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Academic year: 2021



Teks penuh



P r o f e s s i o n a l c o o k i n g 1 0 1



Lubang pembuangan air pada sisi yang tepat mampu mempercepat proses pengeringan cairan sisa defrost.

Handle berdesain stylish serta dilengkapi kunci di setiap pintunya yang menjamin keamanan makanan yang disimpan.

Menggunakan kompresor berkualitas prima untuk menghasilkan kinerja pendingin handal dengan suhu dingin yang stabil.

Terdapat teknologi Smart Sensor guna mengatur kinerja kompresor sesuai isi freezer sehingga konsumsi energi lebih efisien.

Disertai roda yang kokoh dan stabil untuk menahan beban berat serta meringankan saat pemindahan lokasi penempatan freezer. Suhu freezer dapat langsung terpantau pada layar panel agar memudahkan dalam pengaturan sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

F R E E Z E R - F E A T U R E S


dapat membekukan dan

mendinginkan makanan atau minuman

karena menggunakan


yang memiliki fungsi ganda.

POWER DUO (freezing & cooling)

Applied in : MD 10, MD 15, MD 20A, MD 30, MD 45, MD 60, MD 75, MD 95 Applied in : All Chest Freezer

Applied in : MD 30, MD 45, MD 60, MD 75, MD 95

Applied in : All Chest Freezer

Lapisan insulasi berkualitas pada unit

mampu menjaga suhu dingin dalam



senantiasa stabil serta

meminimalisir bercampur dengan

suhu dari luar.


Lampu LED untuk menghasilkan

penerangan optimal yang dapat

menyala secara otomatis saat pintu

dibuka dan padam ketika tertutup.



dengan bahan aktif yang

mampu menyerap bau dan membuat

makanan atau minuman yang

disimpan tetap segar.


Main Features

• Power duo (freezing & cooling) • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • Stainless color • Defrosting Hole • 1 Strong basket • Active deodorizer Technical Features • Gross capacity : 205 Liters • Power : 155 W

• 1010 x 610 x 830 mm Main Features

• Power duo (freezing & cooling) • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • Stainless color • LED lamp • 3 Strong baskets • Active deodorizer Technical Features • Gross capacity : 300 Liters • Power : 275 W

• 1160 x 680 x 830 mm

Chest Freezer - MD 30

Chest Freezer - MD 20A

Main Features

• Power duo (freezing & cooling) • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • Stainless color • Defrosting Hole • 1 Strong basket • Active deodorizer Technical Features • Gross capacity : 155 Liters • Power : 125 W

• 820 x 600 x 830 mm

Chest Freezer - MD 15

Main Features

• Power duo (freezing & cooling) • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • Stainless color • Defrosting Hole • 1 Strong basket • Active deodorizer Technical Features • Gross capacity : 100 Liters • Power : 120 W

• 630 x 600 x 830 mm

Chest Freezer - MD 10

Main Features • Transparent door • Curve glass door • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • White color • 4 Strong baskets • Defrosting Hole Technical Features • Gross capacity : 300 Liters • Power : 210 W

• 1240 x 600 x 870 mm

Main Features • Transparent door • Curve glass door • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • White color • 3 Strong baskets • Defrosting Hole Technical Features • Gross capacity : 230 Liters • Power : 210 W

• 1030 x 600 x 870 mm

Sliding Curve Glass

Freezer - MC 30

Sliding Curve Glass

Freezer - MC 23

Main Features

• Power duo (Freezing & Cooling) • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • Stainless color • LED lamp • 4 Strong baskets • Active deodorizer Technical Features • Gross capacity : 430 Liters Main Features

• Power duo (freezing & cooling) • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • Stainless color • LED lamp • 4 Strong baskets • Active deodorizer Technical Features • Gross capacity : 560 Liters

Chest Freezer - MD 60

Chest Freezer - MD 45

Main Features

• Power duo (freezing & cooling) • 2 Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • Stainless color • LED lamp • 5 Strong baskets • Active deodorizer • Temperature display

Chest Freezer - MD 95

Technical Features • Gross capacity : 950 Liters • Power : 600 W

• 1980 x 1050 x 930 mm

Main Features

• Power duo (freezing & cooling) • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • Stainless color • LED lamp • 5 Strong baskets • Active deodorizer

Chest Freezer - MD 75

Technical Features • Gross capacity : 750 Liters • Power : 360 W

• 1950 x 870 x 830 mm


Main Features

• Power duo (freezing & cooling) • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • White color • 1 strong basket • Fast freeze Technical Features • Gross capacity : 600 Liters • Power : 280 W

• 1663 x 740 x 845 mm

Main Features

• Power duo (freezing & cooling) • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • White color • 1 Strong basket • Fast freeze Technical Features • Gross capacity : 520 Liters • Power : 270 W

• 1412 x 740 x 845 mm

Chest Freezer - MD 62 WH

Chest Freezer - MD 52 WH

Main Features

• Power duo (freezing & cooling) • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • White color • 1 strong basket • Fast freeze Technical Features • Gross capacity : 360 Liters • Power : 210 W

• 1150 x 740 x 845 mm

Main Features

• Power duo (freezing & cooling) • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • White color • 1 Strong basket • 1 Door Technical Features • Gross capacity : 300 Liters • Power : 165 W

• 1120 x 688 x 835 mm

Chest Freezer - MD 36 WH

Chest Freezer - MD 30 WH

Main Features

• Power duo (freezing & cooling) • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • White color • 1 strong basket • 1 Door Technical Features

• Gross capacity : 200 Liters (MD 20 WH) • Gross capacity : 150 Liters (MD 15 WH) • Gross capacity : 100 Liters (MD 10 WH) • Power : 160 W (MD 20 WH) • Power : 123 W (MD 15 WH) • Power : 120 W (MD 10 WH) • 996 x 565 x 835 mm (MD 20 WH) • 822 x 565 x 835 mm (MD 15 WH) • 632 x 565 x 835 mm (MD 10 WH)

Chest Freezer - MD 20 WH

Chest Freezer - MD 15 WH

Chest Freezer - MD 10 WH

Chest Freezer - MD 65 W

Chest Freezer - MD 37 W

Main Features

• Power duo (freezing & cooling) • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • White color • 1 Strong basket • 2 Doors

Technical Features

• Gross capacity : 650 Liters • Power : 268 W

• 1930 x 670 x 825 mm

Main Features

• Power duo (freezing & cooling) • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • White color • 1 Strong basket • 2 Doors

Technical Features

• Gross capacity : 370 Liters • Power : 183 W

• 1256 x 670 x 825 mm

Chest Freezer - MD 20 W

Chest Freezer - MD 10 W

Main Features

• Power duo (freezing & cooling) • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • White color • 1 Strong basket • 1 Door Technical Features • Gross capacity : 205 Liters • Power : 155 W

• 1010 x 610 x 830 mm

Main Features

• Power duo (freezing & cooling) • Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • White color • 1 Strong basket • 1 Door Technical Features • Gross capacity : 100 Liters • Power : 120 W

• 630 x 545 x 830 mm

Chest Freezer MD 130 W

Main Features • Power duo (freezing & cooling) • 2 Heavy-duty compressor • Adjustable thermostat • White color • 2 Strong baskets • Temperature display Technical Features • Gross capacity : 1300 Liters • Power : 536 W

• 2650 x 960 x 908 mm




bekerja secara otomatis

menjadikan ruang

showcase cooler

bebas dari bunga es dan sehingga

pendinginan lebih optimal dengan

suhu stabil.


Applied in : VM 1385, VM 1285, SC 2201 L, SC 2801 L, SC 2691 L

Sistem ventilasi yang menyebarkan

udara dingin optimal ke seluruh

ruangan memungkinkan proses

pendinginan lebih cepat dan merata.


Applied in : VM 1385, VM 1285, SC 2201 L, SC 2801 L, SC 2691 L


di dalam ruang pendingin

yang disertai kipas untuk penyebaran

udara dingin ke seluruh ruangan

secara maksimal dan merata.



Applied in : SC 1351, SC 1301, SC 1281, SC 1260, SC 1200, SC 1180, SC 1150, SC 1130

Suhu di dalam

showcase cooler


langsung terpantau pada layar panel

untuk kemudahan dalam pengaturan

sesuai dengan kebutuhan.


Applied in : SC 2201 L, SC 2801 L, SC 2691 L, SC 2920 Menggunakan kompresor berkualitas prima

untuk menghasilkan kinerja pendingin handal dengan suhu dingin yang stabil.

Terdapat teknologi Smart Sensor guna mengatur kinerja kompresor sesuai isi showcase cooler sehingga konsumsi energi lebih efisien.

Display makanan atau minuman tetap jelas terlihat karena aliran udara hangat dari ruang kompresor ke permukaan pintu showcase cooler dapat mencegah timbulnya embun di permukaan kaca.

Sistem Self Evaporation berfungsi memanaskan dan menguapkan air sisa defrost agar tidak ada rembesan air di bawah showcase cooler.

Disertai rak kuat yang mampu menahan beban hingga 30 kilogram dan mudah dipindahkan untuk disesuaikan ukuran makanan atau minuman.

Ruang showcase cooler dilengkapi penerangan yang optimal agar display makanan atau minuman tampak lebih jelas.



Main Features

• Doube fan cooling system • Heavy-duty compressor • EcoEnergy system • Hot air blowing • Self evaporation • 8 Movable strong shelves

Showcase Cooler - SC 2920

Technical Features • Gross capacity : 910 Liters • Power : 480 W

• 1250 x 680 x 2081 mm Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system • Frost free technology • Heavy-duty compressor • EcoEnergy system • Hot air blowing • Self evaporation • 10 Movable strong shelves

Technical Features • Gross capacity : 1200 Liters • Power : 500 W

• 1330 x 720 x 2023 mm

Showcase Cooler - SC 2201 L

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system • Frost free technology • Heavy-duty compressor • EcoEnergy system • Hot air blowing • Self evaporation • 10 Movable strong shelves

Showcase Cooler - SC 2071 L

Technical Features • Gross capacity : 1000 Liters • Power : 750 W

• 1130 x 720 x 2023 mm

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system • Frost free technology • Heavy-duty compressor • EcoEnergy system • Hot air blowing • Self evaporation • 5 Movable strong shelves (SC 2691 L)

• 10 Movable strong Shelves (SC 2801 L)

Showcase Cooler - SC 2801 L

Showcase Cooler - SC 2691 L

Technical Features

• Gross capacity : 800 Liters (SC 2801 L) • Gross capacity : 690 Liters (SC 2691 L) • Power : 575 W (SC 2801 L)

• Power : 450 W (SC 2691 L) • 1000 x 720 x 2020 mm (SC 2801 L) • 1120 x 585 x 1900 mm (SC 2691 L)


Main Features • Fan cooling system • Inside evaporator • Heavy-duty compressor • EcoEnergy system • Hot air blowing • Self evaporation • 4 moveable strong shelves Technical Features • Gross capacity : 180 Liters • Power : 110 W

• 495 x 515 x 1400 mm

Showcase Cooler

SC 1180

Main Features • Fan cooling system • Inside evaporator • Heavy-duty compressor • EcoEnergy system • Hot air blowing • Self evaporation • 4 moveable strong shelves Technical Features • Gross capacity : 150 Liters • Power : 110 W

• 495 x 515 x 1280 mm

Showcase Cooler

SC 1150

Main Features • Fan cooling system • Inside evaporator • Heavy-duty compressor • EcoEnergy system • Hot air blowing • Self evaporation • 4 moveable strong shelves Technical Features • Gross capacity : 130 Liters • Power : 110W

• 495 x 515 x 1160 mm

Showcase Cooler

SC 1130

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system • Frost-free technology • Heavy-duty compressor • EcoEnergy system • Hot air blowing • Self evaporation • 4 moveable strong shelves Technical Features • Gross capacity : 380 Liters • Power : 268 W

• 615 x 590 x 1945 mm

Showcase Cooler

VM 1385

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system • Frost-free technology • Heavy-duty compressor • EcoEnergy system • Hot air blowing • Self evaporation • 4 moveable strong shelves Technical Features • Gross capacity : 280 Liters • Power : 225 W

• 575 x 590 x 1665 mm

Showcase Cooler

VM 1285

Main Features • Fan cooling system • Inside evaporator • Heavy-duty compressor • EcoEnergy system • Hot air blowing • Self evaporation • 4 moveable strong shelves Technical Features • Gross capacity : 350 Liters • Power : 225 W

• 615 x 590 x 1985 mm

Showcase Cooler

SC 1351

Main Features • Fan cooling system • Frost free technology • Heavy-duty compressor • EcoEnergy system • Hot air blowing • Self evaporation • 5 moveable strong shelves Technical Features • Gross capacity : 430 Liters • Power : 430 W

• 606 x 620 x 2000 mm

Showcase Cooler

SC 1431 L

Main Features • Fan cooling system • Inside evaporator • Heavy-duty compressor • EcoEnergy system • Hot air blowing • Self evaporation • 4 moveable strong shelves Technical Features • Gross capacity : 300 Liters • Power : 225 W

• 615 x 595 x 1800 mm

Showcase Cooler

SC 1301

Main Features • Fan cooling system • Inside evaporator • Heavy-duty compressor • EcoEnergy system • Hot air blowing • Self evaporation • 4 moveable strong shelves Technical Features • Gross capacity : 280 Liters • Power : 210 W

• 575 x 595 x 1800 mm

Showcase Cooler

SC 1281

Main Features • Fan cooling system • Inside evaporator • Heavy-duty compressor • EcoEnergy system • Hot air blowing • Self evaporation • 4 moveable strong shelves Technical Features • Gross capacity : 260 Liters • Power : 200 W

• 540 x 520 x 1750 mm

Showcase Cooler

SC 1260

Main Features • Fan cooling system • Inside evaporator • Heavy-duty compressor • EcoEnergy system • Hot air blowing • Self evaporation • 4 moveable strong shelves Technical Features • Gross capacity : 200 Liters • Power : 200 W

• 540 x 520 x 1570 mm

Showcase Cooler

SC 1200


Ventilated Cooling System


pembekuan lebih cepat dan menjaga

suhu lebih stabil, serta udara dingin

tersebar merata.


Dilengkapi sistem pencairan es

secara otomatis untuk mencegah

penumpukan bunga es tanpa harus

melakukan proses pembersihan

secara manual.


Pintu dapat menutup secara

otomatis untuk mencegah udara

dingin terbuang keluar dalam waktu

yang lama.


Applied in : CC Series, CF Series, UC Series, UF Series, CG Series, CU Series, CN Series, PZ Series, SR Series, BZ Series

Applied in : CC Series, CF Series, UC Series, UF Series, CG Series, CU Series, CN Series, PZ Series, SR Series, BZ Series

Applied in : CC Series, CF Series, UC Series, UF Series, CG Series, CU Series CN Series, PZ Series, SR Series, BZ Series

Applied in : CC Series, CF Series, UC Series, UF Series, CG Series, CU Series CN Series, PZ Series, SR Series, BZ Series

Dilengkapi ruang penempatan

kompresor yang dapat digeser untuk

memudahkan proses perawatan

kompresor secara berkala.


Menggunakan material food grade stainless steel jenis 304 yang kuat, tahan karat serta aman untuk bahan makanan yang tersimpan didalamnya.

Suhu refrigerator dapat langsung terpantau pada layar panel agar memudahkan dalam pengaturan sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

Tidak akan timbul genangan air di bawah refrigerator berkat sistem Self Evaporation yang mampu memanaskan air sisa defrost sehingga air dapat langsung menguap.

Menggunakan kompresor profesional dengan merek EMBRACO dan SECOP yang berkualitas prima untuk menghasilkan kinerja refrigerator handal dengan suhu dingin yang stabil.

Gasket pintu dapat dengan mudah dilepas untuk proses perawatan dan pembersihan berkala guna mencegah timbulnya kotoran dan bakteri di area pintu dan gasket.

Terdapat teknologi Smart Sensor guna mengatur kinerja kompresor sesuai isi refrigerator sehingga konsumsi energi lebih efisien.

Dengan stiring system membuat minuman tetap tercampur rata tanpa ada penggumpalan didalam Dispenser.



Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system • Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304

• Electronic thermostat • Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 2 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 465 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1795 x 700 x 860 mm • Internal : 1230 x 580 x 560 mm

Counter Chiller - CC 3221

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system • Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304

• Electronic thermostat • Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 1 piece removable shelve • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 314 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1360 x 700 x 860 mm • Internal : 795 x 580 x 560 mm

Counter Chiller - CC 2121

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system • Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304

• Electronic thermostat • Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 3 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 465 Liters • Temperature : -10 ~ - 20ºC • Power : 750 W • Product : 1795 x 700 x 860 mm • Internal : 1230 x 580 x 560 mm

Counter Freezer - CF 3180

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system • Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304

• Electronic thermostat • Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 3 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 465 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1795 x 700 x 860 mm • Internal : 1230 x 580 x 560 mm

Counter Chiller - CC 3180

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system • Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304

• Electronic thermostat • Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 2 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 314 Liters • Temperature : -10 ~ - 20ºC • Power : 750 W • Product : 1360 x 700 x 860 mm • Internal : 795 x 580 x 560 mm

Counter Freezer - CF 2130

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system • Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304

• Electronic thermostat • Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 2 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 314 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1360 x 700 x 860 mm • Internal : 795 x 580 x 560 mm

Counter Chiller - CC 2130

*Khusus CC & CU Series posisi pintu dan drawer dapat diubah sesuai kebutuhan C O U N T E R F R E E Z E R & C H I L L E R


Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 2 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 465 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1795 x 700 x 860 mm • Internal : 1230 x 580 x 560 mm

Counter Chiller - CC 3231

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 1 piece removable shelve • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 314 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1360 x 700 x 860 mm • Internal : 795 x 580 x 560 mm

Counter Chiller - CC 2131

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 1 piece removable shelve • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 465 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1795 x 700 x 860 mm • Internal : 1230 x 580 x 560 mm

Counter Chiller - CC 3141

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Replaceable magnetic gasket • Self evaporation Technical Features • Capacity : 314 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1360 x 700 x 860 mm • Internal : 795 x 580 x 560 mm

Counter Chiller - CC 2041

*Khusus CC & CU Series posisi pintu dan drawer dapat diubah sesuai kebutuhan C O U N T E R C H I L L E R



Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 3 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 317 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1795 x 700 x 650 mm • Internal : 1230 x 580 x 340 mm

Under Counter Chiller - CU 3300

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 2 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 214 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1360 x 700 x 650 mm • Internal : 795 x 580 x 340 mm

Under Counter Chiller - CU 2200

*Khusus CC & CU Series posisi pintu dan drawer dapat diubah sesuai kebutuhan G L A S S D O O R C O U N T E R C H I L L E R

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 3 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 465 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1795 x 700 x 860 mm • Internal : 1230 x 580 x 560 mm

Glass Door Counter Chiller - CG 3180

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 2 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 314 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1360 x 700 x 860 mm • Internal : 795 x 580 x 560 mm


Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Replaceable magnetic gasket • Self evaporation Technical Features • Capacity : 317 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1795 x 700 x 650 mm • Internal : 1230 x 580 x 340 mm

Under Counter Chiller - CU 3001DC

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Replaceable magnetic gasket • Self evaporation Technical Features • Capacity : 214 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1360 x 700 x 650 mm • Internal : 795 x 580 x 340 mm

Under Counter Chiller - CU 2001DB

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Replaceable magnetic gasket • Self evaporation Technical Features • Capacity : 317 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1795 x 700 x 650 mm • Internal : 1230 x 580 x 340 mm

Under Counter Chiller - CU 3061

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Replaceable magnetic gasket • Self evaporation Technical Features • Capacity : 214 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1360 x 700 x 650 mm • Internal : 795 x 580 x 340 mm

Under Counter Chiller - CU 2041

*Khusus CC & CU Series posisi pintu dan drawer dapat diubah sesuai kebutuhan U N D E R C O U N T E R C H I L L E R


Main Features • Marble top

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 2 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 428 Liters • Temperature : +2 ~ +8ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 2025 x 800 x 1000 mm • Internal : 945 x 680 x 560 mm

Pizza Counter - PZ 3270

Main Features • Marble top

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 1 piece removable shelve • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 221 Liters • Temperature : +2 ~ +8ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1510 x 800 x 1000 mm • Internal : 435 x 680 x 560 mm

Pizza Counter - PZ 2170

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 2 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket • Interior lamp Technical Features • Capacity : 260 Liters • Temperature : +2 ~ +8ºC • Power : 350 W • Product :1360 x 600 x 860 mm • Internal : 795 x 480 x 560 mm

Snack Counter Chiller - CN 2200GD

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 3 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket • Interior lamp Technical Features • Capacity : 386 Liters • Temperature : +2 ~ +8ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1795 x 600 x 860 mm • Internal : 1230 x 480 x 560 mm

Snack Counter Chiller - CN 3300GD


Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 6 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 1173 Liters • Temperature : -10 ~ -20 ºC • Power : 900 W • Product dimension : 1340 x 845 x 2000 mm • Internal dimension : 1220 x 570 x 1380 mm

Stainless Steel Upright Freezer - UF 4130M

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 6 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 1173 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10 ºC • Power : 700 W

• Product dimension : 1340 x 845 x 2000 mm

Stainless Steel Upright Chiller - UC 4130M

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 3 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 537 Liters • Temperature : -10 ~ -20 ºC • Power : 600 W • Product dimension : 680 x 845 x 2000 mm • Internal dimension : 560 x 570 x 1380 mm

Stainless Steel Upright Freezer - UF 2070M

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Round internal edge for easy cleaning

• Electronic thermostat • Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 3 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 537 Liters • Temperature : -2 ~ +10ºC • Power : 350 W

Stainless Steel Upright Chiller - UC 2070M

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 2 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 302 Liters • Temperature : +2 ~ +8ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 1045 x 700 x 870 mm • Internal : 975 x 595 x 456 mm

Saladette Range - SR 2200

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system

• Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 2 pieces removable shelves • Replaceable magnetic gasket Technical Features • Capacity : 257 Liters • Temperature : +2 ~ +8ºC • Power : 350 W • Product : 903 x 700 x 870 mm • Internal : 830 x 595 x 456 mm

Saladette Range - SR 2201

S A L A D E T T E R A N G E U P R I G H T F R E E Z E R & C H I L L E R


Main Features

• Cold drink dispenser • Electric

Technical Features

• Volume : 3 x 12 liters • Refrigerating rate : 370 W • Refrigerating temperature : 8~10ºC • Product : 610 x 470 x 690 mm • Weight : 38 kg

Cold Drink Dispenser - CP 4300C

Main Features

• Cold drink dispenser • Electric

Technical Features

• Volume : 2 x 12 liters • Refrigerating rate : 350 W • Refrigerating temperature : 8~10ºC • Product : 410 x 470 x 690 mm • Weight : 30.5 kg

Cold Drink Dispenser - CP 4200C

Main Features

• Topping pizza display with flat glass cover • Structure in stainless steel 304

• Electronic thermostat

• Digital LED temperature display

Technical Features

• Capacity : 1/4 GN x 7 space of pans (PT 1500) • Capacity : 1/3 GN x 5 space of pans (PT 1501)

1/2 GN x 1 space of pans (PT 1501) • Temperature : +2 ~ +8ºC

• Power : 350 W

• 1500 x 335 x 435 mm - PT 1500 • 1500 x 395 x 435 mm - PT 1501

Pizza Topping Displayer - PT 1500

Pizza Topping Displayer - PT 1501

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system • Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304

• Electronic thermostat • Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 14 pairs pan support GN 1/1 (400 x 600 mm)*

• Replaceable magnetic gasket

* Pan / trays are not included

Blast Chiller & Freezer - BZ 1014

Technical Features • Capacity : 494 Liters • Power : 2500 W • Blast Chillers : +70ºC to +3ºC in 90 minutes • Shock Freezers : +70ºC to -18ºC in 240 minutes • Product : 800 x 815 x 2170 mm

* Pan / trays are not included

Blast Chiller & Freezer - BZ 1010

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system • Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat • Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 10 pairs pan support GN 1/1 (400 x 600 mm)*

• Replaceable magnetic gasket

Technical Features • Capacity : 368 Liters • Power : 1300 W • Blast Chillers : +70ºC to +3ºC in 90 minutes • Shock Freezer : +70ºC to -18ºC in 240 minutes • Product : 800 x 815 x 1645 mm

Blast Chiller & Freezer - BZ 1005

Main Features

• Ventilated cooling system • Interior and exterior structure in stainless steel 304 • Electronic thermostat • Digital LED temperature display • Self-closing door

• 5 pairs pan support GN 1/1 (400 x 600 mm)*

• Replaceable magnetic gasket

Technical Features • Capacity : 169 Liters • Power : 800 W • Blast Chillers : +70ºC to +3ºC in 90 minutes • Shock Freezer : +70ºC to -18ºC in 240 minutes • Product : 800 x 815 x 1015 mm B L A S T C H I L L E R & F R E E Z E R P I Z Z A T O P P I N G D I S P L A Y E R & C O L D D R I N K D I S P E N S E R



extra nozzle

memungkinkan pilihan gas

menggunakan LPG ataupun LNG.


Applied in : GR Series, CT Series, GT Series, FT Series, FD Series, PM Series, SP 4510G, SA 5810G

Applied in : GR Series, CT Series, GT Series, FT Series, FD Series PM Series, FF Series, SL Series , TC 1800E, OS 2040E, SP 4510G, SA 5810G, EM 6410G

Applied in : GR Series, CT Series, GT Series, FT Series, FD Series, SP 5410G, SA 5810G, EM 6410S, PM 6620S

Applied in : GR Series, CT Series, GT Series, FT Series, FD Series, FF Series, SA Series, PM Series, SP 5410G, EM 6410S, OS 2040E, TC 1800E

Dilengkapi sistem pengaturan panas

kompor yang dapat disesuaikan

dengan kebutuhan.


Ditunjang fungsi pengaturan

ketinggian unit membuat lebih

mudah dioperasikan.


Dengan bermaterialkan



di seluruh permukaan unit

menciptakan tampilan lebih mewah

serta kuat dan tahan lama dalam



Sensor pendeteksi panas sebagai perangkat pengaman gas di setiap tungku yang akan menutup aliran gas jika api pada tungku tiba-tiba padam.

Dengan api pilot yang terintegrasi dengan burner memudahkan pengguna dalam memasak

Dengan dua lingkar api (luar dan dalam) di mana masing-masing besarnya api dapat diatur sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

Jarak pemanas dapat diatur ketinggiannya sesuai dengan kebutuhan proses pemanasan.

Potongan daging dapat diukur ketebalannya sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang diinginkan.



G A S G R I L L T O P & G A S F R Y T O P Main Features • LPG or NG • Stainless steel • 3 burners • Lava rock Technical Features • Burner power : 75.000 BTU/hr • Product : 900 x 660 x 400 mm

Gas Char - Grill Top - GT 6930GC

Gas Grill Top - GT 6620GC

Main Features • LPG or NG • Stainless steel • 2 burners • Lava rock Technical Features • Burner power : 50.000 BTU/hr • Product : 600 x 660 x 400 mm Main Features • LPG or NG • Stainless steel • 3 burners Technical Features • Burner power : 75.000 BTU/hr • Product : 900 x 660 x 400 mm

Gas Fry Top - FT 6930G

Gas Fry Top - FT 6620G

Main Features • LPG or NG • Stainless steel

• 2 burners

Technical Features • Burner power : 50.000 BTU/hr • Product : 600 x 660 x 400 mm B U R N E R G A S R A N G E W I T H O V E N Main Features • LPG or NG • Stainless steel • 6 Burners Technical Features

• Burner power : 3 x 3.5 + 3 x 4.5 kW / BTU • Gas oven power : 5.8 kW/BTU

• Oven temperature : 120 - 330ºC • LPG Pressure : 2800 - 3700 Pa • LPG Consumption : 2.57 Kg/h • NG Pressure : 2000 - 2500 Pa • NG Consumption : 3.45 m3/h • Product : 1050 x 700 x (850+70) mm • Oven chamber : 560 x 600 x 270 mm

6 Burner Gas Range with Oven - GR 7060GO

Main Features • LPG or NG • Stainless steel • 4 Burners Technical Features

• Burner power : 2 x 3.5 + 2 x 4.5 kW / BTU • Gas oven power : 5.8 kW/BTU

• Oven temperature : 120 - 330º • LPG Pressure: 2800 - 3700 Pa • LPG Consumption : 1.54 Kg/h • NG Pressure : 2000 - 2500 Pa • NG Consumption : 2.07 m3/h • Product : 700 x 700 x (850+70) mm • Oven chamber : 560 x 600 x 270 mm


B U R N E R G A S T O P & G A S S T O C K P O T Main Features • LPG or NG • Stainless steel • 6 burners Technical Features

• Burner power : 46.6/159000 kW/BTU • Product : 900 x 770 x (360+60) mm

6 Burner Gas Top - CT 7960G

2 Burner Gas Top - CT 7320G

Main Features • LPG or NG • Stainless steel

• 2 burners

Technical Features • Burner power : 15.5/53000 kW/BTU • Product : 300 x 770 x (360+60) mm Main Features • LPG or NG • Stainless steel • 4 burners Technical Features • Burner power : 25.2/86000 kW/BTU • Product : 600 x 770 x (360+60) mm

4 Burner Gas Top - CT 7640G

Main Features • Adjustable height

• LPG or NG • Stainless steel Technical Features • Burner power: 15.5/52886 (kW/BTU)

• LPG Pressure : 2800 - 3700 Pa • LPG Consumption : 0.93 Kg/h • NG Pressure : 2000 - 2500 Pa • NG Consumption : 1.11 m3/h • Product : 885 x 550 x 587 mm

Gas Salamander – SA 5810G

Main Features • Adjustable heat source distance

• Stainless steel Technical Features

• Power : 4 kW • 220 - 240 V • Product : 600 x 450 x 500 mm

Electric Salamander - SA 4640E

Oven - CO 5512E

Main Features • Electric

• Grill, Low and upper heating,

• Circular heating element with ventilation • Thermostat

• Temperature level 0 ~ 280oC • Mechanical timer 0-60 minutes • Flap door opening

• Distance between trays/grids 70 mm Technical Features

• 4 trays (2 Trays included) • 1 Motor

• Voltage : 230V~1N; 50/60Hz • Upper heating element: 1700 W • Lower heating element : 1400 W • Grill: 700 W

• Circular heating: 2500W • Product: 595 x 545 x 595 mm • Weight: 36 Kg



Main Features • Electric fryer double • Stainless steel • 2 burners, double tanks

Electric Fryer - FF 4520ED

Technical Features • Capacity : 2 x 5.5 liters • Power : 2 x 2.5 kW • Voltage : 220 - 240 V • Burner power : 2 x 2.5 kW • Product : 580 x 460 x 310 mm • Weight : 9.0 kg Main Features • Electric fryer single • Stainless steel • 2 burners, single tank

Electric Fryer - FF 4520ES

Technical Features • Capacity 11 liters • Power : 2 x 2.5 kW • Voltage : 220 - 240 V • Burner power : 5.0 kW • Product : 550 x 460 x 310 mm • Weight : 9.0 kg Main Features • Electric fryer single • Stainless steel • 1 burner, single tank

Electric Fryer - FF 4210ES

Technical Features • Capacity : 5.5 liters • Power : 2.5 kW • Voltage : 220 - 240 V • Burner power : 2.5 kW • Product : 290 x 460 x 310 mm • Weight : 4.6 kg Main Features • Gas Bains Marie • LPG or NG • Stainless steel

Gas Bains Marie - EM 6410G

Technical Features

• Height of working table : 335 mm • Working capacity of tank 6 liters • LPG Gas preesure : 2800 - 3700 Pa • LPG Gas consumption : 0.34 kg/h • NG Gas consumption : 2000 - 2500 Pa • Power : 3.7 kW /12625 BTU

• Drainage outlet size : ø1/2” • Gas inlet size : ø1/2” • Product : 400 x 650 x 475 mm • Weight : 22 kg

Main Features • Gas Pasta Cooker • LPG or NG • Stainless steel

Gas Pasta Cooker - PM 6410GS

Technical Features

• Height of working table : 335 mm • Working capacity of tank 17 liters • LPG Gas preesure : 2800 - 3700 Pa • LPG Gas consumption : 0.5 kg/h • NG Gas pressure : 2000 - 2500 Pa • NG Gas consumption : 0.6 m3/h • Power : 5.6 kW /19107 BTU • Drainage outlet size : ø1/2” • Gas inlet size : ø1/2” • Product : 400 x 650 x 475 mm • Weight : 28 kg

Main Features • Gas Pasta Cooker • LPG or NG • Stainless steel

Gas Pasta Cooker - PM 6620GS

Technical Features

• Height of working table : 335 mm • Working capacity of tank 28 liters • LPG Gas preesure : 2800 - 3700 Pa • LPG Gas consumption : 0.5 x 2 kg/h • NG Gas pressure : 2000 - 2500 Pa • NG Gas consumption : 0.6 x 2 m3/h • Power : 11.2 kW /38214 BTU • Drainage outlet size : ø1/2” • Gas inlet size : ø1/2” • Product : 600 x 650 x 475 mm • Weight : 39 kg


R I C E C O O K E R & E L E C T R I C T O A S T E R

Main Features • Gas rice cooker • LPG or NG • Die cast inner pot • Wind-proof design • Direct-fired cooking • Automatic flame out safety • Easy cleaning

Technical Features • Capacity 10 liters • Fixed hot load : 7.8 KW • Product : 530 x 480 x 450 mm • Weight : 14.7 kg

Gas Rice Cooker - CR 1001G

Main Features • Electric rice warmer • Rice warmer (50 cups)

Technical Features • Capacity 20 liters • Power 105 W • Voltage 220-240 V • Product : 480 x 410 x 400 mm • Weight 13 kg

Electric Rice Cooker - WR 1001E

Main Features • Electric toaster • Stainless steel Technical Features • Capacity : 4 slices • Power : 2.24 KW • Product : 370 x 210 x 225 mm • Weight : 5 kg

Electric Pop-up Toaster - OS 2040E

Main Features • Electric toaster • Stainless steel Technical Features • Capacity : 150 - 180 slices/h • Power : 1.34 KW • Voltage : 220 - 240 V • Product : 288 x 418 x 387 mm • Weight : 14 kg

Electric Conveyor Toaster - TC 1800E

M E A T S L I C E R & G R I N D E R Main Features • Meat slicer • Electric • Stainless steel Technical Features • Blade diameter : 195 mm • Power :150 W • Voltage : 220 - 240 V / 50 Hz • Weight : 10.5 kg

Meat Slicer - SL 1950E

Main Features • Meat slicer • Electric • Stainless steel Technical Features • Blade diameter : 220 mm • Power : 240 W • Voltage : 220 - 240 V / 50 Hz • Weight : 14.8 kg

Meat Slicer - SL 2200E

Main Features

• Meat slicer • Electric • Stainless steel Technical Features • Blade diameter : 300 mm • Power : 380 W • Voltage : 220 - 240 V / 50 Hz • Weight : 21.3 kg

Meat Slicer - SL 3000E

Main Features

• Meat slicer • Electric • Stainless steel Technical Features • Blade diameter : 275 mm • Power : 240 W • Voltage : 220 - 240 V / 50 Hz • Weight : 16.5 kg

Meat Slicer - SL 2750E

Main Features • Meat slicer • Electric • Stainless steel Technical Features • Blade diameter : 250 mm • Power : 240 W • Voltage : 220 - 240 V / 50 Hz • Weight : 15.2 kg

Meat Slicer - SL 2500E

Main Features

• Meat grinder • Electric • Stainless steel Technical Features • Power : 260 W • Voltage : 220 - 240 V / 50 Hz • Weight : 13.5 kg

Meat Grinder - GM 2400E


• Garansi 1 Tahun Servis & suku cadang • Garansi 3 Tahun Kompresor Tidak dijamin :

• Kerusakan kompresor karena evaporator tertusuk/tercongkel.

• Rak keranjang (basket) dan rumah kunci. Note :

• Tidak dinyalakan dalam waktu 1x12 jam setelah pengiriman.

Freezer | Showcase Cooler | Professional Cooling

• Garansi 1 Tahun Servis & suku cadang Tidak dijamin :

• Accessories berupa knob, tatakan pemanggang (iron grid).

• Kabinet/Body, handle, Sink, Hood, Meja. Note :

• Kebocoran gas yang disebabkan bukan oleh kesalahan struktur atau part dalam unit/produk adalah diluar tanggung jawab MODENA.

Professional Cooking


kitchen equipments



Same Day Service

Kunjungan teknisi ke rumah Anda dapat dilakukan di hari yang sama saat Anda menghubungi sentra servis MODENA, sesuai dengan jadwal yang disepakati bersama.

Service Contract

Teknisi akan melakukan kunjungan rutin ke rumah konsumen secara berkala untuk perawatan unit MODENA.

Free Installation

Gratis instalasi unit untuk kategori produk tertentu (cooker hood, kompor tanam, kompor freestanding dan oven tanam). Dengan syarat telah tersedia tempat serta fasilitas pendukung seperti cut out area pemasangan untuk kompor dan oven tanam.

Nationwide Coverage

Dengan lebih dari 60 sentra servis yang tersebar di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, memberikan kemudahan bagi konsumen untuk menjangkau MODENA Service Center dan Authorized Service Center saat dibutuhkan.

Online Self Service

Jika terdapat pertanyaan atau masukan lain yang ingin disampaikan kepada customer service MODENA, dapat dikirim melalui website atau email ke customercare@modena.co.id.

Accesories & Product Support

Aksesoris premium lengkap tersedia untuk produk kompor, water heater dan mesin cuci.

Shop Online

Kemudahan berbelanja juga dihadirkan secara online di www.modena.co.id. Hanya dengan sekali klik, produk MODENA idaman menjadi milik Anda.

Weekend Service

Di akhir pekan teknisi tetap dapat melakukan kunjungan untuk perbaikan dan perawatan produk MODENA di rumah Anda, sesuai dengan jadwal yang disepakati bersama.

Spesifikasi dan gambar produk dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu


MODENA Indonesia Culinaria MODENA

MODENA Indonesia

@MODENAindonesia MODENAindonesia






Jln. Prof. Dr. Satrio C-4 No.13, Jakarta 12950, Indonesia Email : customercare@modena.co.id

Whatsapp : 08151.15.007.15 SHOWROOM :

• Jln. Prof. Dr. Satrio C-4 No.13 Jakarta 12950, Indonesia. • Jln. Senopati No. 70 Jakarta 12110, Indonesia.


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