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Trip Japan Report Astrid Jein Astrini


Academic year: 2018

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Astrid Jein Astrini

Executive 47







1. Marketing Analysis

a. Food Packaging in Japan

Japan is a country full of creativity and innovation in various fields. Many unique ideas and make the product more superior and attractive compared with other products. The products created by the Japanese are not just from the shape and taste of the food but the packaging provided is also very interesting.

As the country with the highest per capita packing base material consumers in the World. Japan provides a close relationship between packaging and food in Japan .

In addition, Japan also has a special regulation on packaging that is by setting specifications and standards for food, food additives and other materials. Japan also provides regulations relating responsibility to producers for losses caused by their substances even though they comply with the law. Packagig made of metal cans, glass / enamel articles, rubber articles and polymers have special material standards and are equipped with specifications on 15 specific resins to facilitate recycling as well as packaging in Japan as well as implementing 3R. In Japan there is also a special regulation for handling plastic packaging. Here are the specifications for pouch food containers: 1) The pouch food is gas-tight and must block blocking

2) The pouch food should not be defective, damaged and may change color 3) Compression testing is water should not leak out

4) Heat test sealing power 5) Testing should not leak

6) Blocking bags are made of materials containing aluminum foil


Picture 1.1 Food Packaging in Japan


According to Cotton (2009) a successful packaging that is a blend of marketing and design, and must meet the following criteria: (1) Stand Out (protruding) If the packaging is not or less prominent then it will lose its function as an attraction. (2) Contents Packaging should be able to provide information about the contents of the packaging and what is contained in the product. (3) Suitable (appropriate) The packaging design should match the packaged product. (4) Distinctive (unique) The overall packaging design must be unique and different from that of competitors. One of the successful products from Japan on the attractive packaging design of Tokyo Banana is the obligatory souvenir of tourists who go to Japan. For the taste of the food is actually not the main essence, but the packaging and the form of interesting food and popularity make Tokyo Banana souvenirs typical of Japan worldwide.

2. Cultural Analysis

The temple visited at the time in Japan is Asakusa which is used as one of Japanese culture analysis. Asakusa Kannon Temple is the oldest temple and entertainment venue in Tokyo. Asakusa has the 1950s and 1960s buildings and there are traditional ryokans (guest houses), houses, and small apartment buildings throughout the area.

Asakusa is a place that many pilgrims visit to pray especially those who are Buddhist or Shinto. Asakusa temple entrance is a gate with a large red lantern, the Japanese usually call the gates of the thunder gods because of their belief that the gate separates the mortal and religious life. After entering the main gate next there is a source of water that there are much canting large. Their people wash their hands or hands in order to purify themselves from all sins before entering the temple or praying. In addition, after the main gate which has a large red lantern there is a place to burn incense, usually, people shake the smoke to his body with to given healing or prevent disease.

Entering the temple, there are people who throw wooden bars to know their luck after depositing a coin. People who have purchased the coins are shuffling containers containing wooden bars to those wooden bars where the wood has the digits to look for the number cuts on the wooden bars. The piece of paper contains a prophecy.


Picture 2.1 Asakusa Tample

Japan is a developed country, so many habits that make Japanese culture imitated as one form of good habits. Here are the Japanese habits that are often encountered when visiting Japan:

a. Culture of reading

While in transport in particular trains, the Japanese usually read books even though a grandmother or grandfather. Apparently, this is the habit of most Japanese people to spend time, compared to chat or bantering in public driving.

b. No foreign languag

The average Japanese society can not speak English, but the Japanese people will still respond with friendly and friendly. Japanese society is very high in their local language, they also keep the feelings of people who are invited to speak.

c. Disciplin

Japanese society is very obedient to the rules including in line, cross the road, the road on the escalator and use the highway. In addition, discipline in time is also highly esteemed by Japanese society. Bending is also a habit of Japanese society to greet or apologize.

d. Tip and Bargain when shopping

When giving a tip than the Japanese people will find it rude and very insulting and there is also no bargain in making purchases even in the market.

e. Work overtime

The average employee works more than 60 hours a week, even very rarely take a day off. The workers will be working from 9 am to 5:30 pm, but that's just a note because, in reality, these Japanese people will mostly come home at 9 o'clock at night, some even at 12 o'clock. When riding in Japan on weekdays then that will be encountered ie salary man around 8 pm to 12 pm. That's a bad habit that can cause a death of Japanese society. Japanese people are also hardworking people and not easily discouraged.

f. Cosplay


characters or ideas they make, usually referring to manga, manhwa, comics, musicians or actresses and video games. The term appeared in 1984 by Nov Takashi on a sci-fi convention in Los Angles. Cosplay is a new art show in Japan inspired by the masquerade he wrote in Japanese sci-fi magazine.

g. Mango and anime

Manga and anime are the main attraction and characteristic of Japan that has become a global phenomenon with a growing popularity every day. Genres and material from manga books are generally devoted to sex and all ages and printed in black and white. The characters created are the habits of Japanese people where visitors who know a manga character will find themselves actively searching and viewing known characters.

h. Religious

Shinto is a belief shared largely by the Japanese society with its system and beliefs. The Shinto religion hasn’t scriptures, but Buddhism and Shinto live side by side and influence each other where shinto is closely related to the nationalist ideology and the family of the capital.At this time in Japan many new religions are established and the development of sects by leaps and bounds.

i. Geisha

Geisha at this time is as a professional entertainer that is by way of dancing, playing music, talking and playing games that make customers feel comfortable. The geisha culture is located in Kyoto, where there are about a hundred people working in traditional teahouses. This geisha annually decreases due to the tight world

j. Samurai

This samurai is the history and culture of japan played by the military class. The influence of the samurai fighters is still very real in Japanese culture which can be seen from parks, big castles or dwellings. In addition, samurai which is a Japanese culture is firmly planted in the soul of the Japanese. the philosophy of this samurai is to respect the courage to release one's life and embrace death so there is no fear to fight, self-discipline and respectful attitude becomes the characteristic of the Japanese.

3. Company Visit

Managing waste that faced by most government of city in Indonesia

a. Clean Authority of Tokyo/ Shin-Koto Incineration Plant


Picture 3.1 Types of Work Conducted

Waste management offices in each of the 23 Municipalities collect and transfer the waste:

1) Collection

Every day and city collection areas depend on the type of waste and perform efficient operations in designing an operating plan that is consistent with seasonal changes and regional waste level trends. Waste treatment in 23 Cities free of charge for household waste (excluding waste disposal exceeding 10 kg per day).

2) Transfer

Flammable waste is loaded into a collection vehicle (such as a compactor) at the collection site where it is immediately transferred to the incineration plant. Non-combustible waste is transferred to the Chubo Waste Treatment Center or the Keihinjima Unbound Waste Processing Center. Large trash is sent to large powder waste processing facilities. Cities that have transfer stations do relay transfers by loading them from smaller collecting vehicles to large vehicles.

Shin-koto's incineration factory's role is to influence the environment by human activity has become one of the global issues. Burning is the best way to treat waste and recycling energy because flammable waste is burned in a hygienic way, reducing its volume to 5% while the heat generated serves to generate electricity for energy recycling. The shinkkoto incineration plant equipped with an artistic air pollution pollution facility plays an important role in waste treatment generated in 23 cities in Tokyo.

In 1998 Shin Koto Incineration Factory was established with a capacity of 1800 tpd which is the largest inseneration factory in Tokyo. The heat of this incinerator produces 50MW through conventional stoker furnace technology and turbines. The level of pollution emissions at this plant is much lower than Japan's national standard as it is equipped with sophisticated air pollution prevention equipment. Public facilities adjacent to shin koto inseneration factory which is the distribution of waste household waste incineration that is Tatsumi swimming pool, Yumenoshima Rest and Yumenoshima House of Tropical Plant Tokyo

Types of Work Conducted by Each of The 23 Cities


Picture 3.2 Waste processing technology in Shin-koto incineration plant

b. Managing Waste in Indonesia

Waste management always creates problems in Indonesia. In 2015, Jakarta produces 7500 tons of waste every day and has dumped 6700 tons at Bantar Gebang waste disposal site in Bekasi West Java. In 2005, a disaster occurred at the Landfill Landfill (TPA) Garbage Leuwigajah Cimahi West Java, which shot 157 people. Therefore, Indonesia already has Law (UU) about household waste and Presidential instructions until Ministerial Regulation on garbage. Volume of garbage in Indonesia reaches 65 million tons, which composition dominated organic waste 60% and 14% increasing plastic waste contributed by household waste , Traditional markets and offices.

In report of PD Kebersihan, we have five aspects of waste management that must be done, namely regulations, institutions, community participation, financing and technology. In addition, governments and communities, producers or producers of packaging products have a responsibility to extend the producer's responsibility (EPR) by withdrawing the packaging or recycling.

Every human activity will produce waste as a consequence in accordance with the level of consumption of goods used every day. Waste management is a concern and it is important to do the right management because the increase in population continues to affect the volume of waste. in Indonesia, especially large cities produce a lot of waste compared to other medium or small cities. Bandung every day to produce as much as 8.418 m2/ day and that can be processed only 65% so it has not been effective to manage waste.

In waste management, the Indonesian government gives each region the authority to manage it. In Bandung, the company that takes care of waste management is PD. Kebersihan is a Regional Owned Enterprises Body (BUMD). The purpose and purpose of the establishment of this PD. Kebersihan, is based on Local Regulation No. 14 The year 2011 which is:

1) Conducting business in the form of provision:

2) Carry out the assignment of Local Government in the field of waste management in order to


Picture 3.3 Garbage Processing System of PD Kebersihan Bandung City

Until now the local government of Bandung is still innovating. Looking for solutions to deal with garbage issues. This problem becomes Crucial because there is the possibility of Bandung into "garbage city" repeated back. There are some unresolved issues that can be Causing the reoccurrence of Bandung's return to the sea of garbage. The problems are Can lead to Bandung city junk second volume among others:

1) Bandung society awareness is still low so, with the level

Such awareness provides an impact whose indicator is production Garbage of Bandung continues to increase from 7500M3 / day to 8418M3 / day.

2) Ability PD Kebersihan service Bandung city is limited.

The capability of waste service to date by PD Kebersihan is still not optimal, it is proven this institution can only Serving garbage management only about 65%.

3) Organic waste is the largest component of a waste city of Bandung.

Problems that occur garbage disposed of people do not separate Between organic and non-organic waste. This causes management Waste becomes more difficult and inefficient.

4) Limited landfill area.

The total area of Bandung city is 16730 ha, it is Causing the final waste container located in the city of Bandung very limited. This causes the container location to be expanded Through cooperation with neighboring regional governments. Problems Coordination is a major issue, especially if there is a conflict in society.

5) Law enforcement is inconsistent. City government


Picture 3.4 Landfills and Transportation PD Kebersihan Bandung City

The results of the company visit in Incineration Japan, in the waste processing there are five important aspects of regulations, institutions, community participation, financing, and technology. Here's an analysis of these five things:

a. RegulationImitating from the Japanese government that the regulations applied very clearly with

the development of 23 cities that do the waste processing. Consistent in the application of any regulation established. As for in Indonesia regulations on waste processing has actually been set from the center to the respective regions. Authority is given by the central government to the region to process its waste in the presence of BUMD. The Ministry of the Environment should also provide clear rules for managing waste, not just BUMD, but the role of supervision or supervision also needs to be applied consistently throughout the region in Indonesia, especially areas that generate tremendous waste.

b. Institution

The company should be able to be used as a tool for implementing 3R and use of CSR funds in sewage treatment whether issued by the company itself or waste generated by the surrounding environment such as household waste. Firm sanctions and proper socialization. Business circles, in this case producers, importers, distributors, and retailers, together with the government must immediately realize the implementation of delivery of producer responsibility (EPR) in waste management. Third, managers of residential areas, industrial estates, commercial areas, social facilities, public facilities, special areas, and other facilities should immediately sort, collect and process waste in each region. For Japan itself there are regulations targeted at certain product group characteristics so that each company must comply with 3R packaging regulations.

c. Community Participation

The habit that must be changed in Indonesian culture is littering, although there are cleaners who clean the environment the habit should be changed. In Japan even though we find it difficult to find trash but the culture of shame and the habit of not littering is very effective in processing this waste because if there is a trash can we will see 3 casks that each top has a specificity in the type of garbage. It facilitates the processing of waste. Self-awareness and embarrassment culture not to throw garbage carelessly there needs to be the consistent punishment not only regulated by the local government but the central government should also implement 3R by providing the appropriate garbage type of garbage. There needs to be continuous socialization, consistent punishment to implement it.

d. Financing

In the case of finances can use CSR funds so do not depend on the budget or the state budget. Advanced waste processing can actually provide benefits and has a lot of benefits, it can be seen in Japan that is able to create electricity and gas from household waste. In addition, proper management is in line with GCG so that finances can be well channeled.

e. Teknologi


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