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Effect of Organic Matters And Water Stress On Performance of Rice in Vegetative Phase | Ichsan | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter 5851 11977 1 PB


Academic year: 2017

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Effe ct of Or ga n ic M a t t e r s An d W a t e r St r e ss On

Pe r for m a n ce of Rice in Ve ge t a t iv e Ph a se


* Cut Nur I chsan,


Erida Nurahm i,


Okt rya Rochm ad,


Bakht iar,






Depart m ent of Agrot echnology, Facult y of Agricult ure, Syiah Kuala Universit y, Darussalam ,

Banda Aceh 23111, I ndonesia;

* Corresponding Aut hor

: cut _nurichsan@unsyiah.ac.id

Abst r a ct

Drought becom e a m aj or lim it ing fact or in w orld cereal prod uct ion. Various m et hods are used t o solv e t his problem such as irrigat ion m anagem ent by m anaging t he soil m oist ure effect iv ely for t he plant s t o grow norm ally . Anot her w ay t o im prov e t h e w at er holding capacit y w it h t he addit ion of organic m at t er in soil. Anot her w ay by plant ing drought t olerant rice v ariet ies. Drought - t olerant rice v ariet ies lik e I npago 8 w it h v arious doses of organic m at t er and w at er st ress at v eget at iv e phase t reat m ent done t o analy ze t he change of rice plant perfor m ance at t he v eget at iv e phase of t he rice crop due t o drought and organic m at t er dose. At v ery low w at er cont ent , w h ich happened repeat edly during t he v eget at iv e phase causes t he change in root grow t h, plant height , lengt h and w idt h of rice leaf significant ly .

Ke y w or ds: Organic Mat t er, w at er st ress, rice, v eget at iv e

I n t r od u ct ion

The effect of global warm ing need t o be addressed urgent ly t o alleviate t he negat ive im pact s that could be caused low product ion of m aj or crops in t he world ( I PPC, 2007) . Cereal crops such as rice are very sensit ive t o wat er short ages. Product ion of rice in dry season in Aceh was 5.4 t on/ ha for rice field and 2.4 ton/ ha for upland rice field ( BPS, 2014). Because t his plant is basically a plant t hat grows in watery condit ions. To resolve this issue, water m anagem ent required to deliver wat er to t he boundary t hat allows t he plant t o grow norm ally ( De Dat ta, 1981) .

For a plant to grow norm ally requires to im prove soil m oist ure in plant root ing m edium by adding organic m at ter to increase t he water holding capacity of t he soil. The addit ion of organic m att er can provide benefits of im provem ent in physical, chem ical and biological fert ilit y of soil. Physical im provem ents such as water- holding capacit y due t o organic m at ter funct ion in changing the soil st ruct ure. Porosit y is expected t o m inim ize t he effect s of drought t hat happens frequent ly in t he last decade. I t is necessary for adapt ive cropping pat terns t o m it igat e drought effect in rice cult ivat ion.

M a t e r ia ls a nd M e t h ods Pr oce d ur e

This research was conducted at plast ic green house at BPPT Lam pineung in Syiah Kuala dist rict with daily t em perat ure of 28° C up to34 ° C , from January t o April 2014. The st udy was conduct ed in a random ized block design wit h a 4x4 fact orial wit h 3 replicat ions. The t reat m ent fact or were wat er st ress and organic m at ter consist ing of four levels equall t o 0, 20, 30, 60 tons per hect are. While water st ress consist s of four levels which are well wat ering every day, st op watering unt il t he leaves roll up t o form a shallow V, deeply V rolled leaf, and form ing a shallow U rolled leaf,and t hen cont inue watering. Assessm ent of rolled leaf based on evaluat ion score of rolled leaf effect of drought ( I RRI , 2002) .

Each polybag filled wit h 10 kg of soil. Organic m at t er used for t he t reatm ent was rice st raw com post . urea fert ilizer equivalent t o 200 kg per hect are, SP36, 150 kg per hect are, KCl 50 kg per hectare. The param eters observed in rice vegetat ive phase, were plant height , leaf lengt h, leaf widt h, num ber of t illers, weight of root and root volum e. Plant height is m easured from t he ground t o t he t ip of t he highest leaf clum ps of plant s. Leaf widt h m easured at t he center of t he leaves on t he sam e leaves t hat have been m arked. Weight root weighed at t he age of 60 days aft er the root s are washed clean and wipe with a dry t issue. Root volum e is m easured by wat er replacem ent m et hod ( I RRI 2012).

D a t a An a lysis

Analysis ovarian used t o see t he effect of organic m at t er and water st ress ( F t est ) . The significance in level of t he t reat m ent analyses wit h t his significant difference ( LSD 0.05)

Resu lts a nd D iscussion


Tabel 1. Effect of organic m at t ers on t he perform ance of t h e rice plant s at v eget at iv e phase

No Param et er Dose Treat m ent of Organic m at t ers ( T/ ha)

0 20 30 60 LSD


1 Plant height 15 DAP ( cm ) 28,67 b 31,67 c 29,08 b 24,00 a 0,92

2 Plant height 30 DAP ( cm ) 46,25 b 55,75 c 46,00 b 31,50 a 1,35

3 Plant height 45 DAP ( cm ) 63,00 c 73,25 d 61,00 b 54,92 a 1,98

4 Plant height 60 DAP ( cm ) 79,75 b 99,45 c 83,20 b 74,53 a 2,78

5 Num ber of t illers 15 DAP ( perhill) 1,42 a 2,00 c 1,42 a 1,58 b 0,11 6 Num ber of t illers 30 DAP ( perhill) 5,25 a 8,00 c 6,17 b 5,72 a 0,30 7 Num ber of t illers 45 DAP ( perhill) 10,58 b 15,25 b 11,33 c 8,58 a 0,54 8 Num ber of t illers 60 DAP ( perhill) 20,92 b 22,58 c 21,08 b 17,50 a 0,92

9 leaf lengt h 30 DAP ( cm ) 14,42 c 17,75 d 12,42 b 10,08 a 0,64

10 leaf lengt h 45 DAP ( cm ) 22,25 c 27,92 d 20,75 b 14,42 1,08

11 leaf lengt h 60 DAP ( cm ) 34,00 b 43,33 b 36,08 c 25,00 a 1,66

12 leaf lengt h 30 DAP ( cm ) 0,57 b 0,63 d 0,60 c 0,53 a 0,01

13 leaf w idt h 45 DAP ( cm ) 0,84 a 1,02 c 0,95 b 0,81 a 0,05

14 leaf w idt h 60 DAP ( cm ) 1,36 b 1,50 d 1,44 c 1,18 a 0,05

15 Root w eight ( g) 29,08 a 76,58 d 43,88 b 51,69 c 1,82

16 Root v olum e ( cm3) 63,33 a 120,83 d 79,17 b 84,17 c 3,40

Tabel 2. Effect of int erv al w at ering of t he appearance of t he rice plant s in t he v eget at iv e phase

No Param et er Wat er St ress t reat m ent

S0 S1 S2 S3 LSD


1 leaf lengt h 30 DAP ( cm ) 14,46 c 13,67 b 12,25 a 12,67 a 0,64

2 leaf lengt h 45 DAP ( cm ) 22,87 c 19,17 a 19,50 a 21,25 b 1,08

3 leaf lengt h 60 DAP ( cm ) 36,95 b 33,08 a 33,49 a 34,33 a 1,66

4 leaf w idt h 30 DAP 0,59 b 0,64 c 0,55 a 0,56 a 0,01

5 leaf w idt h 45 DAP ( cm ) 0,93 0,97 0,88 0,88 -

6 leaf w idt h 60 DAP ( cm ) 1,42 1,45 1,33 1,37 -

7 Root w eight 60 DAP ( g) 51,06 c 52,23 d 47,66 b 30,78 a 1,82

8 Root v olum e 60 DAP ( cm3) 89,49 c 88,33 c 82,50 b 70,90 a 3,40

I nt eract ion bet ween doses of organic m at ter and wat er st ress on t he appearance of t he rice plants veget at ive phase.

Tabel 3. Av erage lengt h of rice leaf ( cm ) age 30 DAP due t o t he dosage of organic m at t er and w at er st ress.


Dose of Organic

Mat t er

( T/ ha)

Wat er St ress t reat m ent

S1 S2 S3 S4

1. 0 18,33 Cd 13,33 Bb 10,00 Aa 16,00 Dc

2. 20 24,33 Dc 17,67 Db 17,67 Db 11,33 Ba

3. 30 12,00 Bb 14,00 Cd 10,33 Ba 13,33 Cc

4. 60 9,67 Aa 9,67 Aa 11,00 Cc 10,00 Ab

BNT 0, 05 0,16


on t he num ber of t illers at the age of 15, 30, 45, 60 days aft er plant ing ( DAP) , leaf lengt h, leaf widt h, weight of roots and root volum e. But increasing organic m at ter from 20 t o 30 tons per hectare decreased plant height , num ber of t illers, leaf lengt h, leaf widt h, root weight and volum e of root s t hat are generally lower and significant ly different wit h all average value of param eter in t he t reat m ent of 20 t ons per hect are. But higher and significant ly different wit h t reat m ent wit hout the addit ion of organic m at ter.

The addit ion of organic m at ter equivalent t o 60 t on/ hect are decrease plant height , num ber of t illers, leaf length, lengt h widt h. But for root weight and root volum e was higher and significant ly different com pared t o the weight of t he root and root volum e wit hout organic m at ter t reat m ent. This showed t hat organic m att er up t o 20 t ons/ hectare gives a bet ter effect on t he perform ance of rice plants at t he vegetat ive phase. This is because the nature of organic m at ters t hat can affect t he availabilit y of water during t he dry season but in excessive doses, it will adversely affect the physical propert ies of t he soil, especially lack of oxygen which causes low act ivit y of root s.

Table 2 shows t he changes in t he perform ance of t he rice plant s in t he veget at ive phase due t o water st ress which is done by st opping t he water unt il t he plants show sym pt om s of water shortage wit h changes in leaf form in t he shallow V, deeply V rolled leaf and u rolled leaf form . Treat m ent of wat er st ress causes a decrease in leaf lengt h, leaf width, root weight and root volum e significant ly. This is because t he wat er st ress causing various dist urbances in t he m etabolism of plants t hat cause changes in t he form at ion and part it ion fot osint at ( Taiz and Zeiger, 2002).sim ilarly reported by Lisar et al ( 2014) in water st ress condit ion plant cell produce varios com pat ible com pound t o keep hom eostasis in plant cell.

Tables 3, 4.5, 6, 7 shows t he interact ion bet ween doses of organic m at ter in t he plant ing m edium with water st ress on leaf lengt h ages 30, 45, 60 days after plant ing and root weight and volum e of rice root age 60 DAP. I ncrease in organic m att er up to 20 t ons per hectare increase t he length of leaves com pared t o t reatm ent wit hout water st ress. But the dose of organic m at ter 30 t o 60 t onnes / hect are decline in leaf lengt h of rice plant s than well watered.

Organic m at t er equals to 20 t ons / ha increase t he lengt h of t he leaf at t he age of 30.45, 60 DAP com pared wit h t he length of the leaves on the sam e water st ress but without t he organic m at ter t reat m ent. Whereas if wat er st ress im proved by st opping watering unt il leaf rolled form ing deep V has longer leaf at age of 30, 45, 60 DAP at 20 tons of organic m at t er per hectare. I t com pared to average value of length leaf wit hout increasing organic m at ter. Sim ilarly, t he increase in st ress if followed by an increase to 60 t ons of organic m at ter per hect are leaf lengt h longer than t he lengt h of t he leaves wit hout t he addit ion of organic m at ter. Sim ilar result were observed Rajasekaran et al., ( 2015) by observing Organic m at ter affect ing t he root lengt h, shoot lengt h, weight wet and dry weight rice seedlings. And also observed by Bagayoko ( 2012) by observing the addit ion of organic m at ter t o the soil up t o 15 ton/ ha can increase t he num ber of seedlings of rice plant height

I ncreased water st ress can reduced wit h increasing doses organic m at ter t he growing m edium . This is due t o t he high levels of organic m att er in t he root zone is st ill m ore m oist urized than without organic m at ter. The highes of Root volum e and root weight is in the t reatm ent of organic m at t er of 20 t ons/ hect are wit h water st ress t reatm ent by st opping watering unt il t he leaves roll form ing deeply v. This is because t he soil m oisture were bet ter wit h t he addit ion of 20 tons of organic m at ter per hect are whereas if organic m att er increased 30 t o 60 t ons/ hect are decrease in volum e and weight of rice root. Sim ilarly report ed by Suardi ( 2002) in wat er st ress condit ion rice root weight is higher in drought t olerant variet y. This is because when the wat er deficit occur also m ake im balance of wat er in plant cells ( Taiz and Zeiger, 2002) . Wat er st ress in plant change biochem ist ry propert ies of the plant ( Zhou and Yu, 2010) .m any com pat ible com pounds are synt hesized by enzym es in wáter st ress conidit ion ( Lam bers et al., 2008) .sim ilarly report ed by Reddilas ( 2011) in water st ress condit ion the rice plant produce m ore t rihalosa as osm oprotectant. Physiological disorder that occur when the rice plants in water st ress, also decreased relat ive wat er cont ent in leafs ( Sikuku et al, 2012).


Con clusions

There is change of perform ance at vegetat ive phase of rice plant s under water st ress condit ions which can be reduced by increasing dose of organic m at t er in t he plant ing m edium . The addit ion of organic m at ter equivalent to 20 t onhectare gives a bet ter perform ance of rice plant at veget at ive phase.

Re fe r e n ce s

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Tabel 3. Average length of rice leaf (cm) age 30 DAP due to the dosage of organic matter and water stress
Tabel 7. The average volume of roots (cm 3) of rice at 60 DAP due to the dosage of organic matter and water stress


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