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Histamine Levels in Repeated Thawing Beef | Nurliana | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter 5990 12368 1 SM


Academic year: 2017

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Proceeding s of Th e 5th

Facult y of Vet er inar y Medicine, Syiah Kuala Univ er sit y , Dar ussalam , Banda Aceh 23111,

I ndonesia

carbohydrates, organic salts, subst ances dissolved nitrogen, m inerals and vit am ins ( Afiat i, 2009) .

Beef has a lot of benefit s as nut rit ional value, especially protein. Fut herm ore it could being lost if handled inappropriately because beef is an excellent m edium for t he grow t h of m icrobes, especially bact eria. The existence of bacteria in beef t hat oft en cause dam age and can even lead t o t he source of t he disease in hum ans. Bact erial contam inated beef t rhroughout cat t le life and since slaught ered, t he process of preparing carcass unt il t he beef w ill be consum ed ( Boediono et al., 2012) .

Ent erobact er spp., Microbacterium test aceum , Brevibacterium m cbrellneri, Diversus Micrococcus, St aphylococcus spp ( Heruw at i et al., 2008) .

Histam ine is a biogenic am ine compound produced from decarboxylation of free histidine (α- am ine-β -propionic acid inidosal) ( Lehane and Olley, 1999). This com pound is an im port ant m ediator of im m ediate t ype allergic react ions ( im m ediate) . Allergic react io by hist am ine has different effect s based on receptor binding sit es. I n the skin, histam ine causes dilat ion and perm eabilit y of capillaries w hich cause redness, burning sensat ion, it ching and sw elling. I n the heart , hist am ine w ill increase heart rat e. I n t he respiratory syst em , histam ine causes bronchocont ricsion ( increase of bronchus cont ract ion) , so it is very significant in pat ient s w it h bronchial ast hm a. I n t he digest ive system hist am ine w ill increase gast ric acid secret ion and int est inal peristalt ic w hich causes vom it ing and diarrhea, ot her effect s caused by hist am ine are increase secret ion gland of saliva, pancreas, bronchus and tear but generally t hese effect are weak and not fixed ( Syarif et al., 2011) .

Histam ine form at ion process w as influenced by presence of L - Hist idine Decarboxylase (HDC) ( Bennour et al., 1991) . Hum an body has effect ive system t o det oxify t oxins in t he digest ive t ract. Monoam ine oxidase, diam ine oxidase and hist am ine N - m et hylt ransferase are digest ive enzym e which


Proceeding s of Th e 5th t hree weeks, respect ively. Thaw ing conducted at t em perat ure of 6º C in refrigerat or unt il t he ent ire ice m elt for 270 m inutes w ith a perm anent packaging. Hist idine Decarboxylase) inact ivat ed t o produce t he hist am ine, so it could reduced or st opped.


Proceeding s of Th e 5th Ent erobact er, one of a fam ily of Gram negat ive psychrot rophic.

Fig u r e 1 . Graph hist am ine levels aft er test ed ELI SA t his st uat ions bacteria w ill grow faster in denat urated protein m edium .

processing. Jur nal Penelit ian Perikanan I ndonesia. 1: 117– 123.


Proceeding s of Th e 5th

Annu al I nt er nat ional Conf er ence Syiah Kuala Universit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2 01 5 I n conj unct ion w it h The 8th

I n t ern at ion al Con feren ce of Ch em ical Eng ineering o n Science and Applicat ions ( Ch ESA) 2 0 15 Sept em ber 9 - 1 1, 2 01 5, Banda Aceh, I ndon esia

Maaniaan. 2009. The qualit y of frozen m eat . Balai Penelit ian Ternak , Bogor.

Mat ulessy D.N. , Sury ant o, E., Rusm an. ( 201 0) . Ev aluat ion of phy sical charact erist ic, chem ical com posit ion and m icrobial qualit y of broiler carcass frozen in t he t radit ional m ark et nort h Halm ahera dist rict , Nort h Maluk u. Bulet in Pet ernakan. 34: 1 78- 18 5.

Nurw ant oro, V.P., Bint oro, Legow o, A.M., Purn om oadi, A., Am bara, L. D., Prok oso, A., Muly ani, S. ( 201 2) . pH, w at er, Escherich ia coli assesm en t of beef m arinat ed in garlic j uice. Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan. 1: 20- 22.

Safit ra A.G., Put ra. A.B.K. ( 2013) . St udies of v ariat ion in ev aporat or cooling load low st age cascade refrigerat ion sy st em using a con cent ric t ube t y pe heat ex changer w it h t he refrigerant w ork ing fluid in t he high st age of m usicool- 22 and low st age of r- 404a. Jurnal Teknik Pom it s. 2: 95 - 100.

Sury aningsih, L. ( 2010) . St udies of v arous t haw ing m et h ods t o t enderness, w at er holding capacit y and cook ing lost of shrink part of beef.. 2nd Nat ional Sem inar on Anim al Hunbandry Facult y " Pr oduct ion Sy st em s based on local Ecosy st em . Bandung.

Sy arif, A., Est uningt y as, A., Set iaw at i, A., Mu cht ar, Ar if,A., Bahry ,A., Suy at na, B., Dew ot o, F.D., Ut am a,H.R. , Darm an sj ah ,H., Wiria, I ., Nafrialdi,M.S.S., Wilm ana, Ascobat P.F., Set iabudy , P., Sunary o,R. , Wardhini, R., Suher m an, S. , ,S.K. Ganisw arna,S.G., Arozal, V.H.S., Mar iana, W., I st iant or o, Y. , Sadik in, Y.H. , Louisa, Z.D., Ely sabet h. M. ( 20 11) . Far m acology and dan Therapy . FKUI press, Jak art a.

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Table 1 . Histamine levels (ppm) in beef after repeated thawing
Figure 1 . Graph histamine levels after tested ELISA


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