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2018 - To Inspire Wholeheartedly


Academic year: 2023

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2018 was one of the very important milestones for BCA in its efforts to create Sustainable Finance. The Financial Services Authority (FSA), the Indonesia Sustainable Finance Initiative, and other institutions Training and capacity building.


Summary of Social Performance

The 2018 BCA Sustainability Report presents information about BCA's sustainability performance in relation to Profit-Planet-People who complete the Annual Report, which is published together with this report. This report aims for BCA stakeholders to find out the details about the performance and approach taken by the banks in managing our Corporate Social Responsibility and implementing Sustainable Finance throughout Indonesia.

About BCA’s

As one of the largest financial services industries in Indonesia, BCA significantly contributes to the achievement of sustainable development goals and the success of development programs with a financial portfolio that increases every year, BCA directly participates in community building through Bakti BCA with the aim of improving the well-being of communities that. In the sustainability report for 2017, BCA began to report on the content of the report in accordance with Annex II of the Regulation of the Financial Services Authority no.

Sustainability Report [102-52]

The 2018 BCA Sustainability Report contains information about BCA's ongoing policies and performance from 1 January to 31 December 2018. This Sustainability Report presents material related to sustainability discussions for BCA covering policies, initiatives, activities, achievements and the challenges they faced throughout the reporting year.

Sustainability Discussion Materiality Matrix

Towards Sustainable

As a financial services industry, BCA must be involved as an institution that provides funding for this purpose. The obligation to provide a financing portfolio for sustainable business activities has been regulated by the Financial Services Authority to meet the provisions of Sustainable Finance from 2019 onwards as set out in Financial Services Authority Regulation No.

Prevent Financial

Develop BCA’s Employees

Although banking activities, products and services do not have a direct impact on the environment, the Bank has the impact in the form of a large number of employees and banking operations that can be managed through policies and procedures so that the use of natural resources can be made. managed efficiently and the impact of pollution can be reduced, this includes the use of electricity, water and paper. The control of environmental impacts indirectly becomes part of the bank's range of influence on credit distribution that must be managed.

BCA at A Glance

19+ Million

Vision Mission

To be the bank of choice and a major

BCA Identity

Organization Scale [102-7] [FS67]

External Initiative and Certification

Membership of the Company in Industry Associations [102-13]

Entities Covered

Products and Services [102-2]

Schroder Dana Likuid Protected Mutual Fund - Batavia Proteksi Gebyar III - Batavia Proteksi Gebyar V - Batavia Proteksi Gebyar VI - Batavia Proteksi Gebyar VII - Batavia Proteksi Gebyar VIII Fixed Income Mutual Fund (IDR) - Bahana Fixed Income Makara. Nikko Gebyar Indonesia Dua - Panin Gebyar Indonesia II - Schroder Dana Mantap Plus II - Schroder Achievement Gebyar Indonesia II Fixed Income Mutual Fund (USD) - BNP Paribas Prima USD - Schroder USD Bond Fund Hybrid Mutual Fund - BNP Paribas Spektra* - Schroder Dana Terpadu II - Schroder Syariah Balanced Fund Equity Mutual Fund (IDR).

Message from

BCA is committed to cooperating with businesses, regulators and all stakeholders to enhance

The integration of ESG risk is part of the implementation of sustainable financing and a manifestation of the Bank's responsibility for the activities it finances. The Bank also strives to ensure that the activities, products and services offered by BCA integrate environmental, social and governance aspects in accordance with risk.

Jakarta, March 2019

In 2019, BCA will implement sustainable financing fully in accordance with the plan drawn up in the 2019–. In line with RAKB, BCA will also develop and improve the integration of ESG into lending policies and procedures, and increase internal capacity and capabilities to better implement sustainable finance.

Jahja Setiaatmadja

BCA supports the implementation of sustainable finance by providing finance for sustainable development, a low-carbon economy and inclusive economic growth. BCA will carry out three main initiatives: increasing the financing portfolio of environmentally sound business activities for the corporate and commercial segments;.



1 st Rank

Corporate Governance

Governance Structure

The GSD has powers that are not granted to the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners as set forth in the Bank's Articles of Association and/or existing laws and regulations. The Board of Commissioners is the body charged with providing general and/or specific oversight and advice to the Board of Directors as specified in the Articles of Association.

BCA Governance Structure


Information on the principles and implementation of GCG is disseminated through the Corporate Governance newsletter, which is accessible to all bank employees throughout Indonesia. The Bank actively disseminates information on fraud awareness and the fight against fraud, and has prepared Guidelines for the implementation of the anti-fraud strategy.

Implementation Review

The information is also disseminated through COP and sharing sessions, with the themes related to corporate governance, such as the importance of information disclosure, the implementation of corporate governance in the banking industry, and so on. The implementation of corporate governance is a decisive factor in maintaining the trust shareholders and stakeholders in the Bank.

Assessment regarding Corporate Governance Performance Internal

The Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors are responsible for the implementation of the Risk Management and Internal Control System at BCA with the support of the Risk Management Committee (RMC). The Risk Management Committee discusses comprehensive risk issues and provides policy recommendations to the Board of Directors as well as other committees.


The Bank implements the framework for risk management in an integrated manner, as defined in the Basic Risk Management Policy (KDMR), and implements integrated risk management in accordance with laws and regulations, supported by a risk management information system. This framework serves as the basis for determining the bank's strategy, organization, policies and guidelines, and the infrastructure that ensures that all risks can be identified, measured, managed and properly reported.

The quality of strategic risk management implementation is assessed by applying parameters such as risk management, risk management framework, risk management process, Management and Human Resources information system and adequacy of risk control system. The quality of the implementation of insurance risk management is assessed by applying parameters such as risk management, risk management framework, risk management process, Management and Human Resources Information System and adequacy of risk control system.


Violations of BCA Banker's code of ethics may be subject to sanctions in accordance with the applicable regulations. The bank's code of ethics is printed as a pocket book and distributed to all employees in the bank.

4 Pillars of Anti Fraud Strategy

  • Employee Awareness Program
  • Vulnerability Identification
  • Know Your Employee
  • Supervision Effectiveness Increments

The Anti-Fraud Strategy guides the bank in determining its steps in the prevention, detection, investigation and monitoring of fraudulent activities. Whistleblowing system is used internally by the Bank to report fraud and violations of legislation, Cooperative Labor Agreement, code of ethics and other internal policies of the Bank, and/or conflict of interest occurring in the Bank.

The Challenge of Implementing Sustainable Finance

Stakeholders Engagement


General Public



Customer and client


Financial Services Authority/OJK &

Bank Indonesia)

Sustainability Performance

Building Sustainability Culture

Sustainable Finance

Implementation Aims

Since 2018, 370 employees of the Bank have received formal training related to sustainable financing, which has been developed both internally and externally. The bank aims to increase the sustainable financing portfolio equal to the overall loan growth.


SDG Indonesia One

Energy is one of the most important infrastructures to accelerate the implementation and dissemination of development outcomes. BCA supports the achievement of the government's target to optimize EBT by 23% by 2030, by financing the construction of EBT power plants, one of which is hydropower.

BCA has also assumed the role of distribution bank of KUR, which is a line of credit for MSMEs with interest subsidized by the government. A similar scheme was implemented to distribute KUR to cattle farmers in areas around East Java, in this case BCA partnered with PT Santosa Agrinda.

Making MSME more empowered


7 Cities

MSME workshop participants

Emprit” Ginger Increases Farmer’s Income

BCA was also one of the banks in the syndication to finance the construction of substations and transmissions in the Central Java region, part of the 35,000 MW electricity program worth Rp 1.1 trillion. BCA believes that this participation in project financing will enable the availability of basic infrastructure including energy and fair transport and will in turn increase the economic and social activities of the community.

Evaluation of BCA Business Performance [103-3]

Financial Highlights

Parent company only, financial ratios have been presented based on the Indonesian Financial Services Authority Circular No. 43/SEOJK.03/2016 dated September 28, 2016 regarding transparency and publication of Commercial Bank. Calculated based on total high-quality liquid assets (HQLA) divided by total net cash flow based on Indonesian Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 42/POJK.03/2015 on Liquidity Coverage Ratio for Commercial Banks.

Sustainable Financing in accordance with

Infrastructure Financing

Support Micro, Small Medium Scale

One chance to Million Happiness”

As a financial services institution, BCA's main contribution to the economy was through lending, which is used to improve the performance of economic activities. BCA's vision is to be the bank of choice and a mainstay of the Indonesian economy.

538.1 Trillion

116.2 Billion

24,941 persons

273,279 Billion

105.56 Billion

3,000 Students2.67 million


Commitment to Provide

Equal Products and Services

Customer Product Information Channel and Education Media


16.6+ million calls 487+ thousand e-mail

Facebook Fan Page


20+ Viewer Thousand

Education Media “Berita BCA”

Halo BCA 1500888

Million Friends

Awards for HaloBCA Most Innovative User Experience

BCA became the winner of the Asian region in the annual international



BCA balances the millennial approach by encouraging the collaboration of employees of different stages with mini-Company initiatives, an approach that is oriented towards increasing productivity and achieving optimal results, but still focused on inclusion and teamwork. Mini Company is allowing cross culture and thinking pattern in every team to make everyone motivated for achievement.

Growing up with the Millennials

Learning for Milennials

To support the recruitment process, BCA develops additional interactions with the people regarding the vacancy, including karir.bca.co.id, social media accounts and job fairs. Applicants who meet all the conditions will proceed to further selection stages as per the rules of BCA.

BCA employee

Since 2016, BCA has opened a special program called 'Bankers Program' for managers to get a complete knowledge of banking, on the job training experience in many work units in BCA. BCA constantly improves the quality of learning methods with blended and experiential learning, which combines the learning materials with workplace practice, including on-the-job training, coaching and mentoring.


In order to meet the human resource requirements, the company offers opportunities for people to join BCA. Most of the learning is conducted by the BCA Learning Institute in Sentul, Bogor, and is provided to new hires, trainees and permanent employees in a classroom format or through e-learning.

Gender Diversity

Every BCA employee has the right of assurance for clear and planned career development according to the quality of the target achieved by each individual and work unit. External talent will be hired if the internal Human Resources are not available, but they must be able and ready to absorb BCA's culture and values.

Training Participants

Learning methods have also improved to be more interactive with the use of video learning, video conferencing and gamification, which are constantly evolving and able to attract more participants outside the big cities. Apart from training and education which is oriented towards the banking sector, BCA also emphasizes on the development of soft skills which is as important as the technical skill enhancement.

Leaders from Within

That is why BCA is running an acceleration program where selected talents will be given a two-year accelerated development program compared to the usual three-year scheme.

Training Expenses (Rp million)

The company offers full freedom to employees to join the union, according to the rules and regulations applied. In terms of health, BCA has implemented an employee health program that includes facilities, insurance and health education.


BCA offers matching bonuses to reward employees for maintaining and increasing their performance based on achieved, set targets. BCA is also facilitating various activities to meet the personal requirements of the employees through group activities in order to support their personal hobbies and interests apart from their work routine.

Day Care BCA

The development of Human Resources is carried out both continuously and in balance with the improvement of employee welfare as a medium to further develop the employees' sense of comfort and pride towards BCA. In addition to salary and compensation, BCA also offers additional bonuses, such as BCA shares, with the aim of increasing the sense of connection and ownership towards the company.

Employee Expense

BCA realizes that in order to provide the best service to our clients, it is required that employees first engage with another team member, cross-team, and with the Company. That is why BCA is focused on further developing a positive work culture in the BCA internal team through the Team Engagement Program (TE).

12,143 Billion

Strong engagement, competency development, performance-based culture, career opportunities that are in work-life balance are necessary to create a solid team of BCA employees who are committed and achieve success. Employee turnover is maintained well and then the Company is able to focus on growth.

Employee Shares Option

The process began with an internal investigation and then through the implementation of an improvement and evaluation program using a scorecard. TE helps BCA employees engage more quickly with their work environment, so they feel comfortable working in BCA and therefore tend to be more productive in their shifts.

11,395,172 Sheet

In terms of the consistency of Human Capital management, which is in line with the business strategy, BCA received three awards at the 2018 HR Excellence Award event, which are as follows: Recruitment Strategy-Rating A, Learning &. The HR Excellence Award is an award event held by SWA magazine that has been working together with the Management Organization at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Indonesia (LM FE-UI) since 2008.


Education in financial literacy is one of the activities of BCA Smart Solutions, which endeavors to increase the public's understanding of the principles of financial management. BCA actively supports financial literacy programs as part of its efforts to increase Indonesia's economic.

Financial Literacy

BCA will continue to work to improve financial literacy in Indonesia, especially in regions where it is low. Direct social and environmental responsibility activities that touch beneficiaries in the areas of education, health and empowerment are linked to financial literacy education.

BCA Smart Solution

Non-Degree Education Program

Universitas Indonesia, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Diponegoro, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Udayana, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Universitas Sriwijaya, Universitas Hasanuddin, Universitas Sam Ratulangi , Universitas Mulawarman, Universitas Cendrawasih. Bank juga bekerjasama dengan Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat (KSE), Beasiswa Skripsi dan Tugas Akhir (BEST) untuk mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia, serta dengan Lembaga Koperasi Indonesia (Ikopin; Institut Koperasi Indonesia).

Stimulating Future Generation Changes

The form of development came in the form of the expansion of educational infrastructure, development of teacher competencies and consultation. But the results of the study show that the most important period in the development of a child's brain occurs from the age of 0 to 6 years.

Gregor Henneka

With the help of books every school year and computer assistance in the library, the library of SMA Negeri 1 Karangmojo became the first digital library in Gunung Kidul Regency. This motivates the school to improve the quality of the library, in terms of physical, service and collection of owned books, so that the school library can be accredited.

Siti Zumrotul Arifah Principal of SMAN 1

During our collaboration with BCA we have received a lot of help that can be used to improve the quality and service of learning and assessment.

Karangmojo, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta

Dea Ayu Ninda Asyifa

XI Grade SMAN 1 Karangmojo

BCA collaborates with institutions or universities with a view to improving the quality of education and learning in Indonesia. In collaboration with Diponegoro University, Semarang, BCA has provided Bloomberg facilities to the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB);

BCA Synergy Solution

BCA also collaborates with Kick Andy Foundation to facilitate cataract surgery at RS Elim Rante Pao South Sulawesi (109 patients) and RSUD Siwa South Sulawesi (33 patients). Inevitably, the Cataract Surgery Social Services performed with BCA have helped improve the Cataract Surgery Scale (CSR), which is a benchmark in the effort to eradicate cataract blindness.

We have partnered with BCA for Social Services for Cataract Surgery in many regions across Indonesia, even in remote areas since 2011. After undergoing cataract surgery and being able to see again, patients can take care of themselves and one more family member can be productive again so the family finances are also helped.

Chairman of SPBK PERDAMI Center

Indonesia's diverse geographical conditions and the limitations of ophthalmologists often become obstacles for people to receive health services, especially cataract surgery. Meanwhile, the limitation of the number of cataract surgeries in all hospitals covered by the Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS) may result in an increased cataract surgery rate (CSR) and increased queues or build-up of the number of cataract patients who requires cataract surgery.

For every cataract patient in one family, especially with sharp vision, who is categorized as blind, causing a family member of productive age to care for to be unproductive. Apart from overcoming drought that affected 4 villages out of 11 sub-districts in Gunungkidul Regency, the availability of clean water was expected to support the community's economic activities through tourism.

BCA activities to improve access and quality of public health

The donations collected were used to build two new wells to improve clean water services and meet the various demands of the community. BCA also contributed donations to support the construction of 2 (two) bore wells in Gunung Kidul to provide clean water and help meet the need for clean water especially during the dry season.

Tenun Ikat, Indonesian Legacy into the Spotlight

Troso woven fabric is actually expensive, but the manufacturing takes 3-4 days to weave for 1 meter or a month to complete a piece of fabric. But this condition changed when BCA moved the village in Pecangaan District-Center Jawa to complete orders for Troso woven fabric to be used as uniforms.

45,000 meters

After a while, this village was usually abandoned because most of the young people preferred to work in the garment factories rather than become weavers, which was a hereditary occupation.

2 year

2,500 weavers

Gua Pindul Tourism Village

BCA collaborates with Gelaran II Tourism Association in supporting the establishment of Gua Pindul Tourism Village in Bejiharjo Village, Karangmojo District, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Tourism village development aims to strengthen the local community by creating jobs and business opportunities.

Pentingsari Tourism Village

BCA Excellence Business Solution

  • Wukirsari Tourism Village
  • Gemah Sumilir Tourism Village
  • Dusun Kopi Sirap - Gunung Kelir
  • Tamansari Tourism Village
  • Pucak Tinggan Tourism Village, Badung, Bali Pucak Tinggan Tourism Village is located in
  • Gunong Lumut
  • Bukit Peramun
  • Aik Rusa’ Berehun Tourism, Terong
  • Sijunjung Minangkabau Traditional Village Among the tourism assets the Sijunjung
  • Silokek Village

Pucak Tinggan Tourist Village, Badung, Bali Pucak Tinggan Tourist Village is located in Pucak Tinggan Tourist Village. In addition, BCA also supports the development of promotional products, such as the video production of the tourist village and the donation of volleyball equipment.

BCA Patronage Tourism Village

TAMANSARI TOURISM VILLAGE Plantation and Agriculture Trekking, Coffee Processing, Sendratari Gandrung (Gandrung Traditional Dance Performance), Nature Tour, Roam Kawah Ijen (Ijen Crater), Homestay. We hope that the guidance and assistance can be carried out continuously for the progress of the tourism town program.


GOA PINDUL (PINDUL CAVE) TOURISM VILLAGE Eco and Geotourism: Cave Exploration (Goa Pindul, Sri Oyot Cave, Cristal Cave, . Sriti Cave), Team Building/Outbound, Homestay, Culinary, Transportation. On the one hand, there is a strengthening of Tourism HR, which will improve the quality of Aik Rusa 'Berehun Tourism services.

Adie Darmawan

This naturally adds motivation and insight into the development of tourism programs we offer. Apart from that, on the other hand, we also received help in building the physical facilities and tourism infrastructure for tourism standardization at the Aik Rusa 'Berehun Tourism place.

350 MWh


BCA Approach

Employee’s Involvements

Media used to campaign Green Office movement

BCA strives to mitigate the negative impacts of operational activities by implementing best practices in energy, transportation, paper and water management in the workplace. In addition to handling the environment in banking operations, BCA contributes to the preservation of the environment through the corporate social responsibility program in the Environmental Pillar, which is managed by the BCA Corporate Social Responsibility unit.

Environmental CSR

Material Use Use of Energy

Smart Building Solution

BCA continuously campaigns to educate each of its employees about the efficient use of water. There are various water sources utilized by BCA, which include the supply of PDAM (water supply company) and groundwater, depending on the location and availability of access to clean water where the bank office operates.

Water Savings

Given the importance of the biodiversity resources for life, BCA also contributes to the conservation of flora and fauna in Indonesia. In 2018, BCA collaborated with BOSF to release six orangutans from the Orangutan Rehabilitation Center in Samboja (BOS Samboja Lestari) to the Kehje Sewen Forest in East Kutai Regency.

Jamartin Sihite

The conservation of Indonesia's endemic flora and fauna is driven by human activities, including deforestation, and environmental damage, including climate change. Also in 2017, BCA supported the release of orangutans from the Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Rehabilitation Center to Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park (TNBBBR) in Central Kalimantan.

Bakti BCA for Environment

Biodiversity (or called as Kehati in Bahasa Indonesia) is not only related to ecosystems and flora and fauna conservation, but also shows potential economic value. Orangutan (pongo abelii, pongo tapanuliensis, then pongo pygmaeus) is a protected wildlife in Indonesia with an important role in the forest ecosystem, especially as an umbrella species.

Indonesia Biodiversity Facts 23% of the world’s mangrove

In addition, BCA continued to support the Banyuwangi Sea Turtle Foundation (BSTF) sea turtle conservation program in 2018. The program also includes education on sea turtle conservation, aimed at students, fishermen and locals of Banyuwangi.

Evaluation of

Environmental Performance [103-3]



As an agent of trust, the bank has inherent risks in providing its products and services to the community. BCA never stops improving the quality of its products and services in order to be a better bank through continuous innovation.

Responsibility in Developing Sustainable Financial Products and Services

The continuous growth of technology that goes along with the increasingly diverse range of banking products, multiplies the risk exposure to the abuse of financial products and services that lowers the confidence of stakeholders. Along with the continuous development of our products and services, BCA is focused on maintaining the principle of prudence and implementing compliance, participating in the prevention of financial crimes and also in the development of Sustainable Finance.

USD12.7 billion #99 #1

BCA - The Value of a Brand

BCA continues to develop financial products and services to meet the financial requirements of our customers in line with the latest developments in digital trends, including online banking, mobile banking and financial services based on application technology. BCA has and will continue to develop a complete and reliable range of digital products with appropriate customer segmentation.

Innovation and Development in Products and Services

The BCA API was created to meet the demands of financial technology players for simple banking transaction services by integrating their sites and applications with the BCA banking transaction system. In compliance with all laws and regulations, 100% of financial products and services issued by BCA are assessed to cover all risks including customer security.

Financial Services Access

Rp12,798.6 Trillion

156 Million

2,263 Million

1,389 Trillion

2,030 Million

14,866 Trillion

9,107 Trillion1,249


2,303 Trillion

1,932 Million

National Payment Gate

The provision of LAKU BCA and DUTT services is carried out through cooperation with other parties (agents) and is supported by the use of information technology facilities. BCA LAKU transactions can be carried out through an agent who is located around the local areas and not at the bank's offices.

Benefits of Inclusive Financial Services

BCA offers two branchless banking products which are LAKU BCA which is a Basic Savings Account and DUITT which is based on electronic money. Features of LAKU BCA are account opening and closing, cash deposits and withdrawals, account transfer requests and balance checks.

Student Savings Account

The LAKU Pandai program is an effort to facilitate and bring the society closer to banking services so that more people have adequate access to various financial services and transactions. Unlike LAKU BCA, DUTT is not a savings account, so it is not guaranteed by the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS), the maximum balance is 5 million rupiah, and it does not earn interest.

ATM Wicara or Talking ATM for with Visually Impaired People

Laku Pandai Program


The type of services provided are also tailored to customer segments and needs, in line with BCA's values ​​of "customer focus - integrity - teamwork - continuous pursuit of excellence". BSQ (Branch Service Quality), which indicates the quality of service reception, teller and customer service officer at branch offices.

Customer Satisfaction Survey [103-3]

Supporting Information

GRI Standard Content Index

A description of the duties of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, employees, officers and/or work units responsible for the implementation of Sustainable Finance. Explanation of the development of competences carried out for members of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Commissioners, employees, officials and/or work units that are responsible for the implementation of Sustainable Finance.

Memberi Inspirasi Sepenuh Hati To Inspire Wholeheartedly


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