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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in Teaching English


Frida Ayu Lestari

NIM D95211083






Lestari, Frida Ayu. (2016).Vocabulary Learning Strategiesin Internship Program at English Teacher Education Department of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya. A Thesis. English Teacher Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya. Advisor: Dra. Irma Soraya, M.Pd.

Key Words: Student teachers, internship program, vocabulary learning strategies




CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A.Background of the Study ... 1

B.Statements of Research Problem ... 7

C.Objectives of the Study ... 7

D.Significances of the Study ... 8

E. Scope and Limitation ... 8

F. Definition of Key Term ... 9


1. Vocabulary Teaching and Learning ... 11

2. Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching and Learning ... 14

3. Strategies Instruction in Classroom... 24

4. Internship Program ... 27

B.Review of Previous Study ... 29

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD A. Approach and Research Design ... 32

B. Research Presence ... 33

C. Research Location ... 34


E. Data Collection Technique ... 35

F. Research Instruments ... 36

G. Data Analysis Technique ... 41

H. Checking Validity of Findings ... 45

I. Research Stages ... 45


1. Vocabulary Learning Strategies that Student Teachers Consider to Their Students ... 48

2. Vocabulary Learning Strategies that Student Teachers Used in Classroom ... 62

B. Discussion ... 75

1. Vocabulary Learning Strategies that Student Teachers Consider to Their Students ... 75

2. Vocabulary Learning Strategies that Student Teachers Used in Classroom ... 91

CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION A. Conclusion ... 95

B. Suggestion ... 96





This chapter provides background of the study which describes researcher’s reasons in conducting this study. Then statements of research problem are formulated as well as objectives of the study. It is followed by significances of the study which inform the beneficial of this study. Furthermore, this chapter also presents the scope and limitation of this study. The last part of this chapter describes the definition of key terms which are used in this study.

A. Background of the Study

Vocabulary is one of language components that is important in learning language. Vocabulary knowledge helps learner in using target language. Through learning vocabulary, learner has capability in understanding and conveying their feeling using target language. Learner is able to communicate effectively or express their idea in both oral and written form by mastering vocabulary.1

Moreover, without enough vocabulary knowledge, learner cannot interpret the message sent by speaker or writer.2 Therefore, vocabulary is important in order to be able to communicate in target language. The importance of vocabulary are

1A.N. Hartono, Thesis: “An Analysis of Students’ Capability in Mastering Vocabulary at the Seventh

Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Masaran” (Surakarta: Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2015), 1

2Murat Hişmanoğlu, “Semiotic Elements and Difficulties in Teaching Vocabulary”.Dil Dergisi. Vol.



also acknowledged by English Teacher Education Department (ETED) students of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University. From ten students who were asked about the basic component needed in learning language, seven students said that vocabulary is crucial and it is the first language component needed to be master by learner.3 As J. Read states that vocabulary is the basic foundation of language.4 Thus, vocabulary is the basic thing that needs to be learned in order to mastering a language.

However, there are some challenges that second language learner is encountered in vocabulary learning. Thornbury summarizes language learner challenges in learning vocabulary into two categories, they are:5

1. when learner deals with unknown words or unfamiliar words, learner needs to understand the correct meaning of that words (receptive skills)

2. using the right form (written or oral form) of words for the meaning intended when they produce the words (productive skills).

Those challenges can be handled by developing many words and remembering those word for a long-term. Thornbury suggests that learner needs to acquire a lot of words in both understanding and productive language, and developing strategies to overcome the unknown words.6

Dealing with the challenges which are encountered by learner, teacher needs to help learner with providing tasks that gives learner opportunity to

3 Preliminary Research conducted on 19 October 2015 with student teachers of English Teacher

Education Department



expand many vocabularies. The way to expand learner’s vocabulary not only can be done in formal classroom activities but also in cooperative group. Schmitt explains that through vocabulary learning groups, learner can learn and encourage each other.7 Group activities can exposure learner’s vocabulary through learning and imitating from their partner since not all vocabulary needed can be taught in classroom. Another way that can help learner develop their vocabulary is developing students’ ability to figure out new meanings. This task involves engaging learner to convey their idea about the context before reading or listening task.8 This activity helps learner to recall their vocabulary knowledge in teaching-learning process.

In addition to give tasks to engage the learner in learning vocabulary, teacher also needs to assist learner taking responsibility for their own learning. Learner can take responsibility for their learning by using strategies in learning vocabulary such as note taking, keyword method, or word list.9 Learning strategies are the thought or behavior that are used by learner to comprehend, learn, and remember the new information.10 It means that learning strategies in vocabulary learning are the ways of learner to process the new vocabulary that they have learned. Teacher who uses and instructs learner with learning strategies

7 N. Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching (USA: Cambridge University Press, 2000), 145 8M. McCharthy, A. O’Keeffe, & S. Wlash, Vocabulary Matrix: Understanding, Learning, Teaching

(Hampshire: Cengage Learning, 2010), 23

9 N. Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language 145

10 R. Saengpakdeejit , “Strategies for Dealing with Vocabulary Learning Problems by Thai University



will make them become self-directed learner. Moreover, they are able to gain more vocabulary knowledge.

In line with the statement before, the researcher has found some previous study related to this study. Firstly, a study is conducted by Ying He entitled A Study of L2 Vocabulary Learning Strategies. The aims of this study are to know about learners’ attitude on second language vocabulary learning strategies and

the effect of vocabulary learning strategies on learners’ learning process. This

study shows that learners favored all seven presented strategies except strategy of

using word card. In addition, students who knows how to use vocabulary learning strategies are doing better on learning than students who do not have skill to use the strategies.

The next previous study is conducted by Yu-Ling Lai entitled Teaching Vocabulary Learning Strategies: Awareness, Beliefs, and Practices. A Survey of

Taiwanese EFL Senior High School Teachers. The purposes of this study are to know about teachers’ awareness of vocabulary learning strategies, vocabulary learning strategies which are popular among teachers and practice about vocabulary learning strategies. This result of this study finds that teachers are aware of their vocabulary learning strategies.

The last study is conducted by Olga Kulikova entitled Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Beliefs about Vocabulary Learning: A Study of



are commonly used by learner and the relationship between their beliefs and strategies that they use. The result of this study shows that learner agreed with most of beliefs that are presented on questionnaire. In addition, the most common used of strategies are repetition, contextual encoding strategies, practicing the new words in oral and written form. Then, there are correlation between learner’s beliefs and their learning.

The difference of this study and those previous studies is subject of the study. Those previous studies discuss vocabulary learning strategies which are emploed by professional teachers and students. Nevertheless this study uses student teachers as the participant. This study is investigating vocabulary learning strategies in internship program at ETED of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University.

There are some considerations underlying the researcher to conduct a study about vocabulary learning strategies in internship program of ETED. The first reason is internship program or PPL 2 is one of main course that needs to be passed by students. Internship program is an activity in faculty of education and teacher training where student needs to do real classroom teaching with real high school students and does educational tasks in school.11 ETED students who take internship program is called student teachers. This program can be taken by student teachers of ETED if they have passed PPL 1 or microteaching class.

11 Tim Penyusun Pedoman PPL II Tahun 2014, Pedoman Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) II



Internship program gives ETED student teachers opportunity to experience teaching in real class. Moreover, internship program gives student teachers experience to help them makes the transition from college students to professional educator.12 It means that in internship program, student teachers can develop their teaching skills and learn teachers’ tasks from professional teacher in school. They can learn how to make lesson plans, syllabi, and others. Thus, internship program is important course where student teachers learn to become a professional teacher. This program gives chance to student teachers to reflect their way of teaching in real classroom. Then their reflection can be used to improve their teaching in the future.

Another reason underlying this study is student teachers of ETED may not really understand about vocabulary learning strategies. In second preliminary research, researcher asked five student teachers about what they know about vocabulary learning strategies. The result of preliminary research found that most of student teachers do not really understand about vocabulary learning strategies. Five student teachers’ of ETED stated that they do not know about vocabulary learning strategies. However, one of student teachers explained that vocabulary learning strategies are the ways of learning vocabulary in fun and easy ways. Therefore, student teachers in English Teacher Education Department was chosen as the subject of this study since figuring out about vocabulary learning

12 Teacher Education Services and Advising, Teacher Candidate Internship Program (Virginia: Old



strategies help student teachers to understand about kind of vocabulary learning strategies that they can be used in their teaching.

Regarding with explanation above, researcher comes to a decision in conducting a study about vocabulary learning strategies. Researcher decided the

title of this study is “Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Internship Program in

English Teacher Education Department of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University


B. Statements of Research Problem

Based on the background of study above, researcher formulates the research questions as:

1. What kind of vocabulary learning strategies do student teachers consider to be used by their students in internship program?

2. What vocabulary learning strategies which are frequently used by student teachers in internship program?

C. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are to investigate about:

1. Kind of vocabulary learning strategies that student teachers consider to be used by their students in internship program



D. Significances of the Study

This study is expected to give contribution for: 1. Lecturers of English Teacher Education Department

This study is expected to give information for the lecturer of English Teacher Education Department concerning to kind of vocabulary learning strategies that student teachers consider to their students in internship program and what vocabulary learning strategies that they frequently used in teaching.

2. Student Teachers of English Teacher Education Department

The result of this study can be a consideration for student teachers of English Teacher Education Department on understanding about vocabulary learning strategies that they consider and frequently used to their learner. Therefore, they can use the result of this study to improve their instructional practices in introducing the strategies.

E. Scope and Limitation

The focus of this study is to investigate about kind of vocabulary learning strategies in internship program. Specifically, this study investigates kind of vocabulary learning strategies that they consider as useful strategies for their students and kind of vocabulary learning strategies which they frequently used to their students. Researcher limited the strategies into 30 strategies which are taken



English Teacher Education Department who takes internship program academy years 2015/2016.

F. Definition of Key Term 1. Student teacher

Student teacher is teacher candidates who takes responsibility to teach a group of learner in school over a period of time.13 In this study, student teachers are college students of English Teacher Education Department at State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. These students are students who take internship program and teach in high school for two months.

2. Internship program

Internship Program (PPL 2) is a program where student teacher needs to teach in real classroom with real students and does educational tasks in school.14 In

this case, internship program is a course conducted by English Teacher Education Department of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University for student teachers who have passed PPL 1 or microteaching class. They teach whether in senior or junior high school in Surabaya and Sidoarjo. In this program, student teacher is doing their duties as a real teacher in high school.

13 National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, Student Teaching Handbook for The

Leading Teacher Program (Pittsburgh: Duquesne University, 2015), 2



3. Vocabulary learning strategies

Vocabulary learning strategies are the ways of language learner acquire new words.15 On this study, vocabulary learning strategies means the ways of learner in understanding and remembering the new word that they have learned. 4. Consider

From Oxford’s dictionary, consider means to think carefully about something.

In addition, Merriam-Webster defines consider as to think about something carefully in order to make a decision. Therefore, on this study, consider means

student teachers’ thinking about vocabulary learning strategies that they want to

be used by their students. 5. Use

From Oxford’s dictionary, the definition of use is to do something with a machine, method, etc. for a particular purpose. On this case, use means student teachers using vocabulary learning strategy in order to promote or instruct the strategy to the students in internship program.




This chapter presents the theory related to the topic of this research and previous study. In theoretical framework, it explains about vocabulary teaching and learning, vocabulary learning strategies in teaching and learning, strategies instruction in classroom, and internship program. Those are theoretical construct of this study. Then, the next part of this chapter explains about previous studies which have similar topic with this study. Review of related study is used to reflect similarities and differences of this study.

A. Theoretical Framework

1. Vocabulary Teaching and Learning

Vocabulary is the basic foundation of language, it is basic form of sentences, paragraphs and whole text.1 Therefore, vocabulary is necessary to be

learned in order to understand and able to use the target language in the form of sentences. Vocabulary learning help learner in acquiring the language. Moreover, in language teaching and learning, vocabulary become one of fundamental part in reading comprehension, writing and effective communication.2 Hence

1 J. Read, Assessing Vocabulary (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), 1

2S. Ababneh, “Strategies Used by Jordanian University Students’ in Dealing with New Vocabulary in



vocabulary cannot be separated from reading, writing, listening and speaking skill since it is the basic form of language and integrated with those four skills.

Dealing with the importance of vocabulary, teacher needs to be aware about the importance of vocabulary and exploring the ways of promoting words effectively. Language teacher has to help them gaining rich vocabulary and skills to use those words so that learner success in learning foreign language.3 Therefore, learner is able to understand and communicate using the target language. As T. Elyas and I. Alfaki state that vocabulary is the central of English language teaching since vocabulary helps learner understand and express their own idea.4 It means that without vocabulary knowledge, learner will get difficulties in using target language.

Vocabulary teaching and learning not only involves introducing a lots of word but also other aspects related that words. S. Thornbury divides aspects which are involves vocabulary knowledge into two aspects: form and meaning.

Knowing the form means that we know the form of the word that does not tells nothing about it is meaning5, for instance the written form or print of word ‘buy’. Then, knowing the meaning of word is to understand the dictionary meaning of the word, its grammatical function, collocation, its register and its cultural

3S. Ababneh, “Strategies Used by Jordanian … 1

4 T. Elyas - I. Alfaki, “Teaching Vocabulary: The Relationship between Techniques of Teaching and

Strategies of Learning New Vocabulary Items”. Canadian Center of Science and Education. Vol. 7 No. 10, 2014, 41



accretions.6 Thus, the knowledge of the words form and the words meaning are related each other in vocabulary learning. Learner needs to introduce both its form and its meaning therefore they able to utter those words properly.

Another opinion about aspects related to knowing vocabulary is stated by Nation. He explains that there are three significant aspects of vocabulary knowledge, they are: form, meaning, and use. Table 2.1 below show the classification of vocabulary learning strategies aspects based on Nation. Knowing the form of a word involves the pronunciation, spelling, words part which set up together (such as prefix, root, and suffix).7 It means that knowing the word according to Nation is only involves the written and spoken form of that as well as the word part of that words. Then, Meaning is the way of the word form refers to the concept of what the people think about that word or expression and use is related to the grammatical functions of the word or phrase, collocations, and constraints on use (Where, when, and how often people use the word).8 Hence both meaning and use concept is similar with S. Thornbury’s

concept about meaning. Therefore, aspects of vocabulary knowledge between Nation and Thornbury are similar, it is only different on the way they classified those aspects.

6 S. Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary… 15

7 M. Lessard-Clouston, Teaching Vocabulary: English Language Teacher Development Series (USA:

TESOL International Association, 2013), 3



P How is the word written and spelled? Word Parts R What parts are recognizable in this word?

P What word parts are needed to express this meaning? Meaning

Form and


R What meaning does this word form signal?

P What word form can be used to express this meaning? Concept and


R What is included in the concept? P What items can the concept refer to?

Association R What other words does this make us think of? P What other words could we use instead of this one? Use

Grammatical Function

R In what patterns does the word occur? P In what patterns must we use this word?

Collocation R What words or types of words occur with this one? P What words or types of words must we use with this one? Constraints on

Use (register,


R Where, when, and how often would we expect on use to meet this word?

2. Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching and Learning

Besides teaching the words’ form, meaning and use, teacher also needs



learning strategies in order to increase their vocabulary knowledge.9 Moreover, making learner aware about variety of vocabulary learning strategies and facilitate them to practice those strategies can help learner to be more independent in learning vocabulary.10 Hence teacher needs to consider necessary learning strategies to be introduced in vocabulary learning since it help learner to be more self-directed learner in learning vocabulary. Self-directed learner is independent learner who are responsible for their own learning and step by step gaining confidence, involvement and proficiency in learning language.11

Vocabulary learning strategies also help learner in encounter difficulties in learning words. Vocabulary learning strategies are steps taken by learner in order to obtain new vocabulary.12 It means that those strategies are used by

learner when they meet unknown words in learning language. Specifically, vocabulary learning strategies are used by learner to learn vocabulary in order to know the meaning of unknown words, remember the words in long-term, recall the words, and use that words in productive skill (oral and written skill).13

9 L. Ghazal, “Learning Vocabulary in EFL Contexts through Vocabulary Learning Strategies”.

Novitas-Royal. Vol. 1 No.2, 2011, 84

10 N. Schmitt, “Current Perspectives on Vocabulary Teaching and Learning”. In Cummins, J. and

Davison, C. (eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Teaching, Vol. 2. (Netherland: Springer, 2007), 755

11L. Ghazal, “Learning Vocabulary in EFL … 84

12 R. Saengpakdeejit , “Strategies for Dealing with Vocabulary Learning Problems by Thai University

Students” Silpakorn University Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts, Vol.14 No. 1, 2014, 151



Thus, vocabulary learning strategy is one of learner’s tools in understanding and remembering the words when they discover unknown words.

There are many classification of vocabulary learning strategies which are stated by different researcher. The classification of vocabulary learning strategies are used learning strategies as references. It is because vocabulary learning strategies are part of language learning strategies and it is same part as general learning strategies.14 Here some of vocabulary learning strategies stated by N. Schmitt, Peter Yonqi Gu and Johnson.

The first classification is stated by N. Schmitt which develops his taxonomy based on Oxford’s taxonomy. He uses four categories of Oxford’s taxonomy, they are: social strategies, memory strategies, cognitive strategies, and metacognitive strategies. However, he adds one more classification on his taxonomy, which is determination strategies. But those five categories of strategies are distinguished into two main groups, they are discovery and consolidation strategies. Discovery strategies are used by learner when they encounter new words for the first time, meanwhile consolidation strategies are strategies to consolidate the meaning when the words encountered again.15 The

specific explanation about Schmitt taxonomy is presented below:



Table 2.2

N. Schmitt’s Taxonomy

Strategies Group Strategies

Discovery strategies Determination strategies Social strategies

Consolidation strategies

Memory strategies Cognitive strategies Metacognitive strategies Social strategies

1) Discovery Strategies

a. Determination strategies

The first classification of discovery strategies is determination strategies. Determination strategies are related to vocabulary learning strategies where learner guesses the meaning of new vocabulary by themselves. Determination strategies are strategy where learner must discover the meaning of new word through guessing from their structural knowledge of the language, guessing from the similarities with L1, guessing from context, using reference materials, or asking someone else.16

There are four strategies on determination strategies which can be used to learn vocabulary. Firstly, learner uses their understanding about part of speech of a new word to guess the meaning of that word. Secondly, learner guesses the meaning of the new word with the similarities of their L1 since there are some different words which similar with L1 of learner. Then,

16 N. Schmitt. “Vocabulary Learning Strategies” Norbert Schmitt, (norbertschmitt.co.uk, accessed on



the third strategy is guessing by its context. This strategy is commonly used by learner when they are reading where learner gets the clue of the meaning of new word through the words around it in context. In spoken, learner can get the clue by gesture or intonation.17 Lastly, learner discovers the meaning of new word by searching on the references such as dictionary. Thus, determination strategies are involved the way of learners inferring the meaning by their knowledge of language.

b. Social Strategies

Social strategies are related to the ways of vocabulary learning through people around them. Dansereau as cited in N. Schmitt states that cooperative

learning is beneficial on giving motivation to active, can prepare ‘team

activities’ where participants have more time to use language in class since

there is less instructor interference.18 Thus, interaction with others may help learner to enrich their vocabulary since they learn by imitation from others. A study conducted by Milton and Meara as cited in Nation find that a group of nonnative-speakers who study in British University averaged gains 1325 words per six months, compared in their hometown that they gain 275 words.19 This study is evidence that learning through interacting with people especially native-speakers is a good way to gain vocabulary.



2) Consolidation Strategies

a. Social Strategies

Besides categorized as discovery strategies, social strategies also can be classified as consolidation strategies. Interacting with others can be used

by learner to learn or practice the words, for instance in ‘team activities’,

learner has time to practice and manipulate the language with their friends or asking for teacher to check their works for accuracy.20 It can be concluded

social strategies not only can be used to discover new words but also it gives opportunity for learner to manipulate the language that they have learned. b. Memory Strategies

Memory strategies involve the way of learner on maintain the word by relating it with previously learned knowledge using some form of imagery or grouping.21 These strategies are useful to help learner remember the new words in long term. There are many strategies which categorized as memory strategies such as pictures or imagery, related words, unrelated words, grouping, phonological form, and more.22 One of the examples of memory strategies is linked the new word with other similar word such as lion, tiger, cat, and so on. Memory strategies are easier to remember the new words since it is related to the other memories of words.



c. Cognitive Strategies

Cognitive strategies are the fourth category on Schmitt taxonomy. Cognitive strategies emphasize on the repetition and using mechanical ways to study vocabulary.23 These strategies are characterized with the repetition whether on written or oral language. It helps learner to memorize the new word since they are introduced by the word over and over again. There are some kinds of cognitive strategies, for instance word list and flashcard, using study aids, and more.24 Thus, learner is exposure to the new vocabulary in order to memorize it.

d. Metacognitive Strategies

Metacognitive strategies involve the strategies used by students to control and evaluate their own learning.25 These strategies consist of the way

learner shapes the word that they have received or learned and evaluate their own learning strategies. In addition, metacognitive strategies involve the way of learner knowing when to skip or pass the word which may not meet again.26 It means that learner is able to skip the unknown word which may not useful in the future and try to drill on the vocabulary which they have learned. So, metacognitive strategies are related to the strategies where learner reinforces the positive strategies and what they have learned.



Moreover, it also involves the strategy of learner to change the strategies if there is no progress and discard words that may not be met for a long time.

Another classification of vocabulary learning strategies is stated by Peter Yonqi Gu and Johnson. He classifies vocabulary learning strategies into three categories, they are: metacognitive, cognitive and activation strategies.

1) Metacognitive strategies

There are two types of metacognitive strategies, its selective attention and self-initiation strategies. Selective attention involves strategies where learner classifies important vocabulary which can be used to comprehend a passage.27 Then, self-initiation strategies are strategies of using variety of meaning in order to make vocabulary meaning is clear.28 Hence, metacognitive strategies are the way learner selects important words and finds some differences meaning of words.

2) Cognitive Strategies

These strategies are divided into two categories: initial handling and reinforcement. Firstly, initial handling contains of guessing strategies, skillful use of dictionaries and note-taking strategies. In guessing strategies, learner uses their background knowledge and linguistic clues to understand the meaning of words.29 Secondly, Dictionaries are divided into three



categories, they are: dictionary strategies for comprehension, extended dictionary strategies, and looking up strategies. Then, note-taking strategies are divided into two categories, they are meaning-oriented and usage oriented.30 Therefore, cognitive strategies are related with the way of learner to handle the new words in vocabulary learning.

Secondly, reinforcement are divided into two sub-categories, they are rehearsal and encoding. Vocabulary learning strategies which are included in rehearsal category are using word list and repetition.31 For encoding strategies, it involves association/elaboration, visual encoding, auditory encoding, using of word structure, semantic encoding, and contextual encoding.32 This category is used by learner to memorize the word that they have learned.

3) Activation

The last category in Gu and Johnson’s taxonomy is activation. Activation is related to the learner way on using the new words that they have learned in context.33 Thus, it is vocabulary learning strategies where learner practices to use new words they got in sentences (oral or written).

30 Chia-wen Tung, Thesis: “Dictionary strategies for comprehension, extended dictionary strategies,

and looking up strategies” (Taiwan: National Chegchi University, 2007), 15

31L. Ghazal, “Learning Vocabulary in EFL … 85

32 Y. Gu, “Learning Strategies for Vocabulary Development”. Reflections on English Language

Teaching. Vo. 9 No. 2, 2010, 108



The summary of vocabulary learning strategies based on Gu and Johnshon’s taxonomy are presented below:34

Table 2.3

Gu and Jhonshon’s Taxonomy

Dimension Categories

Metacognitive strategies Selective attention Self-initiation

Cognitive strategies

Initial handling

Guessing Dictionary use Note-taking Reinforcement Rehearsal

Encoding Activation use Activation

From those two classifications, it can be known that N. Schmitt classification is more complete and covering many kinds of vocabulary learning strategies. There is wide range-inventory of vocabulary learning strategies in N. Schmitt’s categories.35 He explains about group work to manipulate the word in social categories which are not stated in Jhonson and Gu’s classification. In Jhonshon

and Gu’s classification only explain about using the words in activation

strategies. In N. Schmitt’s classification also explains about learner’s strategies in controlling and evaluating their own learn which is not stated in Jhonson and

Gu’s classification.

34 Y. Gu, “Learning Strategies… 108

35 A. Asgari, “The Type of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by ESL Students in University Putra



3. Strategies Instruction in Classroom

In the previous discussion, it explained that learning strategies helping learner to be more self-directed learner or responsible for their own learning. Therefore, teachers could encourage them to be self-directed learner with introducing effective vocabulary learning strategies. R. L. Oxford states that there are three types of strategy instruction or training, those are: awareness training, one-time strategy training, and long-term strategy training.

a. Awareness training

Awareness training or consciousness-raising is the way of teacher familiarize the students with the general idea of language learning strategies and they do not have to practice the strategy eventually.36 Therefore, teacher only

introduces the strategy and let students expand the strategies later. Teacher do not give any task to use the strategy. However, one-time training

b. One-time strategy training

One-time training is the way of teaching where learner learn and practice one or more strategies with actual tasks.37 It means that on this type of strategies

instruction, learners learn what is the advantages of the strategy, when and how to use it. Then, they practices to use the strategy. However, one-time strategy training is used for the learner who need a particular strategy that can



be taught on one or few meeting.38 Therefore, on this type of strategy instruction, teacher only teaches the strategy in a short period of meeting. c. Long-term strategy training

Long-term strategy training is similar with one-time strategy training. However, long-term strategy training is not teaching for one time season but it is continuous for a long time and covering many strategies.39 Thus, long-term strategy training is more effective since learner can learn, practice and evaluate their own learning using many strategies in the long period of time.

Another way of strategies instruction is stated by H.D. Brown. According to H. D. Brown, there are four techniques that can be used in strategies instruction, those are:

a. Teach strategies through interactive techniques

The first technique is encourage students with teachers’ classroom technique. This approach involves offering some suggestion of possible strategies to

students through teachers’ own classroom techniques.40 Therefore, teacher teaches using their own teaching technique and promoting some strategies to learner. Then, it will encourage learner to develop their own learning strategies. One of the example is to promote strategy where learner can work

38 R. L. Oxford, Language Learning… 203 39 R. L. Oxford, Language Learning… 203

40 H.D. Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy 2nd Ed. (New



with their own mistakes in learning, teacher could record students’ oral production and ask them to identify the errors then correct it.41

b. Use compensatory techniques

Compensatory techniques are technique that are used to overcome students’ weakness.42 Thus, these techniques are used to promote strategies to learner that can help them to overcome their problems in learning. The examples of this technique is using brainstorming, retelling stories, paraphrasing or finding

synonyms in order to overcome learners’ ambiguity of words.

c. Administer a strategy inventory

The third techniques is administer a strategy inventory. Strategy inventory is a technique where teacher distributes extensive questionnaire covering kind of vocabulary learning strategies.43 Therefore, through reading and doing

check-list on the questionnaire, it can raise students’ awareness of strategies. d. Make use of impromptu teacher-initiated advice

This is the last technique that teachers use to teach strategies. On this technique, teacher promote the strategies without any preparation. Teacher is looking for appropriate moments in class and use the opportunity to teach how to learn or strategies.44 Therefore, teacher could take advantages from the opportunity in learning process to promote learning strategies.



4. Internship Program

In teacher education department, there is one program where learners are given an opportunity to practice teaching in real classroom. This program is called internship program. In faculty of education and teacher training, internship program (PPL 2) is a program that student teacher needs to teach in real classroom with real high school students and does educational tasks in school.45

Therefore, the student faces the real classroom teaching in this program and do the educational task as a teacher. The purposes of internship program are training the student teachers in order to have knowledge, understanding, and skills in educational management as well as the pedagogical, personality, social, and professional competence.46 Student teachers who taking internship program need

to master those four competences in order to pass this course.

University student who takes internship program is known as student teacher. Student teacher is a teacher candidate who takes responsibility to teach a group of learner in school over a period of time.47 Student teacher is also defined as a student who enroll in an institution for preparation of teachers and they are assign to teach students under the direction and supervision of a regularly

45 Tim Penyusun Pedoman PPL II Tahun 2014, Pedoman Praktik Pengalaman1

46 Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Paduan Program Pengelolaan Pembelajaran (PPP) Tahun 2014

(Surabaya: Universitas Negeri Surabaya, 2014), 4

47 National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, Student Teaching Handbook for The



employed licensed teacher.48 Therefore, student teachers get opportunities to be a real teacher in in the formal school and teach their subject in that school. In addition, student teacher also can learn the educational management from their supervision teacher in school. When student teacher takes internship program, they are expected to:49

a) understand learners’ characteristics, b) master learning principles,

c) can develop the curriculum,

d) perform educational teaching and learning,

e) utilize information and communication technology for teaching and learning, f) facilitate the learner to develop their own potential,

g) be able to communicate with learner effectively, emphatically, and politely. Thus, student teachers need to learn and understand about those pedagogical competence when they teaching in internship program.

In English teacher education department (ETED) of Sunan Ample State Islamic University Surabaya, internship program or called PPL 2 is one of main competences that student teachers needs to take after they pass microteaching class (PPL 1). Student teachers of ETED are placed in schools which are relevant with their major for two months. Student teachers are expected to be in school for

48 High Point University School of Education, Student Internship Handbook (High Point: High Point

University School of Education, 2014), 10



six days every weeks to do practice teaching and others educational activity in school.50 In two months, student teachers become the teacher and do practice

teaching at least 8 times with 8 different materials or sub-materials.51 Therefore, student teachers get many experiences when they are teaching in real classroom. These experiences can be used as milestones to improve their way of teaching.

B. Review of Previous Study

There are many studies about vocabulary learning strategies. The first study is conducted by Ying He entitled A Study of L2 Vocabulary Learning Strategies. The aims of this study are to know about learners’ attitude on second language vocabulary learning strategies and the effect of vocabulary learning

strategies on learners’ learning process. This study shows that learners favored

all seven presented strategies except strategy of using word card. In addition, students who knows how to use vocabulary learning strategies are doing better on learning than students who do not have skill to use the strategies.

The second study is conducted by Olga Kulikova entitled Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Beliefs about Vocabulary Learning: A Study of

Beginning University Students of Russian in the United States. This study

investigates learner’s beliefs about vocabulary learning strategies, strategies that

are commonly used by learner and the relationship between their beliefs and strategies that they use. The result of this study shows that learner agreed with



most of beliefs that are presented on questionnaire. In addition, the most common used of strategies are repetition, contextual encoding strategies, practicing the

new words in oral and written form. Then, there are correlation between learner’s

beliefs and their learning.

Then, another study is dealt with Olga Kulikova entitled Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Beliefs about Vocabulary Learning: a Study of

Beginning University Students of Russian in The United States. This study

investigates students’ vocabulary learning beliefs and vocabulary learning

strategies, the relationship between them, and the changes of students’ beliefs

and strategies. The result of this study shows that students believe that vocabulary is important in learning second language and the have high motivation in learning language. Secondly, students frequently used dictionary, guessing, and note-taking strategies, and rehearsal strategies especially repetition. Then, this study also finds that there were correlation between vocabulary learning beliefs and vocabulary learning. Lastly, there are changes of their beliefs and strategies used.

Another study is entitled Teaching Vocabulary Learning Strategies: Awareness, Beliefs, and Practices. A Survey of Taiwanese EFL Senior High



vocabulary learning strategies. The findings shows that Taiwanese senior high school teachers aware about their vocabulary learning strategies. Vocabulary learning activities which popular among Taiwanese teachers are oral repetition, extensive reading, self-testing and a variety of partially contextualized vocabulary learning activities.52 Moreover, vocabulary learning strategies which are considered as useful strategies are implemented by the teacher in classroom.

Lastly, a journal entitled Function-Based vs. Meaning Based in Teaching Vocabulary. This journal is written by M. A. G. Hassankiadeh which is conducted in Iran. The purpose of this study is to know the effects of teachers’

beliefs about vocabulary teaching on learners’ vocabulary intake. There are 100

EFL students and 3 teachers as participants of this study. The findings of this study shows that the EFL learners who taught by function-based lexicon teaching beliefs had better result in vocabulary test than learners who were taught by meaning-based lexicon teaching beliefs.53

Those studies discuss about vocabulary learning strategies. However, they do not discuss about kind of vocabulary that are considered by student teachers in internship program. The study on vocabulary commonly focuses on in-service teachers and students. Therefore, the difference between the previous studies with this study is the subject of the study.

52 Yu-Ling Lai, Thesis: Teaching Vocabulary Learning Strategies: Awareness, Beliefs, and Practices.

A Survey of Taiwanese EFL Senior High School Teachers (Taiwan: University of Essex, 2005), 30

53 M. A. G. Hassankiadeh, “Function-Based vs Meaning-Based Beliefs in Teaching Vocabulary”.




This chapter explains about research methodology which is used to collect and analyze the data. It involves approach and research design, researcher presence, research location, data and source of data, data collection technique, research instruments, data analysis technique, checking validity of findings and research stages.

A. Approach and Research Design

This study used qualitative study. Qualitative study focuses on understanding social phenomena based on participants’ perspectives.1 In

addition, the aim of qualitative descriptive is to get a comprehensive summarization from specific events experienced by participants.2 Thus, the result of qualitative descriptive study is the description of data from participants’ explanation about their opinion or experiences. In addition, the researcher interprets human behaviors in context. Therefore, on this study the researcher made interpretation of student teachers’ opinion and about kinds of vocabulary learning strategies that they consider to their students and their practices.

1 D. Ary, L. C. Jacobs - C. K. Sorensen, Introduction to Research in Education (Belmont: Wadsworth,

2006), 22

2 Vicki A. Lambert Clinton E. Lambert,”Editorial: Quaitative Descriptive Research an Acceptable



This study explained the result of the study in description. Thus, descriptive approach used as the approach on this study. Descriptive approach integrates the description of people and place in narrative.3 It means that the researcher describes the result of data about kinds of vocabulary learning strategies that student teachers consider and used in internship program.

Based on explanation above, this research used qualitative descriptive since the aim of this study is to explain kinds of vocabulary learning strategies that student think as useful strategies and their implementation in internship program. Thereby, qualitative descriptive is appropriate design for this study.

B. Researcher Presence

The role of researcher is as the research instrument. Lincoln and Guba as cited in Peredaryenko and Krauss state that the concept of researcher as the instrument since the researcher’s role in the process of scientific analysis.4 In

addition, researcher role in qualitative research is as the planner and someone who interpret the instruments in order to understand the meaning, increase the critical awareness, emancipation and movement through their qualities of sensitivity, responsiveness and flexibility.5 In the other words, researcher role in

this research is important on this study since her presence is as the human

3 J.W. Creswell, Education Research: Planning, Conduction and Evaluating Quantitative and

Qualitative Research 4th Ed. (Boston: Pearson, 2002). 274

4 M. S. Peredaryenko - S. E. Krauss, Calibrating the Human Instrument: Understanding the

Interviewing Experience of Novice Qualitative Researchers”. The Qualitative Report. Vol. 18 No. 85, 2013, 1



resource that constructs the research, gathers the data, and makes summarization of understanding from the appropriate instruments.

C. Research Location

This study conducted in Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya. The location is on Jl. A. Yani 117 Surabaya. Specifically, in English Teacher education Department. The reason of choosing this location as the research location has mentioned before.

D. Data and Source of Data 1. Types of Data

In order to answer research problems, researcher used two kind of questionnaire as primary data. The questionnaire are based on N. Schmitt’s taxonomy. These questionnaire is used to know about vocabulary learning strategies that student teachers consider to their learner vocabulary learning strategies that student teachers used in classroom.

2. Source of Data



On this study, research drew a sample in order to gather information. The research uses large group of sample. In determining sample size, researcher needs to consider confidence level and confidence interval. Confidence interval indicates the degree of variations that we want to know whereas confidence level indicates the level of researcher is confident about the result. 6 Thus, this study uses 95% confidence level and 3% confidence interval. Based on the table of sample sizes by Cohen, Manion and Morrison, size of sample needed from 75 participant with 95% confidence level and 3% confidence interval is 63 participants. Therefore this study used 63 student teachers as sample of this study.

E. Data Collection Technique

Researcher collected the data of the study through distributing questionnaire and collecting document. The process of collecting data is presented on the table below:

Table 3.1

Data Collection Technique Techniques

Research Questions Questionnaire

RQ 1:

What kind of vocabulary learning strategies do student teachers consider to their students in internship program?

RQ 2:

What vocabulary learning strategies which are frequently used by student teachers in internship program?



1. Questionnaire

Direct administered questionnaire is a data collection technique where the questionnaire is distributed to a group of people in certain place for a specific purpose.7 In this study, the questionnaire sheets was given to the student teachers who has taken internship program on academic years 2015-2016. The participants need to give a checklist in scale 1 to 4 on the questionnaire based on their thinking about vocabulary learning strategies and their self-report about their practices in using vocabulary learning strategies.

F. Research Instruments

The instruments which are used to gain the data of this study are: 1. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is “an instrument in which respondents provide written responses to questions or mark items that indicate their responses”.8

Through participants’ responses to the questions on questionnaire, the

researcher can draw conclusion related to their thinking about kind of vocabulary that they consider to their learner and what kind of those strategies that they used in classroom. This research uses structured questionnaire that is adapted from Lai Yung-Li’s questionnaire. This instrument is used to answer research problems number one and two.



The questionnaire consists of 30 statements about vocabulary learning strategies. Those strategies are based on N. Schmitt’s taxonomy of

vocabulary learning strategies. Those strategies are presented below: Table 3.2

List of Vocabulary Learning Strategies based on N. Schmitt’s Taxonomy Strategies

I. Memory Strategies

1. To study a word with a picture of its meaning instead of definition.

2. To create oneself’s own mental images of a word’s meaning. 3. To connect a word to a personal experience.

4. To place the word in a group with other items based on topic, theme or function.

5. To connect a word to its synonyms and antonyms. 6. To create semantic networks of a word.

7. To use ‘scales’ for gradable adjectives. 8. To use new words in sentences.

9. To group words together within a storyline. 10.To use Keyword Method.

11.To imagine the written form of a word. 12. To paraphrase the word’s meaning.

13.To learn the individual words of chunks and then use the whole chunk as a memory aid for remembering the individual word meanings.

14.To use physical action when learning a word.

II.Cognitive Strategies

1. To repeat a word aloud to oneself. 2. To write a word repeatedly.

3. To listen to tapes/CDs of word lists. 4. To keep a vocabulary notebook. III. Metacognitive Strategies

1. To test oneself with word tests. 2. To skip or pass an unknown word. IV. Determination Strategies

1. To analyse the part of speech of an unknown word.

2. To look at the clause or sentence containing the unknown word to find clues.



4. To make use of common sense and knowledge of the world. 5. To make use of knowledge of the topic.

6. After guessing, check if the part of speech of the guessed meaning is the same as the part of speech of the unknown word.

7. After guessing, replace the unknown word with guessed meaning to check if the sentence makes sense.

8. To analyse affixes and roots of an unknown word in an early stage when guessing.

9. To anylyse affixes and roots of an unknown word in a later stage of guessing work.

10.To deliberately learn the meanings of the most common affixes.

In order to measure kinds of vocabulary learning strategy that student teachers consider to students, researcher used rating scale as the technique to measure student teachers’ attitudes. Rating scale is kind of scales where the collected raw data is interpreted into qualitative explanation.9 Therefore, the quantitative data from the questionnaire would

be interpreted into description of qualitative. The scales for student teachers’ thinking about vocabulary learning strategies are: (1) very poor,

(2) poor, (3) good, (4) very good. Through this instrument, researcher found out about useful vocabulary learning strategies which they considered to be used by their students. The second scale is about the frequency of student teachers including vocabulary learning strategies in their teaching. The scale for student teachers’ self-reported of their teaching in using vocabulary learning strategies are: (1) never, (2) rarely, (3) frequently, (4) very frequently. Therefore, there are two kind of

9 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan: Pendelatan Kuntitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D (Bandung:



questionnaire with different scale but they have same statements about vocabulary learning strategies.

After deciding the scale of the instrument, then it is important to construct validity and reliability of the instrument. Firstly, the researcher constructed validity using construct validity approach. The approach of construct validity is having subject matter experts to examine the instrument whether it measures the objectives of the study.10 Therefore,

researcher asked for help from one of English teacher education department lecturer to validate the questionnaire whether it measures what supposed to be measured on this study.

Secondly, the researcher did internal-consistency measures of reliability as the procedure to establish reliability of the instrument. The aim of measuring reliability is to measure the degree of consistency of the instrument and it measures whatever it is measuring.11 One of the ways to establish reliability is measuring coefficient Alpha or Cronbach Alpha. Cronbach’s Alpha measures the internal-consistency reliability between individual items with another items.12 Therefore, Cronbach’s Alpha

indicates the consistency of the items. The range of Cronbach’s Alpha reliability co-efficient is between 0 and 1. Cronbach’s Alpha co-efficient that is close to 1,00 indicates the internal consistency of the items is good.



In order to establish reliability, researcher did pilot study on January, 2016. On the pilot study, questionnaire was administrated to 15 people of English teacher education department who have taken internship program academy year 2014-2015. After distributing 15 questionnaire to the respondent, then the data were organized (see appendix 3) and calculated using following formula:13


K = number of items on the test

2= sum of variances of the item scores

�2 = variance of the test scores (All K items)

The calculation of Alpha was done using SPSS Program. On the table 3.3 shows that the alpha of questionnaire I is 0,902 and the alpha of questionnaire II is 0,908. Based on George and Mollory as cited in Anil Matkar, alpha (α) that is > 0,90 is having very good internal consistency

between individual items.14 Therefore, questionnaire items of this study have very good internal consistency reliability between individual items with another items.

Table 3.3 Instrument Reliability

Instruments Number of Questions Pilot Study (α)

Questionnaire I 30 0,902

Questionnaire II 30 0,908

13 D. Ary, L. C. Jacobs - C. K. Sorensen, Introduction to Research 246

14 A. Matkar, “Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Co-efficient for standard of customer services in



G. Data Analysis Technique

The final task of researcher after collecting the data is analyzing the data. The steps of data analysis are data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The process of data analysis is specified on the chart below:

Figure 3.1 Data Analysis Process

Based on the chart 4.1, the first step after obtaining the data is reducing the data. The data was categorized based on N. Schmitt’s taxonomy (see table 3.2). Then, after categorizing the data based on the themes, researcher display the quantitative data on the table below:

Conclusion Drawing

The narrative explanation about kind of vocabulary learning strategies that student teachers' consider to their learner and their practices in using the strategies

Data Display

Data tabulation of questionnaire's score

Data Reduction



Table 3.4

Data Tabulation of Questionnaire

In the next step, researcher calculated the percentage of student teachers who consider the specific strategy to their students (questionnaire 1) and using the strategies to familiarize it to their students in their teaching practice (questionnaire 2). The calculation of the percentage used formula below:

Questionnaire 1:

����������= ∑ ℎ � ℎ � � ℎ � %

Questionnaire 2:

���������� =∑ ℎ ℎ %

The percentage only calculates frequency of student teachers who consider the strategy. In the other words, the percentage only calculates frequency of student teachers who think that one specific strategy is good (G) or very good (VG). In addition, student teachers also used that strategy in their teaching or choose whether rarely (R), frequently (F), or very frequently (VF) on the questionnaire.





nt Number of items

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30



Secondly, the data were processed using “measures of central tendency”. There are three major of “measures of central tendency”, they are

mean, mode, and median. This study used mean or averages as the way of summarizing the data. ”The term average means the sum of the scores divided by the number of scores”.15 In this step, researcher summarized each items of

questionnaire through measuring sum of the scores and dividing it with the number of student teachers. The formula for measuring mean is below:

= ∑ ℎ �� �

After measuring mean, researcher calculated the interval score of

mean. The scale was divided into four categories, they are: very good, good, poor, and very poor. Moreover, for the research question 2, the categories are: very frequently, frequently, rarely, and never. The scale is used to describe mean

of each categories. The formula of calculation is:

� = � = ℎ� ℎ � −4

After calculating the mean of each strategies, researcher categorized each strategies based on interval score. Then, interpret the quantitative data into qualitative. The scale description for each categories are:



a. Kinds of vocabulary learning strategies that student teachers consider to students

1) Very good strategies : the strategy is very useful and suitable for the students and student teachers will definitely consider this strategy to be used in class.

2) Good strategies : the strategy is useful and suitable for the students and you consider this strategy to be used in class.

3) Poor strategies : the strategy is not very useful for your students but teachers may consider this strategy to be used by your students at some points.

4) Very poor strategies : the strategy is not useful at all and very unsuitable for the students to learn vocabulary.

b. Kinds of vocabulary learning strategies that student teachers used to students 1) Very frequently : If student teachers used the strategy more than 6 times

when taught vocabulary in classroom

2) Frequently : If student teachers used the strategy 4-6 times when taught vocabulary in classroom

3) Rarely : If student teachers used the strategy 1-3 times when taught vocabulary in classroom

4) Never : If student teachers never used the strategy


Table 2.1 Aspects of Vocabulary Knowledge
N. SchmittTable 2.2 ’s Taxonomy
 Table 2.3 Gu and Jhonshon’s T
 Table 3.1


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