean in Indonesian

- Trainees write vocabulary and the meaning of the vocabulary in

vocabulary cards

In an effort to give meaning or sense of the word to training participants,

wherever possible teachers avoid translation, unless there is no other way. Here

are some techniques that can be used by teachers to avoid translation in explaining

the meaning of a word, among others, by giving context, the simple definition,

usage of images and other techniques.

Here's the simple explanation that can be used as a guide:

a. Context

To explain the meaning of the word "Teacher" for example, can be given


"A student learning in the class with the teacher"


Giving definition to explain the meaning of this word can be effective if

the expression used for defining it has been recognized understood by trainees for

example, to explain the meaning of the word given the "Teacher" definition:

"The teacher is the one who guides students"

But if the words and expressions used for defining it more complicated

than the word is defined, then there is no point, even more confusing.

c. Synonym

If words have meaning explained synonymous already known by the

learner, it can be used to explain the meaning of the word.

d. Antonym

As well as synonyms, so if antonym of the word to be explained its

meaning has been studied previously by a trainee, may be used to explain the

meaning of a new word.

e. The original object or an imitation

The objects that exist in the classroom, in the garden and in the school

environment in general, including members of the human body, can be directly

used to introduce vocabulary. Other objects that can be shown; or mock objects is

an effective medium for explaining the meaning of vocabulary.

f. Picture

Image is a teaching tool to clarify the meaning of a word. in addition to

images of objects, the image can also shaped diagrams, pictures can be shaped

card (flash card) or sequential images (chart); can be photographs, newspaper


should not be images "artsy" complete picture stick (stick figure) is quite effective

and easy to make.

g. Exhibition

Various movements or actions can be demonstrated to explain the meaning

of words, especially verbs.

h. Translation

For specific vocabulary, such as vocabulary that is abstract, which is

difficult to explain its meaning with these techniques in advance, how the

translation can be used.

c. Exercise Makes Sentence

In this exercise, learners make vocabulary learned in previous training phase so

that it becomes a sentence. Among the forms of training that can be implemented in the

formation of the sentence is:

a. Arrange Words Become Sentence

b. Guess Motion / Translations movement

c. Tells image

d. Whispered Words / dial word

e. Flower words

f. Sentence False and True Sentence

g. Justifying sentence

2.2.SOHED Strategy Devepment Based Vocabulary

The stages in implementing the strategy SOHED in vocabulary are as



b. Using the media around us as a learning material

c. Discussing with pairs or groups

Here are some examples of activities that can be done in learning


a. Vocabularies Building

To be able to speak, we must have a sufficient vocabulary to be expressed

clearly and precisely. Obstacles often faced by some students in speaking is a

limited vocabulary. So in speaking activities, is essential if we provide a gradual

learning process.

b. Guessing Game

In speaking, the use of media support will be very helpful and interesting,

because it provides more image interpretation for students. Free picture would be

very appropriate to speak of activities for those who have enough varied


c. Making a Story

At this stage the student will create a story from an image determined by

the teacher. Learners mention every detail they see from an image, thus forming a

complete story.

d. The Last Word

The last word is the development of vocabulary, which developed from the

end of the last letter of a word.



- Lamp

- Phone

Students should focus on the last letter of a word is mentioned, so it can

connect to another word.

B. Related Studies

In this research, find the other related studies about mastering the vocabulary

from as follow:

1. Thesis by Kamarullah (2013), State Institute for Islamic Studies Zawiyah

Cot Kala Langsa, entitled: “Developing Vocabulary Mastery Through Watching Video (A Classroom Action Research At The 2nd Grade Students Of Sman No. 3 Langsa)”. And the result of this technique bring a fine impact in developing studens’ vocabulary mastery and also making

students feel motivated and enjoy the study. The population of the research

at second grade students of SMA Negeri 3 Langsa. The instrument of this

research were using qualitative data; observation, questionnaire, and the

quantitative data; the students was given a writing test.

2. Thesis by Sayekti Hidayah Rahayu (2011), State University Sebelas Maret

Surakarta, entitled: “Hubungan Penguasaan Kosakata dan Konsep Diri dengan Keterampilan Berbicara at MTs Negeri Tanon”. The results of this research was to produce effective learning speaking skills can make

students, especially students of class VIII MTsN Tanon become skilled at

speaking and continuously improve those skills. This research data


self-concept, and quantitative data; tests to obtain data about the vocabulary

and data about speaking skills. The population in this study were students

of class VIII MTsN Tanon.

3. Thesis by Inayatul Fajriyah (2013), State University Yogyakarta, entitled;

“Peningkatan Penguasaan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris Melalui Penggunaan Media Kartu Gambar Pada Siswa Kelas II SD Muhammadiyah Purwodiningratan 2 Yogyakarta”. The results of this study effectively, media card images can improve English vocabulary grade II

Purwodiningratan SD Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta. This study

population is grade II Purwodiningratan SD Muhammadiyah 2

Yogyakarta. instruments used in data collection: observation, testing, and

field notes.

C. Conceptual Framework

Vocabulary skills a person's ability to master the words in a language. The

term master means someone should be able to understand and use this vocabulary

associated with conversation skills, it is essentially that the speaking activities

undertaken by learners is the result of their ability to use vocabulary in spoken


With the mastery of vocabulary, learners can communicate ideas with

spoken language, but in this study there are problems that can interfere with

vocabulary, which is oblivious to the vocabulary that have been learned.

Therefore in this research and development researchers applied Speak One Hour


accustomed to using a vocabulary that have been learned, and can keep the

vocabulary in the permanent memory of students.

In increase vocabulary skills, students must master as specified in the

curriculum in the subjects of English, and students who otherwise able to

understand the meaning of the vocabulary, unable to name the vocabulary, and be




A. Types of Reseacrh

This research use research and development (R and D). Research

development of education according to Borg & Gall quoted by Ahmad Nizar

Rangkuti, a process used to develop and validate educational products, including

procedures and processes, such as learning method or methods of management of

learning.25 Research and education development includes several stages, where in a product is developed, tested, and revised according to the results of field tests.

Stages of the process of educational development research done in stages,

which at every step of the developed always referring to the results of previous

steps and ultimately obtained a new educational product. Steps in R & D consists

of ten steps, namely: 1) research and information collecting, 2) planning, 3)

develop preliminary from of product, 4) preliminary field testing, 5) the main

product revision, 6) playing field testing , 7) operational product revision, 8) field

operational testing, 9) final product revision, and 10) dissemination and


Table stages of research and development using the Borg and Gall. are as




Figure 1.0. Flow Model of Development Borg & Gall26

1. Data Collection Technique

Collecting data in this research and development are grouped into three,

namely the preliminary study the development and validation test. In every phase

of the study have specific data collection techniques in accordance with their

respective goals.

In a preliminary study selected engineering observation, and

documentation, in addition to the study of literature (literature review). In general,

the technique ( observation, and documentation) are used simultaneously and are

complementary, mainly used to reveal: 1) a preliminary study on the


p, 236 Research and information collecting


implementation of learning practices that have been carried out to learners, 2)

assessment practice learning modules, 3) reveal the application of learning model

for students. and 4) the development of English language learning strategies and

the implementation of related strategies in the learning process.

Observations mainly used to see the implementation of learning strategies,

students' skills in vocabulary, facility support tools, especially in the organization

of practice learning speaking and vocabulary, both in the planning phase of

learning, implementation and evaluation of learning outcomes. Further

observations assess aspects of practice learning interactions, especially on the

ability to master vocabulary.

Documentation, is used in addition to complement observations, and

interviews were also used to reveal the availability of materials/documents,

according to the phase of the development of English language learning strategies.

At the development stage, there are two steps relating to data collection

techniques, namely; limited test and the main test. In limited testing, the main data

collection techniques are observation and questionnaires. The questionnaire given

to teachers, in order to determine whether there are obstacles in the

implementation of design models. Observations carried out on the implementation

process of the design model, to determine whether the design model can be

applied correctly, and direct knowledge of the constraints and difficulties faced by


In the main trial, in addition to observations and questionnaires as well as

the limited test, was assessed the level of implementation of the strategy design

through assessment before (pre) and after (post) the application design learning

strategies to the subject of research.

In the validation test, data collection techniques used are the ratings impact

of the strategies developed to increase student competence in vocabulary, through

a comparison of the results of measurements before (pre) and after (post) the

implementation of strategies SOHED.

By product development study aimed to smooth the learning process is

designed using a model of learning development.27 This research was conducted with the following procedures:

1) The first step, identifying learning needs. This activity started from the

inventory of the types of competence to be achieved.

2) The second step, conducting theoretical study on the characteristics of the

learning objectives and learning development model, as well as the

characteristics of learning approaches.

3) The third step, preparing the basic components developed learning model.

4) The fourth step, create a model for learning and teaching materials

appropriate learning objectives.

5) The fifth step, to test models of learning and teaching materials have been




1.1. Instument of Collecting Data

Largely determines the quality of instruments collected data, instruments

are good is the instrument had a good validity and reliability. To obtain

instruments that have good content validity, the researcher activities by analyzing

documents or pre-survey.

The data collection instruments are developed in this study relates to data

collection techniques performed on each phase of the study, that are:

a. Questionnaires, and the checklist were used to ask questions and

observations on the preliminary study stage

b. The list of questions and checklists were also be used to ask questions

and observations in the development stage (limited test and trials wider

/ primary), as well as tests of learning outcomes (application SOHED

strategy) in the form of an objective test and test actions (performance

test) is used to measure the improvement of student competence in

order to assess the level of SOHED strategy implementation in test

phase is limited and the main trial.

c. An objective test and test actions (performance test) in the study

sample is applied to the validation phase, to measure the improvement

of student competence in order to assess the impact of the learning



In this research, there are two types of questionnaires used in the study is

preliminary, and at the time limited test, primary test and validation. Specifically,

the two types of such instruments have differences in objectives to be achieved. In

preliminary studies, a list of questions used aims to uncover the facts of the

implementation of learning strategies (preparation, implementation, evaluation of

learning outcomes, implementation of action research, the support of stakeholders,

and support equipment or facilities) on the subject of research. Those facts are

subsequently referred to the conceptual criteria SOHED ideal strategy, as

described in the literature review.

The list of questions used in limited test, primary test and validation, aims

to reveal whether SOHED strategy has been applied properly and to describe the

barriers were found. Data obtained adapted to the purpose and design of

development used, the type of data collected in this research is quantitative data as

basic data, collected through questionnaire with a rating scale of 1 to 4 (1 = very

poor, 2 = poor, 3 = good and 4 = very good).

Categories are based on the assessment of alternative answers relating

expressed as:

80% - 100% = Strongly Agree

60% - 79.99% = Agree

40% - 59.99% = Disagree


The respondents will give numerical scores on each item on the

questionnaire based on the established criteria. Besides the type of data collected

is qualitative data in the form of advice and input a description written by the

respondents as additional data. Consideration of the use of the questionnaire in

this study is that the questionnaire is more objective and easier to analyze the data.

Questionnaire to collect data limited test. primary test conducted on four

aspects in the assessment of trial results of design strategy, namely:

1. Implementation of learning, including: learning approach about

vocabulary, SOHED based learning approach strategy, process

assessment and learning outcomes.

2. Learning strategies include :

Target The Learning Method Asked Indicators


• Learning objectives

• Model that has been done

• Using a model of learning

• The exact method of learning SOHED

• Completeness of learning resources

• Explaining the task and implementation

strategies SOHED

• Providing guidance

• An assessment of the process and evaluation


• Provide feedback to students

• Use the media effectively

• Fostering the spirit of student learning

• The learning model can improve the


• Creating a climate and an atmosphere conducive



• Vocabulary ability

• Accuracy of vocabulary

• Make a sentence ability

• Use a worksheet

• Using teaching materials

• Understanding the material clearly

• Prepare learning resources

• Working tasks and implementation strategies


• Demonstrate learning materials in everyday


• Active in participation

• The learning model can improve student




• The learning model and making the climate

more conducive learning atmosphere

3. Assessment of the students towards the development of learning

strategies, including; easy to understand, understand, stimulation, fun,

create enthusiasm for learning, improve learning outcomes.

4. Evaluation of student learning outcomes, include; Vocabulary ability,

accuracy of vocabulary and make a sentence ability.

b. Instrument of Observation

The questionnaires used as a means of collecting data from subject matter

experts with regard to suggestions, criticisms, and suggestions, and students at the

time limited trial and primary trial. Interviews were conducted during the

pre-survey, learning strategies development stage, trial implementation with regard to

suggestions, criticisms, and suggestions are given, either through an open

questionnaire and notes directly on product development results. In addition, the

teachers and students related content validity with their answers that they require

additional explanation.

The interview was used unstructured interviews, the interviews that

require open answers. Therefore, to facilitate the implementation of the interviews

guidelines were created for the interview with finding the questions that

correspond with the subject matter.


c. Competency Assessment Instrument

This section, competency assessment instruments by additing a test, tests

are also intended to test the effectiveness of learning programs SOHED use

strategies to increase vocabulary compared with the learning program has been

done. Therefore, the test in this study was basically to answer questions relating to

the testing program on the main scale and test validation.

The tests used in this study is a test developed by the researchers.

Consideration of the preparation of such tests is based on the assumption that

learning achievement test made itself (not a standardized test) can more

effectively express the success of the learning program. This is in line with the

opinion of Sudjana and Ibrahim stating that "artificial learning achievement test

preparation investigators as a means of collecting data was much better than

standard tests or just collecting secondary data from a document learning

outcomes that have been there".28

Assessment of student competence is based on the results obtained in the

comparison of the measurements before (pre) and after (post) the application

SOHED strategy in the development of vocabulary students with a category rating

of the number of vocabulary that has been mastered by the students, more and

more vocabulary mastered the competency assessment is can be expressed very




B. Research Stage

This study used research and development, with collecting data that are

descriptive data analysis is inductive. Overall the learning model to be effective,

efficient, and attractive done the research and development process cycle known

as "The R & D cycle '' (Research Research and Development). The steps of

research and development include :

1) The preliminary study phase,

2) Phase planning and development models,

3) Phase testing and revision,


1. The preliminary study stage

The preliminary study stage, research and development is planned to take

the stages as follows: a literature study, field data collection, classroom

observation, identification of problems encountered in learning, and the

description and analysis of findings from the field (model factual).

Studies conducted to gather support materials, especially with regard to

concept of development and implementation of curriculum KBK (Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi), learning approaches developed in education, as well as the concept of education and competency-based learning, and implications for the

implementation of learning strategies in order competency-based curriculum.

The field study is a survey research activities, because the main objective

of this field study to conduct the technical preparations with colonized first

language courses in the environment Madrasah Ulumul Qur'an and dormitory

language to set as the location of research and development. To get a picture of

the distribution of students and teachers in SOHED strategy as a learning strategy

that will serve as research subjects.

Field findings described and the analysis is part of a preliminary study,

which aims to formulate the results of the data collection. The formulation of this

result is descriptive and analytical, with reference to the purpose of preliminary


An important finding to be described and analyzed how the development

SOHED strategy as a learning strategy students develop vocabulary, profit

strategy development SOHED, and the students' response to the strategy SOHED

for the implementation of the curriculum (preparation, implementation, evaluation

results, the implementation of the tasks, the support of stakeholders, and support

equipment / facilities notebook) currently being undertaken, and whether the

weaknesses and strengths of the SOHED strategy based on a conceptual model

(characteristics and criteria) SOHED learning strategies formulated in this study.

Overall there are three general objectives to be disclosed in a preliminary

study. namely: (1) How is the development of SOHED strategy as students

'learning strategies to develop students' vocabulary mastery, (2) What is the

advantages of the development SOHED strategy as students 'learning strategies to

students' vocabulary mastery, and (3 ) How the students' response to the SOHED

strategy as students' learning strategies to develop students' vocabulary mastery.

This preliminary study is basically also intends to unveil the first purpose

of research, which obtained a description of the learning model that is currently

implemented, which includes an overview of: (1) preparation of lesson plans, (2)

the implementation of learning, (3) evaluation of learning outcomes, ( 4) the

implementation of tasks, (5) in support of stakeholders (professional associations)

in the implementation of learning SOHED, and (6) the learning outcomes in the

form SOHED description of the competence of graduates based on a competency


The implementation phase of preliminary studies (pre-survey) carried out

during the period of 3 week, namely the first week in 10 November 2016, a

pre-survey research conducted in the halls of residence Madrasah Ulumul Qur'an.

Meanwhile, respondents were used as research subjects pre-survey are teachers as

holder / language tutors and students of class VII. At this stage, before netting the

data, the researchers first made an approach to the leadership of language courses

and teachers who teach English lesson.

Based on the language program leader, then in classes where teachers

teach English lesson, in doing observation, simultaneously observing the

preparation or lesson plan prepared by the teacher in the form of syllabi and

lesson plans in teaching and learning. In addition, researchers also distributing

questionnaires to teachers and students to obtain information on the

implementation of the process of learning English.

The data were then analyzed in order to obtain an overview of

instructional design developed, the implementation of learning itself, capabilities

and activities of students, as well as the conditions use of means or facility of

learning and everyday environments. The results of this study pre-survey used as a

template for later developed into a model of learning in order to improve students'


The population at MUQ Langsa of grade VII are 288 students, to take a

simple from it is, researchers selected a purposive sample is the selection of


population and based on particular goals. The selected sample is Aisyha class

totaling 29 students.

The planning and development of this model is done before the trial is

held. For the development of teaching, research development in cooperation with

faculty course in English for obtaining forms SOHED based learning strategies.

Based on the description and analysis, factual findings, prepared the next steps of

planning and strategy development as follows:

1. Formulate a development plan that includes the identification of skills

and expertise related to the development of learning strategies for the

implementation of the curriculum, determining the objectives to be

achieved at each stage of development, and planning a feasibility study

on a limited basis.

2. Develop an initial formulation (design) of the learning strategies that

will be developed, including the formulation of: (a) that the preparation

of lesson plans, (b) the form of implementation of learning, and (c) the

form of evaluation of learning outcomes.

At the development stage is also carried out a data collection strategy on

learning strategies that will be developed that are used in this pre-survey study a

questionnaire for teachers, questionnaires for students, and classroom observation

in the form of guidelines for observation. After three instruments developed,

further evaluation by the competent authorities as experts or specialist education


and validity of items or item instrument, for then tested. After the instruments

tested, then each item (point) the instrument is in the re-evaluation for approval

and legitimacy.

3. Phase Trials and Revisions

The trial model and the revision is a very important part in the research

and development, which is carried out after completion design for the

development of learning strategies. The trial aims to determine whether the

strategy developed strategies feasible to use it or not. Trial strategy also see the

extent to which the product is made to achieve the goals and objectives.

The model that better meets the two criteria, namely: the learning criteria

and presentation criteria. The test is done three times, namely: (1) expert testing,

(2) a limited test conducted on small groups as the strategy. (3) test field. By

testing the quality of the model developed truly tested empirically. There are three

stages in the trial strategy in research and development. include:

1. Test or validation expert, conducted with respondents experts design

strategies. This activity is conducted to review the initial product, provide

feedback for improvement. This validation process is called the Expert

Judgement. Perform conceptual analysis and subsequent revisions,

2. Test restricted, conducted on small groups as the strategy, the next


3. The main test, review of trials next major revision and serve as end

products in the form of learning modules and conducted dissemination and


Test data used as the basis for determining the application of learning

strategies, the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process. The type of

data that will be collected adjusted to the needed information about the learning

model that was developed and the learning objectives to be achieved. Data were

collected about solving the problems associated with effectiveness and efficiency,

or data about the appeal of the product. Exposure data is associated with the

design of the study and subject specific tests. Data regarding the accuracy test

content and substance can be made to the content of subject matter experts, small

groups, or all three. In testing experts, the data revealed among other substances

accuracy, precision of the method, the precision of the design study model, and so


The test is done gradually and simultaneously also be revised learning

strategy. In each trial phase, be it limited test and trial the main always done

revision in each of these trials were aimed at: (1) draw conclusions from the

analysis of trial data in explaining products or strategies that are developed are in

tested as the basis for the decision whether the resulting strategy needs to be

revised or not, (2) decision to hold a revision of learning strategies need to be

accompanied by support / justification that a revised strategy that would be better,


components of learning that needs to be revised and presented clearly and in


A limited test involving several groups of students. The purpose of this

step is to determine whether the design strategy developed can be applied

correctly by the teacher. Collecting data in this step is done through observation

and questionnaires, and analyzed descriptively. Thus research on this step using a

qualitative approach. Based on the results of the trial are limited in doing

improvements to the design of strategies developed. The test is done twice,

according to the results demonstrated in limited trials, in order to obtain design

strategies prepared in the main trial.

Doing primary trial involving learners more widely. There are two main

objectives of this step are: (1) to determine whether SOHED strategy has been

implemented as strategy to develop vocabulary properly, and (2) how effective are

the results of applying the SOHED strategy towards achieving the objectives of

the study.

With these basic research at this stage using qualitative and quantitative

approaches. A qualitative approach was used to reveal the first goal. Simple

quantitative approach to uncover the second goal, with pre-experimental research

design form One-group pretest-posttest design.

Pre-test The independent

variables Post-test

T1 X T2


In the trial's primary. the steps are as follows: (1) establish a group of

research subjects, (2) conduct pre-test (Tl), (3) try-based learning model SOHED

strategy (X), (4) conduct post-test (T2 ), (5) seeking an average score of the

pre-test and post-pre-test, and then compare the two, and (6) subtract the difference

between the average last through statistical methods (t-test) to determine there is

not the influence significant use of the learning model.

While the data in addition to the main trial results obtained are also data in

the form of documentation and field notes, so there is no feedback (feedback) that

can be used for the repair and improvement of the learning model in the

development of next up on optimization, which is a validation. After the test is

done three times, then the test results that show the shape of the optimal learning

model, the figure of a learning strategy is considered as the final form that is ready

for validation (test validation).

Based on the results of experiments carried out major repairs and

improvements, so that the design of the model developed already is a model that

is ready to do the validation test. Overall flow of research and development is


C. Data Analysis Techniques

Data analysis techniques used according to the type of data collected.

Some things to consider in the analysis of the data include: (1) The data analysis

includes data organization procedures, reduction, and presentation of data, either

with a table, chart, or graph. (2) the data is classified based on the type and

components developed products, (3) Data were analyzed descriptively or in the

form of quantitative calculations, (4) the presentation of the results of the data

analysis is limited to things that are factual, with no interpretation developers, so

that as the basis for revision of the model, and (5) the use of data analysis

Figure 1.2. Research and Development Activity Flow Model


calculations and statistical analysis in line with the problems posed, and products

that will be developed.

Data analysis in this research and development were descriptively are

quantitatively analyzed. All data were analyzed with descriptive statistical

techniques that quantitatively separated by category for sharpening judgment in

drawing conclusions. Data analysis in research and development is described in

three, namely the preliminary study stage, the development and validation. At the

preliminary study stage, findings or facts about the implementation of learning

which is currently implemented, is described in the form of data presentation

(mean, median, mode, etc.), then analyzed (interpreted) qualitatively. With this

approach, the analysis used in this phase is called descriptive qualitative.

At the development stage some analytical approach used: (a) the

implementation and results of design development models, described in terms of

data presentation, and then analyzed qualitatively, (b) on a limited test, the results

of testing the application of the model design is analyzed with the approach of

quantitative, (c ) on the test more widely, in addition to using approach qualitative

descriptive analysis, also used statistical analysis (quantitative), with the formula

statistical t-test (t-test) to measure the results of applying the model design on the

condition before (pre) and after (post) application.

At the stage of validation, significance and effectiveness of the results of

applying the model was analyzed using a quantitative approach (quasi

exsperimental), by comparing the results of the preliminary test, main feild test,




A. Result

1. The Results of Product Development

Research and development is intended to produce a strategy SOHED

based learning strategies to develop students' vocabulary mastery with the

material according to curriculum 2013 and determine the feasibility of learning

vocabulary SOHED-based strategy with the material according to the 2013

curriculum for English language learning class VII. Learning strategies developed,

declared fit for use by validation by subject matter experts, expert validation

methods, and test results of the students' responses.

This refers to the development of research development model Borg &

Gall, limited at some stage alone. The stages include: a) the information gathering

stage; b) planning stage; c) the stage of product development; and d) the

validation and testing. Here's an explanation of each step is performed in research

and development:

a. Information Collecting Stage

In this first phase, conducted the researcher a preliminary study with a

qualitative descriptive approach. Implementation by conducting surveys of


Figure 1.0. Flow Model of Development Borg & Gall26
Table 1.0. Target of Strategy
Figure 1.1:  Stages of  R & D cycle models by Borg and Gall
Table 1.1. Research Design in Trial Top


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