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Dalam dokumen 2020 Annual Report (Halaman 69-78)

In closing, on behalf of the Board of Directors, I express our highest appreciation to the Board of Commissioners for their advice, direction, and recommendations to the Board of Directors throughout 2020. We also express our gratitude to our customers and business partners for their support, trust, and excellent cooperation that has been forged in all these years. We thank from the bottom of our hearts the CIMB Niaga people who have exerted their best efforts with dedication and love in discharging their duties and responsibilities towards realizing our common Vision and Mission. Last but not least, to the remaining stakeholders who we cannot address one by one, we hope to continue our excellent working relationships in the future, enabling CIMB Niaga to achieve continuous and sustainable growth.

10 March 2021

TIGOR M. SIAHAAN President Director

Lee Kai Kwong


Tigor M. Siahaan

President Director

Vera Handajani


John Simon


Lani Darmawan

Director Pandji P. Djajanegara


Tjioe Mei Tjuen Fransiska Oei


Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim Assalamu’alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuh,

Alhamdulillaahi rabbil ‘alaamiin, with praise and gratitude we extend to the presence of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala for His mercy and grace to us in carrying out our entrusted duties and responsibilities. Prayers and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad salallaahu alaihi wa sallam and his family and friends.

Throughout 2020, the Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS) of the Sharia Business Unit (UUS) of CIMB Niaga carried out its duties and responsibilities to supervise and provide advice and recommendations that can propel the growth and performance of UUS CIMB Niaga. Pursuant to Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 11/33/ PBI/2009 and Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 12/13/ DPbS regarding the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance for Sharia Commercial Banks and Sharia Business Units, DPS supervises the activities of the UUS CIMB Niaga in accordance with the Sharia principles as part of the Bank’s commitment to applying good corporate governance and maintaining the confidence of all its stakeholders.

We also ensure that the Fatwas from the National Sharia Council (DSN-MUI) have been applied in all aspects of the UUS CIMB Niaga business, and that we collaborate closely with all of CIMB Niaga’s Management and employees.

In general, we assessed that UUS CIMB Niaga performed well in 2020. The Sharia banking transactions were carried out in accordance with the provisions established by the Authority/Regulator as stipulated in POJK/PBI and SEOJK/

SEBI, the Sharia provisions in the DSN-MUI fatwas, the DPS opinions, and the General Policy on the Compliance of the Sharia Bank. These Sharia transactions comprise financing, funding, servicing and the initiatives of product development and other innovations.

DPS also carried out various oversight activities, including a more in-depth and comprehensive focus on the development of the Dual Leverage Banking Model (DBLM), supported by the implementation of the ‘Sharia First’ program. In addition, DPS brought its supervision to the business unit periodically, and carried out reviews to approve proposals on products, policies and procedures, as well as on other matters that relate to compliance with the Sharia principles, in the form of DPS opinions.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen that UUS CIMB Niaga was able to meet its assets growth target, driven by the increasing portion of low-cost fund in its third party funds mix composition as the main impetus, while still maintaining Allowance for Impairment Losses at an adequate level. Implementation of the DBLM strategy, along with the ‘Sharia First’ program within it, enabled UUS CIMB Niaga to grow its assets by 5,39%, or an increase of Rp2.3 trillion, from Rp42.5.5 trillion in 2019 to Rp44.8 trillion in 2020. Total Sharia financing stood at Rp31.9 trillion, with the Non Performing Financing (NPF)- gross ratio maintained at a level of 1.10%. Total low-cost customer deposits (CASA) stood at Rp14,1 trillion, an increase of Rp3,9 trillion or a rise of 38,74% from Rp10,2 trillion in 2019. The performance was also marked with an achievement of profit before tax (PBT) amounting to Rp1.4 trillion, a growth of 17.56% from Rp1.1 trillion in the previous year.

For all these accomplishments in 2020, on behalf of the DPS, I express our appreciation for the efforts and dedication of Management and all employees in the development of UUS CIMB Niaga. We are optimistic that with our pure and sincere endeavors in upholding the Sharia principles, together we can carry UUS CIMB Niaga to a sustainable long-term growth, and continue to cater our Sharia banking products and services to the needs of the people.

Finally, the Sharia Supervisory Board expects the Management of UUS CIMB Niaga to always keep their spirit up in pursuing the established targets to achieve success in the coming years. In closing, let us always pray to Allah SWT that He may grant us health, accommodation, and benevolence in all that we aspire and hope to achieve. Aamiin yaa rabbal ‘alamin.

Waassalamu’alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuh, On behalf of the Sharia Supervisory Board

PROF. DR. M. QURAISH SHIHAB, MA Chairman of the Sharia Supervisory Board

Board of Commissioners’ Responsibility Statement for the 2020 Annual Report of PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk

We the undersigned, Board of Commissioners of PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk hereby declare that all information in the 2020 Annual Report of PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk is presented in its entirety, and that we take full responsibility for the correctness of the contents of this Annual Report.

This statement is made in all truthfulness.

10 March 2021

By the undersigned,

Didi Syafruddin Yahya President Commissioner

Glenn Muhammad Surya Yusuf Vice President Commissioner (Independent)

Jeffrey Kairupan

Independent Commissioner Sri Widowati

Independent Commissioner Dato’ Abdul Rahman Ahmad*)

Commissioner David Richard Thomas Commissioner

Board of Directors’ Responsibility Statement for the 2020 Annual Report of PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk

We the undersigned, Board of Directors of PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk, hereby declare that all information in the 2020 Annual Report of PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk is presented in its entirety, and that we take full responsibility for the correctness of the contents of this Annual Report.

This statement is made in all truthfulness.

10 March 2021

By the undersigned,

Tigor M. Siahaan President Director

Lani Darmawan Director

John Simon Director

Pandji P. Djajanegara Director

Vera Handajani Director

Fransiska Oei

Director Tjioe Mei Tjuen Director David Richard Thomas


Lee Kai Kwong Director

Dalam dokumen 2020 Annual Report (Halaman 69-78)