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Life Science Cover | Cover | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter 5790 11780 1 PB


Academic year: 2017

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October 2-4, 2013. AAC Dayan Dawood, Darussalam, Banda Aceh, Indonesia









ISSN : 2089-208X

AAC Dayan Dawood, Darussalam - Banda Aceh, Indonesia


ber 2-4, 2013











AAC Dayan Dawood, Darussalam - Banda Aceh, Indonesia

September 9 - 11 , 2015



Pr oce e din g of t he 5

t h

An n ua l I n t e r na t ion a l Confe re nce ( AI C) Sy ia h

Ku a la Un ive r sit y 2 0 1 5 in Conj u nct ion w it h t he 8

t h

Ch e m ica l

En gin e e r in g Scie n ce & Applica t ions ( Ch ESA)

9 - 1 1 Se pt e m be r 2 0 1 5 , Ba n da Ace h – I ndon e sia

Edit or in Ch ie f :

D r . dr h . Um m u Ba lq is, M .Si.

( Syiah Kuala Univer sit y, I ndonesia)

Ed it or s : Pr of. D r . d r h . D ar m a w i, M .Si. ( Syiah Kuala Univer sit y, I ndonesia)

Pr of. D r . I r . Sa m a d i, M .Sc.

( Syiah Kuala Univer sit y, I ndonesia)

Pr of. Rose ly n M . But a lid

( Mindanao St ate Univer sity , Philiphines)

Associat e Pr of. D r . Or orat M on gk o lp orn , Ph.D

( Kasetsar t Universit y, Thailand)

Pr of. D r . D r . h .c. Ev a m ar ie H e y- H a w k ins

( Univer sität Leipzig, Germ any)

Pr of . D r . m e d . ve t . Je an- M ich e l H at t, M Sc, D ipl ACZM , ECZM ( Av ia n )

( Univer sit y of Zu rich , Sw itzerland)

D r . Kazu ak i Sy ut sub o

( Nat ional I nstit ute for Environm ental St udies, Japan)

Pr of. D r . I r . H . H a sa n udd in , M .S.

( Syiah Kuala Univer sit y, I ndonesia)

d r h . Al Azha r , M . Ke s.

( Syiah Kuala Univer sit y, I ndonesia)


M e ssa ge f r om t he Re ct or

Assalam u’alaiku m Wr. Wb.

Ladies and gent lem en, it is an honor indeed t o open t his confer ence, t he 5t h Annual I nt er national Confer en ce ( t he 5t h AI C) in conj unct ion with t he 8 th Chem ical Engin eering on Science and Applicat ion ( the 8th ChESA) conference. On b ehalf of Syiah Kuala Universit y or Unsyiah , I would lik e to ex tend a w arm welcom e t o all par ticipant s and our speaker s w ho ar e w ith us t o m ake t his a notable and excit ing ev ent .

This year, Unsyiah com m em orates it s 53rd anniversary . As part

of t he celebration , the universit y has h eld a num ber of ev ent s, including t his in terdisciplinary confer en ce from Septem ber 9- 11, 2015 . At Unsyiah ,we em phasize the excellence in education and r esear ch, and ar e also com m it ted to innovation and t echnolog y. Today , w e ar e facing m ore challeng es in th ese spheres, t her efore, as m em bers of th e academ ic com m unity; w e have a du ty t o find innovative r esear ch solu tions for them . Hence, th is confer ence is an excellent for um for exp ert s, p rofessionals, r esearchers, and student s, to pr esent , share, and discuss th eir knowledge and experiences with all of us. As a result , it is a privilege to host you, not j ust t his year, b ut for years to com e, t o give and provide oppor tu nities t o con tr ibut e last ing and p ractical solution s to t he challenges th at confront u s fr om tim e to t im e.

This confer ence includes keynot e sp eeches, oral and post er parallel sessions on topics in th e field of sciences, life sciences, engineer ing, social sciences, and Ch ESA. We t han k our keynote and invit ed speakers for their cont ribu tion , t im e and suppor t for this conference. Heart felt app reciation g oes t o all t he au thors of th e selected pap ers for their effort and hard w or k. I also thank the organizing com m itt ee of t he confer ence for their exert ion in m ak ing t his event successfu l. I w ish t o encourag e t hem to cont inue m or e event s and ot her init iatives as w ell. To support and sustain im por tant r esear ch lin kag e for dialogu e and facilitate ideas exchange such as t his will cer tain ly g enerat e m any n ew discoveries in years t o com e.

Finally, I wish you a w onderful st ay in Banda Aceh. Please enj oy ou r univer sit y’s pleasant learning environm ent and our cit y’s app ealing offer in food and tourism . I am sur e t he com m it tee of th is confer en ce ex tends t heir warm hospitalit y t o m ak e y our brief st ay positively m em orable.

Thank you.


M e ssa ge fr om t he Ch a ir m a n

Assalam u’alaikum Wr. Wb .

I t ake t his occasion t o cordially w elcom e all par ticipants of th e 5t h Annual I n ternational Conference ( or AI C) in conj un ct ion w ith t he 8t h Chem ical Eng in eer ing on Science and Applicat ion ( or ChESA) confer ence. This confer en ce is h eld in th e heart of our cam p us, Syiah Kuala Universit y or Unsyiah, Banda Aceh, from Septem ber 9 t o Sept em b er 11, 2015 . Unsyiah, t he hom e of 12 not able facu lt ies and one school of postgr aduat e studies, is one of th e m aj or stat e u niver sit ies in I ndon esia. I t s pleasant surrou ndings in a city with rem ar kab le hist or y are a spotlight for t his cong regat ion. We are assur ed t hat t he 200 scientific part icipan ts cont ribu te t o p roductive discussions and ex changes th at im pact th e success of t his con feren ce. Participant s fr om 10 countr ies; I ndon esia, Malay sia, Thailand, Sout h Africa, Japan, Singapor e, Taiwan, Germ any, Eng land, Australia countr ies have m arked t he confer ence to be in an int ernat ional scope.

I wou ld like to expr ess m y grat itude to t he Research I nstitu te of Syiah Kuala Universit y or Lem baga Penelit ian ( Lem lit) and t he com m it tee m em bers for h elping us wit h fu ll force in organ izing t he confer ence. Th e conference and proceed ings are a cr edit t o a larg e g roup of people and everyone should be pr oud of t he out com e.Ther e are four plenary sp eak ers covering th e different ar eas of t he con ference. From science and eng in eer ing, t here is Pr of. Dr. Evam arie Hey- Haw kins from Univer sity Leipzig, Germ any. From ChESA, there is Dr. Kazuaki Syut sub o fr om t he National I nstitu te for Env iron m ental Studies ( NI ES) , Japan. From life sciences, t her e is Associate Professor Dr. Ororat Mongkolporn from Kaset sar t Universit y, Thailand. And finally fr om social sciences, t here is Professor Dr . Patrick Daly fr om Nat ional Universit y of Singapore. Their talks cover t he full range of t he conference t opics.

We are deligh ted w ith t he vast responses of 166 subm ission s from r esear chers and pract itioners. The knowledge bases t hat w e are aim ing to g enerat e on t he con ferences topics ar e overw helm ing due to t he involv em ent of t hese exp er ts from variou s fields of st udies. Th eir pap ers are published in th e proceedings t o provide perm anen t records of what has been pr esent ed. The proceeding s are divid ed into Life Scien ces, Engineering, Social Sciences, and ChESA sect ions, and th e 1 58 pap ers published h ere exhibit th e cur rent state of d evelopm en t in all asp ect s of im portant t op ics that ar e in st rum ent al t o all r esear chers in th e field. They have succeed ed in b ringing t og eth er variou s asp ects of dev elopm ent s and in novat ions in k now ledge and t ech nology t hat will benefit not only th e academ ic com m unity , bu t societ y it self.

I t is hoped t hat t his conference does not only provid e a m em ber m eet , but also offer a com m on platform for academ ia and pract ition ers t o discuss issues r elat ed t o t heir field of studies. We also w ish ev ery one a p leasant stay in Banda Aceh and hav e a taste of our best t radit ional culinary .

Thank you,


CON TEN T Seed Det eriorat ion at Different I ncubat ion Periods

Herm a Julendri ( I ndonesia) ,Halim u rsy adah ( I ndonesia) , and Hasanuddin ( I ndonesia)

29- 32


Fig Pollinat ing Wasp Tran sfers Nem at odes int o Figs of Ficusr acem osa in Sum at ra, I ndonesia

Jauharlina ( I ndonesia) , Rina Sriw at i ( I ndonesia) , Yu sm aini ( I ndonesia) , Nat sum i Kanzaki ( Japan) , St ephen Com pt on ( Sout h Africa)

33- 37


Phy siological Seed Perform ance of Local Aceh and Nat ional Release Variet y of Rice ( Ory za sat iv a L.) t o Wat er St ress

Mardhiah Hay at i ( I ndonesia) , Sabaruddin ( I ndonesia) , Efendi ( I ndonesia) , Ashabul Anhar ( I ndonesia) , Elly Kesum aw at i ( I ndonesia) , and NurKam alia ( I ndonesia)

Efendi ( I ndonesia) , Bakht iar ( I ndonesia) ,Sabaruddin Zakaria ( I ndonesia) , and Sy afruddin ( I ndonesia)

58- 62


Root s Bioassay of Upland Rice Variet ies on Sev eral Soil Moist ure Gradient s

Sy arifa May ly ( I ndonesia) , A. Rauf ( I ndonesia) , Chairani Hanum ( I ndonesia) , and

15 Colonizat ion Abilit y of Biological Cont rol Agent Tricoderm asp p on Cocoa Pod and Seedling


Mit ra Tri Annisa Lest ari ( I ndonesia)


Product ion and Phy siological Charact ers of Soy bean Variet ies Under Drought St ress w it h Applicat ion of Nit rogen Sources Risk and Chem ical Com ponent Analy sis

I sm ail Sulaim an ( I ndonesia) , MurnaMuzaifa ( I ndonesia) , Dian Hasni ( I ndonesia) , and Julius Munandar ( I ndonesia)

83- 87


Enhance t he Grout h and Flow ering of Roses ( Rosa galica L. ) Due t o Com post ed Wast e Coffee Pow der and Gibberellins Concent rat ion

Elly Kesum aw at i ( I ndonesia) , Feri Affriadi ( I ndonesia) , and Mardhiah Hay at i ( I ndonesia)

88- 91


The Effect of Biological Liquid Fert ilizer Applicat ion on t he Gr ow t h and Yield of Tw o Variet ies Maize ( Zea May s L.) Diana Sofia Hanafiah ( I ndonesia)

96- 99 and Nuhfil Hanani ( I ndonesia)

116- 119


Biocom pat ibilit y of Chit osan/ Collagen/ PVA Nanocom posit e Cont aining Calciu m Apat it e

Basuki Wir j osent ono ( I ndonesia) , M. Dim as Ekananda Daw andono ( I ndonesia) , and

I nhibit ion of Salm onella sp. Grow t h in Com parison w it h Ant ibiot ics and Pineapple ( Ananas com osus) Squeeze

Masda Adm i ( I ndonesia) , Erina ( I ndonesia) , Azhari ( I ndonesia) , Um m u Balqis ( I ndonesia) , Muham m ad Ham bal ( I ndonesia) , and Dar m aw i ( I ndonesia)

132- 135


Morphology and Parasit aem ia Dev elopm ent of Plasm odiu m berghei in Balb/ c Mice ( Musm u sculu s)

Rosnizar ( I ndonesia) ,and Kart ini Eriani ( I ndonesia)

136- 138


Toll- Lik e Recept or 3- 4 Ex pressionDecrease in BALB/ c Diabet icMouseModels

Muhaim in Rifa’i ( I ndonesia) , Aris Soew ondo ( I ndonesia) , an d M. Sasm it o Dj at i ( I ndonesia)

139- 141

Fish e r ie s a n d Aqu a cu lt u r e 142


Com parison of Bact eriocins Produced by Probiot ic Bact er ia from Giant Tiger Praw n ( Panaeusm on odon) and Giant Freshw at er Praw n ( Macrobrachium rosenbergii)

Feliat ra ( I ndonesia) ,Widy a Rahm y Ut am y ( I ndonesia) , and Hilw an Yuda Teruna

Quercet in and Allicinas Prophy lact ic Herbs for Brack ishw at er Tilapia in Periphy t on Nursery Sy st em

I bnu Sahidhir ( I ndonesia) , Abdul Razaq ( I ndonesia) , M. Yasir ( I ndonesia) , and Abidin Nur ( I ndonesia)

152- 156


The Grow t h of Wild and Hat chery Juv enile Tiger Grouper ( Epinephelus Fuscogut t at us) Based on Different Feeds

Muham m adar A. Abbas ( I ndonesia) , Firdus Basy ah ( I ndonesia) , and Asm aw at i M.


Sail( I ndonesia)


The Pot ent ial of Giv ing Leaf Ex t ract Ment hapiperit aas Biofor m alinin t he Preserv at ion of Fresh Fish Depik ( Rasborat aw aren sis)

Pharm acologic Aspect of Neuropat hic Pain

Endang Mut iaw at i ( I ndonesia) , I m ai I ndra ( I ndonesia) , Sy ahrul ( I ndonesia) , and Muly adi ( I ndonesia)

177- 182


The I nfluen ce of MMP- 3 t ow ards MMP- 9 am ong Em phy sem at ous Pat ient s from Gingiv al Crev icular Fluid and Sput um

Mulkan Azhary ( I ndonesia) , Muham m ad Am in ( I ndonesia) , Soet j ipt o ( I ndonesia) , Muly adi ( I ndonesia) , and Sunnat i ( I ndonesia)

183- 186


Screening of Degenerat iv e Diseases and Qualit y of Life am ong Elderly People in Posy andu Lansia Medan Am plas Sub- Dist rict s, Medan

Juliandi Harahap ( I ndonesia) , and Lit a Sri Anday ani ( I ndonesia)

Lit a Sri Anday ani ( I ndonesia) , and Juliandi Harahap ( I ndonesia)

196- 200

44 The Use of Herbal Medicine in Children

Sury aw at i and Hij ra Nov ia Suardi ( I ndonesia) 201- 204 Venereology Poly clinic dr. Zainoel Abidin General Hospit al, Banda Aceh

Fit ria ( I ndonesia) , Vera D. Mulia ( I ndonesia) , and Hafni A. ( I ndonesia)

211- 214


Correlat ion Bet w een Managem ent of Balanced Menu and Weight Gain on Pregnant Wom en Trim est er I I I in Rural Hospit al Mont asik 201 5

Halim at ussakdiah ( I ndonesia)

215- 221

48 Barrier for Psy chologist ’s Prov ision of Serv ice

Lely Safrina ( I ndonesia) 222- 224


Charact erist ic of Single Epit ope on GP350/ 220 Prot ein t hat Prom ising for Nasophary ngeal Cancer Vaccine Seed Product ion in Escherich ia Coli

Widodo ( I ndonesia)

225- 227


Cost Effect iv eness Analy sis of Ant ibiot ic Therapy in Appendect om y Prophy lact ic at dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospit al Banda Aceh

Suci M. Rahm ah ( I ndonesia) , AzizahVonna ( I ndonesia) , Khairan ( I ndonesia) , and Rinaldi I droes ( I ndonesia)

228- 230

51 Profile of Thalassaem ia Pat ient in Zainoel Abidin Hospit al at Aceh



Ke y not e a n d I n v it e d Spe a k e r s:

Associat e Pr of. D r . Or orat M on gk o lp orn , Ph.D

( Kasetsar t Universit y, Thailand)

Pr of. D r . D r . h .c. Ev a m ar ie H e y- H a w k ins

( Univer sität Leipzig, Germ any)

D r . Kazu ak i Sy ut sub o


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