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BCA Synergy Solution

Dalam dokumen 2018 - To Inspire Wholeheartedly (Halaman 92-95)

An all-night wayang kulit (shadow puppet) show featuring Ki Manteb Soedharsono was held at BCA KCU Semarang.

BCA Synergy Solution is one of the pillars of Bakti BCA in its efforts to support the development of the nations, including in the forms of culture, health, empathy, sport and environment awareness in Indonesia. In the implementation of this program, BCA works in synergy with a variety of credible and competent institutions.

Bakti BCA for Culture

Since 2012, BCA has actively developed the “BCA for Wayang Indonesia” program. Wayang is a unique Indonesian cultural heritage recognized by UNESCO.

“BCA for Wayang Indonesia” comprises various activities, particularly addressing the younger generation. This is because the younger generation is born and raised in an environment that has minimal contact with wayang.

Indonesian Wayang has been a means of passing down the noble values and culture of Indonesia over the generations. Events in the “BCA for Wayang Indonesia”

program include:

• Wayang for Student

“Wayang for Students” program involves middle school and high school students in various cities. In 2018, 4,028 middle school and high school students were involved in the “Wayang for Students”

program, which was held in four regions, namely

holds Wayang Day for elementary school students, attended by around 200 students in Bogor.

Wayang for Student is held continuously, as a follow up of various programs implemented prior to 2018.

In May 2018, BCA held the “Wayang for Students”

focus group discussion (FGD) with wayang artists, students and teachers. The FGD aims to explore locals’ views on the proper platforms and strategies to get the younger generations closer to wayang art.

In November 2018, BCA worked together with Asia Wangi to introduce wayang to elementary school students through the “Wayang Day” program, which comprised wayang coloring competition and a wayang performance to introduce wayang to the participants. The event was held at the BCA Bogor branch office. The event also included financial literacy session, where participants were encourage to open savings accounts.

• Cultural Education

In February 2018, to commemorate BCA’s 61st anniversary, BCA Regional Office II worked together with BCA’s Indonesian wayang lovers community (Asia Wangi) to hold the Gelar Seni Budaya (Arts and Culture Exhibition) at the Semarang Branch Office. There was a wayang performance of the

“Saptaarga Binangun” act by puppet master Ki Manteb Sudharsono. In the occasion, Asia Wangi presented the Sembrana Laksmi dance that symbolizes BCA’s four values.

BCA works together with Asia Wangi to distribute wayang-themed books to several schools and universities in several regions in Indonesia through the “Wayang Book for Indonesia” Movement in July 2018. Other than distributing books, BCA also held seminar with experiences speakers and the Topeng Malang wayang performance. Through the event, BCA hoped to increase youths’ interests and knowledge on wayang to educators and the younger generation.

Bakti BCA in the Health sector

In its efforts to help improve public health, BCA works together with several institutions to provide healthcare for those in need. In 2018, BCA held the following activities:

• Cataract Surgery

Since 2001, BCA has worked together with the Cataract Blindness Control Unit of the Association of Indonesian Ophthalmologists (SPBK Perdami) to provide cataract surgeries free of charge for underprivileged patients.

Throughout 2018, BCA helped facilitate cataract surgeries for 574 patients in six hospitals, namely RSAU dr. M. Hassan Toto Lanud Atang Sendjaja Bogor (72 patients), RS Mata Prima Vision (47 patients), RS Colombia Medan (70 patients), Enggano Island Bengkulu (36 patients), RSUD Tais Bengkulu (80 patients), RSUD Morotai Maluku (127 patients). BCA also cooperate with Kick Andy Foundation to facilated cataract surgery in RS Elim Rante Pao South Sulawesi (109 patients) and RSUD Siwa South Sulawesi (33 patients).

In 2018, BCA also donated two microscopes to SPBK Perdami’s central board and one microscope to Perdami Jakarta chapter. Total donation given to SPBK Perdami was Rp1.315 billion. Previously, at the end of 2017, BCA donate one Phacoemulsification Cataract Machine Intuitiv AMO and three sets of cataract surgery supporting equipment, worth Rp659.5 million.

Through the program, BCA aims to support the government’s program to reduce blindness rate due to cataract and support the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Right to Sight program.

• Free Medical Treatment

BCA collaborated with Bakti Medika Clinic and Duri Utara Medical Practice to provide high-quality and affordable healthcare services. The program aims to help underprivileged communities enjoy quality healthcare facilities, including medical treatment and Family Planning (KB) consultations.

In 2018, 15,570 patients received healthcare services. Duri Utara Medical Practice served 11,383 patients. Meanwhile, Bakti Medika Clinic served 4,187 patients.

Apart from that, in 2018, BCA provides free medical treatment and eyeglasses in various regions, including:

• Duri Utara Clinic, Bakti Medika Clinic

• Gemah Sumilir Pekalongan

• Wukirsari Wayang Tourism Village

• Goa Pindul Tourism Area

• Pentingsari Tourism Village

• Tamansari Tourism Village.

• Bakti BCA Blood Donation

Bakti BCA Blood Donation has been carried out since November 1990 in cooperation with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI). The activity was held three to four times a year, not only in Jakarta but also in BCA regional or branch offices. In 2018, BCA successfully collected 2,631 blood bags. BCA also four sets of Blood Scale and Mixer.

In 2017, BCA was awarded with a MURI Record Award as the First National Private Bank with 100 Blood Donation Events. In the occasion, BCA donated one operational vehicle to PMI’s Jakarta chapter, which was symbolically carried out on November 3, 2017.

It is hoped that this will help PMI’s Jakarta chapter to fulfill blood needs in Jakarta and the surrounding areas.

• Health Education

Apart from actively supporting the procurement of healthcare facilities, BCA also held healthcare education sessions for Indonesian youths. In 2018, the sessions were provided to 700 students of SD Negeri 1, SD Negeri 2, SD Negeri 4 and SD Negeri 5 elementary schools, as well as MI Sunan Giri Islamic boarding school, in Tamansari Village. The event will hopefully increase locals’ awareness on health issues, preventive ways and health knowledge.

• Other Health-Related Activities

In 2018, BCA supported various healthcare institutions, including the Alzheimer Indonesia Foundation (ALZI), TB eradication, and other initiatives, both in the form of donation and sponsorship.

“We have collaborated with BCA for Social Services for Cataract Surgery in many regions across Indonesia, even in remote areas since 2011. Indonesia’s diverse geographical conditions and the limitations of ophthalmologists, often become obstacles for people to receive health services, especially cataract surgery. However, with BCA, we can reach remote areas, even if the terrain is difficult.

For every cataract patient in one family, especially with sharp eyesight which is categorized as blind, causing one family member of the productive age who must take care - become unproductive. This will have an effect on the disruption of economic stability in the family. After undergoing cataract surgery and being able to see again, patients can take care of themselves and one more family member can be productive again so that the family’s economy will also be helped.

Meanwhile, the limitation of the number of cataract surgeries in all hospitals covered by the Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS) can result in an increased Cataract Surgical Rate (CSR) and increased queues or buildup the number of cataract patients who require cataract surgery.

Inevitably, the Social Services for Cataract Surgery conducted with BCA has helped improve the Cataract Surgical Rate (CSR), which is a benchmark in the effort to eradicate cataract blindness. This activity has certainly helped in reducing the rate of blindness in Indonesia, and is ultimately helping to achieve Vision 2020. “

Dalam dokumen 2018 - To Inspire Wholeheartedly (Halaman 92-95)

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