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AMENDED 9-28-88

Dalam dokumen Board Minutes, 1989-05 (Halaman 55-65)


AMENDED 9-28-88 AMENDED 9-28-88

Foundation Board suggests that the International reports to the Kiwanis International Board whether on the current status of the Foundation and its




After a very productive January Board Meeting, President-elect Noris Lusche and I traveled to Lucern, Switzerland, to attend the_ European Federation Board Meeting. While there, I held a regional conference with the seven European District Governors, who were attending the meeting of the European Council. This was a productive meeting with discussions covering the new Kiwanis International Regional Office, services to be furnished by Kiwanis International, Kiwanis materials and supplies, finances, and the reasons for requiring new Federation Bylaws.

The Federation Bylaws Committee has submitted their preliminary draft of the new Federation Bylaws to Kiwanis International for review.

The Constitution and Bylaws Committee, chaired by Fay McDonald, reviewed their draft and has proposed the necessary corrections to bring their document into compliance with the Constitution and Bylaws of Kiwanis International.

A joint meeting of the Kiwanis International Committee with representatives from the Federation was held in Indianapolis. Those representing the Federation were President Thor Karlsson, President-elect Willy Ostholt, and Trustee Jacques Fonteyne. The newly revised document was reviewed by the European Federation Board at a special meeting held on April 29. President-elect Noris Lusche attended this meeting since he was in Switzerland to attend the Switzerland-Liechtenstein District Convention.

There have been inquiries of time required to fulfill of Kiwanis International.

has been, but I feel that it

from Board members concerning the amount the duties of President-elect and President I can only indicate what my experience is similar to that of previous Presidents.

The year as President-elect was one of many long hours working with staff to develop the necessary programs, making assignments of International and Board Committees and District Counselors, convention assignments, gathering speech material, plus many other miscellaneous duties. Other major items completed were the preparation and implementation of the Governors-elect Training Conference, the District Secretaries Meeting, and International Council. In addition, precedent has been set for the President-elect to attend certain functions such as the Kiwanis Cotton States Basketball Classic in Atlanta, Georgia, and a Universal Prayer Breakfast in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Even though most of the preparation work could be done at home, three or four additional visits to the International Office were required to work with staff.


It should be noted that there is a comparable amount of work and visits required of the future First Lady during this period ai@o.

As President-designate, during the months of July, September, five required meetings and conventions were addition to attending my own district convention.

August, and attended in

After analyzing my schedule as President for 1988-89, I find there are twenty required events to attend in addition to the scheduled district visits as listed in the Board Policies and Procedures. Each of these additional visits involve two to four days plus travel time.

During my visits to the districts, I find that the local Kiwanians are di~appointed in the amount of time allocated for the visits.

The schedule usually involves arriving on Friday morning and leaving by noon on Sunday unless it is a midweek visit, which would be scheduled for Tuesday through Thursday. They feel that since the President only visits most districts once every three years, more time should be spent to learn more about their district. More districts are now asking the President to visit several cities within their district in lieu of asking the Kiwanians to gather in one location. This provides a greater exposure for the President but does complicate scheduling at times.

the President's visits are requested and scheduled nine months of the administrative year ( prior to the Convention), you can easily understand how complicated scheduling of time can become.

Since most of in the first International and full your

Another major item to consider is the amount of mail and telephoning required during the few days that you are home. Even with an efficient secretary in my office at home, who handles the daily mail as it is received, I find my time is consumed handling those items that need my attention.

The time is equally demanding for Jane to fulfill the duties of the First Lady of Kiwanis and almost as time consuming as that of the President. Many long hours are required of Jane to provide the planning, answer and initiate communications, and to provide the associated items needed to fulfill our visit requirements.

The reason that I wanted to include this information in my report is to provide each of you with a better understanding of the time demand that is required of the President-elect and President during their year. I have found that for the past year Kiwanis has become a full time job and will continue to be until the conclusion of the Kiwanis International Convention in Orlando.

After attending the Asia-Pacific Conference in Guam, I have serious concerns on whether the conference accomplishes the goals for which it was originally designed and implemented. In my opinion, there are some serious differences in human and cultural philosophies among the districts. Kiwanis International must re-evaluate the basic reasons for the conference.



There were several items presented and discu~sed by the delegates to the conference that will require Kiwanis International's attention in the near future. These items are:

1. Approval of a preliminary draft for an Asia-Pacific Federation

2. The concept of changing the Trustee from Region IV every two years

3. Lack of interest and attendance in Kiwanis educational training sessions

I requested and was permitted to hold a regional conference with the Governors from the Asia-Pacific Region. Staff had made an advance request for this meeting but later found that it was not included in the agenda. In the two hours allotted, we were able to discuss growth, the Orlando Convention, and Major Emphasis service programs.

I want to commend those from staff who attended the Asia-Pacific Conference for the assistance they gave me and for the Kiwanis work they performed.

In the months since our districts, conducted two Federation Board meeting travels, I have found an Convention in Orlando, no the dues increase, and a all parts of the world.

last Board meeting I have visited twelve regional conferences, and attended a and the Asia-Pacific Conference. In my exciting response for the International

organized or concentrated opposition to continued pattern in increased growth in

I ask each of you as members of the Kiwanis International Board to consider thoughtfully the ever-changing needs and demands of our organization. We must proceed slowly yet steadily, being careful to consider all ramifications of our actions. As we extend our international growth and services, we must analyze the costs with the results. I ask you to continue to believe in Kiwanis International and to believe in yourselves as we strive to complete the tasks before us. We can achieve if we believe.

Respectfully submitted,

Gene R. Overholt President




Since our January Board meeting, Jeannie and I have been very busy completing plans for the 1989-90 75th Anniversary year.

The training conference for the 1988-89 Governors-elect was held on March 2 to 5. I am pleased to tell you that evaluations and letters received from the Governors-elect support the feeling of staff, the faculty, and myself that it was a very good conference. Once again, a 11 45 Governors-elect were present. I am very pleased with the apparent quality of leadership at the district level for 1989-90, and the high degree of enthusiasm demonstrated by this group of leaders.

For the first time, this year video tapes of this conference will be available to the Governors-elect. This is possible because of the video equipment recently purchased by Kiwanis International. I am very pleased with the high quality of the video tapes.

Robert Johnson (Missouri-Arkanias District) was elected Chairman of the 1989-90 Class of Governors, and Steven Scharoff (New York District) was elected to serve as Secretary. John Jenkins (Australia District) received the special "Sparkplug"

trophy for his enthusiasm displayed throughout the conference.

On March 16 to 19, I attended the District Secretaries Conference here in Indianapolis. This provided me the opportunity to learn more about operational procedures at the district level. In open discussion, the District Secretaries addressed many problems and concerns they have in common. Some of these will be discussed by Board committees at this meeting.

During this period of time, Jeannie and I were also able to meet with members of staff to finalize some of our plans for 1989-90.

The 1989-90 Major Emphasis project and is available for distribution.

its content and appearance.

guide has been printed I am very pleased with

The program for Council in October has been finalized, and we anticipate that the new location and format will contribute to the enhancement and enjoyment of Council as well as the

image of Kiwanis International.


I have just returned from the Switzerland-Liechtenstein District Convention.

There is a great deal of misinformation being disseminated to Kiwanis members throughout Europe regarding the splitting of the office and duties of the Zurich office. This misinformation is being distributed from one basic source.

I am sure this issue will be addressed at this meeting to enable Kiwanis International to present our position and viewpoint on the matter of splitting the office functions.

Also, while I was in Europe, Austin P. ' Jennings, President of Lions International, talked on Radio Hungary and .was also on one of the Swiss TV channels, announcing that Lions International had organized six clubs in Hungary, and also one in Warsaw, Poland. I was asked about this in Switzerland by members of Kiwanis who wanted to know what our plans are for expansion into some of these nations.

I hope that during our 75th anniversary year Kiwanis International will be a "leader" in expanding into one of the nations that are now open to service organizations such as ours.

Immediately following this Board meeting, Jeannie and I will go to Knoxville, Tennessee, where for many years the President-elect has been invited to speak at the annual Knoxville Kiwanis Club Prayer Breakfast. Following this breakfast on May 8, we will return to Indianapolis to spend May 9 and 10 meeting with members of staff and to do the

taping for the 1989-90 Major Emphasis film.

With only two exceptions, my presidential visits for 1989-90 have been scheduled, and we are now attempting to work in some requests for special anniversary visits, etc.

Jeannie and I congratulate Gene and Jane Overholt for the outstanding and effective leadership they are giving Kiwanis this year. We hope to build upon this momentum during our 75th Anniversary Year in 1989-90.

Respectfully submitted,

Noris A. Lusche President-elect


Message of the International Secretary to the

Kiwanis International Board of Trustees May 5, 1989

This year Kiwanis International has committed itself to the belief i t can achieve its goals. Since we last met, that

commitment to achievement has steered.us through several short- term goals which will ultimately lead us to long-term success.

During the last three months:

Kiwanis International, under the direction of President-elect Noris Lusche and the Board Committee on Education and Program Development, conducted a successful Governors-elect Training Conference for the 1989-90 leadership team.

The Governors-elect Conference gave us the opportunity to try out the new video taping equipment. Luckily i t was only an

experiment since President-elect Noris and some of his other

speakers talked a l i t t l e longer than the two hours available on a video tape. We believe our editing ability will improve with experience.

Immediately following the Governors-elect Conference, selected members of the staff worked with the Board Committee on Finance under less than ideal weather conditions. We were able to

accomplish a great deal toward finalizing the 1989-90 proposed budget.

The district secretaries shared a weekend with the staff and many interesting items were discussed. The district secretaries were very helpful in identifying items that could help reduce paper-£ low, improve services to clubs and districts, and improve

cooperation between the International Office and district offices.

The Achievement Committee worked hard with their charge to select the outstanding Kiwanis Clubs for the 1987-88

administrative year. This is probably the quietest Kiwanis International Committee. They sneak in under the cover of

darkness like elves. They do their jobs •••• well. And then they go home. The Committee should be commended on its efforts.


The Ad Hoc Committee, appointed by President Gene, on the relationship between Kiwanis International and the Kiwanis International Foundation began to clarify the relationship

between the two entities. The results of the first meeting were presented as a report to the Kiwanis International Board at

this meeting.

Extensive materials have been completed and some continue to be constructed promoting the Kiwanis Internatfonal Constitutional amendment proposing a five (5) dollar per member dues increase.

Many different audiences have been contacted, presenting the issues and the needs. Letters have been sent to the Past Presidents, Club Presidents, Governors, Lt. Governors and District Secretaries. Presentations, followed by discussions, were conducted with the district secretaries and the Governors- Elect. Promotional pieces were included in the Bulletin for Kiwanis Officers and the Kiwanis Magazine.

With the help of Fay McDonald and Past President Frank DiNoto, suggested Bylaws for the European Federation were reviewed and revised to be consistent with the Kiwanis International

Constitution and Bylaws.

A special meeting was held at the International Office for consideration of these adjustments by the European Federation President Thorbjorn Karlsson, President-elect Willy Ostholt and Board member Jacques Fonteyne. The suggested bylaws, as

adjusted, were then returned to the European Federation Board for consideration in late April.

The European Federation Board did not accept the report and have requested further discussions. This means that the proposed European Federation Bylaws will not be presented at the European Federation Convention in June.

Kiwanis International continues to move forward toward the completion of the transition of responsibilities between the

European Federation Office and the Kiwanis International Regional Office. European Federation office staff assistance from Egon L'Eplattenier has been non-existent. As a matter of fact, his efforts have been counter-productive in most instances.

A special letter from President Gene has been sent, in four

different languages, to club presidents in Europe, explaining the transition. A special edition of the Bulletin for Kiwanis

Officers has also been prepared to be sent to every member in Europe explaining the transition. Presently, a special display at the European Federation Convention is scheduled to share with attending Kiwanians programs and services that will soon be

available directly from Kiwanis International.


Rene' Chapuis attended the Governo~s-elect Training Conference and assisted Don Collins in explaining to the European Governors- elect what is occurring in relation to the regional office. This session proved to be productive and gave us the opportunity to correct misconceptions, improve relations and disprove false facts which they had been given previously.

The Asia-Pacific Conference was conducted with the assistance of the International Staff. Prior to the event a fact finding triR on finances was conducted by Don Collins, and we have been able to identify clearly strengths and weaknesses that will need to be addressed. Don Collins has prepared a report that will be available shortly.

The seventy-fifth anniversary of Kiwanis International also has been a priority. Many details of the activities are being

finalized and most of the materials will be available for the International Convention in Orlando. The mailing of the

promotional kit is scheduled for the beginning of August.

The Long Range Planning Committee and various Board members requested staff to consider new initiatives for the Long Range Plan. Over a period of seven weeks the managers of each

department contributed the ideas that were sent to you in

advance of this meeting. Please understand that these are only our ideas for discussion.

As you are well aware, any stated item must be accepted by the appropriate Board Committee, and then the item is pursued by f i r s t conducting research and a feasibility study.

President Gene cannot be left out of this report. He has kept us hopping as well. Almost as fast as we fax him information, a request, or a question he has an answer back on our desk with at least two questions of his own.

Projects like capital expenditure requests, grant requests, information distribution lists and the like also consumed time and talent. I think we made all of the deadlines.

This period of time has been busier than usual, but I believe that we have achieved a great deal. I have only highlighted the majors. The status report covers most everything else.


Oh yes, we did complete the first step of one other project. We call i t the "How may we help you?" project. As you are probably aware, we included with the dues billings a survey of clubs

asking how Kiwanis International could better serve them. We are currently collecting this information to develop a report for the Board for consideration. Responses were requested no later than June 1, 1989; a summary report should be available in


Thank you for your attention. I hope you don't think I'm

complaining, and I know I'm not bragging. I'm just doing what the detective would t e l l people to do on the old television show Dragnet - "Just presenting the facts."

Respectfully Submitted,

Kevin W. Krepinevich



Dalam dokumen Board Minutes, 1989-05 (Halaman 55-65)

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