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Fahrul Rozi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr.HAMKA e-mail: fahrul.uhamka@gmail.com


This study aims to determine the role of patience on the effect of self-efficacy on academic dishonesty. Participants involved in this study totaled 340 people with 38% women (mean age = 19.3 and SD = 2.01). The scale used to measure the Self-efficacy variable is the General Self- efficacy Scale (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995), Patience is measured by the First Version Patience Scale (El Hafiz, 2013), and academic dishonestyis measured by the scale of academic dishonesty (Bashir & Rajan , 2018). The statistical analysis used in this study is Process Hayes Moderation Analysis (2013) which can explain the role of patience on the effect of Self-efficacy on academic dishonesty. The strength of the relationship on Self-efficacy and academic dishonesty depends on high, medium and low levels of patience. The results showed patience is a significant moderating variable in the relationship between self-efficacy and academic dishonesty, and disposition level of patience reinforces the negative effect between these variables. Where, the negative effect of the relationship between self-efficacy and academic dishonesty depends on the level of patience. The higher level of patience will strengthen the negative effect on the relationship between self-efficacy and academic dishonesty.

Keywords: Patience; Self-efficacy; Academic dishonesty.


There are several factors that cause academic dishonesty behavior, including; the teacher or lecturer is not concerned with cheating behavior carried out by students, the exam material is irrelevant and the pressure from peers (Iberahim, Hussein, Samat, Noordin & Daud, 2013). Ethnic, European and Asian, and gender also play a role in the formation of academic dishonesty behavior (Henning, Malpas, Manalo, Ram, Vijayakumar, Hawken, 2014). In a meta-analysis study, it shows that big five personality influences the formation of academic dishonesty behavior (Giluk &

Postlethwaite, 2015). Interestingly, research shows that students who have achieved high achievements also support cheating behavior in the academic field (Miller, Murdock & Grotewiel, 2017).

Researches have explained that the development of scientific findings about academic dishonesty includes various aspects of studies and approaches in understanding variables related to fraudulent behavior. Biological, socio-cultural and psychological approaches provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors that shape academic dishonesty behavior. The biological risk factor approach explains that academic dishonesty behavior is closely related to heart rate rhythm (Portnoy, Legee, Choy, Rudo-Hut, 2019). In the socio-cultural context, the results of the research contribute to the development of strategic interventions in reducing academic dishonesty behavior (Pan, Stiles, Tempelmeyer & Wong, 2019). Whereas in the psychological context, personality traits have an involvement with the formation of academic dishonesty (Giluk &

Postlethwaite, 2015. Personality traits, including internal ones, are thought to have close involvement with academic dishonesty (Bacon, McDaid, William & Corr, 2019).

International Congress of Psychology (ICP) 2020 Prague Congress Center (PCC), Czech Republic

Studies relating to internal self, one of which is self-efficacy, shows that academic dishonesty can be suppressed by these variables. Findings from the cross-lagged model confirm that self-efficacy has the opposite effect on fraudulent behavior. In other words, self-efficacy affects negatively in efforts to reduce the tendency of academic dishonesty behavior. Not only involvement in cheating, but self-efficacy can also minimize support for academic dishonesty behavior. This is supported by research that proves that self-efficacy regulation can suppress the emergence of academic dishonesty behavior in students (Fida, Tramontano, Pacielo, Barbaranelli, 2018). Not only as a suppressing factor for the emergence of fraudulent behavior, self-efficacy also acts as a moderator in the relationship between academic achievement and cheating behavior (Murdock &

Anderman, 2016).

Self-efficacy is related to an individual's belief in their ability to influence events that can have an effect on their lives. Self-efficacy can be formed more with experience of mastery, social modeling, social persuasion and individual physiological strength (Bandura, 2010). Self-efficacy can be formed from the control of cognition and the ability to cope with high and low levels of behavior (Schwarzer, 2014). High cognition control will reframe the thoughts of individuals who experience stress and sadness. While low cognitive control will drag individuals dissolved in the situation. Likewise, the ability felt by individuals to cope with stress and sadness situations depends on the control of individual cognition at high or low levels. If it is high, the individual can choose to leave or feel confident that he can change his behavior. If it is low, individuals will feel that the situation is unavoidable and it is less attractive to apply alternative solutions to get out of the situation.

In the context of education, self-efficacy influences the formation of motivation, learning effects, self-regulation and academic achievement (Schunk & Dibenedetto, 2016). With the formation of motivation that comes from self-efficacy, individuals will be driven to persevere when facing obstacles and obstacles and have resilience when facing difficulties. This motivation and resilience will give enthusiasm to keep learning and try to regulate yourself to get the best performance. Therefore, when individuals have high self-efficacy, it is predicted to have a great chance to get the best performance (Fast et al, 2010)

Individuals who have strong self-efficacy will see difficulties as challenges that can be overcome (Schunk & Dibenedetto, 2016). They set challenging goals, stick to the commitments that have been set, try to increase business when faced with failure and immediately recover when experiencing setbacks. Efforts to achieve goals, commitments and persistent efforts, will strengthen individuals to achieve goals without cheating, more specifically in the academic context (academic dishonesty).

Researches relating to factors that encourage the emergence of academic dishonesty behavior only explain the effects of social interaction, internal self, demographics, personality and academic achievement. Recent research has not touched on religious values that can suppress academic dishonesty behavior, one of the religious values that is often used in daily life that can prevent negative behaviors from appearing is patience. Moreover, in a recent study, the role of patience was minimal used to determine the strength of the relationship between variables related to academic dishonesty behavior. Patience is thought to be a virtue that serves to control the power of the influence of self-efficacy on academic dishonesty.

Patient behavior will direct the individual in an effort to continually look for solutions (El- Hafiz et al, 2015) for the achievement of hope so that individuals can train themselves in managing the various resources available to deal with and recover from stress (Iacoviello & Charney, 2020) . This will encourage the individual to continue to develop his potential and ability in dealing with various pressing situations throughout his life.

International Congress of Psychology (ICP) 2020 Prague Congress Center (PCC), Czech Republic

Patience comes from Arabic, which is shabara. The word shabara cannot stand alone so it is necessary to add the complete word to shabara ‘ala so that it has the meaning of being steadfast or patient (Anggen, 2012). While Ibn Qoyyim Al Jauziyyah (2010) explains the meaning of ash-shabr as a prohibition or al-man'u, detain or al-habs and collect or adh-dhammu.

Furthermore, Al Jauziyyah (2010) explains that patience is a noble character by which individuals are able to refrain from actions that are not good and inappropriate. Whereas El-Hafiz (2015) explained that patience is an initial response that is active in holding back emotions, thoughts, words, and actions that obey the rules for the purpose of goodness supported by optimism, never giving up, the spirit of seeking information / knowledge, having the spirit to open alternative solutions, consistent, and not easy to complain.

Patients who are patient have the ability to refrain from complaining, always trying not to moan and hurt themselves (Al-Jauziyah, 2006). Individuals who have patience will be able to control themselves to be tough in facing problems, not easily giving up when facing difficult situations and goal oriented (Ong, Standiford, & Deshpande, 2018). Efforts in realizing goals without complaining, tough in dealing with difficult situations and controlling themselves not to do heinous. In the context of education one of the heinous acts is academic cheating that is often done by students.

The essence of the value of patience is to refrain from doing actions that keep away from achieving goals accompanied by obedience to regulations. This level of patience can be predicted as a control if the individual has self-efficacy which serves as a suppression of the emergence of academic dishonesty behavior and becomes a determinant of strength the relationship between having self-efficacy and academic dishonesty. Therefore, the hypothesis proposed in this study is that the negative effect of self-efficacy on academic dishonesty is strengthened by the position of patience.

METHOD Partisipant

This research was conducted at one of the Senior High Schools and university in the Jakarta Region. Participants who participated in this study totaled 340 respondents, consisting of 38%

women. Characteristics of respondents are students and students aged 16-22 years with an average age of 19.3 years (SD = 2.01). The technique used in sampling is accidental sampling.

Measuring instrument

Self-efficacy scale. To measure the self-efficacy variable, researchers use the General Self-efficacy Scale compiled by Schwarzer & Jerusalem (1995) based on the self-efficacy dimension by Albert Bandura. This scale consists of 10 items that are favorable statements with a Likert scale type. Each statement will be given four response answers with a score of 4 for respondents who chose Very Appropriate (SS), a score of 3 for Appropriate (S), a score of 2 for Non-Appropriate (TS), and a score of 1 for Very Unsuitable (STS) . This measuring instrument has adequate internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.80). In the item statement, the General Self-efficacy Scale is divided into 10 items with 3 dimensions namely level, strength, and generality dimensions, and all items are favorable. One example of an item statement on the Strenght dimension is "I can always solve a difficult problem if I try hard.", And an example item from a level that is "I am sure that I can act well in unexpected situations". Internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) obtained from this study was 0.721 (α = .721).

Scale of patience. The patience variable is expressed using the patience scale compiled by El Hafiz, et al (2015) with a reliability value of 0.830 which is included in the high reliability category based on Guilford's rules. This scale consists of 20 items consisting of 5 items as distractors that are not

International Congress of Psychology (ICP) 2020 Prague Congress Center (PCC), Czech Republic

analyzed, 8 items are favorable and 7 items are unfavorable using a Likert scale with 4 response categories namely Very Suitable (SS), Suitable (S), Not Suitable (TS) , Very Not Suitable (STS).

This scale consists of 6 aspects, namely optimism, never giving up, being consistent, not complaining, forgiving and seeking knowledge to get alternative solutions. Before responding to an item, participants first read the case. There were 4 cases with 1 case as a distractor that was not analyzed, each case had 5 items. Case examples on this scale are "to achieve a good goal, I have failed more than once and regulations require to repeat the process from the beginning, at the last failure, my initial reaction ...". While the sample items in the case are "I need a long time to stabilize my emotions". Internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) obtained from the results of this study amounted to 0.771 (α = .771).

Academic dishonesty. To measure academic dishonesty using academic dishonestyscale which is arranged based on the academic dishonesty form proposed by Bashir and Rajan (2018). This scale consists of 23 item statements with a Likert scale type. Each statement will be given five response answers with a score that is a score of 1 for Never (TP), score 2 for Rarely (J), score 3 for Occasional (T), score 4 for Frequent (SR), and score 5 for Always (S). This scale has 6 dimensions, namely Cheating in Examination, Plagiarism, Outside Help, Prior Cheatin, Falsification, and Lying about Academic Assigments. one example of an item from the Chetaing In Examination dimension is "when an exam, I use a signal (code) to get answers from my friends". Internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) obtained from the results of this study amounted to 0.773 (α = .773).

Data analysis

This study has three variables consisting of self-efficacy variables that function as Independent Variables (IV), Academic dishonesty variables as Dependent Variables (DV) and patience variables as Moderator Variables (M). Moderator is a variable that determines the conditions in the IV relationship with DV. Moderation contains interaction effects that can change the effect (direction of the relationship) or reduce or enlarge the relationship between IV and DV. In the statistical analysis of moderation, researchers used the PROCESS SPSS software developed by Andrew F.

Hayes (2013) with model 1 analysis.


Statistical analysis used in this study is moderation model 1 developed by Andrew F. Hayes (2013) which aims to describe the role of patience moderators in the effect of self-efficacy in adolescents. Variable Independent (IV) patient, Dependent Variable (DV) academic dishonesty, while The moderator variable symbolized by the letter M is the patience variable. Model 1 analysis explains the moderator effect of patience on the relationship between self-efficacy and academic dishonesty. The strength of the relationship between self-efficacy and academic dishonesty can be seen from the level of patience possessed by individuals.

Based on the data obtained shows that the role of moderator patience has an interaction effect in the relationship between self-efficacy and academic dishonesty. The relationship between self-efficacy and academic dishonesty varies depending on the level of patience. Statistical analysis shows that the role of patience, as a moderating variable, is significant in the relationship of self- efficacy to academic dishonesty with an interaction coefficient of - .000 and t value of -3.44462 (P

<0.001). therefore, the hypothesis can be accepted.

International Congress of Psychology (ICP) 2020 Prague Congress Center (PCC), Czech Republic

Strength The relationship between self-efficacy and academic dishonesty depends on the level of patience that an individual has.

The effect of self-efficacy on decreasing academic dishonesty depends on increasing patience criteria. If teenagers have high patience, it will strengthen the negative effects of Self- efficacy on Academic Dishonesty. Likewise, teenagers have low patience, it will strengthen the negative effects of self-efficacy on academic dishonesty.

All levels of patience, both low, medium and high have a significant negative effect on the strength of the relationship between self-efficacy and academic dishonesty. Statistical moderation analysis shows that patience can strengthen the relationship between self-efficacy and academic dishonesty to be different. Individuals who self-efficacy will produce academic dishonesty behavior depending on differences in the level of patience (M). The role of self-efficacy towards the emergence of academic dishonesty behavior is greater when adolescents experience high patience, compared to adolescents who experience moderate and low patience. Although the level of patience together strengthens the role of self-efficacy towards adolescent academic dishonesty, but the higher one's patience the ajan further strengthens the relationship between self-efficacy and academic dishonesty.

This study shows that self-efficacy can reduce the tendency of academic dishonesty in adolescents depending on the level of patience. The higher the level of patience of adolescents, the stronger the effect of self-efficacy to reduce one's tendency to behave fraudulently. Thus, the strength of the relationship between self-efficacy and academic dishonesty depends on the level of individual patience so that the proposed hypothesis can be accepted.


Based on the results of this study which shows self-efficacy has a negative effect on academic dishonesty. This negative effect can reduce or decrease the tendency of academic dishonesty behavior. The results of this study are energized by research conducted by Fida, et al (2018) by showing that self-efficacy regulation can suppress the emergence of academic dishonesty behavior in students. Not only as a suppressor of the emergence of fraudulent behavior, self- efficacy also acts as a moderator in the relationship between academic achievement and cheating behavior (Murdock & Anderman, 2016) and also acts as a mediator in the relationship between emotional climate perceptions and family flexibility towards the tendency for emergence of academic dishonesty behavior (Sabzian, Ghadampour & Mirderikvand, 2018).

Individuals who have a tendency to previous academic dishonesty behavior have stress due to academic pressure to always succeed in the test and are afraid of failure or failure. Academic dishonesty behavior aims to improve academic performance so that cheating behavior gets tolerance from individuals to do it. In addition to demands for improved academic performance, stress also has a role in the formation of academic dishonesty. Students and students who have high stress will have an impact on despair so as to encourage them to take risks by crossing the line of honesty which ultimately commits academic fraud (Wideman, 2018).

Stress can be controlled well if the individual has Self-efficacy. Self-efficacy can be formed from the control of cognition and ability to cope with behavior (Schwarzer, 2014). If the individual has the ability to control cognition, this ability will reframe thoughts to get out of stressful situations by fostering the belief that the individual is able to change his behavior for the better. Conversely, when individuals have low cognitive control, it will cause individuals to be dragged into the situation and will experience the desperation to change their behavior for the better.

International Congress of Psychology (ICP) 2020 Prague Congress Center (PCC), Czech Republic

Self-efficacy also has an effect on appropriate behavior in an effort to improve academic performance without fraudulent behavior. The right behavior that comes from self-efficacy is motivation, learning effects, self regulation and academic achievement (Schunk & Dibenedetto, 2016). With the formation of motivation that comes from self-efficacy, individuals will be motivated to persevere and never give up when facing obstacles and obstacles and have resilience when facing difficulties.

Unyielding behavior that is formed from motivation is one of the important aspects in patience behavior (Hafiz et al, 2015). Motivation breeds unyielding attitude will give enthusiasm to keep learning and try to regulate yourself to get the best achievements. Therefore, when individuals have self-efficacy, it is predicted to have a great opportunity to get maximum performance achievements (Fast et al, 2010). This self-efficacy effect will increase if the individual has the motivation and never gives up to get the best performance without crossing the limits of dishonesty. The ability of individuals to refrain from doing dishonesty is at the core of the concept of patience, where patience is a noble character by which individuals are able to refrain from actions that are not good and inappropriate (Al-Jauziyyah, 2010).

Individuals who have strong self-efficacy will see difficulties as challenges that can be overcome (Schunk & Dibenedetto, 2016). They set challenging goals, stick to the commitments that have been set, try to increase business when faced with failure and immediately recover when experiencing setbacks. Efforts to achieve goals, commitments and persistent efforts owned by individuals will strengthen self-efficacy towards decreasing academic dishonesty behavior. Achieving goals, commitment and persistent effort will strengthen the effect on decreasing academic dishonesty behavior if the individual has high patience. Achieving goals, commitments and persistent efforts are an inseparable part of the value of patience. This refers to the definition of patience that has been expressed by Hafiz, et al (2015) that patience is the initial response that is active in holding emotions, thoughts, words, and actions that obey the rules for the purpose of goodness supported by optimism, unyielding, spirit looking for information / knowledge, have a passion to open alternative solutions, consistent, and not easy to complain.

Refrain from doing despicable acts, one of which is academic fraud, is the core of patience (Al-Jauziyyah, 2010). Patience will provide the ability of individuals to get used to holding up despicable behavior through various aspects, namely emotions, thoughts or cognitions, words and deeds (Hafiz, et al, 2015). In the aspect of cognition, the ability of individuals who have good self- efficacy will have high cognitive control so that they are not trapped in cheating behavior. If the control of cognition is strengthened by the ability to hold patience in reprehensible behavior, it will strengthen the effect of self-efficacy on efforts to reduce fraudulent behavior. That is, the effect of self-efficacy on academic dishonesty can be strengthened by the high value of patience possessed by individuals.

Another aspect of patience that can strengthen self-efficacy towards academic dishonesty is not complaining. The satisfaction of getting out of stressful and stressful situations is often shown in the form of complaining behavior. The value of patience is what seeks to encourage individuals not to get caught in situations full of stress and pressure. Patients who are patient will have the spirit to open alternative solutions (Hafiz et al, 2015) to overcome all life problems, pressure on demands and efforts to avoid disgraceful behavior.

The optimistic aspect which is included in the aspect of patience value is believed to strengthen the effect of self-efficacy on decreasing academic dishonesty behavior. High optimism in schools will strengthen students' perceptions that the success of academic achievement will be

Dalam dokumen ICP 2020 RESCHEDULED TO 18-23 JULY 2020! (Halaman 51-60)

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